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Because male giant water bugs in the subfamily Belostomatinae provide parental care by brooding eggs on their back, an accurate assessment can be made of both the actual and potential reproductive capacity of males. Two operational sex-ratio (OSR) indices were developed and empirically measured for a population of giant water bug, Abedus indentatus,in California. One index was based on reproductive rates measured in the laboratory; the other index was based on reproductive resources observed in the field. Both OSR indices suggest that the operational sex ratio fluctuates between maleskewed ratios in the summer and femaleskewed ratios in the winter. This pattern appears to be the consequence of two factors. First, the adult sex ratio is significantly female biased. Second, although males can outreproduce females at high ambient temperatures, the reverse is true at low temperatures. Possible reasons for the female-skewed adult sex ratio are examined, including differential recruitment, differential mortality, and sampling bias.  相似文献   

The karyotype and meiosis in males of giant water bug Lethocerus patruelis (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae: Lethocerinae) were studied using standard and fluorochrome (CMA3 and DAPI) staining of chromosomes. The species was shown to have 2n = 22A + 2m + XY where 2m are a pair of microchromosomes. NORs are located in X and Y chromosomes. Within Belostomatidae, Lethocerus patruelis is unique in showing sex chromosome pre-reduction in male meiosis, with the sex chromosomes undergoing reductional division at anaphase I and equational division at anaphase II. Cytogenetic data on the family Belostomatidae are summarized and compared. In addition, the structure of the male internal reproductive organs of Lethocerus patruelis is presented, the contemporary distribution of Lethocerus patruelis in Bulgaria and in the northern Aegean Islands is discussed, and the first information about the breeding and nymphal development of this species in Bulgaria is provided.  相似文献   

In several species of fish, females select males that are already guarding eggs in their nests. It is a matter of debate as to whether a female selects a good nest site for her offspring (natural selection) or a male for his attractiveness (sexual selection). The golden egg bug, Phyllomorpha laciniata Vill, resembles fish in the sense that mating males carry more eggs than single males, but in the bugs, female mate choice is decoupled from egg site choice. The sexual selection hypothesis predicts that if females select males using male egg load as a cue for male quality, they should not mate with a male when eggs are removed, regardless of his mating attempts. When individual females were enclosed with an egg-loaded male and an unloaded male, they mated equally often with both males, although the loaded males courted more. In addition, when only successful males were used, females mated equally often with the loaded male and the unloaded male irrespective of sex ratio. Male choice rather than female choice affected mating frequency when sex ratio was equal. Therefore, females do not select the male by the eggs he carries, but successful males may receive many eggs due to egg dumping by alien females while they mate or as a consequence of mate guarding.  相似文献   

In Argentina, five genera and 14 species are recorded in the subfamilies Prostemmatinae and Nabinae: Hoplistoscelis sordidus Reuter, Lasiomerus constrictus Champion, Metatropiphorus alvarengai Reuter, Nabis argentinus Meyer-Dür, Nabis (Tropiconabis) capsiformis Germar, Nabis faminei Stål, Nabis paranensis Harris, Nabis punctipennis Blanchard, Nabis roripes Stål, Nabis setricus Harris, Nabis tandilensis Berg, Pagasa (Pagasa) costalis Reuter, Pagasa (Lampropagasa) fuscipennis Reuter and Pagasa (Pagasa) signatipennis Reuter.  相似文献   

Many studies demonstrate that intestinal inflammation is either initiated or exaggerated by a component of the normal microbiota, most likely commensal bacteria or products derived from these organisms. We review the nature of human inflammatory bowel disease, the evidence for the involvement of the normal bacterial flora in these disorders and the relevance of maintaining the integrity of the epithelial barrier. Moreover, we, and others, have shown abnormal mitochondria structure in tissue resections from patients with inflammatory bowel disease and tissues from rodents that demonstrated psychological stress-induced increases in epithelial permeability. Thus, we also consider the possibility that a defect in epithelial mitochondrial function would predispose an individual to respond to their commensal bacteria flora--no longer considering them as a beneficial passive inhabitant, but rather perceiving them as a threatening and pro-inflammatory stimulus. In support of this postulate, we discuss our recent findings from an in vitro model showing that the human colon-derived T84 cell line exposed to the metabolic stressor, dinitrophenol, and the non-pathogenic, non-invasive, Escherichia coli (strain HB101) display a loss of barrier function, increased signal transduction and increased production of the chemokine, interleukin 8.  相似文献   

