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以采自东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场的3种白腐真菌——木蹄层孔菌(Fomes fomentarius)、鲍姆鲍姆木层孔菌(Phellinus baumiibaumii)和火木层孔菌(Phellinus igniarius)为材料,用菌落直径测量法比较3种白腐菌在马铃署葡萄糖固体培养基上的生长速度,采用菌丝体干重法比较其在马铃署葡萄糖液体培养基中的生物量变化。结果显示:马铃薯葡萄糖固体培养基上3种白腐菌均为快速生长类型,其生长速度木蹄层孔菌火木层孔菌鲍姆鲍姆木层孔菌;马铃署葡萄糖液体培养基中生物量增长速度木蹄层孔菌鲍姆鲍姆木层孔菌火木层孔菌。用比色法测量其木质纤维素酶活性,结果显示:木蹄层孔菌产锰过氧化物酶和漆酶量较高,鲍姆鲍姆木层孔菌和火木层孔菌产木质素过氧化物酶量较高;木蹄层孔菌、鲍姆鲍姆木层孔菌和火木层孔菌3种白腐菌的3种主要木质素酶(锰过氧化物酶、漆酶和木质素过氧化物酶)的表达量,种间差异显著(F=3.75*、5.20**、3.01*),白桦木屑诱导处理与对照间差异显著(F=3.84*、4.19*、5.28*);两种主要纤维素酶(葡聚糖内切酶、葡聚糖外切酶)的表达量,种间差异不显著,受碳源影响作用显著(F=3.99*、4.04*)。筛选29对引物组合,对3种白腐菌几种主要木质纤维素酶基因进行TRAP-PCR分子标记检测,比较3菌种间遗传差异,扩增总条带数为357条,多态性条带数为255条,多态性条带的比例为71.43%,其中木质素降解酶基因总多态位点比率为73.77%,纤维素降解酶基因总多态位点比率为68.97%。3种白腐菌的木质纤维素降解酶基因在种间均存在较高的遗传差异。因此,特定基因的TRAP分子标记可以用于木腐菌的遗传变异分析。  相似文献   

Five different species of known ecto-mycorrhizal fungi: Cenococcum geophilum, Amanita muscaria, Tricholoma aurantium, Rhizopogon luteolus and Rhizopogon roseolus were studied for their ability to metabolize the major components of plant cell walls. All strains were able to decompose 14C-labelled plant lignin, 14C-lignocellulose and 14C-DHP-lignin at a rate which was lower than the one observed for the known white rot fungi Heterobasidion annosum and Sporotrichum pulverulentum. Also 14C-(U)-holocellulose was relatively less degradable for the mycorrhizal fungi than for the white rotters. On the other hand, aromatic monomers like 14C-vanillic acid were decomposed to a much higher extent by two species of mycorrhizal fungi compared to the activity observed for Heterobasidion annosum. The results of the experiments reveal that these stains of mycorrhizal fungi are well able to utilize the major components of plant material and thus can contribute to litter decomposition in the forest floor.  相似文献   

Yang W  Liu J  Wang W  Zhang Y  Gao P 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(23):1799-1802
Peptides (MW < 5 kDa) produced by 57 cellulolytic fungi can form free radicals. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and IR spectroscopy showed that the peptide produced by Trichoderma pseudokoningii can break the hydrogen bond network of cellulose. The synergic action of these peptides and cellulases increased production of reducing sugars during degradation of native cellulose.  相似文献   

