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The sodium/iodide symporter (NIS) mediates a remarkably effective targeted radioiodide therapy in thyroid cancer; this approach is an emerging candidate for treating other cancers that express NIS, whether endogenously or by exogenous gene transfer. Thus far, the only extrathyroidal malignancy known to express functional NIS endogenously is breast cancer. Therapeutic efficacy in thyroid cancer requires that radioiodide uptake be maximized in tumor cells by manipulating well-known regulatory factors of NIS expression in thyroid cells, such as TSH, which stimulates NIS expression via cAMP. Similarly, therapeutic efficacy in breast cancer will likely depend on manipulating NIS regulation in mammary cells, which differs from that in the thyroid. Human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells modestly express endogenous NIS when treated with all-trans-retinoic acid (tRa). We report here that hydrocortisone and ATP each markedly stimulates tRa-induced NIS protein expression and plasma membrane targeting in MCF-7 cells, leading to at least a 100% increase in iodide uptake. Surprisingly, the adenyl cyclase activator forskolin, which promotes NIS expression in thyroid cells, markedly decreases tRa-induced NIS protein expression in MCF-7 cells. Isobutylmethylxanthine increases tRa-induced NIS expression in MCF-7 cells, probably through a purinergic signaling system independent of isobutylmethylxanthine's action as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. We also observed that neither iodide, which at high concentrations down-regulates NIS in the thyroid, nor cAMP has a significant effect on NIS expression in MCF-7 cells. Our findings may open new strategies for breast-selective pharmacological modulation of functional NIS expression, thus improving the feasibility of using radioiodide to effectively treat breast cancer.  相似文献   

NIS gene is located on chromosome 19 and encodes 643 amino acid protein. It belongs to membrane Na+ dependent glucose symporter proteins family. In normal thyroid is located in basolateral membrane of thyreocyte. It plays a main role in concentrating of iodine in thyreocyte and thus in thyroid hormones synthesis. It was proved that NIS expression influences effectiveness of radioactive iodine therapy in well-differentiated thyroid cancers. The aim of this study was to estimate the NIS expression and its dependence with gender, age and stage in thyroid papillary and follicular cancers. The frozen sections of tissue were used as a source of tumor RNA. RT-PCR technique was employed for NIS expression analysis. We did not find dependence between the presence of NIS expression in investigated thyroid cancers and stage of disease estimated according to TNM classification. We also did not find dependence between NIS expression and gender or sex of the patients. Our results suggest that there is no dependence between NIS expression and iodine uptake.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a common malignancy in women all over the world and novel therapeutic approaches are required for the treatment of patients who become refractory to conventional therapies. Thyroid cancer is being treated successfully with radioiodine since many years. The iodide is transported inside the thyroid epithelial cell via sodium iodide symporter (NIS) which is a trans-membrane protein. The present study was aimed to explore the uptake of radioiodide (RAI) and the expression of NIS in breast tissues of invasive ductal carcinoma patients. Breast tissues from tumor region (Tu-Br) as well as corresponding normal region (N-Br) were collected from patients of invasive ductal carcinoma. In vitro RAI uptake, its efflux and NIS expression were studied. The uptake of RAI (1.98+/-1.75 x 10(5) cpm/g) in Tu-Br was significantly higher as compared to that observed in N-Br (0.31+/-0.27 x 10(5) cpm/g) and fast efflux was observed in the tissue samples. NIS gene expression was positive in 41.66% (10/24) samples of Tu-Br. None of the N-Br samples expressed NIS gene. In 14 samples of Tu-Br, RAI uptake as well as NIS expression was studied. In 50% of these Tu-Br samples RAI uptake as well as of NIS gene expression was positive. The results indicate that RAI uptake is significantly higher in breast tumor tissues as compared to their normal counterpart and in future radioiodine may be an important agent for treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Normal human fetal development requires an adequate supply of thyroid hormone from conception. Until about 16 wk gestation this is supplied entirely by placental transfer of maternal hormone. Subsequently, the fetal thyroid synthesizes thyroid hormones, requiring a supply of maternal iodide. Trophoblast iodide transfer is mediated by the apical sodium iodide symporter (NIS). Placental oxygen levels are low in early pregnancy (~1%), rising with placental vascularisation to a plateau of ~8% at about 16 wk. Although the impact of these changing oxygen levels on placental implantation is well recognized, effects on trophoblast materno-fetal exchange are less understood. We investigated expression of the NIS regulator hCG, NIS mRNA expression, and I(125) uptake in choriocarcinoma BeWo cells (a model of the trophoblast) cultured in 1 and 8% oxygen and in room air (21% oxygen). Expression of NIS and hCG mRNA and protein was low at 1% oxygen but rose significantly at 8 and at 21%. This was reflected in significant increases in I(125) uptake. Desferrioxamine, an iron chelator and hypoxia mimic, decreased NIS and hCG expression and I(125) uptake in BeWo cells. NIS expression and I(125) uptake in cells grown at 1% oxygen were not increased by addition of hCG (2,500 IU/l). We infer that placental NIS mRNA and protein expression are regulated by oxygen, rising with vascularization of the placenta in the late first trimester, a time when fetal iodide requirements are increasing.  相似文献   

