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Excessive lipid accumulation in macrophages plays an important role in the development of atherosclerosis. Recently, several studies have implied that resistin, an adipocytokine which is mainly expressed in human peripheral blood monocytes, may take part in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In this study, we investigated the effects of resistin on lipid accumulation as well as oxLDL on resistin expression in human macrophages. Treatment of macrophages with oxLDL significantly increased resistin mRNA expression, whereas native LDL had no such effect. Resistin pre-treated macrophages contained more and larger lipid droplets stained by Nile red. Resistin increased the expression of CD36 at both mRNA and protein levels, without affecting those of class A macrophage scavenger receptor (SR-A). These results suggest that resistin promotes lipid accumulation in human macrophages through its upregulating CD36 cell surface expression. Also, it is suggested that resistin may act as a modulator for macrophage-to-foam cell transformation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: During the oil frying process lipid peroxidation compounds are formed. These products can modulate gene expression and alter cellular behaviour. The cellular uptake of oxidized LDL, a key step in the development of atherosclerosis, is mediated by the CD36 scavenger receptor, whose expression is down-regulated by alpha-tocopherol.OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of water-soluble aldehydes, obtained from thermally oxidized sunflower oil on the expression of CD36 scavenger receptor in human monocytes (THP-1 cells). We also wanted to study the effects of alpha-tocopherol on CD36 expression in the presence of water-soluble aldehydes.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sunflower oil was heated in a frying pan, at 180--200 degrees C for 40 min, water-soluble aldehydes were isolated, and the content of thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS) was determined. THP-1 monocytes were cultured in RPMI medium during 24 h and incubated with increasing concentrations of the water-soluble aldehydes (ranging from 0.05 to 1 microM) and with or without 50 microM of alpha-tocopherol. In parallel, THP-1 cells were cultured with the same volume of an extract obtained from non-oxidized oil or distilled water. The CD36 expression at the cell surface was studied with fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS).RESULTS: Monocytes incubated in a medium containing water-soluble aldehydes, showed a dose dependent increase in the expression of the CD36 protein on the cell surface, compared to with the control groups. When the cells were treated simultaneously with 50 microM of alpha-tocopherol a significant reduction in the expression of the CD36 protein was observed.CONCLUSION: Water-soluble aldehydes, extracted from thermally oxidized culinary oil, increase the expression of CD36. This effect is partially decreased by the presence of alpha-tocopherol.  相似文献   

CD36: implications in cardiovascular disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
CD36 is a broadly expressed membrane glycoprotein that acts as a facilitator of fatty acid uptake, a signaling molecule, and a receptor for a wide range of ligands, including apoptotic cells, modified forms of low density lipoprotein, thrombospondins, fibrillar beta-amyloid, components of Gram positive bacterial walls and malaria infected erythrocytes. CD36 expression on macrophages, dendritic and endothelial cells, and in tissues including muscle, heart, and fat, suggest diverse roles, and indeed, this is truly a multi-functional receptor involved in both homeostatic and pathological conditions. Despite an impressive increase in our knowledge of CD36 functions, in depth understanding of the mechanistic aspects of this protein remains elusive. This review focuses on CD36 in cardiovascular disease-what we know, and what we have yet to learn.  相似文献   

CD36是一种脂类结合蛋白,在大鼠和小鼠的舌上皮细胞中均被发现,与长链脂肪酸(LCFA)具有高度亲和力,是啮齿类动物感受脂类的重要因子之一。研究表明这种蛋白质受体在口腔的脂类感受中起着至关重要的作用。CD36位于啮齿类口腔味蕾部分神经感受细胞的顶端部分,任轮廓状乳头中有特别高的表达,在叶状乳头中有少量表达,而在菌状乳头中几乎没有表达。  相似文献   

