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Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soils are a key sustainability metric of cropping systems. During crop establishment, disruptive land‐use change is known to be a critical, but under reported period, for determining GHG emissions. We measured soil N2O emissions and potential environmental drivers of these fluxes from a three‐year establishment‐phase bioenergy cropping systems experiment replicated in southcentral Wisconsin (ARL) and southwestern Michigan (KBS). Cropping systems treatments were annual monocultures (continuous corn, corn–soybean–canola rotation), perennial monocultures (switchgrass, miscanthus, and poplar), and perennial polycultures (native grass mixture, early successional community, and restored prairie) all grown using best management practices specific to the system. Cumulative three‐year N2O emissions from annuals were 142% higher than from perennials, with fertilized perennials 190% higher than unfertilized perennials. Emissions ranged from 3.1 to 19.1 kg N2O‐N ha?1 yr?1 for the annuals with continuous corn > corn–soybean–canola rotation and 1.1 to 6.3 kg N2O‐N ha?1 yr?1 for perennials. Nitrous oxide peak fluxes typically were associated with precipitation events that closely followed fertilization. Bayesian modeling of N2O fluxes based on measured environmental factors explained 33% of variability across all systems. Models trained on single systems performed well in most monocultures (e.g., R= 0.52 for poplar) but notably worse in polycultures (e.g., R= 0.17 for early successional, R= 0.06 for restored prairie), indicating that simulation models that include N2O emissions should be parameterized specific to particular plant communities. Our results indicate that perennial bioenergy crops in their establishment phase emit less N2O than annual crops, especially when not fertilized. These findings should be considered further alongside yield and other metrics contributing to important ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Native perennial bioenergy crops can mitigate greenhouse gases (GHG) by displacing fossil fuels with renewable energy and sequestering atmospheric carbon (C) in soil and roots. The relative contribution of root C to net GHG mitigation potential has not been compared in perennial bioenergy crops ranging in species diversity and N fertility. We measured root biomass, C, nitrogen (N), and soil organic carbon (SOC) in the upper 90 cm of soil for five native perennial bioenergy crops managed with and without N fertilizer. Bioenergy crops ranged in species composition and were annually harvested for 6 (one location) and 7 years (three locations) following the seeding year. Total root biomass was 84% greater in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and a four‐species grass polyculture compared to high‐diversity polycultures; the difference was driven by more biomass at shallow soil depth (0–30 cm). Total root C (0–90 cm) ranged from 3.7 Mg C ha?1 for a 12‐species mixture to 7.6 Mg C ha?1 for switchgrass. On average, standing root C accounted for 41% of net GHG mitigation potential. After accounting for farm and ethanol production emissions, net GHG mitigation potential from fossil fuel offsets and root C was greatest for switchgrass (?8.4 Mg CO2e ha?1 yr?1) and lowest for high‐diversity mixtures (?4.5 Mg CO2e ha?1 yr?1). Nitrogen fertilizer did not affect net GHG mitigation potential or the contribution of roots to GHG mitigation for any bioenergy crop. SOC did not change and therefore did not contribute to GHG mitigation potential. However, associations among SOC, root biomass, and root C : N ratio suggest greater long‐term C storage in diverse polycultures vs. switchgrass. Carbon pools in roots have a greater effect on net GHG mitigation than SOC in the short‐term, yet variation in root characteristics may alter patterns in long‐term C storage among bioenergy crops.  相似文献   

