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Andresen E  Levey DJ 《Oecologia》2004,139(1):45-54
Seeds dispersed by tropical, arboreal mammals are usually deposited singly and without dung or in clumps of fecal material. After dispersal through defecation by mammals, most seeds are secondarily dispersed by dung beetles or consumed by rodents. These post-dispersal, plant-animal interactions are likely to interact themselves, as seeds buried by dung beetles are less likely to be found by rodents than unburied seeds. In a series of three experiments with seeds of 15 species in central Amazonia (Brazil), we determined (1) how presence and amount of dung associated with seeds influences long-term seed fate and seedling establishment, (2) how deeply dung beetles bury seeds and how burial depth affects seedling establishment, and (3) how seed size affects the interaction between seeds, dung beetles, and rodents. Our overall goal was to understand how post-dispersal plant-animal interactions determine the link between primary seed dispersal and seedling establishment. On average, 43% of seeds surrounded by dung were buried by dung beetles, compared to 0% of seeds not surrounded by dung (n=2,156). Seeds in dung, however, tended to be more prone than bare seeds to predation by rodents. Of seeds in dung, probability of burial was negatively related to seed size and positively related to amount of dung. Burial of seeds decreased the probability of seed predation by rodents three-fold, and increased the probability of seedling establishment two-fold. Mean burial depth was 4 cm (0.5–20 cm) and was not related to seed size, contrary to previous studies. Probability of seedling establishment was negatively correlated with burial depth and not related to seed size at 5 or 10 cm depths. These results illustrate a complex web of interactions among dung beetles, rodents, and dispersed seeds. These interactions affect the probability of seedling establishment and are themselves strongly tied to how seeds are deposited by primary dispersers. More generally, our results emphasize the importance of looking beyond a single type of plant-animal interaction (e.g., seed dispersal or seed predation) to incorporate potential effects of interacting interactions.  相似文献   

1 We examined the abundance and distribution patterns of pioneer seeds in the soil seed bank, and of pioneer seedlings in 53 recently formed gaps, in a 50‐ha forest dynamics plot on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. The aim was to assess the importance of dispersal limitation (failure of seeds to arrive at all sites suitable for their germination) and establishment limitation (failure of seeds having reached a site to germinate successfully and establish as seedlings) in determining patterns of gap occupancy.
2 The abundance of seeds in the soil seed bank was strongly negatively correlated with seed size, but was not correlated with the abundance of reproductive‐sized adult trees in the plot. In contrast, the abundance of pioneer seedlings > 10 cm height in natural gaps was strongly correlated with adult abundance, but was not correlated with seed size.
3 Seedlings were non‐randomly distributed among gaps, but seedling abundance was not directly related to gap size, and there was no evidence of partitioning of the light environment of gaps by small seedlings. Large differences in growth and mortality rates among species were observed after 1 year, and this may result in the gap size partitioning previously found in saplings of the same species.
4 Seedlings of most species, particularly those with large seeds, were relatively more abundant than expected in gaps close to their conspecific adults. Proximity to reproductives, and by inference dispersal limitation, therefore exerts some effect on seedling distribution. None the less, large differences between seed and seedling abundances for some species, and low seedling occupancy rates in some gaps close to adult conspecifics, suggest that seedling emergence probabilities and species‐specific establishment requirements may also be important determinants of local abundance.  相似文献   

Hampe A 《Oecologia》2008,156(1):137-145
Vertebrate frugivore communities are easily satiated by abundant fruit supplies and, contrary to abiotic dispersal agents, typically disperse only part of the available seed pool. This frugivore satiation is likely to be a widespread phenomenon and should be an influential predictor of plants’ ability to disperse their offspring to suitable establishment sites; yet it has never been systematically quantified. Here I investigate patterns of fruit abundance, frugivore activity and frugivore satiation, and their consequences for seed dispersal in the fleshy-fruited tree Frangula alnus. Based on constant-effort seed trapping conducted over 3 years, I assess densities of total and frugivore-consumed seedfall across two spatial (within/between populations) and two temporal (within/between ripening seasons) scales. Furthermore, I examine relationships between fruit abundance and the amount of seeds that are actually dispersed away from fruiting trees. Frugivore activity tightly matched fruit abundance, although some differences existed between scales. This marked fruit tracking did not prevent a significant frugivore satiation, however, and only 53% of the available fruit crops were actually consumed. The extent of satiation varied most at the within-population level, likely due to the territorial behaviour of important frugivore species. In contrast, levels of satiation remained remarkably invariable through time, suggesting that frugivores behave as opportunists and closely adjust the composition of their diet to the available food supply. Overall, greater fruit abundance resulted in a higher proportion of seeds falling beneath fruiting trees, but it also helped increase the (absolute) number of seeds dispersed. This study shows that frugivore satiation can be an important phenomenon even when frugivores tightly track fruit abundance. Its negative effects on recruitment may be attenuated, however, if greater fruit crops help increase population-wide frugivore activity and the amount of seeds being dispersed to suitable establishment sites.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal and spatial pattern in tropical trees   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Theories of tropical tree diversity emphasize dispersal limitation as a potential mechanism for separating species in space and reducing competitive exclusion. We compared the dispersal morphologies, fruit sizes, and spatial distributions of 561 tree species within a fully mapped, 50-hectare plot of primary tropical forest in peninsular Malaysia. We demonstrate here that the extent and scale of conspecific spatial aggregation is correlated with the mode of seed dispersal. This relationship holds for saplings as well as for mature trees. Phylogenetically independent contrasts confirm that the relationship between dispersal and spatial pattern is significant even after controlling for common ancestry among species. We found the same qualitative results for a 50-hectare tropical forest plot in Panama. Our results provide broad empirical evidence for the importance of dispersal mode in establishing the long-term community structure of tropical forests.  相似文献   

