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重金属的生物不可降解性使其在环境中长期存在,导致严重的环境污染,对人类健康和生态系统构成威胁。与传统的物化修复技术相比,微生物修复具有成本低廉、环境友好和高效等特点。在面对重金属胁迫或营养不均衡时,微生物会被激发以分泌合成胞外多糖(exopolysaccharides, EPS)。由此可见,EPS的产生是微生物对抗重金属胁迫的重要策略之一。EPS不仅能保护微生物在低温、高温、高盐等极端环境或受毒性化合物胁迫的条件下存活,并且在细胞内外进行信息和物质的交流与传递,既作为保护屏障限制重金属离子进入细胞,又作为介质进行交流。EPS结构中含有多个带负电荷的官能团,能够与重金属离子发生络合、离子交换、氧化还原等反应,从而降低重金属的生物有效性并减轻其毒性。微生物EPS在重金属胁迫环境中的修复具有重要意义。然而,目前缺乏关于微生物EPS合成过程、与重金属互作机制及其在重金属胁迫环境中应用现状的系统综述。本文概述了微生物EPS及其分类,详细阐述了细菌EPS胞内及胞外的生物合成机制,并探讨了微生物EPS与重金属互作机制,以及微生物EPS修复水、土环境中重金属污染方面的研究进展。最后,展望了EPS合成及其在重金属修复中的作用机制研究,可为微生物EPS进一步应用于环境重金属污染修复提供支持。  相似文献   

电活性微生物具有独特的胞外电子传递功能,在地球化学循环和环境污染修复中起着重要作用。细胞色素c在电活性微生物胞外电子传递过程中扮演了重要角色,不仅参与直接电子传递途径,还参与电子媒介介导的间接电子传递。其电子传递功能不仅对地球环境中铁、锰、碳等元素的循环具有重要作用,还应用于能源生产、废水处理、生物修复等众多领域,具有良好的应用潜力。本文以电活性微生物的2个模式菌属(希瓦氏菌属和地杆菌属)为例,综述了电活性微生物将电子由胞内转移至胞外的方式和途径,详细阐述了细胞色素c在该胞外电子传递过程中的重要作用,总结了细胞色素c介导的胞外电子传递过程所涉及的分析方法,并对微生物胞外电子传递未来的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

电活性微生物的胞外电子传递在微生物电合成、矿物生物浸出、生物质能回收及污染物原位修复等方面表现出广阔的应用前景,因而受到研究者们的广泛关注。现综述近年来电活性微生物胞外电子传递过程及其应用的相关研究成果,指出该领域面临的主要问题和发展方向。未来应加强微生物胞外电子传递路径及分子机制等方面的研究,分离筛选更高效的电活性菌种,优化反应器工艺设计,拓宽电活性微生物的应用领域,提高相应设备的效率。  相似文献   

假单胞菌菌株CTN-3对百菌清污染土壤的生物修复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
百菌清被美国环境保护署列为优先控制污染物,利用微生物的降解作用修复被污染的土壤、清除环境中的污染物等具有重要的现实意义.假单胞菌(Pseudomonas sp.)菌株CTN-3是一株从污染土壤中分离得到的百菌清降解菌,考察了其在实验室条件下对百菌清污染土壤的生物修复能力及其影响因素.结果表明:降解菌株在灭菌土壤中的降解效果略好于未灭菌土壤;在外源添加降解菌106 CFU·g-1、温度15 ~ 30℃和pH5.8~8.3条件下,该菌株能有效降解土壤中10 ~200 mg·kg-1的百菌清.菌株CTN-3在百菌清污染土壤的生物修复中具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

假单胞菌研究现状及应用前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
假单胞菌是自然界分布最广的微生物之一,广泛的分布必然面对多样的生境,多样的生境造就了假单胞菌丰富的遗传多样性,此遗传多样性不仅为假单胞菌的环境适应性奠定了物质基础,也为人类提供了宝贵的遗传资源,具有巨大的理论和应用价值。从环境的生物修复、生物防治、生物转化、铜绿假单胞菌的耐药机制等4个方面总结假单胞菌的国内外研究现状,并对假单胞菌的应用前景进行展望。  相似文献   

