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In eight anesthetized and tracheotomized rabbits, we studied the transfer impedances of the respiratory system during normocapnic ventilation by high-frequency body-surface oscillation from 3 to 15 Hz. The total respiratory impedance was partitioned into pulmonary and chest wall impedances to characterize the oscillatory mechanical properties of each component. The pulmonary and chest wall resistances were not frequency dependent in the 3- to 15-Hz range. The mean pulmonary resistance was 13.8 +/- 3.2 (SD) cmH2O.l-1.s, although the mean chest wall resistance was 8.6 +/- 2.0 cmH2O.l-1.s. The pulmonary elastance and inertance were 0.247 +/- 0.095 cmH2O/ml and 0.103 +/- 0.033 cmH2O.l-1.s2, respectively. The chest wall elastance and inertance were 0.533 +/- 0.136 cmH2O/ml and 0.041 +/- 0.063 cmH2O.l-1.s2, respectively. With a linear mechanical behavior, the transpulmonary pressure oscillations required to ventilate these tracheotomized animals were at their minimal value at 3 Hz. As the ventilatory frequency was increased beyond 6-9 Hz, both the minute ventilation necessary to maintain normocapnia and the pulmonary impedance increased. These data suggest that ventilation by body-surface oscillation is better suited for relatively moderate frequencies in rabbits with normal lungs.  相似文献   

Lung mechanics during induced bronchoconstriction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Extravascular thermal volume of the lung (ETVL) is a double indicator dilution technique of use in measuring pulmonary edema. ETVL and lung mechanics measurements were followed to find a less invasive monitor of pulmonary edema than the double indicator dilution technique. Pulmonary edema was induced by overloading the dogs' circulation with dextran. Phases of overload were defined on the basis of a previous electron microscopic study (Noble et al., Can. Anesthetists Soc. J. 21:275, 1974) of lung biopsies relating anatomic changes to physiologic measurements of ETVL and central blood volume (CBV). Congestion occurred when CBV was elevated and ETVL was not, interstitial edema when ETVL was elevated but smaller than 60% above control and alveolar edema when ETVL greater than 85% above control. Once the dogs were in alveolar edema, they were mechanically ventilated with 4, 8, 12, and 16 cmH2O end-tidal pressure (CPPV). Mean functional residual capacity (FRC) for all 15 dogs did not change up to the time CPPV was applied. Pulmonary resistance did not rise until alveolar edema was present. Once in pulmonary edema, lung compliance always fell as lung water increased. In individual dogs, the compliance fall was directly proportional to the rising lung water. However, the variations in slope and beginning point among dogs made it difficult to predict the amount of lung water from dynamic compliance values. PaO2 fell markedly in alveolar edema as a result of a widened A-a gradient. CPPV did not decrease lung water but did increase FRC and PaO2.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of 15-20 s of weightlessness on lung, chest wall, and abdominal mechanics in five normal subjects inside an aircraft flying repeated parabolic trajectories. We measured flow at the mouth, thoracoabdominal and compartmental volume changes, and gastric pressure (Pga). In two subjects, esophageal pressures were measured as well, allowing for estimates of transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi). In all subjects functional residual capacity at 0 Gz decreased by 244 +/- 31 ml as a result of the inward displacement of the abdomen. End-expiratory Pga decreased from 6.8 +/- 0.8 cmH2O at 1 Gz to 2.5 +/- 0.3 cmH2O at Gz (P less than 0.005). Abdominal contribution to tidal volume increased from 0.33 +/- 0.05 to 0.51 +/- 0.04 at 0 Gz (P less than 0.001) but delta Pga showed no consistent change. Hence abdominal compliance increased from 43 +/- 9 to 70 +/- 10 ml/cmH2O (P less than 0.05). There was no consistent effect of Gz on tidal swings of Pdi, on pulmonary resistance and dynamic compliance, or on any of the timing parameters determining the temporal pattern of breathing. The results indicate that at 0 G respiratory mechanics are intermediate between those in the upright and supine postures at 1 G. In addition, analysis of end-expiratory pressures suggests that during weightlessness intra-abdominal pressure is zero, the diaphragm is passively tensed, and a residual small pleural pressure gradient may be present.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of lung parenchymal tissue are both elastic and dissipative, as well as being highly nonlinear. These properties cannot be fully understood, however, in terms of the individual constituents of the tissue. Rather, the mechanical behavior of lung tissue emerges as a macroscopic phenomenon from the interactions of its microscopic components in a way that is neither intuitive nor easily understood. In this review, we first consider the quasi-static mechanical behavior of lung tissue and discuss computational models that show how smooth nonlinear stress-strain behavior can arise through a percolation-like process in which the sequential recruitment of collagen fibers with increasing strain causes them to progressively take over the load-bearing role from elastin. We also show how the concept of percolation can be used to link the pathologic progression of parenchymal disease at the micro scale to physiological symptoms at the macro scale. We then examine the dynamic mechanical behavior of lung tissue, which invokes the notion of tissue resistance. Although usually modeled phenomenologically in terms of collections of springs and dashpots, lung tissue viscoelasticity again can be seen to reflect various types of complex dynamic interactions at the molecular level. Finally, we discuss the inevitability of why lung tissue mechanics need to be complex.  相似文献   