The idiosyncratic behaviours of seed dispersers are important contributors to plant spatial associations and genetic structures. In this study, we used a combination of field, molecular and spatial studies to examine the connections between seed dispersal and the spatial and genetic structures of a dominant neotropical palm Attalea phalerata. Field observation and genetic parentage analysis both indicated that the majority of A. phalerata seeds were dispersed locally over short distances (<30 m from the maternal tree). Spatial and genetic structures between adults and seedlings were consistent with localized and short-distance seed dispersal. Dispersal contributed to spatial associations among maternal sibling seedlings and strong spatial and genetic structures in both seedlings dispersed near (<10 m) and away (>10 m) from maternal palms. Seedlings were also spatially aggregated with juveniles. These patterns are probably associated with the dispersal of seeds by rodents and the survival of recruits at specific microsites or neighbourhoods over successive fruiting periods. Our cross-cohort analyses found palms in older cohorts and cohort pairs were associated with a lower proportion of offspring and sibling neighbours and exhibited weaker spatial and genetic structures. Such patterns are consistent with increased distance- and density-dependent mortality over time among palms dispersed near maternal palms or siblings. The integrative approaches used for this study allowed us to infer the importance of seed dispersal activities in maintaining the aggregated distribution and significant genetic structures among A. phalerata palms. We further conclude that distance- and density-dependent mortality is a key postdispersal process regulating this palm population.  相似文献   

  1. In wetlands, hydrochory is one of the main mechanisms of seed dispersal and there is often synchrony between propagule production and the flood season. Different sources of disturbance can prevent seed dispersal to suitable sites, and if environmental conditions are not adequate for germination and seedling establishment, recruitment will be limited, affecting succession.
  2. We worked in a disturbed tropical freshwater swamp where the native grass Leersia hexandra has dominated open areas, creating a grass matrix that surrounds patches of swamp forest. Leersia grows vigorously, forming cushions of dry matter that cover the soil, forming a potential obstacle to seed dispersal. We asked whether the vegetative growth of this grass prevents the entry and dispersal of seeds of the tropical swamp tree Pachira aquatica, thwarting seed germination and seedling establishment, and arresting succession. We set up transects in the grass matrix in two zones: close to the river (R) and bordering the tree patches or fragments (F). We quantified tree seed and seedling presence, survival and growth in situ and experimentally introduced seeds and seedlings in the field and monitored seed germination and the survival and growth of their seedlings, as well as that of transplanted seedlings.
  3. There was a negative relationship between the number of seeds and established seedlings, and the distance to river or fragment (= −0.86, p < 0.001 for zone R; and = −0.77, p < 0.001 for zone F) and with the grass cushion (= −0.68, p = 0.005 for zone R; and = −0.66, p = 0.007 for zone F); the grass creating a barrier to dispersal. When seeds were sown after clearing the grass cushion, germination success was high, so this stage is not limited. The transplanted seedlings had better survival and a greater final height than the seedlings of the sown seeds. Grass cover had a negative effect on both types of seedlings. Seedling survival rates were inversely related to grass cover, showing that seedlings overgrown by grass had low survival rates. Flooding is a stress factor for seedlings and produced mortality, in addition to the effects of the grass.
  4. Together, the field survey and the experiment show that succession is being arrested in two ways: (1) by limiting seed dispersal because the grass cushion slows the dispersal and penetration of seeds into the vegetation; and (2) by limiting seedling establishment because the grass competes for space and light. Our results show that even where the grass is native, slower growing, seed-dependent species may struggle to compete and establish. If grass cover is increasing, these swamps are very vulnerable to a decrease in area because it is very difficult for them to regenerate naturally.

