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Immune response and suppressor cell activity of CBA (H-2k) mice made tolerant to allogeneic C57B1/6 (H-2b) heart graft were studied in graft-versus-graft reaction (GvGR). Intact CBA spleen cells inhibited response of (CBA X C57B1/6)F1 cells to antigenic stimulus (sheep red blood cells--SRBC), when injected together into lethally irradiated (CBA X C57B1/6)F1 mice. Spleen cells of tolerant mice were unable to decrease immune response of (CBA X C57B1/6F1 lymphocytes to SRBC and suppressed specifically the inhibition induced by intact CBA spleen cells. Spleen cells from tolerant mice were also capable of suppressing GvGR induced by CBA lymphocytes immune to C57B1/6 cells. Pretreatment of tolerant spleen cells with rabbit antithymocyte globulin and complement before adoptive transfer diminished markedly the suppression. The results obtained in the study suggest that suppression of transplantation immunity in this model is mostly due to T suppressor cells.  相似文献   

BALB/c mice rendered tolerant by the neonatal injection of semiallogeneic (C57BL/6 X BALB/c)F1 spleen cells develop features of autoimmune disease. The possible mechanisms involved in autoantibody production, particularly anti-DNA antibodies, were investigated. In the first 5 wk, there was polyclonal B cell activation, as indicated by marked hypergammaglobulinemia, with a predominance of IgG1 and an increased production of antihapten antibodies. IgG1 anti-SSDNA and anti-DSDNA antibodies were detected with similar kinetics, but at higher titers than the anti-hapten antibodies. Also, there was a correlation between the effective induction of tolerance, as evaluated by the measurement of alloantigen-specific cytolytic T lymphocyte precursors, the persistence of B cell chimerism, and the production of anti-DNA antibodies. Anti-DNA antibodies were observed only in mice exhibiting a persistence of immunoglobulins bearing the donor's allotype. To determine the origin of anti-DNA antibodies, experiments were conducted whereby newborn BALB/c (Igh-1a) mice were injected with F1 cells from mice resulting from a crossing between Igh congenic BALB/c mice bearing the IgCHb allotype and conventional C57BL/6 mice (Igh-1b). All anti-DNA and anti-hapten antibodies exhibited the Igb allotype and thus were produced by the F1 donor B cells. The initial phase of tolerance induction was apparently associated with an allogeneic helper effect, because DNP-KLH-primed F1 donor cells transferred to newborn BALB/c could be stimulated after challenge with DNP-BGG. The triggering of persisting auto-reactive F1 donor B cells may reflect an activation by "incompletely" tolerant semiallogeneic T cells.  相似文献   

Substantial progress in understanding the biology of regulatory T cells and their roles in health and disease has been achieved in the past 10 years. This has led to an increasing interest in the possibility of using regulatory T cells as a biological therapy to preserve and restore tolerance to self antigens and alloantigens. Immunotherapy by the adoptive transfer of regulatory T cells may have several advantages over conventional treatments. However, several hurdles have to be overcome before such a therapy can enter clinical practice. This Review summarizes our current knowledge of regulatory T cells, illustrates the ongoing regulatory T-cell-based clinical trials, analyses the strengths and pitfalls of this new therapeutic approach, and highlights the future perspectives.  相似文献   

