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Despite the major importance of soil biota in nutrient and energy fluxes, interactions in soil food webs are poorly understood. Here we provide an overview of recent advances in uncovering the trophic structure of soil food webs using natural variations in stable isotope ratios. We discuss approaches of application, normalization and interpretation of stable isotope ratios along with methodological pitfalls. Analysis of published data from temperate forest ecosystems is used to outline emerging concepts and perspectives in soil food web research. In contrast to aboveground and aquatic food webs, trophic fractionation at the basal level of detrital food webs is large for carbon and small for nitrogen stable isotopes. Virtually all soil animals are enriched in 13C as compared to plant litter. This ‘detrital shift’ likely reflects preferential uptake of 13C‐enriched microbial biomass and underlines the importance of microorganisms, in contrast to dead plant material, as a major food resource for the soil animal community. Soil organic matter is enriched in 15N and 13C relative to leaf litter. Decomposers inhabiting mineral soil layers therefore might be enriched in 15N resulting in overlap in isotope ratios between soil‐dwelling detritivores and litter‐dwelling predators. By contrast, 13C content varies little between detritivores in upper litter and in mineral soil, suggesting that they rely on similar basal resources, i.e. little decomposed organic matter. Comparing vertical isotope gradients in animals and in basal resources can be a valuable tool to assess trophic interactions and dynamics of organic matter in soil. As indicated by stable isotope composition, direct feeding on living plant material as well as on mycorrhizal fungi is likely rare among soil invertebrates. Plant carbon is taken up predominantly by saprotrophic microorganisms and channelled to higher trophic levels of the soil food web. However, feeding on photoautotrophic microorganisms and non‐vascular plants may play an important role in fuelling soil food webs. The trophic niche of most high‐rank animal taxa spans at least two trophic levels, implying the use of a wide range of resources. Therefore, to identify trophic species and links in food webs, low‐rank taxonomic identification is required. Despite overlap in feeding strategies, stable isotope composition of the high‐rank taxonomic groups reflects differences in trophic level and in the use of basal resources. Different taxonomic groups of predators and decomposers are likely linked to different pools of organic matter in soil, suggesting different functional roles and indicating that trophic niches in soil animal communities are phylogenetically structured. During last two decades studies using stable isotope analysis have elucidated the trophic structure of soil communities, clarified basal food resources of the soil food web and revealed links between above‐ and belowground ecosystem compartments. Extending the use of stable isotope analysis to a wider range of soil‐dwelling organisms, including microfauna, and a larger array of ecosystems provides the perspective of a comprehensive understanding of the structure and functioning of soil food webs.  相似文献   

Trickle-down effects of aboveground trophic cascades on the soil food web   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Trophic cascades are increasingly being regarded as important features of aboveground and belowground food webs, but the effects of aboveground cascades on soil food webs, and vice versa, remains essentially unexplored. We conducted an experiment consisting of model synthesised communities containing grassland plant and invertebrate species, in which treatments included soil only, soil+plants, soil+plants+aphids, and soil+plants+aphids+predators; predator treatments consisted of the lacewing Micromus tasmaniae and ladybird beetle Coccinella undecimpunctata added either singly or in combination. Addition of Micromus largely reversed the negative effects of aphids on plant biomass, while both of the predator species caused large changes in the relative abundances of dominant plant species. Predators of aphids also affected several components of the belowground subsystem. Micromus had positive indirect effects on the primary consumer of the soil decomposer food web (microflora), probably through promoting greater input of basal resources to the decomposer subsystem. Predator treatments also influenced densities of the tertiary consumers of the soil food web (top predatory nematodes), most likely through inducing changes in plant community composition and therefore the quality of resource input to the soil. The secondary consumers of the soil food web (microbe‐feeding nematodes) were, however, unresponsive. The fact that some trophic levels of the soil food web but not others responded to aboveground manipulations is explicable in terms of top‐down and bottom‐up forces differentially regulating different belowground trophic levels. Addition of aphids also influenced microbial community structure, promoted soil bacteria at the expense of fungi, and enhanced the diversity of herbivorous nematodes; in all cases these effects were at least partially reversed by addition of Micromus. These results in tandem point to upper level consumers in aboveground food webs as a potential driver of the belowground subsystem, and provide evidence that predator‐induced trophic cascades aboveground can have effects that trickle through soil food webs.  相似文献   

