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With the aim of gaining insight into the genetic history of the Russians, we have studied mitochondrial DNA diversity among a number of modern Russian populations. Polymorphisms in mtDNA markers (HVS-I and restriction sites of the coding region) of populations from 14 regions within present-day European Russia were investigated. Based on analysis of the mitochondrial gene pool geographic structure, we have identified three different elements in it and a vast "intermediate" zone between them. The analysis of the genetic distances from these elements to the European ethnic groups revealed the main causes of the Russian mitochondrial gene pool differentiation. The investigation of this pattern in historic perspective showed that the structure of the mitochondrial gene pool of the present-day Russians largely conforms to the tribal structure of the medieval Slavs who laid the foundation of modern Russians. Our results indicate that the formation of the genetic diversity currently observed among Russians can be traced to the second half of the first millennium A.D., the time of the colonization of the East European Plain by the Slavic tribes. Patterns of diversity are explained by both the impact of the native population of the East European Plain and by genetic differences among the early Slavs.  相似文献   

Life history diversity and evolution in the Asterinidae   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Asterinid sea stars have the greatest range of life historiesknown for the Asteroidea. Larval form in these sea stars hasbeen modified in association with selection for planktonic,benthic, or intergonadal developmental habitats. Life historydata are available for 31 species and molecular data for 28of these. These data were used to assess life history evolutionand relationships among asterinid clades. Lecithotrophy is prevalentin Asterinidae, with at least 6 independent origins of thisdevelopmental mode. Morphological differences in the attachmentcomplex of brachiolaria larvae were evident among species withplanktonic lecithotrophy. Some features are clade specific whileothers are variable within clades. Benthic brachiolariae aresimilar in Aquilonastra and Parvulastra with tripod-shaped larvae,while the bilobed sole-shaped larvae of Asterina species appearunique to this genus. Multiple transitions and pathways havebeen involved in the evolution of lecithotropy in the Asterinidae.Although several genera have a species with a planktonic feedinglarva in a basal phylogenetic position, relative to specieswith planktonic or benthic lecithotrophy, there is little evidencefor the expected life history transformation series from planktonicfeeding, to planktonic non-feeding, to benthic non-feeding development.Intragonadal development, a life history pattern unique to theAsterinidae, arose three times through ancestors with benthicor pelagic lecithotrophy. Evolution of lecithotrophy appearsmore prevalent in the Asterinidae than other asteroid families.As diverse modes of development are discerned in cryptic speciescomplexes, new insights into life history evolution in the Asterinidaeare being generated.  相似文献   

The habitat use and migratory patterns of the estuarine tapertail anchovy, Coilia nasus, from three sites near- or off-shore of the Yellow Sea, were studied by examining the environmental signatures of Sr and Ca in otoliths using electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). All the samples analyzed were offsprings of typical anadromous C. nasus. The fish grew in freshwater habitat nearly for 1?year, and then entered the brackish and sea water which could be as far as ca. 300?km from the Chinese coast line. The Sr:Ca ratios at the edge of otoliths appeared to correlated with water salinities in sampling sites.  相似文献   

The skeleton undergoes substantial histological modification during ontogeny in association with longitudinal growth, shape changes, reproductive activity, and fatigue repair. This variation can hinder attempts to reconstruct life history attributes for individuals, particularly when only fossil materials are availble for study. Histological examinations of multiple elements throughout development provide a means to control for such variability and facilitate accurate life history assessments. In the present study, the microstructure of various major long bones of the ceratopsian Psittacosaurus monogoliensis Osborn were examined from a growth series spanning juvenile through adult developmental stages. The first reconstruction of a growth curve (mass vs. age) for a dinosaur was made for this taxon using a new method called Developmental Mass Extrapolation. The results suggest P. mongoliensis : (I) had an S-shaped growth curve characteristics of most extant vertebrates, and (2) had maximal growth rates that exceeded extant reptiles and marsupials, but were slower than most avian and eutherian taxa.  相似文献   

Cremastra appendiculata var. variabilis is a self‐compatible, insect‐pollinated, terrestrial orchid that is a typical member of the warm‐temperate vegetation in the Korean Peninsula. Here we examine levels and partitioning of allozyme diversity (22 loci) in 12 populations of this orchid to gain insight into its genetic structure and post‐glacial colonization history in Korea. It harboured considerably higher levels of genetic variation within populations (%P = 48.1, A = 1.70 and He = 0.217) and lower degree of differentiation among populations (FST = 0.068) than those typical of allozyme‐based studies in other terrestrial orchid species. These patterns suggest that extant populations were derived from multiple source populations (i.e. from multiple glacial refugia), although further studies are needed to confirm this scenario. In addition to population history, traits such as high potential of seed dispersal, a mixed mating system and its occurrence in large and continuous populations would have contributed to the current levels and distribution of genetic diversity in Korean populations of C. appendiculata var. variabilis. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 721–732.  相似文献   

