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磁刺激时 ,有效地确定兴奋点是十分必要的 ,神经和磁线圈的相对位置对磁刺激兴奋点位置有重要影响。对于位于平行于组织 -空气界面下方平面内的任意走向的直线神经纤维 ,修正的激活函数由感应电场x分量和 y 分量在x方向的导数和直线神经纤维与x轴正方向的夹角决定。只有适当调整线圈的放置 ,使直线神经在八字型线圈中心正下面、平行于八字型线圈共同切线 ,激活函数的负值绝对值最大 ,神经最易兴奋 ;接近线圈表面的神经容易产生兴奋 ,神经纤维的兴奋点在线圈中心正下面;随着神经纤维的深度增加 ,激活函数的峰值迅速减少 ,神经纤维的兴奋点也逐渐偏离线圈中心。  相似文献   

Mechanism by which the site of polar body formation is determined in starfish oocytes was investigated in relation to the action of 1-methyladenine (1-MeAde). Local staining with Nile Blue of Asterina pectinifera oocytes revealed that there exists a prospective site of polar body formation (PSPBF) on the nearest surface to the position of germinal vesicle. The site of polar body formation was found to shift to some extent from PSPBF toward the area locally applied with 1-MeAde, suggesting that the actual site of polar body formation is not determined yet at the germinal vesicle stage. Oocytes whose germinal vesicles had been shifted by centrifugation from PSPBF to the opposite surface before the commencement of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) (less than 15 min after 1-MeAde treatment), failed to form polar bodies, whereas oocytes centrifuged after commencement of GVBD (20 min after 1-MeAde treatment) did form polar bodies where their fading germinal vesicles had reached by centrifugation. In the oocytes which failed to form polar bodies by centrifugation, an aster was observed near PSPBF of each oocyte. When inseminated, every oocyte treated with 1-MeAde developed normally irrespectively of the mode of polar body formation including the site and the occurrence, and the animal pole of every larva was derived from PSPBF.  相似文献   

温度对萼花臂尾轮虫卵的发育、种群增长和生产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
1981—1983年,在不同的培养温度下,观察了萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)卵的发育时间、种群的增长并用3种不同方法测算生产量。在5—30℃的培养温度下,轮虫卵的发育时间(D)随温度(T)升高而缩短,其曲线迴归方程为: LnD=2.0539+0.1097LnT-0.3046(LnT)2 在10,15,20,25℃的培养温度下,从休眠卵孵化出来的孤雌生殖雌体,其繁殖的种群增长曲线都呈“S”形,或称逻辑斯蒂曲线(Logistic curve)。不同的温度,种群达到高峰所需的时间有所不同,温度高者短,低者长;容纳量(carrying capacity)却随温度增加而有所增加。用线性和指数方法计算轮虫种群的生产量所得的结果相似;而与世代时间方法计算所获得的结果相比,差距很大。这种差距随着温度增加而增加。根据本文的研究结果和文献中报道的数据,获得了在0.6—35.2℃温度范围内,卵的发育时间(D)与温度(T)之间的迴归方程: LnD=2.1869-0.1919LnT-0.2218(LnT)2    相似文献   

本实验用抗绿脓杆菌i-RNA致敏小鼠,用酶联免疫吸附试验直接检测鼠体内绿脓杆菌特异性抗体的产生,并通过电镜技术观察补体参与下的溶菌杀菌现象来间接反映体内是否有特异性抗体的产生。结果证实i-RNA没有传递特异性体液兔疫活性的能力。但小鼠体内脾细胞抗体产生能力,巨噬细胞吞噬活性,脾细胞NK活性和IL-2活性均明显高于正常鼠,提示抗菌i-RNA有佐剂活性,可以增强机体的体液免疫功能和细胞免疫功能。  相似文献   

袁国秀  周丹 《蛇志》1992,4(4):6-7
选择体重20g 左右小白鼠分别使用眼镜蛇毒、蝮蛇毒以及经过紫外线、~(60)Co 照射灭菌后的这两种蛇毒进行半数致死量的测定,结果经紫外线照射后的眼镜蛇毒和白眉蝮蛇毒的毒性降低了6.98%和6.41%.经~(60)Co 照射的眼镜蛇毒和蝮蛇毒的毒性降低了21%和33%.  相似文献   

