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The ultrastructure of a well studied insect chemosensory unit is presented in this report. Two separate lumina are present in this chemosensory unit, the trichogen and sensillar lumina. The fluid within the trichogen lumen exclusively bathes the dendritic terminals, and may be involved with the reception and/or modulation of environmental stimuli. Cytoplasmic extensions of the trichogen cell which line the trichogen lumen may be involved in the production of the cuticular sheath. The sensillar lumen is bordered by the tormogen and a sleeve cell, and is continuous with the unoccupied channel of the setal shaft. Functions for the various cellular components of the blowfly chemoreceptor sensillum are offered.  相似文献   

Fine structure of the chemoreceptor sensillum in Limulus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Each chemoreceptor sensillum of Limulus polyphemus consists of 6–15 bipolar neurosensory cells with distal processes confined within a single cuticular tubule as they extend to the outside environment. The cuticular tubule, which is enveloped by the cuticulo-tubal cell, opens proximally into a fluid-filled extracellular space through which the dendrite passes before entering the cuticular tubule. Between the neurosensory cells are one to three microvillar cells also exposed to the extracellular space. This space is enclosed by a sheath cell extending proximally from the inner opening of the cuticular tubule and enveloping the proximal portions of the dendrites, the distal portions of the microvillar cells, as well as the distal portion of some neurosensory cell bodies. Most of the remaining portions of the neurosensory cells and microvillar cells are enveloped by neuroglia. Tight junctions occur between the distal portions of the dendrites in or near the cuticular tubule. Each dendrite has a cilium-like segment located where it traverses the extracellular space with a 9 + 0 pattern of fibers. Septuplelayered junctions occur among the proximal portions of some dendrites and some neurosensory cell bodies of the same sensillum. The subjacent processes of the sensillum frequently course proximally as isolated axons before joining nerve bundles. In the chilarial and gnathobasal chemoreceptors these nerve bundles course proximally to neuropile clumps of a peripheral nerve plexus. The presence of numerous synaptic vesicles in the neuropiles suggests that chemical transmission may occur among “en passant” synapses formed by the axons. Proximally the neuropiles are joined to the central nervous system by relatively long nerves.  相似文献   

In a river survey, Gammarus pulex amphipods both unparasitised and parasitised with the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus truttae were distributed similarly with respect to flow regimen, tending to be more abundant in faster, shallower, riffle patches. However, there was a higher prevalence of parasitism in faster, shallower areas than in slower, deeper areas and abundance correlated with macrophyte coverage for unparasitised but not parasitised amphipods, indicating subtle differences in habitat usage. A laboratory 'patch' simulation indicated that parasitism influenced micro-distribution. There were higher proportions of unparasitised amphipods in/under stone substrates and within weed. In contrast, there were higher proportions of parasitised amphipods in the water column and at the water surface. As the experiment progressed, unparasitised but not parasitised amphipod habitat usage shifted from those micro-habitats above the substrate and in the water column to those in/under the substrates. Experiments also demonstrated that parasitised amphipods were more active and had a greater preference for illumination. Previous studies of the effects of acanthocephalan parasitism of amphipod hosts have focussed on how drift behaviour is altered, now we show that subtle differences in micro-habitat usage could translate to greatly increased vulnerability to fish predation. We discuss how aggregation of parasitised individuals within specific habitats could promote parasite transmission.  相似文献   

Because resistance to parasites usually has a cost for host species, it is theoretically expected that, in case of multi-infection, host immune responses should vary according to the levels of parasite pathogenicity. The crustacean gammarid Gammarus aequicauda is the second intermediate host of 4 trematode species. Three of these parasites always encyst in the abdomen of gammarids and have no particular effect on the host. However, 1 of these species is sometimes able to encyst in the cerebroid ganglia of the gammarid and strongly alter its behavior in a way that increases its predation risk by aquatic birds, the definitive hosts. In accordance with the hypothesis that the level of parasite pathogenicity influences the likelihood and the degree of host reaction, cases of melanization in our gammarid collection almost exclusively concern the cerebral metacercariae. Our results also indicate that this melanization is able to cancel the behavioral alterations induced by the parasite, suggesting that the cause of the manipulation is not the physical presence of metacercariae in the brain.  相似文献   

