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To study the problem of consciousness an original structural-functional approach has been applied with the use of possibilities of spectral-coherent EEG analysis in evaluation of human brain functional state together with the specificity of the cerebral coma having local focal belonging. It is revealed that the most informative signs for characteristics of consciousness state are peculiarities of reconstruction of intercentral relations of the electrical brain processes: decrease of mean levels of the EEG coherence at progressive development of coma; staged approach to relative norm at regressive course of comatose state and recovery of consciousness; their stability on the low level at prolonged coma; increase in low or high (above optimum) frequencies band at neighbouring with coma states of consciousness. It may be considered that one of the necessary conditions of normal state of consciousness is preservation of the optimum level of correlation of electrical brain activity alongside with frequency-regional specificity of the EEG coherence spectrum. Any deviation from the optimum is unfavourable condition for normal course of cerebral reactions because of the disturbance of intercentral connections mosaic necessary for their realization.  相似文献   

EEG correlates of individual differences in decision-making time were studied in subjects performing the task of memorizing and subsequently reproducing, on a monitor screen, a sequence of signals. Forty-six students were volunteers in the study, carried out with the use of an original computer-aided technique. Pioneering data on the individual specificity of physiological processes underlying human mental activity were obtained. Individual differences in EEG characteristics related to differences in the temporal parameters of the decision-making stage were found. In a situation directly preceding the activity, subjects characterized by a short decision-making time exhibited higher powers of the Δ (in the occipital, parietal, and central cortical areas) and θ-(in both the central and the right frontal and temporal areas) EEG rhythms. The subjects with a short decision-making time differed from those with a long decision-making time in a higher power of the θ rhythm in the right temporal area during memorization and an increased θ rhythm power in the frontal areas during reproduction of a signal sequence.  相似文献   

People with the highest rates of mental working capacity staying for a year at an altitude of 1680 m below sea level are characterized by less pronounced responses of respiration to moderate hypoxia and great ventilatory response to maximally endured hypoxic action, by higher glucose content in blood and physical working capacity. Many relationships typical of the middle mountains are inverse ones under conditions of a one-year stay at an altitude of 3650 m below sea level. In the case of a total decrease in indices of mental and physical working capacity people with the highest rate of information processing are characterized by less reactivity of the respiratory system, greater resistance to ultimate hypoxia, lower glucose concentration, less physical working capacity.  相似文献   

An animal's level of vigilance depends on various environmental factors such as predator presence or the proximity of conspecific competitors. In addition, several individual traits may influence vigilance. We investigated the effects of body condition, social rank and the state of pregnancy on individual vigilance (scanning) rates in individually marked European rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) of a field enclosure population. We found lower rates in young rabbits than in adult females, but male and female juveniles did not differ. Vigilance of juveniles was positively correlated with their age-dependent body mass (used as a measure of body condition), i.e. young rabbits with lower body condition scanned less. We suggest that juveniles with low body condition were trading off vigilance against feeding to maximise their growth. In contrast, there was no significant correlation between body mass and vigilance in adult females. Adult females increased scanning rates during late pregnancy, which might constitute a behavioural compensation because of their lower capacity to escape predator attacks. In addition, adult females with low social ranks scanned more than high ranking individuals, likely because of their higher risk of attacks by conspecifics. In summary, our results highlight various individual characteristics that influence vigilance behaviour in European rabbits.  相似文献   

By the method of factor analysis characteristics of functional brain states in children and juveniles of different age with neuroses were studied by EEG data. Similarity was established of the patients EEG structure at strained and emotional states. In the studied period of individual development (7-14 years) the most expressed changes of background EEG were observed at the age og 9-12 years. At functional loads, beginning from the age of 9-10, insufficient activity of the frontal region of the left hemisphere was found. The greatest changes of the EEG integral characteristics were observed in patients with vegetative-emotional disturbances and the smallest-at verbal-motor ones.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the EEG of pregnant women with high anxiety level is characterized by a lower occipital alpha and theta rhythm spectral power if compared to the EEG of women with low anxiety level. The frequency of the alpha rhythm of their EEG was reliably higher. Pregnant women with high anxiety level with a pregnancy interruption threat diagnosis have an essentially lower occipital alpha rhythm spectral power than women of this group without such a diagnosis. And vice versa, the occipital alpha rhythm spectral power in the EEG of pregnant women with low anxiety level with a pregnancy interruption threat diagnosis is essentially higher and its frequency essentially lower than the EEG of women without that diagnosis. The data received are interpreted as a change in hormone regulation during the pregnancy period, as well as psychogenic influence on the pregnancy.  相似文献   