CD36, a class B scavenger receptor, is an integral membrane protein that mediates the endocytosis of modified lipoproteins. The functions of CD36 are complex and have been associated with atherosclerosis. In the current study, we developed a high-throughput screening (HTS) assay to identify small molecule antagonists by expressing human CD36 using a Bac-to-Bac baculovirus expression system in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells. Uptake of 1,1′-dioctadecyl-3,3,3′,3′-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate-labeled acetylated low-density lipoprotein (DiI-AcLDL) revealed that the IC50 values for the CD36 ligands oxidatively modified LDL (Ox-LDL), Ac-LDL, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) were 0.039, 0.019, and 0.010 μg/ml, respectively. Using the HTS assay, two novel compounds, 2016481B and 2038751B, were found to inhibit DiI-AcLDL uptake in insect cells and exhibited IC50 values of 17.4 and 23.7 μM, respectively. These two novel compounds also inhibited DiI-AcLDL uptake in cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells permanently expressing human CD36. Furthermore, these two compounds inhibited lipid accumulation in RAW 264.7 murine macrophage cells in foam cell assays. This HTS assay represents a potential method for identifying more effective macrophage scavenger receptor antagonists, which may serve as starting points for the development of novel anti-atherosclerotic agents.  相似文献   

Phosphocholine as a pattern recognition ligand for CD36   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have previously shown that CD36 recognizes oxidation products of phospholipids on oxidized LDL (OxLDL) such as 1-palmitoyl-2-(5'-oxovaleroyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POVPC). The current study was designed to examine whether the phosphocholine (PC) headgroup in POVPC constitutes an obligatory binding target for CD36. To examine the contribution of PC in the binding of POVPC to CD36, we used well-defined synthetic oxidized phospholipids (OxPLs) cross-linked to BSA or to a hexapeptide. The OxPL adducts were then tested for their ability to bind to CD36-transfected cells and for their ability to inhibit OxLDL binding to CD36. Both POVPC-BSA and POVPC-peptide adducts were high-affinity ligands for CD36 and potent inhibitors of OxLDL binding. Enzymatic removal of the entire PC moiety of the POVPC-peptide, or of the choline headgroup alone, as well as substitution of the choline headgroup by ethanolamine abrogated the inhibitory activity of POVPC. Interestingly, PC by itself or cross-linked to BSA did not show any intrinsic competition activity. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that the PC headgroup of OxPL alone is sufficient for binding to CD36, but only if presented in the correct conformation as in OxPL of OxLDL or as in POVPC-peptide adducts.  相似文献   

CD36作为重要的清道夫受体密切参与了巨噬细胞对氧化低密度脂蛋白的摄取作用,为了进一步研究CD36的功能,本文利用慢病毒介导的shRNA干扰技术,构建了CD36基因沉默巨噬细胞(J774A.1)株,并以此为模型分析了CD36在caveolin-1蛋白表达过程中的作用。首先,针对CD36基因序列设计合成5条shRNA片段,并构建得到pLKO.1-CD36-shRNA慢病毒干扰载体,测序鉴定后与psiCHECK-Ⅱ-CD36载体共转染入293T细胞中,筛选出有效的CD36-shRNA。将慢病毒干扰载体与病毒包装质粒共转染入293T细胞,包装得到慢病毒颗粒,之后感染J774A.1细胞,经嘌呤霉素筛选后得到CD36基因沉默稳转细胞株。Western blotting及激光共聚焦检测结果表明CD36基因沉默效率达90%,并且伴随着CD36的基因沉默,与之结合的DiI-oxLDL也随之大幅降低,证明构建成功具有良好生物学活性的CD36基因沉默细胞株。最后,抑制剂处理及oxLDL给药刺激实验结果表明,CD36的基因沉默能够显著降低JNK及ERK的磷酸化水平,进而抑制了caveolin-1的蛋白表达,表明CD36能够经由JNK及EKR信号传导调节caveolin-1的蛋白表达。  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is regarded as a chronic progressive inflammatory disease and is a basic pathophysiological process in coronary artery disease which is life threatening in clinic. The formation of foam cell plays a key role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. OxLDL is a significant factor in progression of coronary artery disease. Our studies have demonstrated that USP14 promotes cancer development and mediates progression of cardiac hypertrophy and LPS-induced inflammation. However, the underlying mechanism of USP14 is unknown. In this study, we found that the inhibition of USP14 significantly suppressed the oxLDL uptake, subsequently decreased the foam cell formation. Surprisingly, USP14 has an effect on the expression of CD36 but not SR-A, ABCA1, Lox-1, ABCG1 and SR-Bl. Furthermore, USP14 stabilizes CD36 protein via cleaving the ubiquitin chain on CD36. Blocking CD36 activation using antibody-dependent blocking assay remarkably attenuated the function of USP14 on the formation of foam cell. In summary, our results suggested that the inhibition of USP14 decreases foam cell formation by down-regulating CD36-mediated lipid uptake and provides a potential therapeutic target for atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

