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A recombinant DNA plasmid, pBR322-GH1, which contains about 80% of the sequences of rat pregrowth hormone (pGH) mRNA, allowed an analysis of nuclear RNA from GH3 cells for possible precursors of cytoplasmic pGH mRNA. A single 20-22S RNA SPECIES ABOUT 2-3 TIMes larger than pGH mRNA was detected in nuclear RNA from GH3 cells labeled for 5 min. with 3H-uridine. After longer label times a 12S RNA indistinguishable in size from cytoplasmic 12S pGH mRNA became the predominant labeled RNA complementary to the plasmid pBR322-GH1. Both of these nuclear RNA species contained poly (A). Kinetic analysis of the labeling of nuclear and cytoplasmic pGH mRNA sequences showed that the 20S and 12S nuclear RNA molecules were labeled before significant labeling of cytoplasmic pGH mRNA was detected, and also indicated that there is complete conservation of nuclear pGH mRNA sequences in the production of cytoplasmic pGH mRNA. These results indicate that cytoplasmic pGH mRNA is generated by nuclear processing of a larger nuclear RNA molecule.  相似文献   

The size of pulse-labeled globin messenger RNA nucleotide sequences was investigated, to determine whether newly transcribed globin mRNA molecules are larger than steady-state globin mRNA. Molecular hybridization techniques were used to compare directly the sedimentation of steady-state (unlabeled) and pulse-labeled (radioactive) globin mRNA sequences in the same analytical sucrose gradient. In gradients containing 98% formamide, radioactive globin mRNA sequences from mouse fetal liver cells labeled for 15 to 20 minutes with [3H]uridine sediment in a broad band with a peak at approximately 14 S, while steady-state globin mRNA sediments at 10 S. The large radioactive RNA can be recovered from one gradient and recentrifuged in a second gradient, in which it again sediments in a broad band with a peak at 14 S. The large radioactive RNA is cleaved to 10 S during a 75-minute “chase” with either actinomycin D or unlabeled uridine plus cytidine. The estimated half-life of the precursor is 45 minutes or less under these conditions. A covalent RNA precursor larger than 18 S with a similar turnover rate is not observed.  相似文献   

Previous work (Firtel et al., 1972) showed that messenger RNA from the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, like that from mammalian cells, contains a sequence of about 100 adenylic acid residues at the 3′ end. We show here that Dictyostelium nuclei, labeled under a variety of conditions, do not contain material analogous to the large nuclear heterogeneous RNA found in mammalian cells. Rather, the majority of pulse-labeled nuclear RNA that is not a precursor of ribosomal RNA does contain at least one sequence of polyadenylic acid; this RNA, with an average molecular weight of 500,000, appears to be only 20% larger than cytoplasmic messenger RNA.Pulse-labeling experiments show that the nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA is a material precursor of messenger RNA. Whereas previous work showed that over 90% of messenger RNA sequences are transcribed from non-reiterated DNA, we show here that about 25% of nuclear poly (A)-containing RNA is transcribed from reiterated DNA sequences and only 75% from single-copy DNA. We present evidence that a large fraction of the nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA contains, at the 5′ end, a sequence of about 300 nucleotides that is transcribed from repetitive DNA, and which is lost before transport of messenger RNA into the cytoplasm.Based on these and other results, we present a model of arrangement of repetitive and single-copy DNA sequences in the Dictyostelium chromosome.  相似文献   

Polyadenylated RNA, extracted from a human medullary thyroid carcinoma, was translated in cell-free systems prepared from wheat germ and reticulocyte lysates. The major product of the translations was a protein of 15,000 MR which was immunoprecipitated specifically with an antiserum to synthetic human calcitonin. Addition to the translation reactions of microsomal membranes, prepared from canine pancreas, resulted in the partial disappearance of the 15,000 MR polypeptide and the concomitant appearance of a smaller peptide (11,000 MR), also immunoprecipitated specifically by antisera to calcitonin. These results indicate that human calcitonin is synthesized in the form of a precursor of 15,000 MR and suggest that the precursor contains a leader sequence that is cleaved from the polypeptide by enzymes associated with microsomal membranes.  相似文献   

Ribonucleoprotein particles containing either heterogeneous nuclear RNA or polyribosomal messenger RNA were isolated from growing HeLa cells in order to compare their respective protein components. The major obstacle to analysing the proteins bound to HeLa cell mRNA proved to be the cosedimentation of a large fraction of the mRNP2 particles with ribosomal subunits following puromycin or EDTA disassembly of polyribosomes. This was circumvented by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography, in which essentially all of the ribosomal subunits passed through the column without retention, while approximately 80% of the pulse-labeled, poly(A)-containing mRNP became bound and could be eluted with formamide. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the non-bound fraction (ribosomal subunits) revealed polypeptides between 15,000 and 55,000 molecular weight, with no detectable components greater than 55,000. The oligo-(dT)-bound mRNP contained a much simpler protein complement, consisting of three major components having molecular weights of 120,000, 76,000 and 52,000.In the case of the nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles that contain heterogeneous nuclear RNA, oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography revealed two classes of particles. The first contained 10 to 20% of the hnRNA, did not bind to oligo(dT)-cellulose in 0.25 m-NaCl, 10 mm-sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0 (4 °C), and contained primarily a single polypeptide component having an estimated molecular weight of 40,000 (“informofers”). A second population of hnRNP particles comprised approximately 80% of the hnRNA, displayed strong binding to oligo(dT)-cellulose at 0.25 m-NaCl, and contained a very complex population of proteins, having molecular weights between 40,000 and 180,000, the same as unfractionated hnRNP. The results indicate that, at the resolution of gel electrophoresis and at the sensitivity of Coomassie blue dye, the proteins bound to HeLa cell hnRNA are qualitatively distinct from those bound to polyribosomal mRNA and, in addition, that the hnRNP proteins are the more complex of the two. These results are discussed in relation to the possible nucleotide sequence elements in hnRNA and mRNA to which these specific proteins are bound.  相似文献   

