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The cooperative nature of the protein folding process is independent of the characteristic fold and the specific secondary structure attributes of a globular protein. A general folding/unfolding model should, therefore, be based upon structural features that transcend the peculiarities of α-helices, β-sheets, and other structural motifs found in proteins. The studies presented in this paper suggest that a single structural characteristic common to all globular proteins is essential for cooperative folding. The formation of a partly folded state from the native state results in the exposure to solvent of two distinct regions: (1) the portions of the protein that are unfolded; and (2) the “complementary surfaces,” located in the regions of the protein that remain folded. The cooperative character of the folding/unfolding transition is determined largely by the energetics of exposing complementary surface regions to the solvent. By definition, complementary regions are present only in partly folded states; they are absent from the native and unfolded states. An unfavorable free energy lowers the probability of partly folded states and increases the cooperativity of the transition. In this paper we present a mathematical formulation of this behavior and develop a general cooperative folding/unfolding model, termed the “complementary region” (CORE) model. This model successfully reproduces the main properties of folding/unfolding transitions without limiting the number of partly folded states accessible to the protein, thereby permitting a systematic examination of the structural and solvent conditions under which intermediates become populated. It is shown that the CORE model predicts two-state folding/unfolding behavior, even though the two-state character is not assumed in the model. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We simulate the aggregation thermodynamics and kinetics of proteins L and G, each of which self-assembles to the same alpha/beta [corrected] topology through distinct folding mechanisms. We find that the aggregation kinetics of both proteins at an experimentally relevant concentration exhibit both fast and slow aggregation pathways, although a greater proportion of protein G aggregation events are slow relative to those of found for protein L. These kinetic differences are correlated with the amount and distribution of intrachain contacts formed in the denatured state ensemble (DSE), or an intermediate state ensemble (ISE) if it exists, as well as the folding timescales of the two proteins. Protein G aggregates more slowly than protein L due to its rapidly formed folding intermediate, which exhibits native intrachain contacts spread across the protein, suggesting that certain early folding intermediates may be selected for by evolution due to their protective role against unwanted aggregation. Protein L shows only localized native structure in the DSE with timescales of folding that are commensurate with the aggregation timescale, leaving it vulnerable to domain swapping or nonnative interactions with other chains that increase the aggregation rate. Folding experiments that characterize the structural signatures of the DSE, ISE, or the transition state ensemble (TSE) under nonaggregating conditions should be able to predict regions where interchain contacts will be made in the aggregate, and to predict slower aggregation rates for proteins with contacts that are dispersed across the fold. Since proteins L and G can both form amyloid fibrils, this work also provides mechanistic and structural insight into the formation of prefibrillar species.  相似文献   

There is considerable experimental evidence that the cooperativity of protein folding resides in the transition from the molten globule to the native state. The objective of this study is to examine whether simplified models can reproduce this cooperativity and if so, to identify its origin. In particular, the thermodynamics of the conformational transition of a previously designed sequence (A. Kolinski, W. Galazka, and J. Skolnick, J. Chem. Phys. 103: 10286–10297, 1995), which adopts a very stable Greek-key β-barrel fold has been investigated using the entropy Monte Carlo sampling (ESMC) technique of Hao and Scheraga (M.-H. Hao and H.A. Scheraga, J. Phys. Chem. 98: 9882–9883, 1994). Here, in addition to the original potential, which includes one body and pair interactions between side chains, the force field has been supplemented by two types of multi-body potentials describing side chain interactions. These potentials facilitate the proteinlike pattern of side chain packing and consequently increase the cooperativity of the folding process. Those models that include an explicit cooperative side chain packing term exhibit a well-defined all-or-none transition from a denatured, random coil state to a high-density, well-defined, nativelike low-energy state. By contrast, models lacking such a term exhibit a conformational transition that is essentially continuous. Finally, an examination of the conformations at the free-energy barrier between the native and denatured states reveals that they contain a substantial amount of native-state secondary structure, about 50% of the native contacts, and have an average root mean square radius of gyration that is about 15% larger than native. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