温度对近亲裸腹溞发育、生长和卵的生产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近亲裸腹溞(Moina affinis)的胚胎发育和总生活时间与温度呈反比。其后各龄期的生长、卵的生产量与温度的变化密切相关。30℃时,总胚胎发育时间为18—20小时,平均龄期为25.1小时,总生活时间为15.7天;20℃时,总胚胎发育时间为42—48小时,平均龄期为53.2小时,总生活时间为33.3天。在30℃时,有2个成体前龄,13个成龄;而在20℃时,有3个成体前龄,12个成龄。不论30℃或20℃,幼龄的龄期短于成龄龄期。近亲裸腹溞各个不同龄期的生长也因温度而变化。30℃时,10龄之前,以1、2龄的增长尤为迅速,而10龄以后增长速度则缓慢;在20℃时,第1—4龄,第6—7龄增长速度最快,第10龄后,增长趋于停止。30℃时,各成龄的累计产卵数为133.0个;而20℃为213.9个。30℃时卵的生产率(a值)为1.1811;高于20℃时的a值0.9643。    相似文献   

Lufenuron (LFN), a chitin synthase inhibitor, impacts the fertility of Ceratitis capitata, Bactrocera dorsalis, B. cucurbitae, and B. latifrons. We posed the hypothesis that LFN curtails egg hatch in the solanaceous fruit fly, B. latifrons. In this study, newly emerged virgin adults were sexed and fed for 12 days with varying concentrations of LFN‐laced agar diets until sexual maturation. Eggs were collected from 12‐d‐old adults and the egg hatch was assessed. Egg hatch decreased in adults reared on LFN‐treated diets. LFN‐treated media did not influence fertility after one gender was reared on experimental and the other on control media before mating. Exposure to LFN‐treated medium after mating led to reduced egg hatch. We infer that LFN is not a permanent sterilant, and reduced egg hatch depends on continuous exposure to dietary LFN after mating. Proteomic analysis identified two differentially expressed proteins, a pheromone binding protein and a chitin binding protein, between adults maintained on LFN‐treated and control diets. Expression of two genes encoding chitin synthase 2, and chitin binding protein, was altered in adults exposed to dietary LFN. LFN treatments also led to increased expression of two odorant binding proteins one in females and one in males. We surmise these data support our hypothesis and provide insight into LFN actions.  相似文献   

When incubated at pH 4–5, Chlorella freshly isolated from symbiosis with Hydra viridissima PALLAS 1766 (green hydra) release large amounts of photosynthetically fixed carbon in the form of maltose, and assimilation of inorganic N is inhibited. Physiological responses to N starvation of the cultured 3N813A strain of maltose-releasing Chlorella differed from those caused by 48 h of maltose release induced by low pH. N starvation increased rates of ammonium assimilation at pH 7.0 in light or darkness, and ammonium assimilation in darkness stimulated cell respiration. In contrast, cells pretreated at pH 5.0 to induce maltose release were unable to take up ammonium at pH 7.0 unless supplied with an external carbon source such as bicarbonate, acetate, or succinate, and rates of uptake were similar to control cells. Freshly isolated symbionts displayed a similar dependency. Rates of ammonium uptake by cells pretreated at pH 5.0 were reduced in darkness and did not stimulate cell respiration. N-starved cells supplied with ammonium also showed a large short-term increase in glutamine pools at the expense of glutamate, as might be expected if large amounts of ammonium were rapidly assimilated via glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase, whereas after long-term maltose release cells showed only a small increase in glutamine when supplied with ammonium. Furthermore, maltose release caused a fall in pool sizes of a number of amino acids, including glutamine and glutamate, and also caused a decrease in pool sizes of 2-oxoglutarate and phospho-enol-pyruvate, which are required for ammonium assimilation into amino acids. Cells stimulated to synthesize and release maltose may be unable to assimilate ammonium and synthesize amino acids because of diversion of fixed carbon from N metabolism. We estimate that 40–50% affixed C is required for maximal maltose synthesis, whereas up to 30% fixed C is required for ammonium assimilation. These results are discussed in the context of host regulation of symbiotic algal growth.  相似文献   