P. Rabindranath 《Hydrobiologia》1975,46(2-3):241-262
The paper deals with 4 species of ampeliscid amphipods. For the first time among ampeliscids, incomplete coalescence of urosomites 2 and 3 is noticed in two of these viz. Ampelisca cyclops Walker and Amplisca scabripes Walker. It is suggested that this unique feature may be taken note of by those coming across this genus so that eventually we may be able to bring about a division of the genus Ampelisca. The study supports Pirlot's (1936) observation on the validity of A. chevreuxi Walker and points out that the distinction made by J. L. Barnard (1960) for separating this species from A. zamboangae Stebbing is only a case of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

This study examines the cannibalistic behaviour of the freshwater amphipods Gammarus duebeni celticus Stock & Pinkster, 1970 and G. pulex (L., 1758). In the first experiment, interactions were staged among all combinations of single adult males, single adult females, adults in the precopulatory mate-guarding phase and juveniles. Cannibalism by inter-moult individuals on newly moulted conspecifics occurred in all interaction categories in both species. Gammarus d. celticus , however, were significantly more cannibalistic than G. pulex. Cannibalism between and within sex and size categories (males > females > juveniles) was facilitated by the vulnerability of individuals at moult. Individuals of smaller size categories, however, did not cannibalize newly moulted conspecifics of larger size categories. Males were less cannibalistic on newly moulted females than on newly moulted males and juveniles and, when in the precopulatory condition, appeared to defend females from cannibalistic attacks. In a second experiment, stream conditions were simulated in the laboratory and replicated populations monitored for nine weeks. High levels of cannibalism, and the species and sex differences in cannibalism identified in the first experiment, were confirmed under these heterogeneous conditions. Cannibalism by males on their newly moulted female mating partners, termed 'reversed' sexual cannibalism, was further investigated. When males were deprived of foraging opportunities, cannibalism of precopulatory partners was significantly more frequent. The occurrence of 'reversed' sexual cannibalism is thus interpreted as a conflict between motivation to feed and motivation to mate.  相似文献   

