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Female sperm storage has evolved independently multiple times among vertebrates to control reproduction in response to the environment. In internally fertilising amphibians, female salamanders store sperm in cloacal spermathecae, whereas among anurans sperm storage in oviducts is known only in tailed frogs. Facilitated through extensive field sampling following historical observations we tested for sperm storing structures in the female urogenital tract of fossorial, tropical caecilian amphibians.


In the oviparous Ichthyophis cf. kohtaoensis, aggregated sperm were present in a distinct region of the posterior oviduct but not in the cloaca in six out of seven vitellogenic females prior to oviposition. Spermatozoa were found most abundantly between the mucosal folds. In relation to the reproductive status decreased amounts of sperm were present in gravid females compared to pre-ovulatory females. Sperm were absent in females past oviposition.


Our findings indicate short-term oviductal sperm storage in the oviparous Ichthyophis cf. kohtaoensis. We assume that in female caecilians exhibiting high levels of parental investment sperm storage has evolved in order to optimally coordinate reproductive events and to increase fitness.  相似文献   

In many species females mate with and store sperm from multiple males, and some female insects have evolved multiple compartments for sperm storage. Sperm storage and sperm viability were investigated in two firefly species, Photinus greeni and P. ignitus, which differ in the morphology of the female reproductive tract. Although the primary spermatheca is similar in both species, P. greeni females have an additional, conspicuous outpocketing within the bursa copulatrix whose potential role in sperm storage was investigated in this study. An assay that distinguishes between live and dead sperm was used to examine sperm viability in male seminal vesicles and sperm storage sites within the female reproductive tract. For both Photinus species, sperm from male seminal vesicles showed significantly higher viability compared to sperm from the primary spermatheca of single mated females. In single mated P. greeni females, sperm taken from the channel outpocketing (secondary spermatheca) showed significantly higher viability compared to sperm from the primary spermatheca. This sperm viability difference was not evident in double mated females. There were no significant differences between P. greeni and P. ignitus females in the viability of sperm from the primary spermatheca. These studies contribute to our understanding of post-mating processes that may influence paternity success, and suggest that sexual conflict over control of fertilizations may occur in multiply mated firefly females.  相似文献   

A high frequency (42%) of sperm from the inbred homozygous mouse strain PL/J are abnormal. Head shape abnormalities occur in 15% of the total sperm; and 27% of the sperm are headless, with the mitochondria condensed into a mass at the caudal end of the midpiece region. The sperm without heads exhibit relatively normal motility. Electron microscopy of the testes indicates that some of the abnormal sperm in PL/J males result from a failure of the paired centrioles to attain a normal position on the nucleus opposite the acrosome prior to implantation, or to attach at all. The centrioles that are not attached to the nuclear envelope can differentiate to form the principal piece and midpiece region. The frequency of headless variants in heterozygous F1 indicates that the trait is mainly recessive. The offspring from the backcross of the F1 to homozygous PL/J parents did not give a clear-cut segregation pattern. The frequency of abnormal sperm in the F1 and the backcross is higher when the female parent is a PL/J.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa are unique cells that have highly compact DNA, motility (and hypermotility) patterns, a specific morphology, localized mitochondria and an apical acrosome. They are the end product of a dynamic process termed spermatogenesis. Sperm are therefore produced with specific proteins in order to effect different traits, such as the presence of cysteine-rich protamines in DNA, which effectively compacts DNA. Moreover, specific proteins are transferred during epididymal maturation and after ejaculation in order to render sperm capable of undergoing post-ejaculatory alterations, generally termed capacitation, which confers capacity to fertilize a mature oocyte. In addition, sperm exhibit several post-translational modifications, which are fundamental to their function, such as SUMOylation and ubiquitination. Discussed in this review is the current knowledge of the sperm proteome in terms of its composition and the function that these proteins determine, as well as their post-translational modifications and how these alter sperm functional integrity. Studies are emphasized that focus on shotgun proteomics – untargeted determination of the protein constituent of a cell in a given biological condition – and technologies currently applied toward that end are reviewed.  相似文献   

