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 Intron-2 of the Oryza sativa CatA catalase gene is similar in nucleotide sequence to p-SINE1, a retroposon, and seems to have been added to the ancestral genome of rice. To examine when the p-SINE1-like intron was inserted into CatA during the evolutionary divergence of Oryza species, and to elucidate the evolutionary relationships among Oryza species using the sequence of the intron as a marker, we performed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses of 32 accessions of 17 Oryza species with various genome types. Agarose-gel electrophoresis of the PCR products revealed that all the Oryza species with an AA genome have the CatA homolog with the intron, whereas other Oryza species have the CatA homolog without the intron. These results indicate that intron-2 of CatA is a good marker for distinguishing species with an AA genome among Oryza species. Sequencing of the PCR products showed that all the introns are similar to p-SINE1, though with slight variations in length. We also performed PCR analyses using four accessions of three species in genera related to Oryza, and found that there is an intron in the CatA homolog of Leersia perrieri. On the other hand, the CatA homolog of Porteresia coarctata has no intron. Sequence data showed that the L. perrieri homolog has a p-SINE1-like intron similar to that in Oryza species with an AA genome. These results suggest that the p-SINE1-like intron was already present in the common ancestor of Oryza and L. perrieri and was then lost in the ancestors of P. coarctata and of the Oryza species other than those with an AA genome. The phylogenetic tree of Oryza species with an AA genome based on the nucleotide sequences of the introns leads us to propose that Oryza species with an AA genome evolved from an ancestor of Oryza longistaminata. Received: 29 August 1998 / Accepted: 2 November 1998  相似文献   

段世华  李绍清  李阳生  熊云  朱英国 《遗传》2007,29(4):455-461
水稻线粒体基因组嵌合基因orf79 和 orfH79分别被认为与BT-型和HL-型水稻CMS有关, 两者具有98%的同源性, 并且其DNA序列只存在4核苷酸的差异。对于这两个嵌合基因, 前者来源于栽培稻(Oryza. sativa L.), 而后者则来源于普通野生稻(O. rufipogon Griff.)。这意味着orf79/ orfH79可能在广泛分布于稻属AA基因组中。为了调查orf79/ orfH79在稻属物种中的分布和变异, 190份栽培稻品系[包括156份亚洲栽培稻(O. sativa var. landrace)和34份非洲栽培稻(O. glaberrima)]以及104份稻属AA基因组野生稻品系(包括O. rufipogon、O.nivara、O. glumaepatula、O. barthii、O. longistaminata和O. meridionalis 6个种), 被用于PCR扩增检测。31份具有控制粤泰A和笹锦A的特异片段的稻属AA基因组水稻品系被检测出。所有特异片段均被回收并测序, 基于DNA 序列的聚类结果显示31份水稻材料被分成了两组, 分别代表为BT-型和HL-型水稻不育细胞质组群。结果也进一步表明: HL-型水稻CMS胞质主要分布于一年生的O. nivara中; BT-型水稻CMS胞质可能来源于栽培稻变种或多年生野生稻O. rufipogon。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among Oryza species revealed by AFLP markers   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
 The genus Oryza to which cultivated rice belongs has 22 wild species. Seventy-seven accessions of 23 Oryza species, five related genera, and three outgroup taxa were fingerprinted using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). A total of 1191 polymorphic markers were obtained using five AFLP primer combinations. AFLP data were analyzed to study species relationships using different clustering algorithms, and the resulting phenograms were tested for stability and robustness. The findings suggest a common ancestry to the genus Oryza. Moreover, the results demonstrate that: (1) evolution in Oryza has followed a polyphyletic path wherein multiple lineages underwent independent divergence after separation early in the evolution from a common ancestor/pool of related taxa; (2) newly assigned genomes, GG for O. meyeriana and HHJJ for O. ridleyi complexes, are among the most diverged in the genus; (3) CCDD tetraploids have a relatively ancient origin among the Officinalis complex; (4) O. malampuzhaensis, O. indandamanica, O. alta, and O. grandiglumis are diverged enough to deserve species status; (5) O. officinalis and O. eichingeri (CC) are putative progenitors of O. minuta * O. malampuzhaensis and tetraploid O. punctata, respectively, (6) O. brachyantha is most diverged species in the genus. AFLP is reliable molecular technique and provides one of the most informative approaches to ascertain genetic relationships in Oryza, which may also be true for other related species/organisms. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 2 November 1998  相似文献   

