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目的:研究周期性张应力对Na+/K+-ATPase功能活性及其表达的影响,明确Na+/K+-ATPase在功能矫形中面颌肌肉适应性改建的生物和分子机制.方法:构建面颌肌细胞体外培养-力学刺激模型;应用多通道细胞牵张应力加载系统,对面颌肌细胞施加不同时段的张应力刺激,测定Na+/K+-ATPase的功能活性;运用实时荧光定量PCR研究周期性张应力刺激对Na+/K+-ATPase功能亚基α亚单位mRNA的影响.结果:Na+/K+-ATPaseα1,α2亚单位随着加力时间延长,表达增强,同对照组比较,呈一致性上调(P<0.001);细胞加力1小时,α1的mRNA表达不受影响;加力2小时后,α1和α2的mRNA表达呈现逐渐增强趋势,48 h时达到最大值.张应力刺激对α2亚单位的mRNA表达似乎更为敏感,加力lh时α2亚单位的mRNA表达水平即增加,增加量约为对照组的37.74%,具有显著的统计学意义.结论:周期性的机械牵张作用于培养的骨骼肌细胞,可诱导α1和α2亚单位mRNA的表达量增加;α1和α2亚单位对周期性张应力刺激的作用时间反应不同,α2亚单位的反应可能更为敏感.周期性张力刺激的增加所产生的压力可能是转录调节的主要因素;周期性张应力对骨骼肌细胞Na+/K+-ATPase水解亚的调节作用不同,可能在面颌肌肉对功能矫形力的适应性改建中具有重要作用.  相似文献   

This review summarizes our experiments on the significance of the -subunit in the functional expression of Na+/K+-ATPase. The -subunit acts like a receptor for the -subunit in the biogenesis of Na+/K+-ATPase and facilitates the correct folding of the -subunit in the membrane. The -subunit synthesized in the absence of the -subunit is subjected to rapid degradation in the endoplasmic reticulum. Several assembly sites are assigned in the sequence of the -subunit from the cytoplasmic NH2-terminal domain to the extracellular COOH-terminus: the NH2-terminal region of the extracellular domain, the conservative proline in the third disulfide loop, the hydrophobic amino acid residues near the COOH-terminus and the cysteine residues forming the second and the third disulfide bridges. Upon assembly, the -subunit confers a resistance to trypsin on the -subunit. The conformations induced in the -subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase by Na+/K+- and H+/K+-ATPase -subunits are somehow different from each other and are named the NK-type and KH-type, respectively. The extracellular domain of the -subunit is involved in the folding of the -subunit leading to trypsin-resistant conformations. The sequences from Cys150 to the COOH-terminus of the Na+/K+-ATPase -subunit and from Ile89 to the COOH–terminus of the H+/K+-ATPase -subunit are necessary to form trypsin-resistant conformations of the NK- and HK-type. respectively. The first disulfide loop of the extracellular domain of the -subunits is critical in the expression of functional Na+/K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

目的:本研究在成功构建面颌肌细胞体外培养一力学刺激模型的基础上,探讨机械张应力对细胞内Na+水平和面颌肌细胞Na+/K+-ATPase功能活性的影响.方法:本实验采用Blua法,对SD大鼠乳鼠面颌肌细胞进行体外原代培养、鉴定并绘制生长曲线;取第3代细胞接种于细胞加力板上,采用Forcel四点弯曲加力装置,对细胞分别施加1h、2h、4h、8h、12h、16h、24 h和48 h的张应力刺激,后测定细胞内Na+水平变化和Na+/K+-ATPase功能活性改变.结果:(1)Na+水平变化:与对照(不加力)组相比,加力1h细胞内Na+显著增加(P<0.05),并随加力时间延长逐渐降低,加力至12h时降到正常水平,再延长加力时间Na+无明显变化.(2) Na+/K+-ATPase功能活性变化:分别施加不同时间的周期性张应力后,Na泵的活性在加力8小时后才开始增加(0.5725mmolPi/mgPr.hr),随加力时间延长进一步增加,48小时后达到最大值(0.8963mmolPi/mgPr.h).结论:周期性张应力刺激会引起细胞内Na+的改变,并可以增加骨骼肌细胞Na+/K+-ATPase的活性.  相似文献   

