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During the budding of coat protein complex II (COPII) vesicles from transitional endoplasmic reticulum (tER) sites, Sec16 has been proposed to play two distinct roles: negatively regulating COPII turnover and organizing COPII assembly at tER sites. We tested these ideas using the yeast Pichia pastoris. Redistribution of Sec16 to the cytosol accelerates tER dynamics, supporting a negative regulatory role for Sec16. To evaluate a possible COPII organization role, we dissected the functional regions of Sec16. The central conserved domain, which had been implicated in coordinating COPII assembly, is actually dispensable for normal tER structure. An upstream conserved region (UCR) localizes Sec16 to tER sites. The UCR binds COPII components, and removal of COPII from tER sites also removes Sec16, indicating that COPII recruits Sec16 rather than the other way around. We propose that Sec16 does not in fact organize COPII. Instead, regulation of COPII turnover can account for the influence of Sec16 on tER sites.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Proteins are exported from the ER at transitional ER (tER) sites, which produce COPII vesicles. However, little is known about how COPII components are concentrated at tER sites. The budding yeast Pichia pastoris contains discrete tER sites and is, therefore, an ideal system for studying tER organization. RESULTS: We show that the integrity of tER sites in P. pastoris requires the peripheral membrane protein Sec16. P. pastoris Sec16 is an order of magnitude less abundant than a COPII-coat protein at tER sites and seems to show a saturable association with these sites. A temperature-sensitive mutation in Sec16 causes tER fragmentation at elevated temperature. This effect is specific because when COPII assembly is inhibited with a dominant-negative form of the Sar1 GTPase, tER sites remain intact. The tER fragmentation in the sec16 mutant is accompanied by disruption of Golgi stacks. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that Sec16 helps to organize patches of COPII-coat proteins into clusters that represent tER sites. The Golgi disruption that occurs in the sec16 mutant provides evidence that Golgi structure in budding yeasts depends on tER organization.  相似文献   

COPII vesicles assemble at ER subdomains called transitional ER (tER) sites, but the mechanism that generates tER sites is unknown. To study tER biogenesis, we analyzed the transmembrane protein Sec12, which initiates COPII vesicle formation. Sec12 is concentrated at discrete tER sites in the budding yeast Pichia pastoris. We find that P. pastoris Sec12 exchanges rapidly between tER sites and the general ER. The tER localization of Sec12 is saturable and is mediated by interaction of the Sec12 cytosolic domain with a partner component. This interaction apparently requires oligomerization of the Sec12 lumenal domain. Redistribution of P. pastoris Sec12 to the general ER does not perturb the localization of downstream tER components, suggesting that Sec12 and other COPII proteins associate with a tER scaffold. These results provide evidence that tER sites form by a network of dynamic associations at the cytosolic face of the ER.  相似文献   

COPII-coated buds are formed at endoplasmic reticulum exit sites (ERES) to mediate ER-to-Golgi transport. Sec16 is an essential factor in ERES formation, as well as in COPII-mediated traffic in vivo. Sec16 interacts with multiple COPII proteins, although the functional significance of these interactions remains unknown. Here we present evidence that full-length Sec16 plays an important role in regulating Sar1 GTPase activity at the late steps of COPII vesicle formation. We show that Sec16 interacts with Sec23 and Sar1 through its C-terminal conserved region and hinders the ability of Sec31 to stimulate Sec23 GAP activity toward Sar1. We also find that purified Sec16 alone can self-assemble into homo-oligomeric complexes on a planar lipid membrane. These features ensure prolonged COPII coat association within a preformed Sec16 cluster, which may lead to the formation of ERES. Our results indicate a mechanistic relationship between COPII coat assembly and ERES formation.  相似文献   

Budding yeast Sec16 is a large peripheral endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein that functions in generating COPII transport vesicles and in clustering COPII components at transitional ER (tER) sites. Sec16 interacts with multiple COPII components. Although the COPII assembly pathway is evolutionarily conserved, Sec16 homologues have not been described in higher eukaryotes. Here, we show that mammalian cells contain two distinct Sec16 homologues: a large protein that we term Sec16L and a smaller protein that we term Sec16S. These proteins localize to tER sites, and an N-terminal region of each protein is necessary and sufficient for tER localization. The Sec16L and Sec16S genes are both expressed in every tissue examined, and both proteins are required in HeLa cells for ER export and for normal tER organization. Sec16L resembles yeast Sec16 in having a C-terminal conserved domain that interacts with the COPII coat protein Sec23, but Sec16S lacks such a C-terminal conserved domain. Immunoprecipitation data indicate that Sec16L and Sec16S are each present at multiple copies in a heteromeric complex. We infer that mammalian cells have preserved and extended the function of Sec16.  相似文献   

Proteins of the Sec1 family have been shown to interact with target-membrane t-SNAREs that are homologous to the neuronal protein syntaxin. We demonstrate that yeast Sec1p coprecipitates not only the syntaxin homologue Ssop, but also the other two exocytic SNAREs (Sec9p and Sncp) in amounts and in proportions characteristic of SNARE complexes in yeast lysates. The interaction between Sec1p and Ssop is limited by the abundance of SNARE complexes present in sec mutants that are defective in either SNARE complex assembly or disassembly. Furthermore, the localization of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Sec1p coincides with sites of vesicle docking and fusion where SNARE complexes are believed to assemble and function. The proposal that SNARE complexes act as receptors for Sec1p is supported by the mislocalization of GFP-Sec1p in a mutant defective for SNARE complex assembly and by the robust localization of GFP-Sec1p in a mutant that fails to disassemble SNARE complexes. The results presented here place yeast Sec1p at the core of the exocytic fusion machinery, bound to SNARE complexes and localized to sites of secretion.  相似文献   

Mechanisms for exporting variably sized cargo from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) using the same machinery remain poorly understood. COPII-coated vesicles, which transport secretory proteins from the ER to the Golgi apparatus, are typically 60–90 nm in diameter. However, collagen, which forms a trimeric structure that is too large to be accommodated by conventional transport vesicles, is also known to be secreted via a COPII-dependent process. In this paper, we show that Sec12, a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor for Sar1 guanosine triphosphatase, is concentrated at ER exit sites and that this concentration of Sec12 is specifically required for the secretion of collagen VII but not other proteins. Furthermore, Sec12 recruitment to ER exit sites is organized by its direct interaction with cTAGE5, a previously characterized collagen cargo receptor component, which functions together with TANGO1 at ER exit sites. These findings suggest that the export of large cargo requires high levels of guanosine triphosphate–bound Sar1 generated by Sec12 localized at ER exit sites.  相似文献   

Exit from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) often occurs at distinct sites of vesicle formation known as transitional ER (tER) that are enriched for COPII vesicle coat proteins. We have characterized the organization of ER export in the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum , by examining the localization of two components of the COPII machinery, PfSec12 and PfSec24a. PfSec12 was found throughout the ER, whereas the COPII cargo adaptor, PfSec24a, was concentrated at distinct foci that likely correspond to tER sites. These foci were closely apposed to cis -Golgi sites marked by PfGRASP–GFP, and upon treatment with brefeldin A they accumulated a model cargo protein via a process dependent on the presence of an intact diacidic export motif. Our data suggest that the cargo-binding function of PfSec24a is conserved and that accumulation of cargo in discrete tER sites depends upon positive sorting signals. Furthermore, the number and position of tER sites with respect to the cis -Golgi suggests a co-ordinated biogenesis of these domains.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that regulate endoplasmic reticulum (ER) exit-site (ERES) assembly and COPII-mediated ER export are currently unknown. We analyzed the role of phosphatidylinositols (PtdIns) in regulating ER export. Utilizing pleckstrin homology domains and a PtdIns phosphatase to specifically sequester or reduce phosphorylated PtdIns levels, we found that PtdIns 4-phosphate (PtsIns4P) is required to promote COPII-mediated ER export. Biochemical and morphological in vitro analysis revealed dynamic and localized PtsIns4P formation at ERES. PtdIns4P was utilized to support Sar1-induced proliferation and constriction of ERES membranes. PtdIns4P also assisted in Sar1-induced COPII nucleation at ERES. Therefore, localized dynamic remodeling of PtdIns marks ERES membranes to regulate COPII-mediated ER export.  相似文献   


Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress responses have been demonstrated to play important roles in maintaining various cellular functions and to underlie many tissue dysfunctions. In this study, we identified Sec16B as an ER stress-inducible gene by microarray analysis of brefeldin A (BFA)-inducible genes in a mouse neuroblastoma cell-line, Neuro2a. Sec16B mRNA was induced by treatment with the ER stress-inducing reagents thapsigargin (Tg) and brefeldin A in a time-dependent manner. In the genomic sequence of the mouse Sec16B gene, we found an unfolded protein response element (UPRE), which is well conserved between humans and mice. Using luciferase reporter analyses, we showed that the UPRE in the mouse Sec16B gene was functional and responded well to ER stress-inducing stimuli and spliced XBP1 (sXBP1)-overexpression. In addition, a unique ATF4-responsive sequence within the first intron of the mouse Sec16B gene was characterized. Our study may help to elucidate the regulation of trafficking through the ER–Golgi apparatus and the biogenesis of ER-derived intracellular organelles.


Intracellular localization of the penta-EF-hand Ca2+-binding protein ALG-2 in HeLa cells was investigated by immunofluorescent confocal microscopy using a polyclonal antibody. In addition to its presence in the nucleus, ALG-2 was found to be distributed in a punctate pattern in the cytoplasm, where it was partly co-stained with an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) exit site marker p125. In vitro GST pull down analysis demonstrated that ALG-2 and its alternatively spliced isoform interact with the COPII component Sec31A in a Ca2+-dependent manner, and a biotin-labeled ALG-2 overlay assay revealed direct binding of ALG-2 to Sec31A. Biochemical and immunofluorescent microscopic analyses showed that ALG-2 was enriched at the Sec31A-localizing membrane compartments upon stimulation with the Ca2+ ionophore A23187. In contrast, treatment of cells with the membrane-permeant Ca2+ chelator BAPTA-AM led to a dispersion of ALG-2 throughout the cells and to a significant loss of Sec31A in the perinuclear region. These findings establish Sec31A as a novel target for ALG-2 and provide a framework for studies on the roles of ALG-2 in ER-Golgi transport.  相似文献   

Transitional ER (tER) sites are ER subdomains that are functionally, biochemically and morphologically distinct from the surrounding rough ER. Here we have used confocal video microscopy to study the dynamics of tER sites and Golgi structures in the budding yeast Pichia pastoris. The biogenesis of tER sites is tightly linked to the biogenesis of Golgi, and both compartments can apparently form de novo. tER sites often fuse with one another, but they maintain a consistent average size through shrinkage after fusion and growth after de novo formation. Golgi dynamics are similar, although late Golgi elements often move away from tER sites towards regions of polarized growth. Our results can be explained by assuming that tER sites give rise to Golgi cisternae that continually mature.  相似文献   

