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Using reverse phase ion pair high performance liquid chromatography, the levels of free adenosine, inosine, adenine, xanthine, hypoxanthine, guanine and deoxycytidine in thymocytes and splenic T- and B-lymphocytes of C3HA mice, were studied under normal conditions and at different times (5 hrs, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 20 days) after transplantation of solid hepatoma 22a. The adenosine and inosine levels in thymus and spleen lymphocytes were 5 to 10 times as low as that of purine bases. Inosine was totally absent in T-and B-lymphocytes. The absolute content of adenine and guanine in thymus and spleen lymphocytes was higher compared to purine bases. It was shown that in all cases studied the decrease in hypoxanthine, xanthine and guanine levels in T- and B-lymphocytes during maximal tumour growth, i.e., on the 5th and 8th post-inoculation days as well as at the terminal period (20th day), was correlated with the decrease in the adenosine deaminase and functional activities of these cells. The level of free adenine in thymocytes and spleen T-lymphocytes during tumour growth showed a 2-4-fold increase in comparison with normal values. A dramatic decrease of intracellular concentration of deoxycytidine was observed in thymocytes and spleen T- and B-lymphocytes beginning with the 5th hour and over the whole subsequent period. The key role of the deoxycytidine decline during tumour growth as a possible cause of simultaneous impairment of DNA synthesis and purine deoxyribonucleoside phosphorylation in lymphocytes is discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of various concentrations of levamisole on the activity of the membrane adenylate cyclase complex of lymphocytes is analyzed. It is ascertained that levamisole decreases the activity of adenylate cyclase at a concentration of 10(-9)-10(-7) M in thymic lymphocytes, and that the activity of the enzyme in spleen T- and B-lymphocytes remains constant. The influence of levamisole on the activity of adenylate cyclase thymocytes is studied under conditions of its stimulation by NaF, GTF and adrenaline. It is ascertained that levamisole at a concentration of 10(-9)-10(-7) M decreases the activity of the enzyme stimulated by NaF, GTF and adrenaline.  相似文献   

The induction of tumor in C3HA mice after intramuscular injection with 20-methylcholanthrene is accompanied by a decrease in natural antitumor resistance. This conclusion is based on the observation of the decreased natural killer activity per total number of splenocytes, from the time of carcinogen application till the appearance of tumor nodes.  相似文献   

Patterned antigen-binding cells (ABC) can bind two antigens and show “islands” of Ig receptor with mixed specificity. However, these cells, when unfixed, lose most of their bound fluorescent antigen within minutes upon warming above 0 °C. Residual antigen moves to one pole of the cell forming a “cap” within 5 min at room temperature. If such patterned ABC are capped with a single antigen, receptors to a second antigen can be detected on a portion of the capped cells, but only in the cap. The frequency of capped, “double” ABC approximated the frequency of patterned “double” ABC originally present.If lymphoid cells are mixed with fluorescent antigens at 0 °C and then incubated for 4 hr at 37 °, no ABC are found. When the cells are then fixed and the fluorescent antigens readded, new antigen-binding Ig receptors can be shown to have reappeared on the cell surface during the 4-hr incubation. The reappearance of antigen receptor could be inhibited by prior addition of either 10?2M sodium azide or 50 μg/ml cycloheximide, implying that the receptors were actively synthesized by the cell. These inhibitors did not prevent shedding, but azide did inhibit the capping process. Both B-cells (bone marrow or spleen cells) and T-cells (splenic T-cells or 99.5% pure cortisone-resistant T-cells) were shown to regenerate multispecific ABC to the frequency found prior to incubation.  相似文献   

