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Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome (PLS) is an uncommon disease. Less than 300 cases have been described. PLS is characterized by the association between palmar plantar hyperkeratosis (PPK) and severe precocious periodontitis that results in the premature loss of both the primary and secondary dentitions. It is known that periodontitis (PE), the destructive phase of periodontal disease, is a multifactor phenomenon involving a variety of molecular species, among them free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Antioxidants have been shown to play a critical role in modulating ROS-induced damages during PE. We wondered if patients belonging to a family group with different grades of PLS severity may present altered plasma concentrations of oxidation products as well as of lipophilic antioxidants, like Coenzyme Q or vitamin E, which are molecules that possess well-known antioxidant properties and could play a role in PE processes. We also wondered about the actual plasma total antioxidant capacity of these subjects as well as a complete identification of their plasma fatty acids features, which have been never investigated before. The results we obtained indicate an impairment in the antioxidant capacity of the subjects characterized by abnormally high hydroperoxide levels and, in some cases, by altered CoQ and vitamin E contents. Moreover, an essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD) was registered on the basis of the peculiar plasma fatty acid patterns found (i.e. low PUFA, high MUFA and high delta-9 desaturase activity). This finding would support the hypothesisby Gutteridge and co-workers (Free Radic. Res. 1998, 28: 109-114) that conditions exist in which some forms of oxidative stress can lead to changes characteristic of EFAD.  相似文献   

A variety of neutral serine proteases are important for the effector functions of immune cells. The neutrophil-derived serine proteases cathepsin G and neutrophil elastase are implicated in the host defense against invading bacterial and fungal pathogens. Likewise, the cytotoxic lymphocyte and NK cell granule-associated granzymes A and B are important for the elimination of virus-infected cells. The activation of many of these serine proteases depends on the N-terminal processing activity of the lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin C/dipeptidyl peptidase I (DPPI). Although mice deficient in DPPI have defects in serine protease activation in multiple cellular compartments, the role of DPPI for human serine protease activation is largely undefined. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome (PLS) is a rare autosomal recessive disease associated with loss-of-function mutations in the DPPI gene locus. In this study, we established that the loss of DPPI activity is associated with severe reduction in the activity and stability of neutrophil-derived serine proteases. Surprisingly, patients with PLS retain significant granzyme activities in a cytotoxic lymphocyte compartment (lymphokine-activated killer) and have normal lymphokine-activated killer-mediated cytotoxicity against K562 cells. Neutrophils from patients with PLS do not uniformly have a defect in their ability to kill Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, suggesting that serine proteases do not represent the major mechanism used by human neutrophils for killing common bacteria. Therefore, this study defines the consequences of DPPI deficiency for the activation of several immune cell serine proteases in humans, and provides a molecular explanation for the lack of a generalized T cell immunodeficiency phenotype in patients with PLS.  相似文献   



Growth arrest-specific protein 6 (Gas6) is a vitamin K-dependent protein expressed by endothelial cells and leukocytes that are involved in cell survival, migration, and proliferation in response to inflammatory processes. The aim of this study was to assess the implications of Gas6 in Sjögren syndrome (SS) and its expression in the labial salivary gland.

Methods and Results

A total of 254 adults, including 159 with primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS), 34 with secondary Sjögren syndrome (sSS), and 61 normal controls, were recruited. Plasma Gas6 concentrations were determined, and Gas6 expressions in labial salivary gland (LSG) tissues from controls and pSS and sSS patients were also evaluated. Plasma Gas6 concentrations were significantly lower among patients with pSS than normal controls (13.5 ± 8.6 vs. 19.9 ± 13.4 ng/ml, p < 0.001). There were, however, no significant differences in plasma Gas6 levels between pSS and sSS patients (13.5 ± 8.6 vs. 16.9 ± 11.2 ng/ml, p = 0.068). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, after adjustment for white blood cell count, hemoglobin level, platelet count, lymphocyte count, and C3 and C4 levels, lower plasma Gas6 concentrations were significantly associated with an increased risk of SS. Moreover, by using a semi-quantitative scale to evaluate Gas6 expression in LSG tissues, Gas6 expression was found to be markedly lower in LSG tissues from pSS patients than in tissues from normal controls.