A stereo controlled synthesis of the biologically active neolignan, (+)-dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol (1) was achieved. This synthetic method was also efficient for preparing its enantiomer and other derivatives with biological activity.  相似文献   

Transmembrane protein CD36 binds multiple ligands, including oxidized low-density lipoproteins (oxLDLs) and long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). Our aim was to determine whether LCFAs compete with oxLDLs for binding to CD36. We addressed this issue by examining the inhibitory effect of LCFAs against the binding of Alexa-fluor-labeled oxLDLs (AFL-oxLDL) to a synthetic peptide representing the oxLDL-binding site on CD36 (3S-CD36150–168). All of the unsaturated LCFAs tested, inhibited the binding of AFL-oxLDL to 3S-CD36150–168, albeit to varying degrees. For instance, the concentrations required for 50% inhibition of binding for oleic, linoleic, and α-linolenic acids were 0.25, 0.97, and 1.2?mM, respectively. None of the saturated LCFAs tested (e.g. stearic acid) exhibited inhibitory effects. These results suggest that at least unsaturated LCFAs can compete with oxLDLs for binding to CD36. The study also provides information on the structural requirements of LCFAs for inhibition of oxLDLs–CD36 binding.  相似文献   

An adipocyte membrane glycoprotein, FAT, homologous to CD36, has been implicated in the binding/transport of long-chain fatty acids. FAT/CD36 was identified by reaction with reactive long chain fatty acids derivatives under conditions where they inhibited FA uptake. Expression of CD36 in fibroblasts lacking the protein led to induction of a saturable high affinity, phloretinsensitive component of oleate uptake. In this report, we have examined the effects of FAT/CD36 antisense expression in 3T3-F442A preadipocyte cells, on FA uptake and cell differentiation. Cells were transfected with pSG5-TAF vector obtained by insertion of antisense coding sequence of FAT/CD36 into the BamH 1 site of pSG5. Four clones were selected based on expression of antisense CD36 mRNA. Levels of CD36 protein were determined by flow cytometry and correlated with rates of oleate uptake. Three clones, TAF13, TAF25, and TAF38 exhibited low CD36 expression and one clone TAF 18 had expression comparable to that of F442A control cells. FA uptake rates in clones TAF13, TAF25 and TAF3 8 were lower than those observed in TAF18. At confluence, adipocyte differentiation could be promoted by addition of insulin and triiodothyronine only in TAF18 cells but not in TAF13, TAF25 or TAF38. Addition of fatty acids to clones TAF13, TAF25 and TAF38 lead to an induction of CD36 expression, an enhancement of FA uptake and better cell differentiation. The data support a role of CD36 in the membrane uptake of long chain FA. CD36 expression and FA uptake appear to be closely linked to preadipocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Fatty acid translocase (FAT)/CD36 has been associated with diverse normal and pathologic processes. These include scavenger receptor functions (uptake of apoptotic cells and modified lipid), lipid metabolism and fatty acid transport, adhesion, angiogenesis, modulation of inflammation, transforming growth factor- activation, atherosclerosis, diabetes and cardiomyopathy. Although CD36 was identified more than 25 years ago, it is only with the advent of recent genetic technology that in vivo evidence has emerged for its physiologic and pathologic relevance. As these in vivo studies are expanded, we will gain further insight into the mechanism(s) by which CD36 transmits a cellular signal, and this will allow the design of specific therapeutics that impact on a particular function of CD36.  相似文献   