Although microorganisms are the primary drivers of biogeochemical cycles, the structure and functioning of microbial food webs are poorly studied. This is the case in Sphagnum peatlands, where microbial communities play a key role in the global carbon cycle. Here, we explored the structure of the microbial food web from a Sphagnum peatland by analyzing (1) the density and biomass of different microbial functional groups, (2) the natural stable isotope (δ 13C and δ 15N) signatures of key microbial consumers (testate amoebae), and (3) the digestive vacuole contents of Hyalosphenia papilio, the dominant testate amoeba species in our system. Our results showed that the feeding type of testate amoeba species (bacterivory, algivory, or both) translates into their trophic position as assessed by isotopic signatures. Our study further demonstrates, for H. papilio, the energetic benefits of mixotrophy when the density of its preferential prey is low. Overall, our results show that testate amoebae occupy different trophic levels within the microbial food web, depending on their feeding behavior, the density of their food resources, and their metabolism (i.e., mixotrophy vs. heterotrophy). Combined analyses of predation, community structure, and stable isotopes now allow the structure of microbial food webs to be more completely described, which should lead to improved models of microbial community function.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic land use shapes the dynamics and composition of central European forests and changes the quality and availability of resources of the decomposer system. These changes likely alter the structure and functioning of soil animal food webs. Using stable isotope analysis (13C, 15N) we investigated the trophic position and resource use of soil animal species in each of four forest types (coniferous, young managed beech, old managed beech and unmanaged beech forests) across three regions in Germany. Twenty‐eight species of soil invertebrates were analyzed covering three consumer levels and a representative spectrum of feeding types and morphologies. Data on stable isotope signatures of leaf litter, fine roots and soil were included to evaluate to which extent signatures of soil animals vary with those of local resources. Soil animal δ15N and δ13C signatures varied with the respective signatures of leaf litter and fine roots. After calibration to leaf litter signatures, soil animal stable isotope signatures of the different beech forests did not differ significantly. However, thick leaf litter layers, such as those in coniferous forests, were associated with low animal stable isotope signatures presumably due to reduced access of decomposer animals to root‐derived resources, suggesting that the decomposer food web is shifted towards leaf litter based energy pathways with the shift affecting all consumer levels. Variation in stable isotope signatures of soil animal species with litter quality parameters suggests that nutrition of third level but not first and second level consumers is related to litter quality, potentially due to microorganisms locking up litter resources thereby hampering their propagation to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Plants provide resources and shape the habitat of soil organisms thereby affecting the composition and functioning of soil communities. Effects of plants on soil communities are largely taxon‐dependent, but how different functional groups of herbaceous plants affect trophic niches of individual animal species in soil needs further investigation. Here, we studied the use of basal resources and trophic levels of dominating soil meso‐ and macrofauna using stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen in arable fallow systems 3 and 14–16 years after abandonment. Animals were sampled from the rhizosphere of three plant species of different functional groups: a legume (Medicaco sativa), a nonlegume herb (Taraxacum officinale), and a grass (Bromus sterilis). We found virtually no consistent effects of plant identity on stable isotope composition of soil animals and on thirteen isotopic metrics that reflect general food‐web structure. However, in old fallows, the carbon isotope composition of some predatory macrofauna taxa had shifted closer to that of co‐occurring plants, which was particularly evident for Lasius, an aphid‐associated ant genus. Trophic levels and trophic‐chain lengths in food webs were similar across plant species and fallow ages. Overall, the results suggest that variations in local plant diversity of grassland communities may little affect the basal resources and the trophic level of prey consumed by individual species of meso‐ and macrofauna belowground. By contrast, successional changes in grassland communities are associated with shifts in the trophic niches of certain species, reflecting establishment of trophic interactions with time, which shapes the functioning and stability of soil food webs.  相似文献   

