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餐厨垃圾资源化利用技术研究现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
餐厨垃圾产生量大、成分复杂、具有"危害性"和"资源性"的双重属性,随着垃圾分类工作的推进,将餐厨垃圾作为一种生物资源回收其中的资源和能源的研究受到了越来越多的关注。本文介绍了餐厨垃圾的成分特性及预分选方法,对餐厨垃圾厌氧消化、好氧堆肥、生物饲料、昆虫养殖、热处理技术及生物炼制生产高附加值化学品等主要的资源化利用途径进行了分析,并对餐厨垃圾收集及资源化过程中产生的恶臭气体、废水污染问题及处理方法进行了介绍。最后指出餐厨垃圾厌氧消化、昆虫养殖、好氧堆肥及生物饲料技术工业化利用过程中的设备运行的稳定性及其废水和臭气的控制问题仍需进一步的研究。餐厨垃圾热处理过程如何进一步降低能耗及开发高附加值的功能炭材料是未来的重要发展方向,餐厨垃圾生物炼制生产高附加值化学品是实现餐厨垃圾高值化利用的有效途径,也是替代传统化工路线生产化学品的重要路径。总之,采用多技术耦合是实现餐厨垃圾"减量化、无害化、资源化"的有效手段,也是发展我国循环经济发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾堆肥发酵中微生物菌群变化规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对垃圾处理厂静态堆肥不同区域的微生物菌群与数量的分析,表明了城市生活垃圾堆肥发酵中微生物菌群的变化规律,温度与微生物菌群的相关性,指出了高温微生物菌群数量影响堆肥的效率。建议在静态一次堆肥发酵周期中,增加通气量和翻堆频率,有利于增强微生物菌群的活力和提高堆肥质量。  相似文献   

赵薇  孙一桢  张文宇  梁赛 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7208-7216
我国生活垃圾产量大但处理能力不足,产生多种环境危害,对其资源化利用能够缓解环境压力并回收资源。为探讨生活垃圾资源化利用策略,综合生命周期评价与生命周期成本分析方法,建立生态效率模型。以天津市为例,分析和比较焚烧发电、卫生填埋-填埋气发电、与堆肥+卫生填埋3种典型生活垃圾资源化利用情景的生态效率。结果表明,堆肥+卫生填埋情景具有潜在最优生态效率;全球变暖对总环境影响贡献最大,而投资成本对经济影响贡献最大。考虑天津市生活垃圾管理现状,建议鼓励发展生活垃圾干湿组分分离及厨余垃圾堆肥的资源化利用策略。  相似文献   

【目的】针对易腐垃圾成分快速构建一种高效堆肥复合菌剂。【方法】研究以"中国科学院战略生物资源服务网络计划"支持建设的微生物资源库为基础,根据菌株产酶活功能信息,针对易腐垃圾有机成分定向挑选出高产酶(蛋白酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶、木质素酶、脂肪酶)菌株,通过测定菌株间拮抗作用,构建了一种高效堆肥复合菌剂CM菌剂。进行了菌剂发酵条件优化和易腐垃圾堆肥应用研究。【结果】CM菌剂最适发酵条件为接种7%的种子液于红糖培养基中,30°C下培养48h,此时菌剂产生蛋白酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶、木质素酶、脂肪酶酶活分别为181.76、52.92、1.57、12.81、9.94 U/mL。堆肥结果表明CM菌剂堆肥产品pH、含水率、有机质含量均满足生物有机肥标准(NY884-2012)。CM菌剂堆肥过程中最高温度为63.5°C,高温期9–12 d,30 d后含水率为28.7%,有机质降解率为30.4%,C/N为8.93,与商品菌剂BM相比堆肥效果更好,可使堆体高温期延长4–7d、含水率降低3.8%,可加快易腐垃圾中有机质降解,降解率提升6.2%,并具有更强的固氮能力,缩短腐熟时间,提升堆肥产品品质。【结论】基于环境微生物资源库功能信息构建堆肥复合菌剂是一种快速有效的菌剂构建方法。  相似文献   

