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The Mbuti pygmies, hunter-gatherers of the Ituri Forest of Zaire, trade forest products and labor for agricultural foods. It has been assumed that the Mbuti lived independently in the equatorial forest prior to its penetration by shifting cultivators. We assessed forest food resources (plant and animal) to determine their adequacy to support a hunting and gathering economy. For five months of the year, essentially none of the calorically important forest fruits and seeds are available. Honey is not abundant during this season of scarcity. Wild game meat is available year round, but the main animals caught have low fat content. This makes them a poor substitute for starch-dense agricultural foods, now staples in Mbuti diet. In general, in the closed evergreen forest zone, edible wild plant species are more abundant in agriculturally derived secondary forest than in primary forest. Similarly, they are more common at the savanna ecotone and in gallery forests. We suggest that it is unlikely that hunter-gatherers would have lived independently in the forest interior with its precarious resource base, when many of the food species they exploit are more abundant toward the savanna border.  相似文献   

This article describes the recent transition from subsistence to market hunting of some net-hunting Mbuti, a nomadic society of the Ituri Forest of Zaire. The history of this development dates to the late 1950s, as the Mbuti began to have increasing contact with commercial meat traders, called bachuuzi, from outside markets. Before this, the Mbuti had a long history of contact with local swidden agriculturalists, called bakbala, a relationship that continues today. It is sanctioned by religious beliefs, but material exchanges are also important. The Mbuti provide bakbala with meat and other forest resources and receive in return iron implements, tobacco, and cultivated food. The Mbuti view such items now as necessities; however, this does not allow the bakbala to subjugate or control them. Most exchanges take place in the bakbala's village at the Mbuti's discretion, and exchange rates are not fixed. Finally it appears that such trade does not undermine the resource base of either group. The Mbuti's commercial exchanges contrast with this subsistence-oriented system. Unlike the bakbala, the bachuuzi traders establish themselves in the Mbuti's forest camps, where they can promote intensified net hunting and monopolize trade of meat. The Mbuti tolerate the alien traders in camp because they are often a convenient source of food and other desired material goods; however, they do not share the traders' commercial motives. The Mbuti freely manipulate credit to their own advantage and they are often able to evade the traders' efforts at economic control. The future of market hunting is uncertain. Mbuti material needs are changing and the antelope fauna (Cephalophinae) upon which commercial trade depends is being reduced in some areas.A fellowship from the Thomas J. Watson Foundation provided financial support for this research. I am also thankful to Citoyen Bokanga Ekanga Botombele, Commissaire d'Etat du Zaire for his interest in my work and support in obtaining necessary visas, and to Père Thyert of the Catholic Mission of Biambwe for his generous hospitality. Terese Butler Hart, Colin Turnbull, Paul Riesman, Randall Packard, Paul Wholt, and Stuart Marks criticized drafts of this paper. Finally, I am most grateful to the Mbuti with whom I lived for so generously sharing their daily life with me.  相似文献   

To date, no wholly satisfactory explanation has been proposed for the division of the Mbuti Pygmies into two types of hunting economies: net hunters to the southwest and archers to the northeast. Examination of the literature suggests that this economic subdivision may rest on differences in seasonality and overall patterns of wild food availability between the southwestern and northeastern sectors of the Ituri Forest. The southwestern sector is described as consisting of almost pure stands of the leguminous tree species, Gilbertiodendron dewevrei, growing on white sand soils. This area appears to be floristically (and probably faunistically) less diverse than the north-eastern area. Perhaps in response to relatively low availability of human food, Pygmy bands in the southwest have turned to net hunting and a subsistence economy resting on the meat trade in order to secure a dependable, high-quality source of dietary energy on a year-round basis. Conversely, in the less seasonal and apparently more diverse and dietarily productive north-east, Pygmy bands may face less variation in food availability and therefore be under less pressure to alter their traditional hunting and gathering lifestyle.  相似文献   

BaMbuti of the Ituri Forest, Zaire, employ two primary hunting techniques: net hunting, in which women routinely participate, and bow hunting, in which women rarely participate. We hypothesize that the value of women's labor devoted to different subsistence activities, combined with the exchange value of meat, will determine whether women participate in hunts. Field observations were conducted in four different areas: two exploited by archers and two by net hunters. Results indicate that women in nethunting areas earn more calories per unit time by hunting than by working in agriculturalists' gardens; whereas women in archer areas earn more calories by working for agriculturalists than by hunting. We found no significant difference in the composition or diversity of the forests exploited by net hunters and archers. The results are discussed in light of the longstanding debate concerning the factors that account for distribution of net hunting and archery in the Ituri Forest.  相似文献   