微生物修复石油烃土壤污染技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人民生活水平的提高,环境保护问题愈发受到人们重视。其中石油烃的土壤污染因其持续时间长、污染去除难度大而受到广泛关注。在各类修复技术中,原位微生物修复强化技术因其成本较低、环境影响小、无二次污染、可原位修复的特点成为了当前的技术热门。文中综述了生物投加法、生物刺激法、联合修复法等原位微生物修复技术,并介绍了一些典型工程案例,为原位微生物修复强化技术的选择及工程应用提供了参考,并对未来原位微生物修复强化技术的研究重点进行了展望。  相似文献   

生物地球化学锰循环中的微生物胞外电子传递机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物是生物地球化学元素循环的重要驱动者,在锰等变价金属元素的氧化还原过程中起着至关重要的作用。近年来,Mn(Ⅲ)的发现以及在一些环境中的广泛存在,丰富了人们对Mn(Ⅲ)以及自然界锰循环过程的认识。研究发现,锰的生物地球化学循环,尤其是锰还原过程,与微生物胞外电子传递紧密相关,且目前已知的5种胞外电子传递机制均与锰还原有关联。因此,本文综述了锰的生物地球化学循环及其意义,并从微生物胞外电子传递的机制、微生物介导锰氧化、微生物介导锰还原等3个方面来介绍参与锰循环的微生物多样性;以及微生物地球化学锰循环的环境意义。对微生物参与锰循环过程的研究不仅可以进一步丰富相关理论,同时也能推动生物除锰、污染物原位修复及生物冶金等应用领域的发展。  相似文献   

微生物胞外呼吸电子传递机制研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
马晨  周顺桂  庄莉  武春媛 《生态学报》2011,31(7):2008-2018
胞外呼吸是近年来发现的新型微生物厌氧能量代谢方式,主要包括铁呼吸、腐殖质呼吸与产电呼吸3种形式。微生物胞外呼吸与传统的有氧呼吸、胞内厌氧呼吸存在显著差异。其电子受体多以固态形式存在于胞外;氧化产生的电子必须通过电子传递链从胞内转移到细胞周质和外膜,并通过外膜上的细胞色素c、纳米导线或自身产生的电子穿梭体等方式,最终将电子传递至胞外的末端受体。胞外呼吸的本质问题是微生物与胞外电子受体(铁/锰氧化物、固态电极或腐殖质等)的相互作用,即微生物如何将胞内电子传递至胞外受体。胞外呼吸的研究丰富了人们对微生物呼吸多样性的认识,同时在污染物原位修复及清洁生物能源提取方面具有重要应用前景,是当前研究的热点问题。总结了胞外呼吸类型和胞外呼吸菌的多样性,重点阐述了胞外呼吸的电子传递过程,并提出了其应用前景及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

纳米二氧化钛对植物有益蜡样芽胞杆菌存活能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以生物活体为主要成分的植物病害生防制剂在自然环境中的存活能力受各种非生物因素的影响,其中包括环境中的纳米颗粒对微生物的影响。研究发现植物有益蜡样芽胞杆菌(Bacillus cereus 905)受纳米颗粒影响而存活率明显降低。二氧化钛表面产生的.OH和其他活性氧如H2O2、O2-.等都参与了灭菌作用。  相似文献   

酞酸酯污染农田土壤生物修复研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
酞酸酯是目前世界上产量最大、应用面积最广的人工合成有机物,作为塑化剂被广泛应用于塑料制品中。近年来发现酞酸酯是一类典型的环境内分泌干扰物。随着生活中塑料制品日益增多,尤其是农用薄膜和有机肥的大量使用,农田土壤中酞酸酯污染日益加剧,酞酸酯污染土壤的修复逐渐引起国内外学者的广泛关注。生物修复具有价格低廉、效果良好和环境友好等特点,尤其适合于大面积污染农田土壤修复。从植物修复、微生物修复、植物微生物联合修复和动物修复等方面综述了国内外酞酸酯污染土壤生物修复的研究现状,并从高效修复植物筛选及机理探讨、实际污染土壤的降解菌修复研究、高效降解菌群的构建和作用机制等方面对该领域的研究进行了展望,以期为酞酸酯污染土壤的修复研究提供借鉴并拓展新的思路。  相似文献   