为探讨高温纤维素菌剂对生活垃圾堆肥的影响, 研究在堆肥过程中添加了不同剂量和不同种类的微生物菌剂。分析了堆肥过程中各个阶段不同处理的温度、含水率、pH 值、E4/E6、有机质、全氮、硝态氮、铵态氮、C/N、全磷、速效磷、全钾和速效钾的变化情况。研究表明接种微生物菌剂的处理使堆肥初期升温上升较快, 堆肥效果好于空白对照处理。其中添加1%自制纤维素菌剂的处理升温速度较快, 堆肥发酵后期含水率最低, 腐殖化程度、有机质降解效率最高, C/N 达到20 时所用时间最短, 全氮、硝态氮、铵态氮、全磷、速效磷、全钾和速效钾含量最高, 堆肥效果最好。  相似文献   

以农村生活垃圾中的可堆肥腐熟成分和蘑菇渣为堆肥原料,通过添加微生物菌剂进行堆肥试验,研究其在农业废弃物堆肥腐熟过程中的作用,并通过田间试验研究堆肥腐熟后肥料样品对黄瓜和青椒的增产效果,以验证其肥效。结果表明添加微生物菌剂有助于堆肥腐熟后样品的氮、磷、钾的保全和有机质的增加,促进养分均衡。添加微生物菌剂的堆肥腐熟肥料样品在田间试验中对黄瓜和青椒的增产效果最为显著,分别为22.21%和19.87%。  相似文献   

刘依林  陈大志  朱爽  吴艳 《生态科学》2013,32(5):571-575
为了探讨厨余混合绿化垃圾的不同配比对蚯蚓的生物量及其堆肥效率的影响,进行了两种物料不同混配比例条件下赤子爱胜蚓堆肥处理混合垃圾的研究。试验结果表明,在其他生态因子保持不变的情况下,混合基质中增加绿化垃圾的比例可以相应地显著加快蚯蚓的生长、成熟和繁殖速度,显著提高对应基质的堆肥效率,这可能与混合基质碳氮比的提高、酸碱度的平衡以及透气性的改善有关。在厨余垃圾占主体(不低于50%)的情况下,绿化垃圾掺入的最佳比例范围为40%~50%,在该比例范围内,混合基质对赤子爱胜蚓种群增长的促进作用接近极限,相应的蚯蚓堆肥的效率也接近平台期最高值。  相似文献   

由废弃地整理复垦形成的耕地存在土壤有机质和有效养分低、土壤板结、微生物活性弱和土壤耕作性状不良等问题,快速、有效地提高土壤肥力质量是全面提升该类耕地质量和生产性能的重要组成部分.本文通过田间小区试验研究了城郊有机废弃物对新复垦耕地土壤培肥的综合效果,并比较了不同类型城郊有机废弃物在培育耕地质量方面的差异.试验设置了施用等量猪粪、鸡粪、水稻秸秆、蔬菜收获残留物、城市污泥、沼渣、猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥、生活垃圾堆肥和对照(不施有机肥)9个处理(年用量30 t·hm-2),连续进行3年的定点试验.结果表明: 施用任何有机物对改善土壤肥力均有明显的作用.其中,提升土壤碳库管理指数以施用猪粪、鸡粪、猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥、水稻秸秆和沼渣的效果最为显著;增加土壤水稳定性团聚体和降低土壤容重以施用猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥和沼渣的效果最佳;施用污泥、猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥和生活垃圾堆肥可增强土壤保蓄能力;施用猪粪、鸡粪和猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥对增加土壤有效态养分的效果最为明显;各类有机物均显著提高了土壤微生物数量和酶活性.长期施用污泥、生活垃圾堆肥及畜禽粪存在着土壤重金属污染的风险,但短期施用对土壤环境质量影响不明显.总体上,对土壤肥力的改善效果由大至小依次为:猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥>鸡粪>猪粪>沼渣>生活垃圾堆肥>水稻秸秆>城市污泥>蔬菜收获残留物;对土壤的相对污染程度由大至小为:城市污泥>生活垃圾堆肥>猪粪>鸡粪>沼渣>猪粪/水稻秸秆堆肥>蔬菜收获残留物>水稻秸秆.  相似文献   

