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Epstein-Barr virus, EBV, and humans have a common history that reaches back to our primate ancestors. The virus co-evolved with man and has established a largely harmless and highly complex co-existence. It is carried as silent infection by almost all human adults. A serendipitous discovery established that it is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis.Still, EBV became known first in 1964, in a rare, geographically prevalent malignant lymphoma of B-cell origin, Burkitt lymphoma BL. Its association with a malignancy prompted intensive studies and its capacity to immortalize B-lymphocytes in vitro was soon demonstrated. Consequently EBV was classified therefore as a potentially tumorigenic virus. Despite of this property however, the virus carrier state itself does not lead to malignancies because the transformed cells are recognized by the immune response. Consequently the EBV induced proliferation of EBV carrying B-lymphocytes is manifested only under immunosuppressive conditions.The expression of EBV encoded genes is regulated by the cell phenotype. The virus genome can be found in malignancies originating from cell types other than the B-lymphocyte. Even in the EBV infected B-cell, the direct transforming capacity is restricted to a defined window of differentiation. A complex interaction between virally encoded proteins and B-cell specific cellular proteins constitute the proliferation inducing program.In this short review we touch upon aspects which are the subject of our present work.We describe the mechanisms of some of the functional interactions between EBV encoded and cellular proteins that determine the phenotype of latently infected B-cells.The growth promoting EBV encoded genes are not expressed in the virus carrying BL cells. Still, EBV seems to contribute to the etiology of this tumor by modifying events that influence cell survival and proliferation. We describe a possible growth promoting mechanism in the genesis of Burkitt lymphoma that depends on the presence of EBV.  相似文献   

Chen YJ  Tsai WH  Chen YL  Ko YC  Chou SP  Chen JY  Lin SF 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17809
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) Rta belongs to a lytic switch gene family that is evolutionarily conserved in all gamma-herpesviruses. Emerging evidence indicates that cell cycle arrest is a common means by which herpesviral immediate-early protein hijacks the host cell to advance the virus's lytic cycle progression. To examine the role of Rta in cell cycle regulation, we recently established a doxycycline (Dox)-inducible Rta system in 293 cells. In this cell background, inducible Rta modulated the levels of signature G1 arrest proteins, followed by induction of the cellular senescence marker, SA-β-Gal. To delineate the relationship between Rta-induced cell growth arrest and EBV reactivation, recombinant viral genomes were transferred into Rta-inducible 293 cells. Somewhat unexpectedly, we found that Dox-inducible Rta reactivated both EBV and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), to similar efficacy. As a consequence, the Rta-mediated EBV and KSHV lytic replication systems, designated as EREV8 and ERKV, respectively, were homogenous, robust, and concurrent with cell death likely due to permissive lytic replication. In addition, the expression kinetics of EBV lytic genes in Dox-treated EREV8 cells was similar to that of their KSHV counterparts in Dox-induced ERKV cells, suggesting that a common pathway is used to disrupt viral latency in both cell systems. When the time course was compared, cell cycle arrest was achieved between 6 and 48 h, EBV or KSHV reactivation was initiated abruptly at 48 h, and the cellular senescence marker was not detected until 120 h after Dox treatment. These results lead us to hypothesize that in 293 cells, Rta-induced G1 cell cycle arrest could provide (1) an ideal environment for virus reactivation if EBV or KSHV coexists and (2) a preparatory milieu for cell senescence if no viral genome is available. The latter is hypothetical in a transient-lytic situation.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the potential of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent antigen-specific CD4+ T cells to act as direct effectors controlling EBV-induced B lymphoproliferations. Such activity would require direct CD4+ T-cell recognition of latently infected cells through epitopes derived from endogenously expressed viral proteins and presented on the target cell surface in association with HLA class II molecules. It is therefore important to know how often these conditions are met. Here we provide CD4+ epitope maps for four EBV nuclear antigens, EBNA1, -2, -3A, and -3C, and establish CD4+ T-cell clones against 12 representative epitopes. For each epitope we identify the relevant HLA class II restricting allele and determine the efficiency with which epitope-specific effectors recognize the autologous EBV-transformed B-lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL). The level of recognition measured by gamma interferon release was consistent among clones to the same epitope but varied between epitopes, with values ranging from 0 to 35% of the maximum seen against the epitope peptide-loaded LCL. These epitope-specific differences, also apparent in short-term cytotoxicity and longer-term outgrowth assays on LCL targets, did not relate to the identity of the source antigen and could not be explained by the different functional avidities of the CD4+ clones; rather, they appeared to reflect different levels of epitope display at the LCL surface. Thus, while CD4+ T-cell responses are detectable against many epitopes in EBV latent proteins, only a minority of these responses are likely to have therapeutic potential as effectors directly recognizing latently infected target cells.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus preferentially induces proliferation of primed B cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
EBV can induce human B cells to proliferate, differentiate, and undergo transformation into continuously growing lymphoblastoid cell lines. The EBV responsiveness appears to be confined to a very limited subpopulation of B cells, the nature of which is still unclear. In these studies, we sorted tonsillar B cells on the basis of their expression of the early surface activation Ag, Bac-1, and compared their proliferative responses to EBV. Bac-1+ cells responded to EBV with a relatively high level of DNA synthesis, whereas the Bac-1- cells did not. Both large and small Bac-1+ cells were responsive to EBV and the responsiveness was unrelated to the level of Bac-1 immunofluorescence intensity. Bac-1+ cells were relatively enriched for surface IgM and IgD expression. When the Bac-1- population was enriched for IgM+ cells, the proliferative response was still significantly lower than that of the Bac-1+ population. B cells acquire the ability to bind IgM relatively late after activation, and this feature did not distinguish the EBV-responsive B cells. The results suggest B cells become responsive to EBV after an early activation signal.  相似文献   

