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《The Journal of cell biology》1995,131(6):1839-1847
The elevation of tyrosine phosphorylation level is thought to induce the dysfunction of cadherin through the tyrosine phosphorylation of beta catenin. We evaluated this assumption using two cell lines. First, using temperature-sensitive v-src-transfected MDCK cells, we analyzed the modulation of cadherin-based cell adhesion by tyrosine phosphorylation. Cell aggregation and dissociation assays at nonpermissive and permissive temperatures indicated that elevation of the tyrosine phosphorylation does not totally affect the cell adhesion ability of cadherin but shifts it from a strong to a weak state. The tyrosine phosphorylation levels of beta catenin, ZO-1, ERM (ezrin/radixin/moesin), but not alpha catenin, vinculin, and alpha- actinin, were elevated in the weak state. To evaluate the involvement of the tyrosine phosphorylation of beta catenin in this shift of cadherin-based cell adhesion, we introduced v-src kinase into L fibroblasts expressing the cadherin-alpha catenin fusion protein, in which beta catenin is not involved in cell adhesion. The introduction of v-src kinase in these cells shifted their adhesion from a strong to a weak state. These findings indicated that the tyrosine phosphorylation of beta catenin is not required for the strong-to-weak state shift of cadherin-based cell adhesion, but that the tyrosine phosphorylation of other junctional proteins, ERM, ZO-1 or unidentified proteins is involved.  相似文献   

The chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 belong to the family of seven transmembrane-spanning G protein-coupled receptors, which have diverse functions in host cell defense and are associated with numerous diseases. CCR5 and CXCR4 are known as co-receptors for entry of HIV-1. In this study the intracellular carboxy-terminus of CCR5, which is deleted in HIV-infected long-term non-progressors, was shown to interact with the carboxy-terminus of alpha-catenin, a component of the cytoskeleton, in a yeast two-hybrid screen. This interaction was verified in mammalian cells. Furthermore, the interaction of alpha-catenin with CCR5 and CXCR4 at endogenous protein levels was demonstrated in PM1 T-lymphocytes, a host cell line of HIV-1. Our results suggest that alpha-catenin links CCR5 and CXCR4 to the cytoskeleton and is involved in the organization of these receptors at the membrane, thereby possibly affecting HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Broken chloroplasts activated by preillumination in the presence of dithiothreitol were supplied with phosphate and with a limited concentration of ADP. On re-illumination, ATP was formed until a steady state was attained. If after reaching the steady state light intensity was reduced to 20–50 W · m−2, net ATP hydrolysis took place, but after some time in weak light the level of ATP re-increased. Similarly, a drop of transmembrane ΔpH followed by a slow recovery was observed. Further data indicate that the reversible changes of ATP level and ΔpH are the result of partial uncoupling induced by ATP during the preceding strong light period and of restoration of coupling within a few minutes in weak light. Since similar changes of endogenous ATP level were found when intact chloroplasts were subjected to a strong-light/weak-light transition, it is proposed that ATP-induced partial uncoupling may play a role in regulation of photosynthetic energy conservation as a means to dissipate abundant transmembrane electrochemical energy and to permit flexibility of the stoichiometry of ATP-to-NADPH production.  相似文献   

