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(Na(+)+K(+))-ATPase (NKA) comprises two basic α and β subunits: The larger α subunit catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP for active transport of Na(+) and K(+) ions across the plasma membrane; the smaller β subunit does not take part in the catalytic process of the enzyme. Little is known about allosteric regulation of the NKA β subunit. Here, we report a surprising finding that extracellular stimuli on the native β(1) subunit can generate a significant impact on the catalytic function of NKA. By using a β(1) subunit-specific monoclonal antibody JY2948, we found that the JY2948-β(1) subunit interaction markedly enhances the catalytic activity of the enzyme and increases the apparent affinity of Na(+) and K(+) ions for both ouabain-resistant rat NKA and ouabain-sensitive dog NKA. This study provides the first evidence to identify an allosteric binding site residing on the NKA β(1) subunit and uncovers the latent allosteric property of the β(1) subunit, which remotely controls the NKA catalytic function.  相似文献   

Activation of (Na++K+)-ATPase (NKA) regulates cardiac L-type Ca2+ channel (LTCC) function through molecular crosstalk. The mechanism underlying NKA-LTCC crosstalk remains poorly understood. We have previously shown that activation of NKA leads to phosphorylation of LTCC α1 Ser1928. Here we investigated whether LTCC β2 subunit is modulated by NKA activation and found that LTCC β2 Ser496 is phosphorylated in response to activation of NKA. Src inhibitor PP1 and Erk1/2 inhibitor PD98059 abolish LTCC β2 Ser496 phosphorylation, suggesting that NKA-mediated β2 Ser496 phosphorylation is dependent of Src/Erk1/2 signaling pathway. Protein kinase G (PKG) inhibitor KT5823 failed to inhibit the phosphorylation of β2 Ser496, indicating that the NKA-LTCC crosstalk is independent of PKG activity. The results of nifedipine sensitive 45Ca influx experiments suggest that phosphorylation of β2 Ser496 may play a key down-regulation role in attenuating the accelerated activity of α1 subunit of the channel. Ouabain does not cause a phosphorylation on β2 Ser496, indicating a fundamental difference between activation and inhibition of NKA-mediated biological processes. This study provides the first evidence to demonstrate that LTCC β2 subunit is coupled with the movement of signals in the mechanism of activation of NKA-mediated crosstalk with LTCC.  相似文献   

The Mr ≈ 100 000 α subunit was prepared from highly purified lamb kidney (Na++ K+)-ATPase. Its N-terminal sequence is Gly-Arg-Asx-Lys-Tyr-Glu. The α subunit was S-carboxymethylated, succinylated, and cleaved at its 40 arginine residues with trypsin. Four major, well-differentiated peptide fractions (A to D) were obtained by chromatography of the digest on a Sephadex G-50 column. Fraction A eluted at the void volume of the column and contained aggregated, very hydrophobic peptides, possibly from regions of α that are buried within the membrane lipid bilayer in the native enzyme. Fractions B to D, which together accounted for about 75% of the total protein, contained water-soluble peptides. To test the feasibility of using antibodies to identify and purify specific peptides of α subunit, studies were carried out using antibodies to native (Na++ K+)-ATPase. Carboxymethylation and succinylation did not significantly decrease total antibody binding to α subunit, although the affinity of the anti-(Na+ + K+)-ATPase antibodies for α subunit was reduced by about 50%. The tryptic peptides of a subunit also retain significant immunochemical reactivity. Fractions A, B and C (but not D) of the digest all bind antibodies. To characterize further the tryptic digest, 16 peptides from fraction D were isolated and sequence studies on these were carried out.  相似文献   

