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Prezant, David J., Manoj L. Karwa, Helen H. Kim, DianeMaggiore, Virginia Chung, and David E. Valentine. Short- and long-term effects of testosterone on diaphragm in castrated and normalmale rats. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1):134-143, 1997.The effects of short- and long-term testosteroneabsence or treatment on the diaphragm were studied in castrated andsexually normal male rats. Compared with control rats (untreated normalmales), testosterone absence or treatment did not significantly affect costal weight. In untreated castrated males, there were significant decreases in specific forces, type II fiber cross-sectional area, andmyosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform 2B after 2.5 wk. In castrated malesthat received testosterone, there were significant increases inspecific forces, type II total fiber proportional area, and relativeexpression of all adult diaphragm fast MHC isoforms(MHC-2all) after 2.5 wk. In normal males thatreceived testosterone, the only significant finding was an increase inMHC-2B after 2.5 wk. Across all groups, there was close correlationbetween increases in maximum tetanic forces and MHC-2all.Changes in diaphragm function and composition were closely related tochanges in serum testosterone levels at 2.5 wk. The lack of significantchange in diaphragm function at 10 wk occurred despite changes in serumtestosterone levels and diaphragm composition similar to those at 2.5 wk. These findings support our hypothesis that the effects oftestosterone are dependent on basal circulating androgen levels andstudy duration.


Short- and long-term effects of irradiation on bone regeneration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of the present study is to quantify bone-regenerative capacity directly and 1 year after administration of 15 Gy 60Co irradiation. A titanium implant, the bone growth chamber, which in nonirradiated cases becomes filled with newly formed bone over a 4-week period, was inserted into each tibial metaphysis of 20 rabbits. In 10 animals the chambers were installed directly after irradiation, while in 10 other rabbits the implants were installed 1 year after the 60Co trauma. In both groups the bone-forming capacity on the irradiated side was compared to that of the contralateral, nonirradiated, control tibia. The amount of bone formed was determined by microradiography and microdensitometry. It was found that bone regeneration was depressed by 70.9 percent within a 4-week period after irradiation. At a follow-up of 1 year, the average depression of bone-forming capacity was only 28.9 percent. This means a recovery by a factor of almost 2.5. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of ovulatory compensation following unilateral ovariectomy (ULO) are still not understood. In the present study, we investigated the short- and long-term effects of ULO in sheep using transrectal ovarian ultrasonography and hormone estimations made during the estrous cycle in which surgery was done, the estrous cycle 2 mo after surgery, and the 17-day period during the subsequent anestrus. The ULOs were done when a follicle in the first follicular wave of the cycle reached a diameter > or =5 mm, leaving at least one corpus luteum and one ovulatory-sized follicle in the remaining ovary. Ovulation rate per ewe was 50% higher in the ULO ewes compared with the control ewes at the end of the cycle during which surgery was performed, but it did not differ between groups at the end of the cycle, 2 mo later. This compensation of ovulation rate in ULO ewes was due to ovulation of follicles from the penultimate follicular wave in addition to those from the final wave of the cycle. Ovulation from multiple follicular waves appeared to be due to a prolongation of the static phase of the largest follicle of the penultimate wave of the cycle. Interestingly, the length of the static phase of waves was prolonged in ULO ewes compared with control ewes in every instance where the length of the static phase could be determined. Changes in follicular dynamics due to ULO were not associated with alterations in FSH and LH secretion. In conclusion, ovulatory compensation in ULO sheep involves ovulation from multiple follicular waves due to the lengthened static phase of ovulatory-sized follicles. These altered antral follicular dynamics do not appear to be FSH or LH dependent. Further studies are required to examine the potential role of the nervous system in the enhancement of the life span of the ovulatory-sized follicles leading to ovulatory compensation by the unpaired ovary in ULO sheep.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of a single high dose (10mg/kg) of vinblastine (vb) sulfate (Velbe, Lilly) on the ultrastructure, catecholamine (CA) content and activity of CA-synthesizing enzymes of the rat adrenal medulla were studied for up to 120h after intravenous injection of the drug.By 1 h, microtubules were virtually absent from chromaffin cells and preganglionic cholinergic axons, and typical paracrystals had appeared inside the nerve fibers. By 16h microtubules were completely reconstituted and paracrystals had disappeared. From 16h onwards, there was an increasing depletion of storage granules from adrenaline (A) — producing cells, which coincided with biochemical determinations showing a reduction of adrenal A to about 40 % of control levels by 48 h, with noradrenaline (NA) remaining in the range of controls. Both A- and NA-storing cells showed an extensive proliferation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Vb caused a marked increase in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH; +113%) and dopamine -hydroxylase (DBH; +82%) activities after 48 h. Splanchnicotomy completely abolished the vb-mediated increase in TH and DBH activities. A smaller increase (+ 47 %) in enzyme activity was observed with phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT). Vb (10–5M) had no apparent effect on granule content and the amount of rough ER in chromaffin cells, which were cultured for 48 h.The results demonstrate that a single high dose of vb has relatively little short-term effects on the rat adrenal medulla, but causes drastic long-term changes in CA-content and enzyme activities that are mediated by the preganglionic nerves. These changes could be interpreted as an effort to compensate for a loss of CA-stores in peripheral adrenergic nerves (cf. Cheney et al., 1973). The differential long-term effect of vb on adrenal NA and A might be due to the lower induction of PNMT as compared to TH and DBH activities and/or to a preferential release of A versus NA, which may occur at high frequencies of stimulation of the splanchnic nerves.Supported by grants from the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftDedicated to Professor G. Petry in honor of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that exposure to urea-supplemented food inhibited fecundity inDrosophila females, and that this inhibition was not expressed when females were given a choice between regular and urea-supplemented food as an oviposition substrate. We assayed fecundity, on both regular food and urea-supplemented food, at 5, 15 and 25 days post eclosion on females from ten laboratory populations ofDrosophila melanogaster. The females assayed came from one of two treatments; they were maintained as adults on either regular or urea-supplemented food. We found that exposure to urea-supplemented food inhibited fecundity, relative to the levels exhibited on regular food, regardless of whether the urea was present in the assay medium, or in the medium on which the flies were maintained over the course of the experiment, thereby suggesting that urea has both a long-term (possibly physiological) as well as a short-term (possibly behavioural) inhibitory effect on fecundity ofDrosophila females. We also tested and ruled out the hypothesis that prior yeasting could ameliorate the inhibitory effect of urea in the assay medium on fecundity, as this was a possible explanation of why flies given a choice between regular and urea-supplemented food did not exhibit a preference for regular food in a previous study.  相似文献   

