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Efforts to engineer synthetic gene networks that spontaneously produce patterning in multicellular ensembles have focused on Turing's original model and the "activator-inhibitor" models of Meinhardt and Gierer. Systems based on this model are notoriously difficult to engineer. We present the first demonstration that Turing pattern formation can arise in a new family of oscillator-driven gene network topologies, specifically when a second feedback loop is introduced which quenches oscillations and incorporates a diffusible molecule. We provide an analysis of the system that predicts the range of kinetic parameters over which patterning should emerge and demonstrate the system's viability using stochastic simulations of a field of cells using realistic parameters. The primary goal of this paper is to provide a circuit architecture which can be implemented with relative ease by practitioners and which could serve as a model system for pattern generation in synthetic multicellular systems. Given the wide range of oscillatory circuits in natural systems, our system supports the tantalizing possibility that Turing pattern formation in natural multicellular systems can arise from oscillator-driven mechanisms.  相似文献   

Inspired by the temporal correlation theory of brain functions, researchers have presented a number of neural oscillator networks to implement visual scene segmentation problems. Recently, it is shown that many biological neural networks are typical small-world networks. In this paper, we propose and investigate two small-world models derived from the well-known LEGION (locally excitatory and globally inhibitory oscillator network) model. To form a small-world network, we add a proper proportion of unidirectional shortcuts (random long-range connections) to the original LEGION model. With local connections and shortcuts, the neural oscillators can not only communicate with neighbors but also exchange phase information with remote partners. Model 1 introduces excitatory shortcuts to enhance the synchronization within an oscillator group representing the same object. Model 2 goes further to replace the global inhibitor with a sparse set of inhibitory shortcuts. Simulation results indicate that the proposed small-world models could achieve synchronization faster than the original LEGION model and are more likely to bind disconnected image regions belonging together. In addition, we argue that these two models are more biologically plausible.  相似文献   

The effects of glutamate, aspartate, glycine, proline, alanine, taurine, glycerol, glucose and lactate injections on the haemolymph levels of the crustancean hyperglycemic hormone and/or glucose and lactate in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, were investigated. Only glucose and lactate caused significant changes of hyperglycaemic hormone levels. Glucose injections resulted in a drop of both hormone and lactate, while lactate had an opposite effect, i.e. it raised both crustacean hormone and glucose levels. The results suggest that during increases in glycolytic flux, lactate may cause a release of hormone by a positive feedback mechanism. The hormone would then stimulate glycogenolysis, thus increasing glucose availability. If more glucose is released than is metabolized, excess glucose may leak from the cells and suppress crustancean hyperglycemic hormone release from the X-organ/sinus gland complex by negative feedback.Abbreviations ABTS 2,2-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline sulphonic acid) - ANOVA one-way analysis of variance - BSA bovine serum albumin - BW body weight - CHH crustacean hyperglycemic hormone - ELISA cnzyme-liked immunosorbent assay - GIH gonadinhibiting hormone - IgG immunoglobin G - MIH moult-inhibiting hormone - MTGXO medulla terminalis X-organ - PB sodium phosphate buffer - PBS phosphate buffered saline - Pi inorganic phosphate - XO-SG X-organ-sinus gland complex  相似文献   

The bacterial acyl protein thioesterase (APT) homologue FTT258 from the gram-negative pathogen Francisella tularensis exists in equilibrium between a closed and open state. Interconversion between these two states is dependent on structural rearrangement of a dynamic loop overlapping its active site. The dynamics and structural properties of this loop provide a simple model for how the catalytic activity of FTT258 could be spatiotemporally regulated within the cell. Herein, we characterized the dual roles of this dynamic loop in controlling its catalytic and membrane binding activity. Using a comprehensive library of loop variants, we determined the relative importance of each residue in the loop to these two biological functions. For the catalytic activity, a centrally located tryptophan residue (Trp66) was essential, with the resulting alanine variant showing complete ablation of enzyme activity. Detailed analysis of Trp66 showed that its hydrophobicity in combination with spatial arrangement defined its essential role in catalysis. Substitution of other loop residues congregated along the N-terminal side of the loop also significantly impacted catalytic activity, indicating a critical role for this loop in controlling catalytic activity. For membrane binding, the centrally located hydrophobic residues played a surprising minor role in membrane binding. Instead general electrostatic interactions regulated membrane binding with positively charged residues bracketing the dynamic loop controlling membrane binding. Overall for FTT258, this dynamic loop dually controlled its biological activities through distinct residues within the loop and this regulation provides a new model for the spatiotemporal control over FTT258 and potentially homologous APT function.  相似文献   