Although nitrogen (N) deposition is increasing globally, N availability still limits many organisms, such as microorganisms and mesofauna. However, little is known to which extent soil organisms rely on mineral‐derived N and whether plant community composition modifies its incorporation into soil food webs. More diverse plant communities more effectively compete with microorganisms for mineral N likely reducing the incorporation of mineral‐derived N into soil food webs. We set up a field experiment in experimental grasslands with different levels of plant species and functional group richness. We labeled soil with 15NH4 15NO3 and analyzed the incorporation of mineral‐derived 15N into soil microorganisms and mesofauna over 3 months. Mineral‐derived N incorporation decreased over time in all investigated organisms. Plant species richness and presence of legumes reduced the uptake of mineral‐derived N into microorganisms. In parallel, the incorporation of mineral‐derived 15N into mesofauna species declined with time and decreased with increasing plant species richness in the secondary decomposer springtail Ceratophysella sp. Effects of both plant species richness and functional group richness on other mesofauna species varied with time. The presence of grasses increased the 15N incorporation into Ceratophysella sp., but decreased it in the primary decomposer oribatid mite Tectocepheus velatus sarekensis. The results highlight that mineral N is quickly channeled into soil animal food webs via microorganisms irrespective of plant diversity. The amount of mineral‐derived N incorporated into soil animals, and the plant community properties affecting this incorporation, differed markedly between soil animal taxa, reflecting species‐specific use of food resources. Our results highlight that plant diversity and community composition alter the competition for N in soil and change the transfer of N across trophic levels in soil food webs, potentially leading to changes in soil animal population dynamics and community composition. Sustaining high plant diversity may buffer detrimental effects of elevated N deposition on soil biota.  相似文献   

Food web topologies depict the community structure as distributions of feeding interactions across populations. Although the soil ecosystem provides important functions for aboveground ecosystems, data on complex soil food webs is notoriously scarce, most likely due to the difficulty of sampling and characterizing the system. To fill this gap we assembled the complex food webs of 48 forest soil communities. The food webs comprise 89 to 168 taxa and 729 to 3344 feeding interactions. The feeding links were established by combining several molecular methods (stable isotope, fatty acid and molecular gut content analyses) with feeding trials and literature data. First, we addressed whether soil food webs (n = 48) differ significantly from those of other ecosystem types (aquatic and terrestrial aboveground, n = 77) by comparing 22 food web parameters. We found that our soil food webs are characterized by many omnivorous and cannibalistic species, more trophic chains and intraguild‐predation motifs than other food webs and high average and maximum trophic levels. Despite this, we also found that soil food webs have a similar connectance as other ecosystems, but interestingly a higher link density and clustering coefficient. These differences in network structure to other ecosystem types may be a result of ecosystem specific constraints on hunting and feeding characteristics of the species that emerge as network parameters at the food‐web level. In a second analysis of land‐use effects, we found significant but only small differences of soil food web structure between different beech and coniferous forest types, which may be explained by generally strong selection effects of the soil that are independent of human land use. Overall, our study has unravelled some systematic structures of soil food‐webs, which extends our mechanistic understanding how environmental characteristics of the soil ecosystem determine patterns at the community level.  相似文献   

We analyzed the dynamics of the short-term incorporation of recently fixed carbon into the below-ground food web in a boreal forest. Five young spruce trees (Picea abies) were pulse-labeled with 13CO2 and the isotopic label was traced in soil invertebrates during 5 weeks. The freshly fixed plant carbon quickly entered both litter-located and soil-located compartments of the detrital food web. Among invertebrates inhabiting the mineral soil layers, a trophic link to the root-derived C was most pronounced in species with higher δ 15N values, suggesting this energy source to be more important in deeper mineral soil horizons. The label appeared faster in saprophagous animals than in predators (the median time lag after labeling was 6 and 12 days, respectively), but the difference was not significant. The label was recovered in 15 of 38 species of saprophagous animals and in 20 of 63 species of predators. Among saprophages, the frequency and intensity of the label was relatively high in endogeic collembolans and in bibionid larvae, but earthworms and enchytraeids were not labeled. Several groups of predators, lithobiid centipedes in particular, quickly acquired the root-derived carbon, possibly indicating the feeding on live roots or mycorrhizal mycelium. In total, only 35 % of species or genera examined acquired the label. This suggests that majority of invertebrate taxa in the decomposer food web are unlikely to depend heavily on freshly fixed plant carbon provided by roots and root-associated microorganisms.  相似文献   