In January 2003, in the midst of civil war, Mbuti pygmies from Mambasa, Ituri, informed human rights organizations and the media that relatives had been killed, cooked, and eaten by soldiers of the Mouvement pour la Libération du Congo (MLC). Nearly two years later, spectacularly, the accusers withdrew their testimonies. This article tries to make sense of the allegation and subsequent retraction by reviewing how the Congolese print media covered the story. Against the backdrop of turbulent politics and moral crisis, it is argued that 'Cannibalism in Mambasa' needs to be understood first and foremost as a politically driven metaphor of extreme violence and suffering, even though acts of cannibalism cannot be ruled out.  


En janvier 2003, en pleine guerre civile dans l'Ituri, des Pygmées Mbuti de Mambasa informèrent les organisations humanitaires et les médias que des membres de leur tribu avaient été tués, cuits et dévorés par les soldats du Mouvement pour la Libération du Congo (MLC). Deux ans plus tard, les accusateurs se rétractaient spectaculairement. Le présent article tente de donner un sens à ces accusations puis aux rétractations, à travers la couverture de cette affaire par la presse congolaise. L'auteur affirme que dans ce contexte de grave crise politique et morale, le « cannibalisme à Mambasa >> doit être d'abord, et avant tout, compris comme une métaphore politique de violence et de souffrance extrêmes, bien que l'on ne puisse pas exclure la possibilité que des actes de cannibalisme aient bien été commis.  相似文献   

Since 1980, as part of the Ituri Project, researchers have been studying numerous aspects of the biology, health, economy, and social relations of Efe (Pygmies) and Lese villagers living in the Ituri Forest region of north-eastern Zaire. The Efe are seminomadic people who hunt and gather forest resources for their own consumption and for exchange with sedentary subsistence farmers. The Lese are Sudanic-speaking subsistence farmers who practice shifting slash-and-burn horticulture and live in semipermanent villages. Relations between the Efe and Lese have been close for many generations and extend beyond economic exchange to include most aspects of ritual and social life. This paper serves as an introduction to five subsequent papers that report findings from research on these two forest-living populations. It provides background information concerning the ecology and history of human occupation of the Ituri region of central Africa; it describes the study area and the study populations; it discusses how the annual subsistence cycles of the Efe and Lese relate to rainfall and food availability; and it provides further information concerning Ituri Project research during the last 7 years.  相似文献   

Using oral histories, archival materials, and observations of present behavior, a largely hypothetical historical reconstruction of the natural resource exploitation and subsistence practices of Lese farmers and Efe foragers in the Ituri Forest of northeastern Zaïre is presented. Distinct epochs associated with the advent of forest agriculture, Belgian colonization, and post-independence economic collapse have resulted in changes in local population density, the range of forest resources exploited, and the spatial distribution and intensity of resource use. Broadly speaking, there has been a historical trend toward sedentism, spatial clumping of settlements, localization of resource exploitation, reduced importance of forest carbohydrates in the diet, and an increased reliance on agricultural products. Over time the Efe and Lese exchange system has changed, in relation to the items traded and the relative dependence of each partner on the exchange relationship. Involvement in this alliance has had a considerable impact on Efe settlement pattern, diet, and probably fecundity. It ultimately placed the Lese in a position of power over the Efe, and provided the farmers with means to enter a transient monetary economy. By providing a retrospective on Efe and Lese subsistence, we hope to demonstrate that to decipher the relative benefits and constraints of this contemporary exchange relationship, we must understand their historical etiology.  相似文献   

30 Ituri women (Zaire) -- 14 Efe and 16 Balese -- were targeted as subjects in this study designed to verify that, under field conditions, the salivary steroid method can reliably discern follicular and luteal levels of progesterone in normal menstrual cycles and to examine the hypothesis that infertility among these women is due to tubal factors. Findings of normal ovulatory function in fertile women would support the hypothesis; findings of abnormal gonadal function might either indicate a chronic endocrine imbalance or the short-term effects of nutritional and other stressors. All potential subjects ranged in age between 20-35 years, were involved in stable conjugal unions, had no nursing children, and reported either no births or none within the last 6 years. 25 women completed the study. The Boston field control subjects consisted of 18 volunteers ranging in age between 18-43 years. All reported a history of regular menstrual cycles and were nither using oral steroid contraceptives nor engaged in a regular exercise program. The African women had significantly lower luteal progesterone levels than did the Boston controls. Additionally, a significantly higher proportion of the African women failed to demonstrate clear luteal activity, suggesting that a higher rate of anovulation contributed to the low average luteal progesterone levels. The composite-cross-sectional profile for the Ituri Forest women suggests that the average luteal phase for this group was shorter than for the Boston controls. Further investigations need to determine whether gonadal dysfunction such as observed in this study is a regular feature of the reproductive physiology of women in the Ituri Forest, or whether it emerges only in periods of food shortage and significant weight loss. Gonorrhea may be the major cause of infertility in the Ituri region, but it is likely that other factors directly affecting gonadal function contributed to the observed pattern of low fertility. Clearly, the study illustrates the potential usefulness of salivary steroid assays.  相似文献   