Using a phyllosphere model system, we demonstrated that the term ‘carrying capacity'', as it is commonly used in microbial ecology, needs to be understood as the sum of many ‘local carrying capacities'' in order to better explain and predict the course and outcome of bacterial colonization of an environment. Using a green fluorescent protein-based bioreporter system for the quantification of reproductive success (RS) in individual Erwinia herbicola cells, we were able to reconstruct the contribution of individual immigrants to bacterial population sizes on leaves. Our analysis revealed that plant foliage represents to bacteria an environment where individual fate is determined by the local carrying capacity of the site where an immigrant cell lands. With increasing inoculation densities, the RS of most immigrants declined, suggesting that local carrying capacity under the tested conditions was linked to local nutrient availability. Fitting the observed experimental data to an adapted model of phyllosphere colonization indicated that there might exist three types of sites on leaves, which differ in their frequency of occurrence and local carrying capacity. Specifically, our data were consistent with a leaf environment that is characterized by few sites where individual immigrants can produce high numbers of offspring, whereas the remainder of the leaf offered an equal number of sites with low and medium RS. Our findings contribute to a bottom–up understanding of bacterial colonization of leaf surfaces, which includes a quantifiable role of chance in the experience at the individual level and in the outcome at the population level.  相似文献   

The work is a logical continuation of previous studies (analysis of the background electrical activity in the band 1-100 Hz in interstimulus intervals in the process of lever pressing alimentary conditioning in dogs) and it is dedicated to correlation-spectral analysis of prestimulus periods and EEG-reactions to conditioned stimuli, previous to conditioned lever pressing. Visually the EEG reactions present discharges of high-frequency (40-100 Hz) synchronized activity preceding for 40-300 ms the beginning of the changes in EMG of the "working" limb. It is shown that EEG reactions are characterized (in comparison with the background activity) by a higher energetic level and a greater expression of the high coherence (I greater than 0.75) and also by greater phase shifts, in counterbalance to the domination of little phase shifts in the background activity. It is assumed that the patterns of EEG reactions may participate in trigger mechanisms either eliciting conditioned motor reactions (to positive conditioned stimuli) or preventing them (to inhibitory conditioned stimuli).  相似文献   

The minimization of the non-specific factors of neurofeedback (NF) is an important aspect to further advance in the understanding of the effects of these types of procedures. This paper investigates the NF effects of a single session (25 min) of individual upper alpha enhancement following a sham-controlled experimental design (19 healthy participants). We measured immediate effects after the training and 1-day lasting EEG effects (eyes closed resting state and task-related activity), as well as the event-locked EEG effects during the execution of a mental rotation task. These metrics were computed in trained (upper alpha) and non-trained EEG parameters (lower alpha and lower beta). Several cognitive functions were assessed such as working memory and mental rotation abilities. The NF group showed increased upper alpha power after training in task-related activity (not significantly sustained 1 day after) and higher pre-stimulus power during the mental rotation task. Both groups improved cognitive performance, with a more prominent improvement for the NF group, however a single session seems to be insufficient to yield significant differences between groups. A higher number of training sessions seems necessary to achieve long-lasting effects on the electrophysiology and to enhance the behavioral effects.  相似文献   

It is shown, that the physical load "to overflowing" is connected with heterogeneous changes in the mental capacity of students. In students with the high preventive level of the working capacity an increase of the mental capacity by the model physical load on the bicycle is due to not only an increase of the physical capacity, but also to accumulation of the tiredness after load. Stimulation of the mental capacity necessitates playing and cyclic loads, or the application of stepwise increasing load (2 w/kg, 6-9 min).  相似文献   

A group of parturient women was divided on the basis of a special psychological poll into subgroups with a high (changed mental state, CMS) and low (unchanged mental state, UMS) number of signs of changes in the mental state during and after delivery. The background EEG was recorded in 16 monopolar leads before and after delivery. EEG processing included the calculation of indices of the basic rhythms, the parameters of auto- and cross-correlation functions, and the conditional probabilities of the mutual transitions of the EEG wave components that belong to the basic rhythm components according to their duration. Statistical comparison of the EEG characteristics of the subgroups, as well as their comparison with similar characteristics of the reference group of healthy nulliparous women, showed that the subgroups differed significantly in some parameters; the difference were generalized by lead zones. As a rule, the EEG characteristics of the CMS subgroup differed from those of the reference group more than those of the UMS subgroup. The differences between the CMS and UMS subgroups testify to some imbalance of the regulatory mechanisms in the former with the predominance of excitation at the predelivery stage and a more manifest physiological cerebral reaction to the delivery.  相似文献   

