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Ueno T  Tomita J  Kume S  Kume K 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31513
Homeothermal animals, such as mammals, maintain their body temperature by heat generation and heat dissipation, while poikilothermal animals, such as insects, accomplish it by relocating to an environment of their favored temperature. Catecholamines are known to regulate thermogenesis and metabolic rate in mammals, but their roles in other animals are poorly understood. The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has been used as a model system for the genetic studies of temperature preference behavior. Here, we demonstrate that metabolic rate and temperature sensitivity of some temperature sensitive behaviors are regulated by dopamine in Drosophila. Temperature-sensitive molecules like dTrpA1 and shi(ts) induce temperature-dependent behavioral changes, and the temperature at which the changes are induced were lowered in the dopamine transporter-defective mutant, fumin. The mutant also displays a preference for lower temperatures. This thermophobic phenotype was rescued by the genetic recovery of the dopamine transporter in dopamine neurons. Flies fed with a dopamine biosynthesis inhibitor (3-iodo-L-tyrosine), which diminishes dopamine signaling, exhibited preference for a higher temperature. Furthermore, we found that the metabolic rate is up-regulated in the fumin mutant. Taken together, dopamine has functions in the temperature sensitivity of behavioral changes and metabolic rate regulation in Drosophila, as well as its previously reported functions in arousal/sleep regulation.  相似文献   

Dopamine is an important signaling molecule in the nervous system; it also plays a vital role in the development of diverse non-neuronal tissues in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. The current study demonstrates that males depleted of dopamine as third instar larvae (via inhibition of the biosynthetic enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase) demonstrated abnormalities in courtship behavior as adults. These defects were suggestive of abnormalities in sensory perception and/or processing. Electroretinograms (ERGs) of eyes from adults depleted of dopamine for 1 day as third instar larvae revealed diminished or absent on- and off-transients. These sensory defects were rescued by the addition of L-DOPA in conjunction with tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition during the larval stage. Depletion of dopamine in the first or second larval instar was lethal, but this was not due to a general inhibition of proliferative cells. To establish that dopamine was synthesized in tissues destined to become part of the adult sensory apparatus, transgenic lines were generated containing 1 or 4 kb of 5' upstream sequences from the Drosophila tyrosine hydroxylase gene (DTH) fused to the E. coli beta-galactosidase reporter. The DTH promoters directed expression of the reporter gene in discrete and consistent patterns within the imaginal discs, in addition to the expected expression in gonadal, brain, and cuticular tissues. The beta-galactosidase expression colocalized with tyrosine hydroxylase protein. These results are consistent with a developmental requirement for dopamine in the normal physiology of adult sensory tissues.  相似文献   

Extended periods of rest in Drosophila melanogaster resemble mammalian sleep states in that they are characterized by heightened arousal thresholds and specific alterations in gene expression. Defined as inactivity periods spanning 5 or more min, amounts of this sleep-like state are, as in mammals, sensitive to prior amounts of waking activity, time of day, and pharmacological intervention. Clearly recognizable changes in the pattern and amount of brain electrical activity accompany changes in motor activity and arousal thresholds originally used to identify mammalian sleeping behavior. Electroencephalograms (EEGs) and/or local field potentials (LFPs) are now widely used to quantify sleep state amounts and define types of sleep. Thus, slow-wave sleep (SWS) is characterized by EEG spindles and large-amplitude delta-frequency (0-3.5 Hz) waves. Rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep is characterized by irregular gamma-frequency cortical EEG patterns and rhythmic theta-frequency (5-9 Hz) hippocampal EEG activity. It is unknown whether rest and activity in Drosophila are associated with distinct electrophysiological correlates. To address this issue, we monitored motor activity levels and recorded LFPs in the medial brain between the mushroom bodies, structures implicated in the modulation of locomotor activity, of Drosophila. The results indicate that LFPs can be reliably recorded from the brains of awake, moving fruit flies, that targeted genetic manipulations can be used to localize sources of LFP activity, and that brain electrical activity of Drosophila is reliably correlated with activity state.  相似文献   

Sensory systems, including the olfactory system, are able to adapt to changing environmental conditions. In nature, changes in temperature modify the volatility and concentration of odorants in the air. If the olfactory system does not adapt to these changes, it could relay wrong information about the distance to or direction of odor sources. Recent behavioral studies in Drosophila melanogaster showed olfactory acclimation to temperature. In this report, we investigated if temperature affects olfaction at the level of the receptors themselves. With this aim, we performed electroantennograms (EAGs) and single sensillum recordings (SSRs) to measure the response to several odorants in flies that had been submitted to temperature treatments. In response to all tested odorants, the amplitude of the EAGs increased in flies that had been exposed to a higher temperature and decreased after cold treatment, revealing that at least part of the reported change in olfactory perception happens at reception level. SSRs of odorant stimulated basiconic sensilla ab2 and ab3 showed some changes in the number of spikes after heat or cold treatment. However, the number and shape of spontaneous action potentials were unaffected, suggesting that the observed changes related specifically to the olfactory function of the neurons.  相似文献   