In this study, we revise the lace bugs (family Tingidae) from the Ogasawara Islands, Japan (also known as the “Oriental Galapagos”). Three species belonging to two endemic genera are recognized: Acanthomoplax tomokunii gen. et sp. nov. , Omoplax desecta (Horváth, 1912), and O. majorcarinae Guilbert, 2001. A key to species is provided to facilitate the identification of Ogasawaran lace bugs.  相似文献   

Morphological details of the testis, seminal vesicles and vas deferens of Orchestia platensis are described. The follicular lumen of the mature testis contains spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa. The histochemical nature of the testis and the vas deferens is elucidated. The spermatozoa and vas deferens contain acid sulphated mucopolysaccharides and neutral mucopolysaccharides. In addition, they contain basic proteins, disulphide groups, lipids, phospholipids, RNA and DNA.  相似文献   

Earlier experiments demonstrated a strong up-regulation of per mRNA in wild-type (Wt) females of Pyrrhocoris apterus reared under diapause-inducing short days, while per mRNA levels were low in females of two non-diapause mutant strains (Nd), irrespective of photoperiod. In the present study, different sequences of per DNA in two strains of geographically different origin enabled us to analyse genetic linkage between the per gene and the Nd phenotype. Crosses between Wt females originating from C. Budejovice (Czech Republic) and Nd males originating from Lyon (France) resulted in F(2) progeny where 411 females entered diapause under short days and 120 females were reproducing. Thus, the segregation was very close to the 3:1 ratio in favour of diapause females, suggesting that the Nd trait behaves as a single autosomal recessive. Analysis of DNA in 20 females of the F(2) progeny revealed that their phenotype was not linked to the per genotype. We conclude that the per gene is not primarily responsible for the block to diapause photoresponsiveness in Nd mutants and its role, if any, is downstream from other gene(s) controlling diapause. This is the first attempt at genetic linkage analysis between a bona fide circadian clock gene and photoperiodism in a "non-drosophilid" species.  相似文献   

Somatic coliphages are amid several groups of bacteriophages that have been suggested as indicators in water quality assessment. One of the limitations frequently endorsed to somatic coliphages as indicators is that they can replicate in the water environment. This review intends to evaluate the significance of this potential replication. In view of: the threshold densities of somatic coliphages and host bacteria needed for productive infection to occur, the densities of both host cells supporting somatic coliphages replication and these phages in water environments, and the poor contribution of lysogenic induction to the free somatic coliphage numbers in water, it can be concluded that replication of somatic coliphages in waters is very unlikely. Consequently, the contribution of replication in the environment of somatic coliphages is expected to have a non-noticeable influence on the numbers of somatic coliphages detected in water environments. Thus, the replication in the environment should not be argued as a limitation to the use of somatic coliphages as indicators.  相似文献   

The composition of semi-aquatic bug communities from eight permanent ponds from southern Transylvania was investigated between 2001 and 2004. Three of the ponds were sampled repeatedly throughout the active period of the year, while the other five were sampled only once. Microvelia reticulata (Burmeister, 1835) and Gerris argentatus Schummel, 1832 were the dominant species from the thoroughly investigated habitats. Statistical analysis proved that each of the sampled species has specific habitat preferences in relation to the modifications of the hydrological regime of the ponds (reflected by the modifications of open water areas, station sizes, and percentages of vegetation coverage). The results, obtained from the three habitats investigated throughout the active period, were confirmed by the samples taken from the other five habitats opening the discussion about the use of semi-aquatic bug communities as bioindicators of the hydrological regime for permanent ponds.  相似文献   