Seedling recruitment in many highly serotinous populations of Pinus coulteri on California's central coast depends almost entirely on periodic, stand-replacing fire. Compared to serotinous pines of the Mediterranean Basin, little detailed information is available on the postfire demography of California closed-cone pines, including P. coulteri. In September 1996 a wildfire burned the 760-ha American Canyon Research Natural Area (RNA). Using aerial photography, we mapped burn severity of P. coulteri-chaparral woodlands and forests within the RNA. From May to September of 1997, we also quantified seedling establishment and mortality in relation to biophysical site characteristics including fire severity. Seventy-six percent of P. coulteri forests and woodlands experienced high-severity burns, 9% moderate-severity burns, and 15% low-severity or unburned. Of the 53 plots used for seedling counts, 70% were high-severity, 26% moderate-severity, and 4% low-severity. Seedling densities 13 months postfire were low (0.21 m–2), but seedling mortality also was low (8.4%). Aerial seed bank size increased from north-facing to south-facing slopes and from high-severity to low-severity burns. Seedling recruitment was unrelated to burn severity and increased with the size of the canopy seed bank (cone density). Many seedlings established from rodent seed caches; 23% of the seedlings established in clumps from seeds cached by Dipodomys agilis, Chaetodipus californicus and Peromyscus maniculatus. Pinus coulteri seeds have low potential for dispersal by wind, but secondary dispersal by rodents moves seeds away from source trees and into neighboring chaparral. We discuss the potential importance of rodent seed caching to postfire demography of California and Mediterranean serotinous pines.  相似文献   

Several demographic factors can produce family structured patches within natural plant populations, particularly limited seed and pollen dispersal and small effective density. In this paper, we used computer simulations to examine how seed dispersal, density, and spatial distribution of adult trees and seedlings can explain the spatial genetic structure (SGS) of natural regeneration after a single reproductive event in a small population. We then illustrated the results of our simulations using genetic (isozymes and chloroplast microsatellites) and demographic experimental data from an Abies alba (silver fir) intensive study plot located in the Southern French Alps (Mont Ventoux). Simulations showed that the structuring effect of limited dispersal on seedling SGS can largely be counterbalanced by high effective density or a clumped spatial distribution of adult trees. In addition, the clumping of natural regeneration far from adult trees, which is common in temperate forest communities where gap dynamics are predominant, further decreases SGS intensity. Contrary to our simulation results, low adult tree density, aggregated spatial distribution of seedlings, and limited seed dispersal did not generate a significant SGS in our A. alba experimental plot. Although some level of long distance pollen and seed flow could explain this lack of SGS, our experimental data confirm the role of spatial aggregation (both in adult trees and in seedlings far from adult trees) in reducing SGS in natural populations.  相似文献   

We combined laboratory and nursery experiments to analyse the effectiveness of sheep as endozoochorous seed dispersers of six native shrubby Cistaceae species collected in SE Spain (Helianthemum apenninum (L.) Mill., H. violaceum (Cav.) Pers., Fumana ericoides (Cav.) Grand., F. thymifolia (L.) Spach, Cistus monspeliensis L. and C. laurifolius L.), considering the main stages after seed ingestion, i.e. seed recovery, seed germination, seedling emergence and early seedling establishment. Seed recovery after gut passage was high (around 40%) for all the species, except F. thymifolia (12%). Most seeds (ca. 90%) were recovered within 48 h after ingestion for all the species, although seeds were still recovered up to 96 h after ingestion. Gut passage increased germination up to seven-fold compared to non-ingested seeds. Furthermore, seedling emergence from seeds contained in pellets was overall similar (intact pellets) to or higher (crumbled pellets) than emergence from seeds without dung. Survival of emerged seedlings and mass of seedlings after 20 days were not reduced by dung. Sheep act therefore as effective dispersers of these Cistaceae species by scattering seeds and promoting germination, while faeces do not hamper seedling establishment. We conclude that the interaction between herbivorous ungulates and these dry-fruited species may be considered a mutualism qualitatively similar to the mutualism between frugivorous vertebrates and fleshy-fruited plants.  相似文献   