The application of concrete is rapidly increasing worldwide and therefore the development of sustainable concrete is urgently needed for environmental reasons. As presently about 7% of the total anthropogenic atmospheric CO2 emission is due to cement production, mechanisms that would contribute to a longer service life of concrete structures would make the material not only more durable but also more sustainable. One such mechanism that receives increasing attention in recent years is the ability for self-repair, i.e. the autonomous healing of cracks in concrete. In this study we investigated the potential of bacteria to act as self-healing agent in concrete, i.e. their ability to repair occurring cracks. A specific group of alkali-resistant spore-forming bacteria related to the genus Bacillus was selected for this purpose. Bacterial spores directly added to the cement paste mixture remained viable for a period up to 4 months. A continuous decrease in pore size diameter during cement stone setting probably limited life span of spores as pore widths decreased below 1 μm, the typical size of Bacillus spores. However, as bacterial cement stone specimens appeared to produce substantially more crack-plugging minerals than control specimens, the potential application of bacterial spores as self-healing agent appears promising.  相似文献   

西北黄土区石油污染土壤原位微生物生态修复试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对西北黄土石油开采区石油污染土壤生物强化原位微生物生态修复方法的试验研究,充分利用强化原位微生物菌群辅以物理和化学方法与土壤环境相结合的微生物生态技术,进行了土壤中石油的降解与修复试验研究,试验结果显示,土壤中平均石油含量在2754mg/kg时,经过lld~32d强化原位微生物生态修复技术的修复,土壤中石油含量降解可达40.92%~80.37%,验证了微生物生态修复技术在西北黄土区土壤石油污染修复的有效性,探索了推广应用的可行性.  相似文献   

通过对西北黄土石油开采区石油污染土壤生物强化原位微生物生态修复方法的试验研究, 充分利用强化原位微生物菌群辅以物理和化学方法与土壤环境相结合的微生物生态技术, 进行了土壤中石油的降解与修复试验研究, 试验结果显示, 土壤中平均石油含量在2754 mg/kg时, 经过11 d~32 d强化原位微生物生态修复技术的修复, 土壤中石油含量降解可达40.92%~80.37%, 验证了微生物生态修复技术在西北黄土区土壤石油污染修复的有效性, 探索了推广应用的可行性。  相似文献   

The extent to which the distribution of soil bacteria is controlled by local environment vs. spatial factors (e.g. dispersal, colonization limitation, evolutionary events) is poorly understood and widely debated. Our understanding of biogeographic controls in microbial communities is likely hampered by the enormous environmental variability encountered across spatial scales and the broad diversity of microbial life histories. Here, we constrained environmental factors (soil chemistry, climate, above‐ground plant community) to investigate the specific influence of space, by fitting all other variables first, on bacterial communities in soils over distances from m to 102 km. We found strong evidence for a spatial component to bacterial community structure that varies with scale and organism life history (dispersal and survival ability). Geographic distance had no influence over community structure for organisms known to have survival stages, but the converse was true for organisms thought to be less hardy. Community function (substrate utilization) was also shown to be highly correlated with community structure, but not to abiotic factors, suggesting nonstochastic determinants of community structure are important Our results support the view that bacterial soil communities are constrained by both edaphic factors and geographic distance and further show that the relative importance of such constraints depends critically on the taxonomic resolution used to evaluate spatio‐temporal patterns of microbial diversity, as well as life history of the groups being investigated, much as is the case for macro‐organisms.  相似文献   

