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刘璠  武瑞  韩凤禄 《古生物学报》2022,61(1):88-106
燕辽生物群已发现脊椎动物54属58种, 包括鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、哺乳类等, 但其脊椎动物多样性及其成因机制还未有详细研究。本文对该生物群脊椎动物进行统计分析, 并与同时代的其他生物群脊椎动物类型进行对比, 这为认识燕辽生物群脊椎动物的多样性及其成因提供了重要的证据。早期代表道虎沟生物群与晚期代表玲珑塔生物群虽存在时代上的传承关系, 但生物组合特征明显不同。对比燕辽生物群与相近时代的新疆五彩湾动物群和四川大山铺恐龙动物群, 脊椎动物组合特征差异显著。燕辽生物群恐龙类群主要以小型兽脚类恐龙为主, 还包括一些小型鸟臀类恐龙。另外还具有非常丰富的翼龙和哺乳动物。脊椎动物生态多样性高, 适应飞行、树栖、水生、穴居等多种生活方式, 但是脊椎动物的类型与同时代的相近地区明显不同。翼龙、恐龙和哺乳动物等类群都展现出独特的生物组合特征。有证据表明该时期东亚地区与其他地区可能存在一定程度的地理隔离, 结合陆生脊椎动物组合特征推测燕辽生物群脊椎动物与外界可能存在一定的交流障碍。  相似文献   

The winter‐rainfall region of southern Africa, covered largely by the fynbos and succulent karoo biomes, harbours the world's greatest concentration of geophyte species. Species diversity is greatest in the south‐west, where more than 500 species co‐occur in one quarter‐degree square; in the south‐east the values are generally around 100, and in the arid north‐west, always less than 50 (more often less than 10). In at least three species‐rich genera (Moraea, Eriospermum and Oxalis), the size of storage organs (bulbs, corms, tubers) varies inversely, with the largest average values occurring in the species‐poorer areas — both in the north‐western, and in the south‐eastern parts of the region. This negative correlation between average storage organ size and species diversity is, however, only observed at relatively large spatial scales, which suggests that there is no direct relationship between storage organ size and species diversity. More likely, both these measures are driven by winter rainfall amount and reliability, both of which peak in the south‐western Cape. We suggest that reliable winter rainfall makes large storage organs unnecessary and depresses extinction rates, thus leading to the accumulation of species.  相似文献   

Capra nubiana is a wild ibex species that is in danger of extinction. This study aimed at assessing the genetic diversity and population structure of Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana, n?=?8) in comparison to Alpine ibex (Capra ibex, n?=?8), Bezoar ibex (Capra aegagrus, n?=?4), and domesticated Taggar goats (Capra aegagrus hircus, n?=?24). All animals were genotyped with the 50K goat SNP chip. Since commercial SNP chips are not designed for wild species, data analysis was done in two ways: (1) using all callable SNPs (33,698) and (2) with a reduced set of SNPs segregating within three out of four populations (662). Using these two sets of SNPs, the observed heterozygosity in Nubian ibex ranged from 0.02 to 0.44, in Alpine ibex from 0.01 to 0.38, and in Bezoar ibex from 0.13 to 0.38, when analyzing 33,698 or 662 SNPs, respectively. In domesticated Taggar goats, the values for the observed heterozygosity using all 33,698 callable SNPs and the reduced set of 662 SNPs were similar (0.40–0.41). Pairwise FST values for the differentiation between species ranged from 0.17–0.35 (Bezoar ibex vs. Taggar goats) to 0.47–0.91 (Bezoar vs. Alpine ibex), and was 0.33–0.90 between Bezoar and Nubian ibex, respectively, to the two sets of SNPs. The analysis of molecular variance among all animals revealed that 74–78% can be explained by differences between species, while the residual 22–26% result from differences among individuals, respectively. Cluster analysis of Nei’s genetic distance allowed to detected two distinct clusters comprising Nubian and Alpine ibex on one hand and Taggar goats and Bezoar ibex on the other hand, and clear separation of all four breeds. Principal component (PC) analysis confirmed and further refined the clusters. SNPs that contributed most to PC1 allowed us to identify genomic regions accounting for the distances between species. These regions contain known milk protein genes. The identification of milk protein genes as contributors to the differentiation between species provides insights into the domestication of wild Capra breeds.  相似文献   