The perennial grass species that are being developed as biomass feedstock crops harbor extensive genotypic diversity, but the effects of this diversity on biomass production are not well understood. We investigated the effects of genotypic diversity in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) on perennial biomass cropping systems in two experiments conducted over 2008–2014 at a 5.4‐ha fertile field site in northeastern Illinois, USA. We varied levels of switchgrass and big bluestem genotypic diversity using various local and nonlocal cultivars – under low or high species diversity, with or without nitrogen inputs – and quantified establishment, biomass yield, and biomass composition. In one experiment (‘agronomic trial’), we compared three switchgrass cultivars in monoculture to a switchgrass cultivar mixture and three different species mixtures, with or without N fertilization. In another experiment (‘diversity gradient’), we varied diversity levels in switchgrass and big bluestem (1, 2, 4, or 6 cultivars per plot), with one or two species per plot. In both experiments, cultivar mixtures produced yields equivalent to or greater than the best cultivars. In the agronomic trial, the three switchgrass mixture showed the highest production overall, though not significantly different than best cultivar monoculture. In the diversity gradient, genotypic mixtures had one‐third higher biomass production than the average monoculture, and none of the monocultures were significantly higher yielding than the average mixture. Year‐to‐year variation in yields was lowest in the three‐cultivar switchgrass mixtures and Cave‐In‐Rock (the southern Illinois cultivar) and also reduced in the mixture of switchgrass and big bluestem relative to the species monocultures. The effects of genotypic diversity on biomass composition were modest relative to the differences among species and genotypes. Our findings suggest that local genotypes can be included in biomass cropping systems without compromising yields and that genotypic mixtures could help provide high, stable yields of high‐quality biomass feedstocks.  相似文献   

The production of perennial cellulosic feedstocks for bioenergy presents the potential to diversify regional economies and the national energy supply, while also serving as climate ‘regulators’ due to a number of biogeochemical and biogeophysical differences relative to row crops. Numerous observational and model‐based approaches have investigated biogeochemical trade‐offs, such as increased carbon sequestration and increased water use, associated with growing cellulosic feedstocks. A less understood aspect is the biogeophysical changes associated with the difference in albedo (α), which could alter the local energy balance and cause local to regional cooling several times larger than that associated with offsetting carbon. Here, we established paired fields of Miscanthus × giganteus (miscanthus) and Panicum virgatum (switchgrass), two of the leading perennial cellulosic feedstock candidates, and traditional annual row crops in the highly productive ‘Corn‐belt’. Our results show that miscanthus did and switchgrass did not have an overall higher α than current row crops, but a strong seasonal pattern existed. Both perennials had consistently higher growing season α than row crops and winter α did not differ. The lack of observed differences in winter α, however, masked an interaction between snow cover and species differences, with the perennial species, compared with the row crops, having a higher α when snow was absent and a much lower α when snow was present. Overall, these changes resulted in an average net reduction in annual absorbed energy of about 5 W m?2 for switchgrass and about 8 W m?2 for miscanthus relative to annual crops. Therefore, the conversion from annual row to perennial crops alters the radiative balance of the surface via changes in α and could lead to regional cooling.  相似文献   

Annual row cropping systems converted to perennial bioenergy crops tend to accrue soil C, likely a function of increased root production and decreased frequency of tillage; however, very little is known about the mechanisms governing the accrual and stability of this additional soil C. To address this uncertainty, we assessed the formation and stability of aggregates and soil organic C (SOC) pools under switchgrass, giant miscanthus, a native perennial grass mix and continuous corn treatments in Michigan and Wisconsin soils differing in both texture and mineralogy. We isolated different aggregate size fractions, >2 mm, 0.5–2 mm, and <0.5 mm, using a procedure intended to minimize alterations to aggregate biological and chemical properties. We determined SOC, permanganate oxidizable C (POXC), and microbial activities (i.e. enzyme activities and soil respiration rates) associated with these aggregates. Soil type strongly influenced the trajectory of aggregate formation and stabilization with differences between sites in mean aggregate size, stability, SOC and microbial activity under perennial vs. corn cropping systems. At the Michigan site, soil microbial activities were highest in the >2 mm aggregates, and higher under the perennial grasses compared to corn. Contrastingly, in Wisconsin soils, microbial activities were highest in the <0.5 mm aggregates and evidence for soil C accrual under perennial grasses was observed only in a fast turnover pool in the <0.5 mm aggregate class. Our results help explain cross‐site variability in soil C accrual under perennial bioenergy crops by demonstrating how interactions between belowground productivity, soil type, aggregation processes and microbial communities influence the rates and extent of SOC stabilization. Bioenergy cropping systems have the potential to be low‐C energy sources but first we must understand the complex interactions controlling the formation and stabilization of SOC if we are to maximize soil C accrual.  相似文献   

