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To determine longitudinal changes in phytoplankton composition and biomass in the Warnow River (Germany), single water parcels were followed during their downstream transport in August and October 1996 and April 1997. In summer, the phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by centric diatom and cyanobacteria species. Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Pseudanabaena limnetica, Planktothrix agardhii and Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima were the most frequent species. In autumn, small centric diatoms dominated the whole river course. Irrespective of the season, in the fluvial lakes of the upper river, a substantial increase of phytoplankton biomass was observed. Shallow upstream river stretches were associated with large biomass losses. In the deep, slow flowing lower regions, total biomass remained constant. Longitudinal changes in biomass reflected downstream variations in flow velocity and river morphology. Cyanobacteria, cryptophytes and diatom species were subjected to large biomass losses along fast flowing, shallow river sections, whereas chlorophytes were favoured. Diatoms and cryptophytes benefited from low flow velocity and increased water depth in the downstream river. Changes in water depth and flow velocity have been found as key factors that cause the longitudinal differences in phytoplankton composition and biomass in small rivers.  相似文献   

We examined coral reef communities at 11 sites within Mafia Island Marine Park using a point count method for substrate and visually censused belt transects for fish populations. Multivariate ordinations showed that the benthic habitat differed among reefs. The patterns were mainly attributed to variations in depth, hydrodynamics and benthic composition. In total, the substratum was dominated by dead coral (49%) and algae (25%), with a live coral cover of only 14%. Three hundred and ninety-four fish species belonging to 56 families were recorded. According to MDS-ordinations and RELATE procedures, fish assemblage composition varied among sites in concordance with the habitats provided. Sites with highest proportion of dead coral exhibited highest degree of dispersion in the multivariate ordinations of fish assemblages. Stepwise multiple regression was used to determine the proportion of variance among sites which could be explained by depth, exposure, rugosity, substrate diversity, branching substrate, live coral cover, dead coral cover and different types of algae. The results showed that habitat variables explained up to 92% of the variation in species numbers and in total, and taxon-specific, abundance. Live coral cover was the foremost predictor of both numerical and species abundance, as well as of corallivores, invertivores, planktivores and of the families Pomacentridae, Chaetodontidae and Pomacanthidae. Our results suggest that habitat characteristics play a dominant role in determining fish assemblage composition on coral reefs.  相似文献   

In the Warnow River and its tributaries in North Germany, measurements were made to characterise the longitudinal patterns of nutrients in the riverbed and lake sediments. The sediment composition was analysed based on dry weight, organic matter, mean grain size and concentration of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, aluminium and sulfur. Sediment phosphate was investigated in more detail by means of a sequential chemical extration. The phosphate was differently bound to the sediment particles in the upstream region than in the impounded section of the Warnow River and ist tributaries. Accumulation of fine sediment with high P-concentrations was recorded in the lake sediments and in the impounded section of the river. These impounded sections were the most important P-pool in the whole catchment area and played an important role in P-retention in the river system. Organic matter concentration, P-accumulation and P-binding in the sediment of the impounded section is corresponding with those of lake sediments. During the summer, anoxic P-release from the sediment in the impounded section was measured and calculated. The reductant-soluble fraction of the P-fractionation underestimated the release under anoxic condition. Adsorbed phosphorus and organic phosphate play an important role in P-release in the impounded part of the river.  相似文献   

I. Growns 《Hydrobiologia》2008,606(1):203-211
Freshwater fish are often used as an indicator of the response of the ecosystem to the restoration of river flows or the provision of environmental flows. The ability to model the biological response of fish depends on the capacity to establish clear relationships between changes in river hydrology and the fish assemblages in a river. The fish assemblage structure and the abundances of individual fish species were examined in relation to a hydrological index that described hydrological change in six regulated rivers in the Murray–Darling Basin. The hydrological index explained only a small amount of variation in fish assemblage structure. In addition, the abundances of individual fish species were only weakly correlated with the index of flow deviation. It is suggested that these results make the modelling of responses of fish assemblages to environmental water allocations unfeasible at a large scale and that future studies should concentrate on potentially more simple responses, such as the relationships of fish spawning and recruitment to specific aspects of river hydrology.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to use the analysis of surface water chemistry to understand vegetation succession pathways in terrestrializing polyhumic lakes. We hypothesized that Sphagnum mire development was accompanied by a decrease in the mineral content in water. A total of 111 vegetation plots along 23 transects were analysed in 11 lakes and adjacent peat lands in the Wigry National Park (NE Poland). The vegetation of the lake-mire systems forms distinct zones: (1) nymphaeid-, bladderwort- and bryophyte-dominated aquatic vegetation; (2) sedge-dominated edge of the Sphagnumcarpet; (3) quaking, extremely poor fen with various Cyperaceae; (4) non-quaking, Eriophorum vaginatum-dominated bog-like vegetation and (5) pine woodland. Surface water corrected conductivity (ECcorr.), pH, COD-KMnO4 and Ca2+, Mg2+, Fetot. and SiO2 were measured along the transects. The environmental gradients best explaining the observed pattern were pH (with the highest values in the lake and the lowest in the bog-like vegetation) and COD-KMnO4 (showing an inverse direction). At least in some Sphagnum-mires conditions were more minerotrophic than in the lakes. The process of humic lake overgrowing by Sphagnum-mires in NE Poland results in pine woodlands on mineralised peat. The climate conditions in NE Poland, combined with evapotranspiration accelerated by encroaching trees, do not seem to support the development of ombrotrophic bogs.  相似文献   