A. Grębecki 《Protoplasma》1984,123(2):116-134
Summary The unbranched ectoplasmic cylinder of monotacticA. proteus is always retracted toward the cell-substrate attachment sites. The retraction velocity increases from the adhesion sites toward any free distal body end in a linear way, which indicates the uniform contractility of the whole cylinder. Therefore, in the cells frontally attached all the ectoplasm moves forward, and in those adhering by the tail the whole ectoplasmic tube moves backward producing the full fountain phenomenon. With cell attachment at the middle body regions, which is most typical for normal locomotion, the whole ectoplasm is centripetally retracted from both body poles toward the adhesion zone, producing then the tail retraction in the posterior and incomplete fountain in the anterior body part. In unattached amoebae the whole peripheral tube is retracted toward its geometrical centre which coincides with its posterior closed end, producing therefore also a full fountain. It is generalized that the fountain arises always between an unattached front and the nearest attachment point behind its manifestation zone. The photographic records of movement and longitudinal velocity profiles of ectoplasmic retraction are identical on both sides of the attachment points, suggesting the same mechanism for the fountain movement as for the tail withdrawal. It is concluded therefore that not the axial endoplasmic arm of the fountain is active, but its peripheral arm built of the ectoplasm.All elements complicating the cell contour, as the constriction rings and ephemeral lateral pseudopodia, do not change their position in respect to the ectoplasmic material, but move together with it in respect to the substrate, i.e., the cytoskeleton moves as a whole. Loose glass rods attached by adhesion to cell surface also precisely follow the cytoskeleton movements, being transported toward the main locomotory adhesion zone established on the firm substrate, although the cell membrane as such behaves differently. It suggests a direct connection between the adhesion sites and the cytoskeleton.Study supported by Research Project II. 1 of the Polish Academy of Science.I dedicate this paper to the memory of Reginald J. Goldacre, deceased in December 1983, who twenty years ago introduced me to the study of amoebae.  相似文献   

Precise cell fate decisions during differentiation of uterine tissues from the embryonic Müllerian duct are critical for normal fertility. Wnt-7a, a member of the Wnt family of secreted signaling molecules that can signal through a canonical beta-catenin pathway, is necessary for the correct differentiation of both anterior/posterior and radial axes of the uterus. In order to investigate the role of beta-catenin directly in mouse uterine development, we have generated mice that are deficient in beta-catenin expression in the embryonic Müllerian duct. We have found that conditional deletion of beta-catenin in the Müllerian duct mesenchyme before postnatal differentiation of the uterine layers results in a phenotype that is distinct from the phenotype observed by deletion of Wnt-7a. Shortly after birth, the uteri of the conditional mutants appear smaller and less organized. The uteri of adult conditional beta-catenin mutants are grossly deficient in smooth muscle of the myometrium, which has been replaced by adipose, a phenotype resembling human lipoleiomyoma. We also show that the adipocytes in the uteri of mice conditionally deleted for beta-catenin are derived from Müllerian inhibiting substance type II receptor-expressing cells suggesting that they share a common origin with the uterine smooth muscle cells. These results describe the first molecular evidence linking disruption of beta-catenin expression in mesenchymal cells with a switch from myogenesis to adipogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