Decreased plasma Gas6 concentration and LSG expression were associated with pSS. As such, Gas6 may represent a novel independent risk factor for pSS, with a potential role in salivary gland inflammation and dysfunction.  相似文献   

Rates of oxidation of α-tocopherol by the hydroxyl- and superoxide free radicals were measured. The radicals were produced in known yields by radiolysis of aqueous solutions with gamma rays. Two main systems were used to dissolve the tocopherol; micelles, made up from charged and uncharged amphiphiles, and membranes made from dimyristyl phosphatidylcholine which could be charged by addition of stearyl amine or dicetyl phosphate. The HO. radicals were efficient oxidants of α-tocopherol in all systems, with up to 83% of radicals generated in micelle and 32% in membrane suspensions initiating the oxidation. The HO2? radical was an even more effective oxidant, but when most of it was in the O form at neutral or alkaline pH, the oxidation rates became low. Tocopherol held in positively charged micelles or membranes was oxidized at a higher rate by the O than in uncharged or negative particles. Possible biological significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic neurons die in Parkinson’s disease (PD) due to oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in the substantia nigra (SN). We evaluated if oxidative stress occurs in other brain regions like the caudate nucleus (CD), putamen (Put) and frontal cortex (FC) in human postmortem PD brains (n = 6). While protein oxidation was elevated only in CD (P < 0.05), lipid peroxidation was increased only in FC (P < 0.05) and protein nitration was unchanged in PD compared to controls. Interestingly, mitochondrial complex I (CI) activity was unaffected in PD compared to controls. There was a 3–5 fold increase in the total glutathione (GSH) levels in the three regions (P < 0.01 in FC and CD; P < 0.05 in Put) but activities of antioxidant enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and glutathione-s-tranferase were not increased. Total GSH levels were elevated in these areas because of decreased activity of gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GT) (P < 0.05) activity suggesting a decreased breakdown of GSH. There was an increase in expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (P < 0.001 in FC; P < 0.05 in CD) and glutathione peroxidase (P < 0.05 in CD and Put) activity due to proliferation of astrocytes. We suggest that increased GSH and astrocytic proliferation protects non-SN brain regions from oxidative and mitochondrial damage in PD.  相似文献   



Lewy body disease is a heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative disorders characterized by α-synuclein accumulation that includes dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson''s Disease (PD). Recent evidence suggests that impairment of lysosomal pathways (i.e. autophagy) involved in α-synuclein clearance might play an important role. For this reason, we sought to examine the expression levels of members of the autophagy pathway in brains of patients with DLB and Alzheimer''s Disease (AD) and in α-synuclein transgenic mice.

Methodology/Principal Findings

By immunoblot analysis, compared to controls and AD, in DLB cases levels of mTor were elevated and Atg7 were reduced. Levels of other components of the autophagy pathway such as Atg5, Atg10, Atg12 and Beclin-1 were not different in DLB compared to controls. In DLB brains, mTor was more abundant in neurons displaying α-synuclein accumulation. These neurons also showed abnormal expression of lysosomal markers such as LC3, and ultrastructural analysis revealed the presence of abundant and abnormal autophagosomes. Similar alterations were observed in the brains of α-synuclein transgenic mice. Intra-cerebral infusion of rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTor, or injection of a lentiviral vector expressing Atg7 resulted in reduced accumulation of α-synuclein in transgenic mice and amelioration of associated neurodegenerative alterations.


