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J C M Ahern  F H Smith 《HOMO》2004,55(1-2):1-19
This study documents and examines selected implications of the adolescent supraorbital anatomy of the Le Moustier 1 Neandertal. Le Moustier's supraorbital morphology conforms to that expected of an adolescent Neandertal but indicates that significant development of the adult Neandertal torus occurs late in ontogeny. As the best preserved adolescent from the Late Pleistocene, Le Moustier 1's anatomy is used to help distinguish adolescent from adult anatomy in two cases of fragmentary supraorbital fossils, the Vindija late Neandertals and KRM 16425 from Klasies River Mouth (South Africa). It has been suggested that the modern-like aspects of the Vindija and Klasies supraorbital fossils are a function of developmental age rather than evolution. Although Le Moustier 1's anatomy does indicate that two of the Vindija fossils are adolescent; these two fossils have already been excluded from studies that demonstrate transitional aspects of the Vindija adult supraorbitals. Results of an analysis of KRM 16425 in light of Le Moustier 1 are more ambiguous. KRM 16425 is clearly not a Neandertal, but its morphology suggests that it may be an adolescent form of such late archaic Africans like Florisbad or Ngaloba. Both the Vindija and Klasies River Mouth cases highlight the need to be wary of confusing adolescent anatomy with modernity.  相似文献   

截至目前,中国古昆虫学家已研究了分布于中国14省区的50件直翅目化石标本,发表新属38个,新种48个.通过图表提供了我国已发现的直翅目化石名录并介绍了其分布和年代.直翅目化石的研究对昆虫的起源、昆虫与植物的协同演化及古气候的演变等研究提供线索.中国已发现的直翅目化石主要分布于辽、冀、内蒙古三省区,其地质时代大部分为中生代.提出了在化石研究中存在的问题.  相似文献   

Fossils impact as hard as living taxa in parsimony analyses of morphology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Systematists disagree whether data from fossils should be included in parsimony analyses. In a handful of well-documented cases, the addition of fossil data radically overturns a hypothesis of relationships based on extant taxa alone. Fossils can break up long branches and preserve character combinations closer in time to deep splitting events. However, fossils usually require more interpretation than extant taxa, introducing greater potential for spurious codings. Moreover, because fossils often have more "missing" codings, they are frequently accused of increasing numbers of MPTs, frustrating resolution and reducing support. Despite the controversy, remarkably little is known about the effects of fossils more generally. Here we provide the first systematic study, investigating empirically the behavior of fossil and extant taxa in 45 published morphological data sets. First-order jackknifing is used to determine the effects that each terminal has on inferred relationships, on the number of MPTs, and on CI' and RI as measures of homoplasy. Bootstrap leaf stabilities provide a proxy for the contribution of individual taxa to the branch support in the rest of the tree. There is no significant difference in the impact of fossil versus extant taxa on relationships, numbers of MPTs, and CI' or RI. However, adding individual fossil taxa is more likely to reduce the total branch support of the tree than adding extant taxa. This must be weighed against the superior taxon sampling afforded by including judiciously coded fossils, providing data from otherwise unsampled regions of the tree. We therefore recommend that investigators should include fossils, in the absence of compelling and case specific reasons for their exclusion.  相似文献   

贵州剑河寒武纪杷榔组辣子寨剖面含有丰度较高的古蠕虫类化石。化石鉴定为Wronascolex geyiensis, 主要保存在三个层位。在对三个层位的岩石、沉积特征、化石成因及埋藏特征探讨分析后, 证实W. geyiensis化石保存于快速的沉积事件导致的浊流沉积层内, 而化石埋藏的完美程度受到成岩过程中埋藏位置、沉积物中矿物结晶和充填方式的影响, 这些后期的成岩、成矿作用对先期形成的化石精细结构产生了直接和间接的破坏作用。本文通过对W. geyiensis化石体上黏土矿物、草莓状黄铁矿、自形–半自形黄铁矿的成因分析后, 获得最适合保存软躯体化石的环境应该为缺氧且生物体与孔隙水中的硫酸盐无接触的原地和近原地埋藏条件。  相似文献   