The neonatal injection of semiallogeneic F1 spleen cells into newborn parental mice results in the induction of tolerance to the corresponding alloantigen (alloAg) and chimerism. In these F1 cell-injected mice, we have previously observed that this state of specific tolerance is associated with the development of a transient lupus-like autoimmune syndrome. In this study, we show that neonatal injection of mice with spleen cells differing from the host at major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I, class II, class (I + II), or minor lymphocyte stimulating (Mls) alloAg induced a state of specific tolerance characterized by the absence of alloreactive CTL and/or Th cell responses in the spleen and the thymus of 6- to 12-week-old injected mice. However, in mice rendered tolerant to MHC class II or class (I + II) alloAg, the presence of high levels of IgG1 antibodies, of circulating immune complexes, of anti-ssDNA autoantibodies, and of tissue lesions were transiently observed. In these mice, an increased Ia Ag expression on lymphoid spleen cells was also detected at 1 wk. The elevated production of IgG1 and the overexpression of Ia Ag were almost completely prevented by treatment with an anti-IL-4 mAb. Such manifestations of B cell activation and autoimmunity were not observed in mice neonatally injected with F1 cells differing from the host only at MHC class I Ag. In mice neonatally tolerized to Mls Ag, a transient increase in IgG2a production and an overexpression of Ia Ag were detected without features of autoimmunity, and were prevented by anti-INF-gamma mAb treatment. In mice rendered tolerant to MHC class II, class (I + II), or Mls alloAg at birth, the manifestations of B cell activation were associated with the presence of in vivo-activated alloreactive CD4+ T cells in the spleen--but not the thymus--of 1-wk-old injected mice. Together, these results suggest that in mice neonatally injected with semiallogeneic F1 cells, the process of tolerance induction is not efficient during the early postnatal period, and could allow the maturation and peripheralization of some alloreactive CD4+ T cells, leading to transient B cell activation and, depending on the alloAg, to autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Repeated administration to rats of the 5-HT -selective agonist 5-methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeODMT)1A produced tolerance to the ability of a test dose of 5-MeODMT to produce the serotonin behavioral syndrome, but not to the ability of a test dose of the 5-HT1B -selective agonist m-chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP) to decrease locomotor activity. Conversely, repeated administration of mCPP produced tolerance to the ability of a test dose of mCPP to decrease locomotor activity, but not to the ability of a test dose of 5-MeODMT to elicit the serotonin behavioral syndrome. The lack of cross-tolerance between these two selective agonists is consistent with the idea that the serotonin behavioral syndrome and suppression of locomotor activity are mediated by different subtypes of the 5-HT1 receptor.  相似文献   

Reconstitution of lethally irradiated mice with a mixture of T cell-depleted syngeneic plus T cell-depleted allogeneic bone marrow (B10 + B10.D2----B10) leads to the induction of mixed lymphopoietic chimerism, excellent survivals, specific in vivo transplantation tolerance to subsequent donor strain skin grafts, and specific in vitro unresponsiveness to allogeneic donor lymphoid elements as assessed by mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) proliferative and cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) cytotoxicity assays. When B10 recipient mice received mixed marrow inocula in which the syngeneic component had not been T cell depleted, whether or not the allogeneic donor marrow was treated, they repopulated exclusively with host-type cells, promptly rejected donor-type skin allografts, and were reactive in vitro to the allogeneic donor by CML and MLR assays. In contrast, T cell depletion of the syngeneic component of the mixed marrow inocula resulted in specific acceptance of allogeneic donor strain skin grafts, whether or not the allogeneic bone marrow was T cell depleted. Such animals were specifically unreactive to allogeneic donor lymphoid elements in vitro by CML and MLR, but were reactive to third party. When both the syngeneic and allogeneic marrow were T cell depleted, variable percentages of host- and donor-type lymphoid elements were detected in the mixed reconstituted host. When only the syngeneic bone marrow was T cell depleted, animals repopulated exclusively with donor-type cells. Although these animals had detectable in vitro anti-host (B10) reactivity by CML and MLR and reconstituted as fully allogeneic chimeras, they exhibited excellent survival and had no in vivo evidence for graft-vs-host disease. In addition, experiments in which untreated donor spleen cells were added to the inocula in this last group suggest that the presence of T cell-depleted syngeneic bone marrow cells diminishes graft-vs-host disease and the mortality from it. This system may be helpful as a model for the study of alloresistance and for the identification of syngeneic cell phenotypes, which when present prevent engraftment of allogeneic marrow.  相似文献   

Methods have been published whereby a tumor-specific antigen associated with membranes of the P815 mastocytoma of DBA/2J mice was purified. Antiserum, raised in rabbits, to this material demonstrated specificity for P815 as opposed to other cells or materials of DBA/2J origin when tested by either complement-mediated target cell lysis or the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA. This antiserum was tested for its ability to block killing by in vitro raised syngeneic lymphocytes cytotoxic for P815. It was found that this antiserum as well as antiserum raised in rabbits to normal DBA/2J membrane components and anti-H-2d antiserum (raised in congenic mice) were all able to block killing when 51Cr-labeled P815 targets were pretreated with these antisera. On the other hand, only the anti-DBA/2 serum and the anti-H-2d serum were capable of slightly blocking syngeneic killing of L1210 cells. Similarly, C57B1/6 cytotoxic lymphocytes raised against DBA/2 cells were blocked by pretreatment of 51Cr-labeled P815 targets with the rabbit anti-DBA/2 serum and the anti-H-2d serum but not by the anti-P815 serum. The implications of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