Although there is ample evidence for the effects of sperm head shape on sperm function, its impact on fertility has not been explored in detail at the intraspecific level in mammals. Here, we assess the relationship between sperm head shape and male fertility in a large-scale study in Manchega sheep (Ovis aries), which have not undergone any selection for fertility. Semen was collected from 83 mature rams, and before insemination, head shapes were measured for five parameters: area, perimeter, length, width, and p2a (perimeter2/2×π×area) using a computer-assisted sperm morphometric analysis. In addition, a cluster analysis using sperm head length and p2a factor was performed to determine sperm subpopulations (SPs) structure. Our results show the existence of four sperm SPs, which present different sperm head phenotype: SP1 (large and round), SP2 (short and elongated), SP3 (shortest and round), and SP4 (large and the most elongated). No relationships were found between males' fertility rates and average values of sperm head dimensions. However, differences in fertility rates between rams were strongly associated to the proportion of spermatozoa in an ejaculate SP with short and elongated heads (P < 0.001). These findings show how the heterogeneity in sperm head shape of the ejaculate has an effect on reproductive success, and highlight the important role of modulation of the ejaculate at the intraspecific level.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo intraluminal perfusions of the uterovaginal junction of the oviduct were performed in an attempt to quantitate sperm release from the uterovaginal sperm host glands (UV-SHG) of breeder hens. Spermatozoa were present in the perfusate at all time periods examined. However, the quantity of spermatozoa recovered showed a significant (P<0.0001) decline over a 2-h perfusion period in all experiments. Furthermore, histological examination of the perfused oviduct revealed significantly lower percentages (P<0.05) of UV-SHG containing spermatozoa compared to unperfused control oviducts. The perfusion techniques used in this study seemed to influence the pattern of sperm release from the storage glands.  相似文献   

This study investigates changes in sexual motivation over the duration of a partnership in a population sample stratified by age. The results replicate and extend the findings of a previous study that was based on a sample of college students. In the samples of 30- and 45-year-olds, male sexual motivation remains constant regardless of the duration of the partnership. Female sexual motivation matches male sexual motivation in the first years of the partnership and then steadily decreases. In the sample of 60-year-olds, male sexual motivation always exceeds female sexual motivation, and both are little affected by duration of the partnership. This pattern is clearly evident for some measures of sexual motivation and less so or not at all for others. Interpretations of the current results from social constructivism or from mainstream psychology are difficult to conceive. The results seem more intelligible from an evolutionary perspective as reflections of evolved design for sexual motivation, fine-tuned to the different conditions governing the reproductive success of males and females. In this view male sexual motivation promotes a constant frequency of copulation in order to guard against cuckoldry. Female sexual motivation, in contrast, promotes copulation to solve the adaptive problem of procuring male resources by establishing and maintaining a pair bond. Dr. Dietrich Klusman is a psychologist at the Institute of Medical Psychology, University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. His research focus is sexual motivation.  相似文献   

Sperm storage and copulation duration in a sexually cannibalistic spider   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Female St Andrew’s Cross spiders control copulation duration by timing sexual cannibalism and may thereby control paternity if cannibalism affects sperm transfer. We have investigated the effect of copulation duration on sperm transfer and documented sperm storage patterns when we experimentally reduced the ability of females to attack and cannibalise the male. Virgin males and females were paired and randomly allocated either to a control treatment, where females were allowed to attack and cannibalise the male during copulation, or to an experimental treatment, where females were unable to cannibalise the male. The latter was achieved by placing a paintbrush against her chelicerae during copulation. Our experimental manipulation did not affect copulation duration or sperm storage. However, the number of sperm stored by the female increased with copulation duration only if the male was cannibalised, suggesting that cannibalism increases relative paternity not only through prolonged copulation duration following a fair raffle model but also through the cannibalism act itself. Future studies should explore whether cannibalised males ejaculate more sperm or whether females selectively store the sperm of cannibalised males.  相似文献   

The relationship of the hemipenis to the cloaca in copula and sperm storage and transport in the female oviduct were studied in Anolis carolinensis using light and scanning electron microscopy. During copulation, the hemipenis does not penetrate beyond the cloaca, but the two apical openings of the bifurcate sulcus spermaticus appose the openings of the oviducts from the cloaca. Sperm enter the sperm storage tubules between 2 and 6 hr after insemination and small amounts of sperm reach the infundibulum 6 to 24 hr following mating. Sperm storage tubules are embedded in the wall of the utero-vaginal transition, and are formed by the folding and fusion of the oviducal epithelium. The importance of the hemipenile-cloacal relationship and the role of sperm storage in the life history of A. carolinensis are discussed.  相似文献   