The dispersal process in plants links adults and their offspring. For frugivore‐dispersed plants, animal behaviour can have a strong effect on plant fitness. Many mistletoes are totally dependent on animals that deposit seeds on suitable hosts and particular branch diameters. We characterised the seed dispersal and seedling establishment of the mistletoe Tristerix corymbosus, which at our study site, is exclusively dispersed by the marsupial Dromiciops gliroides. Mistletoes’ fruits have a viscous pulp that remains in the seed even after dispersal. This substance adheres the seed to the host branch. We estimated host branch availability in the forest and seed deposition (faeces) by the marsupial in the study area. Specifically, the branch suitability factors we assessed were host identity, branch status (alive or dead), branch diameter, height, and canopy cover. Lodged faeces were individually marked and the number of seed deposited within these droppings was counted, and we recorded the number of seedlings with true leaves that had established after 1 year to estimate the probability of seedling establishment. Branch diameter and canopy cover had a significant positive effect on seed deposition probability. Seedling establishment probability decreased with the number of seeds deposited per faeces and with canopy cover. In general, the marsupial deposited mistletoe seeds in microsites that increase the chance of seedling establishment. Thus, the movement behaviour of the marsupial has a positive effect on the regeneration process of this mistletoe species.  相似文献   

Plant–frugivore mutualistic assemblages frequently combine multiple, complementary or not (i.e. redundant), distinct effects of animal species. To a large extent, the outcomes of these interactions crucially depend on the delayed consequences of frugivore effectiveness on plant recruitment. We evaluated seed dispersal effectiveness for three plant species in a Brazilian Atlantic forest with a marked habitat heterogeneity defined by bamboo and non‐bamboo patches. Twenty one, 23 and 14 bird species ate fruits of Euterpe edulis, Sloanea guianensis and Virola bicuhyba trees, respectively. For both Euterpe and Virola, visitation rate was the variable contributing for most variance across frugivore species in the quantitative component of effectiveness (QC, which depends on the combined effects of interaction frequency and per‐interaction effect), while the number of fruits manipulated/visit had the greatest contribution in Sloanea. By combining observational data and experimental seed addition for Euterpe we tested for consistent functional patterns among species in the frugivore assemblage, extending beyond the fruit removal stage. Rankings of QC across Euterpe frugivores remained consistent with their relative contributions to fruit removal and, importantly, with their contributions to seedling establishment. Yet, QC of effectiveness across Euterpe frugivores were more homogeneous at the fruit removal and dispersal stages (contribution to seed dispersal) than for the delayed, dissemination and post‐dispersal effects on recruitment. High complementarity of diversified frugivore assemblages may increase through added variance in their delayed effects related to qualitative components of effectiveness. Our results underscore the importance of assessing how dispersal services provided by mutualistic frugivores play complementary, rather than redundant, roles in seed dispersal within heterogeneous landscapes. Such ecological outcomes highlight the value of combining observational and experimental field designs to assess functional diversity patterns of tropical frugivore assemblages and delayed effects of their interactions with plants.  相似文献   

Summary Theoretical analyses of the consequences of dispersal have been almost entirely limited to studies of colonization. A simulation model is constructed and analyzed to study the effects of dispersal within local plant populations. Rules for the growth and reproduction of individuals are deterministic and related only to competition with other plants. Rules for the dispersal of individual seeds are stochastic; the generalized seed shadow is negatively exponential. The analysis has several interesting results. 1) In small, dense populations of annuals, mortality and growth behavior are significantly affected by small-scale changes in dispersal. 2) Stable population size, at any life stage, is not environmentally fixed (e.g. by the number of safe sites) but is also a function of reproductive capacity and dispersal. 3) There is a minimum productive capability which must be exceeded for a population to be able to respond to increased dispersal. The responsive range of the parameters may be related to the grain of safe site distribution. 4) When the total number of seeds per generation is large, high dispersal decreases the number of germlings that are able to establish. 5) For plants that reach the growing stage, however, expected reproduction can exceed that of genotypes with greater reproductive capacity but less dispersal. 6) An uneven distribution of seeds is essential to a spatial patterning of mortality which can deter competitive extinction.Present address until August 1977: c/o United States Embassy, B.P. 817, Yaounde, Cameroun, West Africa  相似文献   

Plant ecologists continue to grapple with Reid's paradox, the observation that dispersal distances of most herbs and trees are too limited to account for their recolonization of northern latitudes following glacial recession. As global climate changes and natural habitats become increasingly fragmented, understanding patterns of seed dispersal and the potential for long-distance colonization takes on new importance. We studied the dispersal and establishment of the northern pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea, which grows commonly in isolated bogs throughout Canada and eastern North America. Median dispersal distance of S. purpurea is only 5 cm, which is insufficient to explain its occurrence throughout formerly glaciated regions of North America. Establishment probability of seeds in the field is approximately 5%, and juveniles are normally found clustered around adult plants. The large-scale population genetic structure of this species can be accounted for by rare long-distance dispersal events, but its predictable occurrence in isolated habitats requires additional explanation. Reid's paradox remains an open question, and predicting long-range colonization into fragmented habitats by species with limited dispersal ability is a novel challenge.  相似文献   