The EBV carrier state is almost general in men. The virus induces B lymphocyte proliferation in vitro, but this is counteracted in vivo by the immune response. Therefore, EBV-induced malignancies occur only when the immune response is impaired, e.g. in transplant recipients. The versatility of the viral gene expression strategy secures the consistent maintainance of the virus in healthy individuals. The viral proteins required for transformation render the cell immunogenic. Expression of the transforming genes leads to rejection, but these genes are not required for the maintenance of the viral genome. EBV is an important contributor for malignant transformation, even when it does not directly induce cell proliferation. Several mechanisms have been unravelled in EBV-associated tumors whereby the virus may modify the cellular phenotype and may influence the interaction of tumor cells with their microenvironment. The virus carrier state can lead to the evasion of apoptosis and can intensify the response to growth promoting signals, too.  相似文献   

A spliced cDNA spanning the Epstein-Barr virus BZLF1 gene expresses the BZLF1 protein and is active in inducing the virus productive cycle. A deletion mutant which lacks the N-terminal half of the protein is inactive. Cotransfection experiments in EBV-negative B-lymphocyte cell lines demonstrated that the BZLF1 gene activates the promoter for the BSLF2 + BMLF1 gene in the absence of any other EBV gene product. These results confirmed that the spliced BZLF1 gene is the transactivating gene structure in BamHI-Z.  相似文献   

We have established 950 and 430 oligoclonal B-lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) from two normal persons and eight autoimmune disease patients, respectively by using Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced transformation. To re-evaluate the EBV technique for production of human monoclonal antibodies (mAb) related to infectious disease, we screened these oligoclonal LCLs for antibodies against 31 bacterial strains systematically. A total of 74 cultures out of 1380 were reactive to a total of 18 strains out of 31. Among these, eight cultures showed 10-3 antibody (Ab) titers to Pseudomonas aeruginosa serotypes C, E, F and I, Staphylococcus aureus, Serratia marcescens and Bacillus cereus. Ten cultures showed 10-2 Ab titers to Ps. aeruginosa serotypes D, E, F and I, Ps. maltophilia, Staph, epidermidis, Klebsiella ozaenae, Ser. marcescens and B. subtilis. The results reveal the further possibilities for the EBV technique to produce various infectious disease-related human mAbs.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a human herpesvirus that establishes a lifelong latent infection of B cells. Within the immune system, apoptosis is a central mechanism in normal lymphocyte homeostasis both during early lymphocyte development and in response to antigenic stimuli. In this study, we found that latent membrane protein 2A (LMP2A) inhibited B-cell receptor (BCR)-induced apoptosis in Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines. Genistein, a specific inhibitor of tyrosine-specific protein kinases, blocked BCR-induced apoptosis and EBV reactivation in the cells. These findings indicate that LMP2A blocks BCR-induced cell apoptosis and EBV reactivation through the inhibition of activation of tyrosine kinases by BCR cross-linking.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) oncoprotein latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is thought to act as the major transforming protein in various cell types, by rerouting the tumor necrosis factor receptor family signaling pathway. Despite this implication in EBV-associated transformation of cells, LMP1 toxicity is a well-known but poorly studied feature, perhaps because it contradicts its role in transformation. We show that LMP1 physiological levels are very heterogeneous and that the highest levels of LMP1 correlate with Fas overexpression and spontaneous apoptosis in lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). To understand the cytotoxic effect of LMP1 in LCLs, we cloned wild-type LMP1 into a doxycycline double-inducible episomal vector pRT-1, with a truncated version of NGFR as a surrogate marker of inducibility. We found that LMP1 overexpression induced apoptosis in LCL B cells, as shown by annexin V labeling, sub-G(1) peak, and poly(ADP ribose) polymerase cleavage. Knocking down Fas expression by small interfering RNA abolished LMP1-induced apoptosis. The absence of detectable levels of Fas ligand mRNA suggested a ligand-independent activation of Fas. LMP1 induced Fas overexpression with its relocalization in lipid raft microdomains of the membrane. Fas immunoprecipitation detected FADD (Fas-associated death domain protein) and caspase 8, suggesting a Fas-dependent formation of the death-inducing signaling complex. Caspases 8, 9, 3, and 7 were activated by LMP1. Caspase 8 activation was associated with BID cleavage and truncated-BID mitochondrial relocalization, consistent with type II apoptosis. Therefore, our results are in agreement with a model where LMP1-dependent NF-kappaB activation induces Fas overexpression and autoactivation that could overwhelm the antiapoptotic effect of NF-kappaB, revealing an ambivalent function of LMP1 in cell survival and programmed cell death.  相似文献   

