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We used X-rays from a linear accelerator and from a low energy therapeutic source to calibrate the single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay), a widely used method to measure DNA damage. γ-Rays from 60Co, with known efficiency in inducing DNA breakage, were used as reference. Human lymphocytes and one murine tumour cell line, F10-M3 cells, were irradiated under different experimental conditions. A similar relationship between radiation dose and induced DNA damage was obtained with γ- and X-rays. A calibration curve was constructed to convert the comet assay raw data into break frequency. The median levels of DNA breaks and oxidative damage in circulating lymphocytes from healthy volunteers were calculated to be 0.76 and 0.80 breaks/109 Da, respectively, (0.50 and 0.52 breaks/106 bp). The values of oxidative DNA damage were in the same order of magnitude as those found by others with HPLC methods.  相似文献   

Preservation of human blood cells for DNA damage analysis with the comet assay conventionally involves the isolation of mononuclear cells by centrifugation, suspension in freezing medium and slow freezing to ?80 °C—a laborious process. A recent publication (Al‐Salmani et al. Free Rad Biol Med 2011; 51: 719–725) describes a simple method in which small volumes of whole blood are frozen to ?20 or ?80 °C; on subsequent thawing, the comet assay is performed, with no indication of elevated DNA strand breakage resulting from the rapid freezing. However, leucocytes in whole blood (whether fresh or frozen) are abnormally resistant to damage by H2O2, and so a common test of antioxidant status (resistance to strand breakage by H2O2) cannot be used. We have refined this method by separating the leucocytes from the thawed blood; we find that, after three washes, the cells respond normally to H2O2. In addition, we have measured specific endogenous base damage (oxidized purines) in the isolated leucocytes, using the enzyme formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase. In a study of blood samples from 10 subjects, H2O2 sensitivity and endogenous damage—both reflecting the antioxidant status of the cells—correlated significantly. This modified approach to sample collection and storage is particularly applicable when the available volume of blood is limited and has great potential in biomonitoring and ecogenotoxicology studies where samples are obtained in the field or at sites remote from the testing laboratory. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Depending on the analytical method employed estimates of background levels of base oxidation in human DNA vary over orders of magnitude. It is now realised that oxidation of guanine in vitro can result in serious overestimation of the nucleoside by HPLC (with electrochemical detection). We have modified procedures of isolation, hydrolysis and storage of DNA with the aim of eliminating this artefact. Vacuum- or freeze-drying, and dialysis, tend to encourage oxidation. We compare results obtained with HPLC and with the comet assay, which employs lesion-specific enzymes to introduce breaks in DNA at sites of oxidative damage. Although estimates of background levels of DNA oxidation using the comet assay are several-fold lower than the estimates by HPLC, both approaches have been used successfully to detect differences between human subjects or population groups that seem to relate to human disease and nutritional factors.  相似文献   

徐池  陈剑东  徐莉  胡锋  李辉信 《生态学杂志》2012,31(7):1791-1797
为研究Cu2+对驯化蚯蚓的损伤影响,将赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)在非致死浓度(100mgCu2+·kg-1)下驯化培养2周,以未驯化的蚯蚓为对照,测定Cu2+对驯化及未驯化蚯蚓的急性毒性,并通过彗星试验(cometassay)观察铜胁迫下(400mg·kg-1)驯化后蚯蚓基因损伤的动态变化。结果显示:14d时,Cu2+对驯化蚯蚓和未驯化蚯蚓的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为321.83~542.45和230.83~342.91mg·kg-1,驯化后蚯蚓的存活率得到显著提高。彗星试验结果表示:蚯蚓体腔细胞的尾长、尾部DNA含量以及尾矩呈非正态分布,在11和14d时,驯化后的蚯蚓基因损伤程度明显比未驯化蚯蚓低。彗星试验是检测Cu2+对蚯蚓活体基因损伤的有效手段,蚯蚓体的DNA损伤可以作为指示重金属污染物影响的生物标志物。  相似文献   

MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells) are planned foruse in regenerative medicine to offset age-dependent alterations. However, MSCs are affected by replicative senescence associated with decreasing proliferation potential, telomere shortening and DNA damage during in vitro propagation. To monitor in vitro senescence, we have assessed the integrity of DNA by the alkaline comet assay. For optimization of the comet assay we have enhanced the stability of comet slides in liquid and minimized the background noise of the method by improving adhesion of agarose gels on the comet slides and concentrating cells on a defined small area on the slides. The modifications of the slide preparation increase the overall efficiency and reproducibility of the comet assay and minimize the image capture and storage. DNA damage of human MSCs during in vitro cultivation increased with time, as assessed by the comet assay, which therefore offers a fast and easy screening tool in future efforts to minimize replicative senescence of MSCs in vitro.  相似文献   