Genetic variation in protoplast-derived rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants was characterized using first and second generation selfed progenies. A total of 133 regenerated plants were obtained from ten protoplasts of the japonica rice cultivar Nipponbare. Sixty two regenerated plants which set enough seeds for the subsequent field tests at the next generation and were derived from five protoplasts were selected, and their selfed seeds were used as the first selfed-seed progeny generation). Fifteen plants were selected from each of the 15 lines, and their selfed seeds were used for tests at the generation. Thirty seven lines (60%) segregated plants with detrimental mutant characters of yellow-green phenotype, dwarf stature, dense and short panicle, or low seed fertility. According to the segregation patterns in the lines having mutated plants among those originated from the same protoplasts, the stages of mutation induction were estimated. Additionally, five quantitative traits were changed in almost all and lines. Varied quantitative traits of heading date, number of spikelets per panicle, and seed fertility, were in a heterozygous state. However, culm and panicle lengths showed high uniformity, whereas reduced culm and panicle lengths were caused by mutational changes in polygenes and/or multiple genes. Received: 20 March 1996 / Accepted: 21 June 1996  相似文献   

 A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) application, involving the directed amplification of minisatellite-region DNA (DAMD) with several minisatellite core sequences as primers, was used to detect genetic variation in 17 species of the genus Oryza and several rice cultivars (O. sativa L.). The electrophoretic analysis of DAMD-PCR products showed high levels of variation between different species and little variation between different cultivars of O. sativa. Polymorphisms were also found between accessions within a species, and between individual plants within an accession of several wild species. The DAMD-PCR yielded genome-specific banding patterns for the species studied. Several DAMD-PCR-generated DNA fragments were cloned and characterized. One clone was capable of detecting multiple fragments and revealed individual-specific hybridization banding patterns using genomic DNA from wild species as well as rice cultivars. A second clone detected only a single polymorphic locus, while a third clone expressed a strong genome specificity by Southern analysis. The results demonstrated that DAMD-PCR is potentially useful for species and genome identification in Oryza. The DAMD-PCR technique also allows for the isolation of informative molecular probes to be utilized in DNA fingerprinting and genome identification in rice. Received: 1 October 1996 / Accepted: 25 April 1997  相似文献   

 A full-length and several partial cDNAs encoding IGK light chains from the marsupial South American opossum, Monodelphis domestica, were isolated and characterized. Using these clones as a starting point, the expressed IGKV repertoire was sampled by anchored polymerase chain reaction using an IGKC-specific primer. Based on nucleotide sequences of twenty unique, expressed IGKV-J combinations, there are at least four IGKV families and two J segments. Southern blot analysis revealed each IGK-V family contains multiple gene segments totaling at least thirty-five IGKV in the opossum genome. No evidence for particular, recurrent IGKV-J combinations in the opossum IGK repertoire was seen, rather the V-J combinations appeared random and diverse. Each of the four IGKV families appear more closely related to V segments from placental mammals than to each other, suggesting the duplication of the IGKV families prior to the separation of marsupials and placental mammals more than one-hundred-million years ago. Overall, the complexity of opossum light chain V segments appears greater than that found in the heavy chain, and light chains are likely to contribute significantly to Ig diversity in this species.With this report, the homologues encoding all three classes of eutherian Ig chains, IGH, IGL, and IGK, have been described in a non-placental mammal. Received: 5 April 1999 / Revised: 3 June 1999  相似文献   