Administration of 1 mM dehydroascorbate (DHA) results in a rapid and large increase in cellular ascorbate (AA) content in both Lupinus albus L. and Allium cepa L. root tips. Uptake of DHA from the medium occurs at a high rate within 10-12 h of incubation, and is slowed down thereafter. In the first few h, DHA reduction to AA is apparently correlated to GSH depletion and slightly higher DHA reductase activity. DHA incubation also seems to induce new GSH synthesis. Longer DHA incubation (24 h) affects root growth by inhibiting cell proliferation. At this stage, an apparently generalised oxidation of SH-containing proteins is observed in DHA-treated roots. Treatment with 1 mM L-galactono-gamma-lactone, the last precursor of AA biosynthesis, results in an increase in AA content similar to that obtained with DHA, but stimulates growth and affects the redox state of SH-containing proteins in the opposite way. A possible multi-step mechanism of DHA reduction/removal is suggested and the hypothesis that DHA inhibits cell cycle progression by affecting the redox state of SH-containing proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

Iteroparous organisms maximize their overall fitness by optimizing their reproductive effort over multiple reproductive events. Hence, changes in reproductive effort are expected to have both short- and long-term consequences on parents and their offspring. In laboratory rodents, manipulation of reproductive efforts during lactation has however revealed few short-term reproductive adjustments, suggesting that female laboratory rodents express maximal rather than optimal levels of reproductive investment as observed in semelparous organisms. Using a litter size manipulation (LSM) experiment in a small wild-derived rodent (the common vole; Microtus arvalis), we show that females altered their reproductive efforts in response to LSM, with females having higher metabolic rates and showing alternative body mass dynamics when rearing an enlarged rather than reduced litter. Those differences in female reproductive effort were nonetheless insufficient to fully match their pups’ energy demand, pups being lighter at weaning in enlarged litters. Interestingly, female reproductive effort changes had long-term consequences, with females that had previously reared an enlarged litter being lighter at the birth of their subsequent litter and producing lower quality pups. We discuss the significance of using wild-derived animals in studies of reproductive effort optimization.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the response to silver nanoparticles (Ag NP) of human microvascular endothelial cells, protagonists of angiogenesis.METHODS: We cultured human microvascular endothelial cells and endothelial colony-forming cells in their corresponding growth medium. Stock solutions of Ag NP were prepared in culture medium and sonicated before use. They were added at different concentrations and for different times to culture media. The toxicity of Ag NP was investigated by measuring the reduction of yellow tetrazolium salt to dark purple formazan (MTT assay) at 575 nm. After staining with trypan blue, cell proliferation was assessed by counting viable cells. The lactate dehydrogenase leakage assay was performed on culture media by following the oxidation of NADH to NAD+ and monitoring the reaction kinetically at 340 nm. Reactive oxygen species production was quantified using 2’-7’-dichlorofluorescein diacetate. The alkaline comet assay was performed after mixing the cells with low melting-point agarose. Electrophoresis was then conducted and the samples were stained with ethidium bromide and analyzed with a fluorescence microscope.RESULTS: Ag NP are cytotoxic in a dose and time dependent fashion for HMEC. At high concentrations, Ag NP determine loss of membrane integrity as demonstrated by the increased activity of lactate dehydrogenase in the culture medium. Ag NP rapidly stimulate the formation of free radicals. However, pre-incubation with Trolox, apocynin, or N-acetyl-L-cysteine, antioxidants which have different structure and act through different mechanisms, is not sufficient to prevent cytotoxicity. Ag NP also induce DNA damage dose-dependently, as shown by comet assay. When exposed to sublethal concentrations of Ag NP for long times, the cells remain viable but are growth retarded. Interestingly, removal of Ag NP partially rescues cell growth. Also genotoxicity is reversible upon removal of Ag NP from culture medium, suggesting that no permanent modifications occur. It is noteworthy that Ag NP are cytotoxic and genotoxic also for endothelial progenitors, in particular for endothelial colony-forming cells, which participate to angiogenesis.CONCLUSION: Silver nanoparticles are cytotoxic and genotoxic for human microvascular endothelial cells and might become a useful tool to control excessive angiogenesis.  相似文献   