Quantitative surveys of sessile benthos and fish populations associated with reef habitats across a 15–50 m depth gradient were performed by direct diver observations using rebreathers at Isla Desecheo, Puerto Rico. Statistically significant differences between depths were found for total live coral, total coral species, total benthic algae, total sponges and abiotic cover. Live coral cover was higher at the mid-shelf (20 m) and shelf-edge (25 m) stations, whereas benthic algae and sponges were the dominant sessile-benthic assemblage at mesophotic stations below 25 m. Marked shifts in the community structure of corals and benthic algae were observed across the depth gradient. A total of 119 diurnal, non-cryptic fish species were observed across the depth gradient, including 80 species distributed among 7,841 individuals counted within belt-transects. Fish species richness was positively correlated with live coral cover. However, the relationship between total fish abundance and live coral was weak. Abundance of several numerically dominant fish species varied independently from live coral cover and appeared to be more influenced by depth and/or habitat type. Statistically significant differences in the rank order of abundance of fish species at euphotic vs mesophotic stations were detected. A small assemblage of reef fishes that included the cherubfish, Centropyge argi, sunshine chromis, Chromis insolata, greenblotch parrotfish, Sparisoma atomarium, yellowcheek wrasse, Halichoeres cyanocephalus, sargassum triggerfish, Xanthichthys ringens, and the longsnout butterflyfish, Chaetodon aculeatus was most abundant or only present from stations deeper than 30 m, and thus appear to be indicator species of mesophotic habitats.  相似文献   

Large lowland rivers with sufficient hydrological storage capacity are capable of supporting primary production, but the dynamics of the advecting phytoplankton is poorly understood. Our study aimed at exploring how longitudinal versus lateral connectivity, flow dynamics versus resource availability and continuous versus discontinuous environmental gradients shaped the species composition of phytoplankton. Samples were taken from February to October 2000 along the Hungarian Tisza River (HTR) and in its main tributaries. Longitudinal and seasonal patterns were related to resources (light and nutrients) availability and flow dynamics derived from a 1D hydrodynamic model. The HTR was autotrophic during the study period, but tributary input considerably exceeded net autochtonous production. The Szamos River was the major source of both phytoplankton and nutrients in the HTR. Chryso- and euglenophytes were flushed into the main river from floodplain oxbows during high discharge. Imported algae experienced discontinuity in environmental gradients when entering the main river. The merged impact areas of two dams (IAD) that separate the two large meandering patches of the HTR disrupted the longitudinal profiles of both physico-chemical variables and attributes of algal assemblages (biomass, species composition, richness, similarity between adjacent sampling sites). Hydraulic storage along the IAD selectively favoured the recruitment of cryptophytes that, however, could not compensate for the enhanced sedimentation of diatoms in terms of biomass. Although the meandering patches presented several small-scale differences in major environmental gradients, both patches supported the growth of planktonic diatoms. Changes in algal biomass were decoupled from nutrient availability. We conclude that various measures must be applied in various lowland rivers within the same catchment to control their trophic status as a component of the ‘good ecological status’ defined in the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - Decreasing river flows and increasing water temperatures during the summer have been associated with holding behavior by pre-spawning Pacific lamprey Entosphenus...  相似文献   

