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A pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using the 15N isotope dilution method and two reference plants, Parkia biglobosa and Tamarindus indica to estimate nitrogen fixed in four Acacia species: A raddiana, A. senegal, A. seyal and Faidherbia albida (synonym Acacia albida). For the reference plants, the 15N enrichments in leaves, stems and roots were similar. With the fixing plants, leaves and stems had similar 15N enrichments; they were higher than the 15N enrichment of roots. The amounts of nitrogen fixed at 5 months after planting were similar using either reference plant. Estimates of the percentage of N derived from fixation (%Ndfa) for the above ground parts, in contrast to %Ndfa in roots, were similar to those for the whole plant. However, none of the individual plant parts estimated accurately total N fixed in the whole plant, and excluding the roots resulted in at least 30% underestimation of the amounts of N fixed. Between species, differences in N2 fixation were observed, both for %Ndfa and total N fixed. For %Ndfa, the best were A. seyal (average, 63%) and A. raddiana (average, 62%), being at least twice the %Ndfa in A. senegal and F. albida. Because of its very high N content, A. seyal was clearly the best in total N fixed, fixing 1.62 g N plant–1 compared to an average of 0.48 g N plant–1 for the other Acacia species. Our results show the wide variability existing between Acacia species in terms of both %Ndfa and total N fixed: A. seyal was classified as having a high N2 fixing potential (NFP) while the other Acacia species had a low NFP.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is often the most limiting nutrient in organic cropping systems. N2 fixing crops present an important option to improve N supply and to maintain soil fertility. In a field experiment, we investigated whether the lower N fertilization level and higher soil microbial activity in organic than conventional systems affected symbiotic N2 fixation by soybean (Glycine max, var. Maple Arrow) growing in 2004 in plots that were since 1978 under the following systems: bio-dynamic (DYN); bio-organic (ORG); conventional with organic and mineral fertilizers (CON); CON with exclusively mineral fertilizers (MIN); non-fertilized control (NON). We estimated the percentage of legume N derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) by the natural abundance (NA) method. For ORG and MIN we additionally applied the enriched 15N isotope dilution method (ID) based on residual mineral and organic 15N labeled fertilizers that were applied in 2003 in microplots installed in ORG and MIN plots. These different enrichment treatments resulted in equal %Ndfa values. The %Ndfa obtained by NA for ORG and MIN was confirmed by the ID method, with similar variation. However, as plant growth was restricted by the microplot frames the NA technique provided more accurate estimates of the quantities of symbiotically fixed N2 (Nfix). At maturity of soybean the %Ndfa ranged from 24 to 54%. It decreased in the order ORG > CON > DYN > NON > MIN, with significantly lowest value for MIN. Corresponding Nfix in above ground plant material ranged from 15 to 26 g N m-2, with a decreasing trend in the order DYN = ORG > CON > MIN > NON. For all treatments, the N withdrawal by harvested grains was greater than Nfix. This shows that at the low to medium %Ndfa, soybeans did not improve the N supply to any system but removed significant amounts of soil N. High-soil N mineralization and/or low-soil P availability may have limited symbiotic N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixed in 13 provenances of Acacia albida and 11 isolines of Leucaena leucocephala inoculated with effective Rhizobium strains was measured by 15N techniques and the total N difference method. In the test soil, on the average, L. leucocephala derived about 65% of its total N from atmospheric N2 fixation compared to about 20% by A. albida. Significant differences in the percentage of N derived from atmospheric N2 (% Ndfa) occurred, between provenances or isolines within species. The % Ndfa ranged from 37 to 74% within L. leucocephala and from 6 to 37 within A. albida; (equivalent to 20–50 mg N plant–1 and 4–37 mg N plant–1 for the two species over three months, respectively) and was correlated with the nodule mass (r=0.91). The time course of N2 fixation of three selected provenances (low, intermediate and good fixers) was followed at 12 weekly intervals over a 36 week period. The % Ndfa of all provenances and isolines increased with time; and except for one of the L. leucocephala provenances, % Ndfa was similar within species at the 36 weeks harvest. There was a significant correlation between % Ndfa and the amount of N2 fixed (r=0.96). Significant interactions occurred between provenances and N treatments and often growth of uninoculated but N fertilized plants was less variable than for inoculated unfertilized plants.  相似文献   