The diploid Oryza species with C-genome type possesses abundant genes useful for rice improvement and provides parental donors of many tetraploid species with the C-genome (BBCC,CCDD).Despite extensive studies,the phylogenetic relationship among the C-genome species and the taxonomic status of some taxa remain controversial.In this study,we reconstructed the phylogeny of three diploid species with C-genome (Oryza officinalis,O.rhizomatis,and O.eichingeri) based on sequences of 68 nuclear single-copy genes.We obtained a fully resolved phylogenetic tree,clearly indicating the sister relationship of O.officinalis and O.rhizomatis,with O.eichingeri being the more divergent lineage.Incongruent phylogenies of the C-genome species found in previous studies might result from lineage sorting,introgression/hybridization and limited number of genetic markers used.We further applied a recently developed Bayesian species delimitation method to investigate the species status of the Sri Lankan and African O.eichingeri.Analyses of two datasets (68 genes with a single sample,and 10 genes with multiple samples) support the distinct species status of the Sri Lankan and African O.eichingeri.In addition,we evaluated the impact of the number of sampled individuals and loci on species delimitation.Our simulation suggests that sampling multiple individuals is critically important for species delimitation,particularly for closely related species.  相似文献   

Primer pairs flanking ten chloroplast microsatellite loci, originally identified in Oryza sativa cv Nipponbare, were evaluated for amplification and allelic diversity using a panel of 13 diverse cultivars of rice (O. sativa), 19 accessions of wild rice (three O. officinalis, five O. latifolia, five O. minuta, four O. australiensis, one O. brachyantha and one O. ridleyi) and eight other Gramineae species (maize, teosinte, wheat, oat, barley, pearl millet, sorghum and sugarcane). Amplified products were obtained for all samples at nine out of ten loci. Among the rice cultivars, the number of alleles per locus ranged from one to four, with monomorphic patterns observed at five loci. The average polymorphism information content (PIC) value at the other five (polymorphic) loci was 0.54 among the 13 cultivars. When wild rice and the other Gramineae species were compared based on the proportion of shared alleles, their phylogenetic relationships were in agreement with previous studies using different types of markers; however, the magnitude of the differences based on chloroplast microsatellites underestimated the genetic distance separating these divergent species and genera. A sequence-based comparison of homologous regions of the rice and maize chloroplast genomes revealed that, while a high level of microsynteny is evident, the occurrence of actively evolving microsatellite motifs in specific regions of the rice chloroplast genome appears to be mainly a species or genome-specific phenomenon. Thus the chloroplast primer pairs used in this study bracketed mutationally active microsatellite motifs in rice but degenerate, interrupted motifs or highly conserved, mutationally inert motifs in distantly related genera. Received: 17 March 1999 / Accepted: 11 November 1999  相似文献   

The genomic DNA clone RG28, linked to the major fragrance gene of rice (fgr), was assessed for polymorphism in order to produce a PCR-based marker for fragrance. A small mono-nucleotide repeat, that was polymorphic between a pair of fragrant and non-fragrant cultivars, was identified and developed into a co-dominant PCR-based marker. The polymorphism-information-content determinations for three microsatellite markers, that have been genetically mapped near RG28, are also presented. These PCR-based markers will be highly useful in distinguishing fragrance-producing alleles from non-fragrance-producing alleles at the fgr locus. Received: 19 October 1999 / Accepted: 16 December 1999  相似文献   

 We describe here novel approaches to high-resolution mapping of repeated and introgressed DNA which may prove generally useful in map-based cloning from complex genomes. These approaches were developed in order to clone the Rx locus in potato. First, we prepared a BAC library from a tetraploid plant carrying Rx in the duplex condition (Rx, Rx, rx, rx). BAC clones were then isolated with close markers on either side of Rx. However these clones did not extend across Rx: in the cloned DNA the closest markers to Rx were separated by single recombination events on either side of Rx. To bridge the gap we exploited the finding that the BAC clones on the right side of Rx contained resistance-gene homologues. Anticipating that there would be duplicated copies of these resistance gene homologues in the vicinity of Rx, we used low-stringency PCR conditions to identify additional markers. One of these markers was completely linked to Rx in our mapping population and was used to isolate a BAC (BAC77) that had not been previously identified by screening with Rx-flanking markers. Based on two criteria it was concluded that BAC77 spans Rx. There was a chromosomal recombination in one plant of our mapping population that separated the BAC77 right end from Rx. On the other side of Rx it was found that the BAC77 left end was outside the region of DNA carrying Rx that had been introgressed into potato cv Amaryl from a Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena accession CPC1673. Received: 13 July 1998 / Accepted: 17 September 1998  相似文献   