Abstract— Several prominent cladists have questioned the importance of fossils in phylogenctic inference, and it is becoming increasingly popular to simply fit extinct forms, if they are considered at all, to a cladogram of Recent taxa. Gardiner's (1982) and Løvtrup's (1985) study of amniote phylogeny exemplifies this differential treatment, and we focused on that group of organisms to test the proposition that fossils cannot overturn a theory of relationships based only on the Recent biota. Our parsimony analysis of amniote phylogeny, special knowledge contributed by fossils being scrupulously avoided, led to the following best fitting classification, which is similar to the novel hypothesis Gardiner published: (lepidosaurs (turtles (mammals (birds, crocodiles)))). However, adding fossils resulted in a markedly different most parsimonious cladogram of the extant taxa: (mammals (turtles (lepidosaurs (birds, crocodiles)))). That classification is like the traditional hypothesis, and it provides a better fit to the stratigraphic record. To isolate the extinct taxa responsible for the latter classification, the data were successively partitioned with each phylogenetic analysis, and we concluded that: (1) the ingroup, not the outgroup, fossils were important; (2) synapsid, not reptile, fossils were pivotal; (3) certain synapsid fossils, not the earliest or latest, were responsible. The critical nature of the synapsid fossils seemed to lie in the particular combination of primitive and derived character slates they exhibited. Classifying those fossils, along with mammals, as the sister group to the lineage consisting of birds and crocodiles resulted in a relatively poor fit to data; one involving a 2—4 fold increase in evolutionary reversals! Thus, the importance of the critical fossils, collectively or individually, seems to reside in their relative primitive-ness, and the simplest explanation for their more conservative nature is that they have had less time to evolve. While fossils may be important in phylogenetic inference only under certain conditions, there is no compelling reason to prejudge their contribution. We urge systematists to evaluate fairly all of the available evidence.  相似文献   

The chronometric dating evidence for all hominid fossils from Africa and the Near East that have previously been dated to 500-50 ka is critically assessed using the concept of chronometric hygiene, and these dates are revised using Bayesian statistical analyses where possible. Sixteen relevant hominid sites lacking chronometric evidence are briefly discussed. Chronometric evidence from 37 sites is assessed in detail. The dates for many hominid fossils are poorly constrained, with a number dated by comparisons of faunal assemblages-a method that does not have good chronological resolution for much of the last million years. For sites with stratigraphic sequences of dates, it is generally possible to refine the dating, but in some cases, the revised chronology is less precise than previous chronologies. Fossils over 200 ka in age tend to be poorly dated, but for the last 200 kyr, dating is better due to the availability of electron-spin-resonance and thermoluminescence dating. Consideration of the chronologies favored by the proponents of the out-of-Africa and multiregional hypotheses of human evolution shows their selectivity. The chronological assessment of the fossils here is compatible with either hypothesis. If evolutionary schemes that do not rely on the morphology of the hominid fossils to decide the sequence of fossils are to be built, then further dating is required, alongside full publication of existing dates.  相似文献   

In this article we study the cranial remains of the late Lower Pleistocene human fossils from Gran Dolina (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain), assigned to the new species Homo antecessor. The cranial remains belong to at least five individuals, both juveniles and adults. The most outstanding feature is the totally modern human morphology of the very complete face ATD6-69, representing the earliest occurrence of the modern face in the fossil record. The Gran Dolina fossils show in the face a suite of modern human apomorphies not found in earlier hominids nor in contemporary or earlier Homo erectus fossils. There are also traits in the Gran Dolina fossils shared with both Neandertals and modern humans, which reinforce the hypothesis that Neandertals and modern humans form a clade, and that the Gran Dolina fossils are a common ancestor to both lineages.  相似文献   

The branching times of molecular phylogenies allow us to infer speciation and extinction dynamics even when fossils are absent. Troublingly, phylogenetic approaches usually return estimates of zero extinction, conflicting with fossil evidence. Phylogenies and fossils do agree, however, that there are often limits to diversity. Here, we present a general approach to evaluate the likelihood of a phylogeny under a model that accommodates diversity-dependence and extinction. We find, by likelihood maximization, that extinction is estimated most precisely if the rate of increase in the number of lineages in the phylogeny saturates towards the present or first decreases and then increases. We demonstrate the utility and limits of our approach by applying it to the phylogenies for two cases where a fossil record exists (Cetacea and Cenozoic macroperforate planktonic foraminifera) and to three radiations lacking fossil evidence (Dendroica, Plethodon and Heliconius). We propose that the diversity-dependence model with extinction be used as the standard model for macro-evolutionary dynamics because of its biological realism and flexibility.  相似文献   