Hansen  J.P.  Vinther  F.P. 《Plant and Soil》2001,237(2):257-266
Aiming at estimating the spatial variability in N2 fixation, and to evaluate the appropriateness of the 15N isotope dilution (ID) method and the natural15N abundance (NA) method in reflecting spatial variability under the influence of cattle grazing, the symbiotic N2 fixation in grass–white clover mixture was studied. At the Foulum site, where the ID method was used, differences in the climatic conditions between the two years of investigations caused a considerable difference in plant growth rates and proportion of clover. Consequently, the total N2 fixation in ungrazed reference plots was significantly less in 1998 than in 1997, being 5.9 and 12.5 g N m–2, respectively. In both years there was a wide range in concentration of inorganic N in the soil with coefficients of variance of approximately 60–190% for ammonium and 70–340% for nitrate. Significant negative correlations between pNdfa, determined by the ID method, and the log-transformed values of inorganic N and total N in grass were found. The NA method was applied on three nearby commercial dairy farms. They also showed high coefficients of variation. The coefficient of variance for NO3 -N ranged from 37 to 282% and for NH4 +-N from 29 to 237%. Average estimates of pNdfa values, which in the NA method were calculated using apparent B values ranging from –2.10 to –2.59, were generally lower (0.7–0.87) for these farms than for the Foulum site (0.89–0.95) using the ID method. For the NA method the 15N values, i.e. deviation in 15N concentration from atmospheric N2, ranged from –7.0 to 5.7 for the grass N, which in several cases was lower than for clover N. Due to this high variability of the 15N values, probably caused by deposition and plant assimilation of 15N depleted urinary N in the pastures, the NA method was marginal for accurate determination of pNdfa. Consequently no significant correlation between the pNdfa determined by this method, and the log-transformed values of inorganic N in soil or total N in grass were found.  相似文献   

A range of different species of diazotrophic bacteria has been found in tissues and the rhizosphere of oil palm plants, suggesting a potential to benefit from biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). A few studies have confirmed that plantlets at nursery stage can benefit significantly from BNF after inoculation with Azospirillum spp. but no data are available regarding the benefit from naturally-occurring diazotrophic bacteria in oil palm. The results described here were derived from two pot trials laid out under controlled conditions with plantlets from two important regions for palm oil production in Brazil, as well as from different field sites of mature oil palm plantations. The 15N natural abundance technique was employed to estimate plant dependence on BNF (%Ndfa) by the different ecotypes grown in soil and previously characterized as hosting diazotrophic bacteria. From both pot trials it was possible to identify some ecotypes of high potential for N2-fixation that reached in some cases approximately 50%Ndfa. However, the accuracy of measurement still needs to be improved using more suitable reference plants for pot experiments. Values of δ 15N signals from oil palm and reference plants in the field were inconclusive concerning any benefit from BNF to oil palm, owing to apparently high temporal and spatial variability of δ 15N of the plant-available N in the heterogeneous soil matrix for the different palm and reference plant tested.  相似文献   

Annual N2-fixation in virgin forest ecosystems has been measured using a15N natural abundance (15N) procedure. This method was compared to a15N labelled fertilizer isotopic dilution method. For young alders (5–6 years old), 15N of leaves gave results in good agreement with the isotopic dilution of fertilizer method. Since 15N variability was expected according to plant physiology, for alder trees, leaves were collected at various heights after the end of the growing season, and, to take account of isotopic variations coming from derived inputs, 15N of leaves of a large number of other plants in the same are were measured to give control values. Following this procedure, the 15N method gave reliable evaluation of the nitrogen supply, by through N2-fixation, to alders, which were found to maintain high nitrogen fixing capacity in a sequence ranging from first stage of establishment of climactic formation. Moreover, the same method is reported to discriminate various origins ofAlnus glutinosa grown in natural conditions, possibly in relation to the genetic diversity of this species.  相似文献   