There is little extant empirical literature examining the associations between life history strategies and symptoms of psychopathology. The current study (N = 138) investigated the associations between life history strategies, symptoms of psychopathology, aggression, incidence of self-harm behaviour, and attachment (perceived parental support) in sample drawn from the general population and community mental health service providers. The results from the study indicate those with a faster life strategy report greater levels of aggression and symptoms of psychopathology. Further, perceptions of poorer parental support were associated with a faster life history strategy. Implications for life history theory, conceptualising psychopathology, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) is one of the flagship species in worldwide conservation and is of special interest in evolutionary studies due to its taxonomic uniqueness. We sequenced a 236-bp fragment of the mitochondrial D-loop region in a sample of 53 red pandas from two populations in southwestern China. Seventeen polymorphic sites were found, together with a total of 25 haplotypes, indicating a high level of genetic diversity in the red panda. However, no obvious genetic divergence was detected between the Sichuan and Yunnan populations. The consensus phylogenetic tree of the 25 haplotypes was starlike. The pairwise mismatch distribution fitted into a pattern of populations undergoing expansion. Furthermore, Fu's F(S) test of neutrality was significant for the total population (F(S) = -7.573), which also suggests a recent population expansion. Interestingly, the effective population size in the Sichuan population was both larger and more stable than that in the Yunnan population, implying a southward expansion from Sichuan to Yunnan.  相似文献   

Populations of Taraxacum , dandelion, on a Northumberland sand dune system contain 27 agamospecies. Demographic parameters for subpopulations containing a preponderance of two closely related agamospecies, Taraxacum lacistophyllum and T. brachyglossum are described. High and low density populations were stable over a 3 year period. The estimated turnover times differed between densities and species. The early growth characteristics of the two species are described. The plastochrons of the two species are distinct, as are the growth patterns of the leaves, the total leaf length per plant, the number of leaves and rate of leaf birth, and the patterns of allocation of dry weight to the root, shoot, and reproductive organs of the plant. Differences between the species were observed in fruit, scape height, the wind speed required to achieve fruit dispersal, and the pattern of fruit dispersal at different wind speeds. The origin and maintenance of agamospecies diversity is discussed in relation to the observed life history variation.  相似文献   

Alpine plants often appear to have long life-spans as an adaptation to harsh and unpredictable environmental conditions, yet many lack reliable indicators of age that would make it possible to determine their true longevity. Their extended life-spans also pose problems for measuring lifetime reproductive success, a key component of breeding system evolution in species such as the gynodioecious cushion plant Silene acaulis. For a population of S. acaulis in south-central Alaska, we applied a recently derived analytical approach using size-based population projection matrices that allowed us to estimate: (1) the relationship between cushion diameter and age; and (2) lifetime reproductive success through seed production by females relative to hermaphrodites. Because of a combination of slow growth, frequent shrinkage, and extremely high adult survival, we estimate that the largest cushions in our study population exceed 300 yr in age, and some may live substantially longer, despite the seemingly inhospitable alpine environment they inhabit. Females are estimated to produce 4.4 times as many offspring via seed production over the course of their lives as do hermaphrodites, a difference that is more than sufficient to assure the persistence of females despite their inability to transmit genes through pollen. These results highlight the utility of size-based projection matrices for studying the life histories of herbaceous perennials whose life-span and lifetime reproductive success cannot be determined easily by any other means.  相似文献   

The current study deduced the growth pattern and lifestyle habits of Chersina angulata based on bone histology and cross-sectional geometry of limb bones. Femora, humeri, and tibiae of seven different-sized individuals representing different ontogenetic stages were assessed to determine the interelement and intraskeletal histological variation within and among the tortoises. The bone histology of adult propodials consists of a highly vascularized, uninterrupted fibrolamellar bone tissue with a woven texture in the perimedullary and midcortical regions suggesting overall fast early growth. However, later in ontogeny, growth was slow and even ceased periodically as suggested by slowly formed parallel-fibered bone tissue and several growth marks in the pericortical region. In juvenile individuals, fibrolamellar bone tissue is restricted to the perimedullary regions of propodials as remnants of bone formed during the earliest stages of ontogeny. The epipodials are characterized by having parallel-fibered bone tissue present in their cortices; however, periodic arrests in growth are recorded at various times. Remnants of fibrolamellar bone tissue formed during early ontogeny occur in the epipodials of only a few individuals. Interelement variation is evident, in terms of variation in the orientation of vascular canals between individuals and within the same diaphyseal cross-sections. Different elements show varying cross-sectional geometry, which appear to be correlated with the fossorial behavior of the species. Our results show that of all the long bones, the tibia is least remodeled during ontogeny and it is therefore the best element for skeletochronology.  相似文献   

