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Seven citrus orchards on reduced- to no-pesticide spray programs were sampled for predacious mites in the family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) in central and south central Florida. Inner and outer canopy leaves, open flowers, fruit, twigs, and trunk scrapings were sampled monthly between September 1994 and January 1996. Vines and ground cover plants were sampled monthly between September 1994 and January 1996 in five of these orchards. The two remaining orchards were on full herbicide programs and ground cover plants were absent. Thirty-three species of phytoseiid mites were identified from 35,405 specimens collected within citrus tree canopies within the seven citrus orchards, and 8,779 specimens from vines and ground cover plants within five of the seven orchards. The six most abundant phytoseiid species found within citrus tree canopies were: Euseius mesembrinus (Dean) (20,948), Typhlodromalus peregrinus (Muma) (8,628), Iphiseiodes quadripilis (Banks) (2,632), Typhlodromips dentilis (De Leon) (592), Typhlodromina subtropica Muma and Denmark (519), and Galendromus helveolus (Chant) (315). The six most abundant species found on vines or ground cover plants were: T. peregrinus (6,608), E. mesembrinus (788), T. dentilis (451), I. quadripilis (203), T. subtropica (90), and Proprioseiopsis asetus (Chant) (48). The remaining phytoseiids included: Amblyseius aerialis (Muma), A. herbicolus (Chant), A. largoensis (Chant), A. multidentatus (Chant), A. sp. near multidentatus, A. obtusus (Koch), Chelaseius vicinus (Muma), Euseius hibisci Chant, Galendromus gratus (Chant), Metaseiulus mcgregori (Chant), Neoseiulus mumai (Denmark), N. vagus (Denmark), Phytoscutus sexpilis (Muma), Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks), Proprioseiopsis detritus (Muma), P. dorsatus (Muma), P. macrosetae (Banks), P. rotundus (Muma), P. solens (De Leon), Typhlodromips deleoni (Muma), T. dillus (De Leon), T. dimidiatus (De Leon), T. mastus Denmark and Muma, T. simplicissimus (De Leon), and T. sp. near tunus, and Typhlodromus transvaalensis (Nesbitt). Eighty-two ground cover plants or vines were sampled within the five orchards and one or more phytoseiids were collected from 71 of these plants. Five ground cover plants with the highest numbers of phytoseiids included: Bidens alba (L.) DC (1,420 mites within 13 species), Solanum americanum L. (1,355 mites within 8 species), Amaranthus spinosus L. (1,137 mites within 11 species), Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd. (844 mites within 8 species) and Richardia brasiliensis (Meg.) Gomez (354 mites within 8 species).  相似文献   

We determined the effect of ground cover on phytoseiid predatory mite populations and the potential biological control of Panonychus citri (McGregor). Results showed that citrus trees with ground cover contained higher population densities of predatory mites and provided better regulation of P. citri than trees in bare soil. The ground cover Ageratum conyzoides L. performed better than Palspalum notatum Flugge in sheltering phytoseiid mites.  相似文献   

The abundance and diversity of phytoseiid mites in the vegetal ground cover of a citrus orchard were surveyed by monthly samplings from October 2008 to July 2009. Six different vegetal cover management methods were studied: herbicide application without mowing (Gly), mowing without herbicide application (PV), mowing with herbicide application (AV), late mowing without herbicide application (LMV), cover crop (Neonotonia wightii, Fabaceae) without herbicide application (PNeo) and cover crop with herbicide application (ANeo). Eleven species were present in the ground cover, with Phytoseius rex and Proprioseiopsis mexicanus as major species. Species richness and densities (1.5 ± 4.5) in the Gly treatment were very low, except for one sample 4 months after herbicide treatment. The AV and PV treatments showed poor diversity and very low mite densities (1.2 ± 2.6 and 1.4 ± 1.5, respectively). The LMV treatment showed the highest diversity and high density of phytoseiid mites (6.9 ± 8.8). The ANeo and PNeo treatments also showed generally high diversity, but with variations in time and exhibited the highest density of phytoseiid mites (13.5 ± 12.7 and 13.4 ± 9.1, respectively). Neonotonia wightii as the cover crop seems to act as a reservoir of phytoseiid mites, sustaining abundant and diverse populations all year round. Some naturally occurring plant species such as Achyranthes aspera, Amaranthus dubius and Eleutheranthera ruderalis could also constitute favourable host plants for Phytoseiidae. Results are discussed in relation to the potential of collected phytoseiid species as candidates for biological control of phytophagous mites on Guadeloupean citrus orchards.  相似文献   

