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Arx1 and Rei1 are found on late pre-60S ribosomal particles containing the export adaptor Nmd3. Arx1 is related to methionine aminopeptidases (MetAPs), and Rei1 is a C2H2 zinc finger protein whose function in ribosome biogenesis has not been previously characterized. Arx1 and Rei1 localized predominately to the nucleus and cytoplasm, respectively, but could be coimmunoprecipitated, suggesting that they are transiently in the same 60S complex. arx1delta mutants showed a modest accumulation of 60S subunits in the nucleus, suggesting that Arx1 enhances 60S export. Deletion of REI1 led to cold sensitivity and redistribution of Arx1 to the cytoplasm, where it remained bound to free 60S subunits. However, deletion of ARX1 or the fusion of enhanced GFP (eGFP) to Rpl25 suppressed the cold sensitivity of an rei1delta mutant. The presence of eGFP on Rpl25 or its neighboring protein Rpl35 reduced the binding of Arx1 to 60S subunits, suggesting that Arx1 binds to 60S subunits in the vicinity of the exit tunnel. Mutations in Arx1 that disrupted its binding to 60S also suppressed an rei1delta mutant and restored the normal nuclear localization of Arx1. These results indicate that the cold sensitivity of rei1delta cells is due to the persistence of Arx1 on 60S subunits in the cytoplasm. Furthermore, these results suggest that Rei1 is needed for release of Arx1 from nascent 60S subunits after export to the cytoplasm but not for the subsequent nuclear import of Arx1.  相似文献   

Allelic forms of DRG1/AFG2 confer resistance to the drug diazaborine, an inhibitor of ribosome biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our results show that the AAA-ATPase Drg1 is essential for 60S maturation and associates with 60S precursor particles in the cytoplasm. Functional inactivation of Drg1 leads to an increased cytoplasmic localization of shuttling pre-60S maturation factors like Rlp24, Arx1, and Tif6. Surprisingly, Nog1, a nuclear pre-60S factor, was also relocalized to the cytoplasm under these conditions, suggesting that it is a previously unsuspected shuttling preribosomal factor that is exported with the precursor particles and very rapidly reimported. Proteins that became cytoplasmic under drg1 mutant conditions were blocked on pre-60S particles at a step that precedes the association of Rei1, a later-acting preribosomal factor. A similar cytoplasmic accumulation of Nog1 and Rlp24 in pre-60S-bound form could be seen after overexpression of a dominant-negative Drg1 variant mutated in the D2 ATPase domain. We conclude that the ATPase activity of Drg1 is required for the release of shuttling proteins from the pre-60S particles shortly after their nuclear export. This early cytoplasmic release reaction defines a novel step in eukaryotic ribosome maturation.  相似文献   

Right ear advantage (REA) exists in many land vertebrates in which the right ear and left hemisphere preferentially process conspecific acoustic stimuli such as those related to sexual selection. Although ecological and neural mechanisms for sexual selection have been widely studied, the brain networks involved are still poorly understood. In this study we used multi-channel electroencephalographic data in combination with Granger causal connectivity analysis to demonstrate, for the first time, that auditory neural network interconnecting the left and right midbrain and forebrain function asymmetrically in the Emei music frog (Babina daunchina), an anuran species which exhibits REA. The results showed the network was lateralized. Ascending connections between the mesencephalon and telencephalon were stronger in the left side while descending ones were stronger in the right, which matched with the REA in this species and implied that inhibition from the forebrain may induce REA partly. Connections from the telencephalon to ipsilateral mesencephalon in response to white noise were the highest in the non-reproductive stage while those to advertisement calls were the highest in reproductive stage, implying the attention resources and living strategy shift when entered the reproductive season. Finally, these connection changes were sexually dimorphic, revealing sex differences in reproductive roles.  相似文献   

Guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI) is a 55-kDa protein that functions in vesicular membrane transport to recycle Rab GTPases. We have now determined the crystal structure of bovine α-GDI at ultra-high resolution (1.04 Å). Refinement at this resolution highlighted a region with high mobility of its main-chain residues. This corresponded to a surface loop in the primarily α-helical domain II at the base of α-GDI containing the previously uncharacterized sequence-conserved region (SCR) 3A. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that this mobile loop plays a crucial role in binding of GDI to membranes and extraction of membrane-bound Rab. This domain, referred to as the mobile effector loop, in combination with Rab-binding residues found in the multi-sheet domain I at the apex of α-GDI may provide flexibility for recycling of diverse Rab GTPases. We propose that conserved residues in domains I and II synergize to form the functional face of GDI, and that domain II mediates a critical step in Rab recycling during vesicle fusion.  相似文献   

