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Bone is biphasic with an organic matrix and an inorganic mineral component. As we age bone's susceptibility to fracture increases. It has been shown that there is no change in mean mineralization with aging, but bone nevertheless becomes less tough. This aging effect is therefore likely related to the organic phase.  相似文献   

Since Btt last examined the iris and retina markets, demand has grown, the technology has improved, new players have entered the arena and new products have been developed. For the first time ever, Btt is devoting a complete survey to these two very different methods of recognising an individual by the unique patterns within parts of their eye.  相似文献   

Do stress and long-term potentiation share the same molecular mechanisms?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stress is a biological, significant factor shown to influence hippocampal synaptic plasticity and cognitive functions. Although numerous studies have reported that stress produces a suppression in long-term potentiation (LTP; a putative synaptic mechanism underlying learning and memory), little is known about the mechanism by which this occurs. Because the effects of stress on LTP and its converse process, long-term depression (LTD), parallel the changes in synapticity that occur following the establishment of LTP with tetanic stimulation (i.e., occluding LTP and enhancing LTD induction), it has been proposed that stress affects subsequent hippocampal plasticity by sharing the same molecular machinery required to support LTP. This article summarizes recent findings from ours and other laboratories to assess this view and discusses relevant hypotheses in the study of stress-related modifications of synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   


Simultaneous changes in sleep and body temperature, produced either by lesion or by stimulation of the medial preoptic area (mPOA), have given reasons to suggest that thermoregulation and sleep regulation are controlled by the same set of neurons. The reasons for simultaneous changes in these parameters are discussed in the present paper with a view to explaining the relationship between thermoregulation and sleep regulation. Changes in body temperature and sleep on destruction of the preoptic area (POA) neurons and the sequence of these changes, suggest a separate control mechanism in the mPOA for regulation of sleep and body temperature. Evidence is put forward in the present paper to show that the mPOA is not involved in the downregulation or upregulation of changes in body temperature with alteration in the vigilance state. On the other hand, circadian modulation of body temperature is possibly involved in altering sleep propensity. A clear indication regarding separate control of sleep and body temperature came from the studies in which noradrenergic agents were applied into the mPOA of animals with and without lesion of the noradrenergic fibers projecting to the mPOA. Experiments in which sleep was analyzed after experimental manipulations of ambient temperature and body temperature, including peripheral, core and brain temperature, are presented here to show a close relationship between thermoregulation and sleep regulation. Various theories regarding the regulation of body temperature during slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep are also discussed. The functional integrity of the mPOA may be essential not only for the regulation of body temperature and sleep-wakefulness but even for the homeostatic regulation of energy balance of the body in response to alterations in environmental temperature and sleep-wakefulness.


Comparative physiological studies are a powerful tool for revealing common animal adaptations. Amino acid catabolism produces ammonia which is detoxified through the synthesis of urea (mammals, some fish), uric acid (birds), or urea and uric acid (reptiles). In mammalian herbivores and omnivores, urea nitrogen is salvaged by a series of steps involving urea transfer into the intestine, microbial mediated urea hydrolysis with synthesis of amino acids utilizing the liberated ammonia and transfer of the amino acids back to the host. A similar series of steps occur in omnivorous/granivorous and herbivorous birds, although in this case urine, containing uric acid, is refluxed directly into the intestine where microbes degrade the uric acid and utilize the liberated ammonia for amino acid synthesis. These amino acids are transferred back to the host. In reptiles and ureotelic fish not all of these steps have been experimentally confirmed. Reptiles like birds, reflux urine into the intestine where it is exposed to the microflora. However, the capacity of these microbes to breakdown the uric acid and urea and utilize ammonia for amino acid synthesis has not been documented. Ureotelic fish transfer urea into the intestine where urease (presumably of bacterial origin) hydrolyzes the urea. However, the amino acid synthesizing capacity of the intestinal microflora has not been studied. The series of steps, as outlined, would define the prevailing nitrogen conservation system for herbivores and omnivores at least. However, it would appear that some animals, in particular the fruit-eating bat and perhaps the fruit-eating bird, may have evolved alternative, as yet uncharacterized, adaptations to a very limited nitrogen intake.  相似文献   

The benthic macroinvertebrate communities and ecological quality of eleven temporary rivers (seven intermittent and four ephemeral) in Dadia National Park, north-eastern Greece, were examined with respect to the degree of flow temporality. Sampling took place during the high flow season at both ephemeral and intermittent sites and during the low flow season only at the intermittent ones, which receded to pools. Despite the remarkable seasonal variation in both the hydrology and ecology of the intermittent rivers, the various metrics and indices as well as the multivariate analyses confirmed the clear distinction between the two river types (ephemeral and intermittent). Existing European quality indices do not sufficiently differentiate between ephemeral and intermittent river types, and thus cannot reliably discriminate the degree of natural variability from human induced stressors in temporary rivers.  相似文献   