Perennial grasses are promising feedstocks for bioenergy production in the Midwestern USA. Few experiments have addressed how drought influences their carbon fluxes and storage. This study provides a direct comparison of ecosystem‐scale measurements of carbon fluxes associated with miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), restored native prairie and maize (Zea mays)/soybean (Glycine max) ecosystems. The main objective of this study was to assess the influence of a naturally occurring drought during 2012 on key components of the carbon cycle and plant development relative to non‐extreme years. The perennials reached full maturity 3–5 years after establishment. Miscanthus had the highest gross primary production (GPP) and lowest net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in 2012 followed by similar values for switchgrass and prairie, and the row crops had the lowest GPP and highest NEE. A post‐drought effect was observed for miscanthus. Over the duration of the experiment, perennial ecosystems were carbon sinks, as indicated by negative net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB), while maize/soybean was a net carbon source. Our observations suggest that perennial ecosystems, and in particular miscanthus, can provide a high yield and a large potential for CO2 fixation even during drought, although drought may negatively influence carbon uptake in the following year, questioning the long‐term consequence of its maintained productivity.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to determine the changes in streamflow, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) leaching and export to the Gulf of Mexico associated with a range of large‐scale dedicated perennial cellulosic bioenergy production scenarios within in the Mississippi–Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB). To achieve this goal, we used Agro‐IBIS, a vegetation model capable of simulating the biogeochemistry of row crops, miscanthus and switchgrass, coupled with THMB, a hydrology model capable of simulating streamflow and DIN export. Simulations were conducted at varying fertilizer application rates (0–200 kg N ha?1) and fractional replacement (5–25%) of current row crops with miscanthus or switchgrass across the MARB. The analysis also includes two scenarios where miscanthus and switchgrass (MRX and MRS, respectively) each replace the ca. 40% of maize production currently devoted to ethanol. Across the scenarios, there were minor reductions in runoff and streamflow throughout the MARB, with the largest differences (ca. 6%) occurring for miscanthus at the highest fractional replacement scenarios in drier portions of the region. However, differences in total MARB discharge at the basin outlet were less than 1.5% even in the MRX scenario. Reductions in DIN export were much larger on a percentage basis than reductions in runoff, with the highest replacement scenarios decreasing long‐term mean DIN export by ca. 15% and 20% for switchgrass and miscanthus, respectively. Fertilization scenarios show that significant reductions in DIN leaching are possible even with application rates of 100 and 150 kg N ha?1 for switchgrass and miscanthus, respectively. These results indicate that, given targeted management strategies, there is potential for miscanthus and switchgrass to provide key ecosystem services by reducing the export of DIN, while avoiding hydrologic impacts of reduced streamflow.  相似文献   

