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A new species of pelagic amphipod, Lestrigonus ducrayi sp. nov.,from eastern Australia, is described and illustrated. It isvery similar to Lestrigonus bengalensis Giles, 1887, but isreadily distinguished by a relatively shorter telson (aboutone-third peduncle uropod 3) and, in mature males, pereonites1–5 are fused as in females. The two species often occurtogether in the same plankton sample; the new species beingmore abundant inshore, although both species seem to preferinshore waters. A key to the species of Lestrigonus is provided.  相似文献   

The neogastropod family Fasciolariidae contains a complex ofgenera related to Latirus Montfort, 1810, many of which havetraits unusual for the family. In a taxonomic revision of someof these genera, based on shell characters, we restrict Latirusto a mainly Indo-West Pacific group of Pliocene to Recent species,which closely resemble the middle Miocene to Recent pantropicalgenus Hemipolygona Rovereto, 1899. Hemipolygona stenomphalus(Habe & Kosuge, 1966) is synonymized with H. recurvirostris(Schubert & Wagner, 1829). Lathyropsis Oostingh, 1939, basedon a small Pliocene species from Indonesia, is here tentativelysubsumed under Polygona Schumacher, 1817. The latter genus,ranging from the late Oligocene to Recent, occurs mainly inthe New World and eastern Atlantic, and contains at least twospecies groups centered on P. infundibulum Schumacher, 1817(type of genus) and P. angulatus (Röding, 1798). Taxa assignedby many authors to Latirulus Cossmann, 1889, are here reassignedto the new genus Turrilatirus (type species: Voluta turritaGmelin, 1791), from the Pliocene to Recent of the Indo-WestPacific. Latirulus is restricted to Eocene species. We assignvarious early Miocene to Recent species from the western Atlanticand eastern Pacific to the new genus Pustulatirus (type species:Latirus mediamericanus, Hertlein & Strong, 1951a). Taxaformerly assigned to Latirus but here removed from Fasciolariidaeinclude Latirus ewekoroensis Adegoke, 1977; the Eocene RusculaCasey, 1904; Lathyrus granifer and L. compactilis, both of Martin,1931; Latirus kirbyi Clark, 1938; Latirus tortilis var. nanafaliusHarris, 1899; and Latirus quercotillaensis Olsson, 1931. (Received 6 September 2005; accepted 29 May 2006)  相似文献   

A medium-sized Octopus species is described based on materialcollected in shallow equatorial waters around the oceanic islandsof Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Rocas Atoll, St Peter andSt Paul Archipelago and the mainland of northeastern Brazil.The new species, Octopus insularis, is described morphologically,and also characterized by the large mitochondrial subunit ribosomalRNA gene (mt 16S rDNA). The new species has relatively shortand stout arms, rugose reddish brown skin in preserved specimens,8 to 11 gill lamellae on the outer demibranchs, small ligula,characteristic symmetrical radula, spermatophore and beak, smalleggs and high fecundity (213,000 oocytes under 1.5 mm diameter).The habitats and skin patterns of living animals are brieflydescribed. The new species differs both morphologically andgenetically from Octopus vulgaris in the Mediterranean, Venezuelaand southern Brazil. (Received 10 November 2006; accepted 19 October 2007)  相似文献   

A revision of the Recent species of the genus Goodallia (Astartidae)is presented. Adult shell and prodissoconch morphology of allthe species are described and figured. In total, five speciesare recognized: G. triangularis (Montagu, 1803), G. pusilla(Forbes, 1844), G. macandrewi (Smith, 1881), G. micalii new species,and G. gofasi new species. G. triangularis and G. pusilla are widespreaddistributed in the Atlantic coasts of Europe and North Africa,and in the Mediterranean. G. macandrewi is restricted to thetype locality in the Canary Islands, while what has been calledG. macandrewi from the Mediterranean corresponds to an undescribedspecies here named G. micalii, distributed in the Central andEastern Mediterranean. A second undescribed species from offthe Atlantic Moroccan coast is named G. gofasi, and is knownonly from the type material of station B33 of the expedition CINECA CHARCOT III. The named forms, variability and distributionof G. triangularis are discussed. (Received 30 January 1998; accepted 27 August 1998)  相似文献   

Seven new species of the nudibranch genus Trapania Pruvot-Fol,1931 (Goniodorididae) are described from the Indo-West Pacificand an eighth species, T. japonica (Baba, 1935), originallydescribed from one preserved specimen from Japan, is redescribedfrom specimens collected in Hong Kong and tropical eastern Australia.Three of the new species are from temperate south-eastern Australiaand one from tropical eastern Australia. Two species are knownonly from Hong Kong and a third is recorded from the SudaneseRed Sea as well as Hong Kong. Only ten other species of Trapania have been described, sixof those from Europe, and one each from Brazil, California,Japan and New Zealand. The anatomy and external colour patternof these species is compared with that of the seven new species. (Received 12 December 1986;  相似文献   