Human induced global change has greatly altered the structure and composition of food webs through the invasion of non‐native species and the extinction of native species. Much attention has been paid to the effects of species deletions on food web structure and stability. However, recent empirical evidence suggests that for most taxa local species richness has increased as successful invasions outpace extinctions at this scale. This pattern suggests that food webs, which represent feeding interactions at the local scale, may be increasing in species richness. Knowledge of how food web structure relates to invasive species establishment and the effect of successful invaders on subsequent food web structure remains an unknown but potentially important aspect of global change. Here we explore the effect of food web topology on invasion success in model food webs to develop hypotheses about how the distribution of biodiversity across trophic levels affects the success of invasion at each trophic level. Our results suggest a connectance (C) based framework for predicting invasion success in food webs due to the way that C constrains the number of species at each trophic level and thus the number of potential predators and prey for an invader at a given trophic level. We use the relationship between C and the proportion of species at each trophic level in 14 well studied food webs to make the following predictions; 1) the success of basal invaders will increase as C increases due to the decrease in herbivores in high C webs, 2) herbivore invasion success will decrease as C increases due to the decrease in the proportion of basal species and increase in intermediate species and omnivores in high C webs. 3) Top predator invasion success will increase as C increases due to the increase in intermediate prey species. However, it is not clear how the relative influence of trophic structure compares to empirically known predictors of invasion success such as invader traits, propagule pressure, and resource availability.  相似文献   

Laakso  Jouni  Setälä  Heikki  Palojärvi  Ansa 《Plant and Soil》2000,225(1-2):153-165
We studied the sensitivity of soil microbial communities and ecosystem processes to variation in the vertical and horizontal structure of decomposer food web under nitrogen poor and N-enriched conditions. Microcosms with humus and litter layer of boreal forest floor, birch seedlings infected with mycorrhizal fungi, and decomposer food webs with differing trophic group and species composition of soil fauna were constructed. During the second growing period for the birch, we irrigated half of the microcosms with urea solution, and the other half with de-ionised water to create two levels of N concentration in the substrate. During the experiment night time respirations of the microcosms were measured, and the water leached through the microcosms was analysed for concentration of mineral N, and nematode numbers. The microcosms were destructively sampled after 37 weeks for plant biomass and N uptake, structure of soil animal and microbial community (indicated by PLFA profiles), and physical and chemical properties of the humus and litter materials. Predatory mites and nematodes had a negative influence on the biomass of their microbivorous and microbi-detritivorous prey, and microbi-detritivores affected the biomass and community structure of microbes (indicated by PLFA-analysis). Moreover, predatory mites and nematodes increased microbial biomass and changed the microbial community structure. The decomposer food web structure affected also N uptake and growth of plants. Microbi-detritivorous fauna had a positive effect, whereas predators of microbial and detritus feeding fauna exerted a negative influence on plant N uptake and biomass production. The impact of a trophic group on the microbes and plant was also strongly dependent on species composition within the group. Nitrogen addition magnified the influence of food web structure on microbial biomass and plant N uptake. We suggest that addition of urea-N to the soil modified the animal-microbe interaction by increasing microbial growth and altering community structure of microbes. The presence of microbi-detritivores and predators reduced loss of carbon from the microcosms, and the food web structure influenced also water holding capacity of the materials. The changes in plant growth, nutrient cycling, size of N and C pools, and in the physical properties of the soil emphasize the importance and diversity of indirect consequences of decomposer food web structure. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

土壤微食物网结构与生态功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤微食物网是碎屑食物网中与土壤生态过程密切相关的一部分,通过取食资源基质直接或间接地参与养分循环过程,影响陆地生态系统功能.本文从土壤微食物网的组成、结构和生态功能等方面综述了近年来土壤微食物网的研究进展.通过对土壤微食物网的能量通道及营养级联效应的介绍,阐述了土壤微食物网在碳(C)、氮(N)转化、凋落物分解和植物生长等方面的重要作用.针对目前的研究现状,提出未来土壤生态学研究应与高通量测序及稳定同位素技术相结合;通过构建模型进一步加强对土壤食物网结构和功能的研究,从而深入揭示地下生态过程及其对地上植物生长的反馈作用机理.  相似文献   

