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Room-temperature tryptophan phosphorescence has been used analyze the slow (millisecond) internal dynamics of proteins in isolated native human erythrocyte membranes, after removal of 95% of spectrin, and after thermal denaturation of spectrin or medium acidification to pH 6.0–4.0, as well as the internal dynamics of spectrin extracted from the membrane in solution. The integral membrane proteins prove to differ sharply from spectrin in their structural and dynamic state. The millisecond movements of structural elements in integral proteins are considerably hindered as compared with spectrin. Removal of the bulk of spectrin from membranes leads to amplification of slow fluctuations in the structure of integral proteins. This suggests involvement of spectrin in the control of the structural and dynamic state of the erythrocyte membrane proteins. The acidification of the medium to pH 6.0–4.0 decreases the internal dynamics of native membrane proteins, which is explained by the pH-induced aggregation of spectrin. After thermal denaturation of spectrin, there is no pH-induced increase in the rigidity of the structure of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Detection of homologous proteins by an intermediate sequence search   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We developed a variant of the intermediate sequence search method (ISS(new)) for detection and alignment of weakly similar pairs of protein sequences. ISS(new) relates two query sequences by an intermediate sequence that is potentially homologous to both queries. The improvement was achieved by a more robust overlap score for a match between the queries through an intermediate. The approach was benchmarked on a data set of 2369 sequences of known structure with insignificant sequence similarity to each other (BLAST E-value larger than 0.001); 2050 of these sequences had a related structure in the set. ISS(new) performed significantly better than both PSI-BLAST and a previously described intermediate sequence search method. PSI-BLAST could not detect correct homologs for 1619 of the 2369 sequences. In contrast, ISS(new) assigned a correct homolog as the top hit for 121 of these 1619 sequences, while incorrectly assigning homologs for only nine targets; it did not assign homologs for the remainder of the sequences. By estimate, ISS(new) may be able to assign the folds of domains in approximately 29,000 of the approximately 500,000 sequences unassigned by PSI-BLAST, with 90% specificity (1 - false positives fraction). In addition, we show that the 15 alignments with the most significant BLAST E-values include the nearly best alignments constructed by ISS(new).  相似文献   

Left-handed polyproline II (PPII) helices commonly occur in globular proteins in segments of 4-8 residues. This paper analyzes the structural conservation of PPII-helices in 3 protein families: serine proteinases, aspartic proteinases, and immunoglobulin constant domains. Calculations of the number of conserved segments based on structural alignment of homologous molecules yielded similar results for the PPII-helices, the alpha-helices, and the beta-strands. The PPII-helices are consistently conserved at the level of 100-80% in the proteins with sequence identity above 20% and RMS deviation of structure alignments below 3.0 A. The most structurally important PPII segments are conserved below this level of sequence identity. These results suggest that the PPII-helices, in addition to the other 2 secondary structure classes, should be identified as part of structurally conserved regions in proteins. This is supported by similar values for the local RMS deviations of the aligned segments for the structural classes of PPII-helices, alpha-helices, and beta-strands. The PPII-helices are shown to participate in supersecondary elements such as PPII-helix/alpha-helix. The conservation of PPII-helices depends on the conservation of a supersecondary element as a whole. PPII-helices also form links, possibly flexible, in the interdomain regions. The role of the PPII-helices in model building by homology is 2-fold; they serve as additional conserved elements in the structure allowing improvement of the accuracy of a model and provide correct chain geometry for modeling of the segments equivalenced to them in a target sequence. The improvement in model building is demonstrated in 2 test studies.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPVS) that infect the genital tract can be divided into two groups: high-risk HPV types, such as HPV 16 and HPV 18, are associated with cancer, low-risk HPV types, such as HPV 6, are associated with benign warts. In both high-risk and low-risk HPV types, the papillomavirus E2 protein binds to four sites within the viral long control region (LCR) and regulates viral gene expression. Here, we present the crystal structure of the minimal DNA-binding domain (DBD) from the HPV 6 E2 protein. We show that the HPV 6 E2 DBD is structurally more similar to the HPV 18 and bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) E2 proteins than it is to the HPV 16 E2 protein. Using gel retardation assays, we show that the hierarchy of E2 sites within the HPV 16 and HPV 6 LCRs are different. However, despite these differences in structure and site preference, both the HPV 16 and 6 E2 DBDs recognise an extended version of the consensus E2 binding site derived from studies of the BPV1 E2 protein. In both cases, the preferred binding site is 5'AACCGN(4)CGGTT3', where the additional flanking base-pairs are in bold and N(4) represents a four base-pair central spacer. Both of these HPV proteins bind preferentially to E2 sites that contain an A:T-rich central spacer. We show that the preference for an A:T-rich central spacer is due, at least in part, to the need to adopt a DNA conformation that facilitates protein contacts with the flanking base-pairs.  相似文献   