High-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry and CD spectroscopy have been used to probe the structural stability and measure the folding/unfolding thermodynamics of a Pro117-->Gly variant of staphylococcal nuclease. It is shown that at neutral pH the thermal denaturation of this protein is well accounted for by a 2-state mechanism and that the thermally denatured state is a fully hydrated unfolded polypeptide. At pH 3.5, thermal denaturation results in a compact denatured state in which most, if not all, of the helical structure is missing and the beta subdomain apparently remains largely intact. At pH 3.0, no thermal transition is observed and the molecule exists in the compact denatured state within the 0-100 degrees C temperature interval. At high salt concentration and pH 3.5, the thermal unfolding transition exhibits 2 cooperative peaks in the heat capacity function, the first one corresponding to the transition from the native to the intermediate state and the second one to the transition from the intermediate to the unfolded state. As is the case with other proteins, the enthalpy of the intermediate is higher than that of the unfolded state at low temperatures, indicating that, under those conditions, its stabilization must be of an entropic origin. The folding intermediate has been modeled by structural thermodynamic calculations. Structure-based thermodynamic calculations also predict that the most probable intermediate is one in which the beta subdomain is essentially intact and the rest of the molecule unfolded, in agreement with the experimental data. The structural features of the equilibrium intermediate are similar to those of a kinetic intermediate previously characterized by hydrogen exchange and NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

By considering the denatured state of a protein as an ensemble of conformations with varying numbers of sequence-specific interactions, the effects on stability, folding kinetics, and aggregation of perturbing these interactions can be predicted from changes in the molecular partition function. From general considerations, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) A perturbation that enhances a native interaction in denatured state conformations always increases the stability of the native state. (2) A perturbation that promotes a non-native interaction in the denatured state always decreases the stability of the native state. (3) A change in the denatured state ensemble can alter the kinetics of aggregation and folding. (4) The loss (or increase) in stability accompanying two mutations, each of which lowers (or raises) the free energy of the denatured state, will be less than the sum of the effects of the single mutations, except in cases where both mutations affect the same set of partially folded conformations. By modeling the denatured state as the ensemble of all non-native conformations of hydrophobic-polar (HP) chains configured on a square lattice, it can be shown that the stabilization obtained from enhancement of native interactions derives in large measure from the avoidance of non-native interactions in the D state. In addition, the kinetic effects of fixing single native contacts in the denatured state or imposing linear gradients in the HH contact probabilities are found, for some sequences, to significantly enhance the efficiency of folding by a simple hydrophobic zippering algorithm. Again, the dominant mechanism appears to be avoidance of non-native interactions. These results suggest stabilization of native interactions and imposition of gradients in the stability of local structure are two plausible mechanisms involving the denatured state that could play a role in the evolution of protein folding and stability.  相似文献   

Folding mechanisms of functional RNAs under idealized in vitro conditions of dilute solution and high ionic strength have been well studied. Comparatively little is known, however, about mechanisms for folding of RNA in vivo where Mg2+ ion concentrations are low, K+ concentrations are modest, and concentrations of macromolecular crowders and low-molecular-weight cosolutes are high. Herein, we apply a combination of biophysical and structure mapping techniques to tRNA to elucidate thermodynamic and functional principles that govern RNA folding under in vivo–like conditions. We show by thermal denaturation and SHAPE studies that tRNA folding cooperativity increases in physiologically low concentrations of Mg2+ (0.5–2 mM) and K+ (140 mM) if the solution is supplemented with physiological amounts (∼20%) of a water-soluble neutral macromolecular crowding agent such as PEG or dextran. Low-molecular-weight cosolutes show varying effects on tRNA folding cooperativity, increasing or decreasing it based on the identity of the cosolute. For those additives that increase folding cooperativity, the gain is manifested in sharpened two-state-like folding transitions for full-length tRNA over its secondary structural elements. Temperature-dependent SHAPE experiments in the absence and presence of crowders and cosolutes reveal extent of cooperative folding of tRNA on a nucleotide basis and are consistent with the melting studies. Mechanistically, crowding agents appear to promote cooperativity by stabilizing tertiary structure, while those low molecular cosolutes that promote cooperativity stabilize tertiary structure and/or destabilize secondary structure. Cooperative folding of functional RNA under physiological-like conditions parallels the behavior of many proteins and has implications for cellular RNA folding kinetics and evolution.  相似文献   

As molecules approach one another in aqueous solution, desolvation free energy barriers to association are encountered. Experiments suggest these (de)solvation effects contribute to the free energy barriers separating the folded and unfolded states of protein molecules. To explore their influence on the energy landscapes of protein folding reactions, we have incorporated desolvation barriers into a semi-realistic, off-lattice protein model that uses a simplified physico-chemical force-field determined solely by the sequence of amino acids. Monte Carlo sampling techniques were used to study the effects on the thermodynamics and kinetics of folding of a number of systems, diverse in structure and sequence. In each case, desolvation barriers increase the stability of the native conformation and the cooperativity of the major folding/unfolding transition. The folding times of these systems are reduced significantly upon inclusion of desolvation barriers, demonstrating that the particulate nature of the solvent engenders a more defined route to the native fold.  相似文献   

