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The dramatic colours of biological communication signals raise questions about how animals perceive suprathreshold colour differences, and there are long-standing questions about colour preferences and colour categorization by non-human species. This study investigates preferences of foraging poultry chicks (Gallus gallus) as they peck at coloured objects. Work on colour recognition often deals with responses to monochromatic lights and how animals divide the spectrum. We used complementary colours, where the intermediate is grey, and related the chicks' choices to three models of the factors that may affect the attractiveness. Two models assume that attractiveness is determined by a metric based on the colour discrimination threshold either (i) by chromatic contrast against the background or (ii) relative to an internal standard. An alternative third model is that categorization is important. We tested newly hatched and 9-day-old chicks with four pairs of (avian) complementary colours, which were orange, blue, red and green for humans. Chromatic contrast was more relevant to newly hatched chicks than to 9-day-old birds, but in neither case could contrast alone account for preferences; especially for orange over blue. For older chicks, there is evidence for categorization of complementary colours, with a boundary at grey.  相似文献   

The diurnal hummingbird hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum can learn the achromatic (intensity-related) and the chromatic (wavelength-related) aspect of a spectral colour. Free-flying moths learn to discriminate two colours differing in the chromatic aspect of colour fast and with high precision. In contrast, they learn the discrimination of two stimuli differing in the achromatic aspect more slowly and less reliably. When trained to use the chromatic aspect, they disregard the achromatic aspect, and when trained to use the achromatic aspect, they disregard the chromatic aspect, at least to some degree. In a conflicting situation, hummingbird hawkmoths clearly rely on the chromatic aspect of colour. Generally, the moths pay attention to the most reliable cue that allows them to discriminate colours in the learning situation. This is usually the chromatic aspect of the colour but they can learn to attend to the achromatic aspect instead. There is no evidence for relative colour learning, i.e. moths do not learn to choose the longer or shorter of two wavelengths, but it is possible that they learn to choose the darker or brighter shade of a colour, and thereby its relative intensities.  相似文献   

Colour preferences from sexual or social contexts are assumed to have arisen owing to preferences for specific kinds of food, representing a sensory bias, but once colour preferences have evolved in a sexual context, they may also be expressed during foraging. We tested whether preferences for specific body colours (i.e. plumage and soft parts) were related to colour preferences for grit ingested by birds. Birds eat grit to facilitate break down of food by the gizzard, and this function is independent of the colour of grit, but depends on the physical properties of stones. Bird species were significantly consistent in colour of grit, and grit of different colours varied in prevalence among species, even when analyses were restricted to a sample from a single locality. There were positive correlations between presence of lilac and red grit in the gizzard and presence of sexually dichromatic lilac and red colour on the body. There was a positive correlation between red grit colour and red sexually monochromatic body colour. Bird species with many different sexual colours, but not sexually monochromatic colours on their body had many different colours of grit. Males had more lilac and red grit than females, with this effect differing among species, whereas that was not the case for grit of other colours. These findings are consistent with the sensory bias hypothesis that birds express preferences for grit of specific colours and a high diversity of colours related to sexual colouration of the body, even when the colour of such grit is only visible to the individual at the moment of ingestion.  相似文献   

Differences in the concentration of pigments as well as their composition and spatial arrangement cause intraspecific variation in the spectral signature of flowers. Known colour preferences and requirements for flower-constant foraging bees predict different responses to colour variability. In experimental settings, we simulated small variations of unicoloured petals and variations in the spatial arrangement of colours within tricoloured petals using artificial flowers and studied their impact on the colour choices of bumblebees and honeybees. Workers were trained to artificial flowers of a given colour and then given the simultaneous choice between three test colours: either the training colour, one colour of lower and one of higher spectral purity, or the training colour, one colour of lower and one of higher dominant wavelength; in all cases the perceptual contrast between the training colour and the additional test colours was similarly small. Bees preferred artificial test flowers which resembled the training colour with the exception that they preferred test colours with higher spectral purity over trained colours. Testing the behaviour of bees at artificial flowers displaying a centripetal or centrifugal arrangement of three equally sized colours with small differences in spectral purity, bees did not prefer any type of artificial flowers, but preferentially choose the most spectrally pure area for the first antenna contact at both types of artificial flowers. Our results indicate that innate preferences for flower colours of high spectral purity in pollinators might exert selective pressure on the evolution of flower colours.  相似文献   