This review summarizes our experiments on the significance of the -subunit in the functional expression of Na+/K+-ATPase. The -subunit acts like a receptor for the -subunit in the biogenesis of Na+/K+-ATPase and facilitates the correct folding of the -subunit in the membrane. The -subunit synthesized in the absence of the -subunit is subjected to rapid degradation in the endoplasmic reticulum. Several assembly sites are assigned in the sequence of the -subunit from the cytoplasmic NH2-terminal domain to the extracellular COOH-terminus: the NH2-terminal region of the extracellular domain, the conservative proline in the third disulfide loop, the hydrophobic amino acid residues near the COOH-terminus and the cysteine residues forming the second and the third disulfide bridges. Upon assembly, the -subunit confers a resistance to trypsin on the -subunit. The conformations induced in the -subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase by Na+/K+- and H+/K+-ATPase -subunits are somehow different from each other and are named the NK-type and KH-type, respectively. The extracellular domain of the -subunit is involved in the folding of the -subunit leading to trypsin-resistant conformations. The sequences from Cys150 to the COOH-terminus of the Na+/K+-ATPase -subunit and from Ile89 to the COOH–terminus of the H+/K+-ATPase -subunit are necessary to form trypsin-resistant conformations of the NK- and HK-type. respectively. The first disulfide loop of the extracellular domain of the -subunits is critical in the expression of functional Na+/K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Renal sodium reabsorption depends on the activity of the Na+,K+-ATPase α/β heterodimer. Four α (α1–4) and 3 β (β1–3) subunit isoforms have been described. It is accepted that renal tubule cells express α11 dimers. Aldosterone stimulates Na+,K+-ATPase activity and may modulate α11 expression. However, some studies suggest the presence of β3 in the kidney. We hypothesized that the β3 isoform of the Na+,K+-ATPase is expressed in tubular cells of the distal nephron, and modulated by mineralocorticoids. We found that β3 is highly expressed in collecting duct of rodents, and that mineralocorticoids decreased the expression of β3. Thus, we describe a novel molecular mechanism of sodium pump modulation that may contribute to the effects of mineralocorticoids on sodium reabsorption.  相似文献   

(Na+ + K+)-ATPase from dog kidney lost its activity when heated at 55°C in the presence of 0.3 M 2-mercaptoethanol. Either heat treatment alone or addition of reducing agent at around 25°C caused little inactivation. One disulfide bond per protomer (mol. wt. 146000) was reduced in the inactivated sample but in active samples no reduction occurred. Neither K+-dependent phosphatase activity nor phosphoenzyme formation in the presence of Na+ was detected in the inactivated sample, suggesting that the disulfide bond was essential for the catalytic cycle of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. This essential disulfide bond belonged to the β-subunit, the glycoprotein component of the enzyme, indicating that the β-subunit may be an integral component of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase system.  相似文献   

Anna N. Bukiya 《FEBS letters》2009,583(17):2779-20212
Ethanol-induced inhibition of myocyte large conductance, calcium- and voltage-gated potassium (BK) current causes cerebrovascular constriction, yet the molecular targets mediating EtOH action remain unknown. Using BK channel-forming (cbv1) subunits from cerebral artery myocytes, we demonstrate that EtOH potentiates and inhibits current at lower and higher than ∼15 μM, respectively. By increasing cbv1’s apparent -sensitivity, accessory BK β1 subunits shift the activation-to-inhibition crossover of EtOH action to <3 μM , with consequent inhibition of current under conditions found during myocyte contraction. Knocking-down KCNMB1 suppresses EtOH-reduction of arterial myocyte BK current and vessel diameter. Therefore, BK β1 is the molecular effector of alcohol-induced BK current inhibition and cerebrovascular constriction.  相似文献   

Activation of (Na++K+)-ATPase (NKA) regulates cardiac L-type Ca2+ channel (LTCC) function through molecular crosstalk. The mechanism underlying NKA-LTCC crosstalk remains poorly understood. We have previously shown that activation of NKA leads to phosphorylation of LTCC α1 Ser1928. Here we investigated whether LTCC β2 subunit is modulated by NKA activation and found that LTCC β2 Ser496 is phosphorylated in response to activation of NKA. Src inhibitor PP1 and Erk1/2 inhibitor PD98059 abolish LTCC β2 Ser496 phosphorylation, suggesting that NKA-mediated β2 Ser496 phosphorylation is dependent of Src/Erk1/2 signaling pathway. Protein kinase G (PKG) inhibitor KT5823 failed to inhibit the phosphorylation of β2 Ser496, indicating that the NKA-LTCC crosstalk is independent of PKG activity. The results of nifedipine sensitive 45Ca influx experiments suggest that phosphorylation of β2 Ser496 may play a key down-regulation role in attenuating the accelerated activity of α1 subunit of the channel. Ouabain does not cause a phosphorylation on β2 Ser496, indicating a fundamental difference between activation and inhibition of NKA-mediated biological processes. This study provides the first evidence to demonstrate that LTCC β2 subunit is coupled with the movement of signals in the mechanism of activation of NKA-mediated crosstalk with LTCC.  相似文献   