在胚胎发育过程中,用不同比放射性的~(90)锶试液处理受精卵,各处理组都有畸形和死亡现象。畸形的高峰一般出现在囊胚期和晶体形成期,畸形的类型一般为脊椎弯曲、体短、胸腔和卵黄囊扩大,头和眼畸形。随后即出现死亡高峰。例如:游动期的死亡率分别是:21%(对照);36%(5×10~(-11)居里/升);40%(5×1-~(-10)居里/升);45%(5×10~(-9)居里/升)。鲫仔鱼对~(90)锶吸收积累的结果表明:鲫仔鱼体中比放射性大小与试液的比放射性大小成正比,并随试验吋间的延长,生物量的增加而增加,鲫仔鱼的积累系数则不依试液的比放射性大小和生物量的多少为转移。  相似文献   

Ammonia concentration between 10–300 μM in 75% seawater in which Amphidinium carterae Hulb, was allowed to photosynthesize caused an increased rate of photosynthesis. In addition, these same concentrations caused the dinoflagellate to release to the medium up to 50% of the carbon fixed during the 30 min period of photosynthesis used in the experiments.  相似文献   

The effect of different conditions of transfer (+;1 °C withwater, +20 °C with and without water) from the natural habitatand laboratory acclimation procedure (with and without bottomsediment) on the acid-base and electrolyte status of the freshwateruniomd mussel Anodonta anatina (L.) was studied. The shift inthe acid-base status of A. anatina during the transfer was smallerat 1°C than at 20°C. The pO2 content of the haemolymphdeclined significantly under all three transfer conditions.Neither the transfer nor the laboratory acclimation affectedhaemolymph [Na+]. However, during transfer at 1°C the haemolyraph[Ca2+] did not change, whereas [K+] increased up to three fold.Haemolymph [Ca2+] increased when mussels were transferred at20°C After a 17-day aquarium acclimation, the pO2 of all the musselskept in the sediment had returned to the field level and thetransfer seemed to have had no effect on the pCH of the haemolymph.Conversely, in the groups kept without sediment, the pO2 continuouslyremained above the field level. Whereas the [K+] of all themussels declined to the field level, the haemolymph [Ca2+] remainedelevated throughout the entire acclimation period of 17 days. (Received 22 May 1995; accepted 20 October 1995)  相似文献   

Helisoma duryi, Biomphalaria alexandrine and Bulinus truncatuswere maintained in media with seven different sodium chlorideconcentrations ranging from 0.6 to 32 mM. Growth of H. duryiwas significantly reduced only in the 32 mM NaCl treatment,while no significant effects were observed in the net reproductiverate or in egg-laying rates. Bulinus truncatus showed optimalgrowth within the range of 1 to 8 mM NaCl and the net reproductiveand egg-laying rates were reduced in the 32 mM NaCl treatment.Growth of B. alexandrina was reduced in the 16 and 32 mM NaCltreatments, while the net reproductive rate was reduced in the16 and 32 mM NaCl treatments, while the net reproductive ratewas reduced in media with more than 2.0 mM NaCl. Hatching ofB. truncatus eggs was not affected by the high NaCl concentrations,while the hatchability of H. duryi eggs was reduced in the 32mM treatment. Survival of newly-hatched H. duryi was best inthe 1 mM NaCl treatment while for B. truncatus survival wasreduced only in the 32 mM treatment. (Received 28 March 1988; accepted 7 April 1989)  相似文献   

SUMMARY: In the decomposition of glucose by Bacillus glycollacticus , CO2, 2:3-butylene glycol, lactic and acetic acids, ethanol and traces of acetylmethylcarbinol were formed. A satisfactory carbon balance was obtained. Aeration played an important rôle affecting the amounts of products formed and the duration of fermentation. The largest yield of 2:3-butylene glycol obtained was 32.5 mM from 50 mM of glucose.  相似文献   

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