The comet assay for DNA damage and repair   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The comet assay (single-cell gel electrophoresis) is a simple method for measuring deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strand breaks in eukaryotic cells. Cells embedded in agarose on a microscope slide are lysed with detergent and high salt to form nucleoids containing supercoiled loops of DNA linked to the nuclear matrix. Electrophoresis at high pH results in structures resembling comets, observed by fluorescence microscopy; the intensity of the comet tail relative to the head reflects the number of DNA breaks. The likely basis for this is that loops containing a break lose their supercoiling and become free to extend toward the anode. The assay has applications in testing novel chemicals for genotoxicity, monitoring environmental contamination with genotoxins, human biomonitoring and molecular epidemiology, and fundamental research in DNA damage and repair. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay are greatly enhanced if the nucleoids are incubated with bacterial repair endonucleases that recognize specific kinds of damage in the DNA and convert lesions to DNA breaks, increasing the amount of DNA in the comet tail. DNA repair can be monitored by incubating cells after treatment with damaging agent and measuring the damage remaining at intervals. Alternatively, the repair activity in a cell extract can be measured by incubating it with nucleoids containing specific damage.  相似文献   

Single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) is one of the most common methods used to measure oxidatively damaged DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), as a biomarker of oxidative stress in vivo. However, storage, extraction, and assay workup of blood samples are associated with a risk of artifactual formation of damage. Previous reports using this approach to study DNA damage in PBMC have, for the most part, required the isolation of PBMC before immediate analysis or freezing in cryopreservative. This is very time-consuming and a significant drain on human resources. Here, we report the successful storage of whole blood in ~ 250 μl volumes, at − 80 °C, without cryopreservative, for up to 1 month without artifactual formation of DNA damage. Furthermore, this blood is amenable for direct use in both the alkaline and the enzyme-modified comet assay, without the need for prior isolation of PBMC. In contrast, storage of larger volumes (e.g., 5 ml) of whole blood leads to an increase in damage with longer term storage even at − 80 °C, unless a cryopreservative is present. Our “small volume” approach may be suitable for archived blood samples, facilitating analysis of biobanks when prior isolation of PBMC has not been performed.  相似文献   



Pesticides are used in agriculture to protect crops, but they pose a potential risk to farmers and environment. The aim of the present study is to investigate the relation between the occupational exposure to various pesticides and the presence of DNA damage.


Blood samples of 210 exposed workers (after a day of intense spraying) and 50 control subjects belonging to various districts of Punjab (India) were evaluated using Comet assay. Sixty workers who showed DNA damage were selected for follow up at 5-6 months after the first sampling during a low or null spraying period.


Significant differences were found in DNA damage between freshly exposed workers and controls and freshly exposed and followed up cases. There was significant increase in the comet parameters viz. mean comet tail length and frequency of cells showing migration in exposed workers as compared to controls (72.22 ± 20.76 vs. 46.92 ± 8.17, P<0.001; 31.79 vs. 5.77, P<0.001). In the second samples, followed up cases showed significant decrease in frequency of damaged cells as compared to freshly exposed workers of first sampling (P<0.05). The confounding factors such as variable duration of pesticide exposure, age, smoking, drinking and dietary habits etc which were expected to modulate the damage, were instead found to have no significant effect on DNA fragmentation.


The evidence of a genetic hazard related to exposure resulting from the intensive use of pesticides stresses the need for educational programs for agricultural workers to reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture.  相似文献   

The comet assay was performed to elucidate the linearity of calibration curves and detection limits for DNA damage in multiple organs of whole body X-irradiated mice, and rates of reduction in DNA damage by DNA repair during the irradiation period were estimated in the respective organs by comparing the rates of increase in DNA damage at different absorbed dose rates of X-rays. Of the assay parameters, tail length and the percentage DNA in the tail showed a higher sensitivity to DNA damage in most organs than Olive tail moment. Data at the higher absorbed dose rates (2.22 or 1.44 Gy/min) showed good correlations between absorbed doses and these two parameters, with correlation coefficients of more than 0.7 in many organs. However, this assay had difficulty detecting DNA damage at the lower absorption dose rate (0.72 Gy/min). The estimated rates of increase in DNA damage and those of DNA repair during the irradiation period in the respective organs suggested differences in the radiosensitivity of nuclear DNA and DNA repair capacity among organs. Our results indicated that absorbed dose rates of 1.0–1.3 Gy/min or greater were needed to induce detectable DNA damages by the comet assay in many organs.  相似文献   

Purpose: The main goal of the present study was to determine DNA damage in pesticide-exposed greenhouse workers and pesticides non-exposed controls.