Study of the most conserved region in many β/α-barrels, the phosphate-binding site, revealed a sequence motif in a few β/α-barrels with known tertiary structure, namely glycolate oxidase (GOX), cytochrome b2 (Cyb2), tryptophan synthase α subunit (TrpA), and the indoleglycerolphosphate synthase (TrpC). Database searches identified this motif in numerous other enzyme families: (1) IMP dehydrogenase (IMPDH) and GMP reductase (GuaC); (2) phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazol carboxamide ribotide isomerase (HisA) and the cyclase-producing D-erythro-imidazole-glycerolphosphate (HisF) of the histidine biosynthetic pathway; (3) dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (PyrD); (4) glutamate synthase (GltB); (5) ThiE and ThiG involved in the biosynthesis of thiamine as well as related proteins; (6) an uncharacterized open reading frame from Erwinia herbicola; and (7) a glycerol uptake operon antiterminator regulatory protein (GlpP). Secondary structure predictions of the different families mentioned above revealed an alternating order of β-strands and α-helices in agreement with a β/α-barrel-like topology. The putative phosphate-binding site is always found near the C-terminus of the enzymes, which are all at least about 200 amino acids long. This is compatible with its assumed location between strand 7 and helix 8. The identification of a significant motif in functionally diverse enzymes suggests a divergent evolution of at least a considerable fraction of β/α-barrels. In addition to the known accumulation of β/α-barrels in the tryptophan biosynthetic pathway, we observe clusters of these enzymes in histidine biosynthesis, purine metabolism, and apparently also in thiamine biosynthesis. The substrates are mostly heterocyclic compounds. Although the marginal sequence similarities do not allow a reconstruction of the barrel spreading, they support the idea of pathway evolution by gene duplication.  相似文献   

The recent determination of the three-dimensional structure of urease revealed striking similarities of enzyme architecture to adenosine deaminase and phosphotriesterase, evidence of a distant evolutionary relationship that had gone undetected by one-dimensional sequence comparisons. Here, based on an analysis of conservation patterns in three dimensions, we report the discovery of the same active-site architecture in an even larger set of enzymes involved primarily in nucleotide metabolism. As a consequence, we predict the three-dimensional fold and details of the active site architecture for dihydroorotases, allantoinases, hydantoinases, AMP-, adenine and cytosine deaminases, imidazolonepropionase, aryldialkylphosphatase, chlorohydrolases, formylmethanofuran dehydrogenases, and proteins involved in animal neuronal development. Two member families are common to archaea, eubacteria, and eukaryota. Thirteen other functions supported by the same structural motif and conserved chemical mechanism apparently represent later adaptations for different substrate specificities in different cellular contexts. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of glycerol-3-phosphate cytidylyltransferase from B. subtilis (TagD) is about to be solved. Here, we report a testable structure prediction based on the identification by sequence analysis of a superfamily of functionally diverse but structurally similar nucleotide-binding enzymes. We predict that TagD is a member of this family. The most conserved region in this superfamily resembles the ATP-binding HiGH motif of class I aminoacyI-tRNA synthetases. The predicted secondary structure of cytidylyltransferase and its homologues is compatible with the α/β topography of the class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. The hypothesis of similarity of fold is strengthened by sequence-structure alignment and 3D model building using the known structure of tyrosyl tRNA synthetase as template. The proposed 3D model of TagD is plausible both structurally, with a well packed hydrophobic core, and functionally, as the most conserved residues cluster around the putative nucleotide binding site. If correct, the model would imply a very ancient evolutionary link between class I tRNA synthetases and the novel cytidylyltransferase superfamily. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mayer C  Neubert M  Grummt I 《EMBO reports》2008,9(8):774-780
Silencing of ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) requires binding of the chromatin remodelling complex NoRC to RNA that is complementary to the rDNA promoter. NoRC-associated RNA (pRNA) folds into a conserved stem–loop structure that is required for nucleolar localization and rDNA silencing. Mutations that disrupt the stem–loop structure impair binding of TIP5, the large subunit of NoRC, to pRNA and abolish targeting of NoRC to nucleoli. Binding to pRNA results in a conformational change of TIP5, as shown by enhanced sensitivity of TIP5 towards trypsin digestion. Our results indicate an RNA-dependent mechanism that targets NoRC to chromatin and facilitates the interaction with co-repressors that promote heterochromatin formation and rDNA silencing.  相似文献   