This study integrates a biophysical model with a county‐specific economic analysis of breakeven prices of bioenergy crop production to assess the biophysical and economic potential of biofuel production in the Midwestern United States. The bioenergy crops considered in this study include a genotype of Miscanthus, Miscanthus×giganteus, and the Cave‐in‐Rock breed of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). The estimated average peak biomass yield for miscanthus in the Midwestern states ranges between 7 and 48 metric tons dry matter per hectare per year ( t DM ha?1 yr?1), while that for switchgrass is between 10 and 16 t DM ha?1 yr?1. With the exception of Minnesota and Wisconsin, where miscanthus yields are likely to be low due to cold soil temperatures, the yield of miscanthus is on average more than two times higher than yield of switchgrass. We find that the breakeven price, which includes the cost of producing the crop and the opportunity cost of land, of producing miscanthus ranges from $53 t?1 DM in Missouri to $153 t?1 DM in Minnesota in the low‐cost scenario. Corresponding costs for switchgrass are $88 t?1 DM in Missouri to $144 t?1 DM in Minnesota. In the high‐cost scenario, the lowest cost for miscanthus is $85 t?1 DM and for switchgrass is $118 t?1 DM, both in Missouri. These two scenarios differ in their assumptions about ease of establishing the perennial crops, nutrient requirements and harvesting costs and losses. The differences in the breakeven prices across states and across crops are mainly driven by bioenergy and row crop yields per hectare. Our results suggest that while high yields per unit of land of bioenergy crops are critical for the competitiveness of bioenergy feedstocks, the yields of the row crops they seek to displace are also an important consideration. Even high yielding crops, such as miscanthus, are likely to be economically attractive only in some locations in the Midwest given the high yields of corn and soybean in the region.  相似文献   

Production of biomass feedstock for methanation in Europe has focused on silages of maize and cereals. As ecological awareness has increased in the last several years, more attention is being focused on perennial energy crops (PECs). Studies of specific PECs have shown that their cultivation may enhance agrobiodiversity and increase soil organic carbon stocks while simultaneously providing valuable feedstock for methanation. This study was designed to compare soil quality indicators under annual energy crops (AECs), PECs and permanent grassland (PGL) on the landscape level in south‐western Germany. At a total 25 study sites, covering a wide range of parent materials, the cropping systems were found adjacent to each other. Stands were commercially managed, and PECs included different species such as the Cup Plant, Tall Wheatgrass, Giant Knotweed, Miscanthus, Virginia Mallow and Reed Canary Grass. Soil sampling was carried out for the upper 20 cm of soil. Several soil quality indicators, including soil organic carbon (Corg), soil microbial biomass (Cmic), and aggregate stability, showed that PECs were intermediate between AEC and PGL systems. At landscape level, mean Corg content for (on average) 6.1‐year‐old stands of PEC was 22.37 (±7.53) g kg?1, compared to 19.23 (±8.08) and 32.08 (±10.11) for AEC and PGL. Cmic contents were higher in PECs (356 ± 241 μg C g?1) compared to AECs (291 ± 145) but significantly lower than under PGL (753 ± 417). The aggregate stability increased by almost 65% in PECs compared to AEC but was still 57% lower than in PGL. Indicator differences among cropping systems were more pronounced when inherent differences in the parent material were accounted for in the comparisons. Overall, these results suggest that the cultivation of PECs has positive effects on soil quality indicators. Thus, PECs may offer potential to make the production of biomass feedstock more sustainable.  相似文献   

Perennial grass energy crop production is necessary for the successful and sustainable expansion of bioenergy in North America. Numerous environmental advantages are associated with perennial grass cropping systems, including their potential to promote soil carbon accrual. Despite growing research interest in the abiotic and biotic factors driving soil carbon cycling within perennial grass cropping systems, soil fauna remain a critical yet largely unexplored component of these ecosystems. By regulating microbial activity and organic matter decomposition dynamics, soil fauna influence soil carbon stability with potentially significant implications for soil carbon accrual. We begin by reviewing the diverse, predominantly indirect effects of soil fauna on soil carbon dynamics in the context of perennial grass cropping systems. Since the impacts of perennial grass energy crop production on soil fauna will mediate their potential contributions to soil carbon accrual, we then discuss how perennial grass energy crop traits, diversity, and management influence soil fauna community structure and activity. We assert that continued research into the interactions of soil fauna, microbes, and organic matter will be important for advancing our understanding of soil carbon dynamics in perennial grass cropping systems. Furthermore, explicit consideration of soil faunal effects on soil carbon can improve our ability to predict changes in soil carbon following perennial grass cropping system establishment. We conclude by addressing the major knowledge gaps that should be prioritized to better understand and model the complex connections between perennial grass bioenergy systems, soil fauna, and carbon accrual.  相似文献   