Residual toxicities of registered and selected experimental pesticides used on citrus against Agistemus industani Gonzalez (Acari: Stigmaeidae) were compared. Pesticides considered highly toxic to A. industani were: abamectin 0.15 EC at 731ml/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, pyridaben 75WP at 469g/ha, ethion 4EC at 7.01l/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, propargite 6.55 EC at 3.51l/ha, chlorfenapyr 2SC at 1.46l/ha applied alone or in combination with FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, sulphur 80DF at 16.81kg/ha, dicofol 4EC at 7.01l/ha, fenbutatin oxide 50WP at 2.24kg/ha, benomyl 50WP at 2.24kg/ha, benomyl 50WP at 1.68kg/ha+ferbam 76 GF at 5.60kg/ha, ferbam 76GF at 11.21kg/ha, neem oil 90EC at 46.8l/ha, and copper hydroxide DF (40% metallic copper) at 4.48kg metallic copper/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha. Pesticides that were moderately to slightly toxic included: copper sulphate 98% at 4.48kg metallic copper/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, fenbuconazole 2F at 280ml/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, FC 435-66 petroleum oil applied alone at 46.8l/ha or 23.4l/ha, and diflubenzuron 25WP at 1.40kg/ha. Pesticides that were non-toxic included: fenbuconazole 2F at 585ml/ha, malathion 57EC at 5.85l/ha, FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, carbaryl 80S at 3.36kg/ha, chlorpyrifos 4EC at 4.68l/ha, and formetanate 92SP at 1.12kg/ha. Understanding the toxic effects of field weathered pesticides against key predacious mite species is important for effective IPM. The results of this study provide a comparison of direct and indirect toxic effects of various pesticides to A. industani under field conditions.  相似文献   


Stigmaeus arboricola, S. montanus, S. luxtoni, and S. novazealandicus are described as new species, and the larva of S. loadmani is described. Several new records are noted, and a key is given to the New Zealand species of Stigmaeus.  相似文献   

In a 2-yr study of causes of mite outbreaks in apple (Malus spp.) orchards in Nova Scotia, we monitored immigration of Tetranychus urticae Koch from orchard ground cover into trees populated by the generalist phytoseiid predator Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten. In both years, T. urticae-days in the tree canopy increased with number of T. urticae caught in sticky bands on tree trunks. In 2000, T. urticae-days were negatively correlated with T. pyri-days. Lack of correlation in 2001 was attributed to higher rates of immigration, which would mask the effects of predation. Weather also affected mite dynamics. Rainfall in July and August was less in 2001 than in 2000. Heat units were sufficient for six generations of T. urticae in 2001 but only for five in 2000. Consequently, T. urticae-days in the tree canopy and immigration rates were significantly greater in 2001 than in 2000, despite three-fold greater use of miticides. We also tested the effects of herbicides on T. urticae immigration. Application of selective herbicides in laneways reduced coverage of reproductive hosts of T. urticae, but these changes did not reduce immigration. In 2001, application of a miticidal herbicide, glufosinate, in tree rows reduced captures of T. urticae on sticky bands in high immigration orchards but not in low immigration orchards. We conclude that generalist predators and modified herbicide use are insufficient remedies and that effective biological control of T. urticae in the ground cover by a specialist phytoseiid such as Amblyseius fallacis Garman is essential to prevent outbreaks.  相似文献   

The phenology of overwintered Tetranychus urticae was studied on the ground cover in apple orchards in the early season, and an oviposition model of overwintered adults was developed. The movement of overwintered adults from trees to ground cover started from mid-March and continued until mid-April. One life cycle from eggs to new adults (the 1st generation adults) on the ground cover was from late March to early May. The longevity and fecundity of overwintered T. urticae were affected largely by temperature. The longevity ranged from 46.6 days at 10 degrees C to 6.5 days at 35 degrees C. The total fecundity was minimum (0.2 eggs) at 10 degrees C and maximum (45.5 eggs) at 25 degrees C. The relationship between total fecundity and temperature was described well by a nonlinear equation. The cumulative age-specific oviposition rate was described well by the two-parameter Weibull function. The overall adult survival exhibited a reverse logistic curve. Three temperature-dependent components, age-specific cumulative oviposition rate, temperature-dependent total fecundity and age-specific survival rate functions, were incorporated into an oviposition model. The oviposition model simulation described the occurrence pattern of eggs laid by overwintered T. urticae on the ground cover in apple orchards relatively well.  相似文献   

