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The adoral ciliary zone of Cycloposthium spp., inhabiting the large intestine of the horse, was studied by scanning electron microscopy. It could be divided into four parts: outer, inner, left, and right zones. The outer zone, extending on the anterior periphery of the apical cone of the body, had 20 tuft-like syncilia arranged radially around the longitudinal axis. Each ciliary tuft consisted of about 170 cilia, and in cross section it had a rectangular shape. The cilia of the inner zone, situated at the top of the apical cone, were aggregated irregularly to form shorter bundles than the tufts of the outer zone. The innermost ciliar of this zone were shorter than the outermost. There was a distinct non-ciliated border between the outer and inner zones. A horseshoe-like operculum having no cilia was present at the center of the adoral ciliary zone, and the opening of the vestibulum was situated as a cleft crossing from the center to the right periphery of this zone. No cilia extended onto the vestibular wall. The left ciliary zone was situated beneath the outer zone and consisted of five short rows of barren kinetosomes of which only the central row possessed very short cilia. The right ciliary zone, consisting of a few rows of cilia situated at the bottom of the inner adoral lip, was also easily distinguished from the other ciliary zones. This zone was interpreted as an extension of the outer adoral zone passing along the right side of the apical cone.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The adoral ciliary zone of Cycloposthium spp., inhabiting the large intestine of the horse, was studied by scanning electron microscopy. It could be divided into four parts: outer, inner, left, and right zones. The outer zone, extending on the anterior periphery of the apical cone of the body, had 20 tuft-like syncilia arranged radially around the longitudinal axis. Each ciliary tuft consisted of about 170 cilia, and in cross section it had a rectangular shape. The cilia of the inner zone, situated at the top of the apical cone, were aggregated irregularly to form shorter bundles than the tufts of the outer zone. The innermost cilia of this zone were shorter than the outermost. There was a distinct non-ciliated border between the outer and inner zones. A horseshoe-like operculum having no cilia was present at the center of the adoral ciliary zone, and the opening of the vestibulum was situated as a cleft crossing from the center to the right periphery of this zone. No cilia extended onto the vestibular wall. The left ciliary zone was situated beneath the outer zone and consisted of five short rows of barren kinetosomes of which only the central row possessed very short cilia. The right ciliary zone, consisting of a few rows of cilia situated at the bottom of the inner adoral lip, was also easily distinguished from the other ciliary zones. This zone was interpreted as an extension of the outer adoral zone passing along the right side of the apical cone. These ciliary zones were considered to be highly differentiated and useful for both movement of and ingestion of food.  相似文献   

The morphology, ontogenesis, encystment, and 18S rRNA gene sequence of a new soil hypotrich ciliate, Kahliella matisi, were studied. Main characteristics of K. matisi are: (1) two short and six longitudinal cirral rows right of the adoral zone of membranelles and four longitudinal rows left of it; (2) three dorsal kineties, of which kinety 1 extends along the left cell margin, kinety 2 runs in a slightly sigmoidal line, and kinety 3 is distinctly shortened posteriorly. Ontogenesis is similar to that in congeners, especially in the development of the marginal rows and long dorsal kineties, the preservation of some old cirral rows after division, and the direction of the neokinetal wave. However, there are some peculiarities: (1) reorganization of the proximal parental adoral membranelles; (2) splitting of opisthe's anlage II into the cirral streak II and III; and (3) formation of the parental cirral row R3 from anlagen IV and V. During encystment, the body diminishes and becomes globular, the nuclear apparatus is reorganized, and the ciliature is resorbed. In our molecular phylogenies, the family Kahliellidae is polyphyletic and the position of K. matisi is rather poorly resolved, indicating a relationship with oxytrichids.  相似文献   