The American lobster Homarus americanus fishery is heavily dependent on the use of fish as bait to entice lobsters into traps. There is concern that this food supplementation is nutritionally insufficient for lobsters, but previous experiments reported conflicting results. We conducted a long-term feeding experiment in which 1 yr old American lobsters were fed one of 7 diets for a period of 352 d, a time that allowed the lobsters to molt thrice. The diets consisted of fresh frozen herring, a 'wild' diet (rock crab, mussel, and Spirulina algae), a formulated artificial diet for shrimp, paired combinations of these 3 diets or a diet formulated at the New England Aquarium (Artemia, fish and krill meal, Spirulina algae, soy lecithin, vitamins and minerals). The lobsters fed the diet of 100% fish had higher initial molting rates, but within the period of this experiment all either contracted shell disease or died. Mixed diets resulted in higher survival and a lower probability of mortality. This research demonstrated a critical time component to diet studies in lobsters. Short- and long-term impacts of diet differ. In the long term, continual high consumption rates of fish by the lobsters promote poor health in all lobsters, not just those of market size. The use of fish as bait may make lobsters more susceptible to the stress associated with environmental fluctuation, thereby leading to increased disease and mortality. This nutritional stress can be used to develop a laboratory model of shell disease in American lobsters.  相似文献   

The effects of hypophysectomy and unilateral ovariectomy on the total number of follicles with greater than 3 layers of granulosa cells were determined at 4 and 70 days following treatment. The population of preantral follicles (less than 0.23 min diam.) was found to be under the control of gonadotrophins but such control was only evident on a long-term basis. At 70 days after unilateral ovariectomy there was a large increase in the number of preantral follicles but at 70 days after hypophysectomy there was a large decrease. The population of antral follicles (greater than 0.23 mm diam.) was under the immediate control of gonadotrophins. By 4 days after hypophysectomy all large antral follicles had become atretic and the number of antral follicles was further decreased at 70 days after treatment. At 70 days after unilateral ovariectomy there was an increase in the number of antral follicles. The follicular growth rates at 70 days following treatment were decreased in hypophysectomized ewes but increased in ewes after unilateral ovariectomy.  相似文献   