In this paper I compare two origin myths, one from the Abelam speaking area of the Sepik region, Papua New Guinea, the other, the allegory of Plato's Cave found in The Republic. I explore the effects which each of these different conceptions of iconography and aesthetics has on the other when they intersect. I argue that fieldwork itself can be looked at as a hybrid form in the sense that it brings into juxtaposition different systems of thought and contrasting cultural tropes. At the moment of intersection a new cultural form, a hybrid, is produced in that someone may ask a question which has never been asked before and respondents may think about something they have never consciously thought about before. I attempt to imaginatively reconstruct one such moment when Anthony Forge questioned Abelam painters in the Sepik region of Papua New Guinea about their iconographic system. By comparing the two origin myths we can better comprehend why Forge received particular and, from his viewpoint, problematic answers to questions about the meaning of particular painting designs. The comparison reveals that the myths are inversions of one another and imply radically differing conceptions of space and iconography. The paper ends by demonstrating that Abelam painters in their turn have questions about systems of representation different from their own. This can be seen in their interrogation of the author about the labels on perfume bottles and their response to an art gallery in Sydney, Australia, which they visited with the author.  相似文献   

This structural analysis of the Epulu Mbuti (Zaire) offers an "ideationalist" alternative to more radically "empiricist" or "materialist" studies of hunter-gatherers. Spatial, kinship, affinal, and ritual metaphors of the "Forest" (ndura) involve homologous representations of family, sub-band, band, and total Forest collectivities. Peculiarly Mbuti "anomalies" (e.g., reputed absence of kinship, patriliny, and sub-band groups; elima ritual; age and gender equality) become intelligible in terms of resolving the core contradiction of the system: endogamy versus exogamy.  相似文献   

This study utilizes newly developed direct DNA typing methods for human leukocyte antigens (HLA) to provide new information about the peopling of New Guinea. The complete polymorphism of eight Melanesian populations was examined. The groups included were highlanders, northern and southern highlands fringe populations, a Sepik population, northern and southern coastal New Guinea populations, and populations from the Bismarck Archipelago and New Caledonia. The study concluded that, based on HLA and other evidence. Melanesians are likely to have evolved largely from the same ancestral stock as Aboriginal Australians but to have since differentiated. Highlanders are likely to be descendants of earlier migrations who have been isolated for a long period of time. Northern highlands fringe and Sepik populations are likely to share a closer common ancestry but to have differentiated due to long term isolation and the relative proximity to the coast of the Sepik. Southern fringe populations are likely to have a different origin, possibly from the Gulf region, although there may be some admixture with neighboring groups. Coastal populations have a wider range of polymorphisms because of the genetic trail left by later population movement along the coast from Asia that did not reach Australia or remote Oceania. Other polymorphisms found in these populations may have been introduced by the movement of Austronesian-speaking and other more recent groups of people into the Pacific, because they share many polymorphisms with contemporary southeast Asians, Polynesians, and Micronesians that are not found in highlanders or Aboriginal Australians. There is evidence suggestive of later migration to Melanesia from Polynesia and Micronesia.  相似文献   

Pygmy hunter-gatherers from Central Africa have shared a network of socioeconomic interactions with non-Pygmy Bantu speakers since agropastoral lifestyle spread across sub-Saharan Africa. Ethnographic studies have reported that their diets differ in consumption of both animal proteins and starch grains. Hunted meat and gathered plant foods, especially underground storage organs (USOs), are dietary staples for pygmies. However, scarce information exists about forager–farmer interaction and the agricultural products used by pygmies. Since the effects of dietary preferences on teeth in modern and past pygmies remain unknown, we explored dietary history through quantitative analysis of buccal microwear on cheek teeth in well-documented Baka pygmies. We then determined if microwear patterns differ among other Pygmy groups (Aka, Mbuti, and Babongo) and between Bantu-speaking farmer and pastoralist populations from past centuries. The buccal dental microwear patterns of Pygmy hunter-gatherers and non-Pygmy Bantu pastoralists show lower scratch densities, indicative of diets more intensively based on nonabrasive foodstuffs, compared with Bantu farmers, who consume larger amounts of grit from stoneground foods. The Baka pygmies showed microwear patterns similar to those of ancient Aka and Mbuti, suggesting that the mechanical properties of their preferred diets have not significantly changed through time. In contrast, Babongo pygmies showed scratch densities and lengths similar to those of the farmers, consistent with sociocultural contacts and genetic factors. Our findings support that buccal microwear patterns predict dietary habits independent of ecological conditions and reflect the abrasive properties of preferred or fallback foods such as USOs, which may have contributed to the dietary specializations of ancient human populations.  相似文献   