J Pohlenz  S Refetoff 《Biochimie》1999,81(5):469-476
The ability to concentrate iodide actively is a characteristic feature of the thyroid gland and several other tissues. This function is mediated through the sodium iodide symporter (NIS), a protein that is located in the basolateral membrane of the thyrocyte. A defect in the NIS (iodide trapping defect) can result in hypothyroidism, the severity of which is variable and influenced, in part, by the amount of iodine supply. The molecular cloning of NIS and characterization of its genomic organization allowed the identification of NIS gene mutations in patients expressing the phenotype of iodide trapping defect. Six mutations (G93R, Q267E, C272X, T354P, Y531X and G543E) have been so far identified and their properties have been partially characterized. G93R, Q267E and Y531X were found in a compound heterozygous individual with NIS defect, C272X and G543E were detected in a homozygous state and T354P has been identified in both homozygotes and heterozygotes in combination with G93R. Heterozygous family members, expressing one normal allele, are clinically not affected. This was confirmed by in vitro analysis where all six mutants produced NISs with virtually no biological activity that did not interfere with the wild-type NIS function when cotransfected in mammalian cells. While the precise mechanisms by which mutant NISs cause iodide trapping defect are still unknown, preliminary data suggest that 354P interferes with the iodide transport function rather than targeting to the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The sodium iodide symporter (NIS) has been characterized to mediate the active transport of iodide not only in the thyroid gland but also in various non-thyroidal tissues, including lactating mammary gland and the majority of breast cancers, thereby offering the possibility of diagnostic and therapeutic radioiodine application in breast cancer. In this report, we present a 57-year-old patient with multifocal papillary thyroid carcinoma, who showed focal radioiodine accumulation in a lesion in the right breast on a posttherapy (131)I scan following radioiodine therapy. CT and MR-mammography showed a focal solid lesion in the right breast suggestive of a fibroadenoma, which was confirmed by histological examination. Immunostaining of paraffin-embedded tumor tissue sections using a human NIS antibody demonstrated NIS-specific immunoreactivity confined to epithelial cells of mammary ducts. In conclusion, in a thyroid cancer patient we identified a benign fibroadenoma of the breast expressing high levels of functionally active NIS protein as underlying cause of focal mammary radioiodine accumulation on a posttherapy (131)I scan. These data show for the first time that functional NIS expression is not restricted to lactating mammary gland and malignant breast tissue, but can also be detected in benign breast lesions, such as fibroadenomata of the breast.  相似文献   

