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Parmelioid lichens form a species-rich group of predominantly foliose and fruticose lichenized fungi encompassing a broad range of morphological and chemical diversity. Using a multilocus approach, we reconstructed a phylogeny including 323 OTUs of parmelioid lichens and employed ancestral character reconstruction methods to understand the phenotypical evolution within this speciose group of lichen-forming fungi. Specifically, we were interested in the evolution of growth form, epicortex structure, and cortical chemistry. Since previous studies have shown that results may differ depending on the reconstruction method used, here we employed both maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood approaches to reconstruct ancestral character states. We have also implemented binary and multistate coding of characters and performed parallel analyses with both coding types to assess for potential coding-based biases. We reconstructed the ancestral states for nine well-supported major clades in the parmelioid group, two higher-level sister groups and the ancestral character state for all parmelioid lichens. We found that different methods for coding phenotypical characters and different ancestral character state reconstruction methods mostly resulted in identical reconstructions but yield conflicting inferences of ancestral states, in some cases. However, we found support for the ancestor of parmelioid lichens having been a foliose lichen with a non-pored epicortex and pseudocyphellae. Our data suggest that some traits exhibit patterns of evolution consistent with adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Theories of ecological diversification make predictions about the timing and ordering of character state changes through history. These theories are testable by “reconstructing” ancestor states using phylogenetic trees and measurements of contemporary species. Here we use maximum likelihood to estimate and evaluate the accuracy of ancestor reconstructions. We present likelihoods of discrete ancestor states and derive probability distributions for continuous ancestral traits. The methods are applied to several examples: diets of ancestral Darwin's finches; origin of inquilinism in gall wasps; microhabitat partitioning and body size evolution in scrubwrens; digestive enzyme evolution in artiodactyl mammals; origin of a sexually selected male trait, the sword, in platies and swordtails; and evolution of specialization in Anolis lizards. When changes between discrete character states are rare, the maximum-likelihood results are similar to parsimony estimates. In this case the accuracy of estimates is often high, with the exception of some nodes deep in the tree. If change is frequent then reconstructions are highly uncertain, especially of distant ancestors. Ancestor states for continuous traits are typically highly uncertain. We conclude that measures of uncertainty are useful and should always be provided, despite simplistic assumptions about the probabilistic models that underlie them. If uncertainty is too high, reconstruction should be abandoned in favor of approaches that fit different models of trait evolution to species data and phylogenetic trees, taking into account the range of ancestor states permitted by the data.  相似文献   

Although a large body of work investigating tests of correlated evolution of two continuous characters exists, hypotheses such as character displacement are really tests of whether substantial evolutionary change has occurred on a particular branch or branches of the phylogenetic tree. In this study, we present a methodology for testing such a hypothesis using ancestral character state reconstruction and simulation. Furthermore, we suggest how to investigate the robustness of the hypothesis test by varying the reconstruction methods or simulation parameters. As a case study, we tested a hypothesis of character displacement in body size of Caribbean Anolis lizards. We compared squared-change, weighted squared-change, and linear parsimony reconstruction methods, gradual Brownian motion and speciational models of evolution, and several resolution methods for linear parsimony. We used ancestor reconstruction methods to infer the amount of body size evolution, and tested whether evolutionary change in body size was greater on branches of the phylogenetic tree in which a transition from occupying a single-species island to a two-species island occurred. Simulations were used to generate null distributions of reconstructed body size change. The hypothesis of character displacement was tested using Wilcoxon Rank-Sums. When tested against simulated null distributions, all of the reconstruction methods resulted in more significant P-values than when standard statistical tables were used. These results confirm that P-values for tests using ancestor reconstruction methods should be assessed via simulation rather than from standard statistical tables. Linear parsimony can produce an infinite number of most parsimonious reconstructions in continuous characters. We present an example of assessing the robustness of our statistical test by exploring the sample space of possible resolutions. We compare ACCTRAN and DELTRAN resolutions of ambiguous character reconstructions in linear parsimony to the most and least conservative resolutions for our particular hypothesis.  相似文献   