Colour constancy needs to be reconsidered in light of the limits imposed by metamer mismatching. Metamer mismatching refers to the fact that two objects reflecting metameric light under one illumination may reflect non-metameric light under a second; so two objects appearing as having the same colour under one illuminant can appear as having different colours under a second. Yet since Helmholtz, object colour has generally been believed to remain relatively constant. The deviations from colour constancy registered in experiments are usually thought to be small enough that they do not contradict the notion of colour constancy. However, it is important to determine how the deviations from colour constancy relate to the limits metamer mismatching imposes on constancy. Hence, we calculated metamer mismatching’s effect for the 20 Munsell papers and 8 pairs of illuminants employed in the colour constancy study by Logvinenko and Tokunaga and found it to be so extensive that the two notions—metamer mismatching and colour constancy—must be mutually exclusive. In particular, the notion of colour constancy leads to some paradoxical phenomena such as the possibility of 20 objects having the same colour under chromatic light dispersing into a hue circle of colours under neutral light. Thus, colour constancy refers to a phenomenon, which because of metamer mismatching, simply cannot exist. Moreover, it obscures the really important visual phenomenon; namely, the alteration of object colours induced by illumination change. We show that colour is not an independent, intrinsic attribute of an object, but rather an attribute of an object/light pair, and then define a concept of material colour in terms of equivalence classes of such object/light pairs. We suggest that studying the shift in material colour under a change in illuminant will be more fruitful than pursuing colour constancy’s false premise that colour is an intrinsic attribute of an object.  相似文献   

Plants use colours as signals to attract mutualists and repel antagonists. Fleshy-fruits are often conspicuously coloured to signal different types of information including fruit maturity and spatial location. Previous work on fruit colour selection focus on large diurnal vertebrates, yet fruit colours are perceived differently by frugivores with different types of visual systems. Here, we tested whether a nocturnal, frugivorous, seed-dispersing insect selects fruits based on their pigmentation and whether different lighting conditions affect fruit colour selection. We captured 20 Wellington tree weta (Hemideina crassidens) from a forest reserve on the North Island of New Zealand and brought them into laboratory conditions to test their fruit colour preferences. The fruits of Coprosma acerosa, a native shrub species that naturally produces translucent, blue-streaked fruits, were dyed either red or blue. Fruits were then offered to weta in a binary (y-maze) choice test in two light conditions, either at night during a full moon or under artificial light conditions in the lab. Weta preferred unmanipulated, naturally blue-streaked fruits and artificially-blue coloured fruits over those dyed red. Furthermore, their colour preferences were unaffected by light environment. Our results therefore suggest that weta can discriminate between colours (using colour vision) in both light and dark light environments. Their consistent preferences for colours other than red indicate that weta might be responsible for the unusual colours of fleshy-fruits in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Flower colour is a major advertisement signal of zoophilous plants for pollinators. Bees, the main pollinators, exhibit innate colour preferences, which have often been attributed to only one single floral colour, though most flowers display a pattern of two or several colours. The existing studies of floral colour patterns are mostly qualitative studies. Using a model of bee colour vision we quantitatively investigate two questions: whether or not component colours of floral colour patterns may mimic pollen signals, and whether or not bumblebees exhibit innate preferences for distinct parameters of naturally existing floral colour patterns. We analysed the spectral reflectances of 162 plant species with multicoloured flowers and inflorescences, distiniguishing between inner and outer colours of floral colour patterns irrespective of the particular structures so coloured.We found that:– The inner colour of radially symmetrical flowers and inflorescences and of zygomorphic flowers appears less diverse to bees than the peripheral colour.– The inner colour of most radial flowers and inflorescences as well as the inner colour of a large number of non-related zygomorphic flowers appears to bees to be very similar to that of pollen.– Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) exhibit innate preferences for two-coloured over single-coloured dummy flowers in a spontaneous choice test.– Bumblebees exhibit innate preferences for dummy flowers with a large over those with a small centre area.– Bumblebees exhibit innate preferences for dummy flowers with a centre colour similar to that of pollen over those with another centre colour.Our findings support the hypotheses that the inner component of floral colour patterns could be interpreted as a generalised and little recognised form of mimicry of the colour of visually displayed pollen, that bumblebees exhibit innate preferences regarding colour and size parameters of floral colour patterns, and that these correspond to visually displayed pollen. These findings together suggest a prominent role of floral colour patterns in advertisement to and guidance of naive flower visitors.  相似文献   