During the repigmentation of vitiliginous skin, amelanotic melanocytes (AMMCs) migrate from the outer root sheath (ORS) of the hair follicles into depigmented skin. It has been shown that endothelin-1 (ET-1) is an important cytokine in the migration of epidermal melanocytes, produced by keratinocytes particularly after irradiation with ultraviolet B (UVB). To further examine the role of ET-1 on the migration of AMMCs, we investigated the effects of ET-1 to the adhesion and chemotaxis of human AMMCs combined with extracellular matrix proteins (ECMP) and observed the effects on the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton of AMMC by ET-1. Human AMMCs were treated with different concentrations of ET-1 (0.1-100 nM) to observe adhesion on culture dishes coated with fibronectin (FN), laminin (LN) and collagen IV (CIV). In addition, chemotaxis on FN, LN and CIV coated micropore filters, with various concentrations of ET-1 as attractants, was investigated using a Boyden chemotaxis chamber. Cellular microfilaments and microtubules were immunostained with Rhodamine labeled actin and FITC labeled beta-tubulin. The effects of ET-1 on cytoskeleton were observed with laser confocal microscopy. The study demonstrated that ET-1 increases human AMMCs adhesion on FN in a dose-dependent manner, but minor increases are found on the coated surface with LN and CIV. ET-1 also induces chemotaxis of AMMCs on CIV, LN and FN in a dose-dependent manner. The greatest effect was seen with CIV. Minor chemotactic effects were observed with non-coated surfaces. A concentration of >or=10nM ET-1 induced an apparent increase in stress fibers underneath the cell membrane, but no effects were found on tubulin. ET-1 has various effects on the adhesion and chemotaxis of AMMCs on various ECMP, which could be partly due to a modulation and reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are pluripotent, and can be directed to differentiate into different cell types for therapeutic applications. To expand hESCs, it is desirable to maintain hESC growth without differentiation. As hESC colonies grow, differentiated cells are often found at the periphery of the colonies, but the underlying mechanism is not well understood. Here, we utilized micropatterning techniques to pattern circular islands or strips of matrix proteins, and examined the spatial pattern of hESC renewal and differentiation. We found that micropatterned matrix restricted hESC differentiation at colony periphery but allowed hESC growth into multiple layers in the central region, which decreased hESC proliferation and induced hESC differentiation. In undifferentiated hESCs, β-catenin primarily localized at cell-cell junctions but not in the nucleus. The amount of β-catenin in differentiating hESCs at the periphery of colonies or in multiple layers decreased significantly at cell-cell junctions. Consistently, knocking down β-catenin decreased Oct-4 expression in hESCs. These results indicate that localized decrease of β-catenin contributes to the spatial pattern of differentiation in hESC colonies.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) act as chaperone, but also in protecting the different cytoskeletal components. Recent results suggest that αB-crystallin, a member of sHSPs family, might regulate actin filament dynamics, stabilize them in a phosphorylation dependent manner, and protect the integrity of intermediate filaments (IF) against extracellular stress. We demonstrate that vinblastin and cytochalasin D, which respectively disorganize microtubules and actin microfilaments, trigger the activation of the p38/MAPKAP2 kinase pathway and lead to the specific αB-crystallin phosphorylation at serine 59. Upstream of p38, we found that RhoK, PKC and PKA are selectively involved in the activation of p38 and phosphorylation of αB-crystallin, depending on the cytoskeletal network disorganized. Moreover, we demonstrate that chronic perturbations of IF network result in the same activation of p38 MAPK and αB-crystallin phosphorylation, as with severe disorganization of other cytoskeletal networks. Finally, we also show that Ser 59 phosphorylated αB-crystallin colocalizes with cytoskeletal components. Thus, disturbance of cytoskeleton leads by converging signaling pathways to the phosphorylation of αB-crystallin, which probably acts as a protective effector of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The long‐running debate about the role of selection in maintaining genetic variation has been given new impetus by the discovery of hundreds of seasonally oscillating polymorphisms in wild Drosophila, possibly stabilized by an alternating summer‐winter selection regime. Historically, there has been skepticism about the potential of temporal variation to balance polymorphism, because selection must be strong to have a meaningful stabilizing effect—unless dominance also varies over time (“reversal of dominance”). Here, we develop a simplified model of seasonally variable selection that simultaneously incorporates four different stabilizing mechanisms, including two genetic mechanisms (“cumulative overdominance” and reversal of dominance), as well as ecological “storage” (“protection from selection” and boom‐bust demography). We use our model to compare the stabilizing effects of these mechanisms. Although reversal of dominance has by far the greatest stabilizing effect, we argue that the three other mechanisms could also stabilize polymorphism under plausible conditions, particularly when all three are present. With many loci subject to diminishing returns epistasis, reversal of dominance stabilizes many alleles of small effect. This makes the combination of the other three mechanisms, which are incapable of stabilizing small effect alleles, a better candidate for stabilizing the detectable frequency oscillations of large effect alleles.  相似文献   