好氧堆肥是有机固体废弃物处理处置的有效手段之一,堆肥还田也是贫瘠土壤改良的常用措施。但好氧堆肥是一个典型的CO_2等温室气体的释放过程。如何减少堆肥过程中的CO_2释放,强化堆肥的腐殖化过程对于实现有机固体废弃物的低碳化堆肥、提高作为优良土壤改良剂的腐殖质产量具有重要意义。本文选取农林秸秆和餐厨垃圾作为堆肥原料,研究不同翻堆频率对堆肥过程中的物料减量化、腐殖化和稳定化的影响,以期发现一个较低碳的堆肥工艺,并从微生物角度初步探索了其影响机制。研究结果显示,不同的翻堆频率(分别为每2 d、4 d和6 d翻堆一次),堆料的减量化和腐殖化程度有一定差异,翻堆频率为4 d的堆肥工艺物料减量率最高为50.5%,但碳减量率最低为77.4%;而翻堆频率为2 d的堆肥工艺腐殖质产量最高;3种堆肥工艺经62 d堆肥都达到了腐熟程度,翻堆频率为4 d的堆肥工艺腐熟化程度最高。不同的翻堆频率可能通过影响堆肥过程中堆料的温度、含氧量等因素从而改变堆料中活性微生物量、种类和生物酶活性,进而影响堆料的矿化和腐殖化进程。  相似文献   

为了探讨环境温度对蚯蚓的生物量及其堆肥效率的影响,进行了不同培养温度条件下赤子爱胜蚓堆肥处理有机垃圾混合剩余污泥的研究。试验结果表明,在其他生态因子保持不变的情况下,赤子爱胜蚓的生长和繁殖具有一个适宜的温度范围,可能在20℃左右,温度太高或太低都对蚯蚓的生长和繁殖不利。赤子爱胜蚓对有机垃圾混合剩余污泥的堆肥效率在20℃达到最高,而在其他温度时较低,特别是低温(5℃、10℃)情况下堆肥效率显著降低,但温度较高(30℃、35℃)时其堆肥效率下降不显著。从产业应用的角度,如果同时考虑蚯蚓维持种群繁衍的再生产能力以及蚯蚓堆肥效率这两个因素,环境温度维持在20℃附近可能最适宜赤子爱胜蚓处理有机垃圾混合剩余污泥。  相似文献   

Summary Various extracts obtained from different phases of composting municipal garbage were tested for their effect on the growth of Bacillus megaterium and a mixed bacterial population. The results showed that antimicrobial substances are present in the fresh garbage. Their biocidal efficiency decreases during the rotting process and no new antimicrobial substances are produced during rotting. The evolution of heat as well as a certain kind of detoxication is important for the sanitation of garbage by the composting process.Extract from the Dissertation I. in der Schmitten, Giessen 1979  相似文献   

Microbial succession during a laboratory-scale composting process of garbage was analysed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) combined with measurement of physicochemical parameters such as temperature, pH, organic acids, total dissolved organic carbon and water-soluble humic substance. From the temperature changes, a rapid increase from 25 to 58 degrees C and then a gradual decrease, four phases were recognized in the process as follows; mesophilic (S), thermophilic (T), cooling (C) and maturing (M). The polymerase chain reaction-amplified 16S rDNA fragments with universal (907R) and eubacterial (341F with GC clamp) primers were subjected to DGGE analysis. Consequently, the DGGE band pattern changed during the composting process. The direct sequences from DGGE bands were related to those of known genera in the DNA database. The microbial succession determined by DGGE was summarized as follows: in the S phase some fermenting bacteria, such as lactobacillus, were present with the existing organic acids; in the T phase thermophilic bacillus appeared and, after the C phase, bacterial populations were more complex than in previous phases and the phylogenetic positions of those populations were relatively distant from strains so far in the DNA database. Thus, the DGGE method is useful to reveal microbial succession during a composting process.  相似文献   

Laboratory and pilot-plant composting of garbage mixtures of newspaper and vegetable waste has demonstrated that garbage can be converted to a medium that produces mushrooms (Agaricus campestris) in good yield. Sewage sludge was less satisfactory than newspaper, gumwood sawdust, or vegetable waste as a compost material for growing mushrooms. A sample of commercially produced compost was found to yield mushrooms in the same quantity as was produced in the laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