One third of the human population is infected with helminth parasites. To promote their longevity and to limit pathology, helminths have developed several strategies to suppress the immune response of their host. As this immune suppression also acts on unrelated third-party Ags, a preexisting helminth infection may interfere with vaccination efficacy. In this study, we show that natural infection with Litomosoides sigmodontis suppressed the humoral response to thymus-dependent but not to thymus-independent model Ags in C57BL/6 mice. Thereby, we provide evidence that reduced humoral responses were mediated by interference with Th cell function rather than by direct suppression of B cells in L. sigmodontis-infected mice. We directly demonstrate suppression of Ag-specific proliferation in OVA-specific Th cells after adoptive transfer into L. sigmodontis-infected mice that led to equally reduced production of OVA-specific IgG. Transferred Th cells displayed increased frequencies of Foxp3(+) after in vivo stimulation within infected but not within naive mice. Helminth-mediated suppression was induced by established L. sigmodontis infections but was completely independent of the individual worm burden. Using DEREG mice, we rule out a central role for host-derived regulatory T cells in the suppression of transferred Th cell proliferation. In contrast, we show that L. sigmodontis-induced, host-derived IL-10 mediated Foxp3 induction in transferred Th cells and significantly contributed to the observed Th cell hypoproliferation within infected mice.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of portal venous (p.v.) administration of allogeneic cells on the capacity of delayed-type-hypersensitivity (DTH) reactivity to alloantigens. BALB/c mice were inoculated with C3H/He spleen cells via intravenous (i.v.) or p.v. route. Intravenous injection of C3H/He spleen cells into BALB/c mice resulted in appreciable DTH responses to C3H/He alloantigens. In contrast, p.v. inoculation of the same number of C3H/He cells not only failed to induce any significant anti-C3H/He DTH responses but also abolished the capability of the animals to develop DTH responses as induced by subcutaneous (s.c.) immunization with C3H/He spleen cells. Such suppression was alloantigen-specific, since p.v. inoculation of C3H/He spleen cells resulted in selective inhibition of anti-C3H/He DTH potential without suppressing DTH responses to C57BL/6 alloantigens. This tolerance was rapidly inducible and long-lasting. When spleen cells from tolerant mice were transferred i.v. into 600 R X-irradiated syngeneic recipient mice alone or together with normal BALB/c spleen cells, these tolerant spleen cells themselves failed to induce DTH responses but did not exhibit any suppressive effect on the generation of DTH responses induced by normal spleen cells co-transferred. These results indicate that tolerance was not necessarily associated with the induction of suppressor cell activity but rather was associated with the elimination or functional impairment of clones specific for alloantigens. The results are discussed in the context of a) the role of the liver in immune responses, b) cellular mechanisms underlying the tolerance induction, and c) potential application of this approach to the future transplantation immunology.  相似文献   

Tolerance to the analgesic effect of pethidine (PD) in rats, treated with a dose of 15 mg/kg of the compound twice daily at 12 h intervals for 1-3 weeks, was assessed using both, heat and current irritating stimuli. Tolerance could be detected earlier by the current irritating method, than by the hot plate technique. Pretreatment with beta-naphtoflavone did only slightly affect the development of tolerance to the antinociceptive effect of PD. In contrast after one week of treatment with SKF 525 A PD retained its analgesic effect. The prolonged pretreatment with SKF 525 A did not prevent the development of tolerance to the analgesic effect of PD.  相似文献   

The immune regulatory function of macrophages (M?s) in mixed chimeras has not been determined. In the present study, with a multi-lineage B6-to-BALB/c mixed chimeric model, we examined the ability of donor-derived splenic M?s in the induction of regulatory T cells (Treg). B6 splenic M?s from mixed chimeras induced significantly less cell proliferation, more IL-10 and TGF-β, and less IL-2 and IFN-γ productions of CD4(+) T cells from BALB/c mice than naive B6 M?s did, whereas they showed similar stimulatory activity to the third part C3H CD4(+) T cells. Importantly, highly purified donor F4/80(+)CD11c(-) M?s efficiently induced recipient CD4(+)Foxp3(+) Treg cells from CD4(+)CD25(-)Foxp3(-) T cells. Furthermore, donor M?s of mixed chimeras produced more IL-10 and less IFN-γ than those of naive mice when cultured with BALB/c but not the third party C3H CD4(+) T cells. Induction of recipient CD4(+) Treg cells by donor M?s was significantly blocked by anti-IL-10, but not by anti-TGF-β mAb. Therefore, donor M?s have the ability to induce recipient CD4(+)Foxp3(+) Treg cells in a donor antigen-specific manner, at least partially, via an IL-10-dependent pathway. This study for the first time showed that, in mixed allogeneic chimeras, donor M?s could be specifically tolerant to recipients and gained the ability to induce recipient but not the third party Foxp3(+) Treg cells. Whether this approach is involved in transplant immune tolerance needs to be determined.  相似文献   