DNA sequence analysis was carried out on the 1-kilobase SacI-EcoRI region of the EcoRI J fragment of four strains of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) (MABA, P3HR-1, FF41, and NPC-5), and the sequences were compared with the prototype sequence from strain B95-8. Ten single-base changes which grouped the strains into two families (1 and 2) were found. Restriction endonuclease polymorphisms predicted from the sequences were used to classify the EBV DNA from a further 26 EBV-positive cell lines into these two families. The EBNA-2 types (A or B) of the strains were found to correlate with the J region type; EBNA-2 type A DNA regularly contained J region sequence type 1, while EBNA-2 type B DNA generally carried J region sequence type 2. These data are consistent with the notion of there being two distinct families of EBV with discrete, conserved differences in DNA sequence.  相似文献   

N Shimizu  H Yoshiyama    K Takada 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):7260-7263
We lack a host cell supporting an efficient lytic replication of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Recently, we isolated EBV-negative cell clones from the Akata cell line (referred as Akata- [N. Shimizu, A. Tanabe-Tochikura, Y. Kuroiwa, and K. Takada, J. Virol. 68:6069-6073, 1994). Since the parental Akata line is one of the highest EBV producers, we examined whether Akata- cells had become a good host for EBV propagation. The parental Akata cells have about 20 copies of EBV plasmid per cell. A drug resistance gene was inserted into one of them by homologous recombination. The resultant virus preparation, a mixture of wild-type and recombinant EBV, was used to infect Akata- cells. After incubation in the selective medium, drug-resistant Akata- cell clones were isolated and proved to be infected with recombinant EBV only. By treatment of the cells with antiimmunoglobulin antibodies, a large amount of recombinant EBV (i.e., more than 10 microg/1-liter culture) was produced. In contrast, three other B-lymphoma lines, BJAB, Ramos, and Louckes, were nonpermissive for virus replication. These results indicate that Akata- cells are suitable for propagation of recombinant EBV clonally, which becomes a powerful tool for determining EBV genetics and which makes it possible to use EBV as a vector for gene therapy.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-negative Burkitt lymphomas (BLs) can be infected in vitro with prototype EBV strains to study how the virus may affect the phenotype of tumor cells. Studies thus far have concentrated on the use of transforming B95-8 and nontransforming P3HR1 strains. Immunological and phenotypic differences between the sublines infected with these two strains were reported. The majority of these differences, if not all, can be attributed to the lack of EBNA-2 coding sequences in the P3HR1 strain. The recent development of a selectable Akata strain has opened up new possibilities for infecting epithelial and T cells as well. We infected five EBV-negative BL lines with the recombinant Akata virus. Our results indicate that the infected cell lines BL28, Ramos, and DG75 express EBNA-1, EBNA-2, and LMP1, the viral proteins associated with type III latency, and use both YUK and QUK splices. In contrast, two EBV-negative variants of Akata and Mutu when reinfected displayed restricted type I latency and expressed only EBNA-1. All clones of infected Mutu cells used the QUK splice exclusively. The usage of Qp was observed in a majority of Akata clones. Some Akata clones, however, were found to have double promoter usage (Qp and C/Wp) but at 4 months after infection did not express EBNA-2. The results demonstrate differential regulation of EBV latency in BLs with the same recombinant viral strain and suggest that the choice of latency type may be cell dependent. The restricted latency observed for infected Akata and Mutu cells indicates that a BL may opt for type I latency in the absence of immune pressure as well.  相似文献   