Diverse populations of invertebrates constitute the food web in detritus layers of a forest floor. Heterogeneity in trophic interactions within such a species-rich community food web may affect the dynamic properties of biological communities such as stability. To examine the vertical heterogeneity in trophic interactions among invertebrates in litter and humus layers, we studied differences in species composition and variations in carbon and nitrogen stable-isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) using community-wide metrics of the forest floors of temperate broadleaf forests in Japan. The species composition differed between the two layers, and the invertebrates in the litter layer were generally larger than those in the humus layer, suggesting that these layers harbored separate food webs based on different basal resources. However, the δ13C of invertebrates, an indicator of differences in the basal resources of community food webs, did not provide evidence for separate food webs between layers even though plant-derived organic matter showed differences in stable-isotope ratios according to decomposition state. The minimum δ15N of invertebrates also did not differ between layers, suggesting sharing of food by detritivores from the two layers at lower trophic levels. The maximum and range of δ15N were greater in the humus layer, suggesting more trophic transfers (probably involving microorganisms) than in the litter layer and providing circumstantial evidence for weak trophic interactions between layers at higher trophic levels. Thus, the invertebrate community food web was not clearly compartmentalized between the detrital layers but still showed a conspicuous spatial (vertical) heterogeneity in trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that more complex food webs promote stability and can buffer the effects of perturbations, such as drought, on soil organisms and ecosystem functions. Here, we tested experimentally how soil food web trophic complexity modulates the response to drought of soil functions related to carbon cycling and the capture and transfer below‐ground of recent photosynthate by plants. We constructed experimental systems comprising soil communities with one, two or three trophic levels (microorganisms, detritivores and predators) and subjected them to drought. We investigated how food web trophic complexity in interaction with drought influenced litter decomposition, soil CO2 efflux, mycorrhizal colonization, fungal production, microbial communities and soil fauna biomass. Plants were pulse‐labelled after the drought with 13C‐CO2 to quantify the capture of recent photosynthate and its transfer below‐ground. Overall, our results show that drought and soil food web trophic complexity do not interact to affect soil functions and microbial community composition, but act independently, with an overall stronger effect of drought. After drought, the net uptake of 13C by plants was reduced and its retention in plant biomass was greater, leading to a strong decrease in carbon transfer below‐ground. Although food web trophic complexity influenced the biomass of Collembola and fungal hyphal length, 13C enrichment and the net transfer of carbon from plant shoots to microbes and soil CO2 efflux were not affected significantly by varying the number of trophic groups. Our results indicate that drought has a strong effect on above‐ground–below‐ground linkages by reducing the flow of recent photosynthate. Our results emphasize the sensitivity of the critical pathway of recent photosynthate transfer from plants to soil organisms to a drought perturbation, and show that these effects may not be mitigated by the trophic complexity of soil communities, at least at the level manipulated in this experiment.  相似文献   

Soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents, and soil acidification have greatly increased in grassland ecosystems due to increased industrial and agricultural activities. As major environmental and economic concerns worldwide, nutrient enrichment and soil acidification can lead to substantial changes in the diversity and structure of plant and soil communities. Although the separate effects of N and P enrichment on soil food webs have been assessed across different ecosystems, the combined effects of N and P enrichment on multiple trophic levels in soil food webs have not been studied in semiarid grasslands experiencing soil acidification. Here we conducted a short‐term N and P enrichment experiment in non‐acidified and acidified soil in a semiarid grassland on the Mongolian Plateau. We found that net primary productivity was not affected by N or P enrichment alone in either non‐acidified or acidified soil, but was increased by combined N and P enrichment in both non‐acidified and acidified soil. Nutrient enrichment decreased the biomass of most microbial groups in non‐acidified soil (the decrease tended to be greatest with combined N and P enrichment) but not in acidified soil, and did not affect most soil nematode variables in non‐acidified or acidified soil. Nutrient enrichment also changed plant and microbial community structure in non‐acidified but not in acidified soil, and had no effect on nematode community structure in non‐acidified or acidified soil. These results indicate that the responses to short‐term nutrient enrichment were weaker for higher trophic groups (nematodes) than for lower trophic groups (microorganisms) and primary producers (plants). The findings increase our understanding of the effects of nutrient enrichment on multiple trophic levels of soil food webs, and highlight that soil acidification, as an anthropogenic stressor, reduced the responses of plants and soil food webs to nutrient enrichment and weakened plant–soil interactions.  相似文献   