Materials and methods: The DNA damage was measured by alkaline comet assay method (pH?>?13) in 41 greenhouse workers and 45 non-exposed individuals as the control. Pesticide exposure was assessed by duration of working in the greenhouse and pesticide application in the greenhouse time. DNA damage was estimated by arbitrary unit and damage frequency.

Results: Arbitrary unit and damage frequency were consistently significantly higher in greenhouse workers than those of the controls (p?=?0.001). In terms of gender in greenhouse, DNA damage of female workers was significantly higher than those in male workers (p?<?0.05). We found significant correlation between DNA damage and working hours spent. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that working hours in the greenhouse as an indication of pesticide exposure were significantly associated with the DNA damage, which can be attributed to the genotoxic potential of the pesticide mixture.

Conclusions: The comet assay is sensitive to detect the damage exposed to chronic effect of pesticides in greenhouse workers. Significant DNA damage was obtained for the exposed group, which was associated with the pesticide exposure.  相似文献   



Single cell gel electrophoresis, or the comet assay, was devised as a sensitive method for detecting DNA strand breaks, at the level of individual cells. A simple modification, incorporating a digestion of DNA with a lesion-specific endonuclease, makes it possible to measure oxidised bases.

Scope of review

With the inclusion of formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase to recognise oxidised purines, or Nth (endonuclease III) to detect oxidised pyrimidines, the comet assay has been used extensively in human biomonitoring to monitor oxidative stress, usually in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

Major conclusions

There is evidence to suggest that the enzymic approach is more accurate than chromatographic methods, when applied to low background levels of base oxidation. However, there are potential problems of over-estimation (because the enzymes are not completely specific) or under-estimation (failure to detect lesions that are close together). Attempts have been made to improve the inter-laboratory reproducibility of the comet assay.

General significance

In addition to measuring DNA damage, the assay can be used to monitor the cellular or in vitro repair of strand breaks or oxidised bases. It also has applications in assessing the antioxidant status of cells. In its various forms, the comet assay is now an invaluable tool in human biomonitoring and genotoxicity testing. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Current methods to study reactive oxygen species - pros and cons and biophysics of membrane proteins. Guest Editor: Christine Winterbourn.  相似文献   

The comet assay is one of the most versatile and popular tools for evaluating DNA damage. Its sensitivity to low dose radiation has been tested in vitro, but there are limited data showing its application and sensitivity in chronic exposure situations. The influence of the internal contamination caused by the Chernobyl accident on the level of DNA damage was evaluated by the comet assay on lymphocytes of 56 Ukrainian children. The study was performed during 2003 on children with demonstrable 137Cs internal contamination caused by food consumption. The children were selected for the study immediately after a 137Cs whole body counter measurement of internal contamination. The minimal detectable amount of 137Cs was 75 Bq. The control group included 29 children without detectable internal contamination, while in the exposed group 27 children with measured activity between 80 and 4037 Bq and committed effective dose between 54 and 3155 μSv were included. Blood samples were taken by a finger prick. The alkaline version of the comet assay was used, in combination with silver stained comets and arbitrary units (AU), for comet measurement. Factors such as disease, medical treatment, surface contamination of children's living location, etc., were considered in the study. Non-significant differences (p > 0.05) in DNA damage in control (9.0 ± 5.7 AU) versus exposed (8.5 ± 4.8 AU) groups were found. These results suggest that low doses of 137Cs internal contamination are not able to produce detectable DNA damage under the conditions used for the comet assay in this study. Further studies considering effects of high exposure should be performed on chronically exposed people using this assay.  相似文献   