This study supports the notion that defects in the autophagy pathway and more specifically in mTor and Atg7 are associated with neurodegeneration in DLB cases and α-synuclein transgenic models and supports the possibility that modulators of the autophagy pathway might have potential therapeutic effects.  相似文献   

Trace elements have been recognized to play an important role in the development of Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, it is difficult to precisely identify the relationship between these elements and the progression of PD because of an insufficient number of patients. In this study, quantifications of selenium (Se), copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry were performed in plasma from 238 PD patients and 302 controls recruited from eastern China, which is so far the largest cohort of PD patients and controls for measuring plasma levels of these elements. We found that plasma Se and Fe concentrations were significantly increased whereas Cu and Zn concentrations decreased in PD patients as compared with controls. Meanwhile, these four elements displayed differential changes with regard to age. Linear and logistic regression analyses revealed that both Fe and Zn were negatively correlated with age in PD patients. Association analysis suggests that lower plasma Se and Fe levels may reduce the risk for PD, whereas lower plasma Zn is probably a PD risk factor. Finally, a model was generated to predict PD patients based on the plasma concentrations of these four trace elements as well as other features such as sex and age, which achieved an accuracy of 80.97±1.34% using 10-fold cross-validation. In summary, our data provide new insights into the roles of Se, Cu, Fe and Zn in PD progression.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the status of serum trace elements: zinc, copper, manganese, iron, calcium, and magnesium concentrations in obsessive-compulsive disorder patients. Forty-eight obsessive-compulsive disorder patients and 48 healthy volunteers were included in this study. Patients were recruited from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University by random sampling. Serum trace element concentrations were determined using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (for zinc, copper, iron, calcium, and magnesium) as well as graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (for manganese). Data were analyzed using independent t test, Pearson's correlation analysis, regression analysis, and ANOVA. Statistical analysis of these data showed a definite pattern of variation among certain elements in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder compared to controls. In patients' serum, zinc, iron, and magnesium concentrations decreased significantly (p<0.05) compared to the controls. Serum manganese and calcium concentrations were significantly higher (p<0.05) in patients compared to the controls. These data showed a definite imbalance in the interelement relations in obsessive-compulsive disorder patients compared to controls and therefore suggest a disturbance in the element homeostasis.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the branched-chain alpha-keto acids (BCKA), alpha-ketoisocaproic acid (KIC), alpha-keto-beta-methylvaleric acid (KMV), and alpha-ketoisovaleric acid (KIV) and their respective branched-chain alpha-amino acids (BCAA) in tissues and biological fluids is the biochemical hallmark of patients affected by the neurometabolic disorder known as maple syrup urine disease (MSUD). Considering that brain energy metabolism is possibly altered in MSUD, the objective of this study was to determine creatine kinase (CK) activity, a key enzyme of energy homeostasis, in C6 glioma cells exposed to BCKA. The cells were incubated with 1, 5, or 10 mM BCKA for 3 h and the CK activity measured afterwards. The results indicated that the BCKA significantly inhibited CK activity at all tested concentrations. Furthermore, the inhibition caused by the BCKA on CK activity was totally prevented by preincubation with the energetic substrate creatine and by coincubation with the N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, indicating that deficit of energy and nitric oxide (NO) are involved in these effects. In contrast, other antioxidants such as glutathione (GSH) and trolox (soluble Vitamin E) were not able to prevent CK inhibition. In addition, we observed that the C6 cells changed their usual rounded morphology when exposed for 3 h to 10 mM BCKA and that creatine and L-NAME prevented these morphological alterations. Considering the importance of CK for brain metabolism homeostasis, it is conceivable that inhibition of this enzyme by increased levels of BCKA may contribute to the neurodegeneration of MSUD patients.  相似文献   