Aoki (1970) erected the genusCosteremus with C. ornata Aoki as the type species. Fujikawa and Fujita (1985)described the second species C.Yezoensis. The present paper deals with a new species of Costeremus from China.The genus is recorded for the first time from China, as well as from the outsidearea of Japan.  相似文献   

李后魂  王淑霞 《昆虫学报》2002,45(2):230-233
研究了中国模尖蛾属Meleonoma Meyrick,其中记述2新种:面模尖蛾 M. facialis Li et Wang, sp. Nov. 和软颚模尖蛾 M. malacognatha Li et Wang, sp. Nov.。绘制了雌雄外生殖器特征图,给出了中国模尖蛾属分种检索表。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系标本室。  相似文献   

王淑芳  岳书奎 《昆虫学报》1995,38(2):228-233
寄生中国樟子松木蠹象的新姬蜂(膜翅目:姬蜂科,瘤姬蜂亚科)王淑芳(中国科学院动物研究所北京100080)岳书奎(东北林业大学林学系哈尔滨150040)中国樟子松木级象是危害樟子松球果的一种重要害虫,"七·五"期间我们在我国内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔盟地区进...  相似文献   

Cocculiniform limpets of the families Cocculinidae and Pyropeltidaeare here reported for the first time on whale bone in the deepsea. The new species and records of previously described speciesare from four whale-falls at bathyal depths on the continentalmargin off California, from Monterey Bay to the Catalina Basin.The family Cocculinidae is represented by the new species Cocculinacraigsmithi. With few exceptions, the previously known speciesof Cocculinidae are known from wood substrates. The family Pyropeltidaeis represented by three species: Pyropelta musaica McLean &Haszprunar, 1987, originally described from the Juan de Fucahydrothermal vents, Pyropelta corymba McLean & Haszprunar,1987, originally described from the hydrothermal vent habitatat the Guaymas Basin, and one new species, P. wakefieldi. Thetwo previously known species of Pyropelta have heretofore beenregarded as obligate members of the sulfide habitat of hydrothermalvents. Pyropelta species are the first gastropods known fromboth habitats. Like the hydrothermal-vent habitat, the newlyreported habitat on whale bone is also a sulfide-rich, reducingenvironment. (Received 20 January 1991; accepted 28 April 1992)  相似文献   

Stentor is a heterolrich ciliate which often forms lawn-likecovers on the bottom and/or blooms in the pelagial of lakesworldwide. The species involved in these spectacular eventswere usually either not determined or misidentified becausethe keys are outdated and incomplete. Thus, we have revisedthe nominal species described since the first major revisionby Ehrenberg (1838). Main species characteristics are the presence/absenceof symbiotic algae, the shape of the macronucleus and the colourof the cortical pigment granules. The last character mentionedmust be studied in live cells because the pigment bleaches inchemically fixed specimens. Nineteen valid species are recognizedand dichotomously keyed according to these characteristics.Twenty-seven other species and varieties, described after Ehrenberg'srevision, are synonyms or species indeterminata A new species.S.araucanus, is described from South American lakes. It is asmall, broadly trumpet-shaped Stentor with symbiotic algae,vermiform macronucleus and blue-green cortical granules. Stentoraraucanus is probably euplanktic and restricted to the southernhemisphere. Stentor auriculalus Kahl. 1932 sensu Wang (1934)is recognized as a new species, Condylostoma wangi, and transferredto the genus Condylostoma. New nomenclatural corrections: Stentorbaicalius nom. nov. (pro S.pygmaeus, preoccupied). S loricatiisnom. corr. (for S.loricata), S.ruber nom. corr. (for S.ruhra).  相似文献   

Two new species of Horaiclavus, lacking radula, venom glandand proboscis, are described. The genus is placed in the subfamilyCrassispirinae (Turridae). Both species possess a peculiar foregutstructure, the muscular rhynchodaeal outgrowth situated in therhynchocoel. The possible function of the rhynchodaeal outgrowthis discussed. Other studied species of Horaiclavus possess aradula of a typical ‘crassispirine’ type but lackthe outgrowth. The anatomy of the foregut of the new speciesis superficially similar to that of Zemacies excelsa (Turridae:Zemaciinae), which also possesses an additional structure ofthe rhynchocoel, namely the ‘pyriform gland’. Conchologically,there is no resemblance between Zemacies and Horaiclavus andit is concluded that similar foregut arrangement appeared independentlyin both lineages. A new monotypic subfamily Zemaciinae was erectedmostly on the basis of the unique foregut arrangement of Zemaciesexcelsa. We express doubts concerning the importance of thesecharacters in establishing a new taxon of subfamilial rank andtherefore the validity of the subfamily Zemaciinae. (Received 16 May 2007; accepted 1 October 2007)  相似文献   

张广学  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》1998,41(4):401-408
本文记述中国二叉蚜属Schizaphis Borner 6种,其中包括3新种:贴梗海棠二叉蚜Schizaphis(Schizaphis)chaenometicola Zhang,sp.nov.,香草二叉蚜Schizaphis(Schizaphis)hierochlophaga Zhanget Chen,sp.nov.和长管二叉蚜Schizaphis(Schizaphis)longituberclata Zhang et Qiao,sp.nov.,并附亚属、种检索表。模式标本存放中国科学院动物研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