脂质代谢是机体的重要代谢过程,其紊乱会导致众多疾病的发生。人类白细胞分化抗原36(cluster of differentiation 36,CD36)是一种在单核细胞、巨噬细胞、平滑肌细胞以及脂肪细胞高度表达的清道夫受体,是识别氧化低密度脂蛋白及长链脂肪酸的主要受体和转运蛋白,在脂质代谢过程中发挥着重要作用。本文综述了CD36基因及蛋白的结构和生理功能,阐述了清道夫受体CD36在脂质代谢过程中发挥的作用,并系统地总结了其级联AMPK、mTOR和MAPK信号通路参与脂质代谢过程的分子机制,为相关生物学研究提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is associated with expansion of polyglutamine tract in a protein named huntingtin (htt) that is expressed in virtually all body tissues. Thus mutated htt (HD-htt) might affect all organs, although clinical manifestations of HD are associated with selective loss of corticostriatal neurons of the brain. In this work we studied how HD-htt affects mitochondria in human peripheral blood cells. We compared various functions of mitochondria isolated from cultured lymphoblastoid cells derived from three HD patients with juvenile onset of the disease (HD-LBM) and three age-matched control (C-LBM) individuals. Respiratory parameters in different metabolic states, with succinate and glutamate plus malate were the same for all control and HD cell lines. State 4 membrane potential in HD-LBM was slightly lower than in C-LBM. The calcium retention capacity (CRC) of mitochondria was estimated using simultaneously several methods to register permeability transition (PT). We found that LBM do not undergo swelling upon Ca2+-induced PT, and do not increase CRC in the presence of ADP + oligomycin. Although each cell line had different CRC values, qualitatively PT was different in C-LBM and HD-LBM. With C-LBM cyclosporin A (CsA) increased CRC significantly, while with HD-LBM CsA was ineffective. In C-LBM depolarization of mitochondria and a large pore opening (PT) always occurred simultaneously. In HD-LBM depolarization occurred at 20-50% lower Ca2+ loads than PT. We suggest that HD-htt promotes low H+ conductance of the mitochondria by interacting with proteins at the contacts sites without directly promoting PT or hampering mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   


The recombinant human growth hormone (GH) has been used for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and diverse short stature state, and its physiological and therapeutic effects are well documented. However, since the effect of GH treatment on metabolic disorders has not been well characterized, we injected GH to Western diet-fed low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient (Ldlr ?/?) mice to understand the exact effect of GH on metabolic diseases including atherosclerosis, hepatic steatosis, and obesity. Exogenous GH treatment increased plasma IGF-1 concentration and decreased body weight without affecting serum lipid profiles. GH treatment changed neither atherosclerotic lesion size nor collagen and smooth muscle cells accumulation in the lesion. GH treatment reduced macrophage accumulation in adipose tissue. Importantly, GH treatment attenuated hepatic steatosis and inflammation. The hepatic expression IL-1β mRNA were decreased by GH treatment. The mRNA and protein levels of CD36 were markedly decreased in GH treated mice without significant changes in other molecules related to lipid metabolism. Therefore, the treatment of GH treatment could attenuate hepatic steatosis and inflammation with downregulation of CD36 expression in hyperlipidemic condition.  相似文献   

本研究以鼠源巨噬细胞RAW264.7为模型,研究CD36和胞外信号调节激酶(ERK )通路对脂多糖(LPS)诱导巨噬细胞分泌炎症因子的影响。首先用100 ng/ml LPS刺激正常及小干扰RNA (siRNA )技术沉默CD36表达的巨噬细胞16 h ,检测巨噬细胞的ERK活性及分泌炎症因子如肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF‐α)、白细胞介素6(IL‐6)和IL‐10的水平;继而以20 nmol/L ERK抑制剂处理细胞,再用LPS刺激,检测以上各项指标的变化,进一步明确ERK通路与LPS诱导巨噬细胞分泌炎症因子的相关性。结果显示,经LPS刺激,巨噬细胞的ERK活性显著增强,分泌的促炎因子 TNF‐α和 IL‐6显著增高,抑炎因子 IL‐10水平无明显变化;与CD36正常表达的巨噬细胞相比,CD36表达下降的巨噬细胞ERK活性及促炎因子TNF‐α、IL‐6水平显著下降,抑炎因子IL‐10显著增多。与未处理组相比,ERK抑制剂预处理的巨噬细胞中LPS诱导的ERK活性显著降低,促炎因子 TNF‐α和 IL‐6水平降低,抑炎因子 IL‐10水平升高。结果提示,LPS能通过其受体———CD36,激活巨噬细胞内ERK活性,进而促进巨噬细胞促炎因子的分泌。  相似文献   