Atrophy of the cortical thickness and gray matter volume are regarded as sensitive markers for the early clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This study aimed to investigate differences in atrophy patterns in the frontal-subcortical circuits between MCI and AD, assess whether these differences were essential for the pathologic basis of cognitive impairment. A total of 131 individuals were recruited, including 45 with cognitively normal controls (CN), 46 with MCI, and 40 with AD. FreeSurfer software was used to perform volumetric measurements of the frontal-subcortical circuits from 3.0T magnetic resonance (MR) scans. Data revealed that both MCI and AD subjects had a thinner cortex in the left caudal middle frontal gyrus and the left lateral orbitofrontal gyrus compared with CN individuals. The left lateral orbitofrontal gyrus was also thinner in AD compared with MCI patients. There were no statistically significant differences in the cortical mean curvature among the three groups. Both MCI and AD subjects exhibited smaller bilateral hippocampus volumes compared with CN individuals. The volumes of the bilateral hippocampus and the right putamen were also smaller in AD compared with MCI patients. Logistic regression analyses revealed that the left lateral orbitofrontal gyrus and bilateral hippocampus were risk factors for cognitive impairment. These current results suggest that atrophy was heterogeneous in subregions of the frontal-subcortical circuits in MCI and AD patients. Among these subregions, the reduced thickness of the left lateral orbitofrontal and the smaller volume of the bilateral hippocampus seemed to be markers for predicting cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was (i) to evaluate whether homocysteine (Hcy), total antioxidant status (TAS), and biological markers of muscle injury would be affected by time of day (TOD) in football players and (ii) to establish a relationship between diurnal variation of these biomarkers and the daytime rhythm of power and muscle fatigue during repeated sprint ability (RSA) exercise. In counterbalanced order, 12 football (soccer) players performed an RSA test (5?×?[6 s of maximal cycling sprint?+?24 s of rest]) on two different occasions: 07:00–08:30?h and 17:00–18:30?h. Fasting blood samples were collected from a forearm vein before and 3–5?min after each RSA test. Core temperature, rating of perceived exertion, and performances (i.e., Sprint 1, Sprint 2, and power decrease) during the RSA test were significantly higher at 17:00 than 07:00?h (p?<?.001, p?<?.05, and p?<?.05, respectively). The results also showed significant diurnal variation of resting Hcy levels and all biological markers of muscle injury with acrophases (peak times) observed at 17:00?h. These fluctuations persisted after the RSA test. However, biomarkers of antioxidant status' resting levels (i.e., total antioxidant status, uric acid, and total bilirubin) were higher in the morning. This TOD effect was suppressed after exercise for TAS and uric acid. In conclusion, the present study confirms diurnal variation of Hcy, selected biological markers of cellular damage, and antioxidant status in young football players. Also, the higher performances and muscle fatigue showed in the evening during RSA exercise might be due to higher levels of biological markers of muscle injury and lower antioxidant status at this TOD. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess whether α-tocopherol administration prevented alterations in the ectonucleotidase activities and platelet aggregation induced by high-fat diet in rats. Thus, we examined four groups of male rats which received standard diet, high-fat diet (HFD), α-tocopherol (α-Toc), and high-fat diet plus α-tocopherol. HFD was administered ad libitum and α-Toc by gavage using a dose of 50 mg/kg. After 3 months of treatment, animals were submitted to euthanasia, and blood samples were collected for biochemical assays. Results demonstrate that NTPDase, ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase, and 5′-nucleotidase activities were significantly decreased in platelets of HFD group, while that adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity was significantly increased in this group in comparison to the other groups (P?<?0.05). When rats that received HFD were treated with α-Toc, the activities of these enzymes were similar to the control, but ADA activity was significantly increased in relation to the control and α-Toc group (P?<?0.05). HFD group showed an increased in platelet aggregation in comparison to the other groups, and treatment with α-Toc significantly reduced platelet aggregation in this group. These findings demonstrated that HFD alters platelet aggregation and purinergic signaling in the platelets and that treatment with α-Toc was capable of modulating the adenine nucleotide hydrolysis in this experimental condition.  相似文献   