The origin of the fundamental behavioral differences between humans and our closest living relatives is one of the central issues of evolutionary anthropology. The prominent, chimpanzee-based referential model of early hominin behavior has recently been challenged on the basis of broad multispecies comparisons and newly discovered fossil evidence. Here, we argue that while behavioral data on extant great apes are extremely relevant for reconstruction of ancestral behaviors, these behaviors should be reconstructed trait by trait using formal phylogenetic methods. Using the widely accepted hominoid phylogenetic tree, we perform a series of character optimization analyses using 65 selected life-history and behavioral characters for all extant hominid species. This analysis allows us to reconstruct the character states of the last common ancestors of Hominoidea, Hominidae, and the chimpanzee–human last common ancestor. Our analyses demonstrate that many fundamental behavioral and life-history attributes of hominids (including humans) are evidently ancient and likely inherited from the common ancestor of all hominids. However, numerous behaviors present in extant great apes represent their own terminal autapomorphies (both uniquely derived and homoplastic). Any evolutionary model that uses a single extant species to explain behavioral evolution of early hominins is therefore of limited use. In contrast, phylogenetic reconstruction of ancestral states is able to provide a detailed suite of behavioral, ecological and life-history characters for each hypothetical ancestor. The living great apes therefore play an important role for the confident identification of the traits found in the chimpanzee–human last common ancestor, some of which are likely to represent behaviors of the fossil hominins.  相似文献   

The ancestral distance test is introduced to detect correlated evolution between two binary traits in large phylogenies that may lack resolved subclades, branch lengths, and/or comparative data. We define the ancestral distance as the time separating a randomly sampled taxon from its most recent ancestor (MRA) with extant descendants that have an independent trait. The sampled taxon either has (target sample) or lacks (nontarget sample) a dependent trait. Modeled as a Markov process, we show that the distribution of ancestral distances for the target sample is identical to that of the nontarget sample when characters are uncorrelated, whereas ancestral distances are smaller on average for the target sample when characters are correlated. Simulations suggest that the ancestral distance can be estimated using the time, total branch length, taxonomic rank, or number of speciation events between a sampled taxon and the MRA. These results are shown to be robust to deviations from Markov assumptions. A Monte Carlo technique estimates P-values when fully resolved phylogenies with branch lengths are available, and we evaluate the Monte Carlo approach using a data set with known correlation. Measures of relatedness were found to provide a robust means to test hypotheses of correlated character evolution.  相似文献   

Plants of Lycium californicum, L. exsertum, and L. fremontii produce flowers that are either male-sterile (female) or hermaphroditic, and populations are morphologically gynodioecious. As is commonly found in gynodioecious species, flowers on female plants are smaller than those on hermaphrodites for a number of floral traits. Floral size dimorphism has often been hypothesized to be the result of either a reduction in female flower size that allows reallocation to greater fruit and seed production, or an increase in hermaphroditic flower size due to the increased importance of pollinator attraction and pollen export for hermaphroditic flowers. We provide a test of these two alternatives by measuring 11 floral characters in eight species of Lycium and using a phylogeny to reconstruct the floral size shifts associated with the evolution of gender dimorphism. Our analyses suggest that female flowers are reduced in size relative to the ancestral condition, whereas flowers on hermaphrodites have changed only slightly in size. Female and hermaphroditic flowers have also diverged both from one another and from ancestral cosexual species in several shape characteristics. We expected sexual dimorphism to be similar among the three dimorphic taxa, as gender dimorphism evolved only a single time in the ancestor of the American dimorphic lineage. While the floral sexual dimorphism is broadly similar among the three dimorphic species, there are some species-specific differences. For example, L. exsertum has the greatest floral size dimorphism, whereas L. fremontii had the greatest size-independent dimorphism in pistil characters. To determine the degree to which phylogenetic uncertainty affected reconstruction of ancestral character states, we performed a sensitivity analysis by reconstructing ancestral character states on alternative topologies. We argue that investigations such as this one, that examine floral evolution from an explicitly phylogenetic perspective, provide new insights into the study of the evolution of floral sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Brownian motion has been a model widely used for describing phenotypic evolution of continuous characters under random drift. Evolution of traits evolving under weak stabilizing selection, together with drift, can also be modeled by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, in which a population moves at random on an adaptive peak under the influence of drift with selection returning the population towards the optimum. Obviously, reliability of an evolutionary model stands or falls with the extent to which the underlying assumptions are supported or violated. Another potential problem of continuous characters as a source of data for phylogeny inference is the correlation between them. To assess whether the Brownian motion model or the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model are suitable for modeling the evolution of continuous cranial and dental characters and to what extent these characters are correlated with one another, 11 measurements encompassing various aspects of the mouse skull morphology were collected and subjected to a comparative analysis using the generalized least squares method. It could be shown that only about one-half of the characters evolved according to the Brownian motion model or the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model. Moreover, about 44% of the correlation coefficients exceeded 0.8, suggesting a need for removing at least phenotypic covariances from the data prior to a phylogenetic analysis. Finally, ancestral states of the characters under study were estimated with the generalized least square method. There has been a general trend towards enlarging the overall size of the skull and increasing the braincase volume in the species of the genus Mus.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic approaches to inferring ancestral character states are becoming increasingly sophisticated; however, the potential remains for available methods to yield strongly supported but inaccurate ancestral state estimates. The consistency of ancestral states inferred for two or more characters affords a useful criterion for evaluating ancestral trait reconstructions. Ancestral state estimates for multiple characters that entail plausible phenotypes when considered together may reasonably be assumed to be reliable. However, the accuracy of inferred ancestral states for one or more characters may be questionable where combined reconstructions imply implausible phenotypes for a proportion of internal nodes. This criterion for assessing reconstructed ancestral states is applied here in evaluating inferences of ancestral limb morphology in the scincid lizard clade Lerista. Ancestral numbers of digits for the manus and pes inferred assuming the models that best fit the data entail ancestral digit configurations for many nodes that differ fundamentally from configurations observed among known species. However, when an alternative model is assumed for the pes, inferred ancestral digit configurations are invariably represented among observed phenotypes. This indicates that a suboptimal model for the pes (and not the model providing the best fit to the data) yields accurate ancestral state estimates.  相似文献   