Crack repair is crucial since cracks are the main cause for the decreased service life of concrete structures. An original and promising way to repair cracks is to pre-incorporate healing agents inside the concrete matrix to heal cracks the moment they appear. Thus, the concrete obtains self-healing properties. The goal of our research is to apply bacterially precipitated CaCO3 to heal cracks in concrete since the microbial calcium carbonate is more compatible with the concrete matrix and more environmentally friendly relative to the normally used polymeric materials. Diatomaceous earth (DE) was used in this study to protect bacteria from the high-pH environment of concrete. The experimental results showed that DE had a very good protective effect for bacteria. DE immobilized bacteria had much higher ureolytic activity (12–17 g/l urea was decomposed within 3 days) than that of un-immobilized bacteria (less than 1 g/l urea was decomposed within the same time span) in cement slurry. The optimal concentration of DE for immobilization was 60% (w/v, weight of DE/volume of bacterial suspension). Self-healing in cracked specimens was visualized under light microscopy. The images showed that cracks with a width ranging from 0.15 to 0.17 mm in the specimens containing DE immobilized bacteria were completely filled by the precipitation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) were used to characterize the precipitation around the crack wall, which was confirmed to be calcium carbonate. The result from a capillary water absorption test showed that the specimens with DE immobilized bacteria had the lowest water absorption (30% of the reference ones), which indicated that the precipitation inside the cracks increased the water penetration resistance of the cracked specimens.  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌微生态制剂发酵研究进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
微生态制剂是饲用抗生素的绿色有效替代品。枯草芽孢杆菌在逆境中可形成抗逆性强的芽孢,在生产和应用过程中保持高活性,是一种高效的微生态制剂菌种。提高枯草芽孢杆菌活菌数及芽孢率是保证微生态制剂产品质量的关键。本文综述了枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢形成的分子生物学机制及影响芽孢形成的重要因素,进一步比较枯草芽孢杆菌微生态制剂不同发酵方式的特点,重点阐述了提高枯草芽孢杆菌有效生物量的工艺优化,最后介绍了枯草芽孢杆菌微生态制剂的应用,并对将来研究思路进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The use of microorganisms for remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater has been limited by our incomplete understanding of how environmental variables influence the activities of microorganisms. Recent research has increased our knowledge of the mechanisms whereby environmental variables can regulate microbial processes, including gene transfer and expression. This review examines factors that influence transfer of genetic material between bacteria in the environmental (evolution of genotypes) and utilization of genetic capabilities (expression of phenotypes).  相似文献   

生物修复技术,作为可持续发展的重要方向,因其环境友好、高效且无二次污染并能从根本上解决土壤污染问题而受到关注,已经在土壤污染治理中得到了广泛的应用。为了梳理和凝练生物修复技术的发展状况,本专刊收录了该研究领域的16篇论文,分别从植物修复、微生物修复、联合修复、重金属吸收积累的相关分子机制、资源化再利用等方面,详细阐述生物修复技术的发展动态,展望未来的发展趋势,为促进生物修复技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Pectinases are enzymes which are widely distributed in microbes that are present in pectin enriched sites. The agro-industrial residues can be utilized in the industrial scale for low-cost and efficient pectinase production in an eco-friendly approach. This study employs low-cost substrates (i.e. culinary fruit peels) for maximum pectinase production from novel Streptomyces fumigatiscleroticus VIT-SP4. The extraction and characterization of pectin from different fruit peels were investigated and pectinase activity was analyzed. The orange pectin gave maximum pectinase activity of about 45.93 (U/mL). Further, statistical optimization of process parameters was studied by using Taguchi method showed optimum values of pH-6, temperature −35 °C, orange pectin% − 2.5, incubation time- 48 h and RPM- 200 rpm and pectinase activity was found to be 98.65 (U/mL). The response surface methodology (RSM) was used for the optimization of media components which revealed that starch −1.17%, yeast extract-2%, and orange pectin% − 0.75% produces maximum pectinase of about 170.05 (U/mL). The drug-delivery study showed drug release was not observed at initial pH 3 after 4 h. The immediate drug release was noted at pH 6 caused due to disintegration of pectin by the pectinase activity. The self-healing of cracks by spray culture technique was investigated. The crack healing was observed up to 0.50 mm wide after 12 days. This confirms the ability of actinomycete spores to survive and they react to form calcite complex directly helps in crack healing process. This low-cost microbial pectinase can be used in drug delivery and concrete crack-healing applications sectors in future.  相似文献   

随着工业化进程不断加快,重金属污染日益加剧,尤其是水体的重金属污染,已严重威胁人类健康,迫切需要进行有效的污染修复.相比传统物理和化学修复,生物修复具有绿色环保和可持续性的特点.因为微生物生长繁殖迅速、生物被膜具有动态可调节和环境适应性好等特点,使其能更好耐受胁迫环境,在环境修复中有重要作用.合成生物学改造微生物及生物...  相似文献   

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