Genomes hold a treasure trove of protein fossils: Fragments of formerly protein-coding DNA, which mainly come from transposable elements (TEs) or host genes. These fossils reveal ancient evolution of TEs and genomes, and many fossils have been exapted to perform diverse functions important for the host’s fitness. However, old and highly degraded fossils are hard to identify, standard methods (e.g. BLAST) are not optimized for this task, and few Paleozoic protein fossils have been found. Here, a recently optimized method is used to find protein fossils in vertebrate genomes. It finds Paleozoic fossils predating the amphibian/amniote divergence from most major TE categories, including virus-related Polinton and Gypsy elements. It finds 10 fossils in the human genome (eight from TEs and two from host genes) that predate the last common ancestor of all jawed vertebrates, probably from the Ordovician period. It also finds types of transposon and retrotransposon not found in human before. These fossils have extreme sequence conservation, indicating exaptation: some have evidence of gene-regulatory function, and they tend to lie nearest to developmental genes. Some ancient fossils suggest “genome tectonics,” where two fragments of one TE have drifted apart by up to megabases, possibly explaining gene deserts and large introns. This paints a picture of great TE diversity in our aquatic ancestors, with patchy TE inheritance by later vertebrates, producing new genes and regulatory elements on the way. Host-gene fossils too have contributed anciently conserved DNA segments. This paves the way to further studies of ancient protein fossils.  相似文献   

Fossil remains of beetles are described from two Lower Triassic localities: Entala (Induan) and Tikhvinskoe (Olenekian). Only one beetle fossil was previously known from the Lower Triassic of Tikhvinskoe. The fossils are rather few and poorly preserved, but they are worth describing as finds rare for the Lower Triassic. Five fossils from Entala most probably belong to beetles of the same species of the formal genus Pseudochrysomelites. Beetles of this genus are especially abundant in deposits close to the Permian–Triassic boundary and can be considered “disaster taxa.” There are no known cases, either in the Permian or in the Middle–Upper Triassic, of a random sample of five specimens belonging to a single species. This suggests that in the Entala oryctocenosis the species diversity of beetles is extremely low. All three beetle fossils found in Tikhvinskoe belong to beetles of different species, showing that diversity had already started to increase. However, it remained low, and all fossils belong to the formal family Schizocoleidae, and two of the three belong to the same genus, Pseudochrysomelites. The Khei-Yaga locality, which immediately follows Tikhvinskoe in time (topmost Olenekian or early Anisian), already contains beetles of the families Asiocoleidae and Permosynidae. In the Lower Anisian of the Buntsandstein, such typical Mesozoic beetles as Cupedidae and Coptoclavidae have been recorded. The appearance of such advanced beetles as early as the Lower Anisian suggests that the famous Permian–Triassic crisis was not as deep as it is usually believed, and many beetles survived it, disappearing, however, from the fossil record in the Early Triassic.  相似文献   

In the South African context, computed tomography (CT) has been used applied to individually prepared fossils and small rocks containing fossils, but has not been utilized on large breccia blocks as a means of discovering fossils, and particularly fossil hominins. Previous attempts at CT imaging of rocks from other South African sites for this purpose yielded disappointing results. For this study, 109 fossil- bearing rocks from the site of Malapa, South Africa were scanned with medical CT prior to manual preparation. The resultant images were assessed for accuracy of fossil identification and characterization against the standard of manual preparation. The accurate identification of fossils, including those of early hominins, that were not visible on the surface of individual blocks, is shown to be possible. The discovery of unexpected fossils is reduced, thus lowering the potential that fossils could be damaged through accidental encounter during routine preparation, or even entirely missed. This study should significantly change the way fossil discovery, recovery and preparation is done in the South African context and has potential for application in other palaeontological situations. Medical CT imaging is shown to be reliable, readily available, cost effective and accurate in finding fossils within matrix conglomerates. Improvements in CT equipment and in CT image quality are such that medical CT is now a viable imaging modality for this palaeontological application.  相似文献   