Bioenergy crops are expected to provide biomass to replace fossil resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In this context, changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks are of primary importance. The aim of this study was to measure changes in SOC stocks in bioenergy cropping systems comparing perennial (Miscanthus × giganteus and switchgrass), semi‐perennial (fescue and alfalfa), and annual (sorghum and triticale) crops, all established after arable crops. The soil was sampled at the start of the experiment and 5 or 6 years later. SOC stocks were calculated at equivalent soil mass, and δ13C measurements were used to calculate changes in new and old SOC stocks. Crop residues found in soil at the time of SOC measurements represented 3.5–7.2 t C ha?1 under perennial crops vs. 0.1–0.6 t C ha?1 for the other crops. During the 5‐year period, SOC concentrations under perennial crops increased in the surface layer (0–5 cm) and slightly declined in the lower layers. Changes in δ13C showed that C inputs were mainly located in the 0–18 cm layer. In contrast, SOC concentrations increased over time under semi‐perennial crops throughout the old ploughed layer (ca. 0–33 cm). SOC stocks in the old ploughed layer increased significantly over time under semi‐perennials with a mean increase of 0.93 ± 0.28 t C ha?1 yr?1, whereas no change occurred under perennial or annual crops. New SOC accumulation was higher for semi‐perennial than for perennial crops (1.50 vs. 0.58 t C ha?1 yr?1, respectively), indicating that the SOC change was due to a variation in C input rather than a change in mineralization rate. Nitrogen fertilization rate had no significant effect on SOC stocks. This study highlights the interest of comparing SOC changes over time for various cropping systems.  相似文献   

Future liquid fuel demand from renewable sources may, in part, be met by converting the seasonally wet portions of the landscape currently managed for soil and water conservation to perennial energy crops. However, this shift may increase nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, thus limiting the carbon (C) benefits of energy crops. Particularly high emissions may occur during the transition period when the soil is disturbed, plants are establishing, and nitrate and water accumulation may favor emissions. We measured N2O emissions and associated environmental drivers during the transition of perennial grassland in a Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) to switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and Miscanthus x giganteus in the bottom 3‐ha of a watershed in the Ridge and Valley ecoregion of the northeastern United States. Replicated treatments of CRP (unconverted), unfertilized switchgrass (switchgrass), nitrogen (N) fertilized switchgrass (switchgrass‐N), and Miscanthus were randomized in four blocks. Each plot was divided into shoulder, backslope, and footslope positions based on the slope and moisture gradient. Soil N2O flux, soil moisture, and soil mineral nitrogen availability were monitored during the growing season of 2013, the year after the land conversion. Growing season N2O flux showed a significant vegetation‐by‐landscape position interaction (P < 0.009). Switchgrass‐N and Miscanthus treatments had 3 and 6‐times higher cumulative flux respectively than the CRP in the footslope, but at other landscape positions fluxes were similar among land uses. A peak N2O emission event, contributing 26% of the cumulative flux, occurred after a 10.8‐cm of rain during early June. Prolonged subsoil saturation coinciding with high mineral N concentration fueled N2O emission hot spots in the footslopes under energy crops. Our results suggest that mitigating N2O emissions during the transition of CRP to energy crops would mostly require a site‐specific management of the footslopes.  相似文献   

