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The treatment and disposal of pig-waste in Hong Kong has received much attention in recent years but, following any of the presently used treatment processes, solids remain to be further stabilized. Vermicomposting is a waste stabilization technique which converts waste into potentially recyclable materials such as worm protein and worm casts. The earthworm, Pheretima asiatica, can stabilize most of the solids arising from the treatment of pig-waste, including raw pig manure, suggesting that vermicomposting has a high potential as a unit process in the management of pig-waste in Hong Kong.S.H. Wong is with the Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong; and D.A. Griffiths is with the Department of Botany, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.  相似文献   

You JH  Chan ES  Leung MY  Ip M  Lee NL 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33123


Seasonal and 2009 H1N1 influenza viruses may cause severe diseases and result in excess hospitalization and mortality in the older and younger adults, respectively. Early antiviral treatment may improve clinical outcomes. We examined potential outcomes and costs of test-guided versus empirical treatment in patients hospitalized for suspected influenza in Hong Kong.


We designed a decision tree to simulate potential outcomes of four management strategies in adults hospitalized for severe respiratory infection suspected of influenza: “immunofluorescence-assay” (IFA) or “polymerase-chain-reaction” (PCR)-guided oseltamivir treatment, “empirical treatment plus PCR” and “empirical treatment alone”. Model inputs were derived from literature. The average prevalence (11%) of influenza in 2010–2011 (58% being 2009 H1N1) among cases of respiratory infections was used in the base-case analysis. Primary outcome simulated was cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) expected (ICER) from the Hong Kong healthcare providers'' perspective.


In base-case analysis, “empirical treatment alone” was shown to be the most cost-effective strategy and dominated the other three options. Sensitivity analyses showed that “PCR-guided treatment” would dominate “empirical treatment alone” when the daily cost of oseltamivir exceeded USD18, or when influenza prevalence was <2.5% and the predominant circulating viruses were not 2009 H1N1. Using USD50,000 as the threshold of willingness-to-pay, “empirical treatment alone” and “PCR-guided treatment” were cost-effective 97% and 3% of time, respectively, in 10,000 Monte-Carlo simulations.


During influenza epidemics, empirical antiviral treatment appears to be a cost-effective strategy in managing patients hospitalized with severe respiratory infection suspected of influenza, from the perspective of healthcare providers in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

This study was conducted with the aim of obtaining the very first information on the sexual risk behavior of Croatian men who have sex with men (MSM). There were 1127 respondents recruited at four venues: three physical meeting places of the Croatian MSM population (disco club, bar and sauna) in Zagreb and one virtual (gay oriented web-site) meeting place of the Croatian MSM population. The overall response rate was only 19%. The rate of condom use during last anal intercourse was 59% and 56% of those who used a lubricant had chosen an incorrect product to use with latex condoms. There was no connection between drug-use and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI). Only a fifth of those who had also had sex with women (MSM/MSW) during last 12 months regularly used protection. The obtained findings will serve for focused and effective prevention activities and a basis for comparison in future research.  相似文献   

This survey was conducted with the aim of obtaining the information on the sexual risk behavior of Croatian men who have sex with men (MSM) two years after the first research. There was total of 820 respondents recruited at seven frequent meeting places of Croatian MSM in Zagreb and Rijeka, as well as one gay-oriented web-site. The overall response rate was 17.6% which is 1.4 percentage point less than it was two years ago. The rate of condom use during last anal intercourse was 53.2% and 69% of those who used a lubricant had chosen a correct water-based product which is increase of 15% comparing to the last research. Only 27% of those who had also had sex with women (MSM/MSW) during last 12 months regularly used protection. The results of this research suggest that there are trends in declining of some risk behaviors among Croatian MSM but there is a lot of space for focused and effective prevention activities on increasing the risk perception and reducing risk behaviors.  相似文献   

查阅馆藏植物标本,有3种茜草科植物:丹草(Hedyotis herbacea)、小耳草(H.pumila)和蕴璋耳草(Scleromitrion koanum)为香港新记录。这些资料为香港的生物多样性工作提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