Summary The sinus gland of Gammarus oceanicus, like that of other crustaceans, is composed of three elements: neurosecretory axons, glial cells and stromal sheath. Five neurosecretory axon types are identified on the basis of granule diameter, shape, and electron density, and axon matrix density. Exocytosis appears to be the major release mechanism of neurosecretory material. The preterminal regions of neurosecretory axons contain axoplasmic reticulum and neurotubules. Their arrangement in the axon and relationship with one another suggest a transport function. Multilamellar bodies are found in the terminal regions of neurosecretory axons. They arise from mitochondria and may be involved in granulolysis.The technical assistance of G.A. Bance, statistical assistance of D. MacCharles and D.W. Hagen, and financial support provided by the University of New Brunswick Research Fund to K.H. are gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Inserting on the buccal and esophageal foregut of Gammarus minus are numerous pairs of serially arranged dorsal dilator muscles, a single pair of lateral muscles, and two pairs of posterior muscles. Muscles of the cardiac stomach include three dorsal sets, a single pair associated with the pterocardiac ossicles, and two pairs inserting on the ventral aspect. A single pair of muscles inserts on the lateral aspect of the pyloric stomach. The extrinsic muscles of the foregut originate from exoskeletal apodemes of the cephalothoracic cuticle, sockets of the mandible, and a maxillary bridge that lies just ventral to the cardiac stomach. The extrinsic musculature of the hindgut is restricted to the rectal region and consists of paired dorsal and ventral series in an X-configuration. A single unpaired muscle inserts on the ventral midline. Extrinsic muscles of the hindgut originate from the integument of the last pleonic segment. The general arrangement of extrinsic gut muscles in G. minus is similar but not identical to that of other amphipods studied. However, the pattern is quite different from that of other malacostracans.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Adult Gammarus pulex lose about 42% body calcium into solution over a 2–3-day period preceding the moult. A further 54% body calcium is lost with the exuviae, leaving c . 4% in the newly moulted animal.
Nearly all of the body calcium in a stage A (post moult) animal is contained in the hepatopancreas and a transient increase in the calcium content of this tissue is seen in some individuals. The haemolymph calcium compartment is heavily depleted at this stage. In stage B animals the hepatopancreas calcium level has returned to, or even fallen below, the intermoult level while the haemolymph calcium concentration remains lower than in intermoult animals.
Animals switch from a strongly negative calcium balance to a state of rapid calcium uptake immediately following moult. Uptake at 10°C proceeds at a rate of between 3 and 10 μmol g−1 h−1 depending on the calcium concentration of the external medium. The lower rate is found in starved animals in 0.1 mM calcium and this concentration is probably close to a minimum for the satisfactory restoration of body calcium. Recalcification is completed in 10–14 days in 0.1 mM calcium and is apparently enhanced by the presence of food in the form of a portion of oak leaf together with the cast exuviae. In 1.0 mM calcium the recalcification period is shortened to 3–4 days. This is considerably longer than the time recorded for French populations of this species (Vincent, 1969), although reasons for this are offered.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The tnierodistribution of Gammarus species is size assortative: larger animals are associated with larger substrate particles. Using an artificial stream with scrubbed substrate we investigate the hypothesis that the assortative mechanism is stimulated by current avoidance rather than food searching.
2. In uniformly mixed substrate, G. pulex tend to move upstream, but in patchy substrate they are found in a predictable substrate grade. There is no discrimination between patches by different size classes of G. pulex in static water. The size assortative field pattern can only be reproduced under flow conditions in the laboratory. It occurs in the absence of food and irrespective of the sequence or location of substrate patches.
3. As density increases, G. pulex are displaced from the optimal patches but move into the open stream rather than into the cover of alternative patch types.
4. We discuss the significance of these results and suggest that some earlier models explaining mechanisms for microdistribution patterns tnay have been unnecessarily complex. Contrasts between natural and simulated stream situations and their experimental advantages are noted.  相似文献   

Using a standard cytochrome c oxidase I sequence, DNA barcoding has been shown to be effective to distinguish known species and to discover cryptic species. Here we assessed the efficiency of DNA barcoding for the amphipod genus Gammarus from China. The maximum intraspecific divergence for widespread species, Gammarus lacustris, was 3.5%, and mean interspecific divergence reached 21.9%. We presented a conservative benchmark for determining provisional species using maximum intraspecific divergence of Gammarus lacustris. Thirty-one species possessed distinct barcode clusters. Two species were comprised of highly divergent clades with strong neighbor-joining bootstrap values, and likely indicated the presence of cryptic species. Although DNA barcoding is effective, future identification of species of Gammarus should incorporate DNA barcoding and morphological detection[Current Zoology 55(2):158-164,2009].  相似文献   

Gammarus spp. (Crustacea: Amphipoda) are widespread throughout a diverse range of marine, freshwater and estuarine/brackish habitats, often dominating benthic macroinvertebrate communities in terms of both numbers and/or biomass. Gammarus spp. are the dominant macroinvertebrate prey items of many fish, whether as a seasonal food source or a year-round staple. Selective predation by fish on Gammarus spp. is often linked to parasitism and the body size of the prey. Gammarus spp. populations are under increasing threat from both pollution and replacement/displacement by introduced species. Loss of populations and species invasions/replacements could have significant impacts on native predator species if the predator(s) cannot successfully adapt their feeding patterns to cope with non-indigenous Gammarus prey species. Despite this, many fish predation studies do not identify Gammarus prey to species level. This lack of precision could be important, as Gammarus spp. exhibit wide variations in physiochemical tolerances, habitat requirements, abilities to invade and susceptibility to replacement. Although rarely acknowledged, the impacts of nonpiscean predators (particularly macroinvertebrates) on Gammarus prey species may frequently be stronger than those exerted by fish. A major aim of this review is to ascertain the current importance of Gammarus as a prey species, such that the implications of changes in Gammarus spp. populations can be more accurately assessed by interested groups such as ecologists and fisheries managers. We also review the dynamics of Gammarus spp. as prey to a diverse array of mammals, birds, amphibians, insects, flatworms, other crustaceans such as crabs and crayfish and, perhaps most importantly, other Gammarus spp.  相似文献   