目的:运用Cre/Loxp重组酶系统构建肝脏特异性CD36基因敲除小鼠并进行鉴定和验证,为研究CD36的生物学功能奠定基础。方法:构建CD36打靶载体,电转转染胚胎干细胞,通过长链PCR筛选出正确同源重组的阳性克隆,阳性胚胎干细胞克隆经扩增后,注射入C57BL/6J小鼠的囊胚中,获得嵌合小鼠,再与Flp小鼠交配筛选获得Flox杂合子小鼠,该小鼠与引进的Alb-Cre小鼠交配,在F3代获得CD36fl/fl:Alb-Cre+基因型小鼠,即为肝脏特异性CD36敲除小鼠。采用PCR鉴定小鼠基因型,PCR、实时荧光定量PCR和Western blot验证小鼠肝脏CD36敲除效果,Western blot检测小鼠肾脏、脂肪和心肌组织CD36表达情况,HE染色观察小鼠肝脏形态学改变。结果:建立了CD36基因的Flox杂合子小鼠,与Alb-Cre小鼠交配后,在F3代筛选出CD36fl/fl:AlbCre-和CD36fl/fl:Alb-Cre+基因型小鼠,DNA水平证实CD36fl/fl:Alb-Cre+基因型小鼠肝脏CD36基因通过Cre/Loxp重组酶系统被敲除。与CD36fl/fl:Alb-Cre-基因型小鼠相比,CD36fl/fl:Alb-Cre+基因型小鼠肝脏CD36mRNA和蛋白表达水平显著降低,肾脏、脂肪和心肌组织CD36蛋白表达无差别,肝脏形态学特征无明显差异。结论:通过Cre/Loxp重组酶系统成功构建了肝脏特异性CD36基因敲除小鼠,为研究CD36在肝脏代谢和肝脏疾病中的功能提供了动物模型。  相似文献   

目的:在大肠杆菌中重组表达斑马鱼CD36蛋白胞外区38~432氨基酸残基段并纯化。方法:PCR扩增斑马鱼CD36蛋白的基因编码区,连接到带有6~His标签的原核表达载体pET-28a中,构建重组表达质粒pET28a-CD36,并转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),用IPTG诱导表达,优化表达条件后用Ni^2+柱进行纯化。结果:构建了pET28a-CD36重组质粒;目的蛋白在大肠杆菌中获得表达,亲和纯化后,SDS-PAGE显示相对分子质量为预期的46.8×10^3。结论:获得了斑马鱼CD36融合蛋白,为其生物学功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36) is one of several proteins implicated in receptor-mediated uptake of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). We have tested whether levels of FAT/CD36 correlate with cellular oleic acid import, using a Tet-Off inducible transfected CHO cell line. Consistent with our previous findings, FAT/CD36 was enriched in lipid raft-derived detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) that also contained caveolin-1, the marker protein of caveolae. Furthermore in transfected cells, plasma membrane FAT/CD36 co-localized extensively with the lipid raft-enriched ganglioside GM1, and partially with a caveolin-1-EGFP fusion protein. Nevertheless, even at high levels of expression, FAT/CD36 did not affect uptake of oleic acid. We propose that the ability of FAT/CD36 to mediate enhanced uptake of LCFAs is dependent on co-expression of other proteins or factors that are lacking in CHO cells.  相似文献   

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