Construction of a BAC contig containing the xa5 locus in rice   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 The recessive gene xa5 confers resistance to bacterial blight in rice. To generate a physical map of the xa5 locus, three RFLP markers RG556, RG207 and RZ390, closely linked to xa5, were used to screen a rice bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. The identified overlapping BAC clones formed two small contigs which were extended to both sides by chromosome walking. The final physical map consisted of 14 BAC clones and covered 550 kb. Genetic analysis with an F2 population showed that two RFLP markers 28N22R and 40F20R, derived from the BAC clones in the contig, flanked the xa5 locus. To further delimit the location of the xa5 locus, RFLP markers RG556 and RG207 were converted to sequence tagged sites and used to perform genetic analysis. The results indicated that the xa5 locus was most likely located between RG207 and RG556. Among the BAC clones in the contig, one clone, 44B4, hybridized to both RG207 and RG556. This suggests that BAC clone 44B4 carried the xa5 locus. Received: 12 January 1998 / Accepted: 27 May 1998  相似文献   

Cultivated wheat Triticum turgidum is an allotetraploid (AABB) with diploid-like behaviour at metaphase I. This behaviour is mainly influenced by the action of the Ph1 locus. To study the effect of Ph1 on chromosome pairing in T. turgidum we have analysed the synaptic pattern in fully traced spread nuclei at mid- and late-zygotene and at pachytene of three different genotypes: a standard line, ph1c mutant and a duplication mutant, with zero, two and four doses of Ph1, respectively. The number of synaptonemal complex (SC) bivalents and of the different SC multivalent associations were determined in each nucleus. The mean number of lateral elements involved in SC multivalent associations (LEm) at mid-zygotene was relatively high in all lines and was similar in two and zero doses of Ph1. These means changed little with the progression of zygotene but decreased at pachytene because of the transformation of multivalents into bivalents. Multivalent correction was more efficient in the presence than in the absence of Ph1. The four doses of Ph1 genotype showed a higher number of SC bivalents at mid-zygotene, and the frequency of multivalents decreased progressively throughout zygotene and pachytene. The results suggest that the main action of the Ph1 locus on the diploidisation mechanism would be related to a process of checking for homology operating during prophase I. Received: 27 February 2000 / Accepted: 12 July 2000  相似文献   

Three EST-derived microsatellite loci from Vitis vinifera were amplified and sequenced across eight species of Vitaceae from four different genera. Phylogenetic analysis of the microsatellite’s flanking regions produced informative results in congruence with previous studies. Generic relationships were respected and the data produced sufficient inter-specific variation to distinguish between Cayratia acris and Cayratia saponaria, two very closely related species. Overall, the sequence alignments showed that priming sites were conserved, whereas microsatellite repeats were present in most cases but structurally variable. The sequence data provided information on the evolutionary patterns of various microsatellite repeats and their correlation to evolutionary relationships among taxa. Received: 15 December 2000 / Accepted: 12 April 2001  相似文献   

 The synthesis of very long chain fatty acids occurs in the cytoplasm via an elongase complex. A key component of this complex is the β-ketoacyl-CoA synthase, a condensing enzyme which in Arabidopsis is encoded by the FAE1 gene. Two sequences homologous to the FAE1 gene were isolated from a Brassica napus immature embryo cDNA library. The two clones, CE7 and CE8, contain inserts of 1647 bp and 1654 bp, respectively. The CE7 gene encodes a protein of 506 amino acids and the CE8 clone, a protein of 505 amino acids, each having an approximate molecular mass of 56 kDa. The sequences of the two cDNA clones are highly homologous yet distinct, sharing 97% nucleotide identity and 98% identity at the amino acid level. Southern hybridisation showed the rapeseed β-ketoacyl-CoA synthase to be encoded by a small multigene family. Northern hybridisation showed the expression of the rapeseed FAE1 gene(s) to be restricted to the immature embryo. One of the FAE1 genes is tightly linked to the E1 locus, one of two loci controlling erucic acid content in rapeseed. The identity of the second locus, E2, is discussed. Received: 4 April 1997 / Accepted: 30 July 1997  相似文献   