Considerable diversity abounds among sponges with respect to reproductive and developmental biology. Their ancestral sexual mode (gonochorism vs. hermaphroditism) and reproductive condition (oviparity vs. viviparity) however remain unclear, and these traits appear to have undergone correlated evolution in the phylum. To infer ancestral traits and investigate this putative correlation, we used DNA sequence data from two loci (18S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) to explore the phylogenetic relationships of 62 sponges whose reproductive traits have been previously documented. Although the inferred tree topologies, using the limited data available, favoured paraphyly of sponges, we also investigated ancestral character‐state reconstruction on a phylogeny with constrained sponge monophyly. Both parsimony‐ and likelihood‐based ancestral state reconstructions indicate that viviparity (brooding) was the likely reproductive mode of the ancestral sponge. Hermaphroditism is favoured over gonochorism as the sexual condition of the sponge ancestor under parsimony, but the reconstruction is ambiguous under likelihood, rendering the ancestry of sexuality unresolved in our study. These results are insensitive to the constraint of sponge monophyly when tracing the reproductive characters using parsimony methods. However, the maximum likelihood analysis of the monophyletic hypothetical tree rendered gonochorism as ancestral for the phylum. A test of trait correlation unambiguously favours the concerted evolution of sexuality and reproductive mode in sponges (hermaphroditism/viviparity, gonochorism/oviparity). Although testing ecological hypotheses for the pattern of sponge reproduction is beyond the scope of our analyses, we postulate that certain physiological constrains might be key causes for the correlation of reproductive characters.  相似文献   

The evolution of species traits along a phylogeny can be examined through an increasing number of possible, but not necessarily complementary, approaches. In this paper, we assess whether deriving ancestral states of discrete morphological characters from a model whose parameters are (i) optimized by ML on a most likely tree; (II) optimized by ML onto each of a Bayesian sample of trees; and (III) sampled by a MCMC visiting the space of a Bayesian sample of trees affects the reconstruction of ancestral states in the moss genus Brachytheciastrum. In the first two methods, the choice of a single- or two-rate model and of a genetic distance (wherein branch lengths are used to determine the probabilities of change) or speciational (wherein changes are only driven by speciation events) model based upon a likelihood-ratio test strongly depended on the sampled trees. Despite these differences in model selection, reconstructions of ancestral character states were strongly correlated to each others across nodes, often at r > 0.9, for all the characters. The Bayesian approach of ancestral character state reconstruction offers, however, a series of advantages over the single-tree approach or the ML model optimization on a Bayesian sample of trees because it does not involve restricting model parameters prior to reconstructing ancestral states, but rather allows a range of model parameters and ancestral character states to be sampled according to their posterior probabilities. From the distribution of the latter, conclusions on trait evolution can be made in a more satisfactorily way than when a substantial part of the uncertainty of the results is obscured by the focus on a single set of model parameters and associated ancestral states. The reconstructions of ancestral character states in Brachytheciastrum reveal rampant parallel morphological evolution. Most species previously described based on phenetic grounds are thus resolved of polyphyletic origin. Species polyphylly has been increasingly reported among mosses, raising severe reservations regarding current species definition.  相似文献   