AIMS: We aimed to systematically understand the composting processes by a comparison of microbial communities during four full-scale composting processes. METHODS AND RESULTS: Microbial communities during the four different full-scale composting processes were analysed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis combined with measurement of physicochemical parameters. Two composting processes utilized sewage sludge and two utilized food-waste. Comparison of the four processes indicated that the concentration of dissolved organic carbon was higher in the food-waste-composting than in the sewage-sludge-composting processes, and microbial communities varied with composting substrate. The tendency for different microbes to appear in the composting process with different concentrations of dissolved organic carbon agreed with a previous study that showed that microbial succession occurred with a decrease in dissolved organic carbon in a laboratory-scale food-waste-composting process. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggested that the main factor affecting microbial communities in the composting process is the concentration of dissolved organic materials. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: In addition to studying microbial communities involved in composting, this research is also the first to study composting mechanisms using molecular methods. The results of our studies may be helpful in the design and management of composting processes.  相似文献   

城市污泥好氧堆肥过程中积温规律的探讨   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
对城市污泥好氧堆肥稳定化过程的温热条件进行了探讨 ,将物候学中的积温概念应用于堆肥稳定化 (腐熟 )过程。它同时兼顾到堆肥过程中的温度强度和持续时间两个参数。对于采用的强制通风静态垛堆肥工艺 ( CTB自动控制堆肥工艺 ) ,建议以 1 5℃作为生物学零度 ,积温指标为 1 0 0 0 0℃· h左右。堆肥原料的性质、堆肥工艺、微生物种群、生物学零度、外界环境等因素可能会对积温产生一定影响  相似文献   

微生物在有机固废堆肥中的作用与应用   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
好氧堆肥是实现有机固体废弃物资源化利用的主流处理方式。堆肥腐熟是一个由微生物主导的生理生化过程,堆料通过微生物发酵实现矿质化、腐殖化和无害化,转变成腐熟的有机肥。传统的好氧堆肥存在发酵周期长、养分损失、恶臭及温室气体排放等不足。在堆肥过程中添加微生物是弥补传统好氧堆肥缺陷、提高堆肥品质和功效的有效方法。近年来,国内外在好氧堆肥过程中主要微生物类群与其演替规律、外源添加微生物的作用与功能等方面取得了较大进展。本文简述好氧堆肥基本过程与主要影响因素,以及这个过程中主要微生物类群与其演替规律,重点介绍有关微生物添加剂在好氧堆肥中的应用及其作用方面的研究进展。同时,我们对目前微生物添加剂在应用中存在的问题进行分析并对解决途径进行探讨。  相似文献   

To ensure Escherichia coli reduction during cattle feces composting, co-composting with a variety of organic wastes was examined. A mixture of dairy cattle feces and shredded rice straw (control) was blended with organic wastes (tofu residue, rice bran, rapeseed meal, dried chicken feces, raw chicken feces, or garbage), and composted using a bench-scale composter under the high-moisture condition (78%). The addition of organic waste except chicken feces brought about maximum temperatures of more than 55 degrees C and significantly reduced the number of E. coli from 10(6) to below 10(2)CFU/g-wet after seven days composting, while in the control treatment, E. coli survived at the same level as that of raw feces. Enhancements of the thermophilic phase and E. coli reduction were related to the initial amount of easily digestible carbon in mass determined as BOD. BOD value more than 166.2 mg O2/DMg brought about significant E. coli reduction.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the ammonia-assimilating abilities of micro-organisms isolated from cattle manure composting processes and to determine the distribution of cultivable species of ammonia-assimilating micro-organisms in microbial communities during the composting processes. METHODS AND RESULTS: Compost samples were collected from four stages of treatment. Trypto soya agar was used for the isolation of ammonia-assimilating aerobes. Many of the isolates showed high ammonia-assimilating ability in a medium containing basal components and a compost extract. Partial 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing showed that the cultivable species of highly efficient ammonia-assimilating isolates changed during the composting process. The community structure of micro-organisms and actinomycetes was analysed by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Two species of actinomycetes identified by PCR-DGGE coincided with those found among the cultured isolates. CONCLUSIONS: Ammonia-assimilating micro-organisms obtained by the cultivation method were not predominant in the microbial community during the composting process: however certain cultured actinomycetes were members of predominant species in the actinomycetes community. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Ammonia assimilation by micro-organisms is one of the important mechanisms for ammonia retention in the composting process. Cultivable actinomycetes are a means for preventing ammonia emission from the composting process.  相似文献   

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