The subfamily Gobioninae is a subgroup in the specious fish family Cyprinidae, which bears high diversity in morphological and ecological dimensions and has its most components distributed in East Asia. In this study, the pharyngeal bones and teeth of 39 species belonging to 19 genera of the Gobioninae were examined, with the phylogenetic comparative method (PCM) and correlation methods employed to analyze the character evolution. Three characters on pharyngeal bones (shape of the pharyngeal bones, extension for attachment of the pharyngo-cleithralis internus posterior (PCIP) muscle, and teeth-bearing area) and six characters of pharyngeal teeth (shape of the five teeth in the main row, number of rows of the teeth) were identified and compared. When the character states were mapped on a molecular phylogenetic tree, it was found that, to adapt to different masticatory operations, different Gobioninae species have various morphological types of pharyngeal bones and teeth: some have intermediate pharyngeal bones bearing multiple rows of diverse teeth (conical, coarsely compressed, and compressed), others have broad pharyngeal bones bearing a single row of molar teeth, and still others have narrow pharyngeal bones bearing a single row of extremely compressed teeth. Tests on the phylogenetic signal and evolutionary associations revealed that evolution of the examined characters was all phylogenetically constrained and correlated. Owing to the homoplasy in evolution, it was suggested that the conventional method of using pharyngeal bones and teeth for phylogenetic reconstruction of cyprinid fishes should not be encouraged.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Morphological integration corresponds to interdependency between characters that can arise from several causes. Proximal causes of integration include that different phenotypic features may share common genetic sets and/or interact during their development. Ultimate causes may be the prolonged effect of selection favoring integration of functionally interacting characters, achieved by the molding of these proximal causes. Strong and direct interactions among successive teeth of a molar row are predicted by genetic and developmental evidences. Functional constraints related to occlusion, however, should have selected more strongly for a morphological integration of occluding teeth and a corresponding evolution of the underlying developmental and genetic pathways. To investigate how these predictions match the patterns of phenotypic integration, we studied the co‐variation among the six molars of the murine molar row, focusing on two populations of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) and wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus). The size and shape of the three upper and lower molars were quantified and compared. Our results evidenced similar patterns in both species, size being more integrated than shape among all the teeth, and both size and shape co‐varying strongly between adjacent teeth, but also between occluding teeth. Strong co‐variation within each molar row is in agreement with developmental models showing a cascade influence of the first molar on the subsequent molars. In contrast, the strong co‐variation between molars of the occluding tooth rows confirms that functional constraints molded patterns of integration and probably the underlying developmental pathways despite the low level of direct developmental interactions occurring among molar rows. These patterns of co‐variation are furthermore conserved between the house mouse and the wood mouse that diverged >10 Ma, suggesting that they may constitute long‐running constraints to the diversification of the murine rodent dentition.  相似文献   

The dentitions of lamniform sharks are said to exhibit a unique heterodonty called the "lamnoid tooth pattern." The presence of an inflated hollow "dental bulla" on each jaw cartilage allows the recognition of homologous teeth across most modern macrophagous lamniforms based on topographic correspondence through the "similarity test." In most macrophagous lamniforms, three tooth rows are supported by the upper dental bulla: two rows of large anterior teeth followed by a row of small intermediate teeth. The lower tooth row occluding between the two rows of upper anterior teeth is the first lower anterior tooth row. Like the first and second lower anterior tooth rows, the third lower tooth row is supported by the dental bulla and may be called the first lower intermediate tooth row. The lower intermediate tooth row occludes between the first and second upper lateral tooth rows situated distal to the upper dental bulla, and the rest of the upper and lower tooth rows, all called lateral tooth rows, occlude alternately. Tooth symmetry cannot be used to identify their dental homology. The presence of dental bullae can be regarded as a synapomorphy of Lamniformes and this character is more definable than the "lamnoid tooth pattern." The formation of the tooth pattern appears to be related to the evolution of dental bullae. This study constitutes the first demonstration of supraspecific tooth-to-tooth dental homologies in nonmammalian vertebrates.  相似文献   