The folding of the small (56 residues) highly stable B1 immunoglobulin binding domain (GB1) of streptococcal protein G has been investigated by quenched-flow deuterium-hydrogen exchange. This system represents a paradigm for the study of protein folding because it exhibits no complicating features superimposed upon the intrinsic properties of the polypeptide chain. Collapse to a semicompact state exhibiting partial order, reflected in protection factors for ND-NH exchange up to 10-fold higher than that expected for a random coil, occurs within the dead time (< or = 1 ms) of the quenched flow apparatus. This is followed by the formation of the fully native state, as monitored by the fractional proton occupancy of 26 backbone amide groups spread throughout the protein, in a single rapid concerted step with a half-life of 5.2 ms at 5 degrees C.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that a β-sandwich domain from the human muscle protein titin (TI I27) unfolds via more than one pathway, providing experimental evidence for a long-standing theoretical prediction in protein folding. Here we present a thermodynamic analysis of two transition states along different folding pathways for this protein. The unusual upwards curvature previously observed in the denaturant-dependent unfolding kinetics is increased at both high and low temperatures, indicating that the high denaturant pathway is becoming more accessible. The transition states in each pathway are structurally distinct and have very different heat capacities. Interestingly the nucleation-condensation pathway is dominant at all physiologically relevant temperatures, supporting the suggestion that pathways with diffuse rather than localised transition states have been selected for by evolution to prevent misfolding.  相似文献   

Do stable intermediates form very early in the protein folding process? New results and a quantity of literature that bear on this issue are examined here. Results available provide little support for early intermediate accumulation before an initial search-dependent nucleation barrier.  相似文献   

The topology of the designed protein Top7 is not found in natural proteins. Top7 shows signatures of non‐cooperative folding in both experimental studies and computer simulations. In particular, molecular dynamics of coarse‐grained structure‐based models of Top7 show a well‐populated C‐terminal folding‐intermediate. Since most similarly sized globular proteins are cooperative folders, the non‐natural topology of Top7 has been suggested as a reason for its non‐cooperative folding. Here, we computationally examine the folding of Top7 with the intent of making it cooperative. We find that its folding cooperativity can be increased in two ways: (a) Optimization of packing interactions in the N‐terminal half of the protein enables further folding of the C‐terminal intermediate. (b) Reduction in the packing density of the C‐terminal region destabilizes the intermediate. In practice, these strategies are implemented in our Top7 model through modifications to the contact‐map. These modifications do not alter the topology of Top7 but result in cooperative folding. Amino‐acid mutations that mimic these modifications also lead to a significant increase in folding cooperativity. Finally, we devise a method to randomize the sizes of amino‐acids within the same topology, and confirm that the structure of Top7 makes its folding sensitive to packing interactions. In contrast, the ribosomal protein S6, which has secondary structure similar to Top7, has folding which is much less sensitive to packing perturbations. Thus, it should be possible to make a sequence fold cooperatively to the structure of Top7, but to do so its side‐chain packing needs to be carefully designed. Proteins 2014; 82:364–374. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Reich L  Weikl TR 《Proteins》2006,63(4):1052-1058
According to the "old view," proteins fold along well-defined sequential pathways, whereas the "new view" sees protein folding as a highly parallel stochastic process on funnel-shaped energy landscapes. We have analyzed parallel and sequential processes on a large number of molecular dynamics unfolding trajectories of the protein CI2 at high temperatures. Using rigorous statistical measures, we quantify the degree of sequentiality on two structural levels. The unfolding process is highly parallel on the microstructural level of individual contacts. On a coarser, macrostructural level of contact clusters, characteristic parallel and sequential events emerge. These characteristic events can be understood from loop-closure dependencies between the contact clusters. A correlation analysis of the unfolding times of the contacts reveals a high degree of substructural cooperativity within the contact clusters.  相似文献   

