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The acrosomal status of wallaby spermatozoa was evaluated by light and electron microscopy after incubation in 1–100 μM lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) for up to 120 min. Treatment with 1 and 10 μM LPC for 120 min did not lead to acrosomal loss, or detectable alteration to the acrosome, as detected by Bryan's staining and light microscopy. Incubation with 25 μM LPC had little effect on acrosomal loss, however statistically significant changes (P < 0.05) in the acrosomal matrix (altered) were detected after 10-min incubation by light microscopy. Around 50% of acrosomes were altered after 20-min incubation in 50 μM LPC (P < 0.001), and 40% of spermatozoa had lost their acrosome after 60-min incubation (P < 0.001). Treatment with 75 and 100 μM LPC led to rapid acrosomal loss from around 50% of spermatozoa within 10 min (P < 0.001), and by 60 min acrosomal loss was 70–80%. LPC, like the diacylglycerol DiC8 (1,2-di-octanoyl-sn-glycerol), is thus an effective agent to induce loss of the relatively stable wallaby sperm acrosome, and it also induces changes within the acrosomal matrix. Ultrastructure of the LPC-treated spermatozoa revealed that the plasma membrane and the acrosomal membranes were disrupted in a manner similar to that seen after detergent treatment (Triton X-100). There was no evidence of point fusion between the plasma membrane overlying the acrosome and the outer acrosomal membrane. The plasma membrane was the first structure to disappear from the spermatozoa. The acrosomal membranes and matrix showed increasing disruption with time and LPC concentration. Wallaby spermatozoa incubated with LPC at concentrations that induced significant acrosomal loss also underwent a rapid decline in motility that suggested that acrosomal loss may be due to cell damage, rather than a physiological AR. This study concluded that LPC-induced acrosomal loss from tammar wallaby spermatozoa is due to its action as a natural detergent and not as a phosphoinositide pathway intermediate. The study further demonstrates the unusual stability of the marsupial acrosomal membranes. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first metabolic study of marsupial spermatozoa. The oxidative metabolism of the spermatozoa of the Australian brush-tailed possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) was examined using a micro Warburg system. Semen was collected by electro-ejaculation and washed twice in Ca2+ free Krebs-Ringer-phosphate buffer containing antibiotics (KRPA). Washed spermatozoa suspended in fresh KRPA, were then incubated for 3 hours at 37° C in the presence and absence of added substrates (4 mM). The exogenous substrates tested were N-acetylglucosamine, glucosamine, and glucose. Small quantities of radioactively labeled [14C] substrates were included in the incubation media to allow measurement of substrate oxidation. Although the respiratory rate varied considerably between semen pools (replicate experiments), the relationship between total oxygen consumption (measured manometrically), and oxygen consumption accounted for by exogenous substrate utilization (calcuated from radioactivity recovered in the respiratory CO2) was remarkably consistent. Oxidation of exogenous substrate accounted for 49–54% of the oxygen consumption, depending on the substrate used. There was, however, no evidence that addition of these substrates stimulated the respiratory rate over that found when no substrate was added. Lactate formation accounted for the greater part of exogenous substrate consumed.  相似文献   

Plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) strongly influence diet selection by mammalian herbivores. Concentrations of PSMs vary within and among plant species, and across landscapes. Therefore, local adaptations may cause different populations of herbivores to differ in their ability to tolerate PSMs. Here, we tested the food intake responses of three populations of a marsupial folivore, the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula Kerr), from different latitudes and habitat types, to four types of PSMs. We found clear variation in the responses of northern and southern Australian possums to PSMs. Brushtail possums from southern Australia showed marked decreases in food intake in response to all four PSMs, while the two populations from northern Australia were not as sensitive and their responses did not differ from one another. These results were unexpected, based on our understanding of the experiences of these populations with PSMs in the wild. Our results suggest that geographically separated populations of possums may have evolved differing abilities to cope with PSMs, as a result of local adaptation to their natural environments. Our results provide the basis for future studies to investigate the mechanisms by which populations of mammalian species differ in their ability to tolerate PSMs.  相似文献   