Plumage coloration is important for bird communication, most notably in sexual signalling. Colour is often considered a good quality indicator, and the expression of exaggerated colours may depend on individual condition during moult. After moult, plumage coloration has been deemed fixed due to the fact that feathers are dead structures. Still, many plumage colours change after moult, although whether this affects signalling has not been sufficiently assessed.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied changes in coloration after moult in four passerine birds (robin, Erithacus rubecula; blackbird, Turdus merula; blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus; and great tit, Parus major) displaying various coloration types (melanin-, carotenoid-based and structural). Birds were caught regularly during three years to measure plumage reflectance. We used models of avian colour vision to derive two variables, one describing chromatic and the other achromatic variation over the year that can be compared in magnitude among different colour types. All studied plumage patches but one (yellow breast of the blue tit) showed significant chromatic changes over the year, although these were smaller than for a typical dynamic trait (bill colour). Overall, structural colours showed a reduction in relative reflectance at shorter wavelengths, carotenoid-based colours the opposite pattern, while no general pattern was found for melanin-based colours. Achromatic changes were also common, but there were no consistent patterns of change for the different types of colours.


Changes of plumage coloration independent of moult are probably widespread; they should be perceivable by birds and have the potential to affect colour signalling.  相似文献   

Colour preferences of flower-naive honeybees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flower-naive honeybees Apis mellifera L. flying in an enclosure were tested for their colour preferences. Bees were rewarded once on an achromatic (grey, aluminium or hardboard), or on a chromatic (ultraviolet) disk. Since naive bees never alighted on colour stimuli alone, a scent was given in combination with colour. Their landings on twelve colour stimuli were recorded. Results after one reward (“first test”) were analysed separately from those obtained after few rewards (“late tests”).
  1. After pre-training to achromatic signals, bees preferred, in the first test, bee-uv-blue and bee-green colours. With increasing experience, the original preference pattern persisted but the choice of bee-blue and bee-green colours increased.
  2. Neither colour distance of the test stimuli to the background or to the pre-training signal, nor their intensity, nor their green contrast, accounted for the colour choice of bees. Choices reflected innate preferences and were only associated with stimulus hue.
  3. Bees learned very quickly the pre-trained chromatic stimulus, the original colour preferences being thus erased.
  4. Colour preferences were strongly correlated with flower colour and its associated nectar reward, as measured in 154 flower species.
  5. Colour preferences also resemble the wavelength dependence of colour learning demonstrated in experienced bees.