Summary Small differences in N2 fixation by nodulated soybeans (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.), inoculated with various strains ofRhizobium japonicum, were assessed in field experiments using15N methodology, and compared with yields of plant dry matter and total N. Percentage of plant-N derived from atmospheric N2 and from fertilizer, and values of %15N atom excess had lower coefficients of variation than did total N and dry matter yield. Nevertheless the precision of estimates of kg N/ha fixed were sufficient to differentiate only the extremes of the range of strains tested, and there were discrepancies between ranking of strains based on % N derived from fertilizer and on total N yield.  相似文献   

The measurement of natural 15N abundance is a well-established technique for the identification and quantification of biological N2 fixation in plants. Associative N2 fixing bacteria have been isolated from sugarcane and reported to contribute potentially significant amounts of N to plant growth and development. It has not been established whether Australian commercial sugarcane receives significant input from biological N2 fixation, even though high populations of N2 fixing bacteria have been isolated from Australian commercial sugarcane fields and plants. In this study, 15N measurements were used as a primary measure to identify whether Australian commercial sugarcane was obtaining significant inputs of N via biological N2 fixation. Quantification of N input, via biological N2 fixation, was not possible since suitable non-N2 fixing reference plants were not present in commercial cane fields. The survey of Australian commercially grown sugarcane crops showed the majority had positive leaf 15N values (73% >3.00, 63% of which were >5.00), which was not indicative of biological N2 fixation being the major source of N for these crops. However, a small number of sites had low or negative leaf 15N values. These crops had received high N fertiliser applications in the weeks prior to sampling. Two possible pathways that could result in low 15N values for sugarcane leaves (other than N2 fixation) are proposed; high external N concentrations and foliar uptake of volatilised NH3. The leaf 15N value of sugarcane grown in aerated solution culture was shown to decrease by approximately 5 with increasing external N concentration (0.5–8.0 mM), with both NO3 and NH4 + nitrogen forms. Foliar uptake of atmospheric NH3 has been shown to result in depleted leaf 15N values in many plant species. Acid traps collected atmospheric N with negative 15N value (–24.45±0.90) from above a field recently surface fertilised with urea. The 15N of leaves of sugarcane plants either growing directly in the soil or isolated from soil in pots dropped by 3.00 in the same field after the fertiliser application. Both the high concentration of external N in the root zone (following the application of N-fertilisers) and/or subsequent foliar uptake of volatilised NH3 could have caused the depleted leaf 15N values measured in the sugarcane crops at these sites.  相似文献   

Summary Plants from agricultural and natural upland ecosystem were investigated for15N content to evaluate the role of symbiotic N2-fixation in the nitrogen nutrition of soybean. Increased yields and lower δ15N values of nodulating soybeansvs, non-nodulating isolines gave semi-quantitative estimates of N2 fixation. A fairly large discrepancy was found between estimations by δ15N and by N yield at 0 kg N/ha of fertilizer. More precise estimates were made by following changes in plant δ15N when fertilizer δ15N was varied near15N natural abundance level. Clearcut linear relationships between δ15N values of whole plants and of fertilizer were obtained at 30 kg N/ha of fertilizer for three kinds of soils. In experimental field plots, nodulating soybeans obtained 13±1% of their nitrogen from fertilizer, 66±8% from N2 fixation and 21±10% from soil nitrogen in Andosol brown soil; 30%, 16% and 54% in Andosol black soil; 7%, 77% and 16% in Alluvial soil, respectively. These values for N2 fixation coincided with each corresponding estimation by N yield method. Other results include: 1)15N content in upland soils and plants was variable, and may reflect differences in the mode of mineralization of soil organics, and 2) nitrogen isotopic discrimination during fertilizer uptake (δ15N of plant minus fertilizer) ranged from −2.2 to +4.9‰ at 0–30 kg N/ha of fertilizer, depending on soil type and plant species. The proposed method can accurately and relatively simply establish the importance of symbiotic nitrogen fixation for soybeans growing in agricultural settings.  相似文献   