Barley straw treated with anhydrous ammonia at a rate of 40 g per kg of straw dry matter (DM) and rolled barley were offered to 20 steers weighing initially 350 kg. Each steer was offered in total approximately 600 kg of straw DM and approximately 525 kg of barley DM. Ten steers were offered the straw alone in the long form at the beginning of the trial followed by the rolled barley alone. The remaining 10 steers were offered straw which had been ground through a 40-mm screen and mixed with the rolled barley in a complete diet. Dry matter digestibility coefficients of the ammonia-treated straw and the mixed straw plus barley diet were 0.52 and 0.57 ± 0.026, respectively. The DM digestibility coefficient of rolled grain in the mixed diet was predicted from the digestibility of starch to be 0.78 and the DM digestibility of straw in the mixed diet, determined by difference, was 0.39. Although steers offered the straw followed by rolled barley took on average 39 days longer to consume their total food allowance, cold dressed carcass weights of the two groups were not significantly different nor was there any difference in the carcass composition of the two groups of steers as determined by specific gravity measurements. Maintenance energy requirements were calculated for the two groups of steers and although the same amount of food was consumed by both groups and the energy required for maintenance was higher in the group offered straw followed by barley, the depression in the energy available from straw offered in a mixed diet caused the same total amount of metabolizable energy to be available for carcass gain to both groups.  相似文献   

Third-party skin allografts were employed to test the specificity of transplantation tolerance achieved by neonatal inoculation of cells bearing H-2 alloantigens. Tolerant animals rejected with normal vigour third-party grafts expressing strong Class I alloantigens foreign to the host and to the donor of the tolerance-conferring inoculum. However, these animals rejected with exceptional vigour third-party grafts expressing weak Class II alloantigens plus the tolerated Class I alloantigen; even third-party grafts comprised of the host's own Class II antigens in conjunction with the tolerated Class I alloantigen were acutely rejected. It is proposed, but there is no direct evidence to prove, that rejection of these third-party grafts is mediated by killer T cells directed at the tolerated Class I alloantigens and that these cells are activated by the presentation of the putative tolerogen in an inappropriate I region context. Inconsistency of these data with a clonal deletion mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Among the genetic loci incorporated into the major histocompatibility complex in every species studied to date have been prominent genes encoding for strong histocompatibility determinants that elicit detectable alloantibody responses and which are the chief antigenic targets of cell-mediated cytotoxicity reactions. The K and D regions of the H-2 complex in the mouse and the A, B, and C regions of the HLA complex in man are representative examples. Syrian hamsters, as described in this report, do not make alloantibodies to antigens of this type and only very poorly do they carry out in vitro cell-mediated cytotoxicity to target cells putatively bearing these antigens. Since hamsters are quite capable of discriminating analogous antigenic differences in xenogeneic species, and xenogeneic sources cannot distinguish immunologically between the antigens encoded by the two hamster major histocompatibility alleles. Hm-1a and Hm-1b, we conclude that the hamster strains we work with are serologically indistinguishable by the methods used here. However, they obviously differ for determinants which elicit T cell-mediated responses, as evidenced by their ability to express acute skin graft rejection, mixed lymphocyte reactivity, graft-vs-host reactions, and cell-mediated cytotoxicity reactions. Such alloreactivity may reflect a mutation at an SD locus, affecting antigenic sites recognized only by T cells, or that the available hamster strains are SD identical, but differ at loci similar to the I region loci in mice. Alternatively, we cannot exclude the possibility that Syrian hamsters somehow fail to express properly the genes coding for SD determinants.  相似文献   

Different vaccination procedures to increase the mecha nisms of host resistance to Nocardia brasiliensis were studied in mice. When mice were challenged in the footpad, 2×108 N. brasiliensis 20 days after footpad inoculation with either viable or killed N. brasiliensis, the mice demonstrated significant resistance to infection when compared with noninfected and nonimmunized mice. The degree of resistance seems to be correlated with the delayed-type hypersensitivity response in the vaccinated animals. Vaccination with another acid-fast bacilli, BCG, afforded both a mild protection and low DTH reactivity. Antibody levels to Nocardia were similar in either Nocardia- or BCG- treated groups indicating that they do not play an important role in resistance to infection by N. brasiliensis.  相似文献   