The recognition that animals sense the world in a different way than we do has unlocked important lines of research in ecology and evolutionary biology. In practice, the subjective study of natural stimuli has been permitted by perceptual spaces, which are graphical models of how stimuli are perceived by a given animal. Because colour vision is arguably the best‐known sensory modality in most animals, a diversity of colour spaces are now available to visual ecologists, ranging from generalist and basic models allowing rough but robust predictions on colour perception, to species‐specific, more complex models giving accurate but context‐dependent predictions. Selecting among these models is most often influenced by historical contingencies that have associated models to specific questions and organisms; however, these associations are not always optimal. The aim of this review is to provide visual ecologists with a critical perspective on how models of colour space are built, how well they perform and where their main limitations are with regard to their most frequent uses in ecology and evolutionary biology. We propose a classification of models based on their complexity, defined as whether and how they model the mechanisms of chromatic adaptation and receptor opponency, the nonlinear association between the stimulus and its perception, and whether or not models have been fitted to experimental data. Then, we review the effect of modelling these mechanisms on predictions of colour detection and discrimination, colour conspicuousness, colour diversity and diversification, and for comparing the perception of colour traits between distinct perceivers. While a few rules emerge (e.g. opponent log–linear models should be preferred when analysing very distinct colours), in general model parameters still have poorly known effects. Colour spaces have nonetheless permitted significant advances in ecology and evolutionary biology, and more progress is expected if ecologists compare results between models and perform behavioural experiments more routinely. Such an approach would further contribute to a better understanding of colour vision and its links to the behavioural ecology of animals. While visual ecology is essentially a transfer of knowledge from visual sciences to evolutionary ecology, we hope that the discipline will benefit both fields more evenly in the future.  相似文献   

Learning allows animals to adaptively adjust their behaviour in response to variable but predictable environments. Stable aspects of the environment may result in evolved or developmental biases in the systems impacting learning, allowing for improved learning performance according to local ecological conditions. Guppies (Poecilia reticulata), like many animals, show striking colour preferences in foraging and mating contexts and guppy artificial selection experiments have found that the form and progress of evolved responses to coloured stimuli differ depending on stimulus colour. Blue colouration is thought to typically be a relatively unimportant food cue in guppies. This raises the possibility that learned foraging associations with blue objects are formed less readily than with other colours. Here, guppies were rewarded for foraging at green or blue objects in two experiments. Guppies readily foraged from these objects, but learning performance differed with rewarded object colour. With equal amounts of training, the preference for green objects became stronger than the preference for blue objects. These differences in performance were not attributable to differences in initial preferences or to foraging more on one colour during training. These findings suggest that associative pairings within a single sensory modality that do not have a historic relevancy can be more difficult for animals to learn even when there is no clear initial bias present.  相似文献   

In most animals, the origins of mating preferences are not clear. The "sensory-bias" hypothesis proposes that biases in female sensory or neural systems are important in triggering sexual selection and in determining which male traits will become elaborated into sexual ornaments. Subsequently, other mechanisms can evolve for discriminating between high- and low-quality mates. Female guppies (Poecilia reticulata) generally show a preference for males with larger, more chromatic orange spots. It has been proposed that this preference originated because it enabled females to obtain high-quality mates. We present evidence for an alternative hypothesis, that the origin of the preference is a pleiotropic effect of a sensory bias for the colour orange, which might have arisen in the context of food detection. In field and laboratory experiments, adult guppies of both sexes were more responsive to orange-coloured objects than to objects of other colours, even outside a mating context. Across populations, variation in attraction to orange objects explained 94% of the inter-population variation in female mate preference for orange coloration on males. This is one of the first studies to show both an association between a potential trigger of a mate-choice preference and a sexually selected trait, and also that an innate attraction to a coloured inanimate object explains almost all of the observed variation in female mate choice. These results support the "sensory-bias" hypothesis for the evolution of mating preferences.  相似文献   

The visual displays of animals and plants often look dramatic and colourful to us, but what information do they convey to their intended, non-human, audience [1] [2]? One possibility is that stimulus values are judged accurately - so, for example, a female might choose a suitor if he displays a specific colour [3]. Alternatively, as for human advertising, displays may attract attention without giving information, perhaps by exploiting innate preferences for bright colours or symmetry [2] [4] [5]. To address this issue experimentally, we investigated chicks' memories of visual patterns. Food was placed in patterned paper containers which, like seed pods or insect prey, must be manipulated to extract food and their patterns learnt. To establish what was learnt, birds were tested on familiar stimuli and on alternative stimuli of differing colour or contrast. For colour, birds selected the trained stimulus; for contrast, they preferred high contrast patterns over the familiar. These differing responses to colour and contrast show how separate components of display patterns could serve different roles, with colour being judged accurately whereas pattern contrast attracts attention.  相似文献   

