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The determination of the type of Broken-Hill man's diet by the study wear on occlusal surfaces may be complemented by the examination of striations left by the diet on the dental crown. Microscopic grooves of dental buccal surfaces yields new data as to what prehistoric man ate. It is suggested that Broken-Hill man allowed the development of rampant caries through his ignorance of the use of tooth picks.  相似文献   

The dentition of fishes can be quite striking and is often correlated with a specific diet. Combtooth blennies have long incisiform oral teeth, unlike most actinopterygians. It has been suggested that the long tooth morphology is an adaptation for detritivory, but given the diversity of diets (detritus, coral polyps, polychaetes, and pieces of other fishes), are blenny teeth indeed monomorphic? Or does tooth variation associated with diet still exist at this extreme? To explore tooth and diet diversification, we used a new phylogenetic hypothesis of Blenniidae, measured tooth shape, number, and mode of attachment, and quantified blenniid diet. The ancestral diet of blennies contained detritus and diversified into many different diets, including almost exclusively detritivory. Our results reveal a dental cline that may be constrained by tooth shape, but has not prevented diet diversification. Ancestral state reconstruction of tooth morphologies suggests that the ancestor of blennies had many unattached teeth and featured transitions to fewer attached teeth, with several transitions back to attached or unattached teeth. The dentition of blenniids is not monotypic; rather it is diverse and small changes in tooth shape are accompanied by changes in size, number, attachment, and often diet.  相似文献   

Tooth wear records valuable information on diet and methods of food preparation in prehistoric populations or extinct species. In this study, samples of modern and prehistoric hunger-gatherers and agriculturalists are used to test the hypothesis that there are systematic differences in patterns of tooth wear related to major differences in subsistence and food preparation. Flatness of molar wear is compared for five groups in hunger-gatherers (N = 298) and five groups of early agriculturalists (N = 365). Hunger-gatherers are predicted to develop flatter molar wear due to the mastication of tough and fibrous foods, whereas agriculturalists should develop oblique molar wear due to an increase in the proportion of ground and prepared food in the diet. A method is presented for the quantitative measurement and analysis of flatness of molar wear. Comparisons of wear plane angle are made between teeth matched for the same stage of occlusal surface wear, thus standardizing all groups to the same rate of wear. Agriculturalists develop highly angled occlusal wear planes on the entire molar dentition. Their wear plane angles tend to exceed hunger-gatherers by about 10 degrees in advanced wear. Wear plane angles are similar within subsistence divisions despite regional differences in particular foods. This approach can be used to provide supporting evidence of change in human subsistence and to test dietary hypotheses in hominoid evolution.  相似文献   

Dental microwear analyses are beginning to provide new insights into the intricacies of jaw movement and tooth use in modern and extinct mammals. However, these analyses are also raising new questions that are best answered through studies of live animals with known diets. The process of taking dental impressions from live animals is a difficult one that presents problems different from those encountered in working with museum material. This report presents a review of some of those problems together with solutions that have been developed in the course of laboratory work with nonhuman primates. It also summarizes recent developments in dental casting.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(4):500-522
Living saurian reptiles exhibit a wide range of diets, from carnivores to strict herbivores. Previous research suggests that the tooth shape in some lizard clades correlates with diet, but this has not been tested using quantitative methods. I investigated the relationship between phenotypic tooth complexity and diet in living reptiles by examining the entire dentary tooth row in over 80 specimens comprising all major dentigerous saurian clades. I quantified dental complexity using orientation patch count rotated (OPCR), which discriminates diet in living and extinct mammals, where OPCR‐values increase with the proportion of dietary plant matter. OPCR was calculated from high‐resolution CT‐scans, and I standardized OPCR‐values by the total number of teeth to account for differences in tooth count across taxa. In contrast with extant mammals, there appears to be greater overlap in tooth complexity values across dietary groups because multicusped teeth characterize herbivores, omnivores, and insectivores, and because herbivorous skinks have relatively simple teeth. In particular, insectivorous lizards have dental complexities that are very similar to omnivores. Regardless, OPCR‐values for animals that consume significant amounts of plant material are higher than those of carnivores, with herbivores having the highest average dental complexity. These results suggest reptilian tooth complexity is related to diet, similar to extinct and extant mammals, although phylogenetic history also plays a measurable role in dental complexity. This has implications for extinct amniotes that display a dramatic range of tooth morphologies, many with no modern analogs, which inhibits detailed dietary reconstructions. These data demonstrate that OPCR, when combined with additional morphological data, has the potential to be used to reconstruct the diet of extinct amniotes. J. Morphol. 278:500–522, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent work which combines methods from linguistics and evolutionary biology has been fruitful in discovering the history of major language families because of similarities in evolutionary processes. Such work opens up new possibilities for language research on previously unsolvable problems, especially in areas where information from other sources may be lacking. I use phylogenetic methods to investigate Tasmanian languages. Existing materials are so fragmentary that scholars have been unable to discover how many languages are represented in the sources. Using a clustering algorithm which identifies admixture, source materials representing more than one language are identified. Using the Neighbor-Net algorithm, 12 languages are identified in five clusters. Bayesian phylogenetic methods reveal that the families are not demonstrably related; an important result, given the importance of Tasmanian Aborigines for information about how societies have responded to population collapse in prehistory. This work provides insight into the societies of prehistoric Tasmania and illustrates a new utility of phylogenetics in reconstructing linguistic history.  相似文献   

