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Auxin perception and signal transduction   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
The action of auxin on whole plants is very complex, but we are starting to understand how some of the earliest events are signalled in single cells. There is now good evidence that auxin induces rapid events at the plasma membrane by binding to a population of the auxin-binding protein ABPI, which is associated with a membrane-spanning docking protein, possibly a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). ABPI is targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen, but it does not appear to bind auxin within the ER and its function (if any) in this location is unknown. It is also not known how the protein reaches the cell surface, but it is possible that it is exported together with its docking protein. Binding of auxin causes a conformational change affecting the C-terminus of ABPI and it is likely that this change serves to activate the receptor at the plasma membrane. The signal transduction pathway appears to involve activation of phospholipase A2(PLA2) leading to the production of lipid second messengers which activate the plasma membrane proton ATPase (H-ATPase) by a phosphorylation-dependent mechanism. Branch points exist that could potentially lead from this pathway to responses in the nucleus, but there is not yet any firm evidence that ABP1 is involved in such responses. Since intracellular auxin concentrations are correlated with sensitivity in some cases, it is possible that there is also a site of auxin perception inside the cell.  相似文献   

A K Grover 《Cell calcium》1985,6(3):227-236
For several years it has been debated whether the Ca-pump in smooth muscle is located in the plasma membrane or in the endoplasmic reticulum (alias sarcoplasmic reticulum). Experimental evidence using skinned smooth muscle cells and subcellular membrane fractions isolated from a number of smooth muscles is reviewed here to hopefully resolve this issue. The inescapable conclusion is that there are two modes of nonmitochondrial ATP-dependent Ca-transport. The first one, unaffected by oxalate, is localized in the plasma membranes and the second, potentiated by oxalate, is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Clear experiments to delineate the roles of the two pumps in the excitation-contraction cycle of the smooth muscle remain to be conducted.  相似文献   

The discovery that proteins exported from the cytoplasm are typically synthesized as larger precursors with cleavable signal peptides has focused interest on the peptidases that remove the signal peptides. Here, we review the membrane-bound peptidases dedicated to the processing of protein precursors that are found in the plasma membrane of prokaryotes and the endoplasmic reticulum, the mitochondrial inner membrane, and the chloroplast thylakoidal membrane of eukaryotes. These peptidases are termed type I signal (or leader) peptidases. They share the unusual feature of being resistant to the general inhibitors of the four well-characterized peptidase classes. The eukaryotic and prokaryotic signal peptidases appear to belong to a single peptidase family. This review emphasizes the evolutionary concepts, current knowledge of the catalytic mechanism, and substrate specificity requirements of the signal peptidases.  相似文献   

Protein targeting to the membrane of the ER is regulated by three GTPases, the 54-kD subunit of the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the alpha- and beta-subunit of the SRP receptor (SR). Here, we report on the GTPase cycle of the beta-subunits of the SR (SRbeta). We found that SRbeta binds GTP with high affinity and interacts with ribosomes in the GTP-bound state. Subsequently, the ribosome increases the GTPase activity of SRbeta and thus functions as a GTPase activating protein for SRbeta. Furthermore, the interaction between SRbeta and the ribosome leads to a reduction in the affinity of SRbeta for guanine nucleotides. We propose that SRbeta regulates the interaction of SR with the ribosome and thereby allows SRalpha to scan membrane-bound ribosomes for the presence of SRP. Interaction between SRP and SRalpha then leads to release of the signal sequence from SRP and insertion into the translocon. GTP hydrolysis then results in dissociation of SR from the ribosome, and SRP from the SR.  相似文献   

We describe a procedure for disassembling rat liver rough microsomes, which allows the purification of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. Membrane-bound ribosomes and adsorbed proteins are first detached by washing rough microsomes with 5 mM Na-pyrophosphate. In a second step, the vesicle membrane is opened by digitonin, with concomitant release of the luminal content. The purification is monitored at each step by electron microscopy, and by assaying chemical constituents (protein, phospholipid, RNA) and marker enzymes for the main subcellular organelles. The final membrane preparation is representative of the ER, since it contains 24.1% of the liver glucose 6-phosphatase with a relative specific activity of 14.2. Contaminants represent less than 5% of its protein content. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by immunoblot analysis, reveals that the ribophorins I and II, two established markers of the rough (d) domain are still present in the final membrane preparation. It also contains the docking protein (or signal recognition particle receptor) and protein disulfide isomerase, and has conserved the functional capacity to remove co- and post-translationally the signal peptide of pre-secretory proteins. The membrane preparation is suitable for studies on the polypeptide composition of the d domain.  相似文献   