A multi-copper protein with two cupredoxin-like domains was identified from our in-house metagenomic database. The recombinant protein, mgLAC, contained four copper ions/subunits, oxidized various phenolic and non-phenolic substrates, and had spectroscopic properties similar to common laccases. X-ray structure analysis revealed a homotrimeric architecture for this enzyme, which resembles nitrite reductase (NIR). However, a difference in copper coordination was found at the domain interface. mgLAC contains a T2/T3 tri-nuclear copper cluster at this site, whereas a mononuclear T2 copper occupies this position in NIR. The trimer is thus an essential part of the architecture of two-domain multi-copper proteins, and mgLAC may be an evolutionary precursor of NIR.  相似文献   

The occurrence of large domain motions associated with the mechanism of action of many proteins is well established. We present a general method of predicting domain closure applicable to proteins containing domains separated by an apparent hinge. The method attempts to allow for natural directional bias within the closing protein by repeatedly applying a weak pulling force over a short distance between pairs of atoms chosen at random in the two domains in question. Appropriate parameters governing the pulling function were determined empirically. The method was applied to the bi-lobal protein PGK and a closed-form activated ternary complex generated for Bacillus stearothermophilus PGK. This model was compared with the recently determined crystal structure of closed-form Trypanosoma brucei PGK. The model predicts the correct hinge regions, although the magnitude of movement at one hinge point was overestimated, and provides a reasonable representation of the closed-form ternary complex. Proteins 30:372–380, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Peters D  Peters J 《Biopolymers》2002,65(5):347-353
The model of the three-dimensional structure of globular proteins, which is based on a ribbon of hydrogen bonds along the whole of the backbone, is now applied to the comparison between monomeric bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A and dimeric bovine seminal ribonuclease. Some waters are involved in the hydrogen bonding of the ribbon, and the protein molecule plus these waters forms a pseudomolecule. The conformations of the three backbones are essentially identical and the three ribbons of hydrogen bonds are conserved with greater than 90% accuracy. We suggest that the conservation of the backbone conformations of the two molecules is a consequence of the conservation of the ribbons of hydrogen bonds. There are 16 simple mutations between the two molecules, of which 15 involve only side-chain groups with no more than one hydrogen bond to the backbone. Such mutations are not sufficient to change the ribbon of hydrogen bonds and hence there is no change in the backbone conformation. Generalizing this result, we suggest that the conservation of the ribbon is the reason why single point mutations rarely change the conformation of the backbone of the globular proteins.  相似文献   