The complexes (cnt)2[Fe(nta)Cl2], where nta = nitrilotriacetate and cnt = Et4N+ or PyH+, catalyze the air oxidation of thiols to disulfides under ambient conditions. Dithiols are converted to linear and cyclic oligomers that differ in their terminal groups as a function of the counterion, cnt. Cysteine ethyl ester was converted to the corresponding cystine diethylester in high yield.  相似文献   

The fluorescent reagent, CellTracker, labels metabolically-active cells and was used here to label Chlamydia in vivo during their exponential phase of growth in infected cells. HeLa cells infected with C. psittaci were labelled with the CellTracker reagents between 15 and 48 h post-infection. The fluorescent label accumulated in the host-cell membrane compartment (inclusion) within which Chlamydia reside and replicate, and was also incorporated by the bacteria. Labelling with the CellTracker affected neither the growth nor the differentiation of the chlamydiae, and labelled chlamydiae isolated from infected cells were infectious. Our results demonstrate that the CellTracker could become a valuable tool for in vivo labelling of obligate intracellular parasites for which no genetic tools exist.  相似文献   

This study utilised a commercially available monomaleimido-nanogold reagent to directly label cellular thiol groups (SH) of marsupial (tammar wallaby) spermatozoa before and after reduction of disulphides (S-S) with mercaptoethylamine hydrochloride (MEA). The sperm surface, mitochondrial membranes, axoneme and tail fibres were all labelled with gold particles before MEA treatment and the label intensity was increased after S-S reduction. The acrosomal membranes and matrix of spermatozoa contained no detectable SH prior to MEA treatment. However, after moderate MEA treatment (1 mg/ml) gold label was associated with the acrosomal membrane and invaginated acrosomal membrane within the acrosomal matrix. After exposure to 5 and 10 mg/ml MEA, gold particles heavily labelled the acrosomal matrix. Thus, the acrosomal membranes and matrix of tammar wallaby spermatozoa both contain S-S cross-linked structures, and this may contribute to the unusual stability of the marsupial acrosome. Under all treatment conditions the nucleus remained unlabelled. This is consistent with early studies which indicated that cysteine was absent from the nuclear protamines. The study also demonstrated that monomaleimido-nanogold can be used to resolve SH- and S-S-rich cellular structures directly, in addition to its use to label antibodies and Fab fragments for immunochemical localisation.This study was supported by a grant to J.C.R. from the Australian Research Council. Y.S. was the recipient of an Australian International Development Program Fellowship.  相似文献   

An expedient and mild route to a range of aryl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-1-thio-beta-D-glucopyranosides has been devised from 2-acetamido-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl chloride and arylthiols or aryl disulfides using phase transfer catalysis conditions. This simple procedure compresses up to three synthetic steps into a one-pot reaction, obviating the need for tedious workups and chromatography and directly furnishes crystalline materials in good yields. The procedure is compatible with a range of thiols and disulfides and may be amenable for preparing a wide range of thioglycosides with various glycons and aglycons.  相似文献   

Electron-microscope immunocytochemistry was used to determine the subcellular distribution and presence of immunoreactive relaxin throughout pregnancy and early lactation in the corpus luteum of a marsupial, the tammar wallaby. Membrane-bound, electron-dense granules were a prominent feature of the luteal cell cytoplasm. The highest numbers of granules were observed between days 20 and 24 of the 26-day gestation, with a rapid clearance immediately after birth. Relaxin immunogold particles were present only in small, electron-dense granules (200–350 nm in diameter), with no particles observed in larger granules (>400 nm diameter), nuclei or mitochondria. Relaxin immunoreactivity was low throughout early and mid pregnancy but increased markedly between days 21 and 22 and remained high over the last 4 days of pregnancy. The number of granules containing relaxin immunogold particles and the density of immunostaining were both reduced on the day of expected births (day 26). Our data demonstrate that electron-dense granules in the luteal cell cytoplasm of a pregnant marsupial contain relaxin. The peptide is produced in greatest amounts at the end of pregnancy, consistent with a role in parturition. Received: 3 March 1997 / Accepted: 26 May 1997  相似文献   