Sarcomeric myosin heavy chains (MyHC) are the major contractile proteins of cardiac and skeletal muscles and belong to class II MyHC. In this study the sequences of nine sarcomeric MyHC isoforms were obtained by combining assembled contigs of the dog genome draft available in the NCBI database. With this information available the dog becomes the second species, after human, for which the sequences of all members of the sarcomeric MyHC gene family are identified. The newly determined sequences of canine MyHC isoforms were aligned with their orthologs in mammals, forming a set of 38 isoforms, to search for the molecular features that determine the structural and functional specificity of each type of isoform. In this way the structural motifs that allow identification of each isoform and are likely determinants of functional properties were identified in six specific regions (surface loop 1, loop 2, loop 3, converter, MLC binding region, and S2 proximal segment).  相似文献   



Freshwater megafauna remain underrepresented in research and conservation, despite a disproportionately high risk of extinction due to multiple human threats. Therefore, our aims are threefold; (i) identify global patterns of freshwater megafauna richness and endemism, (ii) assess the conservation status of freshwater megafauna and (iii) demonstrate spatial and temporal patterns of human pressure throughout their distribution ranges.




We identified 207 extant freshwater megafauna species, based on a 30 kg weight threshold, and mapped their distributions using HydroBASINS subcatchments (level 8). Information on conservation status and population trends for each species was extracted from the IUCN Red List website. We investigated human impacts on freshwater megafauna in space and time by examining spatial congruence between their distributions and human pressures, described by the Incident Biodiversity Threat Index and Temporal Human Pressure Index.


Freshwater megafauna occur in 76% of the world’s main river basins (level 3 HydroBASINS), with species richness peaking in the Amazon, Congo, Orinoco, Mekong and Ganges‐Brahmaputra basins. Freshwater megafauna are more threatened than their smaller counterparts within the specific taxonomic groups (i.e., fishes, mammals, reptiles and amphibians). Out of the 93 freshwater megafauna species with known population trends, 71% are in decline. Meanwhile, IUCN Red List assessments reported insufficient or outdated data for 43% of all freshwater megafauna species. Since the early 1990s, human pressure has increased throughout 63% of their distribution ranges, with particularly intense impacts occurring in the Mekong and Ganges‐Brahmaputra basins.

Main conclusions

Freshwater megafauna species are threatened globally, with intense and increasing human pressures occurring in many of their biodiversity hotspots. We call for research and conservation actions for freshwater megafauna, as they are highly sensitive to present and future pressures including a massive boom in hydropower dam construction in their biodiversity hotspots.

Carbon dioxide is a small, relatively inert, but highly volatile gas that not only gives beer its bubbles, but that also acts as one of the primary driving forces of anthropogenic climate change. While beer brewers experiment with the effects of CO2 on flavor and climate scientists are concerned with global changes to ambient CO2 levels that take place over the course of decades, many animal species are keenly aware of changes in CO2 concentration that occur much more rapidly and on a much more local scale. Although imperceptible to us, these small changes in CO2 concentration can indicate imminent danger, signal overcrowding, and point the way to food. Here I review several of these CO2-evoked behaviors and compare the systems insects, nematodes, and vertebrates use to detect environmental CO2.  相似文献   

Terrestrial snail faunas were studied at 273 sites in three large Czech cities (Prague, Pilsen and Hradec Králové). The aim was to explore the effect of habitat degradation on land snail diversity in urban environments. Of the 81 species recorded, 12 were considered synanthropic and 29 anthropophobic. We assessed the power of habitat degradation and distance from the city centre as predictors of species richness for: (1) all species combined; (2) synanthropic species alone; and (3) anthropophobic alone. The highest correlation was observed between richness of athropophobic species and habitat degradation (average r = −0.69, P < 0.001), which explained on average 48% of the variation, whereas distance from the city centre explained a negligible amount of independent variation. A similar pattern was found for all species combined; however, the amount of explained variation was lower (10% on average). We found a contrasting pattern for the richness of synanthropic species whose occurrence was mainly and negatively driven by the distance from the city centre. However, the amount of explained variation was very unequal among the cities, being very low in Prague and Pilsen (8%) and quite high in Hradec Králové (36%). In conclusion, the response of local snail assemblages along a gradient of habitat degradation can be generalised as a gradual decline in species richness, especially of rare and anthropophobic species. This reduction was independent of the sites’ position within the city, which highlights the importance of natural habitats for the maintenance of snail diversity in urban environments.  相似文献   

The relationships of the Devonian palaeonisciform fish Cheirolepis are examined and the early evolutionary trends within the Actinopterygii and the Osteichthyes are considered.
Cheirolepis is the most primitive known actinopterygian. The contemporary stegotrachelid palaeonisciforms are more advanced in their cranial and locomotor anatomy. The general directions of these advances are similar to those subsequently displayed by later palaeonisciforms over the stegotrachelids themselves. Cheirolepis , furthermore, possesses many characters which can be logically interpreted as primitive for the Osteichthyes by extrapolation of trends in actinopterygian and sarcopterygian lineages. 11 is the most primitive known osteichthyan.
The Osteichthyes are considered to have arisen from a micromerically-scaled acanthodian or acanthodian-like ancestor at the end of the Silurian period.  相似文献   

