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白岩  朱高峰  张琨  马婷 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7821-7831
针对西北干旱区绿洲经济作物葡萄树冠层蒸腾及蒸散发特征的相关问题,在甘肃省敦煌市南湖绿洲开展无核白葡萄树液流速率及蒸散发观测试验,采用基于热平衡原理的包裹式茎流计,详细分析了典型生长季7—9月份葡萄树蒸腾耗水规律,使用"单位叶面积上的平均液流速率SF×叶面积指数LAI"的方法,实现了从单株到林分冠层蒸腾的尺度扩展,并通过与涡动相关技术所测蒸散发数据对比,详细研究了葡萄地冠层蒸腾及蒸散发规律。结果表明:典型生长季中葡萄树液流速率日变化为单峰型曲线,日均耗水量从2.76 kg到10 kg不等,胸径越大的葡萄树日均耗水量越大;冠层蒸腾及蒸散发日变化曲线亦为单峰型,白天8:00—12:00与17:00—20:00期间,葡萄冠层蒸腾与蒸散发曲线均比较吻合,该时间段葡萄地蒸散发绝大部分来源于葡萄冠层蒸腾,而12:00—17:00之间由于午后太阳辐射强烈土壤蒸发量增加,葡萄蒸散发大于冠层蒸腾;典型生长季3个月中,葡萄冠层蒸腾量的变化范围在1.88—8.12 mm/d之间,日均冠层蒸腾量为6.12 mm/d,蒸散发在1.74 mm/d至10.78 mm/d之间,日均蒸散发量为7.13 mm/d;日均土壤蒸发量约为1.01 mm/d,只占总蒸散发量的14.2%,日均冠层蒸腾占日均蒸散发的比重达到85.8%,说明该生长阶段冠层蒸散发以作物蒸腾为主。  相似文献   

鼎湖山南亚热带天然针阔叶混交林臭氧吸收特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针阔叶混交林是我国南亚热带针叶林向地带性常绿阔叶林演替的中间林分类型,为我国南亚地区主要森林类型,发挥着重要的生态系统服务功能。基于树干液流技术和对臭氧浓度的连续监测,评价该森林类型的臭氧吸收特征和能力有着重要的环境生态学意义。对鼎湖山天然针阔叶混交林优势种马尾松(Pinus manssoniana)、锥栗(Castanopsis chinensis)、木荷(Schima superba)和华润楠(Machilus chinensis)在自然环境条件下的臭氧吸收能力进行了分析研究。结果表明:在日尺度上,4个优势树种的冠层气孔对臭氧导度(GO_3)和臭氧吸收通量(FO_3)均呈单峰型曲线,其最大值的时间在干季(10月至竖年3月)比湿季(4月至9月)滞后;季节尺度上,臭氧浓度在湿季达到最大值48.94 n L/L,湿季GO_3、FO_3和年臭氧吸收累积量(accumulative stomatal O_3flux,AFst)均显著高于干季(P 0.01),华润楠的臭氧吸收能力最强,在干季和湿季可分别达1.11 nmol m~(-2)s~(-1)和1.71nmol m~(-2)s~(-1)。随着水汽压亏缺(VPD)增大,优势种GO_3降低。光合有效辐射(PAR)超过1500 umol m~(-2)s~(-1)时,优势树种GO_3和FO_3呈下降趋势。针阔叶混交林的年臭氧吸收累积量超过了保护森林树木所采用的临界阈值,可认为鼎湖山针阔叶混交林受臭氧危害的潜在风险较高。  相似文献   

樱桃冠层导度特征及模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示樱桃冠层蒸腾、冠层导度对环境因子的响应规律,评价Jarvis模型在樱桃冠层尺度上应用的适用性,利用Granier热消散式探针连续监测了北京四季青果林所试验地3年生盆栽樱桃(Prunus avium L.)4-8月份蒸腾动态变化,同步监测了气象与土壤水分数据。以实测液流为基础,利用Penman-Monteith方程反推方法获取了长期连续冠层导度,在分析樱桃冠层蒸腾、冠层导度的动态变化规律的基础上,采用十字交叉法对多元回归模型与Jarvis模型进行参数率与误差分析,结果显示盆栽樱桃冠层蒸腾规律性强、时滞效应小,不同辐射条件下,冠层导度随水汽压亏缺增加呈负指数函数下降趋势,采用水汽压亏缺、光合有效辐射、气温的不同组合方式构建了多元回归和Jarvis冠层模型,模拟结果显示Jarvis模型精度高于多元回归模型,环境因子对模型精度的影响程度依次为:水汽压亏缺光合有效辐射气温,考虑了水汽压亏缺和太阳辐射的Jarvis模型精度最高,最低相对误差仅为12.12%,均方根误差为0.271。  相似文献   