The citrus rust mite (CRM), Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Acari: Eriophyidae) is a cosmopolitan key pest of citrus, inflicting severe economic damage if not controlled. In Israel, CRM damages all citrus cultivars. International regulation and increasing control failures of CRM led growers to seek sustainable biological control solutions such as acarine biological control agents. Laboratory studies conducted in Israel have indicated that the indigenous predator species Amblyseius swirskii, Iphiseius degenerans, Typhlodromus athiasae and Euseius scutalis (all Acari: Phytoseiidae) can potentially control CRM. Our general objective in the present study was to bridge the gap of knowledge between laboratory studies and the lack of control efficacy of these species in commercial orchards. Predator augmentation in the field showed that although predator populations increased immediately following releases they later decreased and did not affect CRM populations. When A. swirskii augmentation was combined with a series of maize pollen applications, A. swirskii populations were enhanced substantially and continuously but again CRM populations were not affected. Growth chamber studies with CRM-infested seedlings, with or without a maize pollen supplement, indicated that pollen provisioning led to population increase of E. scutalis and A. swirskii but only E. scutalis significantly lowered CRM populations. Control with E. scutalis was confirmed in the field on CRM infested seedlings with pollen provisioned by adjacent flowering Rhodes grass. While experiments in mature citrus orchard showed that pollen supplement usually increased predator populations they also indicated that other factors such as intraguild interactions and pesticide treatments should be taken into account when devising CRM biological control programs.  相似文献   

In spring a population of the citrus red mite (Panonychus citri),a non-diapausing species, migrated to a Japanese pear orchard, mainly from nearby Japanese holly trees, but in autumn most of the mites starved to death while the rest returned to the holly trees. In the Japanese holly trees, the population of mites reached their maximum density in late May1993 and in mid-June 1994 on overwintered leaves and moved to newly opened leaves in mid-June 1993 and late June 1994. The mites tended to disperse abruptly in early June or mid-June and again towards the end of June. The mites inhabiting the holly trees appeared to migrate to the Japanese pear trees in June but their densities on pear leaves remained low until mid-August. In the pear orchard, the mites initially tended to increase on pear leaves near the holly trees and then gradually spread to other leaves farther away from the holly trees. Their highest density in the pear orchard occurred in mid-October. When pear leaves were inoculated with two or five female adults at different times from May to September, the leaves inoculated before mid-August showed no increase in the number of mites. A possible cause for the suppression of the population increase on pear leaves from June to mid-August is discussed. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract: Quantitative characteristics of the occurrence of eriophyoid mites on wheat and associated grasses were studied. Three groups of hosts: cultivated wheat ( Triticum aestivum ), quackgrass ( Agropyron repens ) in cultivation, and quackgrass in balks were analysed. Two species of eriophyoid mites were recorded: Aceria tosichella Keifer and Abacarus hystrix (Nalepa). A. hystrix appeared more frequent [present in 65.0% of all collected samples; (95% confidence interval: 50–80)] and abundant [mean number of individuals per sample: 207.3 (94.4–351.5)] than A. tosichella (17.5%; (7.5–3.0), 13.8 (0.9–32.8), respectively). Significant differences in numbers among studied mite species populations on different host plants have been found. It is concluded that wheat is the marginal host for these two eriophyoids when compared to quackgrass.  相似文献   

On citrus in Zimbabwe, Swaziland and South Africa, predacious mites of the subfamily Amblyseiinae are more common and found in greater numbers than phytoseiids of the subfamily Phytosciinae. The author's survey and other collection data indicated that within the Amblyseiinae the genus Euseius Wainstein is the most widely distributed. Seven Euseius spp. have been recorded on citrus in the above countries but not more than one species has been found at any particular site and time. E. citri (Van der Merwe and Ryke) has the broadest geographical distribution and is capable of suppressing population levels of the citrus thrips Scirtothrips aurantii Faure. However, it is not as effective a biocontrol agent as E. addoensis (Van der Merwe and Ryke) which occurs in higher numbers further south. An orchard comparison of the non-target effects of thripicides showed that E. citri was more susceptible to sabadilla alkaloids (0.0024% AI) plus sugar (0.96%) than to tartar emetic (0.398% AI) plus sugar (0.4%). The author's survey provides the first records of E. orygmus (Ueckermann and Loots) and E. tutsi (Pritchard and Baker) on citrus in Zimbabwe. Typhlodromalus Muma spp. were not widely distributed but where they did occur they were often abundant and sometimes coexisted with Euseius spp. Circumstantial evidence indicated that Typhlodromalus spp. may be effective thrips predators. The combination of Euseius and Typhlodromalus spp. may provide more effective biological control of citrus thrips than either species alone. Amblydromella Muma spp. were the only representatives of the subfamily Phytoseiinac currently found on citrus and they occurred only in the Transvaal and Natal provinces of South Africa. The possibility that Amblydromella spp. compete with Amblyseiinae is discussed.  相似文献   

Field surveys were conducted from 2004 to 2007 to determine the species composition and relative abundance of natural enemies associated with colonies of either the citrus red mite, Panonychus citri, or the two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, in Valencian citrus orchards (eastern Spain). Fourteen species were recorded, six phytoseiid mites and eight insect predators. Two of them are reported for the first time on citrus in Spain and two more are first reports as predators associated with T. urticae. The community of predators associated with T. urticae and P. citri was almost identical, and the Morisita–Horn index of similarity between both natural enemy complexes was close to one, suggesting that predators forage on both pest species. Quantifying the presence of many known spider mites predators in Valencian citrus orchards is an important first step towards spider mite control. A challenge for future studies will be to establish conservation and/or augmentation management strategies for these predators, especially to improve T. urticae biological control.  相似文献   