Wood  M.  McNeill  A. M. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):329-332
A gas-tight chamber has been constructed to calibrate the 15N isotope dilution method against direct 15N2 measurements. The theoretical basis for such estimates is given, and the practical problems associated with the experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

* Leguminous trees are very common in the tropical rainforests of Guyana. Here, species-specific differences in N(2) fixation capability among nodulating legumes growing on different soils and a possible limitation of N(2) fixation by a relatively high nitrogen (N) and low phosphorus (P) availability in the forest were investigated. * Leaves of 17 nodulating species and 17 non-nodulating reference trees were sampled and their delta(15)N values measured. Estimates of N(2) fixation rates were calculated using the (15)N natural abundance method. Pot experiments were conducted on the effect of N and P availability on N(2) fixation using the (15)N-enriched isotope dilution method. * Nine species showed estimates of > 33% leaf N derived from N(2) fixation, while the others had low or undetectable N(2) fixation rates. High N and low P availability reduced N(2) fixation substantially. * The results suggest that a high N and low P availability in the forest limit N(2) fixation. At the forest ecosystem level, N(2) fixation was estimated at c. 6% of total N uptake by the tree community. We conclude that symbiotic N(2) fixation plays an important role in maintaining high amounts of soil available N in undisturbed forest.  相似文献   

Annual pasture legumes play a key role in ley farming systems of southern Australia, providing biologically fixed nitrogen (N) to drive the production of the pastures as well as subsequent crops grown in rotation. Seasonal inputs of biologically fixed N in shoot biomass of the subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) component of grazed annual pastures were assessed using the15N natural abundance technique and appropriately timed sampling of herbage dry matter (DM) for N accumulation. At three study sites spanning a gradient across the Western Australian wheatbelt from 300 to 600 mm annual rainfall the performance of the clover and non-legume herbs and grasses was examined as paired comparisons involving two management treatments expected to give contrasting effects on pasture productivity, botanical composition and N2 fixation. The proportion of clover N derived from atmospheric N2 fixation (%Ndfa) ranged from 65 to 95% across sites, treatments and sampling times. Amounts of fixed N accumulated in clover shoot biomass ranged from 50 to 125 kg ha−1, and paralleled trends in clover production. Substantial increases in pasture production in high yielding treatments generally occurred without decrease in %Ndfa, suggesting that N2 fixation was essentially non-limiting to performance of the clover component. Seasonal profiles for accumulation of fixed N were skewed towards the late winter and spring period, particularly in low plant density pastures following a cereal crop. There were seasonal, site and treatment-specific effects on the proportion of clover and non-legume pasture components and consequently clover yield and N2 fixation were variably affected by competition from non-legume species.  相似文献   