The ability to treat gonorrhoea with current first-line drugs is threatened by the global spread of extensively drug resistant (XDR) Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) strains. In Australia, urban transmission is high among men who have sex with men (MSM) and importation of an XDR NG strain in this population could result in an epidemic that would be difficult and costly to control. An individual-based, anatomical site-specific mathematical model of NG transmission among Australian MSM was developed and used to evaluate the potential for elimination of an imported NG strain under a range of case-based and population-based test-and-treat strategies. When initiated upon detection of the imported strain, these strategies enhance the probability of elimination and reduce the outbreak size compared with current practice (current testing levels and no contact tracing). The most effective strategies combine testing targeted at regular and casual partners with increased rates of population testing. However, even with the most effective strategies, outbreaks can persist for up to 2 years post-detection. Our simulations suggest that local elimination of imported NG strains can be achieved with high probability using combined case-based and population-based test-and-treat strategies. These strategies may be an effective means of preserving current treatments in the event of wider XDR NG emergence.  相似文献   

Yang L  Wong CM  Lau EH  Chan KP  Ou CQ  Peiris JS 《PloS one》2008,3(1):e1399


Consultation rates of influenza-like illness (ILI) in an outpatient setting have been regarded as a good indicator of influenza virus activity in the community. As ILI-like symptoms may be caused by etiologies other than influenza, and influenza virus activity in the tropics and subtropics is less predictable than in temperate regions, the correlation between of ILI and influenza virus activity in tropical and subtropical regions is less well defined.

Methodology and Principal Findings

In this study, we used wavelet analysis to investigate the relationship between seasonality of influenza virus activity and consultation rates of ILI reported separately by General Out-patient Clinics (GOPC) and General Practitioners (GP). During the periods 1998–2000 and 2002–2003, influenza virus activity exhibited both annual and semiannual cycles, with one peak in the winter and another in late spring or early summer. But during 2001 and 2004–2006, only annual cycles could be clearly identified. ILI consultation rates in both GOPC and GP settings share a similar non-stationary seasonal pattern. We found high coherence between ILI in GOPC and influenza virus activity for the annual cycle, but this was only significant (p<0.05) during the periods 1998–1999 and 2002–2006. For the semiannual cycle high coherence (p<0.05) was also found significant during the period 1998–1999 and year 2003 when two peaks of influenza were evident. Similarly, ILI in GP setting is also associated with influenza virus activity for both the annual and semiannual cycles. On average, oscillation of ILI in GP and of ILI in GOPC preceded influenza virus isolation by approximately four and two weeks, respectively.


Our findings suggest that consultation rates of ILI precede the oscillations of laboratory surveillance by at least two weeks and can be used as a predictor for influenza epidemics in Hong Kong. The validity of our model for other tropical regions needs to be explored.  相似文献   

Tung Ping Chau Marine Park in Hong Kong was designated in 2001 with aims to protect its highly-diverse marine habitats from destructive human activities. Sargassum spp. (mainly Sargassum siliquastrum) formed a dense canopy in Lung Lok Shiu (LLS) in southwestern side of the Marine Park. This Sargassum bed, however, disappeared and a barren ground developed 7 years after the marine park designation. The increase in density of the short-spined sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina, and thus the grazing pressure, as a result of restriction on its commercial fishery within the Marine Park was hypothesized as the immediate cause of the barren ground formation. In this study, we tested this hypothesis and manipulated the density of A. crassispina in exclusion cages underwater in LLS, where S. siliquastrum canopy originally existed. Transplantation of S. siliquastrum thalli and ceramic tiles with their recruits was carried out in these cages in February–May 2012 and May 2013. The results showed that the transplanted Sargassum thalli could not survive outside exclusion cages, whereas the induced recruits were almost wiped out in all tiles even inside exclusion cages. This provides evidence that the sea urchin A. crassispina could have overgrazed S. siliquastrum thalli and decimated the Sargassum canopy in LLS. It also suggested that other than A. crassispina, other grazers also contributed to the removal of S. siliquastrum recruits. Therefore, natural recovery of Sargassum bed seems unlikely if the grazing pressure remains high in this site. Proactive management strategies may need to be adapted to restore this Sargassum bed.  相似文献   