Changes in cooperation of T- and B-lymphocytes induced by the immune response to the ram erythrocytes under conditions of liver injury by CCl4 in donors of cells or recipients have been studied on CBA line mice in the adaptive transfer system. It is stated that application of CCl4 induces changes in functional properties of T- and B-lymphocytes and process of their cooperation. The pattern of these changes is determined by periods passed after application of the hepatotropic poison, e. i. by the degree of the liver injury and by the stage of the pathological process in it. Application of CCl4 exerts more pronounced inhibiting effect on B-lymphocytes than on T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The activity of some enzymes in T- and B-lymphocytes from the spleen of CBA mice was investigated. T-cell suspension was obtained by using a modified Kedar et al. method based on immunosorption. EAC-rosette forming cells were studied in the capacity of B-cells. The activity of all the enzymes examined proved to be higher in T-lymphocytes than in B lymphocytes; the greatest difference was noted in the activity of NADP.H2-diaphorase, and the least--in the activity of NAD.H2-diaphorase.  相似文献   

The functional activity of B and T (helpers and suppressors) lymphocytes was studied in mice with thermal injury covering an area of 10 and 30% of the body surface. Following 10% burn the activity of B lymphocytes and T helpers increased while that of T suppressors dropped down. Insufficiency of T lymphocyte function developed after vast injury. At the same time B cells maintained their ability to form antibodies against sheep red blood cells.  相似文献   

Spleen cell cultures from genetically thymus-deficient nude mice were restored with a T-cell replacing factor obtained from normal spleen cells of Balb/c-Igb mice stimulated with concanavalin A. Treatment of these cultures with an inhibitory dose of cyclic AMP did not result in reduction of the number of specific antibody-forming cells after stimulation by antigen, whereas the same treatment led to inhibition in cultures restored with normal hydrocortisone-resistant thymus lymphocytes. Further experiments lead to the conclusion that the early effect of cAMP on the immune induction seen in vitro reflects inhibition of the production or secretion of a T-cell factor which is a prerequisite for triggering B-cells with a thymus-dependent antigen.  相似文献   

The number of M-cholinergic receptors on spleen B-lymphocytes of CBA mice was determined using radioactive blocker 3H-Quinuclidinil benzilate. 3 and 4 days after the animals' immunization with ovalbumin the number of M-cholinergic receptors somewhat increased. Specific antigen attenuated M-cholinergic receptor expression on B-lymphocytes, most pronounced on day 4 after immunization, without affecting the receptor expression in control animals. Possible steric interaction between antigen-binding immunoglobulins and B-lymphocyte M-cholinergic receptors during immune response is suggested.  相似文献   

A single injection of C3HA mice with various immunomodulators-ds-RNA, thymogene (TM) and cyclophosphamide (CY)--performed one day before transplantation of syngeneic hepatoma 22a cells led to a decrease in the tumor growth rate. The most prominent effect was found following the CY treatment. The NK cell activity estimated per spleen of mice treated with ds-RNA and TM was seen increased in comparison with the control mice not given the modulators. The rate of tumor growth was due probably to this fact. The protective effect of CY may be accounted for by a direct action of this agent on tumor cells.  相似文献   

Investigations of the lymph nodes embryogenesis had mainly an anatomo-histological character. At the present time a new approach is necessary: elucidation of main immunological characteristics of lymphoid elements, occupying lymph nodes already at early stages of ontogenesis. The aim of the investigation was to study marker composition of lymphocytes, occupying the lymph nodes of various regional groups, that are in anatomical and functional connection with the thymus, Waldeyer-Pirogov lympho-epithelial pharyngeal ring, appendix and Peyer's patches. The anterior, mediastinal, ileocecal and deep cervical lymph nodes have been studied in 23 human fetuses 17-28-week-old. Immunological and morphological peculiarities of development have been followed in the groups of the lymph nodes mentioned. According to the expression of superficial markers the character of heterogeneity in T- and B-cell systems and their kinetics during embryogenesis has been stated to be characteristic for each regional group. In all lymph nodes the number of T-lymphocytes predominate, their greatest content is noted in the ileocecal lymph nodes. The B-lymphatic system in the lymph nodes is presented poorly with its predominance among immunoglobulin-positive lymphocytes of Ig M(+)-cells.  相似文献   