It is postulated that during arousal the cortical system is driven by a spatially and temporally noisy signal arising from non-specific reticulo-cortical pathways. An elementary unit of cortical neuroanatomy is assumed, which permits non-linear dynamics to be represented by stochastic linear equations. Under these assumptions the resonant modes of the system of cortical dendrites approach thermodynamic equilibrium. Specific sensory signals perturb the dendritic system about equilibrium, generate low frequency, linear, non-dispersive waves corresponding to the EEG, which in turn regulate action potential sequences, and instantiate internal inputs to the dendritic field. A large and distributed memory capacity in axo-synaptic couplings, resistance to interference between functionally separate logical operations, and a very large next-state function set emerge as properties of the network. The model is able to explain the close association of the EEG with cognition, the channel of low capacity corresponding to the field of immediate attention, the low overall correlation of action potentials with EEG, and specificity of action potentials in some neurons during particular cognitive activity. Predictions made from hypothesis include features of thermal equilibrium in EEG (determinable by autoregression) and expectation that the cortical evoked response can be accounted for as the response to a sensory impulse of specific time characteristics.  相似文献   

EEG is traditionally described as a neuroimaging technique with high temporal and low spatial resolution. Recent advances in biophysical modelling and signal processing make it possible to exploit information from other imaging modalities like structural MRI that provide high spatial resolution to overcome this constraint1. This is especially useful for investigations that require high resolution in the temporal as well as spatial domain. In addition, due to the easy application and low cost of EEG recordings, EEG is often the method of choice when working with populations, such as young children, that do not tolerate functional MRI scans well. However, in order to investigate which neural substrates are involved, anatomical information from structural MRI is still needed. Most EEG analysis packages work with standard head models that are based on adult anatomy. The accuracy of these models when used for children is limited2, because the composition and spatial configuration of head tissues changes dramatically over development3. In the present paper, we provide an overview of our recent work in utilizing head models based on individual structural MRI scans or age specific head models to reconstruct the cortical generators of high density EEG. This article describes how EEG recordings are acquired, processed, and analyzed with pediatric populations at the London Baby Lab, including laboratory setup, task design, EEG preprocessing, MRI processing, and EEG channel level and source analysis.   相似文献   

Asperger's Syndrome (AS) is a pervasive developmental disorder whose continuity with High-Functioning Autism is still a matter of debate. Clinical observations suggest that patients with AS may present the same sleep disorders as autistic patients, including difficulties in initiating and maintaining sleep as well as poor dream recall. We recorded the sleep of a 25-year-old male patient with AS for two nights using a full EEG montage and compared the second night to that of a group of normal participants. We found low levels of slow wave sleep (SWS: stages 3 + 4), high levels of stage 1, and a large number of awakenings. The organization of REM sleep was unremarkable, including normal REM density. Analyses of phasic EEG events revealed a very low incidence of sleep spindles and a normal number of K-complexes over bilateral frontal and central EEG leads. In order to collect dream reports, the patient was awakened three times over two nights following at least 15 minutes of REM sleep in each case. On each occasion the patient was not aware of any mental activity happening just prior to awakening. These observations are discussed with regards to the connections that may exist between EEG sleep spindle activity, selective attention, and the capacity to generate a dream report.  相似文献   

The functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and EEG responses to identical functional (visual and motor) loads have been compared in ten healthy subjects with the use of individual structural MRIs of the brain. It has been established that an increase in the coherence of the EEG α waves corresponds mostly to the zone of the fMRI response (as a +BOLD reaction). Reactive rearrangements, according to the data of fMRI and, particularly, EEG studies, are characterized by pronounced interindividual variation, which increases along with the functional test complexity. The fMRI responses have shown a greater locality and closer dependence on the modality of presented stimuli than EEG rearrangements, which underline the systemic character of brain response to functional loads. The ?BOLD response accompanying the local +BOLD effect is more generalized, without distinct topographic referencing to the functional load modality; it conforms most of all to the decrease in the EEG’s coherence.  相似文献   