厌氧真菌是自然界中降解植物纤维素类物质最高效的微生物之一.近年来,大量厌氧真菌和甲烷菌共培养菌株被分离.共培养中,甲烷菌通过对厌氧真菌代谢产物的利用显著提高厌氧真菌对木质纤维素的降解;厌氧真菌通过为甲烷菌提供能量和营养物质使甲烷菌快速生成大量甲烷.全面深入地了解共培养中两者的互作关系以及共培养降解木质纤维素产甲烷的特性...  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites are among the most successful herbivorous animals and improve crop productivity and soil fertility. A range of symbiotic organisms can be found inside their nests. However, interactions of termites with these symbionts are poorly understood. This review provides detailed information on the role of multipartite symbioses (between termitophiles, termites, fungi, and bacteria) in fungus-growing termites for lignocellulose degradation. The specific functions of each component in the symbiotic system are also discussed. Based on previous studies, we argue that the enzymatic contribution from the host, fungus, and bacteria greatly facilitates the decomposition of complex polysaccharide plant materials. The host–termitophile interaction protects the termite nest from natural enemies and maintains the stability of the microenvironment inside the colony.  相似文献   

The ability of ericoid and ectomycorrhizal fungi to utilize 14C-labelled lignin and O14CH3-labelled dehydropolymer of coniferyl alcohol as sole C sources has been assessed in pure culture studies. The results indicate that ericoid mycorrhizal fungi are more effective in degrading lignin than ectomycorrhizal fungi. Amongst the ectomycorrhizal fungi the facultative mycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus degraded lignin more readily than those which are normally considered to be obligately mycorrhizal fungi such as Suillus bovinus and Rhizopogon roseolus. The importance of these lignin degrading capabilities is discussed in relation to the predominance of specific mycorrhiza forms along a gradient of increasing organic matter and hence lignin content of soil.  相似文献   

[目的]长足大竹象Cyrtotrachelus buqueti消化道共生菌群参与了竹纤维素的降解.本研究旨在揭示长足大竹象幼虫消化道不同分段共生菌群异质性及木质纤维素的降解能力.[方法]通过对16S rRNA测序对长足大竹象幼虫消化道分段口器(YB)、前肠(YFG)、中肠(YMG)和后肠(YHG)进行菌群组成分析及功能...  相似文献   

白腐真菌对染料废水脱色及降解的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
染料废水是最难处理的工业废水之一,近年来许多学者就白腐真菌对染料废水的脱色进行了广泛的研究,系统介绍了白腐真菌对染料脱色和降解作用的研究进展,脱色机理及其影响因素,旨在为以后真菌对染料废水的脱色及降解提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Culture solutions of the ectomycorrhizal fungi Pisolithus tinctorius and Paxillus involutus are shown to reduce a high valency oxide of manganese at a range of pH values from 3.0 to 13.0. Manganese reduction in unmoculated culture media was confined to pH values below 5.0 and above 10.0. The results are consistent with the release of a reducing substance from the fungal mycelium.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, symbiotic mutualists of many dominant tree and shrub species, exhibit a biogeographic pattern counter to the established latitudinal diversity gradient of most macroflora and fauna. However, an evolutionary basis for this pattern has not been explicitly tested in a diverse lineage. In this study, we reconstructed a mega‐phylogeny of a cosmopolitan and hyperdiverse genus of ECM fungi, Russula, sampling from annotated collections and utilizing publically available sequences deposited in GenBank. Metadata from molecular operational taxonomic unit cluster sets were examined to infer the distribution and plant association of the genus. This allowed us to test for differences in patterns of diversification between tropical and extratropical taxa, as well as how their associations with different plant lineages may be a driver of diversification. Results show that Russula is most species‐rich at temperate latitudes and ancestral state reconstruction shows that the genus initially diversified in temperate areas. Migration into and out of the tropics characterizes the early evolution of the genus, and these transitions have been frequent since this time. We propose the ‘generalized diversification rate’ hypothesis to explain the reversed latitudinal diversity gradient pattern in Russula as we detect a higher net diversification rate in extratropical lineages. Patterns of diversification with plant associates support host switching and host expansion as driving diversification, with a higher diversification rate in lineages associated with Pinaceae and frequent transitions to association with angiosperms.  相似文献   