Extracellular α-synuclein (α-syn) assemblies can be up-taken by neurons; however, their interaction with the plasma membrane and proteins has not been studied specifically. Here we demonstrate that α-syn assemblies form clusters within the plasma membrane of neurons. Using a proteomic-based approach, we identify the α3-subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) as a cell surface partner of α-syn assemblies. The interaction strength depended on the state of α-syn, fibrils being the strongest, oligomers weak, and monomers none. Mutations within the neuron-specific α3-subunit are linked to rapid-onset dystonia Parkinsonism (RDP) and alternating hemiplegia of childhood (AHC). We show that freely diffusing α3-NKA are trapped within α-syn clusters resulting in α3-NKA redistribution and formation of larger nanoclusters. This creates regions within the plasma membrane with reduced local densities of α3-NKA, thereby decreasing the efficiency of Na+ extrusion following stimulus. Thus, interactions of α3-NKA with extracellular α-syn assemblies reduce its pumping activity as its mutations in RDP/AHC.  相似文献   

Regulation of the Na+/K+-ATPase by insulin: Why and how?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The sodium-potassium ATPase (Na+/K+-ATPase or Na+/K+-pump) is an enzyme present at the surface of all eukaryotic cells, which actively extrudes Na+ from cells in exchange for K+ at a ratio of 3:2, respectively. Its activity also provides the driving force for secondary active transport of solutes such as amino acids, phosphate, vitamins and, in epithelial cells, glucose. The enzyme consists of two subunits ( and ) each expressed in several isoforms. Many hormones regulate Na+/K+ -ATPase activity and in this review we will focus on the effects of insulin. The possible mechanisms whereby insulin controls Na+/K+-ATPase activity are discussed. These are tissue- and isoform-specific, and include reversible covalent modification of catalytic subunits, activation by a rise in intracellular Na+ concentration, altered Na+ sensitivity and changes in subunit gene or protein expression. Given the recent escalation in knowledge of insulin-stimulated signal transduction systems, it is pertinent to ask which intracellular signalling pathways are utilized by insulin in controlling Na+/K+-ATPase activity. Evidence for and against a role for the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase and mitogen activated protein kinase arms of the insulin-stimulated intracellular signalling networks is suggested. Finally, the clinical relevance of Na+/K+-ATPase control by insulin in diabetes and related disorders is addressed.  相似文献   

This work presents a detailed kinetic study that shows the coupling between the E2→E1 transition and Rb+ deocclusion stimulated by Na+ in pig-kidney purified Na,K-ATPase. Using rapid mixing techniques, we measured in parallel experiments the decrease in concentration of occluded Rb+ and the increase in eosin fluorescence (the formation of E1) as a function of time. The E2→E1 transition and Rb+ deocclusion are described by the sum of two exponential functions with equal amplitudes, whose rate coefficients decreased with increasing [Rb+]. The rate coefficient values of the E2→E1 transition were very similar to those of Rb+-deocclusion, indicating that both processes are simultaneous. Our results suggest that, when ATP is absent, the mechanism of Na+-stimulated Rb+ deocclusion would require the release of at least one Rb+ ion through the extracellular access prior to the E2→E1 transition. Using vanadate to stabilize E2, we measured occluded Rb+ in equilibrium conditions. Results show that, while Mg2 + decreases the affinity for Rb+, addition of vanadate offsets this effect, increasing the affinity for Rb+. In transient experiments, we investigated the exchange of Rb+ between the E2-vanadate complex and the medium. Results show that, in the absence of ATP, vanadate prevents the E2→E1 transition caused by Na+ without significantly affecting the rate of Rb+ deocclusion. On the other hand, we found the first evidence of a very low rate of Rb+ occlusion in the enzyme–vanadate complex, suggesting that this complex would require a change to an open conformation in order to bind and occlude Rb+.  相似文献   

以往研究已发现Na+,K+-ATPase含有α、β和γ亚单位.为了对三种亚单位有一个较为全面的认识,现对亚单位的基本结构、研究简况、生理及病理功能、表达调节等基本情况作一综述.  相似文献   

A series of quinazolinone derived Schiff base derivatives 7–36 were synthesized and characterized by analytical and spectroscopic techniques. The synthesized analogues were screened for their in vitro H+/K+-ATPase inhibition. Most of the compounds showed excellent activity, compared to that of omeprazole, a reference drug. In particular, hydroxy and methoxy derivatives 13–24 were the most active compounds possessing a significant increase for different substituents on the benzene ring thus, contributing positively to gastric H+/K+-ATPase inhibition. Preliminary structure-activity relationship revealed that the compounds 13–24 with electron donating moiety (OH, OCH3) were found to be excellent activity and compounds 9–12 and 25–36 with electron withdrawing moiety (Cl, F, NO2 and Br) were found to be least antiulcer agents.  相似文献   