The human HD domain protein SAMHD1 is implicated in the Aicardi-Goutières autoimmune syndrome and in the restriction of HIV-1 replication in myeloid cells. Recently, this protein has been shown to possess dNTP triphosphatase activity, which is proposed to inhibit HIV-1 replication and the autoimmune response by hydrolyzing cellular dNTPs. Here, we show that the purified full-length human SAMHD1 protein also possesses metal-dependent 3′→5′ exonuclease activity against single-stranded DNAs and RNAs in vitro. In double-stranded substrates, this protein preferentially cleaved 3′-overhangs and RNA in blunt-ended DNA/RNA duplexes. Full-length SAMHD1 also exhibited strong DNA and RNA binding to substrates with complex secondary structures. Both nuclease and dNTP triphosphatase activities of SAMHD1 are associated with its HD domain, but the SAM domain is required for maximal activity and nucleic acid binding. The nuclease activity of SAMHD1 could represent an additional mechanism contributing to HIV-1 restriction and suppression of the autoimmune response through direct cleavage of viral and endogenous nucleic acids. In addition, we demonstrated the presence of dGTP triphosphohydrolase and nuclease activities in several microbial HD domain proteins, suggesting that these proteins might contribute to antiviral defense in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Summary During fictive swimming in the isolated spinal cord of the lamprey (Ichthyomyzon unicuspis andPetromyzon marinus) the membrane potentials of motoneurons (MNs), lateral interneurons (L INs), and CC interneurons (CC INs) oscillate between a depolarised and a relatively hyperpolarised phase. After intracellular Cl injections (usually combined with a DC hyperpolarisation) IPSP's became depolarising, and in cells which were phasically inhibited, phases of relative hyperpolarisation became phases of relative depolarisation. The peak depolarisation and/or spike burst mid point in MNs after Cl injection occurred at a phase of 0.65 ± 0.12 (mean ±S.D.) in the cycle, with zero being the start of the ipsilateral ventral root burst. In CC INs the peak depolarisation and/or spike burst mid point after Cl occurred significantly earlier, at a phase of 0.40 ± 0.18. L INs were also phasically inhibited with peak depolarisation and/or spike burst mid point after Cl injection at an intermediate phase of 0.52 ± 0.21. It is concluded that the central pattern generator for fictive swimming has at least three synaptic outputs: an early excitation, and inhibition at a range of phases, which could be combinations of an early and a late inhibition.Abbreviations CC IN interneuron with contralateral caudal axon - MN motoneuron - L IN lateral interneuron - VR ventral root  相似文献   



Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) accumulate in adipose tissue and some are described to possess endocrine disrupting capacities. Therefore, it is important to evaluate their effects on key endocrine pathways in adipose tissue (AT), to further evaluate their potential role in metabolic pathologies such as obesity.


The aim is twofold: (i) evaluate gene expression levels of obesity marker genes, i.e. the adipokines leptin (LEP), adiponectin (ADIPOQ) and Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNFα) and the nuclear receptor, Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor γ (PPARγ) in paired subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) AT of obese subjects (n = 50) and to relate these values to serum concentrations of LEP and ADIPOQ (ii) evaluate the association of expression levels of marker genes in AT and serum with POP concentrations in AT.

Results and Conclusions

Leptin and adiponectin levels in serum were positively correlated to respectively expression levels of leptin in SAT and adiponectin in VAT. Our study shows more significant correlations between gene expression of obesity marker genes and POP concentrations in VAT compared to SAT. Since VAT is more important than SAT in pathologies associated with obesity, this suggests that POPs are able to influence the association between obesity and the development of associated pathologies. Moreover, this finding reveals the importance of VAT when investigating the obesogen hypothesis. Concerning PPARγ expression in VAT, negative correlations with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) concentrations were found in non T2D patients. LEP serum concentrations correlated with several PCBs in women whereas in men no correlations were found. This strengthens the potential importance of gender differences in obesity and within the obesogen hypothesis.  相似文献   