Molybdenum cofactor (Moco) is essential for nitrate reductase (NR), xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH), and aldehyde oxidase to perform their catalytic functions in plants. Moco biosynthesis is a complex process involving many genes. Little is known about the genetics and molecular aspects of Moco biosynthesis in plants and other eukaryotes. In rice, we previously isolated a Moco mutant C25 with a mutation in the CNX2 gene from a mutagenized indica cultivar IR30 and characterized its biochemical properties. This mutant was crossed with a japonica cultivar, Norin 8, to investigate the linkage of cnx2 to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers. Chlorate resistance was used to trace the cnx2 mutation because of its cosegregation with the loss of NR and XDH activities observed earlier. RFLP and CAPS analyses show the location of the cnx2 locus on the long arm of chromosome 4. It is mapped between RFLP markers C513 and C377 with a distance of 9.5 and 13.1 cM, respectively. It is also linked with CAPS marker RA0738 at a distance of 30.3 cM. Received: 25 June 2000 / Accepted: 31 August 2000  相似文献   

 To facilitate construction of physical map of the rice genome, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of IR64 genomic DNA was constructed. It consists of 18 432 clones and contains 3.28 rice genomic equivalents. The insert size ranged from 37 to 364 kb with an average of 107 kb. We used 31 RFLP markers on chromosome 4 to screen the library by colony hybridization. Sixty eight positive clones were identified with 2.2 positive clones per RFLP marker. The positive clones were analyzed to generate 29 contigs whose sizes ranged from 50 to 384 kb with an average of 145.6 kb. Chromosome walking was initiated for ten contigs linked to resistance genes. Thirty eight BAC clones were obtained and two contigs were integrated. Altogether, they covered 5.65 Mb (15.1%) of chromosome 4. These contigs may be used as landmarks for physical mapping of chromosome 4, and as starting points for chromosome walking towards the map-based cloning of disease resistance genes which were located nearby. Received: 15 November 1996 / Accepted: 24 January 1997  相似文献   

 The high-molecular-weight glutenin (HMW) genes and encoded subunits are known to be critical for wheat quality characteristics and are among the best-studied cereal research subjects. Two lines of experiments were undertaken to further understand the structure and high expression levels of the HMW-glutenin gene promoters. Cross hybridizations of clones of the paralogous x-type and y-type HMW-glutenin genes to a complete set of six genes from a single cultivar showed that each type hybridizes best within that type. The extent of hybridization was relatively restricted to the coding and immediate flanking DNA sequences. Additional DNA sequences were determined for four published members of the HMW-glutenin gene family (encoding subunits Ax2*, Bx7, Dx5, and Dy10) and showed that the flanking DNA of the examined genes diverge at approximately −1200 bp 5′ to the start codon and 200–400 bp 3′ to the stop codon. These divergence sites may indicate the boundaries of sequences important in gene expression. In addition, promoter sequences were determined for alleles of the Bx gene (Glu-B1-1), a gene reported to show higher levels of expression than other HMW-glutenin genes and with variation among cultivars. The sequences of Bx promoters from three cultivars and one wild tetraploid wheat indicated that all Bx alleles had few differences and contained a duplicated portion of the promoter sequence “cereal-box” previously suspected as a factor in higher levels of expression. Thus, the “cereal-box” duplication preceeded the origin of hexaploid wheat, and provides no evidence to explain the variations in Bx subunit synthesis levels. One active Bx allele contained a 185-bp insertion that evidently resulted from a transposition event. Received: 5 August 1997 / Accepted: 6 November 1997  相似文献   

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