In the 25 years since the first DNA sequences were obtained from the extinct moa, ancient DNA analyses have significantly advanced our understanding of New Zealand's unique fauna. Here, we review how DNA extracted from ancient faunal remains has provided new insights into the evolutionary histories and phylogenetic relationships of New Zealand animals, and the impacts of human activities upon their populations. Moreover, we review how ancient DNA has played a key role in improving our ability to taxonomically identify fragmentary animal remains, determine biological function within extinct species, reconstruct past faunas and communities based on DNA preserved in sediments, resolve aspects of the ecology of extinct animals and characterising prehistoric parasite faunas. As ancient DNA analyses continue to become increasingly applied, and sequencing technologies continue to improve, the next 25 years promises to provide many more exciting new insights and discoveries about New Zealand's unique fauna.  相似文献   

中国旧石器材料数量众多,表现出一定的地域特色,在世界旧石器考古学领域占有重要地位.研究表明,类型学在解读与提取石器所包含的人类技术行为信息方面的能力有较大的局限性,而且中国旧石器时代的一些石制品的形态和组合与欧洲和近东常常难以直接对比,对器物的分类定名也存在交流上的困难.由法国学者开创发展起来的史前石器技术研究理论和方法在分析形态特征的同时,通过关注支配石器工业生产体系的技术机制和逻辑规则,对深入细致地探讨史前人类的认知特征和技术行为可以发挥重要作用,也能为石器工业甚至跨地域文化之间的比较提供基础.本文对贵州观音洞遗址的石核标本为例进行了技术分析,说明其在研究中国旧石器材料上的可行性,特别是信息提取上的优势.  相似文献   

Permanent dental crown dimensions are largely unknown for living and prehistoric populations of South Asia. This paper describes permanent tooth crown measurements and indices for the Late Chalcolithic skeletal series from Inamgaon (1700-700 B.C.) in western India. These data are compared with tooth size data for prehistoric populations in India and both living and prehistoric populations outside the South Asian subcontinent. In summed cross-sectional area, the Inamgaon (1,218 mm2) permanent teeth are most similar to prehistoric skeletal series from Mahurjhari, India, Non Nok Tha, Thailand, and Bellan Bandi Palassa, Sri Lanka. The Inamgaon total crown area is only 3.1% smaller than the figure reported for early Neolithic skeletons from Mehr-garh, Pakistan, indicating the relatively large size of the Inamgaon dentition. Large tooth size at Inamgaon is interpreted as a biological adaptation to coarse dietary items, basic food preparation methods, and a mixed economy that included hunting wild game and collecting wild fruit. Dental indices of "ethnic" significance are perhaps better interpreted as indicators of masticatory stress and differential dental reduction. Maxillary and mandibular third molars show minimal reduction in crown size, but mandibular second molar teeth are distinctly reduced in size. The Incisor Breadth Index may indicate mixed genetic ancestry of the Inamgaon people or similar dietary stresses in genetically different populations.  相似文献   