Fitzkee NC  Fleming PJ  Rose GD 《Proteins》2005,58(4):852-854
Approximately half the structure of folded proteins is either alpha-helix or beta-strand. We have developed a convenient repository of all remaining structure after these two regular secondary structure elements are removed. The Protein Coil Library (http://roselab.jhu.edu/coil/) allows rapid and comprehensive access to non-alpha-helix and non-beta-strand fragments contained in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The library contains both sequence and structure information together with calculated torsion angles for both the backbone and side chains. Several search options are implemented, including a query function that uses output from popular PDB-culling servers directly. Additionally, several popular searches are stored and updated for immediate access. The library is a useful tool for exploring conformational propensities, turn motifs, and a recent model of the unfolded state.  相似文献   

Structural bioinformatics of membrane proteins is still in its infancy, and the picture of their fold space is only beginning to emerge. Because only a handful of three-dimensional structures are available, sequence comparison and structure prediction remain the main tools for investigating sequence-structure relationships in membrane protein families. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of the structural families corresponding to α-helical membrane proteins with at least three transmembrane helices. The new version of our CAMPS database (CAMPS 2.0) covers nearly 1300 eukaryotic, prokaryotic, and viral genomes. Using an advanced classification procedure, which is based on high-order hidden Markov models and considers both sequence similarity as well as the number of transmembrane helices and loop lengths, we identified 1353 structurally homogeneous clusters roughly corresponding to membrane protein folds. Only 53 clusters are associated with experimentally determined three-dimensional structures, and for these clusters CAMPS is in reasonable agreement with structure-based classification approaches such as SCOP and CATH. We therefore estimate that ~1300 structures would need to be determined to provide a sufficient structural coverage of polytopic membrane proteins. CAMPS 2.0 is available at http://webclu.bio.wzw.tum.de/CAMPS2.0/.  相似文献   

Superdomain is uniquely defined in this work as a conserved combination of different globular domains in different proteins. The amino acid sequences of 25 structurally and functionally diverse proteins from fungi, plants, and animals have been analyzed in a test of the superdomain hypothesis. Each of the proteins contains a protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) domain followed by a C2 domain. Four novel conserved sequence motifs have been identified, one in the PTP domain and three in the C2 domain. All contribute to the PTP-C2 domain interface in PTEN, a tumor suppressor, and all are more conserved than the PTP signature motif, HCX3(K/R)XR, in the 25 sequences. We show that PTP-C2 was formed prior to the fungi, plant, and animal kingdom divergence. A superdomain as defined here does not fit the usual protein structure classification system. The demonstrated existence of one superdomain suggests the existence of others.  相似文献   

We address the question of whether the distribution of secondary structure propensities of the residues along the polypeptide chain (denominated here as secondary structure profiles) is conserved in proteins throughout evolution, for the particular case of alpha-helices. We have analyzed by CD the conformation of peptides corresponding to the five alpha-helices of two alpha/beta parallel proteins (ComA and Ara). The large alpha-helical population of peptide ComA-4 detected by CD in aqueous solution has been confirmed by NMR. These proteins are members of the CheY and P21-ras families, respectively, which have been studied previously in the same way (Muñoz V, Jiménez MA, Rico M, Serrano L, 1995, J Mol Biol 245:275-296). Comparison of the helical content of equivalent peptides reveals that protein alpha-helix propensity profiles are not conserved. Some equivalent peptides show very different helical populations in solution and this is especially evident in very divergent proteins (ComA and CheY). However, all the peptides analyzed so far adopted an important population of helical conformations in the presence of 30% trifluoroethanol, indicating that there could be a conserved minimal requirement for helical propensity.  相似文献   

The function of a protein molecule is greatly influenced by its three-dimensional (3D) structure and therefore structure prediction will help identify its biological function. We have updated Sequence, Motif and Structure (SMS), the database of structurally rigid peptide fragments, by combining amino acid sequences and the corre-sponding 3D atomic coordinates of non-redundant (25%) and redundant (90%) protein chains available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). SMS 2.0 provides information pertaining to the peptide fragments of length 5-14 resi-dues. The entire dataset is divided into three categories, namely, same sequence motifs having similar, intermedi-ate or dissimilar 3D structures. Further, options are provided to facilitate structural superposition using the pro-gram structural alignment of multiple proteins (STAMP) and the popular JAVA plug-in (Jmol) is deployed for visualization. In addition, functionalities are provided to search for the occurrences of the sequence motifs in other structural and sequence databases like PDB, Genome Database (GDB), Protein Information Resource (PIR) and Swiss-Prot. The updated database along with the search engine is available over the World Wide Web through the following URL http://cluster.physics.iisc.ernet.in/sms/.  相似文献   