We have investigated effects of continuous SSRI administration and abrupt discontinuation on biochemical and behavioral indices of rat brain serotonin function, and attempted to identify underlying mechanisms. Biochemistry of serotonin was assessed with brain tissue assays and microdialysis; behavior was assessed as the acoustic startle reflex. Long-term SSRI administration to rats reduced the content of 5-HT and its main metabolite shortly after inhibition of 5-HT synthesis in many brain areas with more than 50%. Turnover was not appreciably decreased, but significantly increased within 48h of drug discontinuation. The microdialysis experiments indicate that neuronal release of 5-HT depends strongly on new synthesis and emphasize the role of 5-HT(1B) receptors in the regulation of these processes. Discontinuation of the SSRI rapidly increased behavioral reactivity to the external stimulus. Additional startle experiments suggest that the increased reactivity is more likely related to the reduced extracellular 5-HT levels than to impaired synthesis. The combination of the marked reduction of serotonin content and limited synthesis may destabilize brain serotonin transmission during long-term SSRI treatment. These combined effects may compromise the efficacy of an SSRI therapy and facilitate behavioral changes following non-compliance.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown a correlation between flavonoid-rich diets and improved cardiovascular prognosis. Cocoa contains large amounts of flavonoids, in particular flavanols (mostly catechins and epicatechins). Flavonoids possess pleiotropic properties that may confer protective effects to tissues during injury. We examined the ability of epicatechin to reduce short-and long-term ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) myocardial injury. Epicatechin (1 mg.kg(-1).day(-1)) pretreatment (Tx) was administered daily via oral gavage to male rats for 2 or 10 days. Controls received water. Ischemia was induced via a 45-min coronary occlusion. Reperfusion was allowed until 48 h or 3 wk while Tx continued. We measured infarct (MI) size (%), hemodynamics, myeloperoxidase activity, tissue oxidative stress, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) activity in 48-h groups. Cardiac morphometry was also evaluated in 3-wk groups. With 2 days of Tx, no reductions in MI size occurred. After 10 days, a significant approximately 50% reduction in MI size occurred. Epicatechin rats demonstrated no significant changes in hemodynamics. Tissue oxidative stress was reduced significantly in the epicatechin group vs. controls. MMP-9 activity demonstrated limited increases in the infarct region with epicatechin. By 3 wk, a significant 32% reduction in infarct size was observed with Tx, accompanied with sustained hemodynamics and preserved chamber morphometry. In conclusion, epicatechin Tx confers cardioprotection in the setting of I/R injury. The effects are independent of changes in hemodynamics, are sustained over time, and are accompanied by reduced levels of indicators of tissue injury. Results warrant the evaluation of cocoa flavanols as possible therapeutic agents to limit ischemic injury.  相似文献   

The present study concerns short- and long-term effects of interruption of the enterohepatic circulation (EHC) on hepatic cholesterol metabolism and biliary secretion in rats. For this purpose, we employed a technique that allows reversible interruption of the EHC, during normal feeding conditions, and excludes effects of anaesthesia and surgical trauma. [3H]Cholesteryl oleate-labelled human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) was injected intravenously in rats with (1) chronically (8 days) interrupted EHC, (2) interrupted EHC at the time of LDL injection and (3) intact EHC. During the first 3 h after interruption of the EHC, bile flow decreased to 50% and biliary bile acid, phospholipid and cholesterol secretion to 5%, 11% and 19% of their initial values respectively. After 8 days of bile diversion, biliary cholesterol output and bile flow were at that same level, but bile acid output was increased 2-3-fold and phospholipid output was about 2 times lower. The total amount of cholesterol in the liver decreased after interruption of the EHC, which was mainly due to a decrease in the amount of cholesteryl ester. Plasma disappearance of LDL was not affected by interruption of the EHC. Biliary secretion of LDL-derived radioactivity occurred 2-4 times faster in chronically interrupted rats as compared with the excretion immediately after interruption of the EHC. Radioactivity was mainly in the form of bile acids under both conditions. This study demonstrates the very rapid changes that occur in cholesterol metabolism and biliary lipid composition after interruption of the EHC. These changes must be taken into account in studies concerning hepatic metabolism of lipoprotein cholesterol and subsequent secretion into bile.  相似文献   

The present study tested the effects of local injection of IL-1 and TNF soluble receptors on a periodontal wound-healing model in nonhuman primates. In this model, periodontal lesions were developed for 16 wk, followed by open flap surgery. Starting at the time of surgery, groups of animals received localized injections of both soluble cytokine receptors or else PBS three times per week for 3, 14, or 35 days. Periodontal wound healing was analyzed for each group at the end of the treatment regimen. Fourteen days after surgery, a significant decrease was observed between the animals treated with soluble receptors and the untreated group with respect to recruitment of inflammatory cells in deep gingival connective tissue. Concurrent apoptosis of inflammatory cells in those tissues increased significantly in treated animals compared with untreated animals. All other outcome parameters of periodontal wound healing were likewise significantly improved in treated animals compared with untreated animals. In marked contrast, however, 35 days after surgery, there was a significant increase in the number of inflammatory cells that had infiltrated into deep gingival connective tissue in treated compared with untreated animals. Outcome parameters of periodontal wound healing worsened in treated animals when compared with untreated. These results indicate that proinflammatory cytokines may play different functional roles in early vs late phases of periodontal wound healing. Short-term blockade of IL-1 and TNF may facilitate periodontal wound healing, whereas prolonged blockade may have adverse effects.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfoxide has been used as a cryoprotectant for the endocrine pancreas. To explore possible harmful effects of Me2SO influenced neither glucose-stimulated insulin release, nor islet glucose oxidation. On the other hand, 1 M but not 0.25 M Me2SO decreased glucose-stimulated (pro)insulin and total protein biosynthesis in acute experiments. In islet culture experiments with Me2SO-supplemented culture media there was no obvious effects on glucose-stimulated (pro)insulin biosynthesis. It is suggested that Me2SO in the range 0.01–0.5 M does not affect islet B-cell function in vitro.  相似文献   

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