The presence of spiral trace fossils is reported for the first time from six localities in strata of the Vryheid Formation of the Ecca Group (Lower Permian) in South Africa. These localities are all in the northeast part of the main Karoo basin of sedimentation. The fossils arc assigned to the ichnospecies Spirodesmos archimedeus , representing the spiral trail or burrow of a deposit-feeding organism. In contrast to other reports of spiral trace fossils, the Spirodesmos traces described here were formed in a shallow-water environment. This is established on both sedimentary and ichnofacies evidence. Associated trace fossils include Skolithos, Corophioides and Siphonichnus , all of which arc members of the Skolithos ichnofacies of Scilacher. The occurrence of Spirodesmos in this ichnofacies suggests that these strata were deposited in a marine basin.  相似文献   

Terrestrial and marine invertebrate organisms both leave records of their activities in the sediment in the form of trace fossils, at least during certain stages of their ontogeny. In contrast, trace fossils produced by vertebrate organisms are scarce, although terrestrial trace fossils provide exclusive insights into the social behaviour of their producers. In the marine realm, vertebrate trace fossils are relatively rare, difficult to identify and problematic to interpret. However, in certain settings, observations on serendipitously preserved and exposed trace fossils can shed light on the predatory behaviour of marine vertebrates. In Miocene outer shelf to nearshore sandstones of the Taliao Formation in NE Taiwan, large numbers of bowl‐shaped trace fossils can be observed. Morphology and size range (diameter typically 10–30 cm, average depth around 10 cm) of these trace fossils agree well with feeding traces of modern stingrays, and the trace fossil Piscichnus waitemata, which has been attributed to bottom feeding rays. Stingrays direct a jet of water from their mouths to excavate a bowl‐shaped pit to expose their prey. In the material filling the excavated bowl, broken pieces of two other common trace fossils, Ophiomorpha and Schaubcylindrichnus, are often found, and in a number of cases, vertical shafts of Ophiomorpha surrounded by dispersed pieces of wall material have been observed. In contrast, surrounding sediment rarely contains this kind of broken pieces of wall material. These observations clearly indicate that stingrays specifically targeted the producers of the trace fossils: thalassinoid crustaceans and worms, respectively. The targeted predation of these relatively deep burrowers furthermore suggests that the rays used their electroreceptive organs to locate the prey; as such, direct targeting of buried prey only based on olfactory senses has been shown to be ineffective in experiments with extant myliobatiform rays.  相似文献   

吴贤涛 《古生物学报》2007,46(3):373-379
植物活动痕迹即根迹,是层序地层学中识别低位期沉积的重要标志。东濮凹陷沙河街组(古近纪)根迹发育,形态各异,可分为A、B、C、D、E五种类型,分别被解释为五类次级沉积环境下的产物。其中A型根迹、B型根迹与河口湾沉积环境相关,前者见于河口湾陆方一侧的河口沙坝(bay head bar),后者则出现于海方一侧易受海浪冲蚀的盐碱凹地。已有资料证明,植物活动痕迹,结合动物活动痕迹和古生物学、沉积学研究,可为判别河口湾沉积环境、层序界面提供重要实据,从而在层序地层学研究和储层沉积环境探索中显示重要作用。  相似文献   

Precambrian fossils are crucial for our understanding of the evolution of early organisms. Megascopic body fossils are more important because they potentially represent macroorganisms. However, the Precambrian fossil record is sparse and dominated by microfossils and microbial structures. Here we show a new type of megascopic fossils recovered from the Xingmincun Formation (probably Neoproterozoic age), northeastern China. The specimens are flat, flexible (easily corrugated) and discoidal in outline. Concentric or spiral ridges are preserved on both sides. Petrographical thin section examination indicates that the specimen consist of a thin layer of microcrystalline quartz grains (about 20–30 μm thick) wrapped by an outer sheath, composed primarily of chlorites. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) coupled with an x-ray energy dispersive spectrometer system (EDX) analysis shows microstructures and relative element abundance of the fossils, but contributes little in solving their biological affinities. The fossils have previously been linked to discoidal impressions of the Ediacara biota. Close examination on new materials indicates that they are radically different from either the Ediacara impressions or any other Precambrian megascopic remains. Concentric or spiral ridges may result from rhythmic growth and the presence of twin specimens may suggest that the organisms undergo asexual reproduction or inhibition of growth in one direction. Referring them to any known fossil or living group has proved to be difficult. We conclude that they represent a distinct group of Precambrian megascopic organisms regardless of their affinities remaining problematic.  相似文献   