The effect of CNS activation and mental load on human organism depends on the operator's working routine and is, to a great extent, connected with broad individual peculiarities of the tested subjects. The CNS activation increase is conducive to a favourable effect of activities under low mental loads and it also intensifies the appearance of erroneous actions under medium and high loads. The CNS activation decrease does not reduce the capacity to detect significant signals but tells on the speed and correctness of decision making. The application of the variance analysis while experimentally studying the combined effect of the CNS activation and mental load gives sufficient information on the effect of the CNS activation, load intensity and duration and the interaction thereof which can attain considerable values.  相似文献   

The authors used testimonies of students on the dominant motives of joining a higher education institution as the behavioral model that prefers a high probability of the attainment of a goal or its subjective value. They compared the features of the motivation sphere related to the choice of profession with the psychophysiological data of 38 students of a sports higher education institution. The motivation of this choice was determined using a test questionnaire that permitted the authors to measure the subjective value (importance) and accessibility (probability of attainment) of the selected profession. The psychophysiological features were evaluated on two levels, i.e., formal dynamic (temperamental characteristics) and physiological (frequency and amplitude characteristics of EEG). The athlete students’ motivating factor of the choice of profession was shown to form under the influence of individual and typological features, which manifest themselves in psychomotor activity and total ergicity (working capacity), while accessibility experiences a negative influence of the temperamental characteristics in the intellectual sphere, as well as the total ergicity level. The background EEG was more activated in those who chose sports as their profession because of deeming it more valuable. In students who were attracted by the accessibility of this field, a lower cerebral activation level was observed, especially in the frontal zones of the left hemisphere.  相似文献   

1.?Habitat selection can affect individual fitness, and therefore, individuals are expected to assess habitat quality of potential breeding sites before settlement. 2.?We investigated the role of social environment on juvenile dispersal behaviour in the great tit (Parus major). Two main contradictory hypotheses can be formulated regarding social effects on juvenile dispersal as follows: (i) High fledgling density and sex ratio may enhance the intensity of local (kin) competition and, therefore, reduce individual survival chance, enhance emigration and reduce settlement ('repulsion' hypothesis) (ii) Alternatively, high fledgling density and sex ratio may signal high-quality habitat or lead to aggregation and thus increase individual survival chance, reduce emigration and enhance settlement ('attraction' hypothesis). 3.?To disentangle positive from negative effects of high density and male-biased sex ratio on dispersal, we manipulated the social composition of the fledgling population in 12 semi-isolated nest-box areas (plots) via a change of fledgling density (low/high) as well as fledgling sex ratio (female-biased/balanced/male-biased) across 3?years. We then tested whether experimental variation in male and female fledgling densities affected variation in local survival, emigration and settlement of juveniles, and whether social effects on survival and dispersal support the 'repulsion' or 'attraction' hypothesis. 4.?We found no experimental effects on local survival and emigration probabilities. However, consistent with the 'attraction' hypothesis, settlement was significantly and positively affected by local experimental sex ratio in each of the study years: both male and female juveniles avoided female-biased plots and settled more in plots that were balanced and male-biased the previous year. 5.?Our study provides unprecedented experimental evidence that local sex ratio plays a causal role in habitat selection. We suggest that settlers avoid female-biased plots because a high proportion of females may reflect the absence or the low quality of local resources in the habitat. Alternatively, male territory acquisition may be facilitated by a high local density of 'candidate' males, and therefore, juveniles were less successful in settling in female-biased plots.  相似文献   

Larvae of Rutilus rutilus (L.) weighing approx. 40 mg were exercised for 5 min by mechanical stimulation. Individual larvae were taken before and immediately after stimulation, and during 2 h of recovery. The concentrations of glucose, glucose-6-phosphate, pyruvate, lactate, 2-oxoglutarate, and ascorbic acid were determined in individual larvae. The larvae recovered faster from forced activity than juvenile roach, recovery being complete after 1 h. Larvae also differed from juveniles in that metabolite levels increased less during activity. It is suggested that the combination of low glycolytic, and high oxidative capacity was responsible for the specific metabolic responses of the larvae.  相似文献   

Spontaneous locomotor activity (SLA) of the male rats possesses significant individual differences. The daily volume of this activity is sufficiently stable for each separate individual. Animals with high and low SLA also differ in daily dynamics of this parameter. The behaviour of the rats with low SLA was characterized by lesser orienting activity and greater emotional reactivity in comparison to the rats with high SLA. By means of factor analysis it was established that, along with searching activity, emotional reactivity and alimentary motivation, the need in motor activity is one of the main inner factors, determining various manifestations of adaptive behaviour.  相似文献   

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