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Seasonal changes in cold-resistance in five Proteaceae: Gevuina avellana, Lomatia hirsuta, Lomatia dentata, Lomatia ferruginea and Embothrium coccineum were studied in the Botanical Garden, Universidad Austral de Chile in Valdivia, Chile. All species presented such changes in relation to the minimum air temperatures but not in relation to rainfall. Cold-resistance increased together with the temperature decrease from March to May. Maximum resistance was observed in winter (June to August). The spring temperature increase caused a decrease of cold-resistance, which reached its maximum from spring (November) to summer (December to February). The results obtained for cold-resistance correspond to the weather conditions found in natural biotopes of the species.  相似文献   

The capacity of preformation and neoformation and the structure of winter buds are vegetative attributes that may vary between plant species and according to ontogenetic stages of the same species. The present study describes and evaluates these features for the four tree species of Proteaceae occurring in Patagonia. In particular, it analyzes the structure and development of the distal buds of the trunk and the preformed or neoformed nature of the organs involved. Two of the species, Embothrium coccineum and Lomatia hirsuta, have scaly buds, in which primordia of green leaves are covered by cataphylls. The shoots of both species may include neoformed organs, more frequently so in juvenile trees. Lomatia ferruginea and Gevuina avellana have naked buds with a low number of primordia; in juvenile and adult trees of both species trunk shoots are entirely preformed. The structure of buds and shoots suggests two different growth modalities of the axes, which would be related to ecological breadth (narrower in the species with naked buds than in those with scaly buds) and distribution area of these species. The considerable morphological differences between the two Lomatia species studied raise the question whether they ought to be included in the same genus.  相似文献   

A study was made of the gross morphological characters and cuticular features of several fossil leaves of Knightiophyllum wilcoxianum Berry. These fossil leaves were collected from Eocene deposits exposed in three clay pits in western Tennessee. This investigation refutes the relationship of Knightiophyllum wilcoxianum to the modern genus Knightia and the family Proteaceae as suggested by E. W. Berry.  相似文献   

The aim of the present contribution is to describe a partial fossil skull belonging to the catfish genus Sorubim. The specimen originates from the Late Miocene Ituzaingó Formation, at Paraná locality, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina. The material described here (MACN Pv-14224) was determined just to genus because the living species of Sorubim are morphologically similar. Presence of Sorubim is in concordance with the hypothesis indicating that most extant pimelodid genera were already present by the Late Miocene. Present finding constitutes the first fossil record for the genus.  相似文献   

Argentinean Patagonia is inhabited by people that live principally in urban areas and by small isolated groups of individuals that belong to indigenous aboriginal groups; this territory exhibits the lowest population density of the country. Mapuche and Tehuelche (Mapudungun linguistic branch), are the only extant Native American groups that inhabit the Argentinean Patagonian provinces of Río Negro and Chubut. Fifteen autosomal STRs, 17 Y-STRs, mtDNA full length control region sequence and two sets of Y and mtDNA-coding region SNPs were analyzed in a set of 434 unrelated individuals. The sample set included two aboriginal groups, a group of individuals whose family name included Native American linguistic root and urban samples from Chubut, Río Negro and Buenos Aires provinces of Argentina. Specific Y Amerindian haplogroup Q1 was found in 87.5 % in Mapuche and 58.82 % in Tehuelche, while the Amerindian mtDNA haplogroups were present in all the aboriginal sample contributors investigated. Admixture analysis performed by means of autosomal and Y-STRs showed the highest degree of admixture in individuals carrying Mapuche surnames, followed by urban populations, and finally by isolated Native American populations as less degree of admixture. The study provided novel genetic information about the Mapuche and Tehuelche people and allowed us to establish a genetic correlation among individuals with Mapudungun surnames that demonstrates not only a linguistic but also a genetic relationship to the isolated aboriginal communities, representing a suitable proxy indicator for assessing genealogical background.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Morphological, molecular and biogeographical information bearing on early evolution of the sunflower alliance of families suggests that the clade containing the extant daisy family (Asteraceae) differentiated in South America during the Eocene, although palaeontological studies on this continent failed to reveal conclusive support for this hypothesis. Here we describe in detail Raiguenrayun cura gen. & sp. nov., an exceptionally well preserved capitulescence of Asteraceae recovered from Eocene deposits of northwestern Patagonia, Argentina.


The fossil was collected from the 47·5 million-year-old Huitrera Formation at the Estancia Don Hipólito locality, Río Negro Province, Argentina.