The flavin prosthetic group (FAD) of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase from Pseudomonas fluorescens was replaced by a stereochemical analog, which is spontaneously formed from natural FAD in alcohol oxidases from methylotrophic yeasts. Reconstitution of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase from apoprotein and modified FAD is a rapid process complete within seconds. Crystals of the enzyme-substrate complex of modified FAD-containing p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase diffract to 2.1 A resolution. The crystal structure provides direct evidence for the presence of an arabityl sugar chain in the modified form of FAD. The isoalloxazine ring of the arabinoflavin adenine dinucleotide (a-FAD) is located in a cleft outside the active site as recently observed in several other p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase complexes. Like the native enzyme, a-FAD-containing p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase preferentially binds the phenolate form of the substrate (pKo = 7.2). The substrate acts as an effector highly stimulating the rate of enzyme reduction by NADPH (kred > 500 s-1). The oxidative part of the catalytic cycle of a-FAD-containing p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase differs from native enzyme. Partial uncoupling of hydroxylation results in the formation of about 0.3 mol of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate and 0.7 mol of hydrogen peroxide per mol NADPH oxidized. It is proposed that flavin motion in p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase is important for efficient reduction and that the flavin "out" conformation is associated with the oxidase activity.  相似文献   

The construction of a template-assembled synthetic protein (TASP) designed to contain both a 4-helix bundle and a beta-barrel as two folding "domains" is described. For the de novo design of proteins, amphiphilic helices (alpha) and beta-sheets (beta) are covalently attached to a template peptide (T) carrying functional side chains suitably oriented to promote intramolecular folding of the secondary structure blocks into a characteristic packing arrangement, i.e., T8-(4 alpha)(4 beta). The design of this new macromolecule was assisted by computer modeling, which suggested a low-energy conformation with tight hydrophobic packing of the secondary structure subunits. Solid-phase synthesis of the "two-domain" TASP molecule was achieved using orthogonal protection techniques. The solution properties as well as circular dichroism (CD) and infrared spectroscopy (IR) data under various experimental conditions are consistent with the folded conformation suggested by modeling.  相似文献   

The Yersinia pestis outer membrane porin F (OmpF) is a transmembrane protein located in the outer membrane of this Gram-negative bacterium which is the causative agent of plague, where it plays a significant role in controlling the selective permeability of the membrane. The amino acid sequences of OmpF proteins from 48 Y. pestis strains representing all currently available phylogenetic groups of this Gram-negative bacterium were recently deduced. Comparison of these amino acid sequences revealed that the OmpF can be present in four isoforms, the pestis-pestis type, and the pestis-microtus types I, II, and III. OmpF of the most recent pestis-pestis type has an alanine residue at the position 148, where all the pestis-microtus types have threonine there (T148A polymorphism). The variability of different pestis-microtus types is caused by an additional polymorphism at the 193rd position, where the OmpFs of the pestis-microtus type II and type III have isoleucine-glycine (IG+193) or isoleucine-glycine-isoleucine-glycine (IGIG+193) insertions, respectively (IG+193 and IGIG+193 polymorphism). To investigate potential effects of these sequence polymorphisms on the structural properties of the OmpF protein, we conducted multi-level computational analysis of its isoforms. Analysis of the I-TASSER-generated 3D-models revealed that the Yersinia OmpF is very similar to other non-specific enterobacterial porins. The T148A polymorphism affected a loop located in the external vestibule of the OmpF channel, whereas IG+193 and IGIG+193 polymorphisms affected one of its β-strands. Our analysis also suggested that polymorphism has moderate effect on the predicted local intrinsic disorder predisposition of OmpF, but might have some functional implementations.  相似文献   

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