Do we have the auxin receptor yet?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several auxin-binding proteins (ABP) have now been identified using a variety of techniques. A 43-kDa glycoprotein thought to be a dimer of 22-kDa subunits has been identified as a strong candidate for the auxin receptor that mediates cell elongation in etiolated maize shoots. The primary sequence has been deduced and several interesting structural features have been discerned. There is indirect evidence that this 22-kDa ABP has a receptor function, the most compelling being that antibodies directed against the ABP can block an auxin-induced response. There is evidence that changes in auxin-induced growth capacity in shoots correlates with changes in the abundance of the 22-kDa ABP suggesting that in some cases the 22-kDa ABP may be limiting growth. Confirmation of receptor function for one of these newly-identified ABP's should open the way for genetic manipulation of crop growth.  相似文献   



This study of seven foods assessed whether there are modes or locations of production that require significantly fewer inputs, and hence cause less pollution, than others. For example, would increasing imports of field-grown tomatoes from the Mediterranean reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by reducing the need for production in heated greenhouses in the UK, taking account of the additional transport emissions? Is meat production in the UK less polluting than the import of red meat from the southern hemisphere?


We carried out a life-cycle inventory for each commodity, which quantified flows relating to life-cycle assessment (LCA) impact categories: primary energy use, acidification, eutrophication, abiotic resource use, pesticide use, land occupation and ozone depletion. The system boundary included all production inputs up to arrival at the retail distribution centre (RDC). The allocation of production burdens for meat products was on the basis of economic value. We evaluated indicator foods from which it is possible to draw parallels for foods whose production follows a similar chain: tomatoes (greenhouse crops), strawberries (field-grown soft fruit), apples (stored for year-round supply or imported during spring and summer), potatoes (early season imports or long-stored UK produce), poultry and beef (imported from countries such as Brazil) and lamb (imported to balance domestic spring–autumn supply).

Results and discussion

Total pre-farm gate global warming potential (GWP) of potatoes and beef were less for UK production than for production in the alternative country. Up to delivery to the RDC, total GWP were less for UK potatoes, beef and apples than for production elsewhere. Production of tomatoes and strawberries in Spain, poultry in Brazil and lamb in New Zealand produced less GWP than in the UK despite emissions that took place during transport. For foods produced with only small burdens of GWP, such as apples and strawberries, the burden from transport may be a large proportion of the total. For foods with inherently large GWP per tonne, such as meat products, burdens arising from transport may only be a small proportion of the total.


When considering the GWP of food production, imports from countries where productivity is greater and/or where refrigerated storage requirement is less will lead to less total GWP than axiomatic preference for local produce. However, prioritising GWP may lead to increases in other environmental burdens, in particular leading to both greater demands on and decreasing quality of water resources.  相似文献   

Over a decade of studies have tackled the question of how FtsK/SpoIIIE translocases establish and maintain directional DNA translocation during chromosome segregation in bacteria. FtsK/SpoIIIE translocases move DNA in a highly processive, directional manner, where directionality is facilitated by sequences on the substrate DNA molecules that are being transported. In recent years, structural, biochemical, single‐molecule and high‐resolution microscopic studies have provided new insight into the mechanistic details of directional DNA segregation. Out of this body of work, a series of models have emerged and, ultimately, yielded two seemingly opposing models: the loading model and the target search model. We review these recent mechanistic insights into directional DNA movement and discuss the data that may serve to unite these suggested models, as well as propose future directions that may ultimately solve the debate.  相似文献   

Entomologists from the late 19th century onwards recognized the evolutionary interest of the association of black forms of the peppered moth with industrialization. They developed a qualitative explanation of the phenomenon involving a change in relative crypsis of the phenotypes due to the blackening of the moth's resting background by air pollution. More recently, ecological geneticists have obtained some estimates of predation by birds and of population parameters such as migration rate. Models incorporating these estimates have explored the ways in which natural selection influences spatial variation and the maintenance of polymorphism. Studies on the peppered moth and some of the many other insects exhibiting industrial melanism have concentrated on the variability and dynamics of adult populations. Recent work which has begun to examine the ecology and behaviour of individuals, complete life cycles, and gene-phenotype relationships, is refining our understanding of this adaptation and also of present-day declines in melanic frequencies in response to falling air pollution.  相似文献   