Assessment of DNA repair capacity (DRC) upon ex vivo challenge of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with oxidative damage inducing agents, as evaluated by the comet assay, is widely used as biomarker to assess the antioxidant status in human studies. Here, the alkaline comet assay was now optimized for easy and time saving detection of repair capacity upon oxidative stress-induced DNA damage using the DNA polymerase inhibitor aphidicolin (APC) to block repair of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induced DNA damage. Addition of a DMSO-containing DNA damage stop solution was found suitable to replace washing steps for H2O2 removal before APC block. Cell treatment with APC at 6 μM did not impact baseline DNA damage but could reliably block DNA repair after H2O2 challenge in both fresh and cryopreserved samples thus omitting the use of a starting time point control. Under the conditions used, frozen cells, with or without an additional 4 h rest, showed the same repair capacity as their fresh counterpart. The intra assay coefficient of variation (CV) was 3.3%. To provide proof of principle, the modified assay was applied to cryopreserved PBMC from 19 participants of a short-term Brassica diet intervention study investigating potential health promoting effects of the food intervention. Then, a 33% increase in DRC (p ≤ 0.01) could be shown in samples after intervention (mean ± SD: 5.82 ± 1) as compared to baseline (mean ± SD: 4.38 ± 1.21). Individual samples from baseline and intervention showed an inter-individual CV of 27.65% (baseline) and 17.26% (intervention). Taken together this modified comet assay protocol allows the facilitated detection of DNA repair in fresh or cryopreserved human PBMC samples with a good sensitivity and reliability and could be useful in human studies addressing the antioxidant status and repair capacity of PBMC.  相似文献   

Diabetes patients often show increased production of reactive oxidative species (ROS) together with vascular complications. The presence of these ROS may lead to increased DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes that may be revealed by the comet assay. To test whether DNA is damaged in diabetes, peripheral blood samples were taken from 30 control individuals and 63 diabetic patients (15 insulin dependent (IDDM) and 48 non-insulin dependent (NIDDM)) and the alkaline comet assay was used to evaluate background levels of DNA damage. Significant differences were detected between control and diabetic patients in terms of frequencies of damaged cells. The extend of DNA migration was greater in NIDDM patients by comparison with IDDM patients which might indicate that IDDM patients are handling more oxidative damage on a regular basis. Smoker individuals had higher frequencies of cells with migration by comparison with the non-smokers in both groups. Also, clear differences between patients on placebo and on Vitamin E supplementation for 12 weeks were observed on the basis of the extend of DNA migration during single cell gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

DNA damage of peripheral lymphocytes in 60 workers occupationally exposed to trivalent chromium [Cr(III)] in a tannery was studied using comet assay. The urinary and blood chromium levels were detected as a biomarker of internal exposure. The 90 subjects were divided into three groups: (i) exposure group I included 30 tannery workers highly exposed to chromium from tanning department; (ii) exposure group II included 30 tannery workers with moderate chromium exposure from finishing department; (iii) control group included 30 individuals without exposure to physical or chemical genotoxic agents. No significant difference was found among the three groups for age and smoking. The results showed that the medians of blood and urinary Cr of two exposure groups were significantly higher than those of control group (P < 0.01). And the medians of blood and urinary Cr of exposure group I were significantly higher than those of exposure group II (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The medians of mean tail length (MTL) of the three groups were 5.33 (2.90–8.50), 3.43 (2.31–8.29) and 2.04 (0.09–3.83) μm, respectively; The medians of mean tail moment (MTM) of the three groups were 6.28 (2.14–11.81), 3.41 (1.25–11.07) and 0.53 (0.13–3.29), respectively. The MTL and MTM of two exposure groups were significantly higher than those of control group (P < 0.01). The MTL and MTM of exposure group I were significantly higher than those of exposure group II (P < 0.01). The results of the present investigation suggest that occupational exposure to trivalent chromium can lead to a detectable DNA damage of human peripheral lymphocytes. Moreover, DNA damage was associated with chromium levels in blood. DNA damage may serve as a valuable effective biomarker and total chromium in blood may serve as a useful internal exposure biomarker in the population occupationally exposed to trivalent chromium.  相似文献   

Purpose: To assess the predictive power of the comet assay in the context of occupational exposure to pesticides.

Materials and methods: The recruited subjects completed a structured questionnaire and gave a blood sample. Exposure to pesticides was measured by means of an algorithm based on Dosemeci’s work (Agricultural Health Study). Approximately 50 images were analyzed for each sample via fluorescence microscopy. The extent of DNA damage was estimated by tail moment (TM) and is the product of tail DNA (%) and tail Length.

Results: Crude significant risks (odds ratios, ORs) for values higher than the 75th percentile of TM were observed among the exposed subjects (score?>?1). The frequency of some confounding factors (sex, age and smoking) was significantly higher among the exposed workers. A significant dose–effect relationship was observed between TM and exposure score. Significant high-risk estimates (ORs), adjusted by the studied confounding factors, among exposure to pesticides and TM, % tail DNA and tail length were confirmed using unconditional logistic regression models.