A finely preserved skull with mandible and teeth associated, from the Latest Miocene beds (ca. 6 Ma) of the Pisco Formation, Sud-Sacaco, Peru, represents a new physeteroid genus and species, Acrophyseter deinodon. This moderate size sperm whale is characterized, among others, by: the short rostrum, the mandible distinctly curved upwards, large teeth very close together (12 on each upper tooth row and 13 on each lower tooth row), the lateral margin of the maxilla along the rostrum base much lower than the orbit roof, a wide supracranial basin dorsally overhanging the right orbit and limited to the cranium and a large temporal fossa dorsomedially elevated. A preliminary cladistic analysis provides a phylogenetic position of Acrophyseter nested within the stem-Physeteroidea, more basal than the clade Kogiidae + Physeteridae. The morphology of the oral apparatus and of the temporal fossa suggests that Acrophyseter was able to feed on large preys.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. An electron-microscopic investigation of gluaraldehyde-and osmium-vapor-fixed Nyctotherus cordiformis has revealed the following: (1) A thin epiplasmic layer lies directly beneath a single limiting membrane. ( 2 ) The somatic kinetosomes are arranged in approximately 76 parallel rows separated from each other by a vacuolated region 2.4 μ wide. (3) The kinetosomes in each row are paired (both members ciliated), with 7 tubular fibrils (18-21 mμ) originating radially from the right posterior margin of the posterior kinetosome, passing upward and anteriorly as a compact bundle. Also finding their origin in the proximity of the right radial fibrils point of origin are approximately 7 tubular fibrils, extending downward and posteriorly, where they join with adjacent posteriorly directed fibrils. Tangentially arranged tubular fibrils originate from the left anterior margin of both kinetosomes and are directed upward and anteriorly. Dense filamentous material surrounds both kinetosomes and extends laterally towards the adjacent rows. (4) Peculiar, electron-dense, spherical bodies (10-14 mμ) and larger rectangular bodies are present in the lumen of the kinetosomes. (5) A fine filamentous reticulum is present under the double row of kinetosomes of the UM as well as the 100 membranellar units of the AZM. (6) Oral fibrils (18 mμ) in groups of 3 extend upward into the ectoplasmic folds which separate the membranellar units; additional fibrils extend deep into the anterior and posterior ectoplasmic regions. (7) The nemadesmata originate on the right side of the buccal cavity and extend outward to their apparent terminus in the vacuolated ectoplasm.
A brief historical account and results of light-microscopical investigation employing silver impregnation methods are also included as well as a discussion of the anteriorly directed right radial fibrils, deep posterior fibrils and their non-kinetodesmal affinities.  相似文献   

棕色田鼠与甘肃鼢鼠咀嚼肌结构和功能的比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李晓晨  王廷正 《兽类学报》1999,19(4):308-314
为了解棕色田鼠与甘肃鼢鼠对食物的适应机制, 对它们的咀嚼肌及相关的骨学特征做了比较解剖, 并运用生物力学原理分析下颌运动方式及食物加工过程的咀嚼效率。结果表明, 两个种的下颌的咀嚼均以水平面的前后向运动为主, 研磨加工植物纤维。相应地, 咀嚼肌、牙齿及相关的骨骼形态也具有一系列与此运动方式和功能相适应的结构特征, 如彼此平行的左右侧颊齿列、沟槽状的下颌关节窝以及咬肌的排列位置前移等。此外, 两个种具有几乎相同的门齿切割效率和臼齿咀嚼效率。两个种的上述相似特征与它们有着相似的食物结构是一致的。  相似文献   

In Pleurotricha lanceolata, the ventral somatic infraciliature presents 13 frontoventral cirri, 5 transverse cirri, one row with 18–19 left marginal cirri and two rows of right marginal cirri of different length. On the dorsal side there are six longitudinal rows of dorsal bristles, four of them bipolar and the other two less than half body length. The oral infraciliature includes the adoral zone of membranelles, with 45–55 membranelles of three or four rows of kinetosomes each, and two undulating membranes (paroral and endoral membranes), each with two rows of kinetosomes. Some structures of the oral and somatic fibrillar systems have also been examined and are similar to those described in other species of hypotrichous ciliates.  相似文献   

Actinomycetes are saprophytic bacteria of the oral cavity. They can produce a rare, chronic, and suppurative process that usually originates from the teeth and mandible and then involve the cervical region, especially in the sub-mandibular area. A case of actinomycosis occurring in the retropharyngeal space in a 74 year-old man is reported. It arose as a swelling behind the third lower left molar that had no lesion. The patient was treated successfully with antibiotic therapy. The clinical presentation and management of the case are discussed and the relevant literature is reviewed.  相似文献   

Gastropoda is morphologically highly variable and broadly distributed group of mollusks. Due to the high morphological and functional diversity of the feeding apparatus gastropods follow a broad range of feeding strategies: from detritivory to highly specialized predation. The feeding apparatus includes the buccal armaments: jaw(s) and radula. The radula comprises a chitinous ribbon with teeth arranged in transverse and longitudinal rows. A unique characteristic of the radula is its continuous renewal during the entire life of a mollusk. The teeth and the membrane are continuously synthesized in the blind end of the radular sac and are shifted forward to the working zone, while the teeth harden and are mineralized on the way. Despite the similarity of the general mechanism of the radula formation in gastropods, some phylogenetically determined features can be identified in different phylogenetic lineages. These mainly concern shape, size, and number of the odontoblasts forming a single tooth. The radular morphology depends on the shape of the formation zone and the morphology of the subradular epithelium. The radula first appears at the pre- and posttorsional veliger stages as an invagination of the buccal epithelium of the larval anterior gut. The larval radular sac is lined with uniform undifferentiated cells. Each major phylogenetic lineage is characterized by a specific larval radula type. Thus, the docoglossan radula of Patellogastropoda is characterized by initially three and then five teeth in a transverse row. The larval rhipidoglossan radula has seven teeth in a row with differentiation into central, lateral, and marginal teeth and later is transformed into the adult radula morphology by the addition of lateral and especially marginal teeth. The taenioglossan radula of Caenogastropoda is nearly immediately formed in adult configuration with seven teeth in a row.  相似文献   