Formation of eukaryotic ribosomes is driven by energy-consuming enzymes. The AAA-ATPase Drg1 is essential for the release of several shuttling proteins from cytoplasmic pre-60S particles and the loading of late joining proteins. However, its exact role in ribosome biogenesis has been unknown. Here we show that the shuttling protein Rlp24 recruited Drg1 to pre-60S particles and stimulated its ATPase activity. ATP hydrolysis in the second AAA domain of Drg1 was required to release shuttling proteins. In vitro, Drg1 specifically and exclusively extracted Rlp24 from purified pre-60S particles. Rlp24 release required ATP and was promoted by the interaction of Drg1 with the nucleoporin Nup116. Subsequent ATP hydrolysis in the first AAA domain dissociated Drg1 from Rlp24, liberating both proteins for consecutive cycles of activity. Our results show that release of Rlp24 by Drg1 defines a key event in large subunit formation that is a prerequisite for progression of cytoplasmic pre-60S maturation.  相似文献   

An expression construct containing the cDNA encoding a modified aequorea green fluorescent protein (GFP) ligated to the 5'-end of the rat androgen receptor (AR) cDNA (GFP-AR) was used to study the intracellular dynamics of the receptor movement in living cells. In three different cell lines, ie. PC3, HeLa, and COS1, unliganded GFP-AR was seen mostly in the cytoplasm and rapidly (within 15-60 min) moved to the nuclear compartment after androgen treatment. Upon androgen withdrawal, the labeled AR migrated back to the cytoplasmic compartment and maintained its ability to reenter the nucleus on subsequent exposure to androgen. Under the condition of inhibited protein synthesis by cycloheximide (50 microg/ml), at least four rounds of receptor recycling after androgen treatment and withdrawal were recorded. Two nonandrogenic hormones, 17beta-estradiol and progesterone at higher concentrations (10(-7)/10(-6) M), were able to both transactivate the AR-responsive promoter and translocate the GFP-AR into the nucleus. Similarly, antiandrogenic ligands, cyproterone acetate and casodex, were also capable of translocating the cytoplasmic AR into the nucleus albeit at a slower rate than the androgen 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). All AR ligands with transactivation potential, including the mixed agonist/antagonist cyproterone acetate, caused translocation of the GFP-AR into a subnuclear compartment indicated by its punctate intranuclear distribution. However, translocation caused by casodex, a pure antagonist, resulted in a homogeneous nuclear distribution. Subsequent exposure of the casodex-treated cell to DHT rapidly (15-30 min) altered the homogeneous to punctate distribution of the already translocated nuclear AR. When transported into the nucleus either by casodex or by DHT, GFP-AR was resistant to 2 M NaCl extraction, indicating that the homogeneously distributed AR is also associated with the nuclear matrix. Taken together, these results demonstrate that AR requires ligand activation for its nuclear translocation where occupancy by only agonists and partial agonists can direct it to a potentially functional subnuclear location and that one receptor molecule can undertake multiple rounds of hormonal signaling; this indicates that ligand dissociation/inactivation rather than receptor degradation may play a critical role in terminating hormone action.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosome biogenesis involves ∼200 assembly factors, but how these contribute to ribosome maturation is poorly understood. Here, we identify a network of factors on the nascent 60S subunit that actively remodels preribosome structure. At its hub is Rsa4, a direct substrate of the force-generating ATPase Rea1. We show that Rsa4 is connected to the central protuberance by binding to Rpl5 and to ribosomal RNA (rRNA) helix 89 of the nascent peptidyl transferase center (PTC) through Nsa2. Importantly, Nsa2 binds to helix 89 before relocation of helix 89 to the PTC. Structure-based mutations of these factors reveal the functional importance of their interactions for ribosome assembly. Thus, Rsa4 is held tightly in the preribosome and can serve as a “distribution box,” transmitting remodeling energy from Rea1 into the developing ribosome. We suggest that a relay-like factor network coupled to a mechano-enzyme is strategically positioned to relocate rRNA elements during ribosome maturation.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosome maturation depends on a set of well ordered processing steps. Here we describe the functional characterization of yeast Nog2p (Ynr053cp), a highly conserved nuclear protein. Nog2p contains a putative GTP-binding site, which is essential in vivo. Kinetic and steady-state measurements of the levels of pre-rRNAs in Nog2p-depleted cells showed a defect in 5.8S and 25S maturation and a concomitant increase in the levels of both 27SB(S) and 7S(S) precursors. We found Nog2p physically associated with large pre-60S complexes highly enriched in the 27SB and 7S rRNA precursors. These complexes contained, besides a subset of ribosomal proteins, at least two additional factors, Nog1p, another putative GTP-binding protein, and Rlp24p (Ylr009wp), which belongs to the Rpl24e family of archaeal and eukaryotic ribosomal proteins. In the absence of Nog2p, the pre-60S ribosomal complexes left the nucleolus, but were retained in the nucleoplasm. These results suggest that transient, possibly GTP-dependent association of Nog2p with the pre-ribosomes might trigger late rRNA maturation steps in ribosomal large subunit biogenesis.  相似文献   