1. Reduced metabolic rate among cave organisms compared with surface species has long been suggested as an adaptation to food shortage in cave environments. However, comparisons of metabolic rates between species have not often included closely related surface and cave species. By measuring metabolic rate across three seasons and over a range of body sizes, we examined the hypothesis that the routine metabolic rate of Gammarus acherondytes, a federally listed stygobitic amphipod, is lower than that of the closely related stygophilic Gammarus troglophilus. To determine if human activities increased the supply of organic matter to caves, we also examined the relationship between residential development and bacterial contamination in water wells. 2. For G. acherondytes, the slope of the overall relationship between oxygen consumption and body dry mass did not differ from zero and did not vary seasonally, whereas for G. troglophilus it was positive and higher in summer than in winter and spring. These results provide insights into a potential novel metabolic adaptation among stygobites. Higher metabolic rate in young G. acherondytes would allow efficient use of typically transient energy sources and a low metabolic rate at larger body sizes would increase survival through periods of food scarcity. 3. The number of wells with faecal coliform contamination was weakly but positively correlated with the number of residential building permits, indicating that surface land‐use changes probably increase the availability of energy in groundwater systems inhabited by G. acherondytes. This may give stygophilic animals, with higher metabolic rates, a competitive advantage in the caves, thus reducing the abundance of stygobites such as G. acherondytes.  相似文献   

Respiration of four freshwater species of the amphipod crustacean Gammarus: G. fossarum, G. lacustris (river and lake), G. pulex and G. roeseli were measured in a closed, stirred respirometric chamber with a micro-electrode. Oxygen consumption, expressed as weight-specific oxygen uptake (Rs) in relation to decreasing oxygen concentration, varied at air saturation from 0.86 (G. lacustris, lake) to 2.06 μl O2 mg−1 AFDW h−1 (G. pulex). Rs also differed intra-specifically among the two populations of G. lacustris. G. lacustris (river), G. pulex and G. roeseli expressed moderate ability to regulate their oxygen consumption at decreasing oxygen concentrations, whereas the regulation ability was higher in G. lacustris (lake) and in G. fossarum, which maintain high oxygen uptake at oxygen levels >2 mg O2 l−1. All four Gammarus species are partial regulators in response to variations in oxygen concentration. The differences between species are considered too small to account for their natural distributions. It appears that the tolerances of Gammarus species to organic pollution depend only in part on oxygen conditions.  相似文献   

Benthic samplings along the southern temperate coast of Australia yielded stenothoid specimens related to the taxonRaumahara Barnard. ?Raumahara virdurorum sp. n. is described, illustrated, and the systematic position within the genus is discussed.Raumahara seems to be a nonmonophyletic group, as not one synapomorphic character can be discerned that exactly fits for each member of this taxon.  相似文献   

Mekhanikova  I. V. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(8):1250-1262
Biology Bulletin - The list of endemic calcioliferous (carrying calceoli, the antennal sensory organs) amphipods is presented for Lake Baikal. It includes 47 species and subspecies (13% of the...  相似文献   

Since the middle of the 20th century, six species of Ponto-Caspian amphipods (Chaetogammarus ischnus, C. warpachowskyi, Chelicorophium curvispinum, Dikerogammarus haemobaphes, Obesogammarus crassus, Pontogammarus robustoides), one Baikalian amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus and one amphipod of Atlantic origin Gammarus tigrinus have expanded in Russia and adjacent regions. A wide variety of human mediated vectors such as deliberate and accidental introductions, natural migration via constructed inland waterways and high rates of spread, survival and reproduction in these species have facilitated rapid dispersal and successful establishment of these alien species. Causes of successful establishment of these invaders and potential consequences of the invasions including extinctions of native species in rivers, lakes and estuaries of north-western Russia are discussed.  相似文献   

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