In this study we have characterized, in brain, the expression of a plasma membrane proteolipid protein (PM-PLP) complex that can form cation-selective channels in lipid bilayers. We isolated PLP fractions from synaptic plasma membrane and glial microsomes and found a high degree of similarity in both size and amino acid composition to the complex we had previously isolated from kidney. Antibodies specific to the kidney PM-PLP were prepared, and, on the basis of immunoblot and immunoprecipitation studies, the PM-PLP complex isolated from neural membranes was shown to be immunologically related to the kidney PM-PLP. These proteolipid proteins exhibited a molecular weight of approximately 14K and contained a high percentage of hydrophobic amino acids with an apparent absence of cysteine. The biogenesis of PM-PLP in brain was studied by in vitro translation of free and bound polysomes and total RNA in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate followed by immunoprecipitation of the translation products. From these studies it is concluded that the PM-PLP complex is synthesized on the rough endoplasmic reticulum. On the basis of the identical electrophoretic mobility of material isolated from plasma membranes and material immunoprecipitated after translation of bound polysomes and isolated RNA, it appears that the PM-PLP does not undergo detectable posttranslational processing between its site of synthesis and its incorporation into the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

内质网应激反应分子机理研究进展   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
内质网应激是导致心脑组织缺血梗塞、神经退行性疾病等发生的重要环节 .目前发现同型半胱氨酸、氧化应激、钙代谢紊乱等都能引起内质网应激级联反应 ,表现为蛋白质合成暂停、内质网应激蛋白表达和细胞凋亡等 .这些表现包括在未折叠蛋白反应 (UPR)、整合应激反应 (ISR)和内质网相关性死亡 (ERAD)三个相互关联的动态过程中 ,每一过程的分子机理现已逐步被揭示 .作为细胞保护性应对机制的内质网应激体系一旦遭到破坏 ,细胞将不能合成应有的蛋白质 ,亦不能发挥正常的生理功能 ,甚至会出现细胞凋亡 .掌握内质网应激过程对进一步理解多种疾病的发生机理有十分重要的理论意义  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes were isolated from defibrinated blood by Ficoll-Hypaque centrifugation with erythrocyte hypotonic lysis. Homogenates of mixed lymphocytes were subjected to analytical subcellular fractionation by sucrose gradient centrifugation in a Beaufay automatic zonal rotor. The principal organelles were characterized by their marker enzymes: cytosol (lactate dehydrogenase), plasma membrane (5′-nucleotidase), endoplasmic reticulum (neutral α-glucosidase), mitochondria (malate dehydrogenase), lysosomes (N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase), peroxisomes (catalase). γ-Glutamyl transferase was exclusively localized to the plasma membrane. Leucine amino-peptidase, especially when assayed in the presence of Co2+, was also partially localized to the plasma membrane. Experiments with diazotized sulphanilic acid, a non-permeant enzyme inhibitor, showed that these plasma membrane enzymes are present on the cell surface. No detectable alkaline phosphatase was found in the lymphocytes. Acid phosphatase and β-glucuronidase were localized to lysosomes and there was some evidence for lysosomal heterogeneity. Leucine amino peptidase, optimal at pH 8.0, showed a partial localization to intracellular vesicles, possibly lysosomes, especially when assayed in the presence of EDTA. These studies provide a technique for determining the intracellular distribution of hitherto unassigned lymphocyte constituents and serve as a basis for investigating the cell pathology of lymphocytic disorders.  相似文献   