The effect of simulated climate change on Nezara viridula was studied close to the species' northern range limit in Japan. Insects from the same egg masses were reared for 15 months in 10 consecutive series under quasi‐natural (i.e. outdoor) conditions and in a transparent incubator, in which climate warming was simulated by adding 2.5 °C to the outdoor temperature. The warming strongly affected all life‐history and phenological parameters. In the spring, the simulated warming advanced the timing of postdiapause body colour changes and reproduction. In the early summer, it increased egg production and accelerated nymphal development. In the late summer (the hottest season), the effect of the simulated warming was strongly deleterious: nymphs developed slowly, suffered higher mortality and had difficulties during final moulting; the emerged females were smaller, some exhibited abnormal cuticle, produced fewer eggs and had a decreased life span. In the autumn, the warming accelerated nymphal development, resulted in larger female size, affected the timing of the diapause‐associated adult body colour change from green to russet and enhanced preparation for overwintering. Larger females had higher winter survival rate than smaller females. The warming strongly increased survival rate in both size classes and allowed smaller females to reach the same winter survival rate as larger females had under the quasi‐natural conditions. The winter survival also differed between the green and dark‐coloured females under the quasi‐natural, but not under the warming conditions. However, under the warming conditions, green females survived the winter even better than dark‐coloured females did under the quasi‐natural conditions. The warming also shortened the life span of females from the summer generations and prolonged it in those from the autumn generation. It is concluded that even a moderate temperature increase (+2.5 °C) in the future is likely to have a complex influence upon insects, strongly affecting many of their life‐history and phenological parameters.  相似文献   

Sexual selection drives the evolution of exaggerated traits in males of many animal species. Nevertheless, the response to this selective pressure can be constrained by genetic correlation between sexes. This hypothesis predicts that costly ornamental structures selected for only in males appear also in females, at least because both sexes share most of their genomes. If a trait bears no fitness advantages to females, its expression should reflect a compromise between selection for hypertrophy in males and natural selection favouring reduction of ornamentation in females. Therefore, extravagant male ornaments should evolve predominantly under weak intersexual genetic correlation. Here, we explore the role and evolutionary stability of the constraint imposed by intersexual genetic correlation in the evolution of body colouration in three species-rich families of killifishes. Across most killifish lineages, the evolutionary changes in male and female variegation were correlated, which identifies intersexual genetic correlation as an important factor in the evolution of killifish colouration. Several lineages overcame the constraining intersexual genetic correlation and evolved extremely conspicuous colouration in males together with plain colouration in females. Hormonal manipulations in two species from closely related genera (Nothobranchius and Fundulopanchax) differing in magnitude of sexual dichromatism suggest that pronounced sexual dimorphism in variegation evolved via disappearance of vivid body colours in females and extension of androgen-linked vivid colouration over body surface in males.  相似文献   

An anatomical, histological and ultrastructural study was made of the reproductive system and spermatogenesis of Iheringichthys labrosus. The testis are digitiform and consist of a sperm atogenic cranial region, a spermatogenic/secretory medial (transition) region, and a strictly secretory caudal region. The cranial region represents 66% of the total length of the maturing testis and its fringes or lobes have a length of 5.59 + 0.73 mm. The medial and caudal regions represent each 17% of the testicular length and their fringes have a length of 5.37 +/- 0.69 mm and 3.12 +/- 0.38 mm, respectively. Histologically, the cranial region of the testis is made up of seminiferous tubules with spermatogenic cells contained in cysts. These cells undergo synchronous development, inside the cysts where spermatogenesis is completed. The secretory caudal region does not constitute an individualized gland. Ultrastructurally, its secretory cells have a vesiculous nucleus and a cytoplasm with abundant dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum. The caudal region produces a glycoproteic secretion and exhibits variable electron density during maturation. During the resting period, these cells are poor in synthesis organelles. The spermatozoa are of the primitive type, with a round head (1.56 +/- 0.11 microm), a rudimentary middle piece, and a long flagellum with a 9 + 2 axonemal arrangement.  相似文献   