The genus Acavus from Sri Lanka includes three species, Acavushaemastoma (Linnaeus), Acavus superbus (L. Pfeiffer) and Acavusphoenix (L. Pfeiffer) with two subspecies, Acavus phoenix phoenix(L. Pfeiffer) and Acavus phoenix castaneus new subspecies.The conchological and anatomical differences between these species,as well as their intraspecific variation are described. Theirdistribution is shown on maps and all locality records are listed.The presence of extensive intraspecific polymorphism, the developmentof geographical subspecies and the presumable hybridizationbetween some species show that the Acavus species are not isolatedrelict species, but that speciation is in progress and thatthe radiation of the Acavus species is probably much youngerthan the radiation of the acavid genera. The three Acavus speciesare not acutely endangered at present. In contrast to manyother land snails, there is no risk of a rapid decline of theAcavus species due to deforestation, because these species alsooccur in synanthropic habitats. (Received 22 December 1998; accepted 2 October 1999)  相似文献   

The new genus Atebbania is described for a new hydrobiid species,A. bernasconii, which lives in groundwaters of southern Morocco.Of the Hydrobiidae genera with known shell and anatomy Moitessieriais the closest to Atebbania. The two share the following characters:shell elongate; teleoconch surface with evident microsculpture;seminal receptacle absent. Atebbania is distinguished from Moitessieriaby: shell ovate; penis with a) apical stylet, b) one lobe bentdownward on left (inner) side and c) penial duct running nearthe right (outer) side; posterior end of foot indented. Atebbaniabernasconii n. sp., lives in a limited area, the Tiznit plainin southern Morocco. Other stygobiont hydrobiids from otherareas of Morocco are currently being studied. None of them appearsto be closely related to A. bernasconii or to the species ofMoitessieria (Received 10 February 1998; accepted 30 April 1998)  相似文献   

A new species of Acartia (Copepoda, Calanoida) from the Yellow Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new species (Acartia hongi) of Acartia (family Acartiidae)predominating in the Korean coastal waters of the Yellow Seais described. This species closely resembles Acartia bifilosa,from which it can be easily distinguished by the co-occurrenceof the following morphological characters: the absence of rostralfilaments in both genders; the terminal spine on the femalefifth leg toothed only on the inner side; the first exopodalsegment of the male right fifth leg with a long seta; the distalsegment of the male left fifth leg with a rod-like appendage.Its distribution was discussed in comparison with two siblingspecies, Acartia omorii and Acartia hudsonica.  相似文献   

A new species of Phyllodesmium (Aeolidoidea) from Guam (Micronesia)is described. Phyllodesmium guamensis n.sp. is characterizedby having two rows of denticles in the radular teeth, this beingdifferent from the previously described species of the genus.The shape of the teeth, however, is identical in all the speciesof the genus, and unique among aeolids. Furthermore, P. guamensispossesses a double row of cerata in the precardiac cluster andup to 10 post-cardiac ceratal rows. Also, P. guamensis showsa very dense accumulation of zooxanthellae in the ceratal digestivegland, which is ramified inside the cerata. This species feedson at least three species of the soft coral Sinularia: S. polydactyla,S. maxima and a third, undescribed species. The aeolid matchesthe colour of its prey and is cryptic on the soft coral surface. (Received 3 October 1996; accepted 28 April 1997)  相似文献   

A new genus of Streptaxidae with four new species is describedfrom Central West Africa, viz. Sinistrexcisa cameruniae (typespecies) from Southwest Cameroon, and S. iradieri, S. cogoensisand S. fang from Equatorial Guinea. In addition to the shells,the genital anatomy of three species and the radula of one speciesare described. The species of Sinistrexcisa resemble some taxaof the heterogeneous genus Ptychotrema s.l., but differ conchologicallyby, among others, the extremely long and displaced aperturalsinus and the sinistrally coiled last quarter whorl, and anatomicallyby the morphology of the penis, especially the inner spinulation.A spermatophore was observed in the lower (distal) portion ofthe penis of a specimen of S. fang. This is probably the first recordof a spermatophore in the family Streptaxidae. (Received 9 October 1997; accepted 1 July 1998)  相似文献   

乔格侠  张广学 《昆虫学报》2000,43(-1):164-171
该文系统研究了中国长斑蚜属Tinocallis Matsumura的15种蚜虫,其中包括:1个新种,短节长斑蚜T. microtylodes sp.nov.和2个中国新记录种,斑长斑蚜T.platani(Kaltenbach,1943)和木兰长斑蚜T. magnoliae Ghosh & Raychaudhuri,1972。同时提供了该属中国分布种类的检索表,每种提供有详细的寄主植物和地理分布资料,新种还提供了重要的形态特征图。所有标本包括模式标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

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