Juha Mikola 《Oecologia》1998,117(3):396-403
Previous theoretical and empirical evidence suggests that species composition within trophic levels may profoundly affect the response of trophic-level biomasses to enhanced basal resources. To test whether species composition of microbivorous nematodes has such an effect in microbial-based soil food webs, I created three microcosm food webs, consisting of bacteria, fungi, bacterial-feeding nematodes (Acrobeloides tricornus, Caenorhabditis elegans), fungal-feeding nematodes (Aphelenchus avenae, Aphelenchoides sp.) and a predatory nematode (Prionchulus punctatus). The food webs differed in species composition at the second trophic level: food web A included A. tricornus and Aph. avenae, food web B included C. elegans and Aphelenchoides sp., and food web AB included all four species. I increased basal resources by adding glucose to half of the replicates of each food web, and sampled microcosms destructively four times during a 22-week experiment to estimate the biomass of organisms at each trophic level. Microbivore species composition significantly affected bacterivore and fungivore biomass but not bacterial, fungal or predator biomass. Greatest bacterivore and fungivore biomass was found in food web A, intermediate biomass in food web AB, and smallest biomass in food web B. Basal resource addition increased the biomass of microbes and microbivores but did not affect predator biomass. Importantly, microbivore species composition did not significantly modify the effect of additional resources on trophic-level biomasses. The presence of a competitor reduced the biomass of A. tricornus and Aph. avenae, in that the biomass of these species was less in food web AB than in food web A, whereas the biomass of C. elegans and Aphelenchoides sp. was not affected by their potential competitors. The biomass of Aph. avenae increased with additional resources in the absence of the competitor only, while the biomass of A. tricornus and Aphelenchoides sp. increased also in the presence of their competitors. The results imply that microbivore species composition may determine the second-level biomass in simple microbe-nematode food webs, but may not significantly affect biomass at other levels or modify the response of trophic-level biomasses to enhanced basal resources. The study also shows that even if the role of predation in a food web is diminished, the positive response of organisms to increased resource availability may still be hindered by competition. Received: 22 June 1998 / Accepted: 28 August 1998  相似文献   

Structure of tropical river food webs revealed by stable isotope ratios   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Fish assemblages in tropical river food webs are characterized by high taxonomic diversity, diverse foraging modes, omnivory, and an abundance of detritivores. Feeding links are complex and modified by hydrologic seasonality and system productivity. These properties make it difficult to generalize about feeding relationships and to identify dominant linkages of energy flow. We analyzed the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of 276 fishes and other food web components living in four Venezuelan rivers that differed in basal food resources to determine 1) whether fish trophic guilds integrated food resources in a predictable fashion, thereby providing similar trophic resolution as individual species, 2) whether food chain length differed with system productivity, and 3) how omnivory and detritivory influenced trophic structure within these food webs. Fishes were grouped into four trophic guilds (herbivores, detritivores/algivores, omnivores, piscivores) based on literature reports and external morphological characteristics. Results of discriminant function analyses showed that isotope data were effective at reclassifying individual fish into their pre-identified trophic category. Nutrient-poor, black-water rivers showed greater compartmentalization in isotope values than more productive rivers, leading to greater reclassification success. In three out of four food webs, omnivores were more often misclassified than other trophic groups, reflecting the diverse food sources they assimilated. When fish δ15N values were used to estimate species position in the trophic hierarchy, top piscivores in nutrient-poor rivers had higher trophic positions than those in more productive rivers. This was in contrast to our expectation that productive systems would promote longer food chains. Although isotope ratios could not resolve species-level feeding pathways, they did reveal how top consumers integrate isotopic variability occurring lower in the food web. Top piscivores, regardless of species, had carbon and nitrogen profiles less variable than other trophic groups.  相似文献   