Exciting new technologies, such as cellular transplantation, organogenesis and xenotransplantation, are thought to be promising approaches for the treatment of human disease. The feasibility of applying these technologies, however, might be limited by biological and immunological hurdles. Here, we consider whether, and how, xenotransplantation and various other technologies might be applied in future efforts to replace or supplement the function of human organs and tissues.  相似文献   

Aim To characterize the Australian desert vine flora and to compare it with that of deserts in other continents. Location The Stony Deserts, the Simpson Desert and the four main deserts of Western Australia. Methods The Western Australian Herbarium data base and published papers were used to develop vine checklists for each Australian desert studied. A literature search was used to classify the families and genera into phytogeographical elements and to provide data for intercontinental comparisons. Results Thirty‐seven vine species are listed for the six Australian deserts studied. They constitute from 0.8 to 2.7% of the vascular flora, which is within the normal range for arid zone floras. Comparing Australian data with those from the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts (North America), for non‐vine taxa, very different phylogenetic lines are present. However, for vines, three of the four most important families are the same in each case, viz. Convolvulaceae, Fabaceae and Asclepiadaceae. This reflects large pantropical and cosmopolitan families shared between all three data sets. At the generic level, in Australia pantropical taxa and taxa from the Old World tropics far outnumber endemic ones, as do pantropical and neotropical genera in North America. Herbaceous vines predominate in Australian deserts as they do in North American ones, but nevertheless, the percentage of woody vines is higher in Australia (32%) than in North America (highest value of 24%). Earlier views that Australian deserts are rich in annual vines are not supported. Main conclusions For many life‐forms, the Australian flora is composed of very different phylogenetic lines to the floras of other continents. However, for desert vines, at the level of family and even of genus, there are surprising similarities between Australia and even a continent as distant as North America, because of shared pantropical and cosmopolitan taxa.  相似文献   

Eleven chemically active odorants were tested to determine theireffectiveness and specificity in inhibiting electroolfactogram(EOG) responses in the frog olfactory mucosa. These inhibitoryagents probably act by several different mechanisms, but theyall produced a comparable degree of inhibition when approximatelythe same amount of inhibitor had been applied. One agent, ethylbromoacetate, produced a specific pattern of inhibition in whichresponses to all odorants tested were inhibited except responsesto certain amines. A related agent, ethyl chloroacetate, produceda similar, but less well-defined specific effect. Non-specificinhibitory effects were produced by seven of the agents tested.Two agents produced no inhibition, presumably because theirlow vapor pressure prevented the application of sufficient reagentin the vapor phase. The majority of the effective inhibitorsare alkylating agents or substrates for nucleophilic additionwhich react with sulfhydryl or amino groups of proteins. Bycontrast, the inhibitory effect of diethylamine is probablythe result of its basicity. The basicity would enable neutralizationreactions with acidic groups of proteins or other substancesin the microenvironment of the receptors. Several lines of evidencelead to the conclusion that the inhibitory action of the chemicallyactive odorants is principally the result of disruption of molecularolfactory receptors in the membranes of olfactory neurons, andthat sulfhydryl, amino, and carboxyl groups are of importanceto the function of olfactory receptors, ion channels, or receptor/ionophoremacromolecules. 1Present address: PSC Box 511, Peterson AFB, Colorado Springs,Colorado 80914, USA. 2Permanent address: Department of Chemistry, New Mexico Instituteof Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico 87801, USA.  相似文献   

Siebert CD  Hänsicke A  Nagel T 《Chirality》2008,20(2):103-109
beta-Blockers are widely used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease and act by antagonizing the effects of adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) on beta-adrenergic receptors. All beta-blockers currently used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease contain at least one chiral center and, while most are marketed as racemates, their cardiac antihypertensive activity generally resides in the S-enantiomer. Nebivolol is a third generation beta-blocker that is highly selective for the beta(1)-adrenoceptor. The nebivolol molecule contains four chiral centers and is marketed as a racemate of (+)-nebivolol (SRRR-configuration) and (-)-nebivolol (RSSS-configuration). Nebivolol differs from all other beta-blockers with a hydroxypropanolamine substructure in that its cardiac antihypertensive activity resides in the R-enantiomer at the hydroxy group, whereas all other beta-blockers have antihypertensive activity in the S-enantiomer. Two of the four chiral centers in nebivolol are part of a ring structure and the increased rigidity of this structure may be related to nebivolol's divergence from the standard pharmacophore model of beta-blockers.  相似文献   