There is an urgent need for new prognostic markers of breast cancer metastases to ensure that newly diagnosed patients receive appropriate therapy. Recent studies have demonstrated the potential value of gene expression signatures in assessing the risk of developing distant metastases. However, due to the small sample sizes of individual studies, the overlap among signatures is almost zero and their predictive power is often limited. Integrating microarray data from multiple studies in order to increase sample size is therefore a promising approach to the development of more robust prognostic tests.  相似文献   

Nassi JJ  Lyon DC  Callaway EM 《Neuron》2006,50(2):319-327
Dorsal visual cortical areas are thought to be dominated by input from the magnocellular (M) visual pathway, with little or no parvocellular (P) contribution. These relationships are supported by a close correlation between the functional properties of these areas and the M pathway and by a lack of anatomical evidence for P input. Here we use rabies virus as a retrograde transynaptic tracer to show that the dorsal area MT receives strong input, via a single relay, from both M and P cells of the lateral geniculate nucleus. This surprising P input, likely relayed via layer 6 Meynert cells in primary visual cortex, can provide MT with sensitivity to a more complete range of spatial, temporal, and chromatic cues than the M pathway alone. These observations provide definitive evidence for P pathway input to MT and show that convergence of parallel visual pathways occurs in the dorsal stream.  相似文献   

The vesicular adenosine triphosphatase (v-ATPase) is a proton pump that acidifies intracellular compartments. In addition, mutations in components of the membrane-bound v-ATPase V0 sector cause acidification-independent defects in yeast, worm, fly, zebrafish, and mouse. In this study, we present a dual function for the neuron-specific V0 subunit a1 orthologue v100 in Drosophila melanogaster. A v100 mutant that selectively disrupts proton translocation rescues a previously characterized synaptic vesicle fusion defect and vesicle fusion with early endosomes. Correspondingly, V100 selectively interacts with syntaxins on the respective target membranes, and neither synaptic vesicles nor early endosomes require v100 for their acidification. In contrast, V100 is required for acidification once endosomes mature into degradative compartments. As a consequence of the complete loss of this neuronal degradation mechanism, photoreceptors undergo slow neurodegeneration, whereas selective rescue of the acidification-independent function accelerates cell death by increasing accumulations in degradation-incompetent compartments. We propose that V100 exerts a temporally integrated dual function that increases neuronal degradative capacity.  相似文献   

Models of a dual inheritance system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In higher plants, animals and fungi, there are two inheritance systems: the familiar system, depending on DNA sequence, used in transmitting information between sexual generations, and an epigenetic inheritance system, depending on gene activation, responsible for the transmission of states of differentiation during development. Occasionally, epigenetic changes are transmitted in sexual reproduction. A formal model of such a dual inheritance system is presented, and it is shown how the separation between the two systems can sometimes break down. The evolutionary significance of such breakdowns is discussed.  相似文献   

Plk1 activation is required for progression through mitotic entry to cytokinesis. Here we show that at mitotic entry, Plk1 phosphorylates Optineurin (Optn) at serine 177 and that this dissociates Optn from the Golgi-localized GTPase Rab8, inducing its translocation into the nucleus. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed that Optn is associated with a myosin phosphatase complex (MP), which antagonizes the mitotic function of Plk1. Our data also indicate that Optn functionally connects this complex to Plk1 by promoting phosphorylation of the myosin phosphatase targeting subunit 1 (MYPT1). Accordingly, silencing Optn expression increases Plk1 activity and induces abscission failure and multinucleation, which were rescued upon expression of wild-type (WT) Optn, but not a phospho-deficient mutant (S177A) that cannot translocate into the nucleus during mitosis. Overall, these results highlight an important role of Optn in the spatial and temporal coordination of Plk1 activity.  相似文献   

We describe and illustrate methods for obtaining a parsimonious sinusoidal series representation or model of biological time-series data. The methods are also used to identify nonlinear systems with unknown structure. A key aspect is a rapid search for significant terms to include in the model for the system or the time-series. For example, the methods use fast and robust orthogonal searches for significant frequencies in the time-series, and differ from conventional Fourier series analysis in several important respects. In particular, the frequencies in our resulting sinusoidal series need not be commensurate, nor integral multiples of the fundamental frequency corresponding to the record length. Freed of these restrictions, the methods produce a more economical sinusoidal series representation (than a Fourier series), finding the most significant frequencies first, and automatically determine model order. The methods are also capable of higher resolution than a conventional Fourier series analysis. In addition, the methods can cope with unequally-spaced or missing data, and are applicable to time-series corrupted by noise. Fially, we compare one of our methods with a wellknown technique for resolving sinusoidal signals in noise using published data for the test time-series.  相似文献   