The tetramerization of melittin, a 26-amino acid peptide from Apis mellifera bee venom, has been studied as a model for protein folding. Melittin converts from a monomeric random coil to an alpha-helical tetramer as the pH is raised from 4.0 to 9.5, as ionic strength is increased, as temperature is raised or lowered from about 37 degrees C, or as phosphate is added. The thermodynamics of this tetramerization (termed "folding") are explored using circular dichroism. The melittin tetramer has two pKa values of 7.5 and 8.5 corresponding to protonation of the N-terminus and Lys 23, respectively. pKa values calculated with the program DelPhi (Gilson, M.K., Sharp, K.A., & Honig, B.H., 1987, J. Comp. Chem. 9, 327-335; Gilson, M.K. & Honig, B.H., 1988a, Proteins 3, 32-52; Gilson, M.K. & Honig, B.H., 1988b, Proteins 4, 7-18) agree with experimental titration data. Greater electrostatic repulsion of these protonated groups destabilizes the tetramer by 3.6 kcal/mol at pH 4.0 compared to pH 9.5. Increasing the concentration of NaCl in the solution from 0 to 0.5 M stabilizes the tetramer by 5-6 kcal/mol at pH 4.0. The effect of NaCl is modeled with a ligand-binding approach. The melittin tetramer is found to have a temperature of maximum stability ranging from 35.5 to 43 degrees C depending on the pH, unfolding above and below that temperature. delta Cp0 for folding ranges from -0.085 to -0.102 cal g-1 K-1, comparable to that of other small globular proteins (Privalov, P.L., 1979, Adv. Protein Chem. 33, 167-241). delta H0 and delta S0 are found to decrease with temperature, presumably due to the hydrophobic effect (Kauzmann, W., 1959, Adv. Protein Chem. 14, 1-63). Phosphate is found to perturb the equilibrium substantially with a maximal effect at 150 mM, stabilizing the tetramer at pH 7.4 and 25 degrees C by 4.6 kcal/mol. The enthalpy change due to addition of phosphate (-7.5 kcal/mol at 25 degrees C) can be accounted for by simple dielectric screening. Both circular dichroism and crystallographic results suggest that phosphate may bind Lys 23 at the ends of the elongated tetramer. These detailed measurements give insight into the relative importance of various forces for the stability of melittin in the folded form and may provide an experimental standard for future tests of computational energetics on this simple protein system.  相似文献   

Mechanism of phage P22 tailspike protein folding mutations.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Temperature-sensitive folding (tsf) and global-tsf-suppressor (su) point mutations affect the folding yields of the trimeric, thermostable phage P22 tailspike endorhamnosidase at elevated temperature, both in vivo and in vitro, but they have little effect on function and stability of the native folded protein. To delineate the mechanism by which these mutations modify the partitioning between productive folding and off-pathway aggregation, the kinetics of refolding after dilution from acid-urea solutions and the thermal stability of folding intermediates were analyzed. The study included five tsf mutations of varying severity, the two known su mutations, and four tsf/su double mutants. At low temperature (10 degrees C), subunit-folding rates, measured as an increase in fluorescence, were similar for wild-type and mutants. At 25 degrees C, however, tsf mutations reduced the rate of subunit folding. The su mutations increased this rate, when present in the tsf-mutant background, but had no effect in the wild-type background. Conversely, tsf mutations accelerated, and su mutations retarded the irreversible off-pathway reaction, as revealed by temperature down-shifts after varied times during refolding at high temperature (40 degrees C). The kinetic results are consistent with tsf mutations destabilizing and su mutations stabilizing an essential subunit folding intermediate. In accordance with this interpretation, tsf mutations decreased, and su mutations increased the temperature resistance of folding intermediates, as disclosed by temperature up-shifts during refolding at 25 degrees C. The stabilizing and destabilizing effects were most pronounced early during refolding. However, they were not limited to subunit-folding intermediates and were also observable during thermal unfolding of the native protein.  相似文献   

The cold shock protein Bc-Csp folds very rapidly in a reaction that is well described by a kinetic two-state mechanism without intermediates. We measured the shortening of six intra-protein distances during folding by F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) in combination with stopped-flow experiments. Single tryptophan residues were engineered into the protein as the donors, and single 5-(((acetylamino)ethyl)amino)naphthalene-1-sulfonate (AEDANS) residues were placed as the acceptors at solvent-exposed sites of Bc-Csp. Their R0 value of about 22 A was well suited for following distance changes during the folding of this protein with a high sensitivity. The mutagenesis and the labeling did not alter the refolding kinetics. The changes in energy transfer during folding were monitored by both donor and acceptor emission and reciprocal effects were found. In two cases the donor-acceptor distances were similar in the unfolded and the folded state and, as a consequence, the kinetic changes in energy transfer upon folding were very small. For four donor/acceptor pairs we found that > or =50% of the increase in energy transfer upon folding occurred prior to the rate-limiting step of folding. This reveals that about half of the shortening of the intra-molecular distances upon folding has occurred already before the rate-limiting step and suggests that the fast two-state folding reaction of Bc-Csp is preceded by a very rapid collapse.  相似文献   