Large river–reservoir systems are some of the most difficult aquatic ecosystems to assess because: (1) they typically lack minimally disturbed reference sites; (2) the reservoirs are not natural systems to begin with; and (3) reservoirs with high exchange rates are transitional systems between rivers and lakes. These features are further complicated in Brazil where fish species taxonomy is incomplete (let alone fully described ecologically), where waters naturally have high organic and thermal loadings, and where dams and reservoirs provide most of the nation's electricity and water supplies. As a first step towards generating a biological tool for assessing the effects of reservoirs on rivers, we developed a preliminary River–Reservoir Fish Assemblage Index (RRFAI) in a transitional river–reservoir system in southeastern Brazil. To do so, we gill-netted fish monthly between October 2006 and September 2007 (excluding May and July 2007) immediately upriver of the reservoir, in the upper reservoir, in the lower reservoir, and immediately downriver of the reservoir. In developing our RRFAI we sought fish assemblage metrics to represent ecological characteristics including richness, habitat, trophic, tolerance, and resilience guilds. Despite clear differences in fish assemblage composition between river and reservoir sites, we found 9 metrics common to both systems that were nonredundant and had low sampling variability (number of native species, number of characiform species, number of siluriform species, % omnivorous individuals, % invertivorous individuals, % non-native carnivorous individuals, % intolerant individuals, % tolerant individuals, number of tolerant species). Fish assemblage condition was significantly and consistently lower in the lower reservoir. There was no significant difference between the dry and wet season in RRFAI scores, suggesting that a single season sample should usually suffice. Further research is needed along distinct disturbance gradients in multiple river–reservoir systems in Brazil to confirm the sensitivity of our preliminary RRFAI for assessing the physical and chemical habitat disturbances common to such systems.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton of the River Lujan (Buenos Aires, Argentina) was studied for a period of 18 months, together with physical and chemical variables, in relation to a pollution gradient. 167 taxa were recorded within a seasonal succession characterized by dominance of diatoms with a brief summer green algae facies. A combination of several biotic indices and multivariate analysis was employed to assess the impact of pollution on the phytoplankton community. The biotic indices used were species diversity and richness, algal quotients (green algae/diatom ratio, Centrales/Pennales ratio) and the SD succession rate index. Multivariate procedures included cluster analysis and ordination by PCA of both species and samples, stepwise discriminant analysis and multiple discriminant analysis of variance (MANOVA). Results indicate that community dynamism is attenuated at the more polluted sites, concomitant with an increased predominance of a broad-tolerance algal assemblage, co-dominated by Cyclotella meneghiniana and Nitzschia stagnorum. The changes in the community structure and dynamics described herein involved alterations in the distribution and relative proportions of the algae, rather than modifications in the basic species composition. These changes may not be readily detectable by methods which over-simplify the ecological information, such as systems of indicator species and biotic indices, designed to assess the degree of pollution. The suitability of multivariate analysis and biotic indices in river phytoplankton studies is further discussed.  相似文献   

The macroinvertebrate assemblages in an artificial habitat, the settling basin of a hydroelectric power plant, were investigated and compared with those in a natural habitat, riffles in a nearby river. This study showed that macroinvertebrate density was much higher in the settling basin than in the riffles. Macroinvertebrate assemblage composition differed between the settling basin and the riffles. The difference was probably due to the widespread bryophyte beds in the settling basin. Cincticostella, Brachycentrus, Ephmerella, and chironomid midges, which are usually abundant in bryophyte beds, were present at much higher densities in the settling basin. Cheumatopsyche and Taeniopterygidae were also present at higher densities in the settling basin than in the natural riffles. In contrast, Epeorus was present at lower density in the settling basin than in the natural riffles. This study suggests that the settling basin increases β-diversity in riverine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Introgression might be exceptionally common during the evolution of narrowly endemic species. For instance, in the springs of the small and isolated Cuatro Ciénegas Valley, the mitogenome of the cichlid fish Herichthys cyanoguttatus could be rapidly introgressing into populations of the trophically polymorphic H. minckleyi. We used a combination of genetic and environmental data to examine the factors associated with this mitochondrial introgression. A reduced representation library of over 6220 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the nuclear genome showed that mitochondrial introgression into H. minckleyi is biased relative to the amount of nuclear introgression. SNP assignment probabilities also indicated that cichlids with more hybrid ancestry are not more commonly female providing no support for asymmetric backcrossing or hybrid‐induced sex‐ratio distortion in generating the bias in mitochondrial introgression. Smaller effective population size in H. minckleyi inferred from the SNPs coupled with sequences of all 13 mitochondrial proteins suggests that relaxed selection on the mitogenome could be facilitating the introgression of “H. cyanoguttatus” haplotypes. Additionally, we showed that springs with colder temperatures had greater amounts of mitochondrial introgression from H. cyanoguttatus. Relaxed selection in H. minckleyi coupled with temperature‐related molecular adaptation could be facilitating mitogenomic introgression into H. minckleyi.  相似文献   