This study examines how brachiation locomotion evolved in ateline primates using recently-developed molecular phylogenies and character reconstruction algorithms, and a newly-collected dataset including the fossils Protopithecus, Caipora, and Cebupithecia. Fossils are added to two platyrrhine molecular phylogenies to create several phylogenetic scenarios. A generalized least squares algorithm reconstructs ateline and atelin ancestral character states for 17 characters that differentiate between ateline brachiators and nonbrachiators. Histories of these characters are mapped out on these phylogenies, producing two scenarios of ateline brachiation evolution that have four commonalities: First, many characters change towards the Ateles condition on the ateline stem lineage before Alouatta splits off from the atelins, suggesting that an ateline energy-maximizing strategy began before the atelines diversified. Second, the ateline last common ancestor is always reconstructed as an agile quadruped, usually with suspensory abilities. It is never exactly like Alouatta and many characters reverse and change towards the Alouatta condition after Alouatta separates from the atelins. Third, most characters undergo homoplastic change in all ateline lineages, especially on the Ateles and Brachyteles terminal branches. Fourth, ateline character evolution probably went through a hindlimb suspension with tail-bracing phase. The atelines most likely diversified via a quick adaptive radiation, with bursts of punctuated change occurring in their postcranial skeletons, due to changing climatic conditions, which may have caused competition among the atelines and between atelines and pitheciines.  相似文献   

Accurate reconstruction of ancestral character states on a phylogeny is crucial in many genomics studies. We study how to select species to achieve the best reconstruction of ancestral character states on a phylogeny. We first show that the marginal maximum likelihood has the monotonicity property that more taxa give better reconstruction, but the Fitch method does not have it even on an ultrametric phylogeny. We further validate a greedy approach for species selection using simulation. The validation tests indicate that backward greedy selection outperforms forward greedy selection. In addition, by applying our selection strategy, we obtain a set of the ten most informative species for the reconstruction of the genomic sequence of the so-called boreoeutherian ancestor of placental mammals. This study has broad relevance in comparative genomics and paleogenomics since limited research resources do not allow researchers to sequence the large number of descendant species required to reconstruct an ancestral sequence.  相似文献   

Much recent progress in evolutionary biology is based on the inference of ancestral states and past transformations in important traits on phylogenetic trees. These exercises often assume that the tree is known without error and that ancestral states and character change can be mapped onto it exactly. In reality, there is often considerable uncertainty about both the tree and the character mapping. Recently introduced Bayesian statistical methods enable the study of character evolution while simultaneously accounting for both phylogenetic and mapping uncertainty, adding much needed credibility to the reconstruction of evolutionary history.  相似文献   

We present a molecular phylogeny including most species of the genus Medicago L. (Fabaceae). Based on the consensus of the 48 most parsimonious trees, life-history and mating-system characters are mapped, and a putative history of the genus is suggested. The most parsimonious reconstruction suggests an ancestral annual and selfing state, and recurrent evolution towards perenniality and outcrossing. Based on theoretical predictions and classical hypotheses of the history of the genus, different assumptions about the ancestral state and different weighting schemes of evolution between the character states are made. Assuming an outcrossing, perennial ancestral state (partly supported by morphological features) does not fundamentally change the reconstruction. To meet theoretical expectations, various weighting schemes favouring evolution towards annuality and selfing are applied. Influence and validity of such weighting schemes are discussed with regard to other studies.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Traits from early development mapped onto phylogenetic trees can potentially offer insight into the evolutionary history of development by inferring the states of those characters among ancestors at nodes in the phylogeny. A key and often-overlooked aspect of such mapping is the underlying model of character evolution. Without a well-supported and realistic model ("nothing"), character mapping of ancestral traits onto phylogenetic trees might often return results ("something") that lack a sound basis. Here we reconsider a challenging case study in this area of evolutionary developmental biology: the inference of ancestral states for ecological and morphological characters in the reproduction and larval development of asterinid sea stars. We apply improved analytical methods to an expanded set of asterinid phylogenetic data and developmental character states. This analysis shows that the new methods might generally offer some independent insight into choice of a model of character evolution, but that in the specific case of asterinid sea stars the quantitative features of the model (especially the relative probabilities of different directions of change) have an important effect on the results. We suggest caution in applying ancestral state reconstructions in the absence of an independently corroborated model of character evolution, and highlight the need for such modeling in evolutionary developmental biology.  相似文献   