Lipids in tammar milk are predominantly triacylglycerols, and the fatty acid composition varies during the lactation cycle. Little is known about the regulation of their synthesis. This study investigates the endocrine regulation of lipid synthesis in mammary explants from pregnant tammars. Treatment of mammary explants with insulin resulted in a high level of lipid synthesis, but the lipids accumulated in the cytosol. Culture with prolactin resulted in a small increase in lipid synthesis, but electron microscopy showed lipid globules were synthesized in the mammary epithelial cells and secreted into the lumen. Culture with both insulin and prolactin demonstrated elevated levels of synthesis and secretion of lipid. Analysis of the type of fatty acids synthesized in these mammary explants showed that the initiation of synthesis of C16:0, which also occurs in the first week of lactation, could be reproduced in the pregnant explants cultured with prolactin alone. However, treatment of mammary explants with hydrocortisone did not show a significant effect on lipid synthesis, secretion or the fatty acid synthesized. These results provide new information identifying the role of insulin and prolactin in regulating milk lipid synthesis and secretion in the tammar.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is an essential part of the vertebrate immune response. MHC genes may be classified as classical, non-classical or non-functional pseudogenes. We have investigated the diversity of class I MHC genes in the brushtail possum, a marsupial native to Australia and an introduced pest in New Zealand. The MHC of marsupials is poorly characterised compared to eutherian mammal species. Comparisons between marsupials and eutherians may enhance understanding of the evolution and functions of this important genetic region. We found a high level of diversity in possum class I MHC genes. Twenty novel sequences were identified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers designed from existing marsupial class I MHC genes. Eleven of these sequences shared a high level of homology with the only previously identified possum MHC class I gene TrvuUB and appear to be alleles at a single locus. Another seven sequences are also similar to TrvuUB but have frame-shift mutations or stop codons early in their sequence, suggesting they are non-functional alleles of a pseudogene locus. The remaining sequences are highly divergent from other possum sequences and clusters with American marsupials in phylogenetic analysis, indicating they may have changed little since the separation of Australian and American marsupials.  相似文献   

Human endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasocontractile 21-residue peptide hormone with significant pharmacological importance. An efficient and straightforward expression strategy that enables cost-effective incorporation of stable isotopes is not available thus far. In this report, we describe a cost-effective expression system in Escherichia coli for the production of ET-1 enriched with (15)N and (13)C isotopes. Employing thioredoxin as carrier protein, specific and nearly quantitative cleavage of ET-1 from the fusion was mediated by Factor Xa, and purification to homogeneity (final purity of >95%) was achieved by RP-HPLC. Purified recombinant ET-1 was found to be indistinguishable from the synthetic counterpart as determined by mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. Our expression strategy offers the potential for production of isotopically labeled ET-1 in large (mg) quantities for the purpose of heteronuclear NMR experiments. Moreover, the method devised should be applicable for recombinant expression of small peptides in general.  相似文献   