Dinitrogen fixation in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) grown in pure stand and mixture with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was determined in the field using 15N isotope dilution and harvest of the shoots. The apparent transfer of clover N to perennial ryegrass was simultaneously assessed. The soil was labelled either by immobilizing 15N in organic matter prior to establishment of the sward or by using the conventional labelling procedure in which 15N fertilizer is added after sward establishment. Immobilization of 15N in the soil organic matter has not previously been used in studies of N2 fixation in grass/clover pastures. However, this approach was a successful means of labelling, since the 15N enrichment only declined at a very slow rate during the experiment. After the second production year only 10–16% of the applied 15N was recovered in the harvested herbage. The two labelling methods gave, nonetheless, a similar estimate of the percentage of clover N derived from N2 fixation. In pure stand clover, 75–94% of the N was derived from N2 fixation and in the mixture 85–97%. The dry matter yield of the clover in mixture as percentage of total dry matter yield was relatively high and increased from 59% in the first to 65% in the second production year. The average daily N2 fixation rate in the mixture-grown clover varied from less than 0.5 kg N ha−1 day−1 in autumn to more than 2.6 kg N ha−1 day−1 in June. For clover in pure stand the average N2 fixation rate was greater and varied between 0.5 and 3.3 kg N ha−1 day−1, but with the same seasonal pattern as for clover in mixture. The amount of N fixed in the mixture was 23, 187 and 177 kg N ha−1 in the seeding, first and second production year, respectively, whereas pure stand clover fixed 28, 262 and 211 kg N ha−1 in the three years. The apparent transfer of clover N to grass was negligible in the seeding year, but clover N deposited in the rhizosphere or released by turnover of stolons, roots and nodules, contributed 19 and 28 kg N ha−1 to the grass in the first and second production year, respectively. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The total amount of nitrogen derived from symbiotic nitrogen fixation in two pea and one field bean cultivar, supplied with 50 kg N ha−1 at sowing (‘starter’-N), was estimated to 165, 136, and 186 kg N ha−1, respectively (three-year means). However, estimates varied considerably between the three years. At the full bloom/flat pod growth stage from 30 to 59 per cent of total N2 fixation had taken place. The proportion of total N derived from N2 fixation at maturity was higher in seeds than in vegetative plant parts and amounted to 59.5, 51.3 and 66.3 per cent of total above-ground plant N in the two pea cultivars and field bean, respectively (three-year means). The recovery of fertilizer N was 62.2, 70.2, 52.1, and 69.5 per cent in the two pea cultivars, field bean and barley, respectively. Growth analysis indicated that barley did not meet the claims for an ideal reference crop in the15N fertilizer dilution technique for estimating N2 fixation in pea and field bean. ‘Starter’-N neither increased the seed yield nor the N content of the grain legumes.  相似文献   

Natural abundance of 15N in tropical plants with emphasis on tree legumes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Natural abundance of 15N ( 15N) of leaves harvested from tropical plants in Brazil and Thailand was analyzed. The 15N values of non-N2-fixing trees in Brazil were +4.5±1.9, which is lower than those of soil nitrogen (+8.0±2.2). In contrast, mimosa and kudzu had very low 15N values (–1.4+0.5). The 15N values of Panicum maximum and leguminous trees, except Leucaena leucocephala, were similar to those of non-N2-fixing trees, suggesting that the contribution of fixed N in these plants is negligible. The 15N values of non-N2-fixing trees in Thailand were +4.9±2.0. Leucaena leucocephala, Sesbania grandiflora, Casuarina spp. and Cycas spp. had low 15N values, close to the value of atmospheric N2 (0), pointing to a major contribution of N2 fixation in these plants. Cassia spp. and Tamarindus indica had high 15N values, which confirms that these species are non-nodulating legumes. The 15N values of Acacia spp. and Gliricidia sepium and other potentially nodulating tree legumes were, on average, slightly lower than those of non-N2-fixing trees, indicating a small contribution of N2 fixation in these legumes.  相似文献   

Waterbirds are one of the most important groups of organisms inhabiting the land–water interface, especially with regard to mediating the transport of materials from the aquatic to the terrestrial environment. The great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) is a colonial piscivorous bird that transports nutrients from fresh water to forest. We measured cormorant-derived nitrogen at two nesting colonies on the Isaki Peninsula and Chikubu Island at Lake Biwa, Japan, and analyzed the long-term effects of cormorant colonization on the forest nitrogen cycle, and the mechanisms of nitrogen retention. Three sites were examined in each colony: a currently occupied area, a previously occupied but now abandoned area, and a control area never colonized by cormorants. High nitrogen stable isotope ratios of cormorant excreta, the forest floor, mineral soil, and living plants showed cormorant-derived nitrogen in both occupied and abandoned areas. The relationship between δ15N and N content showed that the high δ15N of the excreta and N turnover in the soil were important at the occupied sites, whereas high δ15N of litter was important at the abandoned sites. Physiological changes of various organisms are also important for the N decomposition process. In conclusion, cormorant-derived nitrogen remains in the forest ecosystem as a result of two cormorant activities: heavy deposition of excreta and collection of nitrogen-rich nest material. Colony stage (occupied, abandoned, or never inhabited) and historical change of N decomposition process of an area can be identified from the relationship between δ15N and N content.  相似文献   