Key Results

The arrangement of the capitula in a cymose capitulescence, the many-flowered capitula with multiseriate–imbricate involucral bracts and the pappus-like structures indicate a close morphological relationship with Asteraceae. Raiguenrayun cura and the associated pollen Mutisiapollis telleriae do not match exactly any living member of the family, and clearly represent extinct taxa. They share a mosaic of morphological features today recognized in taxa phylogenetically close to the root of Asteraceae, such as Stifftieae, Wunderlichioideae and Gochnatieae (Mutisioideae sensu lato) and Dicomeae and Oldenburgieae (Carduoideae), today endemic to or mainly distributed in South America and Africa, respectively.


This is the first fossil genus of Asteraceae based on an outstandingly preserved capitulescence that might represent the ancestor of Mutisioideae–Carduoideae. It might have evolved in southern South America some time during the early Palaeogene and subsequently entered Africa, before the biogeographical isolation of these continents became much more pronounced. The new fossil represents the first reliable point for calibration, favouring an earlier date to the split between Barnadesioideae and the rest of Asteraceae than previously thought, which can be traced back at least 47·5 million years. This is the oldest well dated member of Asteraceae and perhaps the earliest indirect evidence for bird pollination in the family.  相似文献   

Polyxylic columnar stems covered by persistent leaf bases and found in sediments assignable to the Upper Cretaceous of Bajo de Santa Rosa, Río Negro Province, Argentina, are described as two new generic entities in the Cycadales. Anatomical characters are the basis for their being assigned to the Encephalartoideae of the Zamiaceae.Brunoa santarrosensis gen. et sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of polyxyly, cone domes, mucilage cavities, and uniseriate to triseriate araucaroid, scalariform, or bordered intervascular pitting.Worsdellia bonettiae gen. et sp. nov. has polyxyly, anastomosing medullary vascular bundles, centripetal xylem, mucilage canals, and concentric extraxylary bundles. Some characters (polyxyly, medullary vascular bundles, and cone domes) were used to determine the systematic position, while other characters (mucilage reservoirs and centripetal xylem) were used to establish the relationship between polyxylic and monoxylic forms.  相似文献   

The ichnological record provides valuable information on the lifestyle, behaviour, and other palaeobiological and palaeoecological aspects of the biota. Here, we describe an interesting case of bioerosion trace fossils in bones of Buitreraptor gonzalezorum Makovicky, Apesteguía and Agnolín, 2005, a deinonychosaurian theropod from the fossiliferous locality of La Buitrera, Río Negro, Patagonia, Argentina. The trace fossils are morphologically diverse and preserved in a great percentage of the skeleton, including the jaw, vertebrae and limbs. Four main groups of trace fossils have been informally named as Parallel-Edge Furrows, Overlapped Grooves, Punctures and Lined. Parallel-Edge Furrows are in turn subdivided into four subgroups: isolated furrows, parallel pairs, opposed pairs and a combination of parallel and opposed pairs. The bioerosion trace fossils were probably generated by scavenging activities, and the semi-articulated preservation of the skeleton and the small size of each individual trace indicate small-sized tracemakers. Mammals are the main candidates although some traces may have been generated by crocodyliforms and insects such as dermestids and termites. This evidence provides additional information about palaeoenvironmental conditions, taphonomic processes, taxonomic diversity and ecological relationships that characterised this part of northern Patagonia at Early Cretaceous times.  相似文献   

Grindelia coronensis, a new species from the Meseta del Somuncura, Prov. Río Negro, Argentina, is described and illustrated. It is similar toG. chiloensis (Cornel.) Cabrera but it is readily distinguished by its leaves which are conspicuosly differentiated into a obovate blade and a long petiole.  相似文献   

Fungal spores are normal components of external environments. They have been reported to be associated with human, animal and plant diseases causing primary and opportunistic infections. Cladosporium is commonly the most frequently isolated genus from air samples, and its species are considered mainly saprophytic, but there is a wide variety of taxa that can cause adverse effects on human and animal health and also on plants. In this work, we aimed to record Cladosporium spores frequency of isolation in northern Argentinean Patagonia and to perform a molecular characterization based on actin gene complemented with EF1α and ITS genes. The ability of the pathogens to cause disease in pip fruits of Packham’s Triumph and Abate Fetel pears and red delicious apples was determined. Results confirmed Cladosporium spores as the main genera isolated from air samples, and the molecular characterization revealed the existence of 11 species in this region grouped in C. cladosporioides and C. herbarum complexes. Pathogenicity tests revealed that Cladosporium sp. cause disease on fruit. Abate Fetel was the most susceptible to infection. These results compose the first study in Argentina in respect of identification at species level of airborne Cladosporium spores, and furthermore, it is the first report in northern Patagonia and the high valley of Río Negro productive region. This knowledge can help farmers to take preventive measures in order to avoid biological damage.  相似文献   