Abstract: The complex chemospecificity of the olfactory system is probably due to the large family of short-looped, heptahelical receptor proteins expressed in neurons widely distributed throughout one of the several zones within the nasal neuroepithelium. In this study, a subfamily of olfactory receptors has been identified that is characterized by distinct structural features as well as a unique expression pattern. Members of this receptor family are found in mammals, such as rodents and opossum, but not in lower vertebrates. All identified subtypes comprise an extended third extracellular loop that exhibits amphiphilic properties and contains numerous charged amino acids in conserved positions. Olfactory sensory neurons expressing these receptor types are segregated in small clusters on the tip of central turbinates, thus representing a novel pattern of expression for olfactory receptors. In mouse, genes encoding the new subfamily of receptors were found to be harbored within a small contiguous segment of genomic DNA. Based on species specificity as well as the unique structural properties and expression pattern, it is conceivable that the novel receptor subfamily may serve a special function in the olfactory system of mammals.  相似文献   

The island of New Guinea received part of the first human expansion out of Africa (>40,000 years ago), but its human genetic history remains poorly understood. In this study, we examined Y-chromosome diversity in 162 samples from the Bird's Head region of northwest New Guinea (NWNG) and compared the results with previously obtained data from other parts of the island. NWNG harbors a high level of cultural and linguistic diversity and is inhabited by non-Austronesian (i.e., Papuan)-speaking groups as well as harboring most of West New Guinea's (WNG) Austronesian-speaking groups. However, 97.5% of its Y-chromosomes belong to 5 haplogroups that originated in Melanesia; hence, the Y-chromosome diversity of NWNG (and, according to available data, of New Guinea as a whole) essentially reflects a local history. The remaining 2.5% belong to 2 haplogroups (O-M119 and O-M122) of East Asian origin, which were brought to New Guinea by Austronesian-speaking migrants around 3,500 years ago. Thus, the Austronesian expansion had only a small impact on shaping Y-chromosome diversity in NWNG, although the linguistic impact of this expansion to this region was much higher. In contrast, the expansion of Trans-New Guinea (TNG) speakers (non-Austronesian) starting about 6,000-10,000 years ago from the central highlands of what is now Papua New Guinea, presumably in combination with the expansion of agriculture, played a more important role in determining the Y-chromosome diversity of New Guinea. In particular, we identified 2 haplogroups (M-P34 and K-M254) as suggestive markers for the TNG expansion, whereas 2 other haplogroups (C-M38 and K-M9) most likely reflect the earlier local Y-chromosome diversity. We propose that sex-biased differences in the social structure and cultural heritage of the people involved in the Austronesian and the TNG expansions played an important role (among other factors) in shaping the New Guinean Y-chromosome landscape.  相似文献   

The mRNA for human hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) was identified using Northern blot analysis and a cDNA-probe for rat HSL. As in the rat, human adipose tissue expresses a single mRNA species of 3.3 kb. Using Western blotting with a polyclonal rabbit antibody towards rat adipose tissue HSL, the corresponding enzyme in human adipose tissue was identified with an apparent 88 kDa polypeptide, thus slightly larger than the rat and bovine 84 kDa, and the mouse and guinea-pig 82 kDa species. Additional evidence for the identification was provided by the inhibition of HSL diacylglycerol lipase activity by the anti-rat HSL antibody, and by NaF, DFP and Hg2+, known inhibitors of HSL. The concentration of the enzyme, as reflected by its activity per g tissue and the specific activity was about two thirds of that in the rat adipose tissue (200 g rats). The identification of the human enzyme protein made it possible to directly demonstrate its phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, thus extending the previous report regarding activation of the lipase with this kinase and ATP-Mg2+ in human adipose tissue extracts (Khoo, J.C., Aquino, A.A. and Steinberg, D. (1974) J. Clin. Invest. 53, 1124-1131).  相似文献   

Isoenzyme analysis was carried out on the laboratory strain of Echinostoma liei. The results were compared with those from a preliminary study on Echinostoma caproni, Echinostoma togoensis, and Echinostoma sp. (A. Voltz, J. Richard, B. Pesson, and J. Jourdane, 1986, Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée, 61, 617-623). Isoelectrofocusing showed characteristic phenotypes for phosphoglucomutase (PGM, EC and glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI, EC The four experimental strains were monomorphic. Their genotypes were defined. Isoenzyme analysis of F1-hybrids and their F2 descendants indicated the subunit structure of both isoenzymes and showed that they were encoded by independent genes. Finally, it also suggested that the four strains corresponded to variants of the same species.  相似文献   

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