Lung resistance and compliance were measured in early pregnant, late pregnant and non pregnant guinea pigs. Lung resistance was increased, lung compliance was decreased in pregnancy. A new finding was the increase of chest wall compliance in the course of pregnancy. In order to obtain a sufficient gas exchange during artificial ventilation, pregnant animals have to be ventilated with a higher frequency or a higher pressure than non pregnant controls.  相似文献   

Because growth hormone excess has been reported to accelerate lung growth in acromegalic men and in adult rats, effects of growth hormone were tested in prepuberal guinea-pigs. From week 2 to week 4, five guinea-pigs were injected daily with human growth hormone (0.1 mg/kg) and compared with five injected with saline. At week 4 lung mechanices were measured and the animals sacrificed. Growth hormone-injected guinea-pigs gained more weight than saline ones (P less than 0.01) and had heavier livers (P less than 0.01). However, no difference was observed between both groups for lung weight, volume or distensibility.  相似文献   

Maturation of the respiratory pattern and the active and passive mechanical properties of the respiratory system were assessed in 19 tracheotomized rabbits (postnatal age range: 1-26 days) placed in a body plethysmograph. With maturation both minute ventilation and tidal volume significantly increased, whereas respiratory frequency decreased. When normalized for body weight (kg) both the passive (Rrs X kg) and active (R'rs X kg) resistances of the respiratory system significantly increased with age, whereas the corresponding passive (Crs X kg-1) and active (C'rs X kg-1) compliances significantly decreased. At any given age R'rs X kg only slightly exceeded Rrs X kg, whereas C'rs X kg-1 was significantly lower than Crs X kg-1. Moreover, the maturational increases in Rrs X kg and R'rs X kg exceeded the corresponding decreases in Crs X kg-1 and C'rs X kg-1, resulting in significant age-related increases in both the passive (tau rs) and active (tau'rs) time constants of the respiratory system. Due to the age-related increases in tau'rs, producing a delayed volume response to any given inspiratory driving pressure, the relative volume loss obtained at any time during inspiration was greater in the maturing rabbit. On the other hand, because of concomitant compensatory changes in respiratory pattern, evidenced by increases in inspiratory duration with age, the end-inspiratory tidal volume loss in the maturing animal was maintained generally less than 10% at all postnatal ages. Thus maturational changes in respiratory pattern appear coupled to changes in the active mechanical properties of the respiratory system. The latter coupling serves to optimize the transduction of inspiratory pressure into volume change in a manner consistent with establishing the minimum inspiratory work of breathing during postnatal development.  相似文献   

Absolute lung volumes such as functional residual capacity, residual volume (RV), and total lung capacity (TLC) are used to characterize emphysema in patients, whereas in animal models of emphysema, the mechanical parameters are invariably obtained as a function of transrespiratory pressure (Prs). The aim of the present study was to establish a link between the mechanical parameters including tissue elastance (H) and airway resistance (Raw), and thoracic gas volume (TGV) in addition to Prs in a mouse model of emphysema. Using low-frequency forced oscillations during slow deep inflation, we tracked H and Raw as functions of TGV and Prs in normal mice and mice treated with porcine pancreatic elastase. The presence of emphysema was confirmed by morphometric analysis of histological slices. The treatment resulted in an increase in TGV by 51 and 44% and a decrease in H by 57 and 27%, respectively, at 0 and 20 cmH(2)O of Prs. The Raw did not differ between the groups at any value of Prs, but it was significantly higher in the treated mice at comparable TGV values. In further groups of mice, tracheal sounds were recorded during inflations from RV to TLC. All lung volumes but RV were significantly elevated in the treated mice, whereas the numbers and size distributions of inspiratory crackles were not different, suggesting that the airways were not affected by the elastase treatment. These findings emphasize the importance of absolute lung volumes and indicate that tissue destruction was not associated with airway dysfunction in this mouse model of emphysema.  相似文献   

Infants with respiratory failure are frequently mechanically ventilated at rates exceeding 60 breaths/min. We analyzed the effect of ventilatory rates of 30, 60, and 90 breaths/min (inspiratory times of 0.6, 0.3, and 0.2 s, respectively) on the pressure-flow relationships of the lungs of anesthetized paralyzed rabbits after saline lavage. Tidal volume and functional residual capacity were maintained constant. We computed effective inspiratory and expiratory resistance and compliance of the lungs by dividing changes in transpulmonary pressure into resistive and elastic components with a multiple linear regression. We found that mean pulmonary resistance was lower at higher ventilatory rates, while pulmonary compliance was independent of ventilatory rate. The transpulmonary pressure developed by the ventilator during inspiration approximated a linear ramp. Gas flow became constant and the pressure-volume relationship linear during the last portion of inspiration. Even at a ventilatory rate of 90 breaths/min, 28-56% of the tidal volume was delivered with a constant inspiratory flow. Our findings are consistent with the model of Bates et al. (J. Appl. Physiol. 58: 1840-1848, 1985), wherein the distribution of gas flow within the lungs depends predominantly on resistive factors while inspiratory flow is increasing, and on elastic factors while inspiratory flow is constant. This dynamic behavior of the surfactant-depleted lungs suggests that, even with very short inspiratory times, distribution of gas flow within the lungs is in large part determined by elastic factors. Unless the inspiratory time is further shortened, gas flow may be directed to areas of increased resistance, resulting in hyperinflation and barotrauma.  相似文献   

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