The cognitive demands of a social existence favour the evolution of relatively large brains and neocortices in primates. Comparable tests of sociality and brain size/structure in birds have not been performed, despite marked similarities in the social systems of birds and mammals. Here, we test whether one aspect of avian sociality, cooperative breeding, is associated with an increase in brain size across 155 species of the passeriform parvorder Corvida. Using conventional and phylogeny‐corrected statistics, we examined the correlated evolution of relative brain size and: the presence/absence of cooperative breeding, percentage of nests that are cooperative and cooperatively breeding group size. Most of the comparisons yielded non‐significant results, which suggests that cooperative breeding is not related to relative brain size in this parvorder. There are a number of potential explanations for our findings. First, changes in brain region size may be correlated with cooperative breeding without affecting overall brain size. Secondly, cooperatively breeding birds might not possess more complex social behaviour than non‐cooperatively breeding birds. Thirdly, relatively large brains might be ancestral in this parvorder. This may predispose them to evolve the range of complex behaviours found in this group, including extreme sociality. Finally, ecological and/or developmental factors might play a more significant role than social behaviour in the diversification of avian brain size. Assessing these alternatives requires more information on the neural and cognitive differences between bird species.  相似文献   

We measured the force of free pulling water striders, using a hair attached to their backs and a 3D strain gauge force sensor. We showed the repeatability and accuracy of this method. The error of the method was estimated by comparing the projected angles of the force vector on each plane derived from the force data, with those angles derived from video recordings, and was estimated as 12.4%. Females on average were stronger (1.32 mN) than males (0.87 mN), however the ratio of force/weight was not significantly different. Compared with other lighter species, A. paludum seems to be stronger, but the force/weight ratio is actually lower as expected. A. paludum applies about 0.30–0.40 mN/cm with its mid-legs, thus avoiding penetrating the surface tension while propelling itself rapidly over the water. The corresponding author, Dr Pablo Perez Goodwyn, submitted this article [1] to Central European Journal of Biology (CEJB) shortly after submitting the article [2] to Journal of Bionic Engineering (JBE). JBE published it as a research article in June 2008, and in July 2008 the article was published as a communication in CEJB. Since there are significant unacknowledged similarities between the two papers, it has been brought to the attention of the authors that duplicate submission and publication have taken place. The editors of CEJB consider this an infringement of professional ethics and therefore the decision has been made to retract the article published in Central European Journal of Biology. [1] An accurate method to directly measure water strider’s stroke force on the water (Aquarius paludum: Heteroptera: Gerridae), Central European Journal of Biology, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2008, pp. 299–306 [2] Water striders: the biomechanics of water locomotion and functional morphology of the hydrophobic surface (Insecta: Hemiptera-Heteroptera), Journal of Bionic Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2008, pp. 121-126  相似文献   

  • 1 The seed-harvesting ant Messor (Veromessor) prrgandei (Mayr) is a common inhabitant of southwestern deserts of the U.S.A. Foragers vary in size from less than 1 mg to more than 10 mg in body mass and may travel over 80 m on a single foraging trip. Their small size, long foraging range, and hot, arid habitat suggest that water stress may limit foraging activity. We examined intercolony and interindividual variation in water loss of M.pergandei foragers under several different situations in the field.
  • 2 Colonies differed significantly in minimum critical water content (Wc) of individual foragers (water content below which foragers are incapable of normal locomotion). In one colony small workers had disproportionately higher Wc than larger workers; in the other colony Wc was isometric with body size.
  • 3 Groups of workers confined in the field approached Wc only after normal foraging stopped and substrate temperatures exceeded 45°C, while water content of individual foragers did not approach the Wc during normal foraging periods. Moreover, seed load and distance travelled did not negatively affect forager water content, as measured on return to the nest: indeed, our results suggest that forager hydration level may influence load selection and/or foraging distance. We conclude that, under normal circumstances, foraging in M.pergandei is not water-limited.

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