This paper compares two contemporary aesthetic expressions: tourist art from the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea and the New Guinea Sculpture Garden at Stanford University. Both aesthetic expressions undermine the conventional categories that classify art. Sepik River tourist art is motivated not by the drive to lend individual, subjective experience a material expression but by monetary desire. The New Guinea Sculpture Garden was expressly created so that Sepik artisans could expand beyond the confines of village traditions and create unfettered aesthetic expressions. But seemingly inauthentic Tourist Art actually represents many of the ideals normally ascribed to Western masterpieces, or High Art. Conversely, the High Art of the Sculpture Garden in many respects resembles inauthentic reproductions and the tenacity of traditional forms. Both tourist art and the sculpture Garden, however, have one key quality in common: they rupture conventional artistic cattegories.  相似文献   

The fisheries of floodplain river systems in Africa, South America and Asia are similar and their yields can be estimated from various morphological, edaphic and other parameters. There is a close similarity in the ichthyofauna of these regions enabling comparisons between systems to be made. The native fauna of New Guinea (Australasia) is devoid of the primary freshwater fishes that compose the majority of the catch from other regions. Various estimates suggest that the present yield of the Sepik River fishery is about 3000–5000 t year−1 This is approximately 10% of the yield of 30 000–45 000 t year−1 predicted by comparison with African rivers. Much of the present catch is introduced tilapia. Considering the native fish species alone, the present yield is only about 5–7% of that predicted. Fishing effort in the Sepik may be low by comparison with African rivers but the faunal difference is probably the main factor involved. This low yield still represents one of the largest and most important fisheries in the country. Such yeild estimates, even if only rough approximations, are vital for planning and management decisions.  相似文献   

Bingham and Souza 1 have presented an evolutionary theory that specifies a causal relationship between the advent of powerful projectile weapons such as the bow and radical rearrangements in social relations and histories. They propose that the acquisition of weapons that permitted humans to kill at ever‐increasing distances provided the coercive means to suppress conflicts of interest among nonkin, self‐interested individuals in social groups, thus paving the way for greater social complexity. An unprecedented reduction in projectile point size identifies the arrival of the bow ca. A.D. 300 in the Eastern Woodlands of North America, which initiated a causal chain of cultural changes. In the Midwest, the bow, combined with food production, precipitated the decline of Hopewell by conferring household autonomy and dispersal, which at first suppressed social complexity, but later created conditions favorable to maize intensification. In the lower Southeast, where food production was unimportant, populations aggregated at concentrated wild‐food sources, and the bow did not confer household autonomy. The relationship between the bow and social complexity varied under different environmental, social, and historical conditions.  相似文献   

Human biogeography: evidence of our place in nature   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Focusing on human biogeography as a research endeavour may make sense to biogeographers, but in the academic world generally this particular scholarly niche has long been filled by other rival disciplines such as sociology, human ecology, geography, anthropology and archaeology. It may be true that having so many ways of looking at ourselves as a species is a good thing, but it can also be argued that this academic fragmentation of effort has often nurtured the commonplace view that we as a species are 'above' or 'not part of' what plain folks call the 'natural world'. Here I review the historical and basic intellectual ingredients of what might be (but often isn't) called human biogeography. I offer a case study drawn from my research work on the Sepik coast of Papua New Guinea. This research illustrates how adopting an explicitly biogeographical approach to human diversity can lead to unexpected insights into the character and history of human settlement in this part of the world. One benefit of having a field with this explicit orientation might be that the conservation of biodiversity would make more sense to more people.  相似文献   