Reactions of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with the diarylthallium(III) bromides Ar2TlBr [Ar = Ph and p-ClC6H4] in methanol gave good yields of the thallium(III) adducts [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlAr2]+, isolated as their salts. The corresponding selenide complex [Pt2(μ-Se)2(PPh3)4TlPh2]BPh4 was similarly synthesised from [Pt2(μ-Se)2(PPh3)4], Ph2TlBr and NaBPh4. The reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with PhTlBr2 gave [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlBrPh]+, while reaction with TlBr3 gave the dibromothallium(III) adduct [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlBr2]+[TlBr4]. The latter complex is a rare example of a thallium(III) dihalide complex stabilised solely by sulfur donor ligands. X-ray crystal structure determinations on the complexes [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlPh2]BPh4, [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlBrPh]BPh4 and [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlBr2][TlBr4] reveal a greater interaction between the thallium(III) centre and the two sulfide ligands on stepwise replacement of Ph by Br, as indicated by shorter Tl-S and Pt?Tl distances, and an increasing S-Tl-S bond angle. Investigations of the ESI MS fragmentation behaviour of the thallium(III) complexes are reported.  相似文献   

The Na+/K+-ATPase mediates electrogenic transport by exporting three Na+ ions in exchange for two K+ ions across the cell membrane per adenosine triphosphate molecule. The location of two Rb+ ions in the crystal structures of the Na+/K+-ATPase has defined two “common” cation binding sites, I and II, which accommodate Na+ or K+ ions during transport. The configuration of site III is still unknown, but the crystal structure has suggested a critical role of the carboxy-terminal KETYY motif for the formation of this “unique” Na+ binding site. Our two-electrode voltage clamp experiments on Xenopus oocytes show that deletion of two tyrosines at the carboxy terminus of the human Na+/K+-ATPase α2 subunit decreases the affinity for extracellular and intracellular Na+, in agreement with previous biochemical studies. Apparently, the ΔYY deletion changes Na+ affinity at site III but leaves the common sites unaffected, whereas the more extensive ΔKETYY deletion affects the unique site and the common sites as well. In the absence of extracellular K+, the ΔYY construct mediated ouabain-sensitive, hyperpolarization-activated inward currents, which were Na+ dependent and increased with acidification. Furthermore, the voltage dependence of rate constants from transient currents under Na+/Na+ exchange conditions was reversed, and the amounts of charge transported upon voltage pulses from a certain holding potential to hyperpolarizing potentials and back were unequal. These findings are incompatible with a reversible and exclusively extracellular Na+ release/binding mechanism. In analogy to the mechanism proposed for the H+ leak currents of the wild-type Na+/K+-ATPase, we suggest that the ΔYY deletion lowers the energy barrier for the intracellular Na+ occlusion reaction, thus destabilizing the Na+-occluded state and enabling inward leak currents. The leakage currents are prevented by aromatic amino acids at the carboxy terminus. Thus, the carboxy terminus of the Na+/K+-ATPase α subunit represents a structural and functional relay between Na+ binding site III and the intracellular cation occlusion gate.  相似文献   

Reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with a range of zinc(II) and cobalt(II) complexes ML2, where L is a β-diketonate ligand CH3COCHCOCH3, PhCOCHCOPh, CF3COCHCOTh (Th = 2-thienyl)] permits the synthesis of adducts [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4M(diketonate)]+, isolated as their salts in moderate yields. The cobalt and zinc acetylacetonate complexes were characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies, which reveal isomorphous structures, with tetrahedral heterometal centres.  相似文献   

[Pt5(μ-CO)5(CO)L4] (L = PPh31, PPh2Bz 2, AsPh33, PEt34, PCy35) have been synthesized by reacting [Pt3(μ-CO)3(PR3)3] with H2O2 (1 and 2), by reduction of cis-[PtCl2(CO)(PEt3)] with Zn dust (4), and by the Zn reduction of [Pt3(μ-CO)3(PCy3)3] in the presence of [PtCl2(CH3CN)2] (5). Complex 5 has not been observed previously and has been characterized by X-ray crystallography. Oxidation of the phosphine ligands with H2O2 is a new way to synthesize 1 and 2. The first complete NMR characterization of these complexes has also been achieved, and showed that these pentanuclear cluster complexes exhibit similar stereochemistries in solution and in the solid state. The observed 1JPt-Pt values do not have any correlation with the corresponding bond lengths, again pointing out the irregular behaviour of such parameter in Pt complexes.  相似文献   

Routes to the synthesis of the mixed sulfide-phenylthiolate complex [Pt2(μ-S)(μ-SPh)(PPh3)4]+ have been explored; reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with excess Ph2IBr proceeds readily to selectively produce this complex, which was structurally characterised as its PF6 salt. Reactions of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with other potent arylating reagents (1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and 1,5-difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene) also produce the corresponding nitroaryl-thiolate complexes [Pt2(μ-S){μ-SC6H2(NO2)2X}(PPh3)4]+ (X = H, F). The complex [Pt2(μ-S)(μ-SPh)(PPh3)4]+ reacts with Me2SO4 to produce the mixed alkyl/aryl bis-thiolate complex [Pt2(μ-SMe)(μ-SPh)(PPh3)4]2+, but corresponding reactions with the nitroaryl-thiolate complexes are plagued by elimination of the nitroaryl group and formation of [Pt2(μ-SMe)2(PPh3)4]2+. [Pt2(μ-S)(μ-SPh)(PPh3)4]+ also reacts with Ph3PAuCl to give [Pt2(μ-SAuPPh3)(μ-SPh)(PPh3)4]2+.  相似文献   