The appearance pattern of pharyngeal tooth germs was investigated in the larval Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, which has a bilaterally asymmetrical dentition. Teeth develop in a series of replacement waves beginning with the initial central tooth (Ce) and continuing with teeth of anterior (An) and posterior (Po) positions relative to the initial one. Identified by wave number (n) and tooth position (r), according to the formula n-1[r], tooth germs appeared in the order of tooth 0[Ce0], 1[Po1], 1[Anl], 2[Ce0], 2[An2], 3[Po1], 3[An1], 4[Ce0], 4[An2], 5[Po1], 5[An1], 5[An3], 6[Ce0], 6[An2] during the larval period. Dentition on the right side, however, lacks the first tooth at position An2 (tooth 2[An2]) and teeth at position An3. Tooth germs on the first, second, and third replacement waves appeared simultaneously on the arches of both sides. During following waves, tooth germs on the left side appeared later than those on the right. Delay of tooth germ appearance On the left side is interpreted as an inhibitory influence of existing tooth germs in accordance with Osborn's (Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 179:261--289, '71) theory. The delay of tooth germ appearance on the left arch is most pronounced on the seventh replacement wave. Teeth of the right major row in adults of this species are replaced more frequently than those of the left major row, apparently in correlation with the absence of the first larval tooth at position An2 and teeth at position An3. It is hypothesized that cyprinids evolved the minor rows and specialized teeth of their adult dentition as apomorphic characteristics by the process of neoteny.  相似文献   

The radular morphology of the patellid species Testudinalia testudinalis (O. F. Müller, 1776) from the White Sea was studied using light, electron, and confocal microscopy. The radula is of the docoglossan type with four teeth per row and consisting of six zones. We characterize teeth formation in T. testidinalis as follows: one tooth is formed by numerous and extremely narrow odontoblasts through apocrine secretion; this initially formed tooth consists of numerous vesicles; the synthetic apparatus of the odontoblasts is localized in the apical and central parts of the cells throughout the cytoplasm and is penetrated by microtubules which are involved in the transport of the synthesized products to the apical part of the odontoblast; the newly formed teeth consist of unpolymerized chitin. Mitotic activity is located in the lateral parts of the formation zone. The first four rows contain an irregular arrangement of teeth, but the radular teeth are regularly arranged after the fifth row. The irregularly arranged teeth early on could be a consequence of the asynchronous formation of teeth and the distance between the odontoblasts and the membranoblasts. The morphological data obtained significantly expands our knowledge of the morphological diversity of the radula formation in Gastropoda.  相似文献   

Details of crystal growth in the calcitostracum of Crassostrea virginica have been studied with the purpose of analyzing the formation of the overlapping rows of oriented tabular crystals characteristic of this part of the shell. Crystal elongation, orientation, and dendritic growth suggest the presence of strong concentration gradients in a thin layer of solution in which crystallization occurs. Formation of the overlapping rows can be explained by three processes observed in the shell: a two-dimensional tree-like dendritic growth in which one set of crystal branchings creeps over an adjacent set of branchings; three-dimensional dendritic growth; and growth by dislocation of crystal surfaces. Multilayers of crystals may thus be formed at one time. This is favored by infrequent secretion of a covering organic matrix which would inhibit crystal growth. The transitional zone covering the outer part of the calcitostracum and the inner part of the prismatic region is generally characterized by aggregates of small crystals with definite orientation. Growth in this zone appears to take place in a relatively homogeneous state of solution without strong concentration gradients. Thin membranes and bands of organic matrix were commonly observed in the transitional zone bordering the prismatic region. The membrane showed a very fine oriented network pattern.  相似文献   