Certain fruit colours and their contrast with the background coloration are suggested to attract frugivorous birds. To test the attractiveness of different colours, we performed three experiments in laboratory with controlled light conditions. In the first two experiments, we studied the fruit colour preferences of naive juvenile redwings. In the third experiment, we continued to investigate whether the contrast of the fruit colour with the background coloration affects the preference of both naive juveniles and experienced adult redwings. In the first experiment, juvenile birds preferred black, UV‐blue and red berries, to white ones. In pairwise trials, a new set of juveniles still preferred red berries to white ones. When testing the effect of contrasts on their choice, juveniles preferred UV‐blue berries to red ones on a UV‐blue background. However, no preference was found, when the background was either red or green. Adult redwings preferred UV‐blue berries to red ones on all backgrounds. According to these results, juveniles seem to have an innate avoidance of white berries. Furthermore, the foraging decisions of fruit‐eating birds are affected more by fruit colour than its contrast with background coloration, at least when contrasting displays are encountered from relatively short distances. Differences in preferences of adult and juvenile birds also indicate that learning seems to play a role in fruit choices.  相似文献   

The minimalistic environment of standard laboratory cages can adversely influence the responses of animals in standard behavioural tests and other aspects of the animals' biology. To avoid this, cages should provide for the animals' species-specific behavioural characteristics. We hypothesized that, given their possible capacity for colour vision, laboratory mice, Mus musculus, would show preferences between cages of different colours. Studies show that environmental colour can influence emotionality and task performance in humans, suggesting that cage colour could also affect emotionality and performance of mice in behavioural tests. Seventy-two mice were housed in home cages painted red, black, green or white. Five weeks later, 24 mice were placed individually into an apparatus allowing them to choose between cages of each of the home cage colours. Each mouse showed a highly significant preference, which overall, was unrelated to home cage colour. White cages were most preferred and red were least. Home cage colour had a significant effect on body weight and food consumption as well as on behaviour in a raised plus maze. Mice from red home cages spent most time in the closed arms, indicating greater anxiety, possibly suggesting that the reduced occupancy of the red preference cages resulted from avoidance of environmental conditions that induced a negative mental state. These findings show that laboratory mice have strong preferences between cages of different colours. We also found that an apparently inconsequential environmental variable, home cage colour, can influence responses in standard behavioural tests, which should be considered in assessing the external validity of such tests. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

We tested sexually mature zebra finches to see whether social learning influenced their feeding preferences, in particular whether they followed the preference of a male or a female demonstrator, of a red-ringed or a green-ringed male, and of a familiar or an unfamiliar male. Each observer was exposed to two demonstrators feeding at different-coloured hoppers, and then tested with a choice of hoppers to see which of the two colours they preferred. Males showed no preference between male and female demonstrators when choosing from which colour of food hopper to feed, but females preferred to feed from the hopper colour the male demonstrator had used. Both males and females exposed to male demonstrators wearing red or green leg rings fed preferentially from the same colour hopper as the red-ringed demonstrators had used. Finally, male birds exposed to familiar and unfamiliar demonstrators, preferred the food hopper from which the familiar demonstrator had fed. We interpret the results as indicating differences between the demonstrators in the amount of attention they attracted from observers.Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The global prevalence of red and black fruits has still not been explained. Hypotheses based on innate consumer preferences have been tested and rejected. Though colour itself plays an important role in animal foraging, it is only one component of signals. Another major component are colour contrasts against background achieving the conspicuousness of signals. In order to evaluate which signal component determines consumers behaviour, we measured fruit colour and colour contrasts of 43 species against their natural background under ambient light conditions. Red and black fruits exhibit stronger contrasts and are therefore more conspicuous to consumers than fruits of other colours. Subsequently, trials were carried out to determine whether colour or conspicuousness influences avian food choice. Four bird species strongly preferred contrasting red–green or black–green over uni-coloured red, green, or black fruit displays, while no preference for particular hues was found. We therefore hypothesize that conspicuousness determines avian food selection and define the contrast hypothesis: Diurnal dispersers select fruit colours based on their conspicuousness and not their colour itself.
Because colour vision is an ancient trait, the entire heterogeneous group of frugivorous birds most likely perceives conspicuousness uniformly over evolutionary time spans. Conspicuousness has thus the potential to explain the global prevalence of red and black fruits.  相似文献   