紫玉兰树干液流对北京市综合环境变量的响应   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2008年4-10月,为明确典型城市绿化树种紫玉兰耗水特征的影响因素,研究了紫玉兰树干液流对北京市空气温湿度、辐射、风速、土壤温度和含水量、降雨等环境因子的响应.结果表明:影响紫玉兰树干液流的8个环境因子可分为蒸发需求因子(EDI)、土壤因子和降水因子3类,其中,EDI(大气温度、空气相对湿度、总辐射、风速和水汽压亏缺)是影响紫玉兰树干液流的关键因子,可以解释紫玉兰树干液流变化的60%,且紫玉兰树干液流对EDI的响应方式呈S型曲线,液流达到最大值后,即使光照和蒸发需求增加,液流也不再增加;土壤因子(土壤温度和土壤含水量)和降水因子(降水量)对紫玉兰树干液流的影响很小.  相似文献   

在全球气候变化背景下,区域降水格局正在发生改变,对森林生态系统生产力和水文过程将产生重要影响。为揭示降雨量减少对树木蒸腾耗水特征及其响应环境因子的影响,本研究以黄土高原半湿润区主要造林树种刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)为对象,在减雨样地林分行间布设人工减雨板减少约47%的降雨输入,采用Granier型热扩散探针测定树干液流动态,并同步监测太阳辐射、空气温度、相对湿度、降雨事件和土壤含水量等环境因子,分析了树干液流对减雨处理及季节性土壤水分变化的响应特征。结果表明:减雨处理显著降低了刺槐液流通量密度标准化值,处理第3年标准化液流通量密度显著低于对照样地;减雨样地刺槐标准化液流日变化峰值时间早于对照样地,表明减雨样地刺槐较早实施了气孔调节,改变了其与气象因子的时滞时间;标准化液流通量密度响应蒸腾驱动因子的拟合方程参数值在样地间呈极显著差异,显示减雨样地刺槐响应气象因子的敏感性有所降低。降雨量的改变不仅影响林地土壤水分状况,还会对刺槐蒸腾耗水及其对环境因子的响应产生影响。  相似文献   

辽西农林复合系统中杨树冠层导度特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用Granier热扩散式探针法对辽西杨树-玉米复合系统的杨树树干液流进行连续测定,并对环境因子(空气温度、空气湿度、净辐射、风速、土壤温度和土壤湿度)进行同步观测,结合Penman-Monteith方程计算冠层导度值.结果表明:研究区杨树冠层导度日变化呈“单峰型”曲线,季节变化表现为波动式下降趋势;冠层导度随着饱和水汽压差增加呈负对数下降,5-9月,冠层导度对水汽压差变化的敏感性逐渐下降;冠层导度与太阳辐射呈正相关关系;太阳辐射越大,冠层导度曲线下降幅度越大.不同月份,相同环境因子与冠层导度的相关程度不同.从整个生长季来看,与冠层导度相关性最显著的环境因子是饱和水汽压差.  相似文献   

许文滔  赵平  王权  饶兴权  蔡锡安  曾小平 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4122-4131
为深入揭示华南地区马占相思冠层气孔导度对环境因子的响应规律,在2005年7月至11月,利用Granier热消散式探针法对马占相思(Acacia mangium)的树干液流(sapflow)进行了连续测定,计算出整树的蒸腾,并由Penman-Monteith方程得出马占相思的冠层气孔导度值。通过分析,发现:马占相思冠层气孔导度是控制马占相思树整树蒸腾的主要因素;冠层气孔导度随着水汽压亏缺增加呈负指数函数下降的趋势。使用包括了太阳总辐射、水汽压亏缺和气温的Jarvis模型可以较好地模拟马占相思冠层气孔导度对环境因子的响应特征;模拟结果表明:环境变量对模型精确度的影响程度依次为:水汽压亏缺>太阳总辐射>气温。  相似文献   