Methylation of adenovirus 2 (Ad 2) late RNA was studied. RNA was double-labeled with [3H-methyl]-methionine and [14C]-uridine 15–20 h postinfection. Nuclear RNA (rRNA) and cytoplasmic RNA (mRNA) was extracted, and fractionated into polyA(+) and (?) molecules using poly(U)-Sepharose. Ad 2 specific RNA was purified by 2 cycles of hybridization to and elution from Ad 2 DNA immobilized on filters. The Ad 2 polyA(+) and (?) nRNA and mRNA fractions had the same 3H14C ratios, and were estimated to contain a minimum of 1.4 methylated nucleotides per 1000 bases. Viral RNA was digested with RNase T2 and chromatographed on DEAE-Sephadex in 7 M urea at pH 7.6. All four Ad RNA fractions contained methylated constituents consistent with: (1) two classes of methylated “capped” 5′-termini with general structures m7 GpppNmpNp and m7 GpppNmpNmpNp; (2) internal base methylations; (3) minor amounts of internal ribose 2′-0-methylations. Two classes of 5′-termini have previously been reported for animal cell mRNA, but not for mRNA from a variety of viruses. Internal methylations may be unique to RNA molecules transcribed in the nucleus, since they have not been found in RNA from cytoplasmic viruses. No gross differences were observed in the DEAE-Sephadex elution profiles of the methylated constituents of the four types of Ad 2 RNA. These results suggest that the majority of methylation events occur in the nucleus, and raise the possibility that Ad 2 methylated late nRNA may differ significantly from SV40 late nRNA (Lavi, S., and Shatkin, A.J. (1975) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 72, 2012–2016).  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, the nuclear membrane creates a barrier between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Whereas RNA synthesis occurs in the nucleus, they mostly function in the cytoplasm; thus export of RNA molecules from the nucleus to the cytoplasm is indispensable for normal function of the cells. The molecular mechanisms involved in each kind of cellular RNA export is gradually understood. The focus of this review will be mRNA export. mRNAs are multiformed. In order to ensure that this variety of mRNA molecules are all exported, cells are probably equipped with multiple export pathways. A number of proteins is predicted to be involved in mRNA export. Ascertaining which proteins play crucial roles in the pathways is the key point in the study of mRNA export.  相似文献   

Procedures are described that permit the detection and isolation of a specific messenger RNA as well as its precursor from total cell extracts. DNA complementary to the mRNA was elongated by the addition of dCMP residues and annealed with labeled cell RNA. The elongated DNA with RNA hybridized to it was isolated by chromatography on a poly(I)-Sephadex column. The method was used to isolate 32P-labeled globin mRNA from labeled Friend cells, a mouse erythroleukaemic cell line, induced with dimethylsulfoxide to synthesize hemoglobin. 32P-labeled globin mRNA isolated by this procedure was estimated to be 80% pure by hybridization analysis and sedimented as a single peak at 10 S. Partial sequences were determined for 16 oligonucleotides derived from the purified 32P-labeled globin mRNA by RNAase T1 digestion. The partial sequences for nine oligonucleotides corresponded to those predicted from the amino acid sequences of α and β globin; the other oligonucleotides were presumably derived from non-translated regions.In order to detect a possible precursor to globin mRNA, RNA from induced Friend cells pulse-labeled with [32P]phosphate for 20 minutes was centrifuged through a sucrose gradient and the resulting fractions were analyzed for globinspecific sequences. Two peaks of globin-specific RNA were detected, a larger one at 10 S, the position of mature globin mRNA, and a smaller one at 15 S.  相似文献   

R J Crawford  J R Wells 《Biochemistry》1978,17(9):1591-1596

The lamins are the major components of the nuclear matrix and are known as lamins A, B, and C with Mr 72,000, 68,000, and 62,000 when analysed by SDS PAGE. These three polypeptides are very similar, as determined by polypeptide mapping and immunological reactivity. Lamins A and C are so homologous that a precursor-product relationship has been proposed. Using an antiserum against nuclear matrix proteins that specifically immunoprecipitates the three lamins, we examined their synthesis in the rabbit reticulocytes lysate. Four bands of Mr 62,000, 68,000, 70,000, and 74,000 were specifically immunoprecipitated when polysomes or polyadenylated RNA were translated in vitro. By two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the 68,000- and the 62,000-mol-wt proteins were identified as lamins B and C, respectively, and the 74,000-mol-wt polypeptide had properties of a precursor of lamin A. The mRNAs of lamin C and of the putative precursor of lamin A were completely separated by gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions, and their respective sizes were determined. These results suggest that lamin A is not a precursor of lamin C.  相似文献   

Fully processed mRNAs are exported to the cytoplasm where they direct protein synthesis. A general feature of mRNA export is that it is an active, receptor-mediated process. The mRNA export receptors are thought to recognize and bind to the mRNA-export cargoes either directly or indirectly (via adaptor proteins) and facilitate their translocation across the central channel of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). On the cytoplasmic side of the NPC, the exported mRNA is released and the receptor returns to the nucleoplasm, without the cargo, to initiate additional rounds of export. Recent, studies in yeast and in higher eukaryotes have led to the elucidation of an evolutionarily conserved pathway for the export of bulk mRNA to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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