用内生长法测定的生物能源作物根生产的长期变化 对于土地用途转为种植生物燃料作物后的根系产量,还很少进行过长期的测定。为了评价此前的土地用途对地下生物量积累的影响,我们在“美国休耕保护项目”(Conservation Reserve Program, CPR)下生长了22年的草地(CRP草地)和使用期超过50年的农业用地(AGR农地)转为种植生物燃料作物玉米(Zea mays, Corn, C)、柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum, Switchgrass, Sw)和恢复性草原植被(Prairie, Pr)。我们将一块CPR草地维持为对照。我们的假设是土地利用历史和作物类型对根系密度有显著的影响;其中,原CRP草地上种植的多年生作物具有较高的根系生产力,而在原农业用地上种植的玉米的根系生产力最低。通过内生长土芯法对内生长根系生物量进行了原位测定,同时对地上净初级生产力(ANPP)进行了测量。包括气温、生长季长度和降水量在内的辅助测量则被用来考查它们对根系生产量的影响。根系生产力在未转变的CRP草地最高(1716 g m−2 yr−1),而在玉米田中最低(526 g m−2 yr−1)。由CRP草地和AGR农田转变而来的多年生作物种植地在第一年都具有较低的根系生物量和ANPP,但柳枝稷在2011年达到峰值,恢复后的草原植被也在一年后达到峰值。恢复后的草原生态系统稳定性较高(AGR-Pr: 4.3 ± 0.11; CRP-Pr: 4.1 ± 0.10),而仅种植单一作物的生态系统稳定性都较低。根系生产量与ANPP呈正相关性(R2 = 0.40)。总体而言,对生物燃料作物大规模种植过程中的根系生物量积累应予以重视,因为这是固碳的一种主 要来源。  相似文献   

林下养殖是一种经济有效的林地空间利用方式,但长期高负载的林下养殖对林地土壤性状究竟产生何种影响,目前尚无定论.以不同林下养鸡年限(0年、1年、3年和5年)的美洲黑杨(Populus deltoides)人工林为对象,采用Hedley磷素分级法,分析其林地土壤的磷素组成和形态变化,探讨林下养鸡年限对土壤磷库特征及其生物有...  相似文献   

黄土区旱地苜蓿连作条件下施肥对土壤磷素的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对18a连作苜蓿条件下不同施肥处理对土壤磷素的影响进行了研究,结果表明:施肥可提高土壤耕层全磷含量。单施磷肥40-100cm土层土壤全磷含量小于对照,NPM处理20-100cm土层土壤全磷含量小于对照。施肥有利于改善耕层土壤磷素的有效性,提高有效磷含量,导致土壤有效磷含量在耕层土壤有一定累积,耕层以下骤减;施肥能够提高土壤中Ca2—P、Al-P、Ca8-P和Fe—P含量,单施磷肥处理提高幅度小于氮磷和有机肥配施处理。  相似文献   

土壤微生物量磷(Microbial Biomass Phosphorus, MBP)是土壤磷组分中最为活跃的形态,在土壤磷素的形态转化与生物地球化学循环过程中起着关键作用,是植物可利用磷的重要来源。研究土壤MBP库容的大小对于充分认识微生物的固磷潜力和掌握土壤磷素循环与转化能力意义重大。以我国北方农田3种典型的土壤-作物体系为研究对象,基于定点采样,通过分析测定采集的362个表层(0—30 cm)土壤样品来量化不同土壤-作物体系MBP库容的大小。结果表明:黑土-春玉米、潮土-冬小麦/夏玉米、灰漠土-棉花体系表层土壤MBP平均含量分别为17.36、14.45、8.75 mg/kg,且不同土壤-作物体系间MBP含量存在显著差异;3种土壤-作物体系表层土壤(0—30 cm)MBP库容的大小分别为83.60、54.26、39.80 kg P/hm~2,其储存的磷在数量上相当于当季作物需磷量的1.10—2.73倍,表明土壤MBP库是农田生态系统中一个不容忽视的巨大有效养分磷储库。其库容的大小受土壤性质和气候因素的共同影响,土壤pH、有机碳、年均气温和年均降雨量是我国北方农田土壤MBP库容大小的主...  相似文献   