Ssf1p and Ssf2p are two nearly identical and functionally redundant nucleolar proteins. In the absence of Ssf1p and Ssf2p, the 27SA(2) pre-rRNA was prematurely cleaved, inhibiting synthesis of the 27SB and 7S pre-rRNAs and the 5.8S and 25S rRNA components of the large ribosomal subunit. On sucrose gradients, Ssf1p sedimented with pre-60S ribosomal particles. The 27SA(2), 27SA(3), and 27SB pre-rRNAs were copurified with tagged Ssf1p, as were 23 large subunit ribosomal proteins and 21 other proteins implicated in ribosome biogenesis. These included four Brix family proteins, Ssf1p, Rpf1p, Rpf2p, and Brx1p, indicating that the entire family functions in ribosome synthesis. This complex is distinct from recently reported pre-60S complexes in RNA and protein composition. We describe a multistep pathway of 60S preribosome maturation.  相似文献   

Geometry-based mechanisms have been proposed to account for the sorting of membranes and fluid phase in the endocytic pathway, yet little is known about the involvement of the actin-myosin cytoskeleton. Here, we demonstrate that Dictyostelium discoideum myosin IB functions in the recycling of plasma membrane components from endosomes back to the cell surface. Cells lacking MyoB (myoA(-)/B(-), and myoB(-) cells) and wild-type cells treated with the myosin inhibitor butanedione monoxime accumulated a plasma membrane marker and biotinylated surface proteins on intracellular endocytic vacuoles. An assay based on reversible biotinylation of plasma membrane proteins demonstrated that recycling of membrane components is severely impaired in myoA/B null cells. In addition, MyoB was specifically found on magnetically purified early pinosomes. Using a rapid-freezing cryoelectron microscopy method, we observed an increased number of small vesicles tethered to relatively early endocytic vacuoles in myoA(-)/B(-) cells, but not to later endosomes and lysosomes. This accumulation of vesicles suggests that the defects in membrane recycling result from a disordered morphology of the sorting compartment.  相似文献   

SARS-CoV is a newly discovery pathogen causing severe acute respiratory problems. It has been established that the S protein in this pathogen plays an important rule in the adsorption and penetration of SARS-CoV into the host cell by interaction with the ACE2 receptor. To determinant which functional motif of the S protein was involved in the interaction with ACE2, seven truncated S proteins deleted from the N or C terminal were obtained by an E.coli expression system and purified by column chromatography to homogeneity. Each truncated S protein was fixed on to the well of an ELISA plate and an interaction was initiated with the ACE2 protein. The adsorption were quantified by ELISA, and the results indicated that amino acids from 388 to 496 of the S protein was responsible for the interaction with the ACE2 receptor, and the interaction could be completely disrupted by an antibody specific to these amino acids. Deletions adjacent to this domain did not appear to have a significant impact on the interaction with ACE2, suggesting that the S protein of SARS-CoV could be developed as a vaccine to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV.  相似文献   

The rate of energy-dependent nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase)-mediated nucleocytoplasmic translocation of poly(A)-containing mRNA [poly(A)+mRNA] across the nuclear envelope is thought to be regulated by poly(A)-sensitive phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of nuclear-envelope protein. Studying the phosphorylation-related inhibition of the NTPase, we found that phosphorylation of one polypeptide of rat liver envelopes by endogenous NI- and NII-like protein kinase was particularly sensitive to poly(A). This polypeptide (106 kDa) was also phosphorylated by nuclear-envelope-bound Ca2+-activated and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C). Activation of kinase C by tumour-promoting phorbol esters resulted in inhibition of nuclear-envelope NTPase activity and in a concomitant decrease of mRNA (actin) efflux rate from isolated rat liver nuclei. Protein kinase C, but not nuclear envelope NI-like or NII-like protein kinase, was found to be solubilized from the envelope by Triton X-100, whereas the presumable poly(A)-binding site [the 106 kDa polypeptide, representing the putative carrier for poly(A)+mRNA transport] remained bound to this structure. RNA efflux from detergent-treated nuclei lost its susceptibility to phorbol esters. Addition of purified protein kinase C to these nuclei restored the effect of the tumour promoters. Protein kinase C was found to bind also to isolated rat liver nuclear matrices in the absence but not in the presence of ATP. The NII-like nuclear-envelope protein kinase co-purified together with the 106 kDa polypeptide which specifically binds to poly(A) in an ATP-labile linkage.  相似文献   

