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Rab11, a small GTP binding protein involved in vesicular trafficking, has emerged as a key player in regulating various cellular events during Drosophila development and differentiation. In our earlier study a P-insertion line, Rab11(mo), was established as a new hypomorphic allele of Rab11 gene, showing degenerated eye phenotype, bristle abnormalities and sterility. We show here that Rab11 is expressed in the entire testis, more prominently in the secretory cells, and in ovary it is localized at the posterior pole. Rab11(mo) males and females are sterile. The sterility in males has been attributed to defects in the sperm individualization process, while in females, cytoskeleton disruption and reduction/loss of the posteriorly localized protein, Vasa, as a consequence of loss/mislocalization of Rab11 might be the cause of sterility. Fertility as well as the posterior localization of Rab11 and Vasa or cytoskeleton integrity was restored in pCaSpeR4-Rab11/+; Rab11(mo)/Rab11(mo) egg chambers, confirming the requirement of Rab11 in these events.  相似文献   

In an effort to identify the role of Rab11, a small GTP binding protein, during Drosophila differentiation, phenotypic manifestations associated with different alleles of Rab11 were studied. The phenotypes ranged from eye-defects, bristle abnormalities and sterility to lethality during various developmental stages. In this paper, our focus is targeted on eye defects caused by Rab11 mutations. A novel P-element insertion in the Rab11 locus, Rab11mo, displayed characteristic retinal anomalies, which could be reverted by P-element excision and expression of Rab11+ transgenes. During larval development, Rab11 is widely synthesized in photoreceptor cells and localizes to the rhabdomeres and lamina neuropil in adult eyes. Photoreceptors and associated bristles failed to be formed in homozygous clones generated in Rab11EP(3)3017 eyes. Decreased levels of Rab11 protein and increased cell death in Rab11mo third-instar larval eye-antennal discs suggest that the retinal defects originate during larval development. Our data indicate a requirement for Rab11 in ommatidial differentiation during Drosophila eye development.  相似文献   

Intracellular vesicular trafficking is one of the important tools in maintaining polarity, adhesion, and shape of epithelial cells. Rab11, a subfamily of the Ypt/Rab gene family of ubiquitously expressed GTPases and a molecular marker of recycling endosomes, transports different components of plasma membrane. Here, we report that Rab11 affects tubulogenesis of Malpighian tubules (MTs). MTs are simple polarized epithelial tubular structures, considered as functional analogue of human kidney. Rab11 has pleiotropic effects on MTs development as down‐regulation of Rab11 in principal cells (PCs) of MTs from embryonic stages of development results in reduced endoreplication, clustering of cells, disorganized cytoskeleton, and disruption of polarity leading to shortening of MTs in third instar larvae. Rab11 is also required for proper localization of different transporters in PCs, essential for physiological activity of MTs. Collectively, our data suggest that Rab11 plays a key role in the process of tubulogenesis of MTs in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3KC3) plays a central role in autophagy. Rubicon, a RUN domain-containing protein, is newly identified as a PI3KC3 subunit through its association with Beclin 1. Rubicon serves as a negative regulator of PI3KC3 and autophagosome maturation. The molecular mechanism underlying the PI3KC3 and autophagy inhibition by Rubicon is largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that Rubicon interacts with the PI3KC3 catalytic subunit hVps34 via its RUN domain. The RUN domain contributes to the efficient inhibition of PI3KC3 lipid kinase activity by Rubicon. Furthermore, a Rubicon RUN domain deletion mutant fails to complement the autophagy deficiency in Rubicon-depleted cells. Hence, these results reveal a critical role of the Rubicon RUN domain in PI3KC3 and autophagy regulation.  相似文献   

A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) tether the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and other signaling enzymes to distinct subcellular organelles. Using the yeast two-hybrid approach, we demonstrate that Rab32, a member of the Ras superfamily of small molecular weight G-proteins, interacts directly with the type II regulatory subunit of PKA. Cellular and biochemical studies confirm that Rab32 functions as an AKAP inside cells. Anchoring determinants for PKA have been mapped to sites within the conserved alpha5 helix that is common to all Rab family members. Subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescent approaches indicate that Rab32 and a proportion of the cellular PKA pool are associated with mitochondria. Transient transfection of a GTP binding-deficient mutant of Rab32 promotes aberrant accumulation of mitochondria at the microtubule organizing center. Further analysis of this mutant indicates that disruption of the microtubule cytoskeleton results in aberrantly elongated mitochondria. This implicates Rab32 as a participant in synchronization of mitochondrial fission. Thus, Rab32 is a dual function protein that participates in both mitochondrial anchoring of PKA and mitochondrial dynamics.  相似文献   