In freshwater systems, contributions of chemosynthetic products by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in sediments as nutritional resources in benthic food webs remain unclear, even though chemosynthetic products might be an important nutritional resource for benthic food webs in deep-sea hydrothermal vents and shallow marine systems. To study geochemical aspects of this trophic pathway, we sampled sediment cores and benthic animals at two sites (90 and 50 m water depths) in the largest freshwater (mesotrophic) lake in Japan: Lake Biwa. Stable carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur isotopes of the sediments and animals were measured to elucidate the sulfur nutritional resources for the benthic food web precisely by calculating the contributions of the incorporation of sulfide-derived sulfur to the biomass and of the biogeochemical sulfur cycle supporting the sulfur nutritional resource. The recovered sediment cores showed increases in 34S-depleted sulfide at 5 cm sediment depth and showed low sulfide concentration with high δ34S in deeper layers, suggesting an association of microbial activities with sulfate reduction and sulfide oxidation in the sediments. The sulfur-oxidizing bacteria may contribute to benthic animal biomass. Calculations based on the biomass, sulfur content, and contribution to sulfide-derived sulfur of each animal comprising the benthic food web revealed that 58%–67% of the total biomass sulfur in the benthic food web of Lake Biwa is occupied by sulfide-derived sulfur. Such a large contribution implies that the chemosynthetic products of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria are important nutritional resources supporting benthic food webs in the lake ecosystems, at least in terms of sulfur. The results present a new trophic pathway for sulfur that has been overlooked in lake ecosystems with low-sulfate concentrations.  相似文献   

Link arrangement in food webs is determined by the species' feeding habits. This work investigates whether food web topology is organized in a gradient of trophic positions from producers to consumers. To this end, we analyzed 26 food webs for which the consumption rate of each species was specified. We computed the trophic positions and the link densities of all species in the food webs. Link density measures how much each species contributes to the distribution of energy in the system. It is expressed as the number of links species establish with other nodes, weighted by their magnitude. We computed these two metrics using various formulations developed in the ecological network analysis framework. Results show a positive correlation between trophic position and link density across all the systems, regardless the specific formulas used to measure the two quantities. We performed the same analysis on the corresponding binary matrices (i.e. removing information about rates). In addition, we investigated the relation between trophic position and link density in: a) simulated binary webs with same connectance as the original ones; b) weighted webs with constant topology but randomized link strengths and c) weighted webs with constant connectance where both topology and link strengths are randomized. The correlation between the two indices attenuates, vanishes or becomes negative in the case of binary food webs and simulated data (weighted and unweighted).
According to our analysis, link density in food webs decreases with trophic position so that it is greatly reduced toward the top of the trophic hierarchy. This outcome, that seems to challenge previous conclusions based on null models, strongly depends on link quantification. Including interaction strengths may improve substantially our understanding of food web organization, and possibly contradict results based on the analysis of binary webs.  相似文献   

Energetics of microbial food webs   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3  
The energetic demand of microorganisms in natural waters and the flux of energy between microorganisms and metazoans has been evaluated by empirical measurements in nature, in microcosms and mesocosms, and by simulation models. Microorganisms in temperate and tropical waters often use half or more of the energy fixed by photosynthesis. Most simulations and some experimental results suggest significant energy transfer to metazoans, but empirical evidence is mixed. Considerations of the range of growth yields of microorganisms and the number of trophic transfers among them indicate major energy losses within microbial food webs. Our ability to verify and quantify these processes is limited by the variability of assimilation efficiency and uncertainty about the structure of microbial food webs. However, even a two-step microbial chain is a major energy sink. As an energetic link to metazoans, the detritus food web is inefficient, and its significance may have been overstated. There is not enough bacterial biomass associated with detritus to support metazoan detritivores. Much detritus is digestible by metazoans directly. Thus, metazoans and bacteria may to a considerable degree compete for a common resource. Microorganisms, together with metazoans, are important to the stability of planktonic communities through their roles as rapid mineralizers of organic matter, releasing inorganic nutrients. The competition for organic matter and the resultant rapid mineralization help maintain stable populations of phytoplankton in the absence of advective nutrient supply. At temperatures near O °C, bacterial metabolism is suppressed more than is the rate of photosynthesis. As a result, the products of the spring phytoplankton bloom in high-temperate latitudes are not utilized rapidly by bacteria. At temperatures below 0°C microbial food webs are neither energy sinks or links: they are suppressed. Because the underlying mechanism of low-temperature inhibition is not known, we cannot yet generalize about this as a control of food web processes. Microorganisms may operate on several trophic levels simultaneously. Therefore, the realism of the trophic level concept and the reality of the use of ecological efficiency calculations in ecosystem models is questionable.  相似文献   

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