Exceptionally preserved fossils are the product of complex interplays of biological and geological processes including burial, autolysis and microbial decay, authigenic mineralization, diagenesis, metamorphism, and finally weathering and exhumation. Determining which tissues are preserved and how biases affect their preservation pathways is important for interpreting fossils in phylogenetic, ecological, and evolutionary frameworks. Although laboratory decay experiments reveal important aspects of fossilization, applying the results directly to the interpretation of exceptionally preserved fossils may overlook the impact of other key processes that remove or preserve morphological information. Investigations of fossils preserving non‐biomineralized tissues suggest that certain structures that are decay resistant (e.g., the notochord) are rarely preserved (even where carbonaceous components survive), and decay‐prone structures (e.g., nervous systems) can fossilize, albeit rarely. As we review here, decay resistance is an imperfect indicator of fossilization potential, and a suite of biological and geological processes account for the features preserved in exceptional fossils.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of Eucalyptus and the eucalypts, the larger clade of seven genera including Eucalyptus that today have a natural distribution almost exclusively in Australasia, is poorly documented from the fossil record. Little physical evidence exists bearing on the ancient geographical distributions or morphologies of plants within the clade. Herein, we introduce fossil material of Eucalyptus from the early Eocene (ca. 51.9 Ma) Laguna del Hunco paleoflora of Chubut Province, Argentina; specimens include multiple leaves, infructescences, and dispersed capsules, several flower buds, and a single flower. Morphological similarities that relate the fossils to extant eucalypts include leaf shape, venation, and epidermal oil glands; infructescence structure; valvate capsulate fruits; and operculate flower buds. The presence of a staminophore scar on the fruits links them to Eucalyptus, and the presence of a transverse scar on the flower buds indicates a relationship to Eucalyptus subgenus Symphyomyrtus. Phylogenetic analyses of morphological data alone and combined with aligned sequence data from a prior study including 16 extant eucalypts, one outgroup, and a terminal representing the fossils indicate that the fossils are nested within Eucalyptus. These are the only illustrated Eucalyptus fossils that are definitively Eocene in age, and the only conclusively identified extant or fossil eucalypts naturally occurring outside of Australasia and adjacent Mindanao. Thus, these fossils indicate that the evolution of the eucalypt group is not constrained to a single region. Moreover, they strengthen the taxonomic connections between the Laguna del Hunco paleoflora and extant subtropical and tropical Australasia, one of the three major ecologic-geographic elements of the Laguna del Hunco paleoflora. The age and affinities of the fossils also indicate that Eucalyptus subgenus Symphyomyrtus is older than previously supposed. Paleoecological data indicate that the Patagonian Eucalyptus dominated volcanically disturbed areas adjacent to standing rainforest surrounding an Eocene caldera lake.  相似文献   

It is difficult to name fossils which are intermediate between chronospecies or chronogenera in general paleontology. A possible solution is proposed for discussion: namely, to utilize bigeneric nomina to designate a group of fossils which are intermediate between two consecutive genera, and bispecific nomina to designate fossils which are intermediate between two consecutive species.  相似文献   

The Ediacaran Doushantuo biota has yielded fossils interpreted as eukaryotic organisms, either animal embryos or eukaryotes basal or distantly related to Metazoa. However, the fossils have been interpreted alternatively as giant sulphur bacteria similar to the extant Thiomargarita. To test this hypothesis, living and decayed Thiomargarita were compared with Doushantuo fossils and experimental taphonomic pathways were compared with modern embryos. In the fossils, as in eukaryotic cells, subcellular structures are distributed throughout cell volume; in Thiomargarita, a central vacuole encompasses approximately 98 per cent cell volume. Key features of the fossils, including putative lipid vesicles and nuclei, complex envelope ornament, and ornate outer vesicles are incompatible with living and decay morphologies observed in Thiomargarita. Microbial taphonomy of Thiomargarita also differed from that of embryos. Embryo tissues can be consumed and replaced by bacteria, forming a replica composed of a three-dimensional biofilm, a stable fabric for potential fossilization. Vacuolated Thiomargarita cells collapse easily and do not provide an internal substrate for bacteria. The findings do not support the hypothesis that giant sulphur bacteria are an appropriate interpretative model for the embryo-like Doushantuo fossils. However, sulphur bacteria may have mediated fossil mineralization and may provide a potential bacterial analogue for other macroscopic Precambrian remains.  相似文献   

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