Two equilibrium intermediates have previously been observed in the urea denaturation of the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS) from Escherichia coli, an eight-stranded beta/alpha barrel protein. In the current study, a series of amino-terminal fragments were characterized to probe the elementary folding units that may be in part responsible for this complex behavior. Stop-codon mutagenesis was used to produce eight fragments ranging in size from 105-214 residues and containing incremental elements of secondary structure. Equilibrium studies by circular dichroism indicate that all of these fragments are capable of adopting secondary structure. All except for the shortest fragment fold cooperatively. The addition of the fourth, sixth, and eighth beta-strands leads to distinct increases in structure, cooperativity, and/or stability, suggesting that folding involves the modular assembly of betaalphabeta supersecondary structural elements. One-dimensional NMR titrations at high concentrations of urea, probing the environment around His92, were also performed to test for the presence of residual structure in the fragments. All fragments that contained the first four betaalpha units of structure exhibited a cooperative unfolding transition at high concentrations of urea with significant but reduced stability relative to the full-length protein. These results suggest that the residual structure in alphaTS requires the participation of hydrophobic residues in multiple beta-strands that span the entire sequence.  相似文献   

A method is described to objectively identify hydrophobic clusters in proteins of known structure. Clusters are found by examining a protein for compact groupings of side chains. Compact clusters contain seven or more residues, have an average of 65% hydrophobic residues, and usually occur in protein interiors. Although smaller clusters contain only side-chain moieties, larger clusters enclose significant portions of the peptide backbone in regular secondary structure. These clusters agree well with hydrophobic regions assigned by more intuitive methods and many larger clusters correlate with protein domains. These results are in striking contrast with the clustering algorithm of J. Heringa and P. Argos (1991, J Mol Biol 220:151-171). That method finds that clusters located on a protein's surface are not especially hydrophobic and average only 3-4 residues in size. Hydrophobic clusters can be correlated with experimental evidence on early folding intermediates. This correlation is optimized when clusters with less than nine hydrophobic residues are removed from the data set. This suggests that hydrophobic clusters are important in the folding process only if they have enough hydrophobic residues.  相似文献   

NMR and protein folding: equilibrium and stopped-flow studies.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
NMR studies are now unraveling the structure of intermediates of protein folding using hydrogen-deuterium exchange methodologies. These studies provide information about the time dependence of formation of secondary structure. They require the ability to assign specific resonances in the NMR spectra to specific amide protons of a protein followed by experiments involving competition between folding and exchange reactions. Another approach is to use 19F-substituted amino acids to follow changes in side-chain environment upon folding. Current techniques of molecular biology allow assignments of 19F resonances to specific amino acids by site-directed mutagenesis. It is possible to follow changes and to analyze results from 19F spectra in real time using a stopped-flow device incorporated into the NMR spectrometer.  相似文献   

Intermediates along a protein's folding pathway can play an important role in its biology. Previous kinetics studies have revealed an early folding intermediate for T4 lysozyme, a small, well-characterized protein composed of an N-terminal and a C-terminal subdomain. Pulse-labeling hydrogen exchange studies suggest that residues from both subdomains contribute to the structure of this intermediate. On the other hand, equilibrium native state hydrogen experiments have revealed a high-energy, partially unfolded form of the protein that has an unstructured N-terminal subdomain and a structured C-terminal subdomain. To resolve this discrepancy between kinetics and equilibrium data, we performed detailed kinetics analyses of the folding and unfolding pathways of T4 lysozyme, as well as several point mutants and large-scale variants. The data support the argument for the presence of two distinct intermediates, one present on each side of the rate-limiting transition state barrier. The effects of circular permutation and site-specific mutations in the wild-type and circular permutant background, as well as a fragment containing just the C-terminal subdomain, support a model for the unfolding intermediate with an unfolded N-terminal and a folded C-terminal subdomain. Our results suggest that the partially unfolded form identified by native state hydrogen exchange resides on the folded side of the rate-limiting transition state and is, therefore, under most conditions, a "hidden" intermediate.  相似文献   

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