Deciduous forests may respond differently from coniferous forests to the anthropogenic deposition of nitrogen (N). Since fungi, especially ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi, are known to be negatively affected by N deposition, the effects of N deposition on the soil microbial community, total fungal biomass and mycelial growth of EM fungi were studied in oak-dominated deciduous forests along a nitrogen deposition gradient in southern Sweden. In-growth mesh bags were used to estimate the production of mycelia by EM fungi in 19 oak stands in the N deposition gradient, and the results were compared with nitrate leaching data obtained previously. Soil samples from 154 oak forest sites were analysed regarding the content of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs). Thirty PLFAs associated with microbes were analysed and the PLFA 18:2ω6,9 was used as an indicator to estimate the total fungal biomass. Higher N deposition (20 kg N ha−1 y−1 compared with 10 kg N ha−1 y−1) tended to reduce EM mycelial growth. The total soil fungal biomass was not affected by N deposition or soil pH, while the PLFA 16:1ω5, a biomarker for arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, was negatively affected by N deposition, but also positively correlated to soil pH. Other PLFAs positively affected by soil pH were, e.g., i14:0, a15:0, 16:1ω9, a17:0 and 18:1ω7, while some were negatively affected by pH, such as i15:0, 16:1ω7t, 10Me17:0 and cy19:0. In addition, N deposition had an effect on the PLFAs 16:1ω7c and 16:1ω9 (negatively) and cy19:0 (positively). The production of EM mycelia is probably more sensitive to N deposition than total fungal biomass according to the fungal biomarker PLFA 18:2ω6,9. Low amounts of EM mycelia covaried with increased nitrate leaching, suggesting that EM mycelia possibly play an important role in forest soil N retention at increased N input.  相似文献   

菌根真菌的碳氮循环功能研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
菌根(Mycorrhiza)是土壤真菌与植物根系形成的共生体(Symbiont),真菌一方面从植物获取碳水化合物,同时帮助植物吸收氮等矿质养分,因此,菌根真菌在生态系统的碳氮循环过程中发挥重要的作用.研究结果表明,菌根真菌可利用约4%-26%的植物净光合固定的碳水化合物,而其生物量和分泌物(如球囊霉素)具有重要的土壤碳汇功能;同时菌根真菌可参与土壤复杂有机质的降解过程.在菌根共生体系中,氮从根外菌丝到根内菌丝的传输经历了一个“无机-有机-无机”的转变过程.本文重点总结分析了菌根真菌在碳氮代谢功能与机理等方面的国内外最新研究进展,以及目前存在的主要问题与未来的研究重点.  相似文献   

Wang W  Gao P 《Biodegradation》2002,13(6):383-394
A special low-molecular-weight peptide named Gt factor, was isolated and purified from the extracellular culture of brown-rot fungi Gloeophyllum trabeum via gel filtration chromatography and HPLC. It has been shown to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy revealed Gt factor was able to drive H2O2 generation via a superoxide anion O2 .- intermediate and mediate the formation of hydroxyl radical HO. in the presence of O2. All the results indicated that Gt factor could oxidize the cellulose, disrupt the inter- and intrahydrogen bonds in cellulose chains by a HO. -involved mechanism. This resulted in depolymerization of the cellulose, which made it accessible for further enzymatic hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Identification of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi is often achieved through comparisons of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences with accessioned sequences deposited in public databases. A major problem encountered is that annotation of the sequences in these databases is not always complete or trustworthy. In order to overcome this deficiency, we report on UNITE, an open-access database. UNITE comprises well annotated fungal ITS sequences from well defined herbarium specimens that include full herbarium reference identification data, collector/source and ecological data. At present UNITE contains 758 ITS sequences from 455 species and 67 genera of ECM fungi. UNITE can be searched by taxon name, via sequence similarity using blastn, and via phylogenetic sequence identification using galaxie. Following implementation, galaxie performs a phylogenetic analysis of the query sequence after alignment either to pre-existing generic alignments, or to matches retrieved from a blast search on the UNITE data. It should be noted that the current version of UNITE is dedicated to the reliable identification of ECM fungi. The UNITE database is accessible through the URL http://unite.zbi.ee  相似文献   