Recently, the involvement of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in hydroa vacciniforme (HV)-like eruptions has been suggested. To elucidate the role of EBV in this disease, we isolated EBV-infected cell clones from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and the skin lesions of a patient with HV-like eruptions; cells isolated from PBMC were designated SNK-12, and those from the eruption SNK-11. Both cells expressed CD16, CD56, and HLA-DR and had germline configurations of the T-cell receptor and the immunoglobulin genes, indicating that the cell clones were of NK cell lineage. The analysis of EBV terminal repeats indicated that the cells were monoclonal, had identical clonality, and originated from EBV-positive cells in the PBMC and eruption. Both clones expressed EBNA-1, but not EBNA-2. Although LMP-1 was weakly detected in SNK-11, no LMP-1 was detected in SNK-12. Interestingly, EBV-infected cells required less IL-2 for in vitro growth in the later phase of this disease and this appeared to correlate with the expression of LMP-1, suggesting that the proliferative capacity of the EBV-positive NK cells increased during the time course of the disease, and LMP-1 expression might be responsible for that. This is the first report of the isolation of EBV-infected cells from the skin lesions of HV-like eruptions and strongly suggests that the HV-like eruption in the patient was caused by clonal NK cells with latent EBV infection.  相似文献   

C Alfieri  F Ghibu  J H Joncas 《CMAJ》1984,131(10):1249-1252
A new wild-type isolate of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was identified in follow-up studies of a case of chronic active EBV infection in an 8-year-old girl who had high titres of antibody to viral capsid antigen and early antigen (EA) (greater than 20 480 and 2560 respectively), persistent splenomegaly and abnormal immunologic features. More than 10 throat washings from this patient failed to transform cord blood lymphocytes (CBL), but at least 7 were able to induce EA in Raji cells. Supernatants from cultures of the lymphoblastoid cell line obtained by in-vitro infection of this patient''s leukocytes with the B95-8 strain of EBV revealed a herpesvirus particle when examined by electron microscopy. The same supernatants were unable to transform CBL but could induce EA in Raji cells upon superinfection. In 30 or more trials the patient''s lymphocytes never transformed spontaneously but did become positive for EBV nuclear antigen and EA in the first week of culture at least twice. Parallel studies performed on the father of the patient yielded similar results. This, then, is the first report documenting lytic activity associated with a wild-type EBV isolate.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the substructure of the Epstein-Barr virus determined nuclear antigen (EBNA) which is considered to have a molecular weight of 180 K in its native form, we have examined the antigenic specificity of the polypeptides obtained after denaturation of this molecule. Two procedures were employed; treatment by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and heat followed by gel electrophoresis, or denaturation by guanidine hydrochloride followed by gel filtration, which allowed us to detect a specific antigenic activity in the 50 K region, following dialysis. The denatured molecules could be reassociated into larger molecules (50 to 180 K) which retain the property of binding to fixed nuclei, as does native EBNA. These results indicate that EBNA has a polymeric structure and that 50 K subunits carry the antigenic determinants.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latency has been associated with a variety of human cancers. Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) is one of the key viral proteins required for transformation of primary B cells in vitro and establishment of EBV latency. We have previously shown that LMP-1 induces the expression of several interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes and has antiviral effect (Zhang, J., Das, S. C., Kotalik, C., Pattnaik, A. K., and Zhang, L. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 46335-46342). In this report, a novel mechanism related to the antiviral effect of LMP-1 is identified. We show that EBV type III latency cells, in which LMP-1 is expressed, are primed to produce robust levels of endogenous IFNs upon infection of Sendai virus. The priming action is due to the expression of LMP-1 but not EBV nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA-2). The signaling events from the C-terminal activator regions of LMP-1 are essential to prime cells for high IFN production. LMP-1-mediated activation of NF-kappaB is apparently necessary and sufficient for LMP-1-mediated priming effect in DG75 cells, a human B cell line. IFN regulatory factor 7 (IRF-7) that can be activated by LMP-1 is also implicated in the priming action. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that LMP-1 may prime EBV latency cells for IFN production and that the antiviral property of LMP-1 may be an intrinsic part of EBV latency program, which may assist the establishment and/or maintenance of viral latency.  相似文献   

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