Geological explorations of the basal beds of the Río Yuca Formation (Tucupido region, Portuguesa State, western Venezuela) resulted in the recognition of a new vertebrate assemblage that includes eight taxa: the toxodont cf. Adinotherium, a Peltephilidae armadillo, the freshwaters fishes Platysilurus and Phractocephalus, the caiman Purussaurus, an indeterminate dolphin, turtles, and the previously recognized sloth Pseudoprepotherium venezuelanum. When compared with the higher latitudes faunas of Argentina and Chile, the presence of cf. Adinotherium and peltephilids in the Rio Yuca Formation is consistent, but not conclusive, with a Santacrucian to Frisian SALMA age. The associated fauna, as well recent apatite fission track analysis, indicates that the Río Yuca assemblage is more likely younger in age, specifically Middle to Late Miocene. So far, the Miocene localities of the northern part of South America have provided a less prolific fossil record compared to the southern part of the continent (e.g., Santacrucian and Friasian faunas of Patagonia), but the present work documents the surprising occurrence of two taxa (Peltephilidae and Nesodontinae) common in southern high latitude faunas of South America, implying the persistence of the Santacrucian-Friasian genus Adinotherium in younger strata from northern South America, and that peltephilids were much more widespread during the Miocene than previously recognized. The presence of these common Patagonian taxa (Peltephilidae and Nesodontinae) in Río Yuca also supports the hypothesis of prior researchers for the existence of biogeographical connections between the northern and southern portions of South America during the Late Oligocene or Early Miocene, which facilitated faunal interchange between the two regions. Finally, the biogeographical affinities of the freshwater fishes and the giant caiman (Purussaurus) indicate close relationships of the Tucupido region with the ancestral distribution of the Orinocoan–Amazonian drainage system.  相似文献   

The findings of new specimens of Latibasaliidae and Frengueliidae in Northwest and Patagonia Argentina are noteworthy for the knowledge of these little know families and the explanation of their systematic position. The new findings confirm the phylogenetic position of these families. The morphology of the discoidal cell in both fore and hind wings of Frenguelia corresponds to the most basal epiproctophoran damsel-dragonflies, implying a Triassic age for the particular lineage of this family. The absence of any fossil record between Triassic and Eocene could be related to a highly specialized biology for these animals, maybe related to mountain rainforests as for Epiophlebia, unique surviving damsel-dragonfly. Lastly, the middle Eocene Italian dragonfly family Bolcathemidae Gentilini 2002 is considered as a junior synonym of the Paleocene Argentinean family Palaeomacromiidae Petrulevicius et al. 1999 supporting faunistic contact between Europe and South America during the late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A survey of Cycadalean taxa of Argentina (including Antarctica) is presented. The record of leaves represented byNilssonia, Pseudoctenis, Ctenis, Mesodescolea, Ticoa, Almargemia,Kurtziana, andZamia genera are summarized. Recent investigations made of cuticles with transmission and scanning electron microscopy are included. In stems, a preliminary study of two forms found in the Upper Cretaceous of Rio Negro Province are incorporated intoMichelilloa, Bororoa, andMenucoa. The fossil record shows some characters of leaf morphology, presence of inverse xylem and medullary bundles, two kinds of leaf traces, and monoxylic and polyxylic steles of systematic importance when compared with both extant and fossil cycads. Affinities of fossil taxa related to extant families are suggested through analysis of the above-mentioned characters. The presence of medullary vascular rings related to the emission of terminal reproductive strobili are recognized inBororoa andMenucoa. This character associated with polyxyly makes it possible to assign these genera to the Zamiaceae-Encephalartoideae sensu Stevenson, widening the paleogeographical distribution of this subfamily.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Discocephalini, Acanthocephalonotum martinsnetoi gen. n. et sp. n. is described from Río Pichileufú, middle Eocene of Patagonia, Argentina at palaeolatitude ~ 46°S. The new species is the first fossil representative of the Discocephalinae. This taxon is extant in equatorial to subtropical America, and some species reach warm temperate latitudes (Buenos Aires province). The new genus is distinguished from the other genera of Discocephalini by the combination of these characters: interocular width greater than head length; head massive and quadrangular with the anterior margin almost straight; juga touching each other; labrum thick and curved; triangular ante-ocular process extending beyond the eye; broad spine-like antero-lateral process of the pronotum; pronotum explanate and bean shaped; scutellum triangular with a circular tongue reaching the anterior side of abdominal segment 7; and wings well developed with membrane just surpassing end of abdomen.  相似文献   

We report the first fossil pollen from South America of the lineage that includes the recently discovered, extremely rare Australian Wollemi Pine, Wollemia nobilis (Araucariaceae). The grains are from the late Paleocene to early middle Eocene Ligorio Márquez Formation of Santa Cruz, Patagonia, Argentina, and are assigned to Dilwynites, the fossil pollen type that closely resembles the pollen of modern Wollemia and some species of its Australasian sister genus, Agathis. Dilwynites was formerly known only from Australia, New Zealand, and East Antarctica. The Patagonian Dilwynites occurs with several taxa of Podocarpaceae and a diverse range of cryptogams and angiosperms, but not Nothofagus. The fossils greatly extend the known geographic range of Dilwynites and provide important new evidence for the Antarctic region as an early Paleogene portal for biotic interchange between Australasia and South America.  相似文献   