Inflammatory conditions characterized by excessive peripheral immune responses are associated with diverse alterations in brain function, and brain-derived neural pathways regulate peripheral inflammation. Important aspects of this bidirectional peripheral immune–brain communication, including the impact of peripheral inflammation on brain region–specific cytokine responses, and brain cholinergic signaling (which plays a role in controlling peripheral cytokine levels), remain unclear. To provide insight, we studied gene expression of cytokines, immune cell markers and brain cholinergic system components in the cortex, cerebellum, brainstem, hippocampus, hypothalamus, striatum and thalamus in mice after an intraperitoneal lipopolysaccharide injection. Endotoxemia was accompanied by elevated serum levels of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and other cytokines and brain region–specific increases in Il1b (the highest increase, relative to basal level, was in cortex; the lowest increase was in cerebellum) and Il6 (highest increase in cerebellum; lowest increase in striatum) mRNA expression. Gene expression of brain Gfap (astrocyte marker) was also differentially increased. However, Iba1 (microglia marker) mRNA expression was decreased in the cortex, hippocampus and other brain regions in parallel with morphological changes, indicating microglia activation. Brain choline acetyltransferase (Chat ) mRNA expression was decreased in the striatum, acetylcholinesterase (Ache) mRNA expression was decreased in the cortex and increased in the hippocampus, and M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (Chrm1) mRNA expression was decreased in the cortex and the brainstem. These results reveal a previously unrecognized regional specificity in brain immunoregulatory and cholinergic system gene expression in the context of peripheral inflammation and are of interest for designing future antiinflammatory approaches.  相似文献   

: Oxidative stress has been implicated in a large number of human degenerative diseases, including epilepsy. Levetiracetam (LEV) is a new antiepileptic agent with broad-spectrum effects on seizures and animal models of epilepsy. Recently, it was demonstrated that the mechanism of LEV differs from that of conventional antiepileptic drugs. Objectifying to investigate if LEV mechanism of action involves antioxidant properties, lipid peroxidation levels, nitrite-nitrate formation, catalase activity, and glutathione (GSH) content were measured in adult mice brain. The neurochemical analyses were carried out in hippocampus of animals pretreated with LEV (200 mg/kg, i.p.) 60 min before pilocarpine-induced seizures (400 mg/kg, s.c.). The administration of alone pilocarpine, 400 mg/kg, s.c. (P400) produced a significant increase of lipid peroxidation level in hippocampus. LEV pretreatment was able to counteract this increase, preserving the lipid peroxidation level in normal value. P400 administration also produced increase in the nitrite-nitrate formation and catalase activity in hippocampus, beyond a decrease in GSH levels. LEV administration before P400 prevented the P400-induced alteration in nitrite-nitrate levels and preserved normal values of catalase activity in hippocampus. Moreover, LEV administration prevented the P400-induced loss of GSH in this cerebral area. The present data suggest that the protective effects of LEV against pilocarpine-induced seizures can be mediated, at least in part, by reduction of lipid peroxidation and hippocampal oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Aspirin is widely used as an antiinflammatory drug especially in children with rheumatic fever arthritis. The diminishing effects of aspirin on antioxidant enzymes and hepato-renal systems at high doses are well-known. It is now evident that the damage at antioxidant system worsens the clinical picture of the disease and prolongs the treatment time. Thus, we investigated the effect of antioxidant enzyme cofactors-zinc and selenium-supplementation on superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels (erythrocyte and liver) and hepato-renal toxicity during aspirin treatment at therapeutic doses. The rats were divided into five groups. The first and second groups were given aspirin 75 mg/kg/day and aspirin plus selenium (Selenium 200, selenium 200 mg tablet as selenium yeast, GNC) and zinc (Zinc 100, zinc 100 mg tablet as zinc gluconate, GNC), respectively, the third and fourth take 50 mg/kg/day aspirin and aspirin plus selenium and zinc twice a day, respectively. The fifth group was control. The rats were treated with aspirin for 5 weeks as in the treatment of rheumatic fever arthritis in children. Erythrocyte SOD and MDA levels were preserved with supplementation, whereas there was no change for GSH-Px levels. Liver SOD, GSH-Px, and MDA levels were not changed. In zinc- and selenium-supplemented groups, the levels of serum alanine aminotransferase, uric acid, and direct bilirubin levels were found statistically decreased compared with nonsupplemented groups. There was no significant histopathologic change in specimens of hepatic and renal tissues. Trace element supplementation may prevent free radical damage and shorten treatment time in children using long-term aspirin treatment.  相似文献   

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