Abstract Soil compaction can affect seedling root development by decreasing oxygen availability and increasing soil strength. However, little quantitative information is available on the compaction tolerances of non‐crop native species. We investigated the effects of soil compaction on establishment and development of two New Zealand native species commonly used in restoration programmes; Cordyline australis (Agavaceae) (cabbage tree) a fleshy rooted species, and Leptospermum scoparium (Myrtaceae) (manuka) a very finely rooted species. Seedlings were grown in a range of soil compaction levels in growth cabinet experiments. Low levels of soil compaction (0.6 MPa) reduced both the number and speed of C. australis seedlings penetrating the soil surface. In contrast, L. scoparium seedlings showed improved establishment at an intermediate compaction level. Root and shoot growth of both species decreased with increasing soil strength, with L. scoparium seedlings tolerating higher soil strengths than did C. australis. Despite these results, soil strength accounted for only a small amount of variation in root length (R2 < 0.25), due to greater variability in growth at low soil strengths. Soil strengths of 0.6 MPa are likely to pose a barrier to C. australis regeneration. This is consistent with adaptation to organic and/or soft, waterlogged soils. Active intervention may be necessary to establish C. australis from seed on many sites previously in farmland.  相似文献   

The recruitment of a dioecious bird-dispersed tree, the hollyIlex aquifolium (Aquifoliaceae), was studied consideringthe stages of fruit removal by birds, seed rain, post-dispersal seed predation,seed germination and seedling survival. The main objective was to test theeffect of different microhabitats within a beech forest on recruitment stages.Migrant thrushes were the main dispersers of this tree whose fruit crops wereentirely removed during two study years. Seed rain was greatest beneath hollytrees regardless of their sex and lowest in the open sites. Post-dispersal seedpredation was examined by two experiments and did not differ betweenmicrohabitats despite its quantitative importance (about 70%). Seedlingemergence, which probably corresponded to seeds from several cohorts, wasgreater beneath trees than in open sites and the density of second-yr to 5cm seedlings depended on the presence-absence of ungulateherbivores and litter. While the former had a detrimental effect, the latterhada beneficial effect on seedling abundance. Seedling survival showed nosignificant variations between microhabitats but depended on seedling densityinsome microhabitats (holly, beech). Finally, the initial seed arrival seemed todetermine microhabitat suitability for holly seedling establishment. However,under heavy browsing the density of seedlings may be strongly reduced leadingtomicrohabitat homogeneity for holly seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Bisigato  A.J.  Bertiller  M.B. 《Plant Ecology》2004,174(2):235-246
We compared the temporal and micro-spatial patterning of seedling emergence and establishment of two cohorts of perennial grasses and shrubs in the southern Monte, Argentina. Samplings were carried out in two contrasting areas (grazed and non-grazed) during four years. We found lower densities of emerged and established seedlings of perennial grasses in the grazed relative to the non-grazed area. Conversely, emerged seedlings of shrubs did not vary between the grazed and the non-grazed area and densities of established shrub seedlings were higher in the grazed than in the non-grazed area. We only found differences between cohorts in seedling emergence of perennial grasses. These differences could be associated with the amount of precipitation in the year previous to the emergence. Both in the grazed and non-grazed area, seedlings of perennial grasses were concentrated at the periphery of plant patches. We defined a plant patch as a discrete unit of the spatial pattern of vegetation surrounded by, at least, 20 cm of bare soil from the nearest neighbour patch. Emergence in perennial grasses was more frequent at the southern/western patch-periphery than at other patch-periphery locations. Established seedlings of perennial grasses, however, were homogeneously distributed throughout patch periphery. Emergence in shrubs was more frequent at the centre and periphery of patches than at inter-patch microsites. In contrast, established seedlings of shrubs were homogeneously distributed among microsites. Our results suggests that differential seedling establishment between life forms is the outcome of complex biotic and abiotic interactions and feedbacks at the patch level between seedlings and established plants. Both life forms appear to have a different role in the origin, dynamics, and maintenance of spotting vegetation. Because of the ability to establish both at inter-patch and patch microsites, shrubs could be identified as colonizers or initiators of small plant patches in bare soil or they may contribute to increase the cover and size of pre-existing plant patches. Both processes would be promoted in grazed areas. Due to the ability to establish at patch peripheries, perennial grasses would contribute to the isodiametric growth of pre-existing patches, preferentially in non-grazed areas. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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