Although a number of studies have been performed on interpopulational variation of tooth wear patterns in recent humans, the major interest in the study of tooth wear so far has been in reconstructing the subsistence and behavior of prehistoric populations, and hence research on wear pattern changes in historic times has been superficial. The present study investigated temporal change in the pattern of wear on the permanent dentition of the Japanese through comparison of the following five groups: prehistoric hunter-gatherers, prehistoric agriculturists, medieval, premodern, and recent populations. The pattern of reduction of occlusal wear severity across thesechronological groups was not similar between the anterior and posterior portions of the dentition. Occlusal wear on the anterior teeth was noticeably lighter in the prehistoric agriculturists and later populations than in the prehistoric hunter-gatherers, while clear reduction of occlusal wear on the posterior teeth occurred after medieval times. The temporal variations in the degree of mesiodistal crown diameter loss due to wear and its anterior-posterior gradient within the dentition are generally consistent with those observed in the occlusal wear pattern. Possible causative factors of these temporal changes in the wear pattern are discussed. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:501–508, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Analysis of faunal remains from prehistoric southwestern pueblo sites reveals certain commonly occurring species of mammals and birds, the latter including ducks and geese, hawks and eagles, American Kestrel, Mourning Dove, owls, Horned Lark, Common Raven, and jays. This phenomenon is examined with the analysis of bird bones from four New Mexican pueblos located in north-central and west-central New Mexico. Recovered faunal remains date to specific periods between A.D. 1250 and the present. Over 70 species of birds represent various ecological situations; many of these species presently do not occur near the pueblos and a few occur only in the extreme southeastern portion of the state. Marsh and riparian areas along the river systems and richer grasslands on the floodplains would account for most of these species occurring near the sites prehistorically. However, rather than attribute unusual species to climatic change, trade, or long-distance hunting expeditions by the Indians, an alternative explanation is offered which attributes high species diversity to areas of human disturbance. Disturbed areas such as agricultural fields can increase species diversity in an area and aid in the range extension of many animals. The primary factor in this situation, besides the crops themselves, is believed to be insects, which attract other animals, particularly birds and their predators. In addition, field irrigation systems act to extend riparian growth from the river across the floodplain, creating habitats for these animals. Finally, certain groups of birds and mammals have developed a natural attraction to human settlements and agricultural areas and these include species whose remains commonly occur in prehistoric pueblo sites. The avifauna from these sites also reveals information on the prehistoric use of birds as inferred from bone modification, cut marks, burials, and articulated wings.  相似文献   

Estimation of age-at-death of subadults in prehistoric skeletal samples based on modern reference standards rests on a number of assumptions of which many are untestable. If these assumptions are not met error of unknown magnitude and direction will be introduced to the subadult age estimates. This situation suggests that an independent estimate or estimates of age-related features, free of most of the assumptions made when using modern reference standards may be useful supplements in evaluating the age of subadults in prehistoric samples. The present study provides an internally consistent, population-specific measure of maturity for prehistoric Ohio valley Native Americans based on the seriation of dental development that may be used as a supplement to age-estimation. The developing dentition of 581 subadults from eight Ohio valley prehistoric-protohistoric groups was seriated within and among individuals resulting in a sequence of tooth development and a sequence of individuals from least to most mature. Dental maturity stages or sorting categories were then defined based on exclusive, easily observable, and highly repeatable tooth-formation stages. Tooth eruption (into occlusion), bone lengths, and fusion of skeletal elements are summarized by dental maturity stage. This procedure provides maturity estimates for skeletal features ordered by dental maturity stages derived from the same sample thus making explicit the relationship between dental and skeletal maturity.  相似文献   