Calretinin has been detected in various excitable cells but the presence and putative roles of such a calcium-binding protein has never been characterized in sperm.Epididymal spermatozoa were collected from C57Bl6 (wild-type, WT) or calretinin knockout (CR−/−) mice and Wistar rats. A specific staining for calretinin was detected by immunofluorescence in the principal piece of the flagellum, both in WT mouse and rat spermatozoa. Western blots confirmed the expression of calretinin in rat and WT spermatozoa as well as its absence in CR−/− mice.No significant difference was observed in the spontaneous acrosome reaction between WT and CR−/− sperm. The addition of the calcium-ionophore A-23187, Thapsigargin or Progesterone to WT or CR−/− incubated spermatozoa induced increases in the acrosome reaction but the stimulatory effects were identical in both genotypes. Motility measurements assessed by computer-assisted sperm analysis indicated that, under basal non-stimulatory conditions, CR-/- sperm exhibited a lower curvilinear velocity and a smaller lateral head movement amplitude, although no difference was observed for the beat cross frequency. After incubation with 25 mM NH4Cl, the curvilinear velocity, the amplitude of the lateral head movement and the hyperactivation were increased, while the beat cross frequency was decreased, in both genotypes.Evaluation of the in vivo fertility potential indicated that the CR−/− litter sizes were clearly reduced compared to the WT litter sizes.Our study describes, for the first time, the expression of calretinin in sperm. These data extend the potential implication of calcium-binding proteins in the sperm calcium-signaling cascade and bring new insights into the understanding of sperm physiology.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus L. 1758 sperm was examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, which allowed us to use various methods for visualizations of different parts of sterlet spermatozoa. Sperm cells possess a head with a distinct acrosome, a midpiece and a single flagellum surrounded by the flagellar plasma membrane. The average length of the head including the acrosome and the midpiece was estimated as 5.14+/-0.42 microm. Nine to 10 posterolateral projections were derived from the acrosome. Three inter-twining endonuclear canals bounded by membranes traversed the nucleus in its whole length from the acrosome to the implantation fossa. Acrosin was located in all the three parts (acrosome, endonuclear canals and implantation fossa). The proximal and distal centrioles located in the midpiece compacted of nine peripheral triplets of microtubules. One cut of the midpiece contained from two to six mitochondria with area of 215+/-85 nm(2) in average. The flagellum was 42.47+/-1.89 microm in length with typical eukaryotic organization of one central pair and nine peripheral pairs of microtubules. It passed through a cytoplasmic channel in the midpiece, which was formed by an invagination at the plasmalemma. The flagellum gradually developed two lateral extensions of its plasma membrane, so-called "fins". Detected morphological variation can be described by four principal component axes corresponding to groups of individual morphometric characters defined on the sperm structures. Correlations among the characters indicate that the sperms are variable in their shape rather than size. Significant variation among examined fish individuals was found only in flagellum and nucleus length. Comparison between the present and previous studies of morphology of sturgeon spermatozoa confirmed large inter- and/or intra-specific differences that could be of substantial taxonomic value.  相似文献   

Abstract Electron microscopy and immunogold labelling with monoclonal antibody (McAb) Bfl identified an antigen expressed on some in vitro and in vivo grown Bacteroides fragilis NCTC9343 cells.
Immunoprecipitation with this McAb was used to enrich for B. fragilis NCTC9343 cells expressing the Bfl antigen. The McAb Bfl bound to an epitope close to the surface of the outer membrane, but the fibrous capsular network radiating from the bacterial surface was not labelled. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting identified 3 high- M r bands which resisted heating and protease digestion but were partially sensitive to sodium periodate treatment.  相似文献   

In the dasyurid marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata, the mature spermatozoon has an inner homogeneous (C1) and a peripheral indented (C2) region. Using DNase-gold conjugates, and biotinylated genomic DNA probes, DNA was found to occur in both C1 and C2 regions. The morphogenesis of the spermatozoon nucleus was investigated using ultrastructural and cytochemical studies. Spermiogenesis was divided into 15 steps. By step 10, condensation of the C1 region was complete, and at the caudal extremity of the spermatid nucleus, the nuclear envelope enclosed an electron-lucent space. This space and the surrounding nuclear envelope became very enlarged at step 11. At this stage, a plate of approximately 70 nm in thickness was present along the caudal segment of the C1 region; this “nuclear mantle” did not bind DNase-gold conjugates but stained for lysine-rich proteins using alcoholic phosphotungstic acid. Chromatin condensation resumed at step 12 with the appearance of spherical chromatin structures peripheral to the C1 chromatin. These structures then partially coalesced and the indentations of the C2 region were observed. The expanded nuclear envelope at the caudal extremity persisted in caput epididymal spermatozoa. Spherical inclusions within it did not bind to DNase-gold conjugates but stained for lysine-rich proteins. As the sperm traveled down the epididymis, these inclusions amassed near the nuclear pores and were then removed from the nucleus. In addition, the nuclear mantle was found to have disappeared by the time the spermatozoa reached the corpus epididymidis. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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