Most ectotherms show increased body size at maturity when reared under colder temperatures. In principle, temperature could produce this outcome by influencing growth, proliferation and/or death of epidermal cells. Here we investigated the effects of rearing temperature on the cell size and cell number in the wing blade, the basitarsus of the leg and the cornea of the eye of Drosophila melanogaster from two populations at opposite ends of a South American latitudinal cline. We found that, in both strains of D. melanogaster and in both sexes, a decrease in rearing temperature increases the size of the wings, legs and eyes through an effect on epidermal cell size, with no significant change in cell number. Our results indicate that temperature has a consistent effect on cell size in the Drosophila epidermis and this may also apply to other cell types. In contrast, the evolutionary effects of temperature on the different organs are not consistent. We discuss our findings in the context of growth control in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Despite its central role in post-copulatory sexual selection, the female reproductive tract is poorly understood. Here we provide the first experimental study of the adaptive significance of variation in female sperm-storage organ morphology. Using populations of Drosophila melanogaster artificially selected for longer or shorter seminal receptacles, we identify relationships between the length of this primary sperm-storage organ and the number of sperm stored, pattern of progeny production, rate of egg fertilization, remating interval, and pattern of sperm precedence. Costs and benefits of relatively short or long organs were identified. Benefits of longer receptacles include increased sperm-storage capacity and thus progeny production from a single insemination. Results suggest that longer receptacles have not naturally evolved because of developmental time costs and a correlated reduction in longevity of mated females. This latter cost may be a consequence of sexual conflict mediated by ejaculate toxicity. Receptacle length did not alter the pattern of sperm precedence, which is consistent with data on the co-evolution of sperm and female receptacle length, and a pattern of differential male fertilization success being principally determined by the interaction between these male and female traits.  相似文献   

Spermatozoan nucleus length in three strains of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R A Beatty  N S Sidhu 《Heredity》1967,22(1):65-82

The circadian clock regulates vital aspects of physiology including protein synthesis and oxidative stress response. In this investigation, we performed a proteome-wide scrutiny of rhythmic protein accrual in Drosophila melanogaster on exposure to rotenone, rotenone + hesperidin and hesperidin in D. melanogaster. Total protein from fly samples collected at 6 h intervals over the 24 h period was subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Bioinformatics tool, Protein ANalysis THrough Evolutionary Relationships classification system was used to the determine the biological processes of the proteins of altered abundance. Conspicuous variations in the proteome (151 proteins) of the flies exposed to oxidative stress (by rotenone treatment) and after alleviating oxidative stress (by hesperidin treatment) were observed during the 24 h cycle. Significantly altered levels of abundance of a wide variety of proteins under oxidative stress (rotenone treatment) and under alleviation of oxidative stress (rotenone + hesperidin treatment) and hesperidin (alone) treatment were observed. These proteins are involved in metabolism, muscle activity, heat shock response, redox homeostasis, protein synthesis/folding/degradation, development, ion-channel/cellular transport, and gustatory and olfactory function of the flies. Our data indicates that numerous cellular processes are involved in the temporal regulation of proteins and widespread modulations happen under rotenone treatment and, action of hesperidin could also be seen on these categories of proteins.  相似文献   

Fitness and its components in Drosophila melanogaster were estimated under the homozygous condition. All of these parameters, except for egg-to-adult viability and female fecundity, were measured under interspecific competition with D. hydei. The following results were obtained: (1) Significant genetic variation was detected in fitness, productivity, adult viability, total egg-to-adult viability and female fecundity. (2) Significant correlation was obtained between fitness and productivity (rp = 0.792 for phenotypic correlation, rg = 0.945 for genotypic correlation), between fitness and total egg-to-adult viability (rp = 0.355, rg = 0.395), and between fitness and female fecundity (rp = 0.451, rg = 0.511). (3) There was no significant correlation between total egg-to-adult viability and fecundity (rp = -0.046). The biological implications of the interrelationship between fitness and its components are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Drugs of abuse have a common property in mammals, which is their ability to facilitate the release of the neurotransmitter and neuromodulator dopamine in specific brain regions involved in reward and motivation. This increase in synaptic dopamine levels is believed to act as a positive reinforcer and to mediate some of the acute responses to drugs. The mechanisms by which dopamine regulates acute drug responses and addiction remain unknown. RESULTS: We present evidence that dopamine plays a role in the responses of Drosophila to cocaine, nicotine or ethanol. We used a startle-induced negative geotaxis assay and a locomotor tracking system to measure the effect of psychostimulants on fly behavior. Using these assays, we show that acute responses to cocaine and nicotine are blunted by pharmacologically induced reductions in dopamine levels. Cocaine and nicotine showed a high degree of synergy in their effects, which is consistent with an action through convergent pathways. In addition, we found that dopamine is involved in the acute locomotor-activating effect, but not the sedating effect, of ethanol. CONCLUSIONS: We show that in Drosophila, as in mammals, dopaminergic pathways play a role in modulating specific behavioral responses to cocaine, nicotine or ethanol. We therefore suggest that Drosophila can be used as a genetically tractable model system in which to study the mechanisms underlying behavioral responses to multiple drugs of abuse.  相似文献   