Binucleate Rhizoctonia (BNR) isolate (232-C6) is an effective biocontrol agent for protection of potato from Rhizoctonia canker, a disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Production of hydrolytic enzymes is one of the best known inducible defense responses following microbial infection. We isolated and characterized a cell wall alpha-glucan from BNR, which induces beta-1,3 glucanase activities in potato sprouts, the primary site of infection by R. solani. An autoclaving method, previously reported for isolation of oligosaccharide elicitors was used, and the glucan purified by chromatographic techniques. Maximal induction of beta-1,3 glucanase activity in potato sprouts was obtained with 250 microg of the alpha-glucan elicitor after 6 days from inoculation time. Both, BNR mycelium and the alpha-glucan produced a similar kinetic response of beta-1,3 glucanase. However, the alpha-glucan did not induce phytoalexin accumulation, previously correlated with the defense response. Uronic acids (approximately 10% with respect to total neutral sugars) were determined and identified as glucuronic acid by high-pH anion-exchange chromatography. Methylation analysis showed that the glucan consists of (1-->3) and (1-->4)-linked glucose units with preponderance of the first ones. Some of the (1-->4) linkages were branched at position 6. The glucan was partially degraded with amyloglucosidase. This, together with the NMR spectra data and the high optical rotation of the original (+195 degrees ) and degraded glucans (+175 degrees ) proved the alpha configuration. Further methylation of the amyloglucosidase degraded glucans indicated that they consist of (1-->3)-linked glucoses. The present study is the first report on the isolation and characterization of an alpha-glucan from Rhizoctonia, that may be important as a biocontrol factor.  相似文献   

The homing receptor L-selectin is essential for the migration of naive lymphocytes into peripheral lymph nodes. In contrast to naive lymphocytes, activated and memory cells down-regulate L-selectin and enter peripheral lymph nodes by an L-selectin-independent mechanism. In view of the concept that lymphomas present the malignant counterparts of normal lymphocytes at a defined stage of differentiation, it has been suggested that in contrast to lymphomas with a memory/activated cell phenotype, L-selectin is essential for dissemination of lymphomas that represent naive cells. 38C-13 is a murine B-cell lymphoma with an immature naive cell phenotype. 38C-13 cells express high levels of L-selectin and bind to lymph node high endothelial venules in an L-selectin-dependent manner. In this study we demonstrate that treatment of 38C-13 tumor-bearing mice with anti-L-selectin antibodies did not inhibit tumor dissemination to peripheral lymph nodes. Moreover, L-selectin-negative 38C-13 variant cells disseminated as efficiently as wild-type cells. Thus, in spite of its expression, L-selectin is not required and does not affect the metastatic potential of the tumor. L-selectin of the malignant cells and of normal lymphocytes appears to be functionally different. Thus, whereas antibody cross-linking of L-selectin resulted in down-modulation of the receptor in normal lymphocytes, cross-linking had no effect on L-selectin expression in 38C-13 cells, suggesting that, in spite of comparable levels of surface expression in normal and malignant cells, L-selectin may be functionally impaired in some malignant cells. Received: 9 November 2000 / Accepted: 11 January 2001  相似文献   

The activation of hepatic stellate cell (HSC) is a common pathway leading to hepatic fibrosis. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying HSC activation remain obscure. To elucidate the nature of the HSC activation, we investigated the expression of E-cadherin and its switch to N-cadherin during rat HSC activation, in vivo and in vitro. Immunohistochemical and immunocytochemical staining were performed to identify the expressions of E-cadherin, N-cadherin, and β-catenin in rat HSCs, in vivo and in vitro. Serial changes in the expressions of these adhesion molecules during the spontaneous activation of cultured rat HSCs were also demonstrated by RT-PCR and by immunoblotting. E-cadherin and β-catenin were expressed on opposing cell membranes of GFAP-positive rat HSCs and adjacent hepatocytes in vivo, and between desmin-positive rat HSCs in vitro. With the progression of rat HSC activation in tissue and in culture, E-cadherin disappeared gradually, whereas N-cadherin appeared at the cell periphery. The results of RT-PCR and immunoblotting were concordant with immunocytochemistry findings. In conclusion, resting rat HSCs express E-cadherin and β-catenin both in vivo and in vitro, and E-cadherin switches to N-cadherin during HSC activation. These results suggest that HSC activation represents transdifferentiation from an epithelial to a mesenchymal phenotype.  相似文献   