Research on colour preferences in humans and non-human primates suggests similar patterns of biases for and avoidance of specific colours, indicating that these colours are connected to a psychological reaction. Similarly, in the acoustic domain, approach reactions to consonant sounds (considered as positive) and avoidance reactions to dissonant sounds (considered as negative) have been found in human adults and children, and it has been demonstrated that non-human primates are able to discriminate between consonant and dissonant sounds. Yet it remains unclear whether the visual and acoustic approach–avoidance patterns remain consistent when both types of stimuli are combined, how they relate to and influence each other, and whether these are similar for humans and other primates. Therefore, to investigate whether gaze duration biases for colours are similar across primates and whether reactions to consonant and dissonant sounds cumulate with reactions to specific colours, we conducted an eye-tracking study in which we compared humans with one species of great apes, the orangutans. We presented four different colours either in isolation or in combination with consonant and dissonant sounds. We hypothesised that the viewing time for specific colours should be influenced by dissonant sounds and that previously existing avoidance behaviours with regard to colours should be intensified, reflecting their association with negative acoustic information. The results showed that the humans had constant gaze durations which were independent of the auditory stimulus, with a clear avoidance of yellow. In contrast, the orangutans did not show any clear gaze duration bias or avoidance of colours, and they were also not influenced by the auditory stimuli. In conclusion, our findings only partially support the previously identified pattern of biases for and avoidance of specific colours in humans and do not confirm such a pattern for orangutans.  相似文献   

1. Crab spiders (Thomisidae) are common flower-visiting spiders that ambush prey on inflorescences. As such, they require specific flowers or substrates for hunting, which are most often selected using sensory cues (e.g. vision). However, few studies have examined the visual preference of crab spiders for particular flowers. In this study, the visual preferences of the crab spider Ebrechtella tricuspidata for different inflorescence characteristics (e.g. colour and shape) were investigated. 2. The results showed that adult spiders explored all colours and shapes, whereas juvenile spiders displayed an overall preference for long (red) and short (purple) wavelength colours. Thus, differences in colour were not particularly important for E. tricuspidata with regard to visual attractiveness and selection. 3. However, inflorescence shape (e.g. tulip) was found to be a more desirable trait for selection, which was probably due to the provision of shelter. 4. These results also suggest that male preference for female spiders depended somewhat on the background colour (wavelength) of the flower on which the female was located.  相似文献   

The idea that language can affect how we see the world continues to create controversy. A potentially important study in this field has shown that when an object is suppressed from visual awareness using continuous flash suppression (a form of binocular rivalry), detection of the object is differently affected by a preceding word prime depending on whether the prime matches or does not match the object. This may suggest that language can affect early stages of vision. We replicated this paradigm and further investigated whether colour terms likewise influence the detection of colours or colour-associated object images suppressed from visual awareness by continuous flash suppression. This method presents rapidly changing visual noise to one eye while the target stimulus is presented to the other. It has been shown to delay conscious perception of a target for up to several minutes. In Experiment 1 we presented greyscale photos of objects. They were either preceded by a congruent object label, an incongruent label, or white noise. Detection sensitivity (d’) and hit rates were significantly poorer for suppressed objects preceded by an incongruent label compared to a congruent label or noise. In Experiment 2, targets were coloured discs preceded by a colour term. Detection sensitivity was significantly worse for suppressed colour patches preceded by an incongruent colour term as compared to a congruent term or white noise. In Experiment 3 targets were suppressed greyscale object images preceded by an auditory presentation of a colour term. On congruent trials the colour term matched the object’s stereotypical colour and on incongruent trials the colour term mismatched. Detection sensitivity was significantly poorer on incongruent trials than congruent trials. Overall, these findings suggest that colour terms affect awareness of coloured stimuli and colour- associated objects, and provide new evidence for language-perception interaction in the brain.  相似文献   

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