李浩  胡顺军  朱海  李茜倩 《生态学报》2017,37(21):7187-7196
利用TDP热扩散式茎流计,结合自动气象站,对古尔班通古特沙漠南缘原生梭梭的树干液流及环境因子进行连续监测,分析了梭梭树干液流对环境要素的响应,建立了生长季梭梭树干液流与环境因子的关系,估算出梭梭群落的日、季耗水量。结果表明:(1)液流速率日变化主要为单峰曲线,夏季偶有出现双峰曲线,不同季节间的液流速率大小差异显著,夏季树干液流启动早,峰值出现早,夜间持续有微弱的液流;(2)梭梭树干瞬时液流速率与风速、净辐射、空气温度、饱和水汽压亏缺值等因素呈显著正相关,与实际水汽压和空气湿度呈极显著负相关,影响梭梭树干瞬时液流速率变化的关键因子是净辐射和饱和水汽压亏缺值是导致树干液流速率瞬时变化的关键因子;(3)梭梭树干日均液流速率与净辐射、空气温度、实际水汽压、土壤含水率和土壤温度等呈极显著正相关,与空气湿度等呈极显著负相关,与风速相关性不显著,影响梭梭日均液流速率变化的关键因子是净辐射、饱和水汽压亏缺和空气温度。  相似文献   

应用Granier热消散探针,长期监测华南丘陵地马占相思(Acacia mangium)林14棵样树的树干液流(Sap flow),由此计算整树和林段的蒸腾速率,结合同步记录的环境因子,求算冠层平均气孔导度(Gc)。Granier探针的灵敏度较高,能精确测定即使是微弱的液流活动。观测结果显示,树木个体之间的液流密度(Js)和整树蒸腾(Et)受树形特征影响较大。马占相思林径级大的树木个体数较少,但占据林段边材总面积和林段蒸腾的比例较大。JsEt的日变化主要受光合有效辐射(Qo)和空气水蒸气压亏缺(D)的控制,土壤含水量(θ)对较大胸径树木Et的影响大于胸径较小的树木,个体之间JsEt的差异随θ的下降而缩小。一年中,林段蒸腾(E)在光照和水热条件较好的7月最高,9~12月,由于土壤水分供应的减少致使E值降低,ED的敏感性下降。Gc与主要环境因子的关系与E相似,如果θ长期偏低,Gc会明显下降,是造成E降低的主要原因。成熟马占相思林在光照充足、水热条件较好的情况下的蒸腾活动旺盛,但对土壤水分胁迫的忍受力较低。  相似文献   

许文滔  赵平  王权  饶兴权  蔡锡安  曾小平 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4122-4131
为深入揭示华南地区马占相思冠层气孔导度对环境因子的响应规律,在2005年7月至11月,利用Granier热消散式探针法对马占相思(Acacia mangium)的树干液流(sap flow)进行了连续测定,计算出整树的蒸腾,并由Penman-Monteith方程得出马占相思的冠层气孔导度值。通过分析,发现:马占相思冠层气孔导度是控制马占相思树整树蒸腾的主要因素;冠层气孔导度随着水汽压亏缺增加呈负指数函数下降的趋势。使用包括了太阳总辐射、水汽压亏缺和气温的Jarvis模型可以较好地模拟马占相思冠层气孔导度对环境因子的响应特征;模拟结果表明:环境变量对模型精确度的影响程度依次为:水汽压亏缺>太阳总辐射>气温。  相似文献   