Conclusions: The adjusted associations (ORs) between the comet parameters and exposure to pesticides were significant. The sensitivity of the comet test was low (41%), the specificity (89%) and the predictive positive value (0.77) were found acceptable.  相似文献   

许翠娅 《应用生态学报》2022,33(6):1679-1685
为研究对二甲苯对皱纹盘鲍肝胰腺的毒性作用,设置4个浓度(0.5、1.0、1.5和2.0 mg·L-1)和对照组,开展为期21 d的对二甲苯对皱纹盘鲍的亚慢性毒性试验,采用彗星试验技术进行皱纹盘鲍肝胰腺细胞DNA损伤分析,采用CASP分析软件对拖尾率、彗星尾长、彗尾DNA相对含量、Olive矩等损伤指标进行统计。结果表明: 与对照组相比,各染毒组皱纹盘鲍肝胰腺细胞DNA均受到损伤,且损伤程度存在显著性差异。随着染毒浓度的增加,肝胰腺细胞DNA受损程度加重,高浓度甚至可以引发细胞凋亡,呈现一定的剂量-损伤效应。中浓度对二甲苯短时间暴露即可对皱纹盘鲍肝胰腺细胞造成DNA损伤,随着暴露时间延长,细胞DNA受损程度加重,呈现一定的时间-损伤效应。但长时间暴露细胞DNA各损伤指标有所减小,这可能与细胞自身的DNA修复机制和生物体解毒系统的代谢机制有关。研究表明,对二甲苯可对皱纹盘鲍肝胰腺细胞产生氧化损伤,导致DNA断裂,高浓度的对二甲苯长时间暴露可导致其细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

The relationships between DNA damage and oxidative stress in the digestive gland, gills and haemocytes of the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus were investigated. Two markers of genotoxicity were measured: DNA breaks by means of the comet assay, and oxidative DNA lesions by means of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) measured using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to electrochemical detection. Lipid peroxidation was evaluated by measuring malondialdehyde (MDA) tissue levels. Effects were studied after exposure of bivalves for 6 days to benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) (50 and 100 μg?l?1) and ferric iron (20 and 40 mg?l?1), applied alone or in combination. Lipid peroxidation in the digestive gland and gills resulted from exposure to Fe3+ or B[a]P whatever the concentrations tested. DNA oxidatively formed lesions were induced in the two tissues at a higher level after B[a]P exposure than after Fe3+ treatment. No significant dose–response relationship was found with the two compounds and no synergistic effect was observed between Fe3+ and B[a]P. The gills appeared less sensitive than the digestive gland to DNA lesions expressed as 8-oxodGuo and comet results. Good correlations were noted between 8-oxodGuo and comet. MDA and DNA damage did not correlate as well, although it was stronger in the digestive gland than in the gills. Production of mucus by the gills likely served to prevent lesions by reducing the bioavailability of the chemicals tested, which could explain that dose–effect relationships and synergistic effects were not observed.  相似文献   

Ex vivo Assessment of Lymphocyte Antioxidant Status Using the Comet Assay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lymphocytes were isolated from volunteers before and after receiving a single supplement of vitamin C, vitamin E or β-carotene. The lymphocytes were treated with H2O2, and DNA strand breaks were measured by single cell gel electrophoresis (the comet assay). Significant protection against oxidative DNA damage was evident 2-4 h after vitamin C intake, and 18-24 h after consumption of the other antioxidants. Lymphocytes from smokers were more sensitive to DNA damage than those from non-smokers, and they showed at least as great a protective effect with antioxidants.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that extended-term cultures of human lymphocytes could be used as a complement to cell lines based on transformed cells when testing the genotoxicity of chemicals. To investigate whether the pattern of induced DNA damage and its subsequent repair differs significantly between cultures based on different blood donors, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced DNA damage was measured in cultures from four different subjects using the comet assay. The DNA damage was significantly increased in all cultures after 10 min exposure to 0.25 mmol/L H2O2, and there was a significant decrease in the H2O2-induced DNA damage in all cultures after 30 min of DNA repair. The level of damage varied between the different donors, especially after the repair. Using PCR and DNA sequencing, exon 5 of the p53 gene was sequenced in the lymphocytes from the donors with the lowest and highest residual damage. No such mutation was found. Mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells carrying the p53 mutation in exon 5 were included as a reference. These cells were found to be less sensitive toward the H2O2-induced DNA damage, and they were also found to have a rather low DNA repair capacity. The demonstrated variation in H2O2-induced DNA damage and DNA repair capacity between the cultures from the different subjects may be important from a risk assessment perspective, but is obviously not of decisive importance when it comes to the development of a routine assay for genotoxicity.  相似文献   

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