Populations ofDrosophila melanogaster that had been subjected to long-term selection favoring either delayed or rapid senescence were compared with respect to age-specific components of male reproductive success involving sperm competition. These components of reproductive success were divided into those related to sperm defense (protection of sperm from other males), and into those related to sperm offense (ability to mate with previously mated females and to displace the sperm of other males). Males were tested at four ages ranging from 1–2d to 5–6 wk after eclosion. Several aspects of sperm defense capability showed clear evidence of senescent decline. Furthermore, males from populations selected for delayed senescence were superior to males from control (rapid senescence) populations with regard to components of sperm defense. The superiority of males from populations with delayed senescence either increased as a function of male age, or was present at all ages tested. These results indicate that the rate of reproductive senescence in maleD. melanogaster can be altered in predictable directions by artificial selection. There were no differences between selection regimes with regard to sperm offense, and most components of sperm offense did not show clear evidence of senescence. The improved late-age reproductive success of males from populations selected for delayed senescence did not appear to entail any cost or trade-off at early ages with respect to the reproductive traits examined in these experiments.  相似文献   

Oviducts of the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) were examined histologically for the presence of stored sperm. Two regions containing sperm were identified, one at the junction of the posterior uterus and the vagina (UVJ) and the other at the junction of the tube and isthmus (TIJ). In these areas, sperm were found in the lumina of oviductal glands. The glands in these areas of the oviduct are diffuse and shallow and appear to allow better access to sperm than glands located elsewhere. Histochemically, the glands of the UVJ reacted weakly for carbohydrates and proteins, whereas those of the TIJ reacted strongly for these same two components, secretions of which are associated with sperm storage structures in other reptiles. Sperm were not in contact with the glandular epithelium, and glands at the UVJ contained more sperm than those at the TIJ. Oviductal sperm storage was observed not only in recently mated females but in all females possessing uterine eggs as well as all females known to be associated with a nest. We conclude that female alligators are capable of storing sperm in their oviductal glands, but not from one year to the next.  相似文献   

A working model of the neural control of feeding in elasmobranchs is presented and summarized in graphic form. The model is based on a review of studies in sharks and batoids augmented by suggestions and comparisons from research in mammals and teleosts. The focal point of the model is a proposed Hypothalamic Feeding Area (HFA) that encompasses the medial periventricular zone in the inferior lobe and a small area immediately dorsal to it. Electrical stimulation in the HFA has evoked feeding in nurse sharks and neuropeptides and neurotransmitters known to influence feeding in mammals and teleosts have been localized immunocytochemically in the region in several elasmobranchs. The HFA of elasmobranchs appears to be analogous to and possibly homologous with ??hypothalamic feeding centers?? in bony fishes and tetrapods. Such ??centers?? are thought to integrate external and internal stimuli and control feeding in relation to available energy stores. The HFA??s strong olfactory connections in elasmobranchs are consistent with smell-induced feeding activities. In elasmobranchs, the HFA has reciprocal connections with the central pallium of the telencephalon, a region that processes visual, acoustic, mechanoreceptive and electroreceptive lateral line and possibly somatosensory information. These pathways may provide multisensory control in feeding. HFA connections with the cerebellum, brainstem and spinal cord most likely mediate hypothalamic co-ordination of the sensorimotor components of elasmobranch feeding. The review and model help to identify areas for suggested research.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is a pervasive selective force in evolution, shaping reproductive anatomy, physiology and behaviour. Here, we present comparative evidence that varying sperm competition levels account for variation in the male reproductive anatomy of rodents, the largest and most diverse mammalian order. We focus on the sperm-producing testes and the accessory reproductive glands, which produce the seminal fluid fraction of the ejaculate. We demonstrate a positive association between relative testis size and the prevalence of within-litter multiple paternity, consistent with previous analyses in which relative testis size has been found to correlate with sperm competition levels inferred from social organization and mating systems. We further demonstrate an association between sperm competition level and the relative size of at least two accessory reproductive glands: the seminal vesicles and anterior prostate. The size of the major product of these glands-the copulatory plug-is also found to vary with sperm competition level. Our findings thus suggest that selection for larger plugs under sperm competition may explain variation in accessory gland size, and highlight the need to consider both sperm and non-sperm components of the male ejaculate in the context of post-copulatory sexual selection.  相似文献   

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