Summary Tree transpiration was determined by xylem sap flow and eddy correlation measurements in a temperate broad-leaved forest of Nothofagus in New Zealand (tree height: up to 36 m, one-sided leaf area index: 7). Measurements were carried out on a plot which had similar stem circumference and basal area per ground area as the stand. Plot sap flux density agreed with tree canopy transpiration rate determined by the difference between above-canopy eddy correlation and forest floor lysimeter evaporation measurements. Daily sap flux varied by an order of magnitude among trees (2 to 87 kg day–1 tree–1). Over 50% of plot sap flux density originated from 3 of 14 trees which emerged 2 to 5 m above the canopy. Maximum tree transpiration rate was significantly correlated with tree height, stem sapwood area, and stem circumference. Use of water stored in the trees was minimal. It is estimated that during growth and crown development, Nothofagus allocates about 0.06 m of circumference of main tree trunk or 0.01 m2 of sapwood per kg of water transpired over one hour.Maximum total conductance for water vapour transfer (including canopy and aerodynamic conductance) of emergent trees, calculated from sap flux density and humidity measurements, was 9.5 mm s–1 that is equivalent to 112 mmol m–2 s–1 at the scale of the leaf. Artificially illuminated shoots measured in the stand with gas exchange chambers had maximum stomatal conductances of 280 mmol m–2 s–1 at the top and 150 mmol m–2 s–1 at the bottom of the canopy. The difference between canopy and leaf-level measurements is discussed with respect to effects of transpiration on humidity within the canopy. Maximum total conductance was significantly correlated with leaf nitrogen content. Mean carbon isotope ratio was –27.76±0.27 (average ±s.e.) indicating a moist environment. The effects of interactions between the canopy and the atmosphere on forest water use dynamics are shown by a fourfold variation in coupling of the tree canopy air saturation deficit to that of the overhead atmosphere on a typical fine day due to changes in stomatal conductance.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. O.L. Lange on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The uptake of air pollutants depends both on pollutant concentration and on stomatal conductance. This paper deals with the uptake of ozone (O3) from the air into the needles of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] under ambient climatic conditions. Regulation of O3 uptake by the stomata is shown and also the difference between the physiologically active O3 concentration and the O3 concentration of the ambient air. Data from the sun and shade crown of spruce trees at 1000 m a.s.l. are presented. Analysis of data from three vegetation periods has shown that at low ambient O3 concentrations the O3 uptake is largely regulated by stomatal conductance. Water vapour pressure deficit (VPD) of the atmosphere is the climatic factor which showed the highest positive correlation with O3 concentration. However, a high leaf-air VDP led to stomatal closure, thus reducing the O3 uptake in the needles despite high O3 concentrations in the ambient air. The potential O3 stress caused by high O3 concentrations can be strongly mitigated by this natural closing of the stomata and the simultaneous occurrence of moderate drought stress.  相似文献   

测定位点对计算梨树树干液流的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
采用热脉冲法,研究了不同测定位点对计算梨树树干液流速率和液流量的影响.结果表明,不同时期内,各方向木质部液质比、木质比径向变幅分别为0.01~0.03和0~0.02,而同一深度木质部液质比和木质比季节变幅分别为0.02~0.09和0.02~0.08. 用同一月份不同深度木质部液质比和木质比参数计算特定深度液流速率差异不显著;而用不同时期测定的同一深度木质部参数计算特定月份相应深度液流速率差异显著或极显著.内层2个、4个测点平均低估液流量是外层相应测定位点的1.5和4.9倍,距形成层0~0.6四个位点的液流量基本可以代表整树耗水量.  相似文献   

Gash模型在黄土区人工刺槐林冠降雨截留研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王艳萍  王力  卫三平 《生态学报》2012,32(17):5445-5453
为了验证Gash林冠截留解析模型在黄土高原人工林中的适用性,基于2009年黄土丘陵沟壑区吕梁市王家沟小流域刺槐林样地降雨观测数据,采用Gash模型对林冠截留进行了模拟。所选刺槐林分为人工纯林,林龄约30a,阴坡,坡度24°,密度为990株/hm2,平均树高10.8 m,平均胸径12.4 cm,郁闭度0.76。根据回归方法确定了Gash模型中的主要参数,包括饱和林冠的平均蒸发速率(E珔)、林冠枝叶部分的持水能力(S)、自由穿透降雨系数(p)、树干持水能力(St)和树干茎流系数(Pt)。结果显示,2009年5月至10月人工刺槐林样地实测降雨量为366.9 mm,穿透降雨量为317.5 mm,树干茎流为10.2 mm,林冠截留量为39.2 mm。模型模拟的林冠截留量为42.4 mm,高于实测值3.2 mm,相对误差为8.2%。敏感性分析表明,S、E珔、St和pt每增加10%,林冠截留量分别增加4.7%,3.1%,1.7%和0.5%;p增加10%,林冠截留量则减少2.6%。说明树干持水能力(St)和树干茎流系数(pt)两个参数对黄土高原人工刺槐林冠截留量的预测值影响程度较小。模拟值与实测值有较好的一致性,显示Gash模型适用于黄土高原人工刺槐林冠的截留计算。  相似文献   