We explore the correlational patterns of diet and phylogeny on the shape of the premaxilla and anterior tooth in sparid fishes (Perciformes: Sparidae) from the western Mediterranean Sea. The premaxilla is less variable, and in spite of the presence of species-specific features, a common structural pattern is easily recognizable in all species (i.e. the ascending and the articular processes are fused in a single branch, as in many percoid fishes). In contrast, tooth shape is more variable, and different structural types can be recognized (e.g. canine-like or incisive). Coupling geometric morphometric and comparative methods we found that the relationship between shape, diet and phylogeny also differs between premaxilla and tooth. Thus, the shape of the premaxilla is significantly correlated with food type, whereas the shape of the teeth is not correlated with diet, and probably reflects the species phylogenetic relationships. Two biological roles, resistance against compressive forces generated in the buccal cavity and the size of the oral gape, would explain the ecomorphological patterns of the premaxilla. The premaxilla and anterior tooth appear to evolve at different rates (mosaic evolution) and represent an example of morphological traits belonging to the same functional unit but following uncoupled evolutionary pathways.  相似文献   

While many studies have attempted to produce hypertension through the use of various environmental stressors, few have succeeded in producing chronic elevations in blood pressure beyond levels considered to be borderline hypertensive (140-160 mm Hg systolic). The problem with most studies stems from the use of genetically normotensive animals and the selection of stressors to which animals readily adapt. A new approach is suggested, which recognizes the role of genetics in human essential hypertension. Animals with one hypertensive parent do not develop spontaneous hypertension but show a more sensitive cardiovascular response to environmental stressors than animals with normotensive parents. Preliminary studies revealed that animals with a mixed genetic history of hypertension develop spontaneous borderline hypertension. When subjected to shock-shock conflict, these borderline hypertensive rats (BHR) developed permanent hypertension that failed to abate even after a ten-week, shock-free recovery period. The hypertension was accompanied by elevated heart weight to body weight ratios and by significant cardiac pathology. Subsequent work has demonstrated that these animals also become hypertensive when fed a high-sodium diet. Finally, in a series of exercise studies, we found that BHRs subjected to a shock stressor were protected against stress-induced hypertension if they exercised daily. The potential of this model for studies of the mechanisms by which environmental variables produce permanent hypertension is discussed.  相似文献   

周口店田园洞大中型哺乳动物记述   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
田园洞古人类化石地点含不少动物化石,其中主要为大中型哺乳动物,并以鹿类为主。除一枚残破鬣狗牙齿以外,目前在此所发现的材料全可归入现生种。该地点主体堆积的地质时代可能与周口店山顶洞动物群同期。本化石组合中有几个种现在已经离开本地区,如貂、黑熊、香麝、梅花鹿、马鹿、牛及鬣羚等,它们可能代表了这些动物在北京地区的最晚记录。但有些动物却是北京地区的首次发现,例如猪獾和鬣羚。  相似文献   

Two enamel pearls or enamelomata are described and pictured on the molar tooth of a prehistoric Illinois Indian. One is at the cervical margin and the other is in the very rare location of the apical third of the root.  相似文献   

桂林甑皮岩新石器时代遗址2例儿童的年龄问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者报告2例于桂林甑皮岩新石器时代早期遗址出土的正处于换牙期的儿童乳、恒牙更换及其被磨耗的状况,讨论了从他们的牙磨耗级估计的年龄与从其乳、恒牙更换关系估计的年龄的误差,并提出用现代人牙磨耗级估计史前人类年龄的意见.  相似文献   

Man's observation of animals as objects of study undoubtedly began in prehistoric times. The first recorded attempt involving the use of live animals for research was by Ersistratis in Alexandria in 300 B.C. Animal investigation has clearly made possible the enormous advances in drug development in this century. A cursory review of any modern text book of pharmacology or medicine will attest the many drugs currently available to benefit mankind in the struggle to eradicate and control diseases. The main purpose of this article is to describe some of the experimental work on animals which contributed to the discovery and development of drugs benefiting human beings and other animal species. Since animal experimentation has occupied a focal position in all the research leading to useful drugs, one will appreciate that it will be necessary to limit the discussion to certain aspects of this broad and interesting topic. With this in mind, an attempt is made to relate briefly the nature of animal investigations which were instrumental in the development of major classes of drugs. Some attention has also been focused on legislation's on animal experimentation of some developed countries with emphasis on India and to views on animal experimentation. We hope this article will stimulate the minds of the scientists for a rational debate on the future of animal experimentation.  相似文献   

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