The kallikrein-kinin system(KKS) is an intricate endogenous pathway involved in several physiological and pathological cascades in the brain. Due to the pathological effects of kinins in blood vessels and tissues, their formation and degradation are tightly controlled. Their components have been related to several central nervous system diseases such as stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and others. Bradykinin and its receptors(B1R and B2R) may have a role in the pathophysiology of certain central nervous system diseases. It has been suggested that kinin B1R is up-regulated in pathological conditions and has a neurodegenerative pattern, while kinin B2R is constitutive and can act as a neuroprotective factor in many neurological conditions. The renin angiotensin system(RAS) is an important blood pressure regulator and controls both sodium and water intake. AngⅡ is a potent vasoconstrictor molecule and angiotensin converting enzyme is the major enzyme responsible for its release. AngⅡ acts mainly on the AT1 receptor, with involvement in several systemic and neurological disorders. Brain RAS has been associated with physiological pathways, but is also associated with brain disorders. This review describes topics relating to the involvement of both systems in several forms of brain dysfunction and indicates components of the KKS and RAS that have been used as targets in several pharmacological approaches.  相似文献   

Do bacteria have genes for genetic exchange? The idea that the bacterial processes that cause genetic exchange exist because of natural selection for this process is shared by almost all microbiologists and population geneticists. However, this assumption has been perpetuated by generations of biology, microbiology and genetics textbooks without ever being critically examined.  相似文献   

Polyamine transport across the mitochondria membrane occurs by a specific, common uniporter system and appears controlled by electrostatic interactions as for polyamine oxidative deamination by bovine serum and mitochondrial matrix amine oxidases was found. In fact in all the cases, while the catalytic constants or the maximum uptake rate values show little changes with the number of the positive charges of the substrates, Michaelis–Menten constant values demonstrate exponential dependence, confirming that electrostatic forces control the docking of the substrate into the enzyme active site or polyamine channel. By the treatment of the kinetic data in terms of Gibbs equation or Eyring theory, the contribution of each positive charge of the polyamine to the Gibbs energy values for the oxidative deamination of polyamines by two mammalian amine oxidase and for polyamine transport, are obtained. These values were comparable and in good accordance with those reported in literature. Previous studies demonstrated that two negative functional groups in the active site of bovine serum and mitochondrial matrix amine oxidases interact electrostatically with three positive charges of the polyamines in the formation of the enzyme–substrate complex. Remembering the structure–function relationship of proteins, our results suggest analogous interactions in the polyamine transporter and, as a consequence, a partial structural similitude between two proteins. It follows that the primary sequences of the amino oxidases and the mitochondrial transport may, in part, be conserved.  相似文献   

Ferns present two alternant generations: sporophyte and gametophyte. In the present work we address the question of whether fern gametophytes have the potential to acclimate to different irradiances as vascular plants do. We studied the gametophytes of three different fern species belonging to the Aspleniaceae family with different ecological requirements (Asplenium trichomanes, Asplenium scoloprendrium and Ceterach officinarum). Fern spores were germinated and the gametophytes cultivated under photon flux density (PFD) of 10, 50 or 100 μmol m−2 s−1. From the early stages of spore germination (the formation of the 5-celled germinal filament), photosynthetic apparatus acclimates showing the typical patterns of photochemical responses to high or low PFD. In agreement with the photochemical pattern of acclimation, higher contents of xanthophyll cycle pigments and α-tocopherol was observed in plants grown under high PFD. The α/β-carotene ratio, used as indicator of the acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus, also sustained the initial hypothesis except for A. trichomanes. We conclude that fern gametophytes display a complete array of photosynthetic and photoprotective traits that allow an effective acclimation to PFD.  相似文献   

A large number of studies on the structure of N-glycosidically linked oligosaccharides from glycoproteins of different organs and/or different species have been carried out in the past using various combinations of techniques such as monosaccharide analysis, permethylation, peracteylation, exoglycosidase sequencing, normal and reversed phase HPLC, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Although it is widely accepted that the processing of N-glycans in the ER and Golgi of mammalian cells follows the same principal metabolic rules, analyses have revealed that the glycosylation pattern of a particular protein may differ depending on the cell type in which it is expressed. N-glycans from brain glycoproteins have been shown to include a variety of hybrid- and complex-type structures with structural features that are not so commonly found on glycoproteins from other organs and which have, therefore, been classified as 'brain-specific'. Comparison of the N-glycans of glycoproteins from homogenates of rat, mouse and human brains confirm that, in general, glycoproteins from human brain show a similar profile of brain-specific N-glycans as glycoproteins from mouse and rat brain.  相似文献   

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