Three filamentous fungi were examined for the ability to biotransform phenanthrene to oxidative (phase I) and conjugative (phase II) metabolites. Phenanthrene metabolites were purified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and identified by UV/visible absorption, mass, and1H NMR spectra.Aspergillus niger ATCC 6275,Syncephalastrum racemosum UT-70, andCunninghamella elegans ATCC 9245 initially transformed [9-14C]phenanthrene to produce metabolites at the 9,10-, 1,2-, and 3,4- positions. Subsequently, sulfate conjugates of phase I metabolites were formed byA. niger, S. racemosum, andC. elegans. Minor glucuronide conjugates of 9-phenanthrol and phenanthrenetrans-9,10-dihydrodiol were formed byS. racemosum andA. niger, respectively. In addition,C. elegans produced the glucose conjugates 1-phenanthryl -d-glucopyranoside and 2-hydroxy-1-phenanthryl -d-glucopyranoside, a novel metabolite. [9-14C]Phenanthrene metabolites were not detected in organic extracts from biotransformation experiments with the yeasts,Candida lipolytica 37-1,Candida tropicalis ATCC 32113, andCandida maltosa R-42.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida, isolated from decomposing plant materials, degraded several lignin-related aromatic compounds. After 30 days of incubation in media containing polymeric Kraft-lignin (PKL), the amount of Klason lignin had decreased by about 13%. When 14C-labelled dehydropolymers of coniferyl alcohol (DHP) lignins and 14C-lignin-lignocelluloses were used as substrates, mineralization to 14CO2 by the P. putida strain ranged from 1.4% to 2.1%.  相似文献   

Madagascar is known for its high diversity and endemism of fauna and flora. Fungi, however, have been largely overlooked in diversity and evolution studies on the island, and whether fungi exhibit the same patterns as animals and plants has yet to be further examined. We collected fungal sporocarps and ectomycorrhizal (EcM) roots during three opportunistic surveys in five forests in Madagascar and generated a dataset of fungal Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) DNA sequences. We analyzed them together with all publicly available fungal ITS DNA sequences and identified 620 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) from Madagascar, 10% of which contained only sequences from our surveys. Two hundred and ninety-two OTUs belonged to EcM species with /russula-lactarius, /boletus, /tomentella-telephora, /cortinarius, and /amanita being the most abundant EcM lineages. Overall, 60% of all fungi and 81% of the EcM species from Madagascar appear to be endemic. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis using all the OTUs in Amanitaceae, Boletaceae, and Russulaceae families to elucidate their relative timing of arrival in Madagascar. We found that most EcM species from Madagascar in the three families diverged less than 22 million years ago (mya), long after the separation of India and Madagascar (88 mya), which is consistent with a dispersal mediated process of arrival to the island. Our study provides the first comprehensive view of the overall DNA-based fungal diversity in Madagascar and the current state of knowledge of EcM fungi based on DNA sequences, useful for further ecological and evolutionary studies. Abstract in Malagasy is available with online material.  相似文献   

Assessing mycorrhizal fungi production in field settings has been hindered by the inability to measure external mycelia. Recently, external mycelia production was measured in the field using a novel in-growth core technique with acid-washed sand as the in-growth matrix. Here, we tested the assumption that external mycelia production in acid-washed sand is representative of that in native soil. External mycelia production was estimated as the difference in fungal growth between closed (allowing only saprotrophic fungal production) and open (allowing mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungal production) cores using a factorial design of soil matrices (acid-washed sand vs native) and fertilization treatments (control vs nitrogen (N)) in a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) plantation. In native soils, the ectomycorrhizal to saprotrophic fungal biomass signal was strong and consistent facilitating the assessment of external mycelia production, which was 300% higher than corresponding rates in acid-washed sand and inversely correlated with soil N. These results demonstrate the efficacy and importance of using native soil as the in-growth matrix to measure ectomycorrhizal fungi external mycelia production in field settings.  相似文献   

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