Astacus leptodactylus is a decapod crustacean fully adapted to freshwater where it spends its entire life cycle after hatching under huge osmoconcentration differences between the hemolymph and surrounding freshwater. We investigated the expression of mRNA encoding one ion transport-related protein, Na+/K+-ATPase α-subunit, and one putative housekeeping gene, β-actin, during crayfish ontogenesis using quantitative real-time PCR. A 216-amino acid part of the open reading frame region of the cDNA coding for the Na+/K+-ATPase α-subunit was sequenced from total embryo, juvenile and adult gill tissues. The predicted amino acid sequence showed a high percentage similarity to those of other invertebrates (up to 95%) and vertebrates (up to 69%). β-actin expression exhibited modest changes through embryonic development and early post-embryonic stage. The Na+/K+-ATPase α-subunit gene was expressed in all studied stages from metanauplius to juvenile. Two peaks of expression were observed: one in young embryos at 25% of embryonic development (EI = 100 μm), and one in embryos just before hatching (at EI = 420 μm), continuing in the freshly hatched juveniles. The Na+/K+-ATPase expression profile during embryonic development is time-correlated with the occurrence of other features, including ontogenesis of excretory antennal glands and differentiation of gill ionocytes linked to hyperosmoregulation processes and therefore involved in freshwater adaptation.  相似文献   

Summary Recent studies in hepatocytes indicate that Na+-coupled HCO 3 transport contributes importantly, to regulation of intracellular pH and membrane HCO 3 transport. However, the direction of net coupled Na+ and HCO 3 movement and the effect of HCO 3 on Na+ turnover and Na+/K+ pump activity are not known. In these studies, the effect of HCO 3 on Na+ influx and turnover were measured in primary rat hepatocyte cultures with22Na+, and [Na+] i was measured in single hepatocytes using the Na+-sensitive fluorochrome SBFI. Na+/K+ pump activity was measured in intact perfused rat liver and hepatocyte monolayers as Na+-dependent or ouabain-suppressible86Rb uptake, and was measured in single hepatocytes as the effect of transient pump inhibition by removal of extracellular K+ on membrane potential difference (PD) and [Na+] i . In hepatocyte monolayers, HCO 3 increased22Na+ entry and turnover rates by 50–65%, without measurably altering22Na+ pool size or cell volume, and HCO 3 also increased Na+/K+ pump activity by 70%. In single cells, exposure to HCO 3 produced an abrupt and sustained rise in [Na+] i , from 8 to 12mm. Na+/K+ pump activity assessed in single cells by PD excursions during transient K+ removal increased 2.5-fold in the presence of HCO 3 , and the rise in [Na+] i produced by inhibition of the Na+/K+ pump was similarly increased 2.5-fold in the presence of HCO 3 . In intact perfused rat liver, HCO 3 increased both Na+/K+ pump activity and O2 consumption. These findings indicate that, in hepatocytes, net coupled Na+ and HCO 3 movement is inward and represents a major determinant of Na+ influx and Na+/K+ pump activity. About half of hepatic Na+/K+ pump activity appears dedicated to recycling Na+ entering in conjunction with HCO 3 to maintain [Na+] i within the physiologic range.  相似文献   

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Every year more than 2 million people are affected by the disease. Rho family proteins are actively involved in cytoskeleton regulation. Over-expression of Rho family proteins show oncogenic activity and promote cancer progression. In the present work RhoG protein is considered as novel target of cancer. It is a member of Rho family and Rac subfamily protein, which plays pivotal role in regulation of microtubule formation, cell migration and contributes in cancer progression. In order to understand the binding interaction between RhoG protein and the DH domain of Ephexin-4 protein, the 3D structure of RhoG was evaluated and Molecular Dynamic Simulations was performed to stabilize the structure. The 3D structure of RhoG protein was validated and active site identified using standard computational protocols. Protein–protein docking of RhoG with Ephexin-4 was done to understand binding interactions and the active site structure. Virtual screening was carried out with ligand databases against the active site of RhoG protein. The efficiency of virtual screening is analysed with enrichment factor and area under curve values. The binding free energy of docked complexes was calculated using prime MM-GBSA module. The SASA, FOSA, FISA, PISA and PSA values of ligands were carried out. New ligands with high docking score, glide energy and acceptable ADME properties were prioritized as potential inhibitors of RhoG protein.  相似文献   