This paper reports selected results of a quantitative study of the affective behavior of the Efe, exchange-dependent hunter-gatherers of the Ituri forest in northeastern Zaire. Measures of the amount and kind of affective display were based on systematic, direct observation of the routine behavior of three Efe bands in residential settings (camps), using a new technique to characterize affect-laden behavior according to nonlinguistic information conveyed in the voice. Resulting data provide a direct measure of the affective milieu of a foraging people, providing an objective indicator of the subjective impact of social and ecological conditions, which are thought to affect quality of life. In this paper, measures of "camp mood" are used to explore the psychosocial impact of a 3-month period of acute food shortage that occurred in the Ituri Project study area in 1983. Contrary to expectation, rates of behaviors conveying pleasure did not exhibit significant change, whereas a 44% increase in expressions of displeasure and a 17% drop in use of complaint tones were observed during the period of hunger. This and other findings support the view that systematic, direct observation in natural habitats can increase our understanding, both of the functions of affective behavior, and of the affective dimension of quality of life.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms at di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide microsatellite loci have been analyzed in 14 worldwide populations. A statistical index of population expansion, denoted S(k), is introduced to detect historical changes in population size using the variation at the microsatellites. The index takes the value 0 at equilibrium with constant population size and is positive or negative according to whether the population is expanding or contracting, respectively. The use of S(k) requires estimation of properties of the mutation distribution for which we use both family data of Dib et al. for dinucleotide loci and our population data on tri- and tetranucleotide loci. Statistical estimates of the expansion index, as well as their confidence intervals from bootstrap resampling, are provided. In addition, a dynamical analysis of S(k) is presented under various assumptions on population growth or decline. The studied populations are classified as having high, intermediate, or low values of S(k) and genetic variation, and we use these to interpret the data in terms of possible population dynamics. Observed values of S(k) for samples of di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide data are compatible with population expansion earlier than 60,000 years ago in Africa, Asia, and Europe if the initial population size before the expansion was on the order of 500. Larger initial population sizes force the lower bound for the time since expansion to be much earlier. We find it unlikely that bottlenecks occurred in Central African, East Asian, or European populations, and the estimated expansion times are rather similar for all of these populations. This analysis presented here suggests that modern human populations departed from Africa long before they began to expand in size. Subsequently, the major groups (the African, East Asian, and European groups) started to grow at approximately same time. Populations of South America and Oceania show almost no growth. The Mbuti population from Zaire appears to have experienced a bottleneck during its expansion.  相似文献   


This article examines contemporary Papua New Guinean architecture created in the oscillation between Melanesian culture and Western impact. Some of the country's indigenous buildings are truly remarkable, especially the prestigious structures known as “Haus Tambaran” in the Sepik River area which have lent inspiration to many outstanding samples of contemporary Papua New Guinean design. We have studied both the indigenous and contemporary architecture of the Sepik region in the field and in additional research in collaboration with the late Professor Wallace Ruff and are comparing and contrasting contemporary architectural design with indigenous buildings. Here, we focus on a church at Ambunti, East Sepik Province. There is no electricity available on the site to facilitate climate control. Moreover, this contemporary building serves Western political, social, religious and educational functions. At the same time, the church incorporates aspects of the country's architectural heritage, including aesthetics as well as site-design and design with climate. Our comparison contrasts the modern building's functions, aesthetics, and design solutions with the area's indigenous local equivalent, the Haus Tambaran, and reveals elements borrowed, left aside, or altered in the process of adaptation. Issues discussed here include historic precedent, aesthetics, ownership, gender, and other social issues, as well as design and construction. Formal aspects, their meanings and functions, as well as environmental considerations and design solutions are borrowed, translated, or transformed, recalling but also differing from “Green Architecture,” to serve contemporary Western needs.  相似文献   

Recently, specimens belonging to the genus ‘Haplochromis’ have been found in the Ituri River (Congo basin). They clearly do not belong to any of the species known from the Congo basin, but strongly resemble ‘H’. aeneocolor from the Lake Edward/George system. We examined whether this population represents a new species or is conspecific with ‘H’. aeneocolor. A morphological comparative study was executed based on 11 counts and 23 measurements on 64 specimens. The results revealed the Ituri specimens to differ from the types of ‘H’. aeneocolor in snout length, premaxillary pedicel length and eye diameter. Since these few differences are correlated, and head morphology is known to be subject to adaptive responses in haplochromine cichlids, they were considered the result of morphological adaptation to a riverine habitat rather than an indication of heterospecificity. Probably, ‘H’. aeneocolor has accidentally been introduced into the Ituri region together with tilapias used in aquaculture, and has subsequently established a stable population in a riverine environment. As fish introductions can have a severe impact on aquatic ecosystems, improving our knowledge as well as a good management of aquacultural activities is essential.  相似文献   

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