The first data are presented on mtDNA diversity in Besermyans, the Finno-Ugric ethnic group related to Udmurts. An analysis of mtDNA polymorphism showed that Besermyans stood out from the other populations of Volga-Ural region due to the presence of a large proportion of the Mongoloid component. The sample of Besermyans contained East Eurasian haplotypes not detected in ethnic populations of the Volga region and Cisurals, while they were detected in South Siberia, mostly among Turkic-speaking populations. An analysis of the genetic distances between Besermyans and the neighboring ethnic groups showed that Besermyans were distant from other populations of Volga-Ural region and close to Turkic-speaking populations of South Siberia. Thus, the data obtained favor the suggestion on the mixed Udmurto-Turkic origin of Besermyans.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - In insect respiration, oxygen from the air diffuses through a branching system of air-filled tubes to the cells of the body and carbon dioxide produced in cellular...  相似文献   

We review recent works on different life history variables of cladoceran taxa in tropical and temperate freshwater bodies, comparing the strategies that cladocerans have evolved to adapt to contrasting environmental conditions in the two geographical regions. These life-history parameters relate to age and size at maturity, survival, fecundity, life-expectancy at birth, lifespan, gross, and net reproductive rates, generation time, the rate of population increase, peak population density and day of peak abundance. We also discuss the role of photoperiod and temperature on some of these life history parameters. We found a general paucity of experimental work and field data in tropics on cladocerans. There is very limited information on the few Daphnia species found in the tropics. The misconception of low species diversity of cladocerans in the tropics arose due to several reasons including lack of extensive and intensive field collections. Higher water temperatures apparently promote permanent infestation of tropical waters with toxic cyanobacteria, which reduce the zooplankton diversity. In addition to higher temperatures in the tropics, the year-round high predation pressure of planktivorous fish probably causes the tropical species, particularly in pelagic habitats, to reach maturity earlier (< 3 days) than in temperate regions. Species of Daphnia in temperate regions are particularly adapted to living at food concentrations that are much lower and seasonably more variable than those for tropical genera such as Diaphanosoma. This is further corroborated by the more than an order of magnitude higher threshold food concentration (TFC) for tropical Cladocera than for their temperate counterparts. Fecundity patterns differ between tropical and temperate cladoceran taxa: cultured under optimal temperature regimes, tropical taxa have fewer eggs than temperate species of a comparable body size. Predation pressure may act differently depending on the size of the cladoceran neonates and thus on their population size structure. Global warming and climate changes seem to affect the behaviour (migration), distribution, and abundance of cladocerans. Apparently, in direct response to these changes, the possibility of encountering the tropical cladocerans in the northern, temperate hemisphere (bioinvasions) is on the rise.  相似文献   

A pterosaur vertebral column consisting of the last cervical vertebra, the first five dorsals fused to a notarium, and the following four dorsal vertebrae, is figured and described from the Aptian Santana Formation of the Chapada do Araripe in northeastern Brazil. The specimen is tentatively referred toSantanadactylus brasilensis de Buisonjé. It is the best preserved and most complete pterosaurian notarium known. Its functional significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Life history, diversity and distribution: a study of Japanese pteridophytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many studies address the relationships between diversity or distribution and attributes of the physical environment. However, how these relationships are connected to variation in life history is poorly understood. This is particularly true in the case of pteridophytes. Japanese ferns and their allies comprise one of the best-known pteridophyte floras in the world. We analyzed ca 600 species of Japanese pteridophytes for which there is detailed information on distribution, reproduction, and chromosome number. Species richness was greatest in groups with a single reproductive mode (sexual, followed by apogamous), but distribution was greatest in species groups with multiple reproductive modes: sexual plus either sterile (irregular in meiosis) or apogamous. Geographical ranges varied greatly among species with small chromosome numbers but were uniformly small among species having high chromosome numbers. Seasonally green (mostly summer green) species had significantly larger distribution ranges than evergreen species. Endemic species had higher proportions of apogamy and sterility than non-endemic species. Seasonally green species had significantly larger distributional ranges, and a smaller proportion of species with apogamous reproduction, than evergreen species. There was no clear relationship between distribution and spore size, either among endemic species, non-endemic species, or all species combined. There was no relationship between spore size and chromosome number when all species were combined. However, positive relationships were detected within three of the nine largest genera, suggesting potential phylogenetic effects. We concluded that habitat availability, rather than dispersability, may be the limiting factor for the distribution of pteridophytes in Japan.  相似文献   

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