The 15N isotope dilution technique and the N difference method were used to estimate N2 fixation by clover growing in a mixture with ryegrass, in a field experiment and a controlled environment experiment. Values obtained using N difference were approximately 25% lower than those estimated using 15N isotope dilution. In the field experiment there was a measured N benefit to grass growing with clover, equivalent to 42.7 kgN ha-1. The grass in the mixture had a lower atom %15N content and a higher N content than grass in a monoculture; therefore values for N2 fixation were different depending on choice of control plant i.e. monoculture or mixture grass. In the controlled environment experiment there were no significant differences between either the atom %15N contents or the N contents of monoculture grass and grass growing in a mixture with clover. It is concluded that there is a long term indirect transfer of N from clover to associated grass which can lead to errors in estimates of N2 fixation.  相似文献   

The increasing need for protein at low cost has created a need to evaluate the biological nitrogen fixing potential of legumes in Cyprus. In field studies which were conducted over the growing years of 1982–3 and 1983–4, legumes which are traditionally grown in the country were evaluated for dry matter and nitrogen yield and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). The legumes studied were medic (Medicago truncatula Gearth), ochrus vetch (Lathyrus ochrus L.), bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L. var major) in the first year and in addition chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), woollypod vetch (Vicia dasycarpa Ten.) and tickbean (Vicia faba L. var minor) in the second year. Using the A-value method with barley and oats as reference crops, nitrogen (N) fixed by the various legumes in the first year was 30–50% and from 55–67% of total N yield for the two reference crops, respectively. In the second year the estimates of N fixed ranged from 70 to 80% with similar results obtained for the two reference crops barley and ryegrass. However, in the second year chickpea, which had limited nodulation, fixed only 40% of its N yield. Estimates of nitrogen from the atmosphere (Ndfa) obtained by the difference method (DM) were 10 to 14% lower than those from the A-value method. These results were obtained after correcting for the amount of N derived from the applied fertilizer. The two methods were highly correlated (r=0.98) for estimates of amount of BNF. The rates of N2 fixation of uninoculated legumes which are nodulated by the indigenous populations of Rhizobium in Cyprus are comparable to those of legumes inoculated with selected strains of Rhizobium in other countries. An exception was the amount of N fixed by chickpea. The appearance of the first nodules at late stages of growth may be the reason for the low BNF of this crop.  相似文献   

Summary The technique of15N isotope dilution was used to verify that nitrogen was fixed and transferred to the plant byKlebsiella pneumoniae strain Pp in association withPoa pratensis orTriticum aestivum. Surface sterilized, sprouting seeds were inoculated withK. pneumoniae and grown in sand in modified Leonard jars. Potassium nitrate enriched with15N was used to provide N concentrations ranging from 10–40 mg Nl–1 nutrient solution. After 10–18 weeks the shoots and roots were analyzed separately for dry matter, N content, total N, and atom %15N excess. The acetylene reduction technique was used to test for the presence of N2-fixing organisms on the roots. The data from15N isotope dilution demonstrated that up to 33.8% of N in the shoots ofP. pratensis and 15.9% in those ofT. aestivum were derived from associative N2 fixation byK. pneumoniae. In most experiments the dry matter yield, N content, and total N yield of the shoots ofP. pratensis were increased byK. pneumoniae inoculation, whereas inoculation had no significant effect on the dry matter yield, N content or total N of the shoots ofT. aestivum.  相似文献   

Field experiments were performed in Austria, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru as part of an FAO/IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme to investigate the nitrogen fixing potential of cultivars and breeding lines of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Each experiment included approximately 20 bean genotypes which were compared using the 15N isotope dilution method. Great differences in nitrogen fixation were observed between and within experiments, with average values of 35% N derived from atmosphere (% Ndfa) and highest values of 70% Ndfa being observed. These values which were larger than had been reported previously for common bean, were observed only when environmental factors were favorable. Therefore, common bean lines are available, which can support high biological nitrogen fixation. These can be used either directly as cultivars for production or in breeding programmes to enhance nitrogen fixation in other cultivars.  相似文献   

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