The biology, microhabitat use and migratory behaviour of the greenside darter, Etheostoma blennioides, was studied at the Mannheim Weir on the Grand River, Ontario during the summer of 1995 and 1996. Officially listed as vulnerable in Canada, greenside darters reached maturity at age 1 and lived up to 4 years. They were found in riffle habitats that consisted of cobble and loose boulders, with large mats of Cladophora. This type of unembedded substrate is uncommon in the Grand River watershed. However, local abundance of greenside darters immediately downstream from the Mannheim Weir was likely due to high water velocities from weir discharge, freshets and ice scour which help maintain unembedded riffle areas. Trap data indicated that greenside darters temporally partition this habitat with the stonecat, Noturus flavus. Other darter species were not commonly found in areas with greenside darters, whose depth selection and habitat choices were influenced by predators and morphology. Denil fishways at the Mannheim Weir rarely passed greenside darters due to prohibitively high water velocities and exclusion by larger fish. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effects that changes in forest structure and composition have on wildlife have often been considered independently, such that the potential for interactive effects has received relatively little attention. We investigated the importance of vegetation structure, floristic composition, and their interaction for predicting bird distribution in mixed broadleaf–conifer forest. We collected vegetation and bird data at 979 stations in a watershed in southern Oregon in the spring of 2001. At each station, we described the vegetation using measures of structure (total vegetation volume) and of floristic composition (broadleaf–conifer composition). We then used logistic regression to model the probability of occurrence of bird species as a function of these 2 variables, their quadratic terms, and their interaction. Using stepwise model selection we identified the best model for each species and used area under the curve (AUC) scores to evaluate model performance. Of the 44 bird species we investigated, 20 had models with AUC scores ≥0.70. Of the best models for these 20 species, 1 included vegetation composition alone, 12 included just the main effects of vegetation composition and structure, and 7 included both the main effects and interaction terms. In summer of 2001 a wildfire burned 2,500 ha of the study area, resulting in substantial changes in the vegetation structure and composition. We used 4 yr of postfire bird and vegetation surveys to test the predictive performance of the habitat models for 9 species that occurred at >15% of the burned stations. Models for 3 of these species performed poorly (AUC < 0.7) in all 4 yr. For the other 6 species, predictive performance was low in the first year after fire and improved during subsequent years, suggesting a lagged response to changes in vegetation structure and composition. Quantifying the interactive effects of vegetation structure and composition improves our understanding of how birds respond to forest management and large-scale disturbances, such as wildfires. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Site-specific temporal trends in algae, benthic invertebrate, and fish assemblages were investigated in 15 streams and rivers draining basins of varying land use in the south-central United States from 1993–2007. A multivariate approach was used to identify sites with statistically significant trends in aquatic assemblages which were then tested for correlations with assemblage metrics and abiotic environmental variables (climate, water quality, streamflow, and physical habitat). Significant temporal trends in one or more of the aquatic assemblages were identified at more than half (eight of 15) of the streams in the study. Assemblage metrics and abiotic environmental variables found to be significantly correlated with aquatic assemblages differed between land use categories. For example, algal assemblages at undeveloped sites were associated with physical habitat, while algal assemblages at more anthropogenically altered sites (agricultural and urban) were associated with nutrient and streamflow metrics. In urban stream sites results indicate that streamflow metrics may act as important controls on water quality conditions, as represented by aquatic assemblage metrics. The site-specific identification of biotic trends and abiotic–biotic relations presented here will provide valuable information that can inform interpretation of continued monitoring data and the design of future studies. In addition, the subsets of abiotic variables identified as potentially important drivers of change in aquatic assemblages provide policy makers and resource managers with information that will assist in the design and implementation of monitoring programs aimed at the protection of aquatic resources.  相似文献   

The assessment of biodiversity in coral reefs requires the application of geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing and analytical tools in order to make cost-effective spatially explicit predictions of biodiversity over large geographic areas. Here we present a spatially explicit prediction for coral reef fish diversity index, as well as habitat classification according to reef fish diversity index values in Chinchorro Bank Biosphere Reserve, one of the most important plain/atoll type reef systems in the Caribbean. We have used extensive ecological data on depth, fish and habitat characteristics to perform such prediction. Fish species assemblages and different biotic variables of benthic organisms were characterized using visual censuses and video-transects, respectively at 119 sampling stations. The information was integrated in a GIS, along with satellite imagery (LANSDAT 7 ETM+) and a digital bathymetric model. From the recorded data and a hierarchical classification procedure, we obtained nine different classes of habitats. We used a generalized regression analysis and spatial prediction methodology to create predictive maps (GIS layers) of the different reef benthic components, and a second modeling run produced predictive maps of coral reef fish diversity index. Predictive accuracy of the diversity index map presented a good correlation coefficient (r = 0.87), with maximum diversity index values en reefscapes composed of aggregation of coral colonies with seagrass beds. The implementation of our application was successful for the prediction of fish diversity hot spots and surrogate habitats.  相似文献   

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