One function of sleep is thought to be the restoration of energy stores in the brain depleted during wakefulness. One such energy store found in mammalian brains is glycogen. Many of the genes involved in glycogen regulation in mammals have also been found in Drosophila melanogaster and rest behavior in Drosophila has recently been shown to have the characteristics of sleep. We therefore examined, in the fly, variation in the glycogen contents of the brain, the whole head and the body throughout the rest/activity cycle and after rest deprivation. Glycogen in the brain varies significantly throughout the day (p=0.001) and is highest during rest and lowest while flies are active. Glycogen levels in the whole head and body do not show diurnal variation. Brain glycogen drops significantly when flies are rest deprived for 3 h (p=0.034) but no significant differences are observed after 6 h of rest deprivation. In contrast, glycogen is significantly depleted in the body after both 3 and 6 h of rest deprivation (p<0.0001 and p<0.0001, respectively). Glycogen in the fly brain changes in relationship to rest and activity and demonstrates a biphasic response to rest deprivation similar to that observed in mammalian astrocytes in culture.  相似文献   

The central clock is generally thought to provide timing information for rest/activity but not to otherwise participate in regulation of these states. To test the hypothesis that genes that are components of the molecular clock also regulate rest, the authors quantified the duration and intensity of consolidated rest and activity for the four viable Drosophila mutations of the central clock that lead to arrhythmic locomotor behavior and for the pdf mutant that lacks pigment-dispersing factor, an output neuropeptide. Only the cycle (cyc01) and Clock (Clk(Jrk)) mutants had abnormalities that mapped to the mutant locus, namely, decreased consolidated rest and grossly extended periods of activity. All mutants with the exception of the cyc01 fly exhibited a qualitatively normal compensatory rebound after rest deprivation. This abnormal response in cyc01 was sexually dimorphic, being reduced or absent in males and exaggerated in females. Finally, the cyc01 mutation shortened the life span of male flies. These data indicate that cycle regulates rest and life span in male Drosophila.  相似文献   

We report the results of a comprehensive search of Drosophila melanogaster DNA sequences in GenBank for di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide repeats of more than four repeat units, and a DNA library screen for dinucleotide repeats. Dinucleotide repeats are more abundant (66%) than tri- (30%) or tetranucleotide (4%) repeats. We estimate that 1917 dinucleotide repeats with 10 or more repeat units are present in the euchromatic D. melanogaster genome and, on average, they occur once every 60 kb. Relative to many other animals, dinucleotide repeats in D. melanogaster are short. Tri- and tetranucleotide repeats have even fewer repeat units on average than dinucleotide repeats. Our WorldWide Web site (http://www.bio.cornell.edu/genetics/aquadro/aquadro.html) posts the complete list of 1298 microsatellites (≥ five repeat units) identified from the GenBank search. We also summarize assay conditions for 70 D. melanogaster microsatellites characterized in previous studies and an additional 56 newly characterized markers.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster period (per) gene is required for expression of endogenous circadian rhythms of locomotion and eclosion. per mRNA is expressed with a circadian rhythm that is dependent on Per protein; this feedback loop has been proposed to be essential to the central circadian pacemaker. This model would suggest the Per protein also controls the circadian expression of other genetic loci to generate circadian behavior and physiology. In this paper we describe Dreg-5, a gene whose mRNA is expressed in fly heads with a circadian rhythm nearly identical to that of the per gene. Dreg-5 mRNA continues to cycle in phase with that of per mRNA in conditions of total darkness and also when the daily feeding time is altered. Like per mRNA, Dreg-5 mRNA is not expressed rhythmically in per null mutant flies. Dreg-5 encodes a novel 298 residue protein and Dreg-5 protein isoforms also oscillate in abundance with a circadian rhythm. The phase of Dreg-5 protein oscillation, however, is different from that of Per protein expression, suggesting that Dreg-5 and per have common translational but different post-translational control mechanisms. These results demonstrate that the per gene is capable of modulating the rhythmic expression of other genes; this activity may form the basis of the output of circadian rhythmicity in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Structural heterogeneity of five long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposon families (297, mdg 1, 412, copia, and 1731) was investigated in Drosophila melanogaster. The genomic distribution of canonical and rearranged elements was studied by comparing hybridization patterns of Southern blots on salivary glands from adult females and males with in situ hybridization on polytene chromosomes. The proportion and genomic distribution of noncanonical copies is distinctive to each family and presents constant features in the four different D. melanogaster strains studied. Most elements of families 297 and mdg 1 were noncanonical and presented large interstock and intrastock polymorphism. Noncanonical elements of these two families were mostly located in euchromatin, although not restricted to it. The elements of families 412 and copia were better conserved. The proportion of noncanonical elements was lower. The 1731 family is mainly composed of noncanonical, beta-heterochromatic elements that are highly conserved among stocks. The relation of structural polymorphism to phylogeny, transpositional activity and the role of natural selection in the maintenance of transposable elements are discussed.  相似文献   

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