香港的生物多样性及其保育工作   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
香港位于热带,属海洋性气候。地势崎岖多山,山地约占全港总面积的3/4。城市发展多集中在沿海平坦地带。目前香港的城市和乡镇面积约占总面积的20%,农地约占5%(当中大部份已遭荒废),余下的均为郊野地区,这包括天然林和人工林(约占14%)、灌丛(约占36%)及草地(约占17%)。由于良好的气候和地理条件,形成了众多不同的生态环境,使总面积仅1090 km2的弹丸之地孕育出种类多样的动植物,生物多样性十分丰富。香港约有2500种原生植物,包括被子植物约1900种,裸子植物7种,蕨类植物220多种及苔藓植物300多种。动物方面,已记录的野生哺乳类动物有40多种,鸟类超过459种,两栖类23种,爬行类70多种。昆虫种类繁多,其中蜻蜓目100多种,鳞翅目2200多种(蝴蝶200多种,蛾类2000多种)。有很多是国家保护物种和特有种。植物方面属国家一级保护的有1种——刺桫椤(Alsophila spinulosa);国家二级保护的有6种,如四药门花(Tetrathryrium subcordatum);国家三级保护的有8种,如穗花杉(Amentotaxus argotaenia)。此外,香港特有种有16种,例如紫萁科(Osmundaceae)的粤紫萁(Osmunda mildei)、马兜铃科(Aristolochiaceae)的香港细辛(Asarum hongkongense)和兰科(Orchidaceae)的谢氏卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum tseanum)。动物方面有9种属国家一级保护,例如中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis);79种属国家二级保护。特有种则有卢氏小树蛙(Philautus romeri)、包氏双足蜥(Dibamus bogadeki)及多种昆虫。为了保护丰富的野生动植物及其栖息的环境,香港特别行政区政府制定了一些法例并推行了不少保护措施,例如设立了21个郊野公园和14个特别地区,占全港陆地总面积约38%。此外,还成立了2个禁区、3个海岸公园和1个海洋保护区。另一方面,政府还设立了59个“具特殊科学价值地点”,以保护及研究各种动植物、生态系统和特殊的地质地貌。香港地少人多,总人口超过600万,是世界上人口最稠密的地区之一。多年来香港这个生物宝库不断地遭受人类活动的威胁,近年来由于人口急剧上升,对土地需求迫切,不少郊野地区被开发利用,环境污染亦日益严重。此外,一些野生植物因具有药用价值、观赏价值或其他用途而遭盗伐或采集。上述种种因素已使香港野生动植物及其生境受到严重损害,一些物种更濒于灭绝,进行生物多样性的保育工作刻不容缓。因此,香港确实需要制定整体的生物多样性保护策略。有鉴于此,香港大学生态及分类学系于1996年展开了一项为期3年的香港生物多样性调查,以增加对动植物资源现况的了解,为保护香港的珍稀濒危物种和日益恶化的自然环境提出补救方案,并为制订长远的保育策略奠定基础。  相似文献   

An investigation into the effect of environmental factors on the general distribution and occurrence of lignicolous marine fungi using submerged blocks of pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) and teak (Tectona grandis L.) was carried out for 18 months in the coastal waters of Hong Kong. Five test sites, with environmental conditions varying from estuarine to oceanic, and from polluted to non-polluted, were selected. During each collection, salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, nitrate-nitrogen, inorganic phosphate-phosphorus and light transmission were measured. A total of 51 species of fungi were recorded among which only 28 were either obligate or facultative marine forms. Neither the general distribution pattern nor the distribution of the more frequent fungi could be solely accounted for by differences in salinity at the test sites and it is suggested that other ecological factors such as heavy sediments in the waters, low pH, and the presence of an abundant source of inocula may be important.  相似文献   

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