The (CBA X C57BL) F1 mice were injected intramuscularly with methylcholantrene (MCA) in a dose of 0.3 mg, and their T- and B-cells ability to cooperate in the immune response against sheep red blood cells, and also migration of these cells from the thymus and the bone marrow to the spleen were studied. The MCA immunosuppressive action proved to be associated with the inhibition of migration and cooperation of T- and B-lymphocytes in the immune response. A conclusion was drawn that the immunosuppressive effect developing during the carcinogenesis was complex and it was realized at various stages of immunogenesis.  相似文献   

A new physico-chemical marker for the human peripheral blood lymphocytes was worked out. The lymphocytes were vitally stained with the fluorescent probe 3-methoxybenzanthrone and measured by microfluorometry. The blood lymphocytes population was found to be heterogeneous; this population consists of the two main groups of cells differing by the intensity of their fluorescence. By means of immunological lymphocyte fractionation it was shown that one of these cell groups was represented by T-lymphocytes, and the other one--by B-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The immunocyte composition of spleens and peritoneal exudates (PEC) from RFM mice was examined following tumorigenic doses of whole-body, sublethal X-irradiation. T-cells, B-cells and macrophages were quantitated using mAb and flow cytometry. The cell mediated cytotoxicity (CMC) potential of PEC following immunization with allogeneic tumor cells was also assayed. Although the percentages of T- and B-cells were depressed in irradiated mice, the CMC activity of PEC from these same mice was increased. Thus irradiation resulted in an increased incidence of tumors coincident with an increased CMC potential against tumor targets.  相似文献   

In splenocytes of C3HA mice after partial hepatectomy the increase in arginase activity is found. It correlates with the increase in cytotoxic splenocyte activity towards tumor cell-target. The suspension without cells capable of adhesion and phagocytosis shows decrease in arginase activity up to 50%. But the enzyme activity is still higher than in splenocytes of intact mice.  相似文献   

T- and B-lymphocyte populations from lymphoid organs and tissue of normal cattle and cattle with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) were studied. Comparative studies of surface properties, quantitative parameters and heterogeneity of main T- and B-cell populations were performed. It must be noted that proliferation of B-lymphocytes, bearing surface IgM in blood, lymph nodes and spleen is closely connected with the progression of leukaemic process. An increased number of B-lymphocytes (2-3 times) with the receptors for complement was found. The proportion of T mu and T gamma cell subsets in CLL cows is distorted. The T gamma cell subset in T-cell suspensions from blood and spleen in CLL cows prevails in comparison with that in controls. The number of T mu cells in blood and lymph nodes in CLL is decreased.  相似文献   

"Immune" RNA preparations were obtained from the total population and also from the T- and B-lymphocytes of the spleens of the QBA line. Intact bone marrow cells or splenic cells activated with antigen served as target cells for the "immune" RNA. Investigations were carried out in the system of syngenic transfer. To study the target cells in the activated population of the spleen elimination of T-or B-lymphocytes was realized immediately after the incubation of the suspension of the splenic cells with the RNA preparations with the aid of anti-theta-or anti-B-antilymphocytic sera. T-lymphocytes served as the source of the biologically active RNA in the total preparation. B-lymphocytes of the spleen and the bone marrow served as target cells for the RNA of the cells of thymus origin. However, to detect the inducing action of the RNA simultaneous presence in the population of T- and B-lymphocytes is necessary.  相似文献   

Cells of the spleen or lymph nodes of CBA mice were transplanted to sublethally irradiated (CBAXC57BL/6)F1 mice; this caused development of the graft-versus-host reaction (GVHR). Lymphocytes lost the capacity to realize this reaction after in vitro treatment with specific sera against mouse T- and B-lymphocytes. Apparently, development of the GVHR in mice was connected with the cooperative interaction of T- and B-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

There was an increase of a relative and absolute T-lymphocytes content and a considerable reduction of B-lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of guinea pigs infected with a high doses of brucella of vaccine strain 19-BA. There proved to be no correlation between the number of T-lymphocytes in the blood and the intensity of Burnet's test. The content of B-lymphocytes was compared with different antituberculosis antibodies in the blood serum of the infected animals.  相似文献   

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