The effect of short-term flooding was examined in 2-year-old apricot trees (Prunus armeniaca cv. Búlida). Six apricot trees of similar appearance were submitted to two treatments: three were irrigated daily, while the others were flooded for a period of 50 h by submerging the pots in plastic water tanks. The trees were removed from the water, drained and then placed in the same conditions as the control plants. A decrease in transpiration in the flooded trees with respect to the control plants was evident. The daily pattern of soil O2 concentration and plant hydraulic resistance followed a similar trend during the flooding. However, this relationship was not maintained throughout the experiment, since the O2 values increased rapidly when the waterlogging ceased, while plant hydraulic resistance only recovered at the end of the experiment when the original root system, damaged by flooded conditions, was replaced with new roots. In flooded trees, the midday leaf water potential decreased progressively from the beginning of flooding, but gradually recovered when the waterlogging ceased. Leaf conductance values of treated plants were slow to recover, reaching values of the control plants 8 days after the leaf water potential had recovered. The close relationship observed during most of the experiment between the leaf water parameters, leaf conductance and plant hydraulic conductance indicate that hydraulic messages are likely to play a dominant role in co-ordinating the observed responses of the shoot.  相似文献   

The respiratory activity of distinct sapwood and heartwood annual rings of the stem of Robinia pseudoacacia L. has been investigated. The oxygen uptake and the carbon dioxide release in the inner parts of the sapwood is enhanced in comparison with that in the outer parts. The heartwood rings have no measureable gas exchange.  相似文献   

Simultaneous field measurements of transpiration and sap flow were performed on short-rotation Salix viminalis trees ranging in diameter from 1.5 to 3.5 cm (2-year-old shoots on 8-year-old stumps). Transpiration was measured using an open-top ventilated chamber enclosing the whole foliage of a tree. Sap flow was measured using a tree-trunk heat balance (THB) technique with a constant temperature difference and variable heat input. Both the instantaneous and daily values of water flux measured by the two absolute techniques agreed well with a difference of up to about 5%. In July, the hourly transpiration reached a maximum of about 0.2 kg m–2 (leaf area) or 0.45 kg tree–1, whereas maximum daily integrals reached 4 kg tree–1. The response of sap flow rate to abrupt flux change when inducing emboli by cutting-off the stem was very rapid: the registered signal dropped by 85% within 10 min for a specimen with a projected leaf area of 2 m2. For S. viminalis trees, transpiration was linearly correlated with stem cross-sectional area and with leaf area.  相似文献   

This study characterizes whole tree root system distribution in a non-destructive way based on its functional parameters, particularly the sap flow patterns in stems. This approach particularly considers sap flow variation across stems, both radial and circumferential patterns of flow that are usually used for a better integration of sap flow density at the whole tree level. We focused at: (1) Showing examples of sap flow variation across stems at a defined situation (high midday values at the period of non-limiting water supply; (2) Analyzing radial flow patterns in terms of root distribution; (3) Validating these results at the stand level (mean data of series of individual trees) using results of classical biometric methods used at the same site; and (4) Applying the results for evaluation of root distribution around leaning trees. Sap flow rate was measured by the heat deformation method on a set of 14 trees at an experimental pine forest stand in Brasschaat (Belgium) during the growing season of 2000. Sap flow variation across stems was measured at a total of 700 points. Amounts of water supplied by superficial (horizontally oriented) and sinker (vertically oriented) roots were estimated from sap flow patterns. The vertical distribution of absorbing roots as derived from the analysis of sap flow patterns in stem sapwood was very similar to the distribution determined by the classical biometric analysis of fine roots. Trees leaning to the East had stem radii at the stump level and crown radii enhanced in the leaning direction. Sinker roots showed higher absorption activities in the leaning direction, but superficial roots were more absorbing in the opposite direction. The application of the above-described method allows for a better evaluation of the whole-tree behavior and facilitates the evaluation of tree and stand properties in traditional forest stands, which are not equipped for detailed scientific research. This may also facilitate practical applications in landscape-level studies.  相似文献   

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