The applicability of models in addressing resource management issues in agriculture has been widely promoted by the research community, yet examples of real impacts of such modelling efforts on current farming practices are rare. Nevertheless, simulation models can compliment traditional field experimentation in researching alternative management options. The first objective of this paper is, therefore, to provide four case study examples of where models were used to help research issues relating to improved nutrient efficiency in low-input cropping systems. The first two cases addressed strategies of augmenting traditional farming practices with small applications of chemical fertilizer (N and P). The latter two cases explicitly addressed the question of what plant genetic traits can be beneficial in low-nutrient farming systems. In each of these case studies, the APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator) systems model was used to simulate the impacts of alternative crop management systems.The question of whether simulation models can assist the research community in contributing to purposeful change in farming practice is also addressed. Recent experiences in Australia are reported where simulation models have contributed to practice change by farmers. Finally, current initiatives aimed at testing whether models can also contribute to improving the nutrient efficiency of smallholder farmers in the SAT are discussed.  相似文献   

Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) has been proposed as a potential climate mitigation strategy raising concerns over trade‐offs with existing ecosystem services. We evaluate the feasibility of BECCS in the Upper Missouri River Basin (UMRB), a landscape with diverse land use, ownership, and bioenergy potential. We develop land‐use change scenarios and a switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) crop functional type to use in a land‐surface model to simulate second‐generation bioenergy production. By the end of this century, average annual switchgrass production over the UMRB ranges from 60 to 210 Tg dry mass/year and is dependent on the Representative Concentration Pathway for greenhouse gas emissions and on land‐use change assumptions. Under our simple phase‐in assumptions this results in a cumulative total production of 2,000–6,000 Tg C over the study period with the upper estimates only possible in the absence of climate change. Switchgrass yields decreased as average CO2 concentrations and temperatures increased, suggesting the effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 was small because of its C4 photosynthetic pathway. By the end of the 21st century, the potential energy stored annually in harvested switchgrass averaged between 1 and 4 EJ/year assuming perfect conversion efficiency, or an annual electrical generation capacity of 7,000–28,000 MW assuming current bioenergy efficiency rates. Trade‐offs between bioenergy and ecosystem services were identified, including cumulative direct losses of 1,000–2,600 Tg C stored in natural ecosystems from land‐use change by 2090. Total cumulative losses of ecosystem carbon stocks were higher than the potential ~300 Tg C in fossil fuel emissions from the single largest power plant in the region over the same time period, and equivalent to potential carbon removal from the atmosphere from using biofuels grown in the same region. Numerous trade‐offs from BECCS expansion in the UMRB must be balanced against the potential benefits of a carbon‐negative energy system.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) change can be a major impact of land use change (LUC) associated with biofuel feedstock production. By collecting and analyzing data from worldwide field observations of major LUCs from cropland, grassland, and forest to lands producing biofuel crops (i.e. corn, switchgrass, Miscanthus, poplar, and willow), we were able to estimate SOC response ratios and sequestration rates and evaluate the effects of soil depth and time scale on SOC change. Both the amount and rate of SOC change were highly dependent on the specific land transition. Irrespective of soil depth or time horizon, cropland conversions resulted in an overall SOC gain of 6–14% relative to initial SOC level, while conversion from grassland or forest to corn (without residue removal) or poplar caused significant carbon loss (9–35%). No significant SOC changes were observed in land converted from grasslands or forests to switchgrass, Miscanthus, or willow. The SOC response ratios were similar in both 0–30 and 0–100 cm soil depths in most cases, suggesting SOC changes in deep soil and that use of top soil only for SOC accounting in biofuel life cycle analysis (LCA) might underestimate total SOC changes. Soil carbon sequestration rates varied greatly among studies and land transition types. Generally, the rates of SOC change tended to be the greatest during the 10 years following land conversion and had declined to approach 0 within about 20 years for most LUCs. Observed trends in SOC change were generally consistent with previous reports. Soil depth and duration of study significantly influence SOC change rates and so should be considered in carbon emission accounting in biofuel LCA. High uncertainty remains for many perennial systems and forest transitions, additional field trials, and modeling efforts are needed to draw conclusions about the site‐ and system‐specific rates and direction of change.  相似文献   

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