The coordination chemistry of the metalloligand [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] towards cobalt(II) and cobalt(III) centres has been explored using an electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI MS)-directed methodology. Reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with CoCl2·6H2O in methanol gave a green-yellow suspension of the known adduct [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4CoCl2], and the CoBr2 adduct could be similarly prepared. When in situ-generated [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4CoCl2] is reacted with 8-hydroxyquinoline (HQ) and base, the initial product is the cobalt(II) adduct [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4CoQ]+, which is then converted in air to the cobalt(III) adduct [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4CoQ2]+, isolated as its hexafluorophosphate salt. The corresponding picolinate (Pic) derivative [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4Co(Pic)2]+ was similarly prepared, however reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4], CoCl2·6H2O and 8-(tosylamino)quinoline (HTQ) produced only the cobalt(II) adduct [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4CoTQ]+. Reactions of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4], CoCl2·6H2O and dithiocarbamates gave cobalt(III) complexes [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4Co(S2CNR2)2]+ [R = Et or R2 = (CH2)4], and proceeded much more rapidly, consistent with the known ability of the dithiocarbamate ligand to stabilize cobalt in higher oxidation states. A study of the fragmentation of cobalt(III) adducts by positive-ion ESI mass spectrometry indicated that [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4CoQ2]+ fragments to form the radical cation [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4]+, which could also be generated by ESI MS analysis of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] in methanol-NaOH solution. In contrast, the corresponding indium(III) derivative [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4InQ2]+, and the cobalt(III) dithiocarbamate [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4Co(S2CN(CH2)4)2]+ are much more reluctant to fragment under analogous conditions, and the differences are discussed in terms of cobalt(III) redox chemistry.  相似文献   

The reduction of ethanolic solutions of niobium pentachloride with zinc, followed by treatment with aqueous acids serves as a versatile entry into the aqueous solution chemistry of niobium. From the zinc-reduced solution, the major intermediate, Nb42-O)22-OC2H5)4Cl4(OC2H5)4(HOC2H5)4, was isolated and the crystal structure determined by X-ray crystallography. The complex crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pccn, with Z=4, a=21.0105(9), b=11.0387(5), c=19.1389(8), V=4438.9(3) Å3, Mr=1090.19,R1=0.0327 and wR2=0.0876. The structure revealed a centrosymmetric tetrameric Nb(IV) complex, consisting of a pair of edge-sharing bi-octahedral Nb22-OC2H5)4Cl2(OC2H5)2(HOC2H5)2 units that are joined by two axial oxo ligands. The Nb-Nb distance of 2.7458(3) Å is consistent with a single metal-metal bond.  相似文献   



Induction of epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is essential for the metastasis of tumor cells and maintaining their stemness. This study aimed to examine whether endothelial cells, which are most closely located to tumor cells in vivo, play a role in inducing EMT in tumor cells or not.


Concentrated culture medium of bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) was applied to tumor cell lines (A549 and PANC-1) and epithelial cell line (NMuMg). Cadherin conversion, expressions of α-smooth muscle actin and ZO-1, actin fiber formation and cell migration were examined as hallmarks of the induction of EMT in these cell lines. Transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) antibodies were used to neutralize TGFβ1, TGFβ2 and TGFβ3. Expression and release of TGFβ proteins in BAECs as well as in porcine and human endothelial cells were assessed by Western blotting and ELISA, respectively.


Conditioned medium of BAEC induced EMT in the examined cell lines. All endothelial cells from various species and locations expressed TGFβ1 and TGFβ2 proteins and much lower level of TGFβ3 protein. Conditioned medium from these endothelial cells contained TGFβ1 and TGFβ2, but TGFβ3 could not be detected. Neutralizing antibody against each of TGFβ1 or TGFβ2 did not reverse endothelium-dependent EMT, but simultaneous neutralization of both TGFβ1 and TGFβ2 completely abolished it.


Endothelial cells may play a role in the induction and maintenance of EMT in tumor cells by constitutively releasing TGFβ1 and TGFβ2.

General significance

The present results provide a novel strategy of the inhibition of tumor metastasis by targeting vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

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