In the last few years, a large number of auxin-binding proteins (ABPs) have been reported. Implicitly or explicitly, interest in such proteins resides in their possible role as auxin receptors. Many of these proteins are characterized as ABPs solely by their susceptibility to covalent photolabeling by tritiated azido-indole-3-acetic acid. In most cases where the labeled polypeptides have been identified, they turn out to have roles unconnected with primary auxin perception. It seems likely that auxin is binding to sites of catholic specificity in these cases and the influence of experimental protocols on the data is discussed. Because the term ABP implies that auxin binding affects the function of that protein, the importance of establishing further criteria before photolabeled peptides can be termed ABPs is emphasized. Applying such criteria, only a very few ABPs are currently of interest and only one of these, maize ABP1, has been characterized in detail. This protein is located primarily within the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, although an important fraction appears to function on the outside of the plasma membrane. The protein has a wide species distribution and it now seems highly probable that it is a genuine auxin receptor, the only protein for which such a function has yet been established. This conclusion is based on three independent lines of electrophysiological evidence, together with confocal imaging of cytoplasmic pH changes.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane (PM) of all eukaryotes so far investigated contains a P-type Ca2+-pumping ATPase responsible for maintaining low cytosolic free calcium concentrations. In animal cells this has been shown to be a type of Ca2+-pump which is directly stimulated by binding the calcium-dependent regulator protein calmodulin. These PM Ca2+-pumps have been named 'PM-type' as they appear to be exclusively located at the PM and not in intracellular membrane (IM) fractions. Recent progress on higher plant cells reveals that they possess calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+-pumps of the 'PM-type'. However, these calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+-pumps appear to be located not only at the PM but also in intracellular membranes, probably the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The evidence is also convincing that these IM-located Ca2+-pumps are directly stimulated by calmodulin (possess a calmodulin-binding region) and are true 'PM-type' Ca2+-pumps. This appears to represent a marked divergence between plant and animal cell Ca2+-pumps. Recently, molecular cloning has revealed that plant cells also contain a Ca2+-pump which is not directly stimulated by calmodulin and which strongly resembles the mammalian ER/SR type of Ca2+-pump. The significance of these findings for plant cell function is discussed.  相似文献   

Studies on the ERGIC-53 KKAA signal have revealed a new mechanism for static retention of mammalian proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (Andersson, H., Kappeler, F., Hauri, H. P. (1999): Protein targeting to endoplasmic reticulum by dilysine signals involves direct retention in addition to retrieval. J. Biol. Chem. 274,15080 - 15084). To test if this mechanism was conserved in yeast, the ERGIC-53 KKAA signal was transferred on two different yeast reporter proteins. Making use of a genetic assay, we demonstrate that this signal induces COPI-dependent ER retrieval. ER retention of KKAA-tagged proteins was impaired in yeast mutants affected in COPI subunits. Furthermore, biochemical analysis of post-ER carbohydrate modifications detected on reporter proteins indicated that KKAA-tagged proteins recycle continuously within early compartments of the secretory pathway. Therefore in yeast, the KKAA signal might only function as a classical dilysine ER retrieval signal.  相似文献   

We report the cloning and characterization of a human cDNA predicted to encode a novel hydrophobic protein containing four transmembrane domains and a zinc metalloprotease motif, HEXXH, between the third and fourth transmembrane domains, and have named the molecule metalloprotease-related protein-1 (MPRP-1). The MPRP-1 gene was localized to chromosome 1-p32.3 by radiation hybrid mapping, and Northern blot analysis revealed expression in many organs, with strong expression in the heart, skeletal muscle, kidney and liver. Immunohistochemical analyisis showed that MPRP-1 was localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and not in the Golgi compartment. Fragments of DNA encoding a segment homologous to the HEXXH motif of MPRP-1 are widely found in bacteria, yeast, plants, and animals. These results suggest that the MPRP-1 may have highly conserved functions, such as in intracellular proteolytic processing in the ER.  相似文献   

Maize plasma membrane aquaporins (ZmPIPs, where PIP is the plasma membrane intrinsic protein) fall into two groups, ZmPIP1s and ZmPIP2s, which, when expressed alone in mesophyll protoplasts, are found in different subcellular locations. Whereas ZmPIP1s are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), ZmPIP2s are found in the plasma membrane (PM). We previously showed that, when co-expressed with ZmPIP2s, ZmPIP1s are relocalized to the PM, and that this relocalization results from the formation of hetero-oligomers between ZmPIP1s and ZmPIP2s. To determine the domains responsible for the ER retention and PM localization, respectively, of ZmPIP1s and ZmPIP2s, truncated and mutated ZmPIPs were generated, together with chimeric proteins created by swapping the N- or C-terminal regions of ZmPIP2s and ZmPIP1s. These mutated proteins were fused to the mYFP and/or mCFP, and the fusion proteins were expressed in maize mesophyll protoplasts, and were then localized by microscopy. This allowed us to identify a diacidic motif, DIE (Asp-Ile-Glu), at position 4–6 of the N-terminus of ZmPIP2;5, that is essential for ER export. This motif was conserved and functional in ZmPIP2;4, but was absent in ZmPIP2;1. In addition, we showed that the N-terminus of ZmPIP2;5 was not sufficient to cause the export of ZmPIP1;2 from the ER. A study of ZmPIP1;2 mutants suggested that the N- and C-termini of this protein are probably not involved in ER retention. Together, these results show that the trafficking of maize PM aquaporins is differentially regulated depending on the isoform, and involves a specific signal and mechanism.  相似文献   