Fab1/PIKfyve produces Phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns (3,5) P2) from Phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate (PtdIns 3-P), and is involved not only in vacuole/lysosome homeostasis, but also in transporting various proteins to the vacuole or recycling proteins on the plasma membrane (PM) through the use of endosomes in a variety of eukaryotic cells. We previously demonstrated that Arabidopsis FAB1A/B functions as PtdIns-3,5-kinase in both Arabidopsis and fission yeast and plays a key role in vacuolar acidification and endocytosis. Although the conditional FAB1A/B knockdown mutant revealed an auxin-resistant phenotype to a membrane-impermeable auxin, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), the mutant did not exhibit this phenotype to a membrane-permeable artificial auxin, naphthalene 1-acetic acid (NAA). The difference in the sensitivities to 2,4-D and NAA is similar to those of the auxin-resistant mutants such as aux1. Taken together, these results suggest that impairment of the function of Arabidopsis FAB1A/B might cause a defect in the membrane recycling capabilities of the auxin transporters and inhibit proper auxin transport into the cells in Arabidopsis.Key words: auxin signaling, auxin transporter, recycling of plasma membrane proteinsPhosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns (3,5) P2) exists on the external membrane of multi-vesicular bodies (MVBs) at very low levels in eukaryotic cells,1,2 and plays key roles in endomembrane homeostasis including endocytosis, vacuole/lysosome formation and vacuolar acidification.1,3 PtdIns (3,5) P2 deficiency causes an enlarged vacuolar structure in yeast and mammalian cells.4,5 FAB1 forms a protein complex with its regulatory molecules, and synthesizes PtdIns (3,5) P2 from PtdIns 3P.69 In Arabidopsis, there are four Fab1/PIKfyve orthologs (FAB1A, FAB1B, FAB1C and FAB1D) in the genome, and the double homozygous mutant of FAB1A and FAB1B exhibited the male gametophyte lethal phenotype.10 Previously, we reported that conditional loss-of-function and gain-of-function mutants of FAB1A/B impair endomembrane homeostasis and reveal various developmental phenotypes.11 Interestingly, lateral root formation by exogenous auxin, which is known as a typical auxin-responsive phenotype, was largely impaired when FAB1A/B expression was conditionally downregulated or upregulated. From these results, we speculated that the defect in the endocytosis process in fab1a/b mutants might inhibit the precise recycling process of auxin transporters on the PM, thereby inhibiting proper auxin transport into the plant cells.11 In this report, we tested this hypothesis to assess the sensitivity on auxin-dependent lateral root formation to a membrane permeable auxin, NAA, in the fab1a/b knockdown mutant.  相似文献   

In contrast to the accumulated data on nuclear transport mechanisms of macromolecules, little is known concerning the regulated release of nuclear-exported complexes and their subsequent trans-cytoplasmic movement. The bipartite begomovirus nuclear shuttle protein (NSP) facilitates the nuclear export of viral DNA and cooperates with the movement protein (MP) to transport viral DNA across the plant cell wall. Here, we identified a cellular NSP-interacting GTPase (NIG) with biochemical properties consistent with a nucleocytoplasmic transport role. We show that NIG is a cytosolic GTP-binding protein that accumulates around the nuclear envelope and possesses intrinsic GTPase activity. NIG interacts with NSP in vitro and in vivo (under transient expression), and redirects the viral protein from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. We propose that NIG acts as a positive contributor to geminivirus infection by modulating NSP nucleocytoplasmic shuttling and hence facilitating MP–NSP interaction in the cortical cytoplasm. In support of this, overexpression of NIG in Arabidopsis enhances susceptibility to geminivirus infection. In addition to highlighting the relevance of NIG as a cellular co-factor for NSP function, our findings also have implications for general nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of cellular macromolecules.  相似文献   

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