Although non-medullary thyroid cancer (NMTC) generally has a good prognosis, 30–40% of patients with distant metastases develop resistance to radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy due to tumor dedifferentiation. For these patients, treatment options are limited and prognosis is poor. In the present study, expression and activity of autophagy was assessed in large sets of normal, benign and malignant tissues and was correlated with pathology, SLC5A5/hNIS (solute carrier family 5 member 5) protein expression, and with clinical response to RAI ablation therapy in NMTC patients. Fluorescent immunostaining for the autophagy marker LC3 was performed on 100 benign and 80 malignant thyroid tissues. Semiquantitative scoring was generated for both diffuse LC3-I intensity and number of LC3-II-positive puncta and was correlated with SLC5A5 protein expression and clinical parameters. Degree of diffuse LC3-I intensity and number of LC3-II-positive puncta scoring were not discriminative for benign vs. malignant thyroid lesions. Interestingly, however, in NMTC patients significant associations were observed between diffuse LC3-I intensity and LC3-II-positive puncta scoring on the one hand and clinical response to RAI therapy on the other hand (odds ratio [OR] = 3.13, 95% confidence interval [CI] =1.91–5.12, P = 0.01; OR = 5.68, 95%CI = 3.02–10.05, P = 0.002, respectively). Mechanistically, the number of LC3-II-positive puncta correlated with membranous SLC5A5 expression (OR = 7.71, 95%CI = 4.15–11.75, P<0.001), number of RAI treatments required to reach remission (P = 0.014), cumulative RAI dose (P = 0.026) and with overall remission and recurrence rates (P = 0.031). In conclusion, autophagy activity strongly correlates with clinical response of NMTC patients to RAI therapy, potentially by its capacity to maintain tumor cell differentiation and to preserve functional iodide uptake.  相似文献   



The presence, relevance and regulation of the Sodium Iodide Symporter (NIS) in human mammary tissue remains poorly understood. This study aimed to quantify relative expression of NIS and putative regulators in human breast tissue, with relationships observed further investigated in vitro.


Human breast tissue specimens (malignant n = 75, normal n = 15, fibroadenoma n = 10) were analysed by RQ-PCR targeting NIS, receptors for retinoic acid (RARα, RARβ), oestrogen (ERα), thyroid hormones (THRα, THRβ), and also phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K). Breast cancer cells were treated with Retinoic acid (ATRA), Estradiol and Thyroxine individually and in combination followed by analysis of changes in NIS expression.


The lowest levels of NIS were detected in normal tissue (Mean(SEM) 0.70(0.12) Log10 Relative Quantity (RQ)) with significantly higher levels observed in fibroadenoma (1.69(0.21) Log10RQ, p<0.005) and malignant breast tissue (1.18(0.07) Log10RQ, p<0.05). Significant positive correlations were observed between human NIS and ERα (r = 0.22, p<0.05) and RARα (r = 0.29, p<0.005), with the strongest relationship observed between NIS and RARβ (r = 0.38, p<0.0001). An inverse relationship between NIS and PI3K expression was also observed (r = −0.21, p<0.05). In vitro, ATRA, Estradiol and Thyroxine individually stimulated significant increases in NIS expression (range 6–16 fold), while ATRA and Thyroxine combined caused the greatest increase (range 16–26 fold).


Although NIS expression is significantly higher in malignant compared to normal breast tissue, the highest level was detected in fibroadenoma. The data presented supports a role for retinoic acid and estradiol in mammary NIS regulation in vivo, and also highlights potential thyroidal regulation of mammary NIS mediated by thyroid hormones.  相似文献   

为研究人钠/碘同向转运体(hNIS)的生物学性能和用于肿瘤放射性碘治疗的可能性,运用反转录聚合酶链反应(RT—PCR)从人甲状腺组织总RNA中扩增出hNIS基因cDNA序列,将其克隆至pUCm-T载体中。序列分析证实克隆片段与献报道的hNIS基因cDNA序列完全一致,说明已成功克隆到hNIS基因cDNA。  相似文献   