The biomechanical events which accompany functional loading of the human mandible are not fully understood. The techniques normally used to record them are highly invasive. Computer modelling offers a promising alternative approach in this regard, with the additional ability to predict regional stresses and strains in inaccessible locations. In this study, we built two three-dimensional finite element (FE) models of a human mandible reconstructed from tomographs of a dry dentate jaw. The first model was used for a complete mechanical characterization of physical events. It also provided comparative data for the second model, which had an increased vertical corpus depth. In both cases, boundary conditions included rigid restraints at the first right molar and endosteal cortical surfaces of the articular eminences of temporal bones. Groups of parallel multiple vectors simulated individual masticatory muscle loads. The models were solved for displacements, stresses, strains, and forces. The simulated muscle loads in the first model deformed the mandible helically upward and toward its right (working) side. The highest principal stresses occurred at the bite point, anterior aspects of the coronoid processes, symphyseal region, and right and left sides of the mandibular corpus. In general, the observed principal stresses and strains were highest on the periosteal cortical surface and alveolar bone. At the symphyseal region, maximum principal stresses and strains were highest on the lower lingual mandibular aspect, whereas minimum principal stresses and strains were highest on its upper labial side. Subcondylar principal strains and condylar forces were higher on the left (balancing or nonbiting) side than on the right mandibular side, with condylar forces more concentrated on the anteromedial aspect of the working-side condyle and on the central and lateral aspects of the left. When compared with in vivo strain data from macaques during comparable biting events, the predictive strain values from the first model were qualitatively similar. In the second model, the reduced tensile stress on the working-side, and decreased shear stress bilaterally, confirmed that lower stresses occurred on the lower mandibular border with increased jaw depth. Our results suggested that although the mandible behaved in a beam-like manner, its corpus acted more like a combination of open and closed cross sections due to the presence of tooth sockets, at least for the task modelled.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

An extra fourth row of pharyngeal teeth was found on both pharyngeal arches in a specmen of the small African barb, Barbus paludinosus , a species normally exhibiting three rows of pharyngeal teeth. Possible phylogenetic significance of this alteration is discussed in connection with occurrence of extra fourth rows of pharyngeal teeth in other cyprinid lineages.  相似文献   

本文记述的是在禄丰腊玛古猿化石产地发现的长臂猿类化石,它是一种与上猿较为相似而又具有一些进步性质的长臂猿类。它的发现从根本上改变了晚中新世此类化石记录稀少的状况,使我们对这一时期的长臂猿类有了新的认识;同时,对现生长臂猿起源的研究提供了较为充分的化石依据。鉴于它的形态特征和地史分布,作者把它订为一新属新种Laccopithecusrobussus gen.et sp.nov.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Described herein are the morphology and certain morphogenetic stages of a new freshwater ciliate species, Deviata polycirrata n. sp., and of Deviata bacilliformis recorded in the soil of a dried temporary pond from Argentina. Ciliates were studied alive and after silver impregnation with Protargol. Deviata polycirrata n. sp. measures 130–180 × 45–70 μm in vivo. The species possesses 8–9 long cirral rows on the right and 9–13 on the left of the oral zone, and 3 dorsal rows of dikinetids. The adoral zone is composed of 39–48 membranelles. There are four macronuclear nodules and usually two micronuclei. A single contractile vacuole is located equatorially on the left body margin. This new species mainly differs from its congeners in having a higher number of cirral rows, the three long dorsal rows of dikinetids (vs. usually one to two dorsal rows of dikinetids), and a higher number of adoral membranelles. The other species reported here, D. bacilliformis, is recorded for the first time in Argentina. Unlike previous observations on this species, on the dorsal surface there are cirral rows that are preceded by cilia (combined cirral rows), and stomatogenesis begins with the proliferation of non‐ciliferous basal bodies some distance posterior to the buccal vertex.  相似文献   

The fragmented pathological skull of a young child was discovered in a Magdalenian level in the Rochereil cave, Dordogne, France, in 1939. The bony fragments were extracted along with the surrounding soil, and completely cleaned in a laboratory. The mandible has been wrongly reconstructed. Among the nine teeth that are present on the mandible, three deciduous molars are human teeth at their correct places. Only one tooth in the incisor–canine block (the right deciduous lateral incisor) is a human tooth, but it is incorrectly positioned on the left side. The other incisors and canines implanted in this child's mandible originated from one or several young adult reindeer. These small animal teeth were probably mistaken for human pathological teeth because the child's skull and mandible showed several pathological lesions. The possibility of faulty reconstitution must be systematically considered when dealing with for all human fossils which have been discovered in the past.  相似文献   

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