Bochkov AV 《Parazitologiia》2004,38(2):122-138
A modern system, phylogeny, distribution and host parasite relationships of cheyletid mites (Acari: Prostigmatal Cheyletidae) is shortly discussed. According to the phylogenetic hypothesis proposed by Bochkov and Fain (2001), the family Cheyletidae includes now 15 tribes: Acaropsellini, Bakini, Cheletogenini, Cheletosomatini, Chelonotini, Cheyletiini, Cheyletiellini, Cheyletini, Cheletomorphini, Criokerontini, Metacheyletiini, Niheliini, Ornithocheyletiini, Teinocheylini and one unnamed tribe including the genera Caudacheles and Alliea. The parasitic Cheyletidae were primarily free-living predators, frequently associated with nests of vertebrates. These mites, being predators, have numerous preadaptations to the parasitic mode of life and they possess high ecological plasticity. Therefore it was quite easy for these mites to adapt to parasitism on the vertebrates. According to our phylogenetical hypothesis, the parasitism on vertebrates has arisen independently in several phylogenetic lines of the cheyletids associated with nests of vertebrates. Such transition from nest predation to true parasitism probably occurred repeatedly and at different times. The cheyletid mites are more widely represented on birds than on mammals. Possibly, it is in relation with a more early origin of parasitism in the cheyletids associated with bird nests than in the cheyletids associated with mammal nests. An independent origin of the parasitism in many different cheyletid phyletic lines, arisen significantly later than the origin of such a parasitic group as myobiid mites, is probably the main reason, which could explain the recent mosaic distribution of the Cheyletidae among the mammalian taxa. Parasitic associations between cheyletids and vertebrates are more common than the associations between these mites and the invertebrates. In the invertebrates, these associations are generally restricted to a phoresy. The zoogeographical analysis showed that this family as whole is characterised by the extremely low endemisms. The most part of the free-living cheyletid mites are associated with Holarctic region (87%) and, therefore, this family, probably, originated there.  相似文献   

Tetranychus urticae is a polyphagous mite which is an important pest of citrus worldwide. This mite can be found feeding on many plant species occurring in the citrus agrosystem moving from weeds to trees. Because field samples consist of a mixture of different Tetranychidae species, as a first step necessary to further implement population characterisation of T. urticae, species‐discriminating criteria based on molecular techniques are needed. In this study, the nucleotide variation of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) 1 and 2 and the intergenic 5.8S fragment of nuclear rDNA of T. urticae, Tetranychus turkestani, Tetranychus evansi, Tetranychus ludeni and Panonychus citri have been determined. Results demonstrate that for these species, the rDNA ITS2 regions are much more conserved than the corresponding rDNA ITS1. The high homogeneity of the ITS2 sequence observed among the specimens of T. urticae obtained from the same ecoregion makes this DNA sequence an excellent tool for species discrimination. ITS sequences differentiate not only species but also specimens from different geographical origin. Furthermore, polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the ITS2 proved adequate for a quick screening of high numbers of field samples.  相似文献   

Abrolophus crimensis sp. n., Valgothrombium melindae sp. n. from Ukraine, Moldoustium baltiensis gen. n., sp. n. from Moldova and Ukraine and Podothrombium dbrenitum sp. n. from Moldova are described. Rudaemannia rudaensis (Haitlinger), Trombidium dacicum (Feider) are new for the fauna of Moldova, Grandjeanella multisetosa Zhang et Goldarazena, Leptus (Leptus) trimaculatus (Hermann), Erythraeus (Zaracarus) preciosus Goldarazena et Zhang, E. (E.) kuyperi (Oudemans), Balaustium nikae Haitlinger, Johnstoniana eximia (Berlese) are new to the fauna of Ukraine, Hauptmannia brevicollis Oudemans, H. wratislaviensis Haitlinger, Abrolophus pseudolongicollis kiejstuti Haitlinger, Charletonia krendowskyi (Feider), Allothrombium fuliginosum (Hermann), A. triticium Zhang, Trombidium holosericeum (L.) and Podothrombium proti Haitlinger are new to the fauna of Moldova and Ukraine. The following new synonyms and new combination are proposed: Canpicatrombium Haitlinger, 2003 syn. n. = Valgothrombium Willmann, 1940, Leptus (Leptus) echinopus Beron, 1975 syn. n. = L. (L.) trimaculatus (Hermann, 1804), Valgothrombium mallorcensis (Haitlinger, 2003) comb. n., Podothrombium proti Haitlinger, 1994 is not synonym of P. filipes (C.-L. Koch, 1837).  相似文献   

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