The significant mortality of the Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Pic. Serm. et Bizarri forests, locally known as “Mal del Ciprés”, has been reported since 1945 for most sites across its distribution in Argentina. However, the cause of this decline is still a topic of discussion. In this study, radial growth patterns from symptomatic and asymptomatic A. chilensis trees were analyzed to determine the influence of drought events on tree growth. Fifty pairs of symptomatic and asymptomatic trees with similar DBH, competition, and microsite conditions were cored at five pure A. chilensis stands near El Bolsón, Río Negro, Argentina. A reference chronology from nonaffected trees was used to cross-date all cores and to determine the relationship between A. chilensis radial growth and climate. The growth of A. chilensis is favored by above average precipitation in late spring–early summer (November and December). A strong relationship was also observed between radial growth patterns and the Palmer drought severity index, a measure of the regional water deficit. Significant differences in growth patterns were recorded between symptomatic and asymptomatic trees. Following extreme drought events, the growth of symptomatic trees is consistently lower than in asymptomatic trees. Based on the larger number of droughts recorded during the past decades and on future climatic predictions suggesting increasing trends in the frequency and intensity of drought events in northern Patagonia, a gradual increase in the number of trees affected by “Mal del Ciprés” along the twenty-first century is likely expected.  相似文献   

During the Miocene in South America, the family Anhingidae constitutes one of the most conspicuous faunal elements. However, the anhingid record from Patagonia is still sparse. The aim of the present contribution is to describe a new species of Macranhinga coming from Colloncuran levels (early middle Miocene) in Río Negro province, north-central Patagonia (Argentina). The new species is represented by an incomplete proximal end of a tarsometatarsus, distal end of a tibiotarsus, and distal end of a humerus. The phylogenetic relationships of the new species within Macranhinga remains unresolved. South American Neogene anhingids share a number of features that suggest they may belong to a monophyletic clade within this family. Anhingid records from the Miocene of Patagonia indicate that the diversity of this family was far more diverse (at least 4 different species) than currently understood, and was possible comparable to that shown by Miocene beds of Mesopotamian in Argentina and Acre in Brazil.

http://www.zoobang.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3FC228E8-4E2C-4DFD-AB91-79F32269CA98  相似文献   

Although mitochondrial DNA mapping of Varroa destructor revealed the presence of several haplotypes, only two of them (Korean and Japanese haplotypes) were capable to infest Apis mellifera populations. Even though the Korean haplotype is the only one that has been reported in Argentina, these conclusions were based on mites sampled in apiaries from a specific geographical place (Buenos Aires province). To study mites from several sites of Argentina could reveal the presence of the Japanese genotype, especially considering sites near to Brazil, where Japanese haplotype was already detected. The aim of this work was to study the genetic structure of V. destructor populations from apiaries located in various provinces of Argentina, in order to determine the presence of different haplotypes. The study was carried out between January 2006 and December 2009. Phoretic adult Varroa mites were collected from honey bee workers sampled from colonies of A. mellifera located in Entre Ríos, Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Río Negro, Santa Cruz and Neuquén provinces. Twenty female mites from each sampling site were used to carry out the genetic analysis. For DNA extraction a nondestructive method was used. DNA sequences were compared to Korean haplotype (AF106899) and Japanese haplotype (AF106897). All DNA sequences obtained from mite populations sampled in Argentina, share 98% of similitude with Korean Haplotype (AF106899). Taking into account these results, we are able to conclude that Korean haplotype is cosmopolite in Argentina.  相似文献   

In this contribution we document the southernmost and probably the oldest record of the tribe Neuryurini (Glyptodontidae). The southernmost record of this tribe outside of Patagonia is Neuryurus sp. from Lujanian sediments (Luján Formation, late Pleistocene–early Holocene) at Quequén Grande River (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). The first and only previous record of a specimen of the Neuryurini in Patagonia was reported from the upper levels of the Puerto Madryn Formation (Huayquerian SALMA, late Miocene), exposed in Península Valdés (Chubut Province, Argentina). The new specimen described here and assigned to an indeterminate Neuryurini was recovered at Estancia La Peninsular (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina). This locality has been recognized in geological studies as part of the Santa Cruz Formation (Santacrucian SALMA, late early Miocene), but there have been no fossils described from this site until now. Therefore, the new specimen represents, with the two confirmed records of Glyptodon Owen and Panochthus Burmeister (both from the Quaternary), the only non-Propalaehoplophorinae glyptodontids reported for Santa Cruz Province.  相似文献   

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