Astrotactin provides a receptor system for CNS neuronal migration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
CNS neuronal migration is a specialized form of cell motility that sets forth the laminar structure of cortical regions of brain. To define the neuronal receptor systems in glial-guided neuronal migration, an in vitro assay was developed for mouse cerebellar granule neurons, which provides simultaneous tracking of hundreds of migrating neurons. Three general classes of receptor systems were analyzed, the neuron-glial adhesion ligand astrotactin, the neural cell adhesion molecules of the IgG superfamily, N-CAM, L1 and TAG-1, and the beta 1 subunit of the integrin family. In the absence of immune activities, migrating cerebellar granule neurons had an average in vitro migration rate of 12 microns h-1, with individual neurons exhibiting migration rates over a range between 0 to 70 microns h-1. The addition of anti-astrotactin antibodies (or Fabs) significantly reduced the mean rate of neuronal migration by sixty-one percent, resulting in eighty percent of the neurons having migration rates below 8 microns h-1. By contrast, blocking antibodies (or Fabs) against L1, N-CAM, TAG-1 or beta 1 integrin, individually or in combination, did not reduce the rate of neuronal migration. By video-enhanced contrast differential interference contrast microscopy the effects of anti-astrotactin antibodies were seen to be rapid. Within fifteen minutes of antibody application, streaming of cytoplasmic organelles into the leading process arrested, the nucleus shifted from a caudal to a central position, and the extension of filopodia and lamellopodia along the leading process ceased. Correlated video and electron microscopy suggested that the mechanism of arrest by antiastrotactin antibodies involved the failure to form new adhesion sites along the leading process and the disorganization of cytoskeletal components. These results suggest astrotactin acts as a neuronal receptor for granule neuron migration along astroglial fibers.  相似文献   

The mammalian cell-lines used to produce biopharmaceutical products are known to produce endogenous retrovirus-like particles and have the potential to foster adventitious viruses as well. To ensure product safety and regulatory compliance, recovery processes must be capable of removing or inactivating any viral impurities or contaminants which may be present. Anion exchange chromatography (AEX) is a common process in the recovery of monoclonal antibody products and has been shown to be effective for viral removal. To further characterize the robustness of viral clearance by AEX with respect to process variations, we have investigated the ability of an AEX process to remove three model viruses using various combinations of mAb products, feedstock conductivities and compositions, equilibration buffers, and pooling criteria. Our data indicate that AEX provides complete or near-complete removal of all three model viruses over a wide range of process conditions, including those typically used in manufacturing processes. Furthermore, this process provides effective viral clearance for different mAb products, using a variety of feedstocks, equilibration buffers, and different pooling criteria. Viral clearance is observed to decrease when feedstocks with sufficiently high conductivities are used, and the limit at which the decrease occurs is dependent on the salt composition of the feedstock. These data illustrate the robust nature of the AEX recovery process for removal of viruses, and they indicate that proper design of AEX processes can ensure viral safety of mAb products.  相似文献   

Plants have evolved elegant mechanisms to continuously sense and respond to their environment, suggesting that these properties can be adapted to make inexpensive and widely used biological monitors, or sentinels, for human threats. For a plant to be a sentinel, a reporting system is needed for large areas and widespread monitoring. The reporter or readout mechanism must be easily detectable, allow remote monitoring and provide a re-set capacity; all current gene reporting technologies fall short of these requirements. Chlorophyll is one of the best-recognized plant pigments with an already well-developed remote imaging technology. However, chlorophyll is very abundant, with levels regulated by both genetic and environmental factors. We designed a synthetic de-greening circuit that produced rapid chlorophyll loss on perception of a specific input. With induction of the de-greening circuit, changes were remotely detected within 2 h. Analyses of multiple de-greening circuits suggested that the de-greening circuit functioned, in part, via light-dependent damage to photosystem cores and the production of reactive oxygen species. Within 24–48 h of induction, an easily recognized white phenotype resulted. Microarray analysis showed that the synthetic de-greening initiated a process largely distinct from normal chlorophyll loss in senescence. Remarkably, synthetically de-greened white plants re-greened after removal of the inducer, providing the first easily re-settable reporter system for plants and the capacity to make re-settable biosensors. Our results showed that the de-greening circuit allowed chlorophyll to be employed as a simple but powerful reporter system useful for widespread areas.  相似文献   

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