Chimeras were induced in doves (Streptopelia) by making parabionts of embryonating eggs that carried genes for erythrocyte antigens, which were readily identified. The parabiotic pairs were chosen so that new antigenic specificities would appear if somatic cell mating took place. However, no evidence of somatic cell mating was noted. Erythrocytic chimerism was no longer. detectable in some birds after varying periods of time. In a few others tolerance was presumably lost, since their plasma contained antibodies against cellular antigens that either were present, or had been present, in the bird's circulation.  相似文献   

After immunization with either live or heat-killed Salmonella typhimurium, mice responded with an extremely rapid production of bactericidal antibody which was correlated with the appearance of immunity to a heavy challenge dose (100 ld(50)) of the virulent bacteria. Inactivation of sera with mercaptoethanol along with Sephadex fractionation indicated that the observed bactericidal activity was associated with a macroglobulin which was completely mercaptoethanol-sensitive. The unexpected finding, that a heat-killed vaccine gave excellent protection from a challenge dose which killed all unimmunized control mice, seriously challenges the theory attributing immunity against typhoid infection entirely to a cellular host factor produced only in response to a live vaccine.  相似文献   

In the first of three experiments, Hereford cross steers were fed ad libitum from 325 kg to slaughter at 425 kg on diets containing 50% hay and 50% rolled or NaOH-treated (30 g/kg) barley. Liveweight gain and food conversion ratios were similar for the two groups (1.24 vs. 1.42 kg/day; 7.0 vs. 7.0 kg dry matter intake/kg gain, respectively). Dry matter and organic matter digestibility was significantly higher (P < 0.01) when the diet contained rolled, rather than NaOH-treated, barley. There were no significant differences in fibre digestibility (51.2 vs. 59.1%, respectively).In the second experiment, the optimum level of NaOH was determined for the treatment of barley when given with hay. The level of NaOH required to achieve a digestibility in whole barley similar to rolled barley was 40 g NaOH/kg, i.e., approximately 10 g/kg more than when NaOH-treated barley formed the sole component of the diet. Dry matter and organic matter digestibility increased linearly as the level of NaOH applied increased (P < 0.05) and tended to peak at 40 g NaOH/kg barley. Starch digestibility also increased linearly (P < 0.001). Fibre digestibility did not vary significantly between treatments.In the third experiment, the voluntary intake of straw by steers given rolled or NaOH-treated barley at two levels of supplementation was determined. The intake of straw was slightly, but not significantly, greater when NaOH-treated rather than rolled barley was used. The digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, starch and fibre was not significantly affected by method of cereal treatment. No problems of animal health arose throughout the three experiments.  相似文献   

Bulk culture and limiting dilution analysis (LDA) were used to follow the ontogeny of the tolerant state in CBA/ HT6T6 mice neonatally tolerized to allogeneic histocompatibility antigens. Advantage was taken of the fact that the lymph nodes (LN) of young mice show immunocompetence before spleen cells do, allowing analysis of actual reactivity as early as 1 wk of age. At 1 wk, the LN cells of mice tolerized i.v. showed a loss of CTL reactivity in bulk culture specific for the tolerizing antigens; a corresponding specific decrease was seen in the frequency of CTL precursors (CTLp). At the same age, however, proliferative responses and interleukin 2 (IL 2) production in MLC were nonspecifically depressed in the tolerized animals. LDA of IL 2 producer precursor frequency (IL- 2Tp ) showed that there was a nonspecific loss of 50% of functional alloreactive IL- 2Tp , accompanied by a larger specific decrease of 90% in the frequency of IL- 2Tp responding to the injected alloantigens. These characteristics of the tolerant state persisted through at least 4 wk of age. Neither the proliferative nor CTL response deficiencies could be overcome by the addition of Con A supernatant containing IL 2. Mixing experiments failed to show evidence of suppressor cell involvement in the loss of the proliferative response. Our results indicate that the specific loss of alloreactivity after tolerization is due to clonal inactivation or deletion of both CTLp and IL- 2Tp , which is obvious as early as 7 days of age. In addition, the differences in the specificity of the clonal inactivation between CTLp and IL- 2Tp suggest the existence of independent mechanisms for tolerization.  相似文献   

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