A proper balance of lipid breakdown and synthesis is essential for achieving energy homeostasis as alterations in either of these processes can lead to pathological states such as obesity. The regulation of lipid metabolism is quite complex with multiple signals integrated to control overall triglyceride levels in metabolic tissues. Based upon studies demonstrating effects of the circadian clock on metabolism, we sought to determine if the central clock cells in the Drosophila brain contribute to lipid levels in the fat body, the main nutrient storage organ of the fly. Here, we show that altering the function of the Drosophila central clock neurons leads to an increase in fat body triglycerides. We also show that although triglyceride levels are not affected by age, they are increased by expression of the amyloid-beta protein in central clock neurons. The effect on lipid storage seems to be independent of circadian clock output as changes in triglycerides are not always observed in genetic manipulations that result in altered locomotor rhythms. These data demonstrate that the activity of the central clock neurons is necessary for proper lipid storage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Embryonic cleavage leads to the formation of an epithelial layer during development. In Drosophila, the process is specialized and called cellularization. The trafficking pathways that underlie this process and that are responsible for the mobilization of membrane pools, however, remain poorly understood. RESULTS: We provide functional evidence for the role of endocytic trafficking through Rab11 endosomes in remobilizing vesicular membrane pools to ensure lateral membrane growth. Part of the membrane stems from endocytosed apical material. Mutants in the endocytic regulators rab5 and shibire/dynamin inhibit basal-lateral membrane growth, and apical endocytosis is blocked in shibire mutants. In addition, shibire controls vesicular trafficking through Rab11-positive endosomes. In shibire mutants, the transmembrane protein Neurotactin follows the secretory pathway normally but is not properly inserted in the plasma membrane and accumulates instead in Rab11 subapical endosomes. Consistent with a direct role of shibire in vesicular trafficking through Rab11 endosomes, Shibire is enriched in this compartment. Moreover, we show by electron microscopy the large accumulation of intracellular coated pits on subapical endocytic structures in shibire mutants. Finally, we show that Rab11 is essential for membrane growth and invagination during cellularization. CONCLUSION: Together, the data show that endocytic trafficking is required for basal-lateral membrane growth during cellularization. We identify Rab11 endosomes as key trafficking intermediates that control vesicle exocytosis and membrane growth during cellularization. This pathway may be required in other morphogenetic processes characterized by the growth of a membrane domain.  相似文献   

The Drosophila homolog of Aut1 is essential for autophagy and development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Juhász G  Csikós G  Sinka R  Erdélyi M  Sass M 《FEBS letters》2003,543(1-3):154-158
The Drosophila homolog of yeast Aut1, CG6877/Draut1, is a ubiquitously expressed cytosolic protein. Draut1 loss of function was achieved by expression of an inverted repeat transgene inducing RNA interference. The effect is temperature-dependent and resembles an allelic series as described by Fortier, E. and Belote, J.M. (Genesis 26 (2000) 240-244). Draut1 loss of function larvae are unable to induce autophagy and heterophagy in fat body cells before pupariation and die during metamorphosis. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a multicellular animal lacking the function of a gene participating in the protein conjugation systems of autophagy.  相似文献   

Paramyosin is a major structural protein of thick filaments in invertebrate muscles. Coiled-coil dimers of paramyosin form a paracrystalline core of these filaments, and the motor protein myosin is arranged on the core surface. To investigate the function of paramyosin in myofibril assembly and muscle contraction, we functionally disrupted the Drosophila melanogaster paramyosin gene by mobilizing a P element located in its promoter region. Homozygous paramyosin mutants die at the late embryo stage. Mutants display defects in both myoblast fusion and in myofibril assembly in embryonic body wall muscles. Mutant embryos have an abnormal body wall muscle fiber pattern arising from defects in myoblast fusion. In addition, sarcomeric units do not assemble properly and muscle contractility is impaired. We confirmed that these defects are paramyosin-specific by rescuing the homozygous paramyosin mutant to adulthood with a paramyosin transgene. Antibody analysis of normal embryos demonstrated that paramyosin accumulates as a cytoplasmic protein in early embryo development before assembling into thick filaments. We conclude that paramyosin plays an unexpected role in myoblast fusion and is important for myofibril assembly and muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Lipid droplets are intracellular organelles enriched in adipose tissue that govern the body fat stores of animals. In mammals, members of the evolutionarily conserved PERILIPIN protein family are associated with the lipid droplet surface and participate in lipid homeostasis. Here, we show that Drosophila mutants lacking the PERILIPIN PLIN1 are hyperphagic and suffer from adult-onset obesity. PLIN1 is a central and Janus-faced component of fat metabolism. It provides barrier function to storage lipid breakdown and acts as a key factor of stimulated lipolysis by modulating the access of proteins to the lipid droplet surface. It also shapes lipid droplet structure, transforming unilocular into multilocular fat cells. We generated flies devoid of all PERILIPIN family members and show that they exhibit impaired yet functional body fat regulation. Our data reveal the existence of a basal and possibly ancient lipid homeostasis system.  相似文献   

Steroid hormones are one of the major bioactive lipid species that regulate a large number of physiological processes including developmental transitions, growth, metabolism, inflammation, immune response and reproduction in animals. In insects, steroid hormones ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) trigger the major transitional events, molting and metamorphosis (Thummel, 1996). In Drosophila, ecdysone synthesis primarily occurs in the prothoracic gland, an endocrine gland expressing a large number of ecdysone biosynthetic enzymes required for a series of hydroxylation and oxidation steps.  相似文献   