Human sodium iodide symporter (hNIS), responsible for the active transport of iodine is an integral plasma membrane glycoprotein present in the thyroid cells and extrathyroid tissues like breast and salivary glands. If its functional form is unequivocally shown in benign or malignant breast tissues, then it may serve as a basis for diagnosis and treatment using radioactive iodine. With an aim to analyze the hNIS expression in a distinct benign breast condition of fibroadenoma, biopsy proven fibroadenoma tissues, normal non-lactating breast tissue and biopsy proven infiltrating duct carcinoma tissues were examined for hNIS expression using immunohistochemistry. Out of 20 biopsy proven fibroadenoma tissues, 19 (95%) showed positivity for hNIS protein and only one was negative. Of these 10% were mildly positive, 50% cases were moderately positive and 35% showed intense positivity. None of the control tissue obtained from reduction mammoplasty specimens or normal breast tissues samples (5 cms away from the tumor) were positive, hNIS was also intensely positive in 9 out of 10 (90%) infiltrating duct carcinoma tissues and moderately positive in one case. These preliminary results show that hNIS was present in high frequency as demonstrated by immunohistochemistry in fibroadenoma breast.  相似文献   

Iodide accumulates in milk at a concentration that is more than an order of magnitude higher than the iodide concentration in maternal plasma. In earlier studies from our laboratory, we have shown that prolactin (PRL) enhances iodide accumulation by two- to threefold in cultured mammary tissues taken from pregnant mice. In the present studies, we demonstrate via Western blotting techniques that prolactin elevates the quantity of the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) in cultured mouse mammary tissues. In time-course studies, the onset of the PRL effect of NIS accumulation was found to be between 4 and 16 h after addition of PRL to the explants. The lowest PRL concentration that elicited a significant response was 1 ng/ml, and a maximum effect was elicited with PRL concentrations >100 ng/ml. Actinomycin D, cycloheximide, and thiocyanate abolished the PRL effect on NIS accumulation, whereas perchlorate was without effect. These studies suggest that the PRL stimulation of iodide accumulation in milk is mediated, at least in part, by the PRL stimulation of NIS accumulation in mammary gland tissues. These studies further demonstrate that the PRL effect on NIS accumulation occurs via an RNA protein synthesis-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Expression of the thyroid sodium/iodide symporter in Xenopus laevis oocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Poly(A+) RNA isolated from FRTL-5 cells (a continuous line of cultured and fully functional rat thyroid cells (Ambesi-Impiombato, F. S., Parks, L. A. M., and Coons, H. G. (1980) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 77, 3455-3459] was injected into Xenopus laevis oocytes, and the expression of the Na+/I- symporter in the plasma membrane was assayed by measuring the Na+-dependent ClO4--sensitive uptake of 125I. Expression of the Na+/I- symporter was detected as a 7-fold average increase in transport over background, 5-6 days after injection. Poly(A+) RNA was subsequently fractionated by sucrose gradient centrifugation, and fractions were assayed for their ability to induce I- transport activity. The poly(A+) RNA encoding the Na+/I- symporter was found in a fraction containing messages of 2.8-4.0 kilobases in length.  相似文献   

钠/碘同向转运体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲状腺对I^-的摄取是甲状腺激素合成的第一步,而调节这一过程的重要物质是位于甲状腺滤泡细胞基底膜上的钠/碘同向转运体(sodium/iodide symporter,NIS)。NIS主要存在于甲状腺组织,其调节I^-摄取要依赖Na^ 的存在,摄取过程可被SCN^-、ClO4^-等一价阴离子所抑制。人和大鼠NIS的基因都已经被克隆,对其基因表达调控的研究也逐渐兴起。促甲状腺激素(TSH)对NIS的基因的表达及I^-摄取具有很强的刺激作用。研究人员在一些自身免疫性甲状腺疾病患的血清中发现了针对NIS的抗体,而且,认识到NIS的基因突变是先天性甲状腺功能低下的一个重要原因。此外,人们利用NIS的基因,进行基因治疗肿瘤的研究也已逐步展开。  相似文献   

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