目的:研究周期性张应变对面颌肌细胞Na+/K+-ATPaseα亚单位蛋白表达的影响以确定其作用及机制.方法:在建立面颌肌细胞的力学刺激-细胞体外培养模型的基础上,采用Western blot法分析周期性张应变对Na+/K+-ATPase α1和α2亚单位蛋白表达的影响,加力组分别给予1、2、12、24和48h的力学刺激,施加力值为15%的细胞形变,频率为10cycles/min.以静态组为对照组.对照组及实验组各包含4个实验样本.Western blot检测Na+/K+-ATPaseα1和α2亚单位蛋白的表达.结果:α1亚单位的蛋白表达量除加力1h组与对照组之间、加力24 h与48 h之间无统计学差异外,其余各组之间以及各组与对照组之间均有显著的统计学意义.α2亚单位蛋白表达量除加力24 h与48 h组之间无统计学差异外,其余各组之间以及各组与对照组之间均有显著的统计学意义.结论:在一定时间范围内,周期性张应变可刺激α1和α2亚单位蛋白表达增加,随作用时间的延长蛋白表达受抑制.提示在肌能力的刺激下,面颌肌细胞的相关酶蛋白的功能及表达将发生适应性改建,但其功能亚基的调控机制可能不同.这为选择不同的方法和手段进行临床干预提供了理论依据,因而具有重要的参考意义.  相似文献   

王立光 《生物工程学报》2019,35(8):1424-1432
拟南芥内膜Na,K~+/H~+反向转运体(Endosomal NHX)的亚细胞定位、离子转运特性及生物学功能阐释取得了重要进展。拟南芥内膜Na~+,K~+/H~+反向转运体包含AtNHX5和AtNHX6两个成员,它们的氨基酸序列相似性为78.7%。研究表明,AtNHX5和AtNHX6具有功能冗余,它们都定位在高尔基体(Golgi)、反面高尔基体管网状结构(TGN)、内质网(ER)和液胞前体(PVC),参与调控耐盐胁迫、pH平衡和K~+平衡等。有报道显示内膜NHXs跨膜结构域存在能够调控自身离子活性的酸性保守氨基酸残基,对其自身功能具有决定性作用。最新研究结果表明,拟南芥内膜NHXs影响囊泡运输和蛋白存贮,并参与生长素介导的植物生长和发育。文中主要对拟南芥内膜NHXs的亚细胞定位、离子转运、功能及应用进展进行了概述。  相似文献   



The endothelial-blood/tissue barrier is critical for maintaining tissue homeostasis. The ear harbors a unique endothelial-blood/tissue barrier which we term “blood-labyrinth-barrier”. This barrier is critical for maintaining inner ear homeostasis. Disruption of the blood-labyrinth-barrier is closely associated with a number of hearing disorders. Many proteins of the blood-brain-barrier and blood-retinal-barrier have been identified, leading to significant advances in understanding their tissue specific functions. In contrast, capillaries in the ear are small in volume and anatomically complex. This presents a challenge for protein analysis studies, which has resulted in limited knowledge of the molecular and functional components of the blood-labyrinth-barrier. In this study, we developed a novel method for isolation of the stria vascularis capillary from CBA/CaJ mouse cochlea and provided the first database of protein components in the blood-labyrinth barrier as well as evidence that the interaction of Na+/K+-ATPase α1 (ATP1A1) with protein kinase C eta (PKCη) and occludin is one of the mechanisms of loud sound-induced vascular permeability increase.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using a mass-spectrometry, shotgun-proteomics approach combined with a novel “sandwich-dissociation” method, more than 600 proteins from isolated stria vascularis capillaries were identified from adult CBA/CaJ mouse cochlea. The ion transporter ATP1A1 was the most abundant protein in the blood-labyrinth barrier. Pharmacological inhibition of ATP1A1 activity resulted in hyperphosphorylation of tight junction proteins such as occludin which increased the blood-labyrinth-barrier permeability. PKCη directly interacted with ATP1A1 and was an essential mediator of ATP1A1-initiated occludin phosphorylation. Moreover, this identified signaling pathway was involved in the breakdown of the blood-labyrinth-barrier resulting from loud sound trauma.


The results presented here provide a novel method for capillary isolation from the inner ear and the first database on protein components in the blood-labyrinth-barrier. Additionally, we found that ATP1A1 interaction with PKCη and occludin was involved in the integrity of the blood-labyrinth-barrier.  相似文献   

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