A method is described for isolation of an enriched fraction of plasma membranes from gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larval midgut tissue. Following differential centrifugation of tissue homogenate, a microsomal sample is obtained and fractionated on a Percoll®-sucrose gradient that yields 2 distinct regions of high protein concentration: one enriched in plasma membranes, the other in mitochondrial membranes. The procedure is relatively rapid, being completed within approximately 5 h. Protein yields and accompanying specific activities are reported for marker enzymes used to indicate the presence of plasma membranes (leucine aminopeptidase and alkaline phosphatase), endoplasmic reticulum (NADPH-cytochrome c reductase), and mitochondria (succinate dehydrogenase). The apparent differences between the plasma membrane enriched fraction vs. brush border membrane vesicles prepared from insect midguts are discussed, as is the suitability of the plasma membrane enriched fraction for ATP-dependent calcium ion transport studies. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A historical review of cellular calcium handling,with emphasis on mitochondria   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Calcium ions are of central importance in cellular physiology, as they carry the signal activating cells to perform their programmed function. Ca2+ is particularly suitable for this role because of its chemical properties and because its free concentration gradient between the extra cellular and the cytosolic concentrations is very high, about four orders of magnitude. The cytosolic concentration of Ca2+ is regulated by binding and chelation by various substances and by transport across plasma and intracellular membranes. Various channels, transport ATPases, uniporters, and antiporters in the plasma mem brane, endoplasmic and sarcoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria are responsible for the transport of Ca2+ .The regulation of these transport systems is the subject of an increasing number of studies. In this short review, we focus on the mitochondrial transporters, i.e. the calcium uniporter used for Ca2+ uptake, and the antiporters used for the efflux, i.e. the Ca2+/Na+ antiporter in mitochondria and the plasma membrane of excitable cells,and the Ca2+/nH+ antiporter in liver and some other mitochondrial types. Mitochondria are of special interest in that Ca2+ stimulates respiration and oxidative phosphorylation to meet the energy needs of activated cells. The studies on Ca2+ and mitochondria began in the fifties, but interest in mito chondrial Ca2+ handling faded in the late seventies since it had become apparent that mitochondria in resting cells contain very low Ca2+. Interest increased again in the nineties also because it was discovered that mitochondria and Ca2+ had a central role in apoptosis and necrosis. This is of special interest in calcium overload and oxidative stress conditions, when the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore is stimulated.Translated from Biokhimiya,Vol. 70, No. 2, 2005, pp. 231–239.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Saris, Carafoli.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the post codes.  相似文献   

Membrane junctions or contact sites are close associations of lipid bilayers of heterologous organelles. Ist2 is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)‐resident transmembrane protein that mediates associations between the plasma membrane (PM) and the cortical ER (cER) in baker's yeast. We asked the question what structure in Ist2 bridges the up to 30 nm distance between the PM and the cER and we noted that the region spacing the transmembrane domain from the cortical sorting signal interacting with the PM is predicted to be intrinsically disordered (ID). In Ssy1, a protein that was not previously described to reside at membrane junctions, we recognized a domain organization similar to that in Ist2. We found that the localization of both Ist2 and Ssy1 at the cell periphery depends on the presence of a PM‐binding domain, an ID linker region of sufficient length and a transmembrane domain that most probably resides in the ER. We show for the first time that an ID amino acid domain bridges adjacent heterologous membranes. The length and flexibility of ID domains make them uniquely eligible for spanning large distances, and we suggest that this domain structure occurs more frequently in proteins that mediate the formation of membrane contact sites.   相似文献   

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