A new method for the assessment of endogenous formation of aldosterone in anephric patients is described. (1, 2-3H) aldosterone was administered i.v. to patients 1-2 days before hemodialysis, and then the specific activity (SA) of tetrahydroaldosterone glucosiduronate, the major aldosterone metabolite, was measured in the dialysate using a specific radioimmunoassay. The aldosterone secretion rate was determined from the extent of isotope dilution by endogenous metabolite. Aldosterone secretion rates measured in 10 patients were for the most part low. The secretion rate determined in blood from the aldosterone metabolic clearance rate and plasma aldosterone concentration closely approximate secretion rate values obtained by the isotope dilution method in 3 of 4 patients. In 2 patients in whom ACTH was administered chronically, radio-labeled aldosterone was administered at the start of the study and then the day to day aldosterone secretory response to ACTH was determined from the SA of tetrahydroaldosterone in blood. Aldosterone secretion continuously increased for as long as ACTH was administered.  相似文献   

Calcium ions block the open configuration and antagonise the tonic binding of TTX to the closed state of sodium channels in very different ranges of extracellular concentration, [Ca]O. We measured the open-state block in channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes by α-subunits from rat brain (rBIIa) or adult rat skeletal muscle (rSkM1). Recordings of instantaneous tail-currents from cell-attached macro patches show that the binding of Ca2+ to the blocking site has a dissociation constant of about 20 mM at 0 mV and senses about 30% of the membrane potential drop, whereas the concentration of half-inhibition of TTX-binding is less than 1 mM and voltage-insensitive. Assuming that both effects involve a single binding site, a simple model predicts that the state-dependency of the dissociation constant entails positive shifts of activation and faster kinetics of deactivation at increasing [Ca]O. The shifts of activation measured for rBIIA and rSkM1 channels are comparable in size to those predicted by the model, which accounts also for the observed larger shifts of the rBIIA-mutant K226Q as a consequence of its reduced voltage-sensitivity. Shifts attributable to surface-charge screening effects seem smaller in the oocyte than in native cell-membranes. The experimental [Ca]O-dependence of deactivation kinetics is also consistent with the model and with the idea that Ca2+-binding changes to the same extent, but in opposite directions, the activation free-energies of both opening and closing transitions. Received: 1 December 1997 / Revised version: 25 March 1998 / Accepted: 27 March 1998  相似文献   

It is often observed in intracellular Ca2+ imaging experiments that the amplitudes of the Ca2+ signals elicited by newly characterized TRP agonists do not correlate with the amplitudes of the responses evoked subsequently by a specific potent agonist. We investigated this rather controversial phenomenon by first testing whether it is inherent to the comparison of the effects of weak and strong stimuli. Using five well-characterized TRP channel agonists in commonly used heterologous expression systems we found that the correlation between the amplitudes of the Ca2+ signals triggered by two sequentially applied stimuli is only high when both stimuli are strong. Using mathematical simulations of intracellular Ca2+ dynamics we illustrate that the innate heterogeneity in expression and functional properties of Ca2+ extrusion (e.g. plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase) and influx (TRP channels) pathways across a cellular population is a sufficient condition for low correlation between the amplitude of Ca2+ signals elicited by weak and strong stimuli. Taken together, our data demonstrate that this phenomenon is an expected outcome of intracellular Ca2+ imaging experiments that cannot be taken as evidence for lack of specificity of low-efficacy stimuli, or as an indicator of the need of other cellular components for channel stimulation.  相似文献   

Abstract Monolayers of epithelial cells obtained by culture of isolated secretory alveoli from the bovine mammary gland were used as target cells in bacterial adhesion assays. The ability of two strains of Streptococcus uberis (EF20 and 0140J) to adhere to these cells was examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The cultured monolayers consisted of two types of epithelial cell one of which possessed many microvilli and another which exhibited only sparse or no microvilli. Strain EF20 adhered more readily and in greater numbers to the cells without microvilli (MV) than to cells possessing microvilli (MV+). Strain 0140J also interacted with a greater proportion of MV cells but adhered to both MV and MV+ cell types in similar numbers.  相似文献   

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