Homobasidiomycetes include the majority of wood-decaying fungi. Two basic forms of wood decay are known in homobasidiomycetes: white rot, in which lignin and cellulose are degraded, and brown rot, in which lignin is not appreciably degraded. An apparent correlation has been noted between production of a brown rot, decay of conifer substrates, and possession of a bipolar mating system (which has a single mating-type locus, in contrast to tetrapolar systems, which have two mating-type loci). The goals of this study were to infer the historical pattern of transformations in decay mode, mating type, and substrate range characters, and to determine if a causal relationship exists among them. Using nuclear and mitochondrial rDNA sequences, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of 130 species of homobasidiomycetes and performed ancestral state reconstructions by using parsimony on a range of trees, with various loss:gain cost ratios. We evaluated pairwise character correlations by using the concentrated changes test (CCT) of Maddison and the maximum likelihood (ML) method of Pagel. White rot, tetrapolar mating systems, and the ability to decay conifers and hardwoods appear to be plesiomorphic in homobasidiomycetes, whereas brown rot, bipolar mating systems, and exclusive decay of conifers appear to have evolved repeatedly. The only significant correlation among characters was that between brown rot (as the independent character) and exclusive decay of conifer substrates (P < 0.03). This correlation was supported by the CCT on a range of plausible trees, although not with every reconstruction of ancestral states, and by the ML test. Our findings suggest that the evolution of brown rot has promoted repeated shifts to specialization for confier substrates.  相似文献   

The existence of positive associations between rates of molecular and morphological evolution (calculated from branch lengths of phylogenetic trees reconstructed using molecular and morphological characters, respectively) is important to issues of neutrality in sequence evolution, phylogenetic reconstructions assuming neutrality, and evolutionary genotype-phenotype mapping. Rates correlate positively when including branches leading to extant species (tips). Excluding tips, trends are similar, but statistical significances decrease systematically. This is due to (a) lower statistical power (excluding tips reduces sample sizes), and (b) rates are solely calculated from inaccurately reconstructed character states of extinct ancestral species, and this noise decreases correlation strengths. Correlations between molecular and morphological rates of evolution increase as more morphological characters are included for phylogenetic reconstruction. Sequence lengths apparently affect correlations along similar principles. Analyses of plant phylogenies confirm those from animals: sampling biases decrease correlations between molecular and morphological rates of evolution. Results confirm that genotype and phenotype are linked, and suggest adaptive components for molecular evolution. The discussion stresses the difficulties associated with analyses and conclusions based on data deduced from phylogenetic reconstruction.  相似文献   

Rannala B  Yang Z 《Genetics》2003,164(4):1645-1656
The effective population sizes of ancestral as well as modern species are important parameters in models of population genetics and human evolution. The commonly used method for estimating ancestral population sizes, based on counting mismatches between the species tree and the inferred gene trees, is highly biased as it ignores uncertainties in gene tree reconstruction. In this article, we develop a Bayes method for simultaneous estimation of the species divergence times and current and ancestral population sizes. The method uses DNA sequence data from multiple loci and extracts information about conflicts among gene tree topologies and coalescent times to estimate ancestral population sizes. The topology of the species tree is assumed known. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is implemented to integrate over uncertain gene trees and branch lengths (or coalescence times) at each locus as well as species divergence times. The method can handle any species tree and allows different numbers of sequences at different loci. We apply the method to published noncoding DNA sequences from the human and the great apes. There are strong correlations between posterior estimates of speciation times and ancestral population sizes. With the use of an informative prior for the human-chimpanzee divergence date, the population size of the common ancestor of the two species is estimated to be approximately 20,000, with a 95% credibility interval (8000, 40,000). Our estimates, however, are affected by model assumptions as well as data quality. We suggest that reliable estimates have yet to await more data and more realistic models.  相似文献   

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