A mutation in the small GTPase Rab38 gives rise to the mouse coat color phenotype "chocolate" (cht), implicating Rab38 in the regulation of melanogenesis. However, its role remains poorly characterized. We report that cht Rab38(G19V) is inactive and that the nearly normal pigmentation in cht melanocytes results from functional compensation by the closely related Rab32. In cht cells treated with Rab32-specific small interfering RNA, a dramatic loss of pigmentation is observed. In addition to mature melanosomes, Rab38 and Rab32 localize to perinuclear vesicles carrying tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein 1, consistent with a role in the intracellular sorting of these proteins. In Rab38/Rab32-deficient cells, tyrosinase appears to be mistargeted and degraded after exit from the trans-Golgi network (TGN). This suggests that Rab38 and Rab32 regulate a critical step in the trafficking of melanogenic enzymes, in particular, tyrosinase, from the TGN to melanosomes. This work identifies a key role for the Rab38/Rab32 subfamily of Rab proteins in the biogenesis of melanosomes and potentially other lysosome-related organelles.  相似文献   


In contrast to stress-induced macroautophagy/autophagy that happens during nutrient deprivation and other environmental challenges, basal autophagy is thought to be an important mechanism that cells utilize for homeostatic purposes. For instance, basal autophagy is used to recycle damaged and malfunctioning organelles and proteins to provide the building blocks for the generation of new ones throughout life. In addition, specialized autophagic processes, such as lipophagy, the autophagy-induced breakdown of lipid droplets (LDs), and glycophagy (breakdown of glycogen), are employed to maintain proper energy levels in the cell. The importance of autophagy in the regulation of stem cell behavior has been the focus of recent studies. However, the upstream signals that control autophagic activity in stem cells and the precise role of autophagy in stem cells are only starting to be elucidated. In a recent publication, we described how the Egfr (epidermal growth factor receptor) pathway stimulates basal autophagy to support the maintenance of somatic cyst stem cells (CySCs) and to control lipid levels in the Drosophila testis.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a highly conserved process that maintains intracellular homeostasis by degrading proteins or organelles in all eukaryotes. The effect of autophagy on fungal biology and infection of insect pathogens is unknown. Here, we report the function of MrATG8, an ortholog of yeast ATG8, in the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium robertsii. MrATG8 can complement an ATG8-defective yeast strain and deletion of MrATG8 impaired autophagy, conidiation and fungal infection biology in M. robertsii. Compared with the wild-type and gene-rescued mutant, Mratg8Δ is not inductive to form the infection-structure appressorium and is impaired in defense response against insect immunity. In addition, accumulation of lipid droplets (LDs) is significantly reduced in the conidia of Mratg8Δ and the pathogenicity of the mutant is drastically impaired. We also found that the cellular level of a LD-specific perilipin-like protein is significantly lowered by deletion of MrATG8 and that the carboxyl terminus beyond the predicted protease cleavage site is dispensable for MrAtg8 function. To corroborate the role of autophagy in fungal physiology, the homologous genes of yeast ATG1, ATG4 and ATG15, designated as MrATG1, MrATG4 and MrATG15, were also deleted in M. robertsii. In contrast to Mratg8Δ, these mutants could form appressoria, however, the LD accumulation and virulence were also considerably impaired in the mutant strains. Our data showed that autophagy is required in M. robertsii for fungal differentiation, lipid biogenesis and insect infection. The results advance our understanding of autophagic process in fungi and provide evidence to connect autophagy with lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Rab11 is a small GTPase that regulates several aspects of vesicular trafficking. Here, we show that Rab11 accumulates at the cleavage furrow of Drosophila spermatocytes and that it is essential for cytokinesis. Mutant spermatocytes form regular actomyosin rings, but these rings fail to constrict to completion, leading to cytokinesis failures. rab11 spermatocytes also exhibit an abnormal accumulation of Golgi-derived vesicles at the telophase equator, suggesting a defect in membrane-vesicle fusion. These cytokinesis phenotypes are identical to those elicited by mutations in giotto (gio) and four wheel drive (fwd) that encode a phosphatidylinositol transfer protein and a phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, respectively. Double mutant analysis and immunostaining for Gio and Rab11 indicated that gio, fwd, and rab11 function in the same cytokinetic pathway, with Gio and Fwd acting upstream of Rab11. We propose that Gio and Fwd mediate Rab11 recruitment at the cleavage furrow and that Rab11 facilitates targeted membrane delivery to the advancing furrow.  相似文献   

A number of membrane trafficking components are associated with lipid droplets (LDs) and/or are involved in their biogenesis. In this issue of The EMBO Journal, Li et al ( 2017 ) show that the mammalian TRAPPII (TRAnsport Protein Particle) complex acts as an LD‐associated GEF for Rab18, thereby regulating LD homeostasis.  相似文献   

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