SEC16 is required for transport vesicle budding from the ER in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and encodes a large hydrophilic protein found on the ER membrane and as part of the coat of transport vesicles. In a screen to find functionally related genes, we isolated SED4 as a dosage- dependent suppressor of temperature-sensitive SEC16 mutations. Sed4p is an integral ER membrane protein whose cytosolic domain binds to the COOH-terminal domain of Sec16p as shown by two-hybrid assay and coprecipitation. The interaction between Sed4p and Sec16p probably occurs before budding is complete, because Sed4p is not found in budded vesicles. Deletion of SED4 decreases the rate of ER to Golgi transport, and exacerbates mutations defective in vesicle formation, but not those that affect later steps in the secretory pathway. Thus, Sed4p is important, but not necessary, for vesicle formation at the ER. Sec12p, a close homologue of Sed4p, also acts early in the assembly of transport vesicles. However, SEC12 performs a different function than SED4 since Sec12p does not bind Sec16p, and genetic tests show that SEC12 and SED4 are not functionally interchangeable. The importance of Sed4p for vesicle formation is underlined by the isolation of a phenotypically silent mutation, sar1-5, that produces a strong ER to Golgi transport defect when combined with sed4 mutations. Extensive genetic interactions between SAR1, SED4, and SEC16 show close functional links between these proteins and imply that they might function together as a multisubunit complex on the ER membrane.  相似文献   

Formation of COPII-coated vesicles at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) requires assembly onto the membrane of five cytosolic coat proteins, Sec23p, Sec24p, Sec13p, Sec31p, and Sar1p. A sixth vesicle coat component, Sec16p, is tightly associated with the ER membrane and has been proposed to act as a scaffold for membrane association of the soluble coat proteins. We previously showed that Sec23p binds to the C-terminal region of Sec16p. Here we use two-hybrid and coprecipitation assays to demonstrate that the essential COPII protein Sec24p binds to the central region of Sec16p. In vitro reconstitution of binding with purified recombinant proteins demonstrates that the interaction of Sec24p with the central domain of Sec16p does not depend on the presence of Sec23p. However, Sec23p facilitates binding of Sec24p to Sec16p, and the three proteins can form a ternary complex in vitro. Truncations of Sec24p demonstrate that the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of Sec24p display different binding specificities. The C terminus binds to the central domain of Sec16p, whereas the N terminus of Sec24p binds to both the central domain of Sec16p and to Sec23p. These findings define binding to Sec16p as a new function for Sec24p and support the idea that Sec16p organizes assembly of the COPII coat.  相似文献   

Vesicle budding from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) employs a cycle of GTP binding and hydrolysis to regulate assembly of the COPII coat. We have identified a novel mutation (sec24-m11) in the cargo-binding subunit, Sec24p, that specifically impacts the GTP-dependent generation of vesicles in vitro. Using a high-throughput approach, we defined genetic interactions between sec24-m11 and a variety of trafficking components of the early secretory pathway, including the candidate COPII regulators, Sed4p and Sec16p. We defined a fragment of Sec16p that markedly inhibits the Sec23p- and Sec31p-stimulated GTPase activity of Sar1p, and demonstrated that the Sec24p-m11 mutation diminished this inhibitory activity, likely by perturbing the interaction of Sec24p with Sec16p. The consequence of the heightened GTPase activity when Sec24p-m11 is present is the generation of smaller vesicles, leading to accumulation of ER membranes and more stable ER exit sites. We propose that association of Sec24p with Sec16p creates a novel regulatory complex that retards the GTPase activity of the COPII coat to prevent premature vesicle scission, pointing to a fundamental role for GTP hydrolysis in vesicle release rather than in coat assembly/disassembly.  相似文献   

The selective export of proteins and lipids from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is mediated by the coat protein complex II (COPII) that assembles onto the ER membrane. In higher eukaryotes, COPII proteins assemble at discrete sites on the membrane known as ER exit sites (ERES). Here, we identify Sec16 as the protein that defines ERES in mammalian cells. Sec16 localizes to ERES independent of Sec23/24 and Sec13/31. Overexpression, and to a lesser extent, small interfering RNA depletion of Sec16, both inhibit ER-to-Golgi transport suggesting that Sec16 is required in stoichiometric amounts. Sar1 activity is required to maintain the localization of Sec16 at discrete locations on the ER membrane, probably through preventing its dissociation. Our data suggest that Sar1